Release for first 3.4 build
diff --git a/bundles/ b/bundles/
index 6329ddb..e62d751 100644
--- a/bundles/
+++ b/bundles/
@@ -12,6 +12,45 @@
 <h1>Eclipse Platform Build Notes (3.3)<br>
 Team, Compare and CVS</h1>
+<p>Integration Build (July 09, 2007, 2:57 p.m.)</p>
+  <p>Problem reports updated</p>
+  <p>
+<a href="">Bug 19105</a>. [CVS Repo View] NPE in Repositories View (INVALID)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 39239</a>. [Preferences] Ignored Resources should accept multi directory pattern (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 70893</a>. [Decorators] Don't show repository if same as project name (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 76037</a>. [CVS Add] Add to Source Control should prompt (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 106460</a>. [RelEng] Better support to replace existing projects with a given branch (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 107025</a>. [Wizards] expose the 'paste cvs connection' easter egg (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 110378</a>. [Misc] Project > Share Project... with non-project resource selected causes NPE (ASSIGNED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 124482</a>. [SSH2] Dialogs that warn of creation of .ssh files are excessive and confusing (ASSIGNED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 149683</a>. [Operations] CVS cannot delete files beginning with - (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 156852</a>. [Wizards] New spelling error marking: add to dictionary and fix with dictionary (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 172455</a>. [Actions] Tag as Version... on file with uncommitted changes give inaccurate warning (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 189304</a>. [Sync Info] cvsignore lines should be split on whitespace (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 189577</a>. [Sync View] NPE exception when creating CVS synchronization for Window working set (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 189956</a>. [History View] NPE Show In->History View on class file (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 190023</a>. TVT33:TCT318: Apostrophe missing in Compare with Local history (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 190190</a>. [Operations] No error dialog when branching with an existing branch name (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 190199</a>. Deprecate EditionSelectionDialog (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 190434</a>. [History View] NPE when closign a project while CVS History is open for a file in it (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 190626</a>. [SSH2] TVT33:TCT436: IW: Fingerprint filed is RTL and garbled (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 190674</a>. Conflicting resources message lost when typing in commit wizard (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 190822</a>. [Edit] SaveableCompareEditorInput.prepareInput throws NPE when prepareCompareInput returns null (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 192735</a>. [Sync View] Could not acquire children from extension: (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 193114</a>. [Repo View] "Unable to Discard Location" dialog has bad resizing behavior (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 193293</a>. [Sync View] Synchronize view should set actionDefinitionID for Next/Previous Difference (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 193524</a>. [Wizards] Synchronize CVS dialog and Working Sets polishing (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 194232</a>. [Preferences] Team: Option for exporting/importing ignoredr resources is needed (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 194396</a>. Reduce retained memory usage of LogEntry objects (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 194427</a>. Project set import in the background (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 194596</a>. Use text editor font in commit comment editor (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 194782</a>. NumberFormatException when checking out project from specific date & time (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 194942</a>. pollutes project-specific preferences (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 194992</a>. [Wizards] Display quick assists on context menu of commit dialog (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 195412</a>. NPE when opening History for remote file (FIXED)<br>
+<a href="">Bug 195521</a>. [Actions] TeamAction leaks editors via targetPart (FIXED)<br>
+  </p>
 <p>Integration Build (June 07, 2007, 9:55 a.m.)</p>
   <p>Problem reports updated</p>