blob: 1b47a288596e63cd25018488dce31bb3070f8e94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Juerg Billeter, - 47136 Search view should show match objects
* Ulrich Etter, - 47136 Search view should show match objects
* Roman Fuchs, - 47136 Search view should show match objects
* Christian Walther (Indel AG) - Bug 399094: Add whole word option to file search
* Terry Parker <> (Google Inc.) - Bug 441016 - Speed up text search by parallelizing it using JobGroups
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
public class FileSearchQuery implements ISearchQuery {
private final static class TextSearchResultCollector extends TextSearchRequestor {
private final AbstractTextSearchResult fResult;
private final boolean fIsFileSearchOnly;
private final boolean fSearchInBinaries;
private final boolean fIsLightweightAutoRefresh;
private Map<IFile, ArrayList<FileMatch>> fCachedMatches;
private Object fLock= new Object();
private TextSearchResultCollector(AbstractTextSearchResult result, boolean isFileSearchOnly, boolean searchInBinaries) {
fResult= result;
fIsFileSearchOnly= isFileSearchOnly;
fSearchInBinaries= searchInBinaries;
fIsLightweightAutoRefresh= Platform.getPreferencesService().getBoolean(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, ResourcesPlugin.PREF_LIGHTWEIGHT_AUTO_REFRESH, false, null);
public boolean canRunInParallel() {
return true;
public boolean acceptFile(IFile file) throws CoreException {
if (fIsLightweightAutoRefresh && !file.exists())
return false;
if (fIsFileSearchOnly) {
synchronized (fLock) {
fResult.addMatch(new FileMatch(file));
return true;
public boolean reportBinaryFile(IFile file) {
return fSearchInBinaries;
public boolean acceptPatternMatch(TextSearchMatchAccess matchRequestor) throws CoreException {
ArrayList<FileMatch> matches;
synchronized(fLock) {
// fCachedMatches is set to null when the caller invokes endReporting(),
// indicating that no further results are desired/expected, so discard
// any additional results.
if (fCachedMatches == null) {
return false;
matches= fCachedMatches.get(matchRequestor.getFile());
int matchOffset= matchRequestor.getMatchOffset();
* Another job may call flushCaches() at any time, which will clear the cached matches.
* Any addition of matches to the cache needs to be protected against the flushing of
* the cache by other jobs. It is OK to call getLineElement() with an unprotected local
* reference to the matches for this file, because getLineElement() uses previous matches
* as an optimization when creating new matches but doesn't update the cache directly
* (and because each file is processed by at most one job).
LineElement lineElement= getLineElement(matchOffset, matchRequestor, matches);
if (lineElement != null) {
FileMatch fileMatch= new FileMatch(matchRequestor.getFile(), matchOffset, matchRequestor.getMatchLength(), lineElement);
synchronized(fLock) {
// fCachedMatches is set to null when the caller invokes endReporting(),
// indicating that no further results are desired/expected, so discard
// any additional results.
if (fCachedMatches == null) {
return false;
matches= fCachedMatches.get(matchRequestor.getFile());
if (matches == null) {
matches= new ArrayList<>();
fCachedMatches.put(matchRequestor.getFile(), matches);
return true;
private LineElement getLineElement(int offset, TextSearchMatchAccess matchRequestor, ArrayList<FileMatch> matches) {
int lineNumber= 1;
int lineStart= 0;
if (matches != null) {
// match on same line as last?
FileMatch last= matches.get(matches.size() - 1);
LineElement lineElement= last.getLineElement();
if (lineElement.contains(offset)) {
return lineElement;
// start with the offset and line information from the last match
lineStart= lineElement.getOffset() + lineElement.getLength();
lineNumber= lineElement.getLine() + 1;
if (offset < lineStart) {
return null; // offset before the last line
int i= lineStart;
int contentLength= matchRequestor.getFileContentLength();
while (i < contentLength) {
char ch= matchRequestor.getFileContentChar(i++);
if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
if (ch == '\r' && i < contentLength && matchRequestor.getFileContentChar(i) == '\n') {
if (offset < i) {
String lineContent= getContents(matchRequestor, lineStart, i); // include line delimiter
return new LineElement(matchRequestor.getFile(), lineNumber, lineStart, lineContent);
lineStart= i;
if (offset < i) {
String lineContent= getContents(matchRequestor, lineStart, i); // until end of file
return new LineElement(matchRequestor.getFile(), lineNumber, lineStart, lineContent);
return null; // offset outside of range
private static String getContents(TextSearchMatchAccess matchRequestor, int start, int end) {
StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
for (int i= start; i < end; i++) {
char ch= matchRequestor.getFileContentChar(i);
if (Character.isWhitespace(ch) || Character.isISOControl(ch)) {
buf.append(' ');
} else {
return buf.toString();
public void beginReporting() {
fCachedMatches= new HashMap<>();
public void endReporting() {
synchronized (fLock) {
fCachedMatches= null;
private void flushMatches() {
synchronized (fLock) {
if (fCachedMatches != null && !fCachedMatches.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<ArrayList<FileMatch>> it = fCachedMatches.values().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
ArrayList<FileMatch> matches=;
fResult.addMatches(matches.toArray(new Match[matches.size()]));
private final FileTextSearchScope fScope;
private final String fSearchText;
private final boolean fIsRegEx;
private final boolean fIsCaseSensitive;
private final boolean fIsWholeWord;
private FileSearchResult fResult;
private boolean fSearchInBinaries;
public FileSearchQuery(String searchText, boolean isRegEx, boolean isCaseSensitive, FileTextSearchScope scope) {
this(searchText, isRegEx, isCaseSensitive, false, false, scope);
public FileSearchQuery(String searchText, boolean isRegEx, boolean isCaseSensitive, boolean isWholeWord, boolean searchInBinaries, FileTextSearchScope scope) {
fSearchText= searchText;
fIsRegEx= isRegEx;
fIsCaseSensitive= isCaseSensitive;
fIsWholeWord= isWholeWord;
fScope= scope;
fSearchInBinaries= searchInBinaries;
public FileTextSearchScope getSearchScope() {
return fScope;
public boolean canRunInBackground() {
return true;
public IStatus run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
AbstractTextSearchResult textResult= (AbstractTextSearchResult) getSearchResult();
Pattern searchPattern= getSearchPattern();
TextSearchResultCollector collector= new TextSearchResultCollector(textResult, isFileNameSearch(), fSearchInBinaries);
return TextSearchEngine.create().search(fScope, collector, searchPattern, monitor);
private boolean isScopeAllFileTypes() {
String[] fileNamePatterns= fScope.getFileNamePatterns();
if (fileNamePatterns == null)
return true;
for (int i= 0; i < fileNamePatterns.length; i++) {
if ("*".equals(fileNamePatterns[i])) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
return false;
public String getLabel() {
return SearchMessages.FileSearchQuery_label;
public String getSearchString() {
return fSearchText;
public String getResultLabel(int nMatches) {
String searchString= getSearchString();
if (searchString.length() > 0) {
// text search
if (isScopeAllFileTypes()) {
// search all file extensions
if (nMatches == 1) {
Object[] args= { searchString, fScope.getDescription() };
return