blob: 10090df8e8380e7d49ab36db9fd7855bb70dc803 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.browser;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.cocoa.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
class WebKit extends WebBrowser {
/* Objective-C WebView delegate */
int delegate;
/* Carbon HIView handle */
int webViewHandle, webView;
int windowBoundsHandler;
int preferences;
boolean loadingText, hasNewFocusElement, untrustedText;
String lastHoveredLinkURL, lastNavigateURL;
String html;
int identifier;
int resourceCount;
int lastMouseMoveX, lastMouseMoveY;
String url = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
Point location;
Point size;
boolean statusBar = true, toolBar = true, ignoreDispose;
// boolean doit;
static boolean Initialized;
static Callback Callback3, Callback7;
static final int MIN_SIZE = 16;
static final int MAX_PROGRESS = 100;
static final String WebElementLinkURLKey = "WebElementLinkURL"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String AGENT_STRING = "Safari/412.0"; /* Safari version on OSX 10.4 initial release */ //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String URI_FILEROOT = "file:///"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String PROTOCOL_FILE = "file://"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String PROTOCOL_HTTP = "http://"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String URI_APPLEWEBDATA = "applewebdata://"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String ABOUT_BLANK = "about:blank"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String HEADER_SETCOOKIE = "Set-Cookie"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String POST = "POST"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String USER_AGENT = "user-agent"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String ADD_WIDGET_KEY = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.addWidget"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String BROWSER_WINDOW = "org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.Window"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String WEBKIT_EVENTS_FIX_KEY = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.webKitEventsFix"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/* event strings */
static final String DOMEVENT_KEYUP = "keyup"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String DOMEVENT_KEYDOWN = "keydown"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String DOMEVENT_MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String DOMEVENT_MOUSEUP = "mouseup"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String DOMEVENT_MOUSEMOVE = "mousemove"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String DOMEVENT_MOUSEWHEEL = "mousewheel"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String DOMEVENT_FOCUSIN = "DOMFocusIn"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String DOMEVENT_FOCUSOUT = "DOMFocusOut"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static {
NativeClearSessions = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int storage = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSHTTPCookieStorage, Cocoa.S_sharedHTTPCookieStorage);
int cookies = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (storage, Cocoa.S_cookies);
int count = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cookies, Cocoa.S_count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int cookie = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cookies, Cocoa.S_objectAtIndex, i);
boolean isSession = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cookie, Cocoa.S_isSessionOnly) != 0;
if (isSession) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (storage, Cocoa.S_deleteCookie, cookie);
NativeGetCookie = new Runnable () {
public void run () {
int storage = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSHTTPCookieStorage, Cocoa.S_sharedHTTPCookieStorage);
int urlString = createNSString (CookieUrl);
int url = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSURL, Cocoa.S_URLWithString, urlString);
OS.CFRelease (urlString);
int cookies = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (storage, Cocoa.S_cookiesForURL, url);
int count = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cookies, Cocoa.S_count);
if (count == 0) return;
int name = createNSString (CookieName);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int current = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cookies, Cocoa.S_objectAtIndex, i);
int currentName = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (current, Cocoa.S_name);
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (currentName, Cocoa.S_compare, name) == Cocoa.NSOrderedSame) {
int value = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (current, Cocoa.S_value);
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength (value);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (value, range, buffer);
CookieValue = new String (buffer);
OS.CFRelease (name);
OS.CFRelease (name);
NativeSetCookie = new Runnable () {
public void run () {
int urlString = createNSString(CookieUrl);
int url = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSURL, Cocoa.S_URLWithString, urlString);
OS.CFRelease (urlString);
int value = createNSString (CookieValue);
int key = createNSString (HEADER_SETCOOKIE);
int headers = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSMutableDictionary, Cocoa.S_dictionaryWithCapacity, 1);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (headers, Cocoa.S_setValue, value, key);
OS.CFRelease (key);
OS.CFRelease (value);
int cookies = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSHTTPCookie, Cocoa.S_cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields, headers, url);
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cookies, Cocoa.S_count) == 0) return;
int cookie = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cookies, Cocoa.S_objectAtIndex, 0);
int storage = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSHTTPCookieStorage, Cocoa.S_sharedHTTPCookieStorage);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (storage, Cocoa.S_setCookie, cookie);
CookieResult = true;
if (NativePendingCookies != null) {
SetPendingCookies (NativePendingCookies);
NativePendingCookies = null;
public void create (Composite parent, int style) {
* Note. Loading the webkit bundle on Jaguar causes a crash.
* The workaround is to detect any OS prior to 10.30 and fail
* without crashing.
if (OS.VERSION < 0x1030) {
* Bug in WebKit on OSX 10.5 (Leopard) only. VoiceOver no longer follows focus when
* HIWebViewCreate is used to create a WebView. The VoiceOver cursor (activated by
* Control+Alt+arrows) continues to work, but keyboard focus is not tracked. The fix
* is to create the WebView with HICocoaViewCreate (api introduced in OSX 10.5) when
* running on OSX 10.5.
int outControl[] = new int[1];
if (OS.VERSION >= 0x1050) {
webView = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_WebView, Cocoa.S_alloc), Cocoa.S_initWithFrame_frameName_groupName, new NSRect(), 0, 0);
if (webView != 0) {
Cocoa.HICocoaViewCreate(webView, 0, outControl);
webViewHandle = outControl[0];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_release);
} else {
webViewHandle = outControl[0];
if (webViewHandle != 0) {
webView = Cocoa.HIWebViewGetWebView(webViewHandle);
if (webViewHandle == 0) {
Display display = browser.getDisplay();
display.setData(ADD_WIDGET_KEY, new Object[] {new Integer(webViewHandle), browser});
* WebKit's DOM listener api became functional in OSX 10.4. If OSX 10.4 or
* later is detected then override the default event mechanism to not send key
* events and some mouse events so that the browser can send them by listening
* to the DOM instead.
if (!(OS.VERSION < 0x1040)) {
* Bug in WebKit. For some reason, every application must contain
* a visible window that has never had a WebView or mouse move events
* are not delivered. This seems to happen after a browser has been
* either hidden or disposed in any window. The fix is to create a
* single transparent overlay window that is disposed when the display
* is disposed.
if (display.getData(BROWSER_WINDOW) == null) {
Rect bounds = new Rect ();
OS.SetRect (bounds, (short) 0, (short) 0, (short) 1, (short) 1);
final int[] outWindow = new int[1];
OS.CreateNewWindow(OS.kOverlayWindowClass, 0, bounds, outWindow);
OS.HIObjectSetAccessibilityIgnored (outWindow[0], true);
display.disposeExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (outWindow[0] != 0) {
outWindow[0] = 0;
display.setData(BROWSER_WINDOW, outWindow);
* Bug in WebKit. The WebView does not draw properly if it is embedded as
* sub view of the browser handle. The fix is to add the web view to the
* window root control and resize it on top of the browser handle.
* Note that when the browser is reparented, the web view has to
* be reparented by hand by hooking kEventControlOwningWindowChanged.
int window = OS.GetControlOwner(browser.handle);
int[] contentView = new int[1];
OS.HIViewFindByID(OS.HIViewGetRoot(window), OS.kHIViewWindowContentID(), contentView);
OS.HIViewAddSubview(contentView[0], webViewHandle);
OS.HIViewChangeFeatures(webViewHandle, OS.kHIViewFeatureIsOpaque, 0);
* Bug in WebKit. The WebView does not receive mouse and key events when it is added
* to a visible top window. It is assumed that WebKit hooks its own event listener
* when the top window emits the kEventWindowShown event. The workaround is to send a
* fake kEventWindowShown event to the top window after the WebView has been added
* to the HIView (after the top window is visible) to give WebKit a chance to hook
* events.
OS.HIViewSetVisible(webViewHandle, true);
if (browser.getShell().isVisible()) {
int[] showEvent = new int[1];
OS.CreateEvent(0, OS.kEventClassWindow, OS.kEventWindowShown, 0.0, OS.kEventAttributeUserEvent, showEvent);
OS.SetEventParameter(showEvent[0], OS.kEventParamDirectObject, OS.typeWindowRef, 4, new int[] {OS.GetControlOwner(browser.handle)});
OS.SendEventToEventTarget(showEvent[0], OS.GetWindowEventTarget(window));
if (showEvent[0] != 0) OS.ReleaseEvent(showEvent[0]);
* This code is intentionally commented. Setting a group name is the right thing
* to do in order to avoid multiple open window requests. For some reason, WebKit
* crashes when requested to reopen the same window if that window was previously
* closed. This may be because that window was not correctly closed.
