blob: 422a2a69a63dba3496c953ed22a6d6c38eb9cc0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Ari Kast and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Ari Kast - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.internal.texteditor;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
* @author Ari Kast
* Tracks history in order of insertion. It can operate either as a ring
* or as a line: in ring mode, if history size is N, then calling
* goBackward N times brings you full circle back to your current
* location in linear mode, if history size is N, then calling
* goBackward N times brings you to the beginning, after which
* additional calls to goBackward will have no effect until either
* goForward is called or a new entry is added. Both linear and ring
* mode overwrite history as needed when buffer is full
* @param <T> the type of the object instances being tracked in history
* @since 3.15
public class HistoryTracker<T> {
// the actual historical data
T[] fHistory;
// function to determine whether history elements can be merged
CandidateEvaluator<T> fEvaluator;
// pointer to current location in history queue
Navigator<T> fBrowsePoint;
// pointer to most recent insertion to history queue. New insertions always
// go to index fMostRecent + 1
Navigator<T> fInsertionPoint;
// the size of the dataset contained in history queue
// grows til it reaches history.length, and generally wont
// shrink
int fSize;
// controls whether navigation wraps around in circular fashion
// or if it is purely linear
boolean fUseCircularNavigation;
* @param historySize the buffer size. additional insertions will
* overwrite oldest insertions
* @param clazz the class type of the objects being tracked
* @param evaluator The expression which compares incoming elements
* against existing elements. If this expression
* yields true, then the element(s) for which it
* was true is/are replaced
* @param useCircularNavigation when true the history operates in ring mode,
* otherwise it is linear
public HistoryTracker(int historySize, Class<T> clazz, CandidateEvaluator<T> evaluator,
boolean useCircularNavigation) {
historySize = Math.max(historySize, 1); // size < 1 makes no sense, so
// enforce at least size 1
fHistory = (T[]) Array.newInstance(clazz, historySize);
this.fEvaluator = evaluator;
this.fUseCircularNavigation = useCircularNavigation;
fBrowsePoint = new Navigator<>(this);
fInsertionPoint = new Navigator<>(this);
public T browseBackward() {
if (canGoBackward()) {
return getCurrentBrowsePoint();
public T browseForward() {
if (canGoForward()) {
return getCurrentBrowsePoint();
private boolean canGoBackward() {
return fSize > 0 && (fUseCircularNavigation || fBrowsePoint.getPriorIndex() != fInsertionPoint.getIndex());
private boolean canGoForward() {
return fSize > 0 && (fUseCircularNavigation || fBrowsePoint.getIndex() != fInsertionPoint.getIndex());
public T getCurrentBrowsePoint() {
return fBrowsePoint.currentItem();
public T getNext() {
if (canGoForward()) {
return getAt(fBrowsePoint.getNextIndex());
} else {
return fBrowsePoint.currentItem();
T getAt(int index) {
if (fSize == 0) {
return null;
int i = moddedIndex(index);
return fHistory[i];
* This method always adds the parameter element at the current history
* location. If history is full (capacity == size) then an existing element is
* overwritten in the process. If there exists an element such that
* evaluator.canReplace() yields true, then that element is prioritized for
* being overwritten
* @param newItem The object instance being added to history
* @return The element which was evicted to make room for the incoming element.
* Returns null if nothing was evicted
public T addOrReplace(T newItem) {
T answer = null;
// if a replacement candidate exists, delete it since this
// incoming will be replacing it
* This loop could potentially degrade to N^2 performance in case of multiple
* deletions, but in practice it 1) shouldnt matter for our small history sizes,
* and 2) will seldom delete more than 1 item for O(N) performance.
