blob: 34a04bf156f477d2a92c6dca2452081726b953fe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.ui.*;
import org.eclipse.ui.model.IWorkbenchAdapter;
import org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeManager;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
* The Compare UI plug-in defines the entry point to initiate a configurable
* compare operation on arbitrary resources. The result of the compare
* is opened into a compare editor where the details can be browsed and
* edited in dynamically selected structure and content viewers.
* <p>
* The Compare UI provides a registry for content and structure compare viewers,
* which is initialized from extensions contributed to extension points
* declared by this plug-in.
* <p>
* This class is the plug-in runtime class for the
* <code>""</code> plug-in.
* </p>
public final class CompareUIPlugin extends AbstractUIPlugin {
static class CompareRegistry {
private final static String ID_ATTRIBUTE= "id"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final static String EXTENSIONS_ATTRIBUTE= "extensions"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final static String CONTENT_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE= "contentTypeId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private HashMap fIdMap; // maps ids to datas
private HashMap fExtensionMap; // maps extensions to datas
private HashMap fContentTypeBindings; // maps content type bindings to datas
void register(IConfigurationElement element, Object data) {
String id= element.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
if (id != null) {
if (fIdMap == null)
fIdMap= new HashMap();
fIdMap.put(id, data);
String types= element.getAttribute(EXTENSIONS_ATTRIBUTE);
if (types != null) {
if (fExtensionMap == null)
fExtensionMap= new HashMap();
StringTokenizer tokenizer= new StringTokenizer(types, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$
while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
String extension= tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
fExtensionMap.put(normalizeCase(extension), data);
void createBinding(IConfigurationElement element, String idAttributeName) {
String type= element.getAttribute(CONTENT_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
String id= element.getAttribute(idAttributeName);
if (id == null)
logErrorMessage(Utilities.getFormattedString("CompareUIPlugin.targetIdAttributeMissing", idAttributeName)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (type != null && id != null && fIdMap != null) {
Object o= fIdMap.get(id);
if (o != null) {
IContentType ct= fgContentTypeManager.getContentType(type);
if (ct != null) {
if (fContentTypeBindings == null)
fContentTypeBindings= new HashMap();
fContentTypeBindings.put(ct, o);
} else {
logErrorMessage(Utilities.getFormattedString("CompareUIPlugin.contentTypeNotFound", type)); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
logErrorMessage(Utilities.getFormattedString("CompareUIPlugin.targetNotFound", id)); //$NON-NLS-1$
Object search(IContentType type) {
if (fContentTypeBindings != null) {
for (; type != null; type= type.getBaseType()) {
Object data= fContentTypeBindings.get(type);
if (data != null)
return data;
return null;
Object search(String extension) {
if (fExtensionMap != null)
return fExtensionMap.get(normalizeCase(extension));
return null;
/** Status code describing an internal error */
public static final int INTERNAL_ERROR= 1;
private static boolean NORMALIZE_CASE= true;
public static final String PLUGIN_ID= ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String BINARY_TYPE= "binary"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STREAM_MERGER_EXTENSION_POINT= "streamMergers"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STREAM_MERGER= "streamMerger"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STREAM_MERGER_ID_ATTRIBUTE= "streamMergerId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STRUCTURE_CREATOR_EXTENSION_POINT= "structureCreators"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STRUCTURE_CREATOR= "structureCreator"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STRUCTURE_CREATOR_ID_ATTRIBUTE= "structureCreatorId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String VIEWER_TAG= "viewer"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STRUCTURE_MERGE_VIEWER_EXTENSION_POINT= "structureMergeViewers"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STRUCTURE_MERGE_VIEWER_ID_ATTRIBUTE= "structureMergeViewerId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CONTENT_MERGE_VIEWER_EXTENSION_POINT= "contentMergeViewers"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CONTENT_MERGE_VIEWER_ID_ATTRIBUTE= "contentMergeViewerId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CONTENT_VIEWER_EXTENSION_POINT= "contentViewers"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CONTENT_VIEWER_ID_ATTRIBUTE= "contentViewerId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING= "contentTypeBinding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String COMPARE_EDITOR= PLUGIN_ID + ".CompareEditor"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String STRUCTUREVIEWER_ALIASES_PREFERENCE_NAME= "StructureViewerAliases"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// content type
private static final IContentTypeManager fgContentTypeManager= Platform.getContentTypeManager();
* The plugin singleton.
