blob: 46eccec107c54595ad103d67792d601f05845b92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Eugene Kuleshov ( - Bug 138152 Improve sync job status reporting
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ErrorDialog;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory;
import org.eclipse.ui.progress.IProgressConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.progress.UIJob;
* Job to refresh a {@link Subscriber} in the background. The job can be configured
* to be re-scheduled and run at a specified interval.
* <p>
* The job supports a basic work flow for modal/non-modal usage. If the job is
* run in the foreground (e.g. in a modal progress dialog) the refresh listeners
* action is invoked immediately after the refresh is completed. Otherwise the refresh
* listeners action is associated to the job as a <i>goto</i> action. This will
* allow the user to select the action in the progress view and run it when they
* choose.
* </p>
* @since 3.0
public abstract class RefreshParticipantJob extends Job {
* Uniquely identifies this type of job. This is used for cancellation.
private final static Object FAMILY_ID = new Object();
* If true this job will be restarted when it completes
private boolean reschedule = false;
* If true a rescheduled refresh job should be restarted when canceled
private boolean restartOnCancel = true;
* The schedule delay used when rescheduling a completed job
private static long scheduleDelay;
* The participant that is being refreshed.
private ISynchronizeParticipant participant;
* The task name for this refresh. This is usually more descriptive than the
* job name.
private String taskName;
* Refresh started/completed listener for every refresh
private static List<IRefreshSubscriberListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(1);
private static final int STARTED = 1;
private static final int DONE = 2;
* Lock used to sequence refresh jobs
private static final ILock lock = Job.getJobManager().newLock();
* Constant used for postponement
private static final IStatus POSTPONED = new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, TeamUIPlugin.ID, 0, "Scheduled refresh postponed due to conflicting operation", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Action wrapper which allows the goto action
* to be set later. It also handles errors
* that have occurred during the refresh
private final class GotoActionWrapper extends WorkbenchAction {
private ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction gotoAction;
private IStatus status;
public void run() {
if (status != null && !status.isOK()) {
ErrorDialog.openError(Utils.getShell(null), null, TeamUIMessages.RefreshSubscriberJob_3, status);
} else if(gotoAction != null) {;
public boolean isEnabled() {
if(gotoAction != null) {
return gotoAction.isEnabled();
return true;
public String getText() {
if(gotoAction != null) {
return gotoAction.getText();
return null;
public String getToolTipText() {
if (status != null && !status.isOK()) {
return status.getMessage();
if(gotoAction != null) {
return gotoAction.getToolTipText();
return Utils.shortenText(SynchronizeView.MAX_NAME_LENGTH, RefreshParticipantJob.this.getName());
public void dispose() {
if(gotoAction != null) {
public void setGotoAction(ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction gotoAction) {
this.gotoAction = gotoAction;
gotoAction.addPropertyChangeListener(event -> {
if(event.getProperty().equals(IAction.ENABLED)) {
Boolean bool = (Boolean) event.getNewValue();
public void setStatus(IStatus status) {
this.status = status;
* Notification for safely notifying listeners of refresh lifecycle.
private abstract class Notification implements ISafeRunnable {
private IRefreshSubscriberListener listener;
public void handleException(Throwable exception) {
// don't log the is already being logged in Platform#run
public void run(IRefreshSubscriberListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;;
public void run() throws Exception {
* Subclasses override this method to send an event safely to a listener
* @param listener
protected abstract void notify(IRefreshSubscriberListener listener);
* Monitor wrapper that will indicate that the job is canceled
* if the job is blocking another.
private class NonblockingProgressMonitor extends ProgressMonitorWrapper {
private final RefreshParticipantJob job;
private long blockTime;
private static final int THRESHOLD = 250;
private boolean wasBlocking = false;
protected NonblockingProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor monitor, RefreshParticipantJob job) {
this.job = job;
public boolean isCanceled() {
if (super.isCanceled()) {
return true;
if (job.shouldReschedule() && job.isBlocking()) {
if (blockTime == 0) {
blockTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - blockTime > THRESHOLD) {
// We've been blocking for too long
wasBlocking = true;
return true;
} else {
blockTime = 0;
wasBlocking = false;
return false;
public boolean wasBlocking() {
return wasBlocking;
public static interface IChangeDescription {
int getChangeCount();
* Create a job to refresh the specified resources with the subscriber.