// String groupName = "MyDocument"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// int length = groupName.length();
// char[] buffer = new char[length];
// groupName.getChars(0, length, buffer, 0);
// int groupNameString = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters(0, buffer, length);
// // [webView setGroupName:@"MyDocument"];
// WebKit.objc_msgSend(webView, WebKit.S_setGroupName, groupNameString);
// OS.CFRelease(groupNameString);
final int notificationCenter = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSNotificationCenter, Cocoa.S_defaultCenter);
Listener listener = new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
switch (e.type) {
case SWT.Dispose: {
/* make this handler run after other dispose listeners */
if (ignoreDispose) {
ignoreDispose = false;
ignoreDispose = true;
browser.notifyListeners (e.type, e);
e.type = SWT.NONE;
/* invoke onbeforeunload handlers */
if (!browser.isClosing && !browser.isDisposed()) {
close (false);
windowBoundsHandler = 0;
e.display.setData(ADD_WIDGET_KEY, new Object[] {new Integer(webViewHandle), null});
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setFrameLoadDelegate, 0);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setResourceLoadDelegate, 0);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setUIDelegate, 0);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setPolicyDelegate, 0);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setDownloadDelegate, 0);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(notificationCenter, Cocoa.S_removeObserver, delegate);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(delegate, Cocoa.S_release);
webView = webViewHandle = 0;
html = null;
lastHoveredLinkURL = lastNavigateURL = null;
Enumeration elements = functions.elements ();
while (elements.hasMoreElements ()) {
((BrowserFunction)elements.nextElement ()).dispose (false);
functions = null;
if (preferences != 0) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (preferences, Cocoa.S_release);
preferences = 0;
case SWT.FocusIn: {
hasNewFocusElement = true;
OS.SetKeyboardFocus(OS.GetControlOwner(browser.handle), webViewHandle, (short)-1);
browser.addListener(SWT.Dispose, listener);
browser.addListener(SWT.FocusIn, listener);
browser.addListener(SWT.KeyDown, listener); /* needed to make browser traversable */
if (Callback3 == null) Callback3 = new Callback(this.getClass(), "eventProc3", 3); //$NON-NLS-1$
int callback3Address = Callback3.getAddress();
if (callback3Address == 0) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NO_MORE_CALLBACKS);
int[] mask = new int[] {
OS.kEventClassKeyboard, OS.kEventRawKeyDown,
OS.kEventClassControl, OS.kEventControlDraw,
OS.kEventClassControl, OS.kEventControlGetClickActivation,
OS.kEventClassControl, OS.kEventControlSetCursor,
OS.kEventClassTextInput, OS.kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent,
OS.InstallEventHandler(OS.GetControlEventTarget(webViewHandle), callback3Address, mask.length / 2, mask, webViewHandle, null);
int[] mask1 = new int[] {
OS.kEventClassControl, OS.kEventControlBoundsChanged,
OS.kEventClassControl, OS.kEventControlVisibilityChanged,
OS.kEventClassControl, OS.kEventControlOwningWindowChanged,
OS.InstallEventHandler(OS.GetControlEventTarget(browser.handle), callback3Address, mask1.length / 2, mask1, browser.handle, null);
int[] mask2 = new int[] {
OS.kEventClassWindow, OS.kEventWindowBoundsChanged,
int[] outRef = new int[1];
OS.InstallEventHandler(OS.GetWindowEventTarget(window), callback3Address, mask2.length / 2, mask2, browser.handle, outRef);
windowBoundsHandler = outRef[0];
if (Callback7 == null) Callback7 = new Callback(this.getClass(), "eventProc7", 7); //$NON-NLS-1$
int callback7Address = Callback7.getAddress();
if (callback7Address == 0) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NO_MORE_CALLBACKS);
// delegate = [[WebResourceLoadDelegate alloc] init eventProc];
delegate = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_WebKitDelegate, Cocoa.S_alloc);
delegate = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(delegate, Cocoa.S_initWithProc, callback7Address, webViewHandle);
// [webView setFrameLoadDelegate:delegate];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setFrameLoadDelegate, delegate);
// [webView setResourceLoadDelegate:delegate];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setResourceLoadDelegate, delegate);
// [webView setUIDelegate:delegate];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setUIDelegate, delegate);
/* register delegate for all notifications sent out from webview */
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(notificationCenter, Cocoa.S_addObserver_selector_name_object, delegate, Cocoa.S_handleNotification, 0, webView);
// [webView setPolicyDelegate:delegate];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setPolicyDelegate, delegate);
// [webView setDownloadDelegate:delegate];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setDownloadDelegate, delegate);
// [webView setApplicationNameForUserAgent:applicationName];
int sHandle = createNSString(AGENT_STRING);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setApplicationNameForUserAgent, sHandle);
if (OS.VERSION < 0x1050 && display.getActiveShell() == browser.getShell()) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_window), Cocoa.S_makeKeyWindow);
if (!Initialized) {
Initialized = true;
/* disable applets */
int preferences = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_WebPreferences, Cocoa.S_standardPreferences);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(preferences, Cocoa.S_setJavaEnabled, 0);
static int eventProc3(int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) {
Widget widget = Display.getCurrent().findWidget(userData);
if (widget instanceof Browser) {
return ((WebKit)((Browser)widget).webBrowser).handleCallback(nextHandler, theEvent);
return OS.eventNotHandledErr;
static int eventProc7(int webview, int userData, int selector, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
Widget widget = Display.getCurrent().findWidget(userData);
if (widget instanceof Browser) {
return ((WebKit)((Browser)widget).webBrowser).handleCallback(selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
return 0;
static int createNSString(String string) {
int length = string.length ();
char[] buffer = new char[length];
string.getChars (0, length, buffer, 0);
return OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters (0, buffer, length);
static String getString (int ptr) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength (ptr);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (ptr, range, buffer);
return new String (buffer);
public boolean back() {
html = null;
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_goBack) != 0;
public boolean close () {
return close (true);
boolean close (boolean showPrompters) {
if (!jsEnabled) return true;
String functionName = EXECUTE_ID + "CLOSE"; // $NON-NLS-1$
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer ("function "); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append (functionName);
buffer.append ("(win) {\n"); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append ("var fn = win.onbeforeunload; if (fn != null) {try {var str = fn(); "); // $NON-NLS-1$
if (showPrompters) {
buffer.append ("if (str != null) { "); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append ("var result = window.external.callRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage(str);"); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append ("if (!result) return false;}"); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append ("} catch (e) {}}"); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append ("try {for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++) {var result = "); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append (functionName);
buffer.append ("(win.frames[i]); if (!result) return false;}} catch (e) {} return true;"); // $NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append ("\n};"); // $NON-NLS-1$
execute (buffer.toString ());
Boolean result = (Boolean)evaluate ("return " + functionName +"(window);"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // $NON-NLS-2$
if (result == null) return false;
return result.booleanValue ();
public boolean execute(String script) {
int frame = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
int context = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(frame, Cocoa.S_globalContext);
byte[] bytes = null;
try {
bytes = (script + '\0').getBytes("UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
bytes = (script + '\0').getBytes();
int scriptString = OS.JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(bytes);
try {
bytes = (getUrl() + '\0').getBytes("UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
bytes = (getUrl() + '\0').getBytes();
int urlString = OS.JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(bytes);
int result = OS.JSEvaluateScript(context, scriptString, 0, urlString, 0, null);
return result != 0;
public boolean forward() {
html = null;
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_goForward) != 0;
public String getBrowserType () {
return "webkit"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public String getText() {
int mainFrame = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
int dataSource = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(mainFrame, Cocoa.S_dataSource);
if (dataSource == 0) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
int representation = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(dataSource, Cocoa.S_representation);
if (representation == 0) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
int source = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(representation, Cocoa.S_documentSource);
if (source == 0) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(source);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(source, range, buffer);
return new String(buffer);
public String getUrl() {
/* WebKit auto-navigates to about:blank at startup */
if (url.length() == 0) return ABOUT_BLANK;
return url;
int handleCallback(int nextHandler, int theEvent) {
int eventKind = OS.GetEventKind(theEvent);
switch (OS.GetEventClass(theEvent)) {
case OS.kEventClassControl:
switch (eventKind) {
case OS.kEventControlGetClickActivation: {
OS.SetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamClickActivation, OS.typeClickActivationResult, 4, new int [] {OS.kActivateAndHandleClick});
return OS.noErr;
case OS.kEventControlSetCursor: {
return OS.noErr;
case OS.kEventControlDraw: {
* Bug on WebKit. The web view cannot be obscured by other views above it.
* This problem is specified in the apple documentation for HiWebViewCreate.
* The workaround is to don't draw the web view when it is not visible.
if (!browser.isVisible ()) return OS.noErr;
case OS.kEventControlOwningWindowChanged: {
/* Reparent the web view handler */
int window = OS.GetControlOwner(browser.handle);
int[] contentView = new int[1];
OS.HIViewFindByID(OS.HIViewGetRoot(window), OS.kHIViewWindowContentID(), contentView);
OS.HIViewAddSubview(contentView[0], webViewHandle);
/* Reset the kEventWindowBoundsChanged handler */
int[] mask2 = new int[] {
OS.kEventClassWindow, OS.kEventWindowBoundsChanged,
int[] outRef = new int[1];
OS.InstallEventHandler(OS.GetWindowEventTarget(window), Callback3.getAddress(), mask2.length / 2, mask2, browser.handle, outRef);
windowBoundsHandler = outRef[0];
case OS.kEventControlBoundsChanged:
case OS.kEventControlVisibilityChanged: {
* Bug on WebKit. The web view cannot be obscured by other views above it.