private static CompareUIPlugin fgComparePlugin;
/** Maps type to icons */
private static Map fgImages= new Hashtable(10);
/** Maps type to ImageDescriptors */
private static Map fgImageDescriptors= new Hashtable(10);
/** Maps ImageDescriptors to Images */
private static Map fgImages2= new Hashtable(10);
private static List fgDisposeOnShutdownImages= new ArrayList();
private ResourceBundle fResourceBundle;
private boolean fRegistriesInitialized;
private CompareRegistry fStreamMergers= new CompareRegistry();
private CompareRegistry fStructureCreators= new CompareRegistry();
private CompareRegistry fStructureMergeViewers= new CompareRegistry();
private CompareRegistry fContentViewers= new CompareRegistry();
private CompareRegistry fContentMergeViewers= new CompareRegistry();
private Map fStructureViewerAliases;
private CompareFilter fFilter;
private IPropertyChangeListener fPropertyChangeListener;
* Creates the <code>CompareUIPlugin</code> object and registers all
* structure creators, content merge viewers, and structure merge viewers
* contributed to this plug-in's extension points.
* <p>
* Note that instances of plug-in runtime classes are automatically created
* by the platform in the course of plug-in activation.
public CompareUIPlugin() {
Assert.isTrue(fgComparePlugin == null);
fgComparePlugin= this;
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
IPreferenceStore ps= getPreferenceStore();
if (fPropertyChangeListener != null) {
fPropertyChangeListener= null;
if (fgDisposeOnShutdownImages != null) {
Iterator i= fgDisposeOnShutdownImages.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Image img= (Image);
if (!img.isDisposed())
fgImages= null;
* Returns the singleton instance of this plug-in runtime class.
* @return the compare plug-in instance
public static CompareUIPlugin getDefault() {
return fgComparePlugin;
* Returns this plug-in's resource bundle.
* @return the plugin's resource bundle
public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() {
if (fResourceBundle == null)
fResourceBundle= Platform.getResourceBundle(getBundle());
return fResourceBundle;
* Returns this plug-in's unique identifier.
* @return the plugin's unique identifier
public static String getPluginId() {
return getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName();
private void initializeRegistries() {
if (!fRegistriesInitialized) {
fRegistriesInitialized= true;
* Registers all stream mergers, structure creators, content merge viewers, and structure merge viewers
* that are found in the XML plugin files.
private void registerExtensions() {
IExtensionRegistry registry= Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
// collect all IStreamMergers
IConfigurationElement[] elements= registry.getConfigurationElementsFor(PLUGIN_ID, STREAM_MERGER_EXTENSION_POINT);
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
if (STREAM_MERGER.equals(element.getName()))
fStreamMergers.register(element, new StreamMergerDescriptor(element));
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
if (CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(element.getName()))
fStreamMergers.createBinding(element, STREAM_MERGER_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
// collect all IStructureCreators
elements= registry.getConfigurationElementsFor(PLUGIN_ID, STRUCTURE_CREATOR_EXTENSION_POINT);
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
String name= element.getName();
if (!CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(name)) {
if (!STRUCTURE_CREATOR.equals(name))
logErrorMessage(Utilities.getFormattedString("CompareUIPlugin.unexpectedTag", name, STRUCTURE_CREATOR)); //$NON-NLS-1$
fStructureCreators.register(element, new StructureCreatorDescriptor(element));
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
if (CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(element.getName()))
fStructureCreators.createBinding(element, STRUCTURE_CREATOR_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
// collect all viewers which define the structure mergeviewer extension point
elements= registry.getConfigurationElementsFor(PLUGIN_ID, STRUCTURE_MERGE_VIEWER_EXTENSION_POINT);
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
String name= element.getName();
if (!CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(name)) {
if (!VIEWER_TAG.equals(name))
logErrorMessage(Utilities.getFormattedString("CompareUIPlugin.unexpectedTag", name, VIEWER_TAG)); //$NON-NLS-1$
fStructureMergeViewers.register(element, new ViewerDescriptor(element));
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
if (CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(element.getName()))
fStructureMergeViewers.createBinding(element, STRUCTURE_MERGE_VIEWER_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
// collect all viewers which define the content mergeviewer extension point
elements= registry.getConfigurationElementsFor(PLUGIN_ID, CONTENT_MERGE_VIEWER_EXTENSION_POINT);
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
String name= element.getName();
if (!CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(name)) {
if (!VIEWER_TAG.equals(name))