* @param participant the subscriber participant
* @param jobName
* @param taskName
* @param listener
public RefreshParticipantJob(ISynchronizeParticipant participant, String jobName, String taskName, IRefreshSubscriberListener listener) {
this.participant = participant;
this.taskName = taskName;
setRefreshInterval(3600 /* 1 hour */);
// Handle restarting of job if it is configured as a scheduled refresh job.
addJobChangeListener(new JobChangeAdapter() {
public void done(IJobChangeEvent event) {
if(shouldReschedule()) {
IStatus result = event.getResult();
if(result.getSeverity() == IStatus.CANCEL && ! restartOnCancel) {
long delay = scheduleDelay;
if (result == POSTPONED) {
// Restart in 5 seconds
delay = 5000;
restartOnCancel = true;
if(listener != null)
public boolean belongsTo(Object family) {
if (family instanceof SubscriberParticipant) {
return family == participant;
} else {
return (family == getFamily() || family == ISynchronizeManager.FAMILY_SYNCHRONIZE_OPERATION);
public static Object getFamily() {
return FAMILY_ID;
* This is run by the job scheduler. A list of subscribers will be refreshed, errors will not stop the job
* and it will continue to refresh the other subscribers.
public IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
// Perform a pre-check for auto-build or manual build jobs
// when auto-refreshing
if (shouldReschedule() &&
|| isJobInFamilyRunning(ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_MANUAL_BUILD))) {
// Only allow one refresh job at a time
// NOTE: It would be cleaner if this was done by a scheduling
// rule but at the time of writing, it is not possible due to
// the scheduling rule containment rules.
// Acquiring lock to ensure only one refresh job is running at a particular time
boolean acquired = false;
try {
while (!acquired) {
try {
acquired = lock.acquire(1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
acquired = false;
IChangeDescription changeDescription = createChangeDescription();
RefreshEvent event = new RefreshEvent(reschedule ? IRefreshEvent.SCHEDULED_REFRESH : IRefreshEvent.USER_REFRESH, participant, changeDescription);
IStatus status = null;
NonblockingProgressMonitor wrappedMonitor = null;
try {
if(monitor.isCanceled()) {
return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
// Pre-Notify
notifyListeners(STARTED, event);
// Perform the refresh
wrappedMonitor = new NonblockingProgressMonitor(monitor, this);
doRefresh(changeDescription, wrappedMonitor);
// Prepare the results
setProperty(IProgressConstants.KEEPONE_PROPERTY, Boolean.valueOf(! isJobModal()));
} catch(OperationCanceledException e2) {
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// The refresh was canceled by the user
status = Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
} else {
// The refresh was canceled due to a blockage or a canceled authentication
if (wrappedMonitor != null && wrappedMonitor.wasBlocking()) {
status = POSTPONED;
} else {
status = Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
} catch(CoreException e) {
// Determine the status to be returned and the GOTO action
status = e.getStatus();
if (!isUser()) {
// Use the GOTO action to show the error and return OK
Object prop = getProperty(IProgressConstants.ACTION_PROPERTY);
if (prop instanceof GotoActionWrapper) {
GotoActionWrapper wrapper = (GotoActionWrapper)prop;
status = new Status(IStatus.OK, TeamUIPlugin.ID, IStatus.OK, e.getStatus().getMessage(), e);
if (!isUser() && status.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) {
// Never prompt for errors on non-user jobs
setProperty(IProgressConstants.NO_IMMEDIATE_ERROR_PROMPT_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
} finally {
// Post-Notify
if (status == null) {
status = calculateStatus(event);
notifyListeners(DONE, event);
if (event.getChangeDescription().getChangeCount() > 0) {
if (participant instanceof AbstractSynchronizeParticipant) {
AbstractSynchronizeParticipant asp = (AbstractSynchronizeParticipant) participant;
asp.firePropertyChange(participant, ISynchronizeParticipant.P_CONTENT, null, event.getChangeDescription());
return event.getStatus();
} finally {
if (acquired) lock.release();
protected abstract void doRefresh(IChangeDescription changeListener, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException;
* Return the total number of changes covered by the resources
* of this job.