* This problem is specified in the apple documentation for HiWebViewCreate.
* The workaround is to hook kEventControlVisibilityChanged on the browser
* and move the browser out of the screen when hidden and restore its bounds
* when shown.
CGRect bounds = new CGRect();
if (!browser.isVisible()) {
bounds.x = bounds.y = -MIN_SIZE;
bounds.width = bounds.height = MIN_SIZE;
OS.HIViewSetFrame(webViewHandle, bounds);
} else {
OS.HIViewGetBounds(browser.handle, bounds);
int[] contentView = new int[1];
OS.HIViewFindByID(OS.HIViewGetRoot(OS.GetControlOwner(browser.handle)), OS.kHIViewWindowContentID(), contentView);
OS.HIViewConvertRect(bounds, browser.handle, contentView[0]);
* Bug in WebKit. For some reason, the web view will display incorrectly or
* blank depending on its contents, if its size is set to a value smaller than
* MIN_SIZE. It will not display properly even after the size is made larger.
* The fix is to avoid setting sizes smaller than MIN_SIZE.
if (bounds.width <= MIN_SIZE) bounds.width = MIN_SIZE;
if (bounds.height <= MIN_SIZE) bounds.height = MIN_SIZE;
OS.HIViewSetFrame(webViewHandle, bounds);
case OS.kEventClassWindow:
switch (eventKind) {
case OS.kEventWindowBoundsChanged:
* Bug on WebKit. Resizing the height of a Shell containing a Browser at
* a fixed location causes the Browser to redraw at a wrong location.
* The web view is a HIView container that internally hosts
* a Cocoa NSView that uses a coordinates system with the origin at the
* bottom left corner of a window instead of the coordinates system used
* in Carbon that starts at the top left corner. The workaround is to
* reposition the web view every time the Shell of the Browser is resized.
* Note the size should not be updated if the browser is hidden.
if (browser.isVisible()) {
CGRect oldBounds = new CGRect();
OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamOriginalBounds, OS.typeHIRect, null, CGRect.sizeof, null, oldBounds);
CGRect bounds = new CGRect();
OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamCurrentBounds, OS.typeHIRect, null, CGRect.sizeof, null, bounds);
if (oldBounds.height == bounds.height) break;
OS.HIViewGetBounds(browser.handle, bounds);
int[] contentView = new int[1];
OS.HIViewFindByID(OS.HIViewGetRoot(OS.GetControlOwner(browser.handle)), OS.kHIViewWindowContentID(), contentView);
OS.HIViewConvertRect(bounds, browser.handle, contentView[0]);
* Bug in WebKit. For some reason, the web view will display incorrectly or
* blank depending on its contents, if its size is set to a value smaller than
* MIN_SIZE. It will not display properly even after the size is made larger.
* The fix is to avoid setting sizes smaller than MIN_SIZE.
if (bounds.width <= MIN_SIZE) bounds.width = MIN_SIZE;
if (bounds.height <= MIN_SIZE) bounds.height = MIN_SIZE;
/* Note that the bounds needs to change */
OS.HIViewSetFrame(webViewHandle, bounds);
OS.HIViewSetFrame(webViewHandle, bounds);
case OS.kEventClassKeyboard:
switch (eventKind) {
case OS.kEventRawKeyDown: {
* Bug in WebKit. The WebView blocks the propagation of certain Carbon events
* such as kEventRawKeyDown. On the Mac, Carbon events propagate from the
* Focus Target Handler to the Control Target Handler, Window Target and finally
* the Application Target Handler. It is assumed that WebView hooks its events
* on the Window Target and does not pass kEventRawKeyDown to the next handler.
* Since kEventRawKeyDown events never make it to the Application Target Handler,
* the Application Target Handler never gets to emit kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent
* used by SWT to send a SWT.KeyDown event.
* The workaround is to hook kEventRawKeyDown on the Control Target Handler which gets
* called before the WebView hook on the Window Target Handler. Then, forward this event
* directly to the Application Target Handler. Note that if in certain conditions WebKit
* does not block the kEventRawKeyDown, then multiple kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent
* events might be generated as a result of this workaround.
// doit = false;
// OS.SendEventToEventTarget(theEvent, OS.GetApplicationEventTarget());
// if (!doit) return OS.noErr;
int[] length = new int[1];
int status = OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamKeyUnicodes, OS.typeUnicodeText, null, 4, length, (char[])null);
if (status == OS.noErr && length[0] != 0) {
int[] modifiers = new int[1];
OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamKeyModifiers, OS.typeUInt32, null, 4, null, modifiers);
char[] chars = new char[1];
OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamKeyUnicodes, OS.typeUnicodeText, null, 2, null, chars);
if ((modifiers[0] & OS.cmdKey) != 0) {
switch (chars[0]) {
case 'v': {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (webView, Cocoa.S_paste);
return OS.noErr;
case 'c': {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (webView, Cocoa.S_copy);
return OS.noErr;
case 'x': {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (webView, Cocoa.S_cut);
return OS.noErr;
* Bug in Carbon. OSX crashes if a HICocoaView is disposed during a key event,
* presumably as a result of attempting to use it after its refcount has reached
* 0. The workaround is to temporarily add an extra ref to the view and its
* ancestor while the DOM listener is handling the event, in case the
* Browser gets disposed in a callback.
int handle = webViewHandle, root = OS.HIViewGetSuperview (webViewHandle);
OS.CFRetain (handle);
OS.CFRetain (root);
int result = OS.CallNextEventHandler (nextHandler, theEvent);
OS.CFRelease (handle);
OS.CFRelease (root);
return result;
case OS.kEventClassTextInput:
switch (eventKind) {
case OS.kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent: {
* Note. This event is received from the Window Target therefore after it was received
* by the Focus Target. The SWT.KeyDown event is sent by SWT on the Focus Target. If it
* is received here, then the SWT.KeyDown doit flag must have been left to the value
* true. For package visibility reasons we cannot access the doit flag directly.
* Sequence of events when the user presses a key down
* .Control Target - kEventRawKeyDown
* .forward to ApplicationEventTarget
* .Focus Target kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent - SWT emits SWT.KeyDown -
* blocks further propagation if doit false. Browser does not know directly about
* the doit flag value.
* .Window Target kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent - if received, Browser knows
* SWT.KeyDown is not blocked and event should be sent to WebKit
* Return from Control Target - kEventRawKeyDown: let the event go to WebKit if doit true
* (eventNotHandledErr) or stop it (noErr).
// doit = true;
return OS.eventNotHandledErr;
/* Here we dispatch all WebView upcalls. */
int handleCallback(int selector, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
int ret = 0;
// for meaning of selector see WebKitDelegate methods in webkit.c
switch (selector) {
case 1: didFailProvisionalLoadWithError(arg0, arg1); break;
case 2: didFinishLoadForFrame(arg0); break;
case 3: didReceiveTitle(arg0, arg1); break;
case 4: didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(arg0); break;
case 5: didFinishLoadingFromDataSource(arg0, arg1); break;
case 6: didFailLoadingWithError(arg0, arg1, arg2); break;
case 7: ret = identifierForInitialRequest(arg0, arg1); break;
case 8: ret = willSendRequest(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); break;
case 9: handleNotification(arg0); break;
case 10: didCommitLoadForFrame(arg0); break;
case 11: ret = createWebViewWithRequest(arg0); break;
case 12: webViewShow(arg0); break;
case 13: setFrame(arg0); break;
case 14: webViewClose(); break;
case 15: ret = contextMenuItemsForElement(arg0, arg1); break;
case 16: setStatusBarVisible(arg0); break;
case 17: setResizable(arg0); break;
case 18: setToolbarsVisible(arg0); break;
case 19: decidePolicyForMIMEType(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); break;
case 20: decidePolicyForNavigationAction(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); break;
case 21: decidePolicyForNewWindowAction(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); break;
case 22: unableToImplementPolicyWithError(arg0, arg1); break;
case 23: setStatusText(arg0); break;
case 24: webViewFocus(); break;
case 25: webViewUnfocus(); break;
case 26: runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage(arg0); break;
case 27: ret = runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage(arg0); break;
case 28: runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener(arg0); break;
case 29: decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename(arg0, arg1); break;
case 30: mouseDidMoveOverElement(arg0, arg1); break;
case 31: didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame(arg0); break;
case 32: handleEvent(arg0); break;
case 33: windowScriptObjectAvailable(arg0); break;
case 34: ret = callJava(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); break;
case 35: didReceiveAuthenticationChallengefromDataSource(arg0, arg1, arg2); break;
case 36: ret = runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage(arg0, arg1); break;
case 37: ret = callRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage(arg0, arg1); break;
case 38: createPanelDidEnd(arg0, arg1, arg2); break;
return ret;
public boolean isBackEnabled() {
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_canGoBack) != 0;
public boolean isForwardEnabled() {
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_canGoForward) != 0;
public void refresh() {
html = null;
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_reload, 0);
public boolean setText(String html, boolean trusted) {
* If this.html is not null then the about:blank page is already being loaded,
* so no navigate is required. Just set the html that is to be shown.