logErrorMessage(Utilities.getFormattedString("CompareUIPlugin.unexpectedTag", name, VIEWER_TAG)); //$NON-NLS-1$
fContentMergeViewers.register(element, new ViewerDescriptor(element));
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
if (CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(element.getName()))
fContentMergeViewers.createBinding(element, CONTENT_MERGE_VIEWER_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
// collect all viewers which define the content viewer extension point
elements= registry.getConfigurationElementsFor(PLUGIN_ID, CONTENT_VIEWER_EXTENSION_POINT);
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
String name= element.getName();
if (!CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(name)) {
if (!VIEWER_TAG.equals(name))
logErrorMessage(Utilities.getFormattedString("CompareUIPlugin.unexpectedTag", name, VIEWER_TAG)); //$NON-NLS-1$
fContentViewers.register(element, new ViewerDescriptor(element));
for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
IConfigurationElement element= elements[i];
if (CONTENT_TYPE_BINDING.equals(element.getName()))
fContentViewers.createBinding(element, CONTENT_VIEWER_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
public static IWorkbench getActiveWorkbench() {
CompareUIPlugin plugin= getDefault();
if (plugin == null)
return null;
return plugin.getWorkbench();
public static IWorkbenchWindow getActiveWorkbenchWindow() {
IWorkbench workbench= getActiveWorkbench();
if (workbench == null)
return null;
return workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
* Returns the active workkbench page or <code>null</code> if
* no active workkbench page can be determined.
* @return the active workkbench page or <code>null</code> if
* no active workkbench page can be determined
private static IWorkbenchPage getActivePage() {
IWorkbenchWindow window= getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
if (window == null)
return null;
return window.getActivePage();
* Returns the SWT Shell of the active workbench window or <code>null</code> if
* no workbench window is active.
* @return the SWT Shell of the active workbench window, or <code>null</code> if
* no workbench window is active
public static Shell getShell() {
IWorkbenchWindow window= getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
if (window == null)
return null;
return window.getShell();
* Registers the given image for being disposed when this plug-in is shutdown.
* @param image the image to register for disposal
public static void disposeOnShutdown(Image image) {
if (image != null)
* Performs the comparison described by the given input and opens a
* compare editor on the result.
* @param input the input on which to open the compare editor
* @param page the workbench page on which to create a new compare editor
* @param editor if not null the input is opened in this editor
* @see CompareEditorInput
public void openCompareEditor(CompareEditorInput input, IWorkbenchPage page, IReusableEditor editor) {
if (compareResultOK(input)) {
if (editor != null) { // reuse the given editor
if (page == null)
page= getActivePage();
if (page != null) {
// open new CompareEditor on page
try {
page.openEditor(input, COMPARE_EDITOR);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), Utilities.getString("CompareUIPlugin.openEditorError"), e.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
Utilities.getString("CompareUIPlugin.openEditorError"), //$NON-NLS-1$
Utilities.getString("CompareUIPlugin.noActiveWorkbenchPage")); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Performs the comparison described by the given input and opens a
* compare dialog on the result.
* @param input the input on which to open the compare editor
* @see CompareEditorInput
public void openCompareDialog(final CompareEditorInput input) {
if (compareResultOK(input)) {
CompareDialog dialog= new CompareDialog(getShell(), input);;
* @return <code>true</code> if compare result is OK to show, <code>false</code> otherwise
private boolean compareResultOK(CompareEditorInput input) {
final Shell shell= getShell();
try {
// run operation in separate thread and make it canceable
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getProgressService().run(true, true, input);
String message= input.getMessage();
if (message != null) {
MessageDialog.openError(shell, Utilities.getString("CompareUIPlugin.compareFailed"), message); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (input.getCompareResult() == null) {
MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, Utilities.getString("CompareUIPlugin.dialogTitle"), Utilities.getString("CompareUIPlugin.noDifferences")); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
return true;
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
// cancelled by user
} catch (InvocationTargetException x) {
MessageDialog.openError(shell, Utilities.getString("CompareUIPlugin.compareFailed"), x.getTargetException().getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
* Registers an image for the given type.
private static void registerImage(String type, Image image, boolean dispose) {
fgImages.put(normalizeCase(type), image);
if (image != null && dispose) {
* Registers an image descriptor for the given type.
