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<title>Eclipse Platform Release Notes (3.3) - Team, Compare and CVS</title>
<h1>Eclipse Platform Build Notes (3.3)<br>
Team, Compare and CVS</h1>
<p>Integration Build (May 07, 2007, 4:31 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 128429</a>. [Change Sets] Change Sets with / in name do not get persited (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178874</a>. Test failure against CVS 1.11.22 (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179049</a>. [Edit] Comparing .txt files and then .java files from archives logs HandlerActivation conflicts (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181546</a>. [Sync Info] Eclipse writes Entries-less metadata in recreated pruned dir (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182792</a>. [Annotate] Why does History view get focus after running Show Annotation (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182819</a>. [Edit] Undo not enabled on the first Paste (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183951</a>. Team > CVS preference page should include keywords 'timeout' and 'connection' (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183961</a>. [Sync View] async compare editors should show file name in editor tab (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 184660</a>. [Operations] Compare With Branch Or Version Dialog Truncates Long Version Tags (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 185087</a>. [Sync Info] Problems reported while synchronizing CVS Workspace. (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 185708</a>. [Wizards] Provide link to open SSH/SSH2/proxy preferences from Connection wizard (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (May 02, 2007, 1:33 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 184971</a>. Four leaked images switching models in sync view (NEW)<br>
<p>Integration Build (May 01, 2007, 4:05 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 184792</a>. Cntrl-3 / New CVS Repo fails (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 184861</a>. [Annotate] NPE closing annotated editor (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 30, 2007, 3:32 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 177651</a>. [Preferences] Add hyperlink from CVS to proxy and SSH2 settings (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177831</a>. NullPointerException while viewing changes (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177897</a>. [Proxy] Improve UI of Proxy Preferences Page (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178204</a>. [Edit] Compare editors should have 'Show In' in context menu (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 184489</a>. NPE when I open the compare editor (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 26, 2007, 4:01 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 64664</a>. [Project Sets] project set import should happen in the background (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 90582</a>. [EditorMgmt] (regression) Error when opening .html file from CVS repository explorer (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 91236</a>. [Viewers] The ">" center button in TextMergeViewer alway copy diff to left (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 97661</a>. [Preferences] Pref Page General/Compare/Patch/Text Compare - missing mnemonic (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 149444</a>. [Patch] Apply Patch wizard should select 'Clipboard' if it contains a valid patch (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175811</a>. [Apply Patch] 'Ignore WhiteSpace' in Apply Patch wizard does not work (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182298</a>. Compare editor only notices the first SAVE action for text files (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182868</a>. DBCS3.3: compare displays bogus if invoked at History view (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183763</a>. ValidateEdit does not work with Pessimistic Simple Provider in Example Plug-ins (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183956</a>. History view wrongly ordered on startup, sort indicator missing (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 184098</a>. exports packages (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 23, 2007, 4:18 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 72424</a>. [Sync View] Add "Restore Removed Items" to Synchronize view (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 125503</a>. [Sync View] Add pin/unpin to menu for accessibility (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 129011</a>. [Tests] Add regression test for loading a project set with multiple projects (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 149634</a>. [History View] 'Previous' useless in History view (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 150158</a>. [Operations] Revert to Base does not recreated deleted files (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 150875</a>. IFileRevision adapter factory request (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 163078</a>. [Sync View] Synchronize view commits/updates wrong resource (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 171983</a>. [Preferences] Wrong ref to preference page on 'Server Encoding' property page (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172325</a>. Bind commands (and keybindings) in compare editor (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173959</a>. add mechanism for navigating from team annotation to corresponding task (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175254</a>. Move "Ignore White Space Where Applicable" toolbar button to merge viewer toolbar (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177813</a>. Export Team Project Set does not updateEnablement() when switching bewteen Project and Working sets (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178224</a>. [Project Sets] DBCS 3.3 - Working Set doesn't work when exporting Team project set (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179500</a>. Compare With > Local History... sets wrong open mode in History view (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181260</a>. [Viewers] Compare viewers should bind command for Show Line Numbers (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182287</a>. compare editors open separate Find/Replace dialogs and don't follow focus (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182313</a>. Compare viewer context menu actions are missing mnemonics (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183011</a>. NPE when trying to open a compare editor (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183014</a>. Failure in Nightly build (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183222</a>. [Aply Patch] IFilePatch.apply creates *.rej files (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183372</a>. The Proxy Host Address field should not allow invalid characters (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 183629</a>. EditionHistoryPage uses 136 MB (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 16, 2007, 4:27 