blob: b36e1023f17e17e0828e07f9c618dab39a64eeaf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.printing;
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
* Instances of this class allow the user to select
* a printer and various print-related parameters
* prior to starting a print job.
* <p>
* IMPORTANT: This class is intended to be subclassed <em>only</em>
* within the SWT implementation.
* </p>
public class PrintDialog extends Dialog {
int scope = PrinterData.ALL_PAGES;
int startPage = 1, endPage = 1;
boolean printToFile = false;
int /*long*/ handle;
int index;
byte [] settingsData;
static final String GET_MODAL_DIALOG = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.getModalDialog";
static final String SET_MODAL_DIALOG = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.setModalDialog";
static final String ADD_IDLE_PROC_KEY = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.addIdleProc";
static final String REMOVE_IDLE_PROC_KEY = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.removeIdleProc";
static final String GET_DIRECTION_PROC_KEY = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.getDirectionProc";
* Constructs a new instance of this class given only its parent.
* @param parent a composite control which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot be null)
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the parent</li>
* <li>ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass</li>
* </ul>
* @see SWT
* @see Widget#checkSubclass
* @see Widget#getStyle
public PrintDialog (Shell parent) {
this (parent, SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL);
* Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent
* and a style value describing its behavior and appearance.
* <p>
* The style value is either one of the style constants defined in
* class <code>SWT</code> which is applicable to instances of this
* class, or must be built by <em>bitwise OR</em>'ing together
* (that is, using the <code>int</code> "|" operator) two or more
* of those <code>SWT</code> style constants. The class description
* lists the style constants that are applicable to the class.
* Style bits are also inherited from superclasses.
* </p>
* @param parent a composite control which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot be null)
* @param style the style of control to construct
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the parent</li>
* <li>ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass</li>
* </ul>
* @see SWT
* @see Widget#checkSubclass
* @see Widget#getStyle
public PrintDialog (Shell parent, int style) {
super (parent, parent == null? style : checkStyleBit (parent, style));
checkSubclass ();
static int checkBits (int style, int int0, int int1, int int2, int int3, int int4, int int5) {
int mask = int0 | int1 | int2 | int3 | int4 | int5;
if ((style & mask) == 0) style |= int0;
if ((style & int0) != 0) style = (style & ~mask) | int0;
if ((style & int1) != 0) style = (style & ~mask) | int1;
if ((style & int2) != 0) style = (style & ~mask) | int2;
if ((style & int3) != 0) style = (style & ~mask) | int3;
if ((style & int4) != 0) style = (style & ~mask) | int4;
if ((style & int5) != 0) style = (style & ~mask) | int5;
return style;
static int checkStyleBit (Shell parent, int style) {
style &= ~SWT.MIRRORED;
if ((style & (SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT | SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT)) == 0) {
if (parent != null) {
if ((parent.getStyle () & SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) != 0) style |= SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
if ((parent.getStyle () & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0) style |= SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
return checkBits (style, SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0);
protected void checkSubclass() {
* Returns the print job scope that the user selected
* before pressing OK in the dialog. This will be one
* of the following values:
* <dl>
* <dt><code>ALL_PAGES</code></dt>
* <dd>Print all pages in the current document</dd>
* <dt><code>PAGE_RANGE</code></dt>
* <dd>Print the range of pages specified by startPage and endPage</dd>
* <dt><code>SELECTION</code></dt>
* <dd>Print the current selection</dd>
* </dl>
* @return the scope setting that the user selected
public int getScope() {
return scope;
* Sets the scope of the print job. The user will see this
* setting when the dialog is opened. This can have one of
* the following values:
* <dl>
* <dt><code>ALL_PAGES</code></dt>
* <dd>Print all pages in the current document</dd>
* <dt><code>PAGE_RANGE</code></dt>
* <dd>Print the range of pages specified by startPage and endPage</dd>
* <dt><code>SELECTION</code></dt>
* <dd>Print the current selection</dd>
* </dl>
* @param scope the scope setting when the dialog is opened
public void setScope(int scope) {
this.scope = scope;
* Returns the start page setting that the user selected
* before pressing OK in the dialog.
* <p>
* This value can be from 1 to the maximum number of pages for the platform.
* Note that it is only valid if the scope is <code>PAGE_RANGE</code>.
* </p>
* @return the start page setting that the user selected
public int getStartPage() {
return startPage;
* Sets the start page that the user will see when the dialog
* is opened.
* <p>
* This value can be from 1 to the maximum number of pages for the platform.