boolean blankLoading = this.html != null;
this.html = html;
untrustedText = !trusted;
if (blankLoading) return true;
int str = createNSString(ABOUT_BLANK);
int inURL = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSURL, Cocoa.S_URLWithString, str); /* autoreleased */
OS.CFRelease (str);
int request = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSURLRequest, Cocoa.S_requestWithURL, inURL);
int mainFrame = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(mainFrame, Cocoa.S_loadRequest, request);
return true;
public boolean setUrl(String url, String postData, String[] headers) {
html = null;
if (url.indexOf('/') == 0) {
url = PROTOCOL_FILE + url;
} else if (url.indexOf(':') == -1) {
url = PROTOCOL_HTTP + url;
int inURL = 0;
int str = createNSString(url);
if (str != 0) {
char[] unescapedChars = new char[] {'%', '#'};
int unescapedStr = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters(0, unescapedChars, unescapedChars.length);
int escapedStr = OS.CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, str, unescapedStr, 0, OS.kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
if (escapedStr != 0) {
inURL = OS.CFURLCreateWithString(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, escapedStr, 0);
if (unescapedStr != 0) OS.CFRelease(unescapedStr);
if (inURL == 0) return false;
int request = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSMutableURLRequest, Cocoa.S_requestWithURL, inURL);
if (postData != null) {
int post = createNSString(POST);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(request, Cocoa.S_setHTTPMethod, post);
OS.CFRelease (post);
byte[] bytes = postData.getBytes();
int data = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSData, Cocoa.S_dataWithBytes, bytes, bytes.length);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(request, Cocoa.S_setHTTPBody, data);
if (headers != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
String current = headers[i];
if (current != null) {
int index = current.indexOf(':');
if (index != -1) {
String key = current.substring(0, index).trim();
String value = current.substring(index + 1).trim();
if (key.length() > 0 && value.length() > 0) {
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(USER_AGENT)) {
* Feature of WebKit. The user-agent header value cannot be overridden
* here. The workaround is to temporarily set the value on the WebView
* and then remove it after the loading of the request has begun.
int string = createNSString(value);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setCustomUserAgent, string);
OS.CFRelease (string);
} else {
int keyString = createNSString(key);
int valueString = createNSString(value);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(request, Cocoa.S_setValueForHTTPHeaderField, valueString, keyString);
OS.CFRelease (valueString);
OS.CFRelease (keyString);
int mainFrame = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(mainFrame, Cocoa.S_loadRequest, request);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_setCustomUserAgent, 0);
return true;
public void stop() {
html = null;
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_stopLoading, 0);
boolean translateMnemonics() {
return false;
/* WebFrameLoadDelegate */
void didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame(int frame) {
//id url= [[[[frame provisionalDataSource] request] URL] absoluteString];
int dataSource = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(frame, Cocoa.S_dataSource);
int request = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(dataSource, Cocoa.S_request);
int url = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(request, Cocoa.S_URL);
int s = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(url, Cocoa.S_absoluteString);
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(s);
if (length == 0) return;
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(s, range, buffer);
String url2 = new String(buffer);
* If the URI indicates that the page is being rendered from memory
* (via setText()) then set it to about:blank to be consistent with IE.
if (url2.equals (URI_FILEROOT)) {
} else {
length = URI_FILEROOT.length ();
if (url2.startsWith (URI_FILEROOT) && url2.charAt (length) == '#') {
url2 = ABOUT_BLANK + url2.substring (length);
final Display display = browser.getDisplay();
boolean top = frame == Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
if (top) {
StatusTextEvent statusText = new StatusTextEvent(browser);
statusText.display = display;
statusText.widget = browser;
statusText.text = url2;
for (int i = 0; i < statusTextListeners.length; i++) {
LocationEvent location = new LocationEvent(browser);
location.display = display;
location.widget = browser;
location.location = url2; = top;
for (int i = 0; i < locationListeners.length; i++) {
void didFailProvisionalLoadWithError(int error, int frame) {
if (frame == Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame)) {
* Feature on WebKit. The identifier is used here as a marker for the events
* related to the top frame and the URL changes related to that top frame as
* they should appear on the location bar of a browser. It is expected to reset
* the identifier to 0 when the event didFinishLoadingFromDataSource related to
* the identifierForInitialRequest event is received. However, WebKit fires
* the didFinishLoadingFromDataSource event before the entire content of the
* top frame is loaded. It is possible to receive multiple willSendRequest
* events in this interval, causing the Browser widget to send unwanted
* Location.changing events. For this reason, the identifier is reset to 0
* when the top frame has either finished loading (didFinishLoadForFrame
* event) or failed (didFailProvisionalLoadWithError).
identifier = 0;
int errorCode = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(error, Cocoa.S_code);
if (Cocoa.NSURLErrorBadURL < errorCode) return;
int failingURL = 0;
int info = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(error, Cocoa.S_userInfo);
if (info != 0) {
int keyString = createNSString("NSErrorFailingURLKey"); //$NON-NLS-1$
failingURL = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(info, Cocoa.S_valueForKey, keyString);
if (failingURL != 0 && Cocoa.NSURLErrorServerCertificateNotYetValid <= errorCode && errorCode <= Cocoa.NSURLErrorSecureConnectionFailed) {
/* handle invalid certificate error */
int keyString = createNSString("NSErrorPeerCertificateChainKey"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int certificates = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(info, Cocoa.S_objectForKey, keyString);
int[] policySearch = new int[1];
int[] policyRef = new int[1];
int[] trustRef = new int[1];
boolean success = false;
int result = OS.SecPolicySearchCreate(OS.CSSM_CERT_X_509v3, 0, 0, policySearch);
if (result == 0 && policySearch[0] != 0) {
result = OS.SecPolicySearchCopyNext(policySearch[0], policyRef);
if (result == 0 && policyRef[0] != 0) {
result = OS.SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificates, policyRef[0], trustRef);
if (result == 0 && trustRef[0] != 0) {
int panel = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_SFCertificateTrustPanel, Cocoa.S_sharedCertificateTrustPanel);
String failingUrlString = getString(Cocoa.objc_msgSend(failingURL, Cocoa.S_absoluteString));
String message = Compatibility.getMessage("SWT_InvalidCert_Message", new Object[] {failingUrlString}); //$NON-NLS-1$
int nsString = createNSString(Compatibility.getMessage("SWT_Cancel")); //$NON-NLS-1$
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(panel, Cocoa.S_setAlternateButtonTitle, nsString);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(panel, Cocoa.S_setShowsHelp, 1);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(failingURL, Cocoa.S_retain);
int window = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_window);
nsString = createNSString(message);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(panel, Cocoa.S_beginSheetForWindow, window, delegate, Cocoa.S_createPanelDidEnd, failingURL, trustRef[0], nsString);
success = true;
if (trustRef[0] != 0) OS.CFRelease(trustRef[0]);
if (policyRef[0] != 0) OS.CFRelease(policyRef[0]);
if (policySearch[0] != 0) OS.CFRelease(policySearch[0]);
if (success) return;
/* handle other types of errors */
int description = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(error, Cocoa.S_localizedDescription);
if (description != 0) {
String descriptionString = getString(description);
String message = failingURL != 0 ? getString(Cocoa.objc_msgSend(failingURL, Cocoa.S_absoluteString)) + "\n\n" : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
message += Compatibility.getMessage ("SWT_Page_Load_Failed", new Object[] {descriptionString}); //$NON-NLS-1$
MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(browser.getShell(), SWT.OK | SWT.ICON_ERROR);
void createPanelDidEnd(int sheet, int returnCode, int contextInfo) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(contextInfo, Cocoa.S_autorelease);
if (returnCode != Cocoa.NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) return; /* nothing more to do */
int /*long*/ method = Cocoa.class_getClassMethod(Cocoa.C_NSURLRequest, Cocoa.S_setAllowsAnyHTTPSCertificate);
if (method != 0) {
int host = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(contextInfo, Cocoa.S_host);
int urlString = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(contextInfo, Cocoa.S_absoluteString);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSURLRequest, Cocoa.S_setAllowsAnyHTTPSCertificate, 1, host);
setUrl(getString(urlString), null, null);
void didFinishLoadForFrame(int frame) {
if (frame == Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame)) {
* If html is not null then there is html from a previous setText() call
* waiting to be set into the about:blank page once it has completed loading.