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 127162</a>. [History View] Comments from Nick (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173456</a>. Convert the CVS action sets actions to the new menu support (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176397</a>. [Proxy] Document migration of proxy settings (ASSIGNED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177288</a>. Empty values on new SSH2 Preference Page when migrating existing workspace (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178224</a>. [Project Sets] DBCS 3.3 - Working Set doesn't work when exporting Team project set (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178233</a>. Unnecessary checkbox for Commit Wizard (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178236</a>. [Repo View] Discarding repository location should be confirmed (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179174</a>. CVS client sets timestamps back when replacing (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179175</a>. Commit wizard pauses for up to 1 second after collecting outgoing changes (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181194</a>. History view should be post selection listener (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181260</a>. [Viewers] Compare viewers should bind command for Show Line Numbers (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181603</a>. [Project Sets] Canceling during overwrite of project prompt doesn't cancel (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181655</a>. [Proxy] CVS fails when a proxy is configured (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181800</a>. [Project Sets] Working set export should consider Resource Mappings (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181899</a>. CVS History wrongly ordered (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181919</a>. LineReader creating unneeded garbage (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182225</a>. LocalHistoryPageSource can't show history for IAdaptables (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182267</a>. "Add Date..." button shouldn't be visible in merge wizard (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 182442</a>. Display full comment in tooltip (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 09, 2007, 3:47 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 72424</a>. [Sync View] Add "Restore Removed Items" to Synchronize view (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 72936</a>. [Viewers] Show line numbers in comparision (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 106876</a>. [Actions] Add "Revert to Base" to CVS Team menu (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 126442</a>. [Viewers] each compare editor is leaked (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177550</a>. [Proxy] Socks proxy system properties are problematic (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177825</a>. ImportProjectSet importing WorkingSet fails if WorkingSet exists in workspace (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179174</a>. CVS client sets timestamps back when replacing (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179183</a>. Use spelling support from JFace in CVS commit dialog (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179977</a>. CVS log command doesn't scale well with lots of tags and versions (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 180329</a>. Add icon to "Tag as Version" repository action (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 180358</a>. [Apply Patch] Cursor jumps to beginning of filename field on keystroke (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 180436</a>. Use table sort indicators on CVS (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 180586</a>. javadoc warnings in N20070401-0010 (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 180622</a>. [Proxy] Inconsistent enablement states in network preference page (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 180984</a>. Do not hide support for "Highlighting Individual Changes" (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 181320</a>. regression in cvs access over socks proxy in 3.3 M6 (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (April 02, 2007, 7:28 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 89648</a>. [Edit] Provide option to revert to Text compare (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 109482</a>. [Viewers] Find (Ctrl+F) should work in compare editor (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 153932</a>. [History] Custom hyperlink detectors for comments in History view (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173456</a>. Convert the CVS action sets actions to the new menu support (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176085</a>. Utils.shortenText could be optimized (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178293</a>. [Change Sets] Duplicate change sets should not be permitted (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179110</a>. [Perspectives] Log entry switching perspectives (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 179826</a>. Editor areas should support select All (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 26, 2007, 3:34 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 39392</a>. Replace AvoidableMessageDialog with MessageDialogWithToggle (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 45247</a>. [Structure Compare] Show compare editor structure in Outline view (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 116427</a>. [Patch] No check for patch existence when creating patch while another one is in progress (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 144393</a>. [Annotate] Cannot show CVS annotations for binary file in text editor (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 169437</a>. [Apply Patch] Patch wizard Include/Exclude of container disallows subsequently altering child I/E status (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 171683</a>. [Sync View] Cannot open two compare editors from Synchronize view at once (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172753</a>. [CVS UI][SSH2] KeyboardInteractiveDialog can not save a password. (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175682</a>. Null label in synchronize view (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176232</a>. Export team project set should pre-select projects based on selection (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176809</a>. Editor tooltip for 'Show Annotations' on old revision misses revison (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177045</a>. Platform should consume Orbit (ASSIGNED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 178685</a>. FileModificationValidator can be called from any thread (ASSIGNED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 21, 2007, 9:42 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 123430</a>. Patch file misses changes without network connection during patch creation without indication (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177947</a>. Text Compare gives wrong results (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 