* @param type the type
* @param descriptor the image descriptor
public static void registerImageDescriptor(String type, ImageDescriptor descriptor) {
fgImageDescriptors.put(normalizeCase(type), descriptor);
public static ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor(String relativePath) {
if (fgComparePlugin == null)
return null;
IPath path= Utilities.getIconPath(null).append(relativePath);
URL url= FileLocator.find(fgComparePlugin.getBundle(), path, null);
if (url == null)
return null;
return ImageDescriptor.createFromURL(url);
* Returns a shared image for the given type, or a generic image if none
* has been registered for the given type.
* <p>
* Note: Images returned from this method will be automitically disposed
* of when this plug-in shuts down. Callers must not dispose of these
* images themselves.
* </p>
* @param type the type
* @return the image
public static Image getImage(String type) {
type= normalizeCase(type);
boolean dispose= false;
Image image= null;
if (type != null)
image= (Image) fgImages.get(type);
if (image == null) {
ImageDescriptor id= (ImageDescriptor) fgImageDescriptors.get(type);
if (id != null) {
image= id.createImage();
dispose= true;
if (image == null) {
if (fgComparePlugin != null) {
if (ITypedElement.FOLDER_TYPE.equals(type)) {
image= getDefault().getWorkbench().getSharedImages().getImage(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJ_FOLDER);
//image= SharedImages.getImage(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJ_FOLDER);
} else {
image= createWorkbenchImage(type);
dispose= true;
} else {
id= (ImageDescriptor) fgImageDescriptors.get(normalizeCase("file")); //$NON-NLS-1$
image= id.createImage();
dispose= true;
if (image != null)
registerImage(type, image, dispose);
return image;
* Returns a shared image for the given adaptable.
* This convenience method queries the given adaptable
* for its <code>IWorkbenchAdapter.getImageDescriptor</code>, which it
* uses to create an image if it does not already have one.
* <p>
* Note: Images returned from this method will be automitically disposed
* of when this plug-in shuts down. Callers must not dispose of these
* images themselves.
* </p>
* @param adaptable the adaptable for which to find an image
* @return an image
public static Image getImage(IAdaptable adaptable) {
if (adaptable != null) {
Object o= adaptable.getAdapter(IWorkbenchAdapter.class);
if (o instanceof IWorkbenchAdapter) {
ImageDescriptor id= ((IWorkbenchAdapter) o).getImageDescriptor(adaptable);
if (id != null) {
Image image= (Image)fgImages2.get(id);
if (image == null) {
image= id.createImage();
try {
fgImages2.put(id, image);
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
// NeedWork
return image;
return null;
private static Image createWorkbenchImage(String type) {
IEditorRegistry er= getDefault().getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry();
ImageDescriptor id= er.getImageDescriptor("foo." + type); //$NON-NLS-1$
return id.createImage();
* Returns an structure creator descriptor for the given type.
* @param type the type for which to find a descriptor
* @return a descriptor for the given type, or <code>null</code> if no
* descriptor has been registered
public StructureCreatorDescriptor getStructureCreator(String type) {
return (StructureCreatorDescriptor);
* Returns a stream merger for the given type.
* @param type the type for which to find a stream merger
* @return a stream merger for the given type, or <code>null</code> if no
* stream merger has been registered
public IStreamMerger createStreamMerger(String type) {
StreamMergerDescriptor descriptor= (StreamMergerDescriptor);
if (descriptor != null)
return descriptor.createStreamMerger();
return null;
* Returns a stream merger for the given content type.
* @param type the type for which to find a stream merger
* @return a stream merger for the given type, or <code>null</code> if no
* stream merger has been registered
public IStreamMerger createStreamMerger(IContentType type) {
StreamMergerDescriptor descriptor= (StreamMergerDescriptor);
if (descriptor != null)
return descriptor.createStreamMerger();
return null;
* Returns a structure compare viewer based on an old viewer and an input object.