* Note that it is only valid if the scope is <code>PAGE_RANGE</code>.
* </p>
* @param startPage the startPage setting when the dialog is opened
public void setStartPage(int startPage) {
this.startPage = startPage;
* Returns the end page setting that the user selected
* before pressing OK in the dialog.
* <p>
* This value can be from 1 to the maximum number of pages for the platform.
* Note that it is only valid if the scope is <code>PAGE_RANGE</code>.
* </p>
* @return the end page setting that the user selected
public int getEndPage() {
return endPage;
* Sets the end page that the user will see when the dialog
* is opened.
* <p>
* This value can be from 1 to the maximum number of pages for the platform.
* Note that it is only valid if the scope is <code>PAGE_RANGE</code>.
* </p>
* @param endPage the end page setting when the dialog is opened
public void setEndPage(int endPage) {
this.endPage = endPage;
* Returns the 'Print to file' setting that the user selected
* before pressing OK in the dialog.
* @return the 'Print to file' setting that the user selected
public boolean getPrintToFile() {
return printToFile;
* Sets the 'Print to file' setting that the user will see
* when the dialog is opened.
* @param printToFile the 'Print to file' setting when the dialog is opened
public void setPrintToFile(boolean printToFile) {
this.printToFile = printToFile;
* Makes the receiver visible and brings it to the front
* of the display.
* @return a printer data object describing the desired print job parameters
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
public PrinterData open() {
if (OS.GTK_VERSION < OS.VERSION (2, 10, 0)) {
return Printer.getDefaultPrinterData();
} else {
byte [] titleBytes = Converter.wcsToMbcs (null, getText(), true);
int /*long*/ topHandle = getParent().handle;
while (topHandle != 0 && !OS.GTK_IS_WINDOW(topHandle)) {
topHandle = OS.gtk_widget_get_parent(topHandle);
handle = OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_new(titleBytes, topHandle);
//TODO: Not currently implemented. May need new API. For now, disable 'Current' in the dialog. (see gtk bug 344519)
OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_current_page(handle, -1);
/* Set state into print dialog settings. */
int /*long*/ settings = OS.gtk_print_settings_new();
int /*long*/ page_setup = OS.gtk_page_setup_new();
Printer.setScope(settings, scope, startPage, endPage);
if (printToFile) {
byte [] buffer = Converter.wcsToMbcs (null, "Print to File", true); //$NON-NLS-1$
OS.gtk_print_settings_set_printer(settings, buffer);
OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_settings(handle, settings);
OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_page_setup(handle, page_setup);
PrinterData data = null;
//TODO: Handle 'Print Preview' (GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY).
Display display = getParent() != null ? getParent().getDisplay (): Display.getCurrent ();
if ((getStyle () & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0) {
OS.gtk_widget_set_direction (handle, OS.GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL);
OS.gtk_container_forall (handle, ((LONG) display.getData (GET_DIRECTION_PROC_KEY)).value, OS.GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL);
display.setData (ADD_IDLE_PROC_KEY, null);
Object oldModal = null;
if (OS.gtk_window_get_modal (handle)) {
oldModal = display.getData (GET_MODAL_DIALOG);
display.setData (SET_MODAL_DIALOG, this);
int response = OS.gtk_dialog_run (handle);
if (OS.gtk_window_get_modal (handle)) {
display.setData (SET_MODAL_DIALOG, oldModal);
if (response == OS.GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
int /*long*/ printer = OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_selected_printer(handle);
if (printer != 0) {
/* Get state from print dialog. */
settings = OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_settings(handle); // must unref
page_setup = OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_page_setup(handle); // do not unref
data = Printer.printerDataFromGtkPrinter(printer);
int print_pages = OS.gtk_print_settings_get_print_pages(settings);
switch (print_pages) {
scope = PrinterData.ALL_PAGES;
scope = PrinterData.PAGE_RANGE;
int[] num_ranges = new int[1];
int /*long*/ page_ranges = OS.gtk_print_settings_get_page_ranges(settings, num_ranges);
int [] pageRange = new int[2];
int length = num_ranges[0];
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
OS.memmove(pageRange, page_ranges + i * pageRange.length * 4, pageRange.length * 4);
min = Math.min(min, pageRange[0] + 1);
max = Math.max(max, pageRange[1] + 1);
startPage = min == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 1 : min;
endPage = max == 0 ? 1 : max;
//TODO: Disabled in dialog (see above). This code will not run. (see gtk bug 344519)
scope = PrinterData.SELECTION;
startPage = endPage = OS.gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_current_page(handle);
printToFile ="Print to File"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (printToFile) {
int /*long*/ address = OS.gtk_print_settings_get(settings, OS.GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_URI);
int length = OS.strlen (address);
byte [] buffer = new byte [length];
OS.memmove (buffer, address, length);
data.fileName = new String (Converter.mbcsToWcs (null, buffer));
data.scope = scope;
data.startPage = startPage;
data.endPage = endPage;
data.printToFile = printToFile;
data.copyCount = OS.gtk_print_settings_get_n_copies(settings);
data.collate = OS.gtk_print_settings_get_collate(settings);
/* Save other print_settings data as key/value pairs in otherData. */
Callback printSettingsCallback = new Callback(this, "GtkPrintSettingsFunc", 3); //$NON-NLS-1$
int /*long*/ GtkPrintSettingsFunc = printSettingsCallback.getAddress();
if (GtkPrintSettingsFunc == 0) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_MORE_CALLBACKS);
index = 0;
settingsData = new byte[1024];
OS.gtk_print_settings_foreach (settings, GtkPrintSettingsFunc, 0);
printSettingsCallback.dispose ();
index++; // extra null terminator after print_settings and before page_setup
/* Save page_setup data as key/value pairs in otherData.