* If performance is ever a concern, several improvements could be made: 1)
* perform all deletions in a single pass, then do a single additional pass for
* compaction for a total of 2 passes 2) uncomment the "break" statement as
* explained below 3) use a different data structure altogether, eg maybe an
* ordered tree of some kind
for (int i = fInsertionPoint.getIndex(); i > fInsertionPoint.getIndex() - fSize; i--) {
T candidate = getAt(i);
if (candidate != null && fEvaluator.canReplace(newItem, candidate)) {
answer = deleteAt(i);
* if performance is ever a concern, the below break could be uncommented so
* that this method only de-dupes first match instead of all matches. generally
* first match would be sufficient, except there can be drift over time eg if
* history contains [10,20,30] and vicinity threshold defined as distance 2,
* then you insert the following series: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
* even if each insert overwrote the prior, you still could end up with dataset
* [20, 20, 30]. By not breaking here we prevent that state from occuring, but
* at some computation cost. Therefore if cost (performance) ever a problem, we
* could just accept that occasional suboptimal history state for better
* performance
// break;
T replaced = addLast(newItem);
if (answer == null) {
answer = replaced;
return answer;
private T addLast(T newItem) {
if (newItem == null) {
return deleteLast();
if (fSize >= fHistory.length) {
// no space, so just overwrite next slot
return replaceAt(newItem, fInsertionPoint);
} else {
// there's at least one empty slot so data size can grow
return shiftInsert(newItem);
// inserts here and shifts existing values until either empty space is found
// or end is reached, in which case last evaluated slot is discarded
private T shiftInsert(T newItem) {
T answer = replaceAt(newItem, fInsertionPoint);
T tmp = answer;
// shift from here to the end until empty slot found
for (int i = fInsertionPoint.getIndex() + 1; i < fSize; i++) {
tmp = replaceAt(tmp, i);
return answer;
// deletes and shifts to fill in the hole created by deletion
private T deleteAt(int index) {
if (fSize == 0) {
return null;
int modIndex = moddedIndex(index);
T answer = replaceAt(null, modIndex);
// shift to fill in any gaps to keep data contiguous so that mod
// calculations work
T priorVal = null;
for (int i = fSize - 1; i >= modIndex; i--) {
priorVal = replaceAt(priorVal, i);
if (answer != null) {
// adjust insertion point if it was affected by the shift
if (fInsertionPoint.getIndex() >= modIndex && fSize > 0) {
// adjust browse point if it was affected by the shift
if (fBrowsePoint.getIndex() >= modIndex && fSize > 0) {
return answer;
public T deleteLast() {
T answer = deleteAt(fInsertionPoint.getIndex());
return answer;
private T replaceAt(T newItem, int index) {
if (fSize == 0) {
return null;
int i = moddedIndex(index);
T replaced = getAt(i);
fHistory[i] = newItem;
return replaced;
private T replaceAt(T newItem, Navigator<T> navigator) {
return replaceAt(newItem, navigator.getIndex());
public T replaceLast(T newItem) {
if (newItem == null) {
return deleteLast();
return replaceAt(newItem, fInsertionPoint);
void expand() {
fSize = Math.max(fSize, (fSize + 1) % (fHistory.length + 1));
private int moddedIndex(int index) {
return Math.floorMod(index, fSize);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return fInsertionPoint.currentItem() == null;
public int getSize() {
return fSize;
public Navigator<T> navigator() {
Navigator<T> answer = new Navigator<>(this);
return answer;
// for internal use, not public
Navigator<T> navigator(int index) {
Navigator<T> answer = new Navigator<>(this);
return answer;
* This method is intended for testing/troubleshooting, not for general use
* Beware it has O(N) performance
* @param item The item to check whether this history contains
* @return true if history contains item
public boolean contains(T item) {
if (item == null) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < fSize; i++) {
if (item.equals(getAt(i))) {
return true;
return false;
* This method is intended for testing/troubleshooting
* @return true if the state of this object is healthy/as expected
public boolean isHealthy() {
// make sure nulls are consolidated not scattered
boolean priorWasNull = false;
int flipCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fHistory.length; i++) {
boolean isNull = (fHistory[i] == null);
if (priorWasNull != isNull) {
priorWasNull = isNull;
return flipCount < 2;
* used during history compaction to consolidate like candidates in the history
public static interface CandidateEvaluator<T> {
public boolean canReplace(T a, T b);
* for easy traversing thru history
public static class Navigator<T> {
HistoryTracker<T> historyTracker;
int fIndex;
public Navigator(HistoryTracker<T> tracker) {
this.historyTracker = tracker;
fIndex = Math.floorMod(-1, tracker.fHistory.length);
void incr() {
if (historyTracker.fSize == 0) {
fIndex = getNextIndex();
void decr() {
if (historyTracker.fSize == 0) {
fIndex = getPriorIndex();
int getIndex() {
return fIndex;
int getNextIndex() {
return historyTracker.moddedIndex(fIndex + 1);
int getPriorIndex() {
return historyTracker.moddedIndex(fIndex - 1);
public T currentItem() {
return historyTracker.getAt(fIndex);
public T nextItem() {
return historyTracker.getAt(fIndex);
public T priorItem() {
return historyTracker.getAt(fIndex);
void jumpTo(Navigator<T> b) {
this.fIndex = b.fIndex;
public void jumpTo(int index) {
fIndex = historyTracker.moddedIndex(index);