if (html != null) {
if (getUrl().startsWith(ABOUT_BLANK)) {
loadingText = true;
int htmlString = createNSString(html);
int urlString;
if (untrustedText) {
urlString = createNSString(ABOUT_BLANK);
} else {
urlString = createNSString(URI_FILEROOT);
int url = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSURL, Cocoa.S_URLWithString, urlString); /* autoreleased */
int mainFrame = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(mainFrame, Cocoa.S_loadHTMLStringBaseURL, htmlString, url);
html = null;
* The loadHTMLStringBaseURL invocation above will trigger a second didFinishLoadForFrame
* callback when it is completed. If text was just set into the browser then wait
* for this second callback to come before sending the title or completed events.
if (!loadingText) {
* To be consistent with other platforms a title event should be fired when a
* page has completed loading. A page with a <title> tag will do this
* automatically when the didReceiveTitle callback is received. However a page
* without a <title> tag will not do this by default, so fire the event
* here with the page's url as the title.
final Display display = browser.getDisplay();
int dataSource = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(frame, Cocoa.S_dataSource);
if (dataSource != 0) {
int title = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(dataSource, Cocoa.S_pageTitle);
if (title == 0) { /* page has no title */
final TitleEvent newEvent = new TitleEvent(browser);
newEvent.display = display;
newEvent.widget = browser;
newEvent.title = getUrl();
for (int i = 0; i < titleListeners.length; i++) {
if (browser.isDisposed()) return;
ProgressEvent progress = new ProgressEvent(browser);
progress.display = display;
progress.widget = browser;
progress.current = MAX_PROGRESS; = MAX_PROGRESS;
for (int i = 0; i < progressListeners.length; i++) {
loadingText = false;
if (browser.isDisposed()) return;
* Feature on WebKit. The identifier is used here as a marker for the events
* related to the top frame and the URL changes related to that top frame as
* they should appear on the location bar of a browser. It is expected to reset
* the identifier to 0 when the event didFinishLoadingFromDataSource related to
* the identifierForInitialRequest event is received. Howeever, WebKit fires
* the didFinishLoadingFromDataSource event before the entire content of the
* top frame is loaded. It is possible to receive multiple willSendRequest
* events in this interval, causing the Browser widget to send unwanted
* Location.changing events. For this reason, the identifier is reset to 0
* when the top frame has either finished loading (didFinishLoadForFrame
* event) or failed (didFailProvisionalLoadWithError).
identifier = 0;
void hookDOMFocusListeners(int frame) {
* These listeners only need to be hooked for OSX 10.4 (Tiger). The WebKit on
* OSX < 10.4 does not send these DOM events, and tab traversals that exit
* WebKit are handled as of OSX 10.5 as a result of using HICocoaViewCreate,
* which makes these listeners unnecessary.
if (!(0x1040 <= OS.VERSION && OS.VERSION < 0x1050)) return;
int document = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(frame, Cocoa.S_DOMDocument);
if (document == 0) return;
int ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_FOCUSIN);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_FOCUSOUT);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
void hookDOMKeyListeners(int frame) {
* WebKit's DOM listener api became functional in OSX 10.4, so if an earlier
* version than this is detected then do not hook the DOM listeners.
if (OS.VERSION < 0x1040) return;
int document = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(frame, Cocoa.S_DOMDocument);
if (document == 0) return;
int ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_KEYDOWN);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_KEYUP);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
void hookDOMMouseListeners(int frame) {
* WebKit's DOM listener api became functional in OSX 10.4, so if an earlier
* version than this is detected then do not hook the DOM listeners.
if (OS.VERSION < 0x1040) return;
int document = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(frame, Cocoa.S_DOMDocument);
if (document == 0) return;
int ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_MOUSEDOWN);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_MOUSEUP);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_MOUSEMOVE);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
ptr = createNSString(DOMEVENT_MOUSEWHEEL);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(document, Cocoa.S_addEventListener, ptr, delegate, 0);
void didReceiveTitle(int title, int frame) {
if (frame == Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame)) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(title);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(title, range, buffer);
String newTitle = new String(buffer);
TitleEvent newEvent = new TitleEvent(browser);
newEvent.display = browser.getDisplay();
newEvent.widget = browser;
newEvent.title = newTitle;
for (int i = 0; i < titleListeners.length; i++) {
void didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(int frame) {
* This code is intentionally commented. WebFrameLoadDelegate:didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame is
* called before WebResourceLoadDelegate:willSendRequest and
* WebFrameLoadDelegate:didCommitLoadForFrame. The resource count is reset when didCommitLoadForFrame
* is received for the top frame.
// int webView = WebKit.HIWebViewGetWebView(webViewHandle);
// if (frame == WebKit.objc_msgSend(webView, WebKit.S_mainFrame)) {
// /* reset resource status variables */
// resourceCount= 0;
// }
void didCommitLoadForFrame(int frame) {
//id url= [[[[frame provisionalDataSource] request] URL] absoluteString];
int dataSource = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(frame, Cocoa.S_dataSource);
int request = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(dataSource, Cocoa.S_request);
int url = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(request, Cocoa.S_URL);
int s = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(url, Cocoa.S_absoluteString);
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(s);
if (length == 0) return;
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(s, range, buffer);
String url2 = new String(buffer);
* If the URI indicates that the page is being rendered from memory
* (via setText()) then set it to about:blank to be consistent with IE.
if (url2.equals (URI_FILEROOT)) {
} else {
length = URI_FILEROOT.length ();
if (url2.startsWith (URI_FILEROOT) && url2.charAt (length) == '#') {
url2 = ABOUT_BLANK + url2.substring (length);
final Display display = browser.getDisplay();
boolean top = frame == Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
if (top) {
/* reset resource status variables */
resourceCount = 0;
this.url = url2;
* Each invocation of setText() causes didCommitLoadForFrame to be invoked twice,
* once for the initial navigate to about:blank, and once for the auto-navigate
* to about:blank that WebKit does when loadHTMLStringBaseURL is invoked. If
* this is the first didCommitLoadForFrame callback received for a setText()
* invocation then do not send any events or re-install registered BrowserFunctions.
if (url2.startsWith(ABOUT_BLANK) && html != null) return;
Enumeration elements = functions.elements ();
while (elements.hasMoreElements ()) {
BrowserFunction function = (BrowserFunction)elements.nextElement ();
execute (function.functionString);
final ProgressEvent progress = new ProgressEvent(browser);
progress.display = display;
progress.widget = browser;
progress.current = 1; = MAX_PROGRESS;
for (int i = 0; i < progressListeners.length; i++) {
if (browser.isDisposed()) return;
StatusTextEvent statusText = new StatusTextEvent(browser);
statusText.display = display;
statusText.widget = browser;
statusText.text = url2;
for (int i = 0; i < statusTextListeners.length; i++) {
if (browser.isDisposed()) return;
LocationEvent location = new LocationEvent(browser);
location.display = display;
location.widget = browser;
location.location = url2; = top;
for (int i = 0; i < locationListeners.length; i++) {
void windowScriptObjectAvailable (int windowScriptObject) {
int str = createNSString("external"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (str != 0) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (windowScriptObject, Cocoa.S_setValue, delegate, str);
OS.CFRelease (str);
/* WebResourceLoadDelegate */
void didFinishLoadingFromDataSource(int identifier, int dataSource) {
* Feature on WebKit. The identifier is used here as a marker for the events
* related to the top frame and the URL changes related to that top frame as
* they should appear on the location bar of a browser. It is expected to reset
* the identifier to 0 when the event didFinishLoadingFromDataSource related to
* the identifierForInitialRequest event is received. Howeever, WebKit fires
* the didFinishLoadingFromDataSource event before the entire content of the
* top frame is loaded. It is possible to receive multiple willSendRequest
* events in this interval, causing the Browser widget to send unwanted
* Location.changing events. For this reason, the identifier is reset to 0
* when the top frame has either finished loading (didFinishLoadForFrame
* event) or failed (didFailProvisionalLoadWithError).
// this code is intentionally commented
//if (this.identifier == identifier) this.identifier = 0;
void didFailLoadingWithError(int identifier, int error, int dataSource) {
* Feature on WebKit. The identifier is used here as a marker for the events
* related to the top frame and the URL changes related to that top frame as
* they should appear on the location bar of a browser. It is expected to reset
* the identifier to 0 when the event didFinishLoadingFromDataSource related to
* the identifierForInitialRequest event is received. Howeever, WebKit fires
* the didFinishLoadingFromDataSource event before the entire content of the
* top frame is loaded. It is possible to receive multiple willSendRequest
* events in this interval, causing the Browser widget to send unwanted
* Location.changing events. For this reason, the identifier is reset to 0
* when the top frame has either finished loading (didFinishLoadForFrame
* event) or failed (didFailProvisionalLoadWithError).