* @return the total number of changes covered by the resources
* of this job
protected abstract int getChangeCount();
protected abstract int getIncomingChangeCount();
protected abstract int getOutgoingChangeCount();
private boolean isJobInFamilyRunning(Object family) {
Job[] jobs = Job.getJobManager().find(family);
if (jobs != null && jobs.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
Job job = jobs[i];
if (job.getState() != Job.NONE) {
return true;
return false;
private IStatus calculateStatus(IRefreshEvent event) {
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
int code = IStatus.OK;
int changeCount = event.getChangeDescription().getChangeCount();
int numChanges = getChangeCount();
if (numChanges > 0) {
code = IRefreshEvent.STATUS_CHANGES;
int incomingChanges = getIncomingChangeCount();
String numIncomingChanges = incomingChanges==0 ? "" //$NON-NLS-1$
: NLS.bind(TeamUIMessages.RefreshCompleteDialog_incomingChanges, Integer.toString(incomingChanges));
int outgoingChanges = getOutgoingChangeCount();
String numOutgoingChanges = outgoingChanges==0 ? "" //$NON-NLS-1$
: NLS.bind(TeamUIMessages.RefreshCompleteDialog_outgoingChanges, Integer.toString(outgoingChanges));
String sep = incomingChanges>0 && outgoingChanges>0 ? "; " : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (changeCount > 0) {
// New changes found
code = IRefreshEvent.STATUS_NEW_CHANGES;
String numNewChanges = Integer.toString(changeCount);
if (changeCount == 1) {
text.append(NLS.bind(TeamUIMessages.RefreshCompleteDialog_newChangesSingular, (new Object[]{getName(), numNewChanges, numIncomingChanges, sep, numOutgoingChanges})));
} else {
text.append(NLS.bind(TeamUIMessages.RefreshCompleteDialog_newChangesPlural, (new Object[]{getName(), numNewChanges, numIncomingChanges, sep, numOutgoingChanges})));
} else {
// Refreshed resources contain changes
if (numChanges == 1) {
text.append(NLS.bind(TeamUIMessages.RefreshCompleteDialog_changesSingular, (new Object[]{getName(), new Integer(numChanges), numIncomingChanges, sep, numOutgoingChanges})));
} else {
text.append(NLS.bind(TeamUIMessages.RefreshCompleteDialog_changesPlural, (new Object[]{getName(), new Integer(numChanges), numIncomingChanges, sep, numOutgoingChanges})));
} else {
// No changes found
code = IRefreshEvent.STATUS_NO_CHANGES;
text.append(NLS.bind(TeamUIMessages.RefreshCompleteDialog_6, new String[] { getName() }));
return new Status(IStatus.OK, TeamUIPlugin.ID, code, text.toString(), null);
private void initialize(final IRefreshSubscriberListener listener) {
final GotoActionWrapper actionWrapper = new GotoActionWrapper();
IProgressMonitor group = Job.getJobManager().createProgressGroup();
group.beginTask(taskName, 100);
setProgressGroup(group, 80);
handleProgressGroupSet(group, 20);
setProperty(IProgressConstants.ICON_PROPERTY, participant.getImageDescriptor());
setProperty(IProgressConstants.ACTION_PROPERTY, actionWrapper);
setProperty(IProgressConstants.KEEPONE_PROPERTY, Boolean.valueOf(! isJobModal()));
// Listener delegate
IRefreshSubscriberListener autoListener = new IRefreshSubscriberListener() {
public void refreshStarted(IRefreshEvent event) {
if(listener != null) {
public ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction refreshDone(IRefreshEvent event) {
if(listener != null) {
boolean isModal = isJobModal();
final ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction runnable = listener.refreshDone(event);
if(runnable != null) {
// If the job is being run modally then simply prompt the user immediately
if(isModal) {
if(runnable != null) {
Job update = new UIJob("") { //$NON-NLS-1$
public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) {;
return Status.OK_STATUS;
} else {
// If the job is being run in the background, don't interrupt the user and simply update the goto action
// to perform the results.
return null;
if (listener != null) {
* The progress group of this job has been set. Any subclasses should
* assign this group to any additional jobs they use to collect
* changes from the refresh.
* @param group a progress group
* @param ticks the ticks for the change collection job
protected abstract void handleProgressGroupSet(IProgressMonitor group, int ticks);
protected abstract IChangeDescription createChangeDescription();
public long getScheduleDelay() {
return scheduleDelay;
protected void start() {
if(getState() == Job.NONE) {
if(shouldReschedule()) {
* Specify the interval in seconds at which this job is scheduled.
* @param seconds delay specified in seconds
public void setRefreshInterval(long seconds) {
boolean restart = false;
if(getState() == Job.SLEEPING) {
restart = true;
scheduleDelay = seconds * 1000;
if(restart) {
public void setRestartOnCancel(boolean restartOnCancel) {
this.restartOnCancel = restartOnCancel;
public void setReschedule(boolean reschedule) {
this.reschedule = reschedule;
public boolean shouldReschedule() {
return reschedule;
public static void addRefreshListener(IRefreshSubscriberListener listener) {
synchronized(listeners) {
if(! listeners.contains(listener)) {
public static void removeRefreshListener(IRefreshSubscriberListener listener) {
synchronized(listeners) {
protected void notifyListeners(final int state, final IRefreshEvent event) {
// Get a snapshot of the listeners so the list doesn't change while we're firing
IRefreshSubscriberListener[] listenerArray;
synchronized (listeners) {
listenerArray = listeners.toArray(new IRefreshSubscriberListener[listeners.size()]);
// Notify each listener in a safe manner (i.e. so their exceptions don't kill us)
for (int i = 0; i < listenerArray.length; i++) {
IRefreshSubscriberListener listener = listenerArray[i];
Notification notification = new Notification() {
protected void notify(IRefreshSubscriberListener listener) {
switch (state) {
case DONE:
private boolean isJobModal() {
Boolean isModal = (Boolean)getProperty(IProgressConstants.PROPERTY_IN_DIALOG);
if(isModal == null) return false;
return isModal.booleanValue();
public ISynchronizeParticipant getParticipant() {
return participant;