19, 2007, 2:59 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 178107</a>. [Preferences] NLS33:Unexternalized string in Team Preferences (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 16, 2007, 5:35 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 78064</a>. [SSH2] Scary & strange looking dialog (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 135635</a>. [Sync Info] Package explorer incorrectly shows cvs files on linux FAT32 partition (ASSIGNED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 155781</a>. [Project Sets] Exported Team Project Sets (.psf) should be sorted (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 158380</a>. [Wizards] Check out as wizard page is really tall (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173519</a>. [Apply Patch] Copy right to left should be disabled for Hunks (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176992</a>. RepositoryProvider#getFileModificationValidator returns deprecated interface (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177031</a>. [Change Sets] Commit on unassigned project includes resources in change sets (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177288</a>. Empty values on new SSH2 Preference Page when migrating existing workspace (REOPENED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177320</a>. Pending changes to internal class UpdateCore will break Tasks/Core (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177321</a>. patch for test failures in team.cvs and (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177519</a>. [Wizards] Adopt new IResource.findMaxProblemSeverity API (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 177550</a>. [Proxy] Socks proxy system properties are problematic (ASSIGNED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 12, 2007, 1:58 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 95889</a>. Ignored Resources not persistent (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 133011</a>. Restore from Repository dialog unusable with keyboard due to eager loading (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176447</a>. Widget is disposed error replacing some resources with HEAD contents (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176907</a>. Inconsistent borders in Compare/Patch preference page (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (March 05, 2007, 1:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<p>Integration Build (March 03, 2007, 5:13 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 66022</a>. [compare] java structure compare fails to show change in member (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 106318</a>. [Repo View] Refreshing tags automatically for all projects gives error dialog (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 123430</a>. Patch file misses changes without network connection during patch creation without indication (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 160905</a>. Need better validateEdit api (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170883</a>. [SSH2] jsch connection preferences should be made public below "Internet" category (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173071</a>. [Viewers] Show invisible whitespace characters in compare editors (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173274</a>. [History View] Cannot select two items in History view after Show Annotation (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173609</a>. Error when copying project: Project * does not contain CVS folder meta-information (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175001</a>. TeamAction uses workbench internals (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175002</a>. Team RegistryReader uses workbench internals (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175040</a>. CVS file history isn't refreshed when using standard API (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175860</a>. Team showInPart should refer to ProjectExplorer (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175902</a>. Error in .log file when opening a compare wizard on a dirty compilation unit (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176024</a>. Remove objectContribution action ids from API (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 176102</a>. Tooltip for the history view's back button (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 26, 2007, 2:10 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 118166</a>. [Edit] New Editor from "file compare view" should provide a normal editor on the file (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 159894</a>. Team - Create Patch does not respect file line endings (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 165397</a>. [Operations] Update disrupted when folder with improper name encountered (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 171678</a>. [Viewers] Token diff treats space as significant (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172197</a>. [History View] History view shows wrong input if Java member selected (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172710</a>. [History View] Issues with Replace with History dialog (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173448</a>. Convert search fields to use SWT.SEARCH style (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 174846</a>. [Menus] Strange entry in log opening Commit Wizard (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175199</a>. Failure in test case (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 175438</a>. Deprecation warnings in Team core plugin (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 20, 2007, 11:19 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 174783</a>. Exception in latest build (NEW)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 19, 2007, 4:13 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 114678</a>. [Wizards] Commit files dialog - finish (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 145752</a>. [Tests] Intermittant test failure in testDeletionConflicts (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 160851</a>. [Wizards] Inconsistent "Check out as .." behavior for versions (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 169978</a>. [Project Sets] Clicking cancel doesn't cancel when overwriting project in team project set import (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 171666</a>. [Commands] Could we have CVSStatus as an API ? (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172753</a>. [CVS UI][SSH2] KeyboardInteractiveDialog can not save a password. (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173996</a>. Compare With Latest From Head should not open Synchronize View (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 12, 2007, 3:51 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 172887</a>. Need to change RelEng tool to handle map file changes (NEW)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 12, 2007, 3:49 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 173652</a>. RepositoryProviderManager.removeListener adds the listener instead of removing it (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 08, 2007, 4:51 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 173466</a>. [Apply Patch] Exceptions in new apply patch support (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 08, 2007, 10:57 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 173466</a>. Exceptions in new apply patch support (NEW)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 07, 2007, 11:56 a.