* If the old viewer is suitable for showing the input, the old viewer
* is returned. Otherwise, the input's type is used to find a viewer descriptor in the registry
* which in turn is used to create a structure compare viewer under the given parent composite.
* If no viewer descriptor can be found <code>null</code> is returned.
* @param oldViewer a new viewer is only created if this old viewer cannot show the given input
* @param input the input object for which to find a structure viewer
* @param parent the SWT parent composite under which the new viewer is created
* @param configuration a configuration which is passed to a newly created viewer
* @return the compare viewer which is suitable for the given input object or <code>null</code>
public Viewer findStructureViewer(Viewer oldViewer, ICompareInput input, Composite parent,
CompareConfiguration configuration) {
if (input.getLeft() == null || input.getRight() == null) // we don't show the structure of additions or deletions
return null;
// content type search
IContentType ctype= getCommonType(input);
if (ctype != null) {
Viewer viewer= getViewer(, oldViewer, parent, configuration);
if (viewer != null)
return viewer;
// old style search
String[] types= getTypes(input);
String type= null;
if (isHomogenous(types)) {
type= normalizeCase(types[0]);
IViewerDescriptor vd= (IViewerDescriptor);
if (vd == null) {
String alias= getStructureViewerAlias(type);
if (alias != null)
vd= (IViewerDescriptor);
if (vd != null)
return vd.createViewer(oldViewer, parent, configuration);
// we didn't found any viewer so far.
// now we try to find a structurecreator for the generic StructureDiffViewer
StructureCreatorDescriptor scc= null;
Object desc=; // search for content type
if (desc instanceof StructureCreatorDescriptor)
scc= (StructureCreatorDescriptor) desc;
if (scc == null && type != null)
scc= getStructureCreator(type); // search for old-style type scheme
if (scc != null) {
IStructureCreator sc= scc.createStructureCreator();
if (sc != null) {
StructureDiffViewer sdv= new StructureDiffViewer(parent, configuration);
return sdv;
return null;
* Returns a content compare viewer based on an old viewer and an input object.
* If the old viewer is suitable for showing the input the old viewer
* is returned. Otherwise the input's type is used to find a viewer descriptor in the registry
* which in turn is used to create a content compare viewer under the given parent composite.
* If no viewer descriptor can be found <code>null</code> is returned.
* @param oldViewer a new viewer is only created if this old viewer cannot show the given input
* @param in the input object for which to find a content viewer
* @param parent the SWT parent composite under which the new viewer is created
* @param cc a configuration which is passed to a newly created viewer
* @return the compare viewer which is suitable for the given input object or <code>null</code>
public Viewer findContentViewer(Viewer oldViewer, Object in, Composite parent, CompareConfiguration cc) {
if (in instanceof IStreamContentAccessor) {
String type= ITypedElement.TEXT_TYPE;
if (in instanceof ITypedElement) {
ITypedElement tin= (ITypedElement) in;
IContentType ct= getContentType(tin);
if (ct != null) {
Viewer viewer= getViewer(, oldViewer, parent, cc);
if (viewer != null)
return viewer;
String ty= tin.getType();
if (ty != null)
type= ty;
Viewer viewer= getViewer(, oldViewer, parent, cc);
if (viewer != null)
return viewer;
// fallback
return new SimpleTextViewer(parent);
if (!(in instanceof ICompareInput))
return null;
ICompareInput input= (ICompareInput) in;
IContentType ctype= getCommonType(input);
if (ctype != null) {
Viewer viewer= getViewer(, oldViewer, parent, cc);
if (viewer != null)
return viewer;
String[] types= getTypes(input);
String type= null;
if (isHomogenous(types))
type= types[0];
if (ITypedElement.FOLDER_TYPE.equals(type))
return null;
if (type == null) {
int n= 0;
for (int i= 0; i < types.length; i++)
if (!ITypedElement.UNKNOWN_TYPE.equals(types[i])) {
if (type == null)
type= types[i]; // remember the first known type