// this code is intentionally commented
//if (this.identifier == identifier) this.identifier = 0;
void didReceiveAuthenticationChallengefromDataSource (int identifier, int challenge, int dataSource) {
* Do not invoke the listeners if this challenge has been failed too many
* times because a listener is likely giving incorrect credentials repeatedly
* and will do so indefinitely.
int count = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challenge, Cocoa.S_previousFailureCount);
if (count < 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < authenticationListeners.length; i++) {
AuthenticationEvent event = new AuthenticationEvent (browser);
event.location = lastNavigateURL;
authenticationListeners[i].authenticate (event);
if (!event.doit) {
int challengeSender = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challenge, Cocoa.S_sender);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challengeSender, Cocoa.S_cancelAuthenticationChallenge, challenge);
if (event.user != null && event.password != null) {
int challengeSender = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challenge, Cocoa.S_sender);
int user = createNSString(event.user);
int password = createNSString(event.password);
int credential = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSURLCredential, Cocoa.S_credentialWithUser, user, password, Cocoa.NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challengeSender, Cocoa.S_useCredential, credential, challenge);
OS.CFRelease (password);
OS.CFRelease (user);
/* no listener handled the challenge, so try to invoke the native panel */
int cls = Cocoa.C_WebPanelAuthenticationHandler;
if (cls != 0) {
int method = Cocoa.class_getClassMethod (cls, Cocoa.S_sharedHandler);
if (method != 0) {
int handler = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (cls, Cocoa.S_sharedHandler);
if (handler != 0) {
int window = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (webView, Cocoa.S_window);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (handler, Cocoa.S_startAuthentication, challenge, window);
/* the native panel was not available, so show a custom dialog */
String[] userReturn = new String[1], passwordReturn = new String[1];
int proposedCredential = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challenge, Cocoa.S_proposedCredential);
if (proposedCredential != 0) {
int user = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (proposedCredential, Cocoa.S_user);
userReturn[0] = getString (user);
boolean hasPassword = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (proposedCredential, Cocoa.S_hasPassword) != 0;
if (hasPassword) {
int password = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (proposedCredential, Cocoa.S_password);
passwordReturn[0] = getString (password);
int space = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challenge, Cocoa.S_protectionSpace);
int host = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (space, Cocoa.S_host);
String hostString = getString (host) + ':';
int port = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (space, Cocoa.S_port);
hostString += port;
int realm = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (space, Cocoa.S_realm);
String realmString = getString (realm);
boolean result = showAuthenticationDialog (userReturn, passwordReturn, hostString, realmString);
int challengeSender = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challenge, Cocoa.S_sender);
if (!result) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challengeSender, Cocoa.S_cancelAuthenticationChallenge, challenge);
int user = createNSString(userReturn[0]);
int password = createNSString(passwordReturn[0]);
int credential = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSURLCredential, Cocoa.S_credentialWithUser, user, password, Cocoa.NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (challengeSender, Cocoa.S_useCredential, credential, challenge);
OS.CFRelease (password);
OS.CFRelease (user);
boolean showAuthenticationDialog (final String[] user, final String[] password, String host, String realm) {
final Shell shell = new Shell (browser.getShell ());
shell.setLayout (new GridLayout ());
String title = SWT.getMessage ("SWT_Authentication_Required"); //$NON-NLS-1$
shell.setText (title);
Label label = new Label (shell, SWT.WRAP);
label.setText (Compatibility.getMessage ("SWT_Enter_Username_and_Password", new String[] {realm, host})); //$NON-NLS-1$
GridData data = new GridData ();
Monitor monitor = browser.getMonitor ();
int maxWidth = monitor.getBounds ().width * 2 / 3;
int width = label.computeSize (SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT).x;
data.widthHint = Math.min (width, maxWidth);
data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
label.setLayoutData (data);
Label userLabel = new Label (shell, SWT.NONE);
userLabel.setText (SWT.getMessage ("SWT_Username")); //$NON-NLS-1$
final Text userText = new Text (shell, SWT.BORDER);
if (user[0] != null) userText.setText (user[0]);
data = new GridData ();
data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
userText.setLayoutData (data);
Label passwordLabel = new Label (shell, SWT.NONE);
passwordLabel.setText (SWT.getMessage ("SWT_Password")); //$NON-NLS-1$
final Text passwordText = new Text (shell, SWT.PASSWORD | SWT.BORDER);
if (password[0] != null) passwordText.setText (password[0]);
data = new GridData ();
data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
passwordText.setLayoutData (data);
final boolean[] result = new boolean[1];
final Button[] buttons = new Button[2];
Listener listener = new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
user[0] = userText.getText();
password[0] = passwordText.getText();
result[0] = event.widget == buttons[1];
Composite composite = new Composite (shell, SWT.NONE);
data = new GridData ();
data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.END;
composite.setLayoutData (data);
composite.setLayout (new GridLayout (2, true));
buttons[0] = new Button (composite, SWT.PUSH);
buttons[0].setText (SWT.getMessage("SWT_Cancel")); //$NON-NLS-1$
buttons[0].setLayoutData (new GridData (GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL));
buttons[0].addListener (SWT.Selection, listener);
buttons[1] = new Button (composite, SWT.PUSH);
buttons[1].setText (SWT.getMessage("SWT_OK")); //$NON-NLS-1$
buttons[1].setLayoutData (new GridData (GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL));
buttons[1].addListener (SWT.Selection, listener);
shell.setDefaultButton (buttons[1]);
shell.pack (); ();
Display display = browser.getDisplay ();
while (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
return result[0];
int identifierForInitialRequest(int request, int dataSource) {
final Display display = browser.getDisplay();
final ProgressEvent progress = new ProgressEvent(browser);
progress.display = display;
progress.widget = browser;
progress.current = resourceCount; = Math.max(resourceCount, MAX_PROGRESS);
for (int i = 0; i < progressListeners.length; i++) {
if (browser.isDisposed()) return 0;
* Note. numberWithInt uses autorelease. The resulting object
* does not need to be released.
* identifier = [NSNumber numberWithInt: resourceCount++]
int identifier = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_NSNumber, Cocoa.S_numberWithInt, resourceCount++);
if (this.identifier == 0) {
int frame = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(dataSource, Cocoa.S_webFrame);
if (frame == Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame)) this.identifier = identifier;
return identifier;
int willSendRequest(int identifier, int request, int redirectResponse, int dataSource) {
int url = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (request, Cocoa.S_URL);
boolean isFileURL = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (url, Cocoa.S_isFileURL) != 0;
if (isFileURL) {
int newRequest = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (request, Cocoa.S_mutableCopy);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (newRequest, Cocoa.S_autorelease);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (newRequest, Cocoa.S_setCachePolicy, Cocoa.NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData);
return newRequest;
return request;
/* handleNotification */
void handleNotification(int notification) {
/* UIDelegate */
int createWebViewWithRequest(int request) {
WindowEvent newEvent = new WindowEvent(browser);
newEvent.display = browser.getDisplay();
newEvent.widget = browser;
newEvent.required = true;
if (openWindowListeners != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < openWindowListeners.length; i++) {
int webView = 0;
Browser browser = null;
if (newEvent.browser != null && newEvent.browser.webBrowser instanceof WebKit) {
browser = newEvent.browser;
if (browser != null && !browser.isDisposed()) {
webView = ((WebKit)browser.webBrowser).webView;
if (request != 0) {
//mainFrame = [webView mainFrame];
int mainFrame= Cocoa.objc_msgSend(webView, Cocoa.S_mainFrame);
//[mainFrame loadRequest:request];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(mainFrame, Cocoa.S_loadRequest, request);
return webView;
void webViewShow(int sender) {
* Feature on WebKit. WebKit expects the application to
* create a new Window using the Objective C Cocoa API in response
* to UIDelegate.createWebViewWithRequest. The application is then
* expected to use Objective C Cocoa API to make this window visible
* when receiving the UIDelegate.webViewShow message. For some reason,
* a window created with the Carbon API hosting the new browser instance
* does not redraw until it has been resized. The fix is to increase the
* size of the Shell and restore it to its initial size.
Shell parent = browser.getShell();
Point pt = parent.getSize();
parent.setSize(pt.x+1, pt.y);
parent.setSize(pt.x, pt.y);
WindowEvent newEvent = new WindowEvent(browser);
newEvent.display = browser.getDisplay();
newEvent.widget = browser;
if (location != null) newEvent.location = location;
if (size != null) newEvent.size = size;
* Feature in WebKit. WebKit's tool bar contains
* the address bar. The address bar is displayed
* if the tool bar is displayed. There is no separate
* notification for the address bar.
* Feature of OSX. The menu bar is always displayed.