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 167722</a>. Switch to using OverlayIcon from JFace (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172199</a>. [Edit] AssertionFailedException: unknown saveable: (ASSIGNED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 173007</a>. Errors in plugin.xml of (NEW)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 05, 2007, 12:38 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 172336</a>. [Apply Patch] Provide core level API (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172752</a>. Possible deadlock in the change set manager (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172846</a>. NPE in CVSFileHistory.refresh (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172863</a>. CVSHistoryPage holds on to closed editor (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (February 02, 2007, 4:38 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 138414</a>. [Sync View] Flat presentation in Synchronize view is not available any more (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 156503</a>. [Sync View] Prompted twice to switch perspectives (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 162750</a>. [Tests] Compare tests have failures when built on Windows (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 164362</a>. [misc] NPE in RevisionPainter (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172199</a>. AssertionFailedException: unknown saveable: (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172336</a>. [Apply Patch] Provide core level API (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172579</a>. Double-click file in Synchronize view caused tree to expand (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172647</a>. [Apply Patch] Apply patch does no longer if you click on Finish on first wizard page (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 172678</a>. Apply patch wizard forces user to go on next page to Finish although it did not in 3.2 (DUPLICATE)<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 29, 2007, 3:04 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 165212</a>. Update graphics for Compare/History View (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 29, 2007, 1:13 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 102826</a>. [Viewers] At a glance diffs - highlight individual diffs. (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 112169</a>. [Apply Patch] Exception applying a patch (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 132377</a>. [Model Sync] Double-click expand to next diff (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 132881</a>. [Model Sync] Removal of element from working set doesn't update sync view (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 149672</a>. [Patch] Create Patch wizard should remember previous settings (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 166998</a>. [History View] Team History view should use single button drop down to navigate to previous histories (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 169953</a>. [Edit] Compare editor does not take focus (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 171707</a>. Preview for highlighting individual changes on preference page is odd (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 171714</a>. [Dialogs] Provide common UI for managing identity info stored in the platform keyring (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 171986</a>. AFE when comparing two org.eclipse.pde.prefs files (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 22, 2007, 2:34 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 49892</a>. [History View] Can't select words by doubleclick in CVS Resource History Comment Viewer (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 102826</a>. [Viewers] At a glance diffs - highlight individual diffs. (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 165796</a>. [Sync View] Allow to open several compares in parallel (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 169387</a>. [Viewers] Automatic split bar movement when one side is empty (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170337</a>. NPE during: "Fetching local history revisions" (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170879</a>. [paste] paste patch from clipboard into package explorer (ASSIGNED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (January 15, 2007, 12:33 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 2802</a>. [Navigation] java compare: up and down not symetrical (1GJW2SQ) (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 60586</a>. [Sync View] SaveablePartDialog uses internal compare class (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 67306</a>. [Patching] Errors creating patches with icons (binary file) (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 67800</a>. [Algorithms] RangeDifferencer progress reporting stops at 50% (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 71285</a>. [Viewers] Option to open structure compare is ignored (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 156002</a>. Unwanted "Team > Share Project..." menu item (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 161121</a>. [History View] recursive attempt to activate part (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 163203</a>. [Sync View] synchronize view: When selected multiply projects the label now says: "CVS X items" (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 165663</a>. patch root incorrect for new files (as opposed to changed files) (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 167711</a>. [Viewers] Check that progress in viewers/dialogs is recognizable (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 168983</a>. [History View] Illegal Character in CVS port number opening history View (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 169858</a>. NPE after Override and Update (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 169953</a>. [Edit] Compare editor does not take focus (ASSIGNED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 169955</a>. [WorkbenchParts] Widget disposed exception when activating compare editor (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170012</a>. [Edit] Asynchronous initialization may cause double creation (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170107</a>. Can't undo my decision to go to the beginning when end is reached (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170219</a>. typo in plugin.xml makes CVS commands unavailable (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170227</a>. constructor of StructureRootNode is missing Javadoc (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 170236</a>. NPE while creating comparison structure for addition of *.properties file (FIXED)<br>