if (n > 1) // don't use the type if there were more than one
type= null;
if (type != null) {
Viewer viewer= getViewer(, oldViewer, parent, cc);
if (viewer != null)
return viewer;
// fallback
String leftType= guessType(input.getLeft());
String rightType= guessType(input.getRight());
if (leftType != null || rightType != null) {
boolean right_text= rightType != null && ITypedElement.TEXT_TYPE.equals(rightType);
boolean left_text= leftType != null && ITypedElement.TEXT_TYPE.equals(leftType);
if ((leftType == null && right_text) || (left_text && rightType == null) || (left_text && right_text))
type= ITypedElement.TEXT_TYPE;
IViewerDescriptor vd= (IViewerDescriptor);
if (vd != null)
return vd.createViewer(oldViewer, parent, cc);
return null;
private static Viewer getViewer(Object descriptor, Viewer oldViewer, Composite parent, CompareConfiguration cc) {
if (descriptor instanceof IViewerDescriptor)
return ((IViewerDescriptor)descriptor).createViewer(oldViewer, parent, cc);
return null;
private static String[] getTypes(ICompareInput input) {
ITypedElement ancestor= input.getAncestor();
ITypedElement left= input.getLeft();
ITypedElement right= input.getRight();
ArrayList tmp= new ArrayList();
if (ancestor != null) {
String type= ancestor.getType();
if (type != null)
if (left != null) {
String type= left.getType();
if (type != null)
if (right != null) {
String type= right.getType();
if (type != null)
return (String[]) tmp.toArray(new String[tmp.size()]);
private static IContentType getContentType(ITypedElement element) {
if (element == null)
return null;
String name= element.getName();
IContentType ct= null;
if (element instanceof IStreamContentAccessor) {
IStreamContentAccessor isa= (IStreamContentAccessor) element;
try {
InputStream is= isa.getContents();
if (is != null) {
InputStream bis= new BufferedInputStream(is);
try {
ct= fgContentTypeManager.findContentTypeFor(is, name);
} catch (IOException e) {
// silently ignored
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e2) {
// silently ignored
} catch (CoreException e1) {
// silently ignored
if (ct == null)
ct= fgContentTypeManager.findContentTypeFor(name);
return ct;
* Returns true if the given types are homogenous.
private static boolean isHomogenous(String[] types) {
switch (types.length) {
case 1:
return true;
case 2:
return types[0].equals(types[1]);
case 3:
return types[0].equals(types[1]) && types[1].equals(types[2]);
return false;
* Returns the most specific content type that is common to the given inputs or null.
private static IContentType getCommonType(ICompareInput input) {
ITypedElement ancestor= input.getAncestor();
ITypedElement left= input.getLeft();
ITypedElement right= input.getRight();
int n= 0;
IContentType[] types= new IContentType[3];
IContentType type= null;
if (ancestor != null) {
type= getContentType(ancestor);
if (type != null)
types[n++]= type;
type= getContentType(left);
if (type != null)
types[n++]= type;
return null;
type= getContentType(right);
if (type != null)
types[n++]= type;
return null;
IContentType result= null;
IContentType[] s0, s1, s2;
switch (n) {
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
return types[0];
case 2:
if (types[0].equals(types[1]))
return types[0];
s0= toFullPath(types[0]);
s1= toFullPath(types[1]);
for (int i= 0; i < Math.min(s0.length, s1.length); i++) {
if (!s0[i].equals(s1[i]))
result= s0[i];
return result;
case 3:
if (types[0].equals(types[1]) && types[1].equals(types[2]))
return types[0];
s0= toFullPath(types[0]);
s1= toFullPath(types[1]);
s2= toFullPath(types[2]);
for (int i= 0; i < Math.min(Math.min(s0.length, s1.length), s2.length); i++) {
if (!s0[i].equals(s1[i]) || !s1[i].equals(s2[i]))
result= s0[i];
return result;
return null;
private static IContentType[] toFullPath(IContentType ct) {
List l= new ArrayList();
for (; ct != null; ct= ct.getBaseType())
l.add(0, ct);
return (IContentType[]) l.toArray(new IContentType[l.size()]);
* Guesses the file type of the given input.
* Returns ITypedElement.TEXT_TYPE if none of the first 10 lines is longer than 1000 bytes.
* Returns ITypedElement.UNKNOWN_TYPE otherwise.