* There is no notification to hide the menu bar.
newEvent.addressBar = toolBar;
newEvent.menuBar = true;
newEvent.statusBar = statusBar;
newEvent.toolBar = toolBar;
for (int i = 0; i < visibilityWindowListeners.length; i++) {
location = null;
size = null;
void setFrame(int frame) {
float[] dest = new float[4];
OS.memmove(dest, frame, 16);
/* convert to SWT system coordinates */
Rectangle bounds = browser.getDisplay().getBounds();
location = new Point((int)dest[0], bounds.height - (int)dest[1] - (int)dest[3]);
size = new Point((int)dest[2], (int)dest[3]);
void webViewFocus() {
void webViewUnfocus() {
int callRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage(int /*long*/ messageID, int /*long*/ arg) {
int result = runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage (messageID, 0);
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSNumber, Cocoa.S_numberWithBool, result);
int runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage(int message, int frame) {
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(Compatibility.getMessage("SWT_OnBeforeUnload_Message1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
text.append ("\n\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(message);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(message, range, buffer);
text.append(new String(buffer));
text.append("\n\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
text.append(Compatibility.getMessage("SWT_OnBeforeUnload_Message2")); //$NON-NLS-1$
MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(browser.getShell(), SWT.OK | SWT.CANCEL | SWT.ICON_QUESTION);
return == SWT.OK ? 1 : 0;
void runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage(int message) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(message);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(message, range, buffer);
String text = new String(buffer);
MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(browser.getShell(), SWT.OK | SWT.ICON_WARNING);
messageBox.setText("Javascript"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage(int message) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(message);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(message, range, buffer);
String text = new String(buffer);
MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(browser.getShell(), SWT.OK | SWT.CANCEL | SWT.ICON_QUESTION);
messageBox.setText("Javascript"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return == SWT.OK ? 1 : 0;
void runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener(int resultListener) {
FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(browser.getShell(), SWT.NONE);
String result =;
if (result == null) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(resultListener, Cocoa.S_cancel);
int filename = createNSString(result);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(resultListener, Cocoa.S_chooseFilename, filename);
void webViewClose() {
Shell parent = browser.getShell();
WindowEvent newEvent = new WindowEvent(browser);
newEvent.display = browser.getDisplay();
newEvent.widget = browser;
for (int i = 0; i < closeWindowListeners.length; i++) {
if (parent.isDisposed()) return;
* Feature on WebKit. WebKit expects the application to
* create a new Window using the Objective C Cocoa API in response
* to UIDelegate.createWebViewWithRequest. The application is then
* expected to use Objective C Cocoa API to make this window visible
* when receiving the UIDelegate.webViewShow message. For some reason,
* a window created with the Carbon API hosting the new browser instance
* does not redraw until it has been resized. The fix is to increase the
* size of the Shell and restore it to its initial size.
Point pt = parent.getSize();
parent.setSize(pt.x+1, pt.y);
parent.setSize(pt.x, pt.y);
int contextMenuItemsForElement(int element, int defaultMenuItems) {
org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.Point pt = new org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.Point();
Event event = new Event();
event.x = pt.h;
event.y = pt.v;
browser.notifyListeners(SWT.MenuDetect, event);
if (!event.doit || browser.isDisposed()) return 0;
Menu menu = browser.getMenu();
if (menu != null && !menu.isDisposed()) {
if (event.x != pt.h || event.y != pt.v) {
menu.setLocation(event.x, event.y);
return 0;
return defaultMenuItems;
void setStatusBarVisible(int visible) {
/* Note. Webkit only emits the notification when the status bar should be hidden. */
statusBar = visible != 0;
void setStatusText(int text) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(text);
if (length == 0) return;
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(text, range, buffer);
StatusTextEvent statusText = new StatusTextEvent(browser);
statusText.display = browser.getDisplay();
statusText.widget = browser;
statusText.text = new String(buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < statusTextListeners.length; i++) {
void setResizable(int visible) {
void setToolbarsVisible(int visible) {
/* Note. Webkit only emits the notification when the tool bar should be hidden. */
toolBar = visible != 0;
void mouseDidMoveOverElement (int elementInformation, int modifierFlags) {
if (elementInformation == 0) return;
if (!browser.isEnabled ()) return;
int key = createNSString(WebElementLinkURLKey);
int value = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(elementInformation, Cocoa.S_valueForKey, key);
if (value == 0) {
/* not currently over a link */
if (lastHoveredLinkURL == null) return;
lastHoveredLinkURL = null;
StatusTextEvent statusText = new StatusTextEvent(browser);
statusText.display = browser.getDisplay();
statusText.widget = browser;
statusText.text = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < statusTextListeners.length; i++) {
int stringPtr = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(value, Cocoa.S_absoluteString);
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(stringPtr);
String urlString;
if (length == 0) {
urlString = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
char[] chars = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(stringPtr, range, chars);
urlString = new String(chars);
if (urlString.equals(lastHoveredLinkURL)) return;
lastHoveredLinkURL = urlString;
StatusTextEvent statusText = new StatusTextEvent(browser);
statusText.display = browser.getDisplay();
statusText.widget = browser;
statusText.text = urlString;
for (int i = 0; i < statusTextListeners.length; i++) {
/* PolicyDelegate */
void decidePolicyForMIMEType(int type, int request, int frame, int listener) {
boolean canShow = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(Cocoa.C_WebView, Cocoa.S_canShowMIMEType, type) != 0;
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(listener, canShow ? Cocoa.S_use : Cocoa.S_download);
void decidePolicyForNavigationAction(int actionInformation, int request, int frame, int listener) {
int url = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(request, Cocoa.S_URL);
if (loadingText) {
* WebKit is auto-navigating to about:blank in response to a loadHTMLString()
* invocation. This navigate should always proceed without sending an event
* since it is preceded by an explicit navigate to about:blank in setText().
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(listener, Cocoa.S_use);
if (url == 0) {
/* indicates that a URL with an invalid format was specified */
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(listener, Cocoa.S_ignore);
boolean isFileURL = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(url, Cocoa.S_isFileURL) != 0;
if (isFileURL && getUrl().startsWith(ABOUT_BLANK) && untrustedText) {
/* indicates an attempt to access the local file system from untrusted content */
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(listener, Cocoa.S_ignore);
int s = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(url, Cocoa.S_absoluteString);
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(s);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(s, range, buffer);
String url2 = new String(buffer);
* If the URI indicates that the page is being rendered from memory
* (via setText()) then set it to about:blank to be consistent with IE.
if (url2.equals (URI_FILEROOT)) {
} else {
length = URI_FILEROOT.length ();
if (url2.startsWith (URI_FILEROOT) && url2.charAt (length) == '#') {
url2 = ABOUT_BLANK + url2.substring (length);
if (url2.startsWith (URI_APPLEWEBDATA)) {
/* listeners should not be notified of internal transitions like this */
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(listener, Cocoa.S_use);
} else {
LocationEvent newEvent = new LocationEvent(browser);
newEvent.display = browser.getDisplay();
newEvent.widget = browser;
newEvent.location = url2;
newEvent.doit = true;
if (locationListeners != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < locationListeners.length; i++) {
if (newEvent.doit) {
if (jsEnabled != jsEnabledOnNextPage) {
jsEnabled = jsEnabledOnNextPage;
if (preferences == 0) {
preferences = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_WebPreferences, Cocoa.S_alloc);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (preferences, Cocoa.S_init);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (webView, Cocoa.S_setPreferences, preferences);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (preferences, Cocoa.S_setJavaScriptEnabled, jsEnabled ? 1 : 0);
lastNavigateURL = url2;
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(listener, newEvent.doit ? Cocoa.S_use : Cocoa.S_ignore);
void decidePolicyForNewWindowAction(int actionInformation, int request, int frameName, int listener) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(listener, Cocoa.S_use);
void unableToImplementPolicyWithError(int error, int frame) {
/* WebDownload */
void decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename (int download, int filename) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(filename);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(filename, range, buffer);
String name = new String(buffer);
* Bug in WebKit. As of OSX 10.5.5, showing the file dialog here invokes this
* callback a second time when the file dialog runs the event loop, which
* always leads to a crash. The workaround is to choose a location to save
* the file without showing the file dialog.
String path = null;
if (OS.VERSION >= 0x1055) {
int array = Cocoa.NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (Cocoa.NSDesktopDirectory, Cocoa.NSAllDomainsMask, true);
int count = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (array, Cocoa.S_count);
if (count == 0) { /* should never happen */
array = Cocoa.NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (Cocoa.NSDownloadsDirectory, Cocoa.NSAllDomainsMask, true);
count = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (array, Cocoa.S_count);
if (count == 0) {
array = Cocoa.NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (Cocoa.NSDocumentDirectory, Cocoa.NSAllDomainsMask, true);
count = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (array, Cocoa.S_count);
if (count == 0) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (download, Cocoa.S_cancel);
int string = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (array, Cocoa.S_objectAtIndex, 0);
length = OS.CFStringGetLength (string);
buffer = new char[length];
range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (string, range, buffer);
path = new String (buffer) + '/' + name;
} else {
FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(browser.getShell(), SWT.SAVE);
dialog.setText(SWT.getMessage ("SWT_FileDownload")); //$NON-NLS-1$
path =;
if (path == null) {
/* cancel pressed */
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(download, Cocoa.S_cancel);
int result = createNSString(path);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(download, Cocoa.S_setDestinationAllowOverwrite, result, 1);
/* DOMEventListener */
void handleEvent(int evt) {
if (!browser.isEnabled ()) return;
int type = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_type);
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(type);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
CFRange range = new CFRange();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters(type, range, buffer);
String typeString = new String(buffer);
if (typeString.equals(DOMEVENT_FOCUSIN)) {
hasNewFocusElement = true;
if (typeString.equals(DOMEVENT_FOCUSOUT)) {
hasNewFocusElement = false;
boolean ctrl = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_ctrlKey) != 0;
boolean shift = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_shiftKey) != 0;
boolean alt = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_altKey) != 0;
boolean meta = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_metaKey) != 0;
if (DOMEVENT_KEYDOWN.equals(typeString) || DOMEVENT_KEYUP.equals(typeString)) {
int keyCode = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_keyCode);
int charCode = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_charCode);
Event keyEvent = new Event();
keyEvent.widget = browser;
if (DOMEVENT_KEYDOWN.equals(typeString)) {
keyEvent.type = SWT.KeyDown;
} else {
keyEvent.type = SWT.KeyUp;
keyEvent.keyCode = translateKey(keyCode);
* WebKit maps the Delete key's character to 0xf728. Detect
* this key and set its character to SWT.DEL so that the
* Browser's key events are consistent with other controls.
