blob: 559e364d910bdb853823f52fe82d23c029ca1077 [file] [log] [blame] = SWT Standalone Examples Plugin = Standalone
launchcategory.SWTStandaloneExamples.description = A collection of Standard Widget Toolkit examples that run independant of the Eclipse Platform. These examples may take a moment to start while a new runtime environment is created in the background. = Address Book
launchitem.AddressBook.description = The AddressBook example shows how the org.eclipse.swt.Table class can be used to present tabular information. The application can save and load address books, sort the entries, search for strings within the fields and perform other operations which would typically be found in this kind of application. = File Viewer
launchitem.FileViewer.description = The File Viewer example shows how a simple application can be implemented using SWT. This application provides the ability to browse files and folders and manipulate via Drag & Drop. It includes the use of alternate threads for long actions and demonstrates the use of the Tree, Table and Toolbar. = Hover Help
launchitem.HoverHelp.description = The Hover Help example shows how to implement custom tooltips and hover help support on a number of different SWT controls including Buttons, TableItems, ToolItems and TreeItems. The example implements its own tooltip and hover help support. To see the custom tooltips in action, hover over an item or button in the UI. Notice that images appear in the left-hand corner of the tooltip, unlike standard SWT tooltips created using setToolTip() on those widgets that natively support them. To see the custom hover help in action, hover over an item or button in the UI as before until the tooltip is displayed. Without moving the pointer, hit F1. A new Shell will pop up with the extended hover help information for the UI element in question. = Hello World (1)
launchitem.HelloWorld1.description = This example demonstrates the minimum amount of code required to open an SWT Shell and process the events. = Hello World (2)
launchitem.HelloWorld2.description = This example builds on HelloWorld1 and demonstrates the minimum amount of code required to open an SWT Shell with a Label and process the events. = Hello World (3)
launchitem.HelloWorld3.description = This example builds on HelloWorld2 and demonstrates how to resize the Label when the Shell resizes using a Listener mechanism. = Hello World (4)
launchitem.HelloWorld4.description = This example builds on HelloWorld2 and demonstrates how to resize the Label when the Shell resizes using a Layout. = Hello World (5)
launchitem.HelloWorld5.description = This example builds on HelloWorld1 and demonstrates how to draw directly on an SWT Control. = Image Analyzer
launchitem.ImageAnalyzer.description = The ImageAnalyzer opens image files and displays the visual contents of the file along with a summary of the data in the image file. The user can make adjustments to various elements of the image such as scaling and Alpha blending and can save these changes to a file. = Java Syntax Viewer
launchitem.JavaViewer.description = This example demonstrates how to implement a user-defined line styler for the StyledText widget. The example provides a typical editor interface. To see the effect of the line styler, open a *.java file. When the contents of the file are displayed in the editor area, notice that the keywords have been highlighted. = Text Editor
launchitem.TextEditor.description = This example demonstrates how to use the StyledText widget. The example provides a typical editor interface.