* Returns <code>null</code> if the input isn't an <code>IStreamContentAccessor</code>.
private static String guessType(ITypedElement input) {
if (input instanceof IStreamContentAccessor) {
IStreamContentAccessor sca= (IStreamContentAccessor) input;
InputStream is= null;
try {
is= sca.getContents();
if (is == null)
return null;
int lineLength= 0;
int lines= 0;
while (lines < 10) {
int c=;
if (c == -1) // EOF
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { // reset line length
lineLength= 0;
} else
if (lineLength > 1000)
return ITypedElement.UNKNOWN_TYPE;
return ITypedElement.TEXT_TYPE;
} catch (CoreException ex) {
// be silent and return UNKNOWN_TYPE
} catch (IOException ex) {
// be silent and return UNKNOWN_TYPE
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// silently ignored
return ITypedElement.UNKNOWN_TYPE;
return null;
private static String normalizeCase(String s) {
if (NORMALIZE_CASE && s != null)
return s.toUpperCase();
return s;
//---- alias mgmt
private String getStructureViewerAlias(String type) {
return (String) getStructureViewerAliases().get(type);
public void addStructureViewerAlias(String type, String alias) {
getStructureViewerAliases().put(normalizeCase(alias), normalizeCase(type));
private Map getStructureViewerAliases() {
if (fStructureViewerAliases == null) {
fStructureViewerAliases= new Hashtable(10);
String aliases= getPreferenceStore().getString(STRUCTUREVIEWER_ALIASES_PREFERENCE_NAME);
if (aliases != null && aliases.length() > 0) {
StringTokenizer st= new StringTokenizer(aliases, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String pair= st.nextToken();
int pos= pair.indexOf('.');
if (pos > 0) {
String key= pair.substring(0, pos);
String alias= pair.substring(pos+1);
fStructureViewerAliases.put(key, alias);
return fStructureViewerAliases;
public void removeAllStructureViewerAliases(String type) {
if (fStructureViewerAliases == null)
String t= normalizeCase(type);
Set entrySet= fStructureViewerAliases.entrySet();
for (Iterator iter= entrySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry entry= (Map.Entry);
if (entry.getValue().equals(t))
* Converts the aliases into a single string before they are stored
* in the preference store.
* The format is:
* <key> '.' <alias> ' ' <key> '.' <alias> ...
private void rememberAliases(IPreferenceStore ps) {
if (fStructureViewerAliases == null)
StringBuffer buffer= new StringBuffer();
Iterator iter= fStructureViewerAliases.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key= (String);
String alias= (String) fStructureViewerAliases.get(key);
buffer.append(' ');
//---- filters
public boolean filter(String name, boolean isFolder, boolean isArchive) {
if (fFilter == null) {
fFilter= new CompareFilter();
final IPreferenceStore ps= getPreferenceStore();
fPropertyChangeListener= new IPropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
if (ComparePreferencePage.PATH_FILTER.equals(event.getProperty()))
return fFilter.filter(name, isFolder, isArchive);
//---- more utilities
* Returns an array of all editors that have an unsaved content. If the identical content is
* presented in more than one editor, only one of those editor parts is part of the result.
* @return an array of all dirty editor parts.
public static IEditorPart[] getDirtyEditors() {
Set inputs= new HashSet();
List result= new ArrayList(0);
IWorkbench workbench= getDefault().getWorkbench();
IWorkbenchWindow[] windows= workbench.getWorkbenchWindows();
for (int i= 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
IWorkbenchPage[] pages= windows[i].getPages();
for (int x= 0; x < pages.length; x++) {
IEditorPart[] editors= pages[x].getDirtyEditors();
for (int z= 0; z < editors.length; z++) {
IEditorPart ep= editors[z];
IEditorInput input= ep.getEditorInput();
if (!inputs.contains(input)) {
return (IEditorPart[])result.toArray(new IEditorPart[result.size()]);
public static void logErrorMessage(String message) {
if (message == null)
message= ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, getPluginId(), INTERNAL_ERROR, message, null));
public static void log(Throwable e) {
log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, getPluginId(), INTERNAL_ERROR, CompareMessages.ComparePlugin_internal_error, e));
public static void log(IStatus status) {