if (keyEvent.keyCode == SWT.DEL) {
keyEvent.character = SWT.DEL;
} else {
keyEvent.character = (char)charCode;
keyEvent.stateMask = (alt ? SWT.ALT : 0) | (ctrl ? SWT.CTRL : 0) | (shift ? SWT.SHIFT : 0) | (meta ? SWT.COMMAND : 0);
boolean doit;
if (keyEvent.type == SWT.KeyDown) {
doit = sendKeyEvent(keyEvent);
} else { /* SWT.KeyUp */
browser.notifyListeners(keyEvent.type, keyEvent);
doit = keyEvent.doit;
if (browser.isDisposed()) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_preventDefault);
* Bug in WebKit. As a result of using HIWebViewCreate on OSX versions < 10.5 (Leopard), attempting
* to traverse out of WebKit backwards (Shift+Tab) leaves it in a strange state where WebKit no
* longer has focus but still receives keys. The Carbon-based WebKit examples have the same
* problem. The workaround is to only allow forward Tab traversals in the Browser on OSX < 10.5.
if (doit && OS.VERSION < 0x1050 && keyEvent.keyCode == SWT.TAB && (keyEvent.stateMask & SWT.SHIFT) != 0) {
doit = false;
if (!doit) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_preventDefault);
} else {
if (!hasNewFocusElement && keyEvent.keyCode == SWT.TAB && DOMEVENT_KEYUP.equals(typeString)) {
hasNewFocusElement = false;
/* mouse event */
* The position of mouse events is received in screen-relative coordinates
* in order to handle pages with frames, since frames express their event
* coordinates relative to themselves rather than relative to their top-
* level page. Convert screen-relative coordinates to be browser-relative.
int screenX = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_screenX);
int screenY = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_screenY);
Point position = new Point(screenX, screenY);
position = browser.getDisplay().map(null, browser, position);
int detail = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_detail);
Event mouseEvent = new Event();
mouseEvent.widget = browser;
mouseEvent.x = position.x; mouseEvent.y = position.y;
mouseEvent.stateMask = (alt ? SWT.ALT : 0) | (ctrl ? SWT.CTRL : 0) | (shift ? SWT.SHIFT : 0) | (meta ? SWT.COMMAND : 0);
if (DOMEVENT_MOUSEDOWN.equals (typeString)) {
mouseEvent.type = SWT.MouseDown;
int button = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_button);
mouseEvent.button = button + 1;
mouseEvent.count = detail;
} else if (DOMEVENT_MOUSEUP.equals (typeString)) {
mouseEvent.type = SWT.MouseUp;
int button = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_button);
mouseEvent.button = button + 1;
mouseEvent.count = detail;
switch (mouseEvent.button) {
case 1: mouseEvent.stateMask |= SWT.BUTTON1; break;
case 2: mouseEvent.stateMask |= SWT.BUTTON2; break;
case 3: mouseEvent.stateMask |= SWT.BUTTON3; break;
case 4: mouseEvent.stateMask |= SWT.BUTTON4; break;
case 5: mouseEvent.stateMask |= SWT.BUTTON5; break;
} else if (DOMEVENT_MOUSEMOVE.equals (typeString)) {
* Feature in WebKit. Spurious and redundant mousemove events are received in
* various contexts, including following every MouseUp. The workaround is to
* not fire MouseMove events whose x and y values match the last MouseMove.
if (mouseEvent.x == lastMouseMoveX && mouseEvent.y == lastMouseMoveY) return;
mouseEvent.type = SWT.MouseMove;
lastMouseMoveX = mouseEvent.x; lastMouseMoveY = mouseEvent.y;
} else if (DOMEVENT_MOUSEWHEEL.equals (typeString)) {
mouseEvent.type = SWT.MouseWheel;
int delta = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_wheelDelta);
mouseEvent.count = delta / 120;
browser.notifyListeners (mouseEvent.type, mouseEvent);
if (browser.isDisposed()) return;
if (detail == 2 && DOMEVENT_MOUSEDOWN.equals (typeString)) {
int button = Cocoa.objc_msgSend(evt, Cocoa.S_button);
mouseEvent = new Event ();
mouseEvent.widget = browser;
mouseEvent.x = position.x; mouseEvent.y = position.y;
mouseEvent.stateMask = (alt ? SWT.ALT : 0) | (ctrl ? SWT.CTRL : 0) | (shift ? SWT.SHIFT : 0) | (meta ? SWT.COMMAND : 0);
mouseEvent.type = SWT.MouseDoubleClick;
mouseEvent.button = button + 1;
mouseEvent.count = detail;
browser.notifyListeners (mouseEvent.type, mouseEvent);
/* external */
Object convertToJava (int value) {
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_isKindOfClass, Cocoa.C_NSString) != 0) {
int length = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_length);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_getCharacters_, buffer);
return new String (buffer);
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_isKindOfClass, Cocoa.C_NSNumber) != 0) {
int ptr = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_objCType);
byte[] type = new byte[1];
OS.memmove (type, ptr, 1);
if (type[0] == 'c' || type[0] == 'B') {
int result = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_boolValue);
return new Boolean (result != 0);
if ("islqISLQfd".indexOf (type[0]) != -1) { //$NON-NLS-1$
double result = Cocoa.objc_msgSend_fpret (value, Cocoa.S_doubleValue);
return new Double (result);
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_isKindOfClass, Cocoa.C_WebScriptObject) != 0) {
int str = createNSString ("length"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int numberValue = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_valueForKey, str);
OS.CFRelease (str);
int length = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (numberValue, Cocoa.S_intValue);
Object[] arguments = new Object[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int current = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_webScriptValueAtIndex, i);
if (current != 0) {
arguments[i] = convertToJava (current);
return arguments;
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (value, Cocoa.S_isKindOfClass, Cocoa.C_WebUndefined) != 0) {
return null;
return null;
int convertToJS (Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_WebUndefined, Cocoa.S_undefined);
if (value instanceof String) {
return createNSString((String)value);
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
int booleanValue = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue () ? 1 : 0;
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSNumber, Cocoa.S_numberWithBool, booleanValue);
if (value instanceof Number) {
double doubleValue = ((Number)value).doubleValue ();
return Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSNumber, Cocoa.S_numberWithDouble, doubleValue);
if (value instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] arrayValue = (Object[])value;
int length = arrayValue.length;
int array = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSMutableArray, Cocoa.S_arrayWithCapacity, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Object currentObject = arrayValue[i];
int jsObject = convertToJS (currentObject);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (array, Cocoa.S_addObject, jsObject);
return array;
return 0;
int /*long*/ callJava (int /*long*/ index, int /*long*/ token, int /*long*/ args, int /*long*/ arg1) {
Object returnValue = null;
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (index, Cocoa.S_isKindOfClass, Cocoa.C_NSNumber) != 0) {
int functionIndex = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (index, Cocoa.S_intValue);
if (Cocoa.objc_msgSend (token, Cocoa.S_isKindOfClass, Cocoa.C_NSString) != 0) {
int length = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (token, Cocoa.S_length);
char[] buffer = new char[length];
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (token, Cocoa.S_getCharacters_, buffer);
String tokenString = new String (buffer);
Object key = new Integer (functionIndex);
BrowserFunction function = (BrowserFunction)functions.get (key);
if (function != null && tokenString.equals (function.token)) {
try {
Object temp = convertToJava (args);
if (temp instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] arguments = (Object[])temp;
try {
returnValue = function.function (arguments);
} catch (Exception e) {
/* exception during function invocation */
returnValue = WebBrowser.CreateErrorString (e.getLocalizedMessage ());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
/* invalid argument value type */
if (function.isEvaluate) {
/* notify the evaluate function so that a java exception can be thrown */
function.function (new String[] {WebBrowser.CreateErrorString (new SWTException (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE).getLocalizedMessage ())});
returnValue = WebBrowser.CreateErrorString (e.getLocalizedMessage ());
try {
return convertToJS (returnValue);
} catch (SWTException e) {
return convertToJS (WebBrowser.CreateErrorString (e.getLocalizedMessage ()));