* Note that page_setup properties must be stored and restored in the same order.
store("orientation", OS.gtk_page_setup_get_orientation(page_setup)); //$NON-NLS-1$
store("top_margin", OS.gtk_page_setup_get_top_margin(page_setup, OS.GTK_UNIT_MM)); //$NON-NLS-1$
store("bottom_margin", OS.gtk_page_setup_get_bottom_margin(page_setup, OS.GTK_UNIT_MM)); //$NON-NLS-1$
store("left_margin", OS.gtk_page_setup_get_left_margin(page_setup, OS.GTK_UNIT_MM)); //$NON-NLS-1$
store("right_margin", OS.gtk_page_setup_get_right_margin(page_setup, OS.GTK_UNIT_MM)); //$NON-NLS-1$
int /*long*/ paper_size = OS.gtk_page_setup_get_paper_size(page_setup); //$NON-NLS-1$
storeBytes("paper_size_name", OS.gtk_paper_size_get_name(paper_size)); //$NON-NLS-1$
storeBytes("paper_size_display_name", OS.gtk_paper_size_get_display_name(paper_size)); //$NON-NLS-1$
storeBytes("paper_size_ppd_name", OS.gtk_paper_size_get_ppd_name(paper_size)); //$NON-NLS-1$
store("paper_size_width", OS.gtk_paper_size_get_width(paper_size, OS.GTK_UNIT_MM)); //$NON-NLS-1$
store("paper_size_height", OS.gtk_paper_size_get_height(paper_size, OS.GTK_UNIT_MM)); //$NON-NLS-1$
store("paper_size_is_custom", OS.gtk_paper_size_is_custom(paper_size)); //$NON-NLS-1$
data.otherData = settingsData;
display.setData (REMOVE_IDLE_PROC_KEY, null);
OS.gtk_widget_destroy (handle);
return data;
int /*long*/ GtkPrintSettingsFunc (int /*long*/ key, int /*long*/ value, int /*long*/ data) {
int length = OS.strlen (key);
byte [] keyBuffer = new byte [length];
OS.memmove (keyBuffer, key, length);
length = OS.strlen (value);
byte [] valueBuffer = new byte [length];
OS.memmove (valueBuffer, value, length);
store(keyBuffer, valueBuffer);
return 0;
void store(String key, int value) {
store(key, String.valueOf(value));
void store(String key, double value) {
store(key, String.valueOf(value));
void store(String key, boolean value) {
store(key, String.valueOf(value));
void storeBytes(String key, int /*long*/ value) {
int length = OS.strlen (value);
byte [] valueBuffer = new byte [length];
OS.memmove (valueBuffer, value, length);
store(key.getBytes(), valueBuffer);
void store(String key, String value) {
store(key.getBytes(), value.getBytes());
void store(byte [] key, byte [] value) {
int length = key.length + 1 + value.length + 1;
if (index + length + 1 > settingsData.length) {
byte [] newData = new byte[settingsData.length + Math.max(length + 1, 1024)];
System.arraycopy (settingsData, 0, newData, 0, settingsData.length);
settingsData = newData;
System.arraycopy (key, 0, settingsData, index, key.length);
index += key.length + 1; // null terminated
System.arraycopy (value, 0, settingsData, index, value.length);
index += value.length + 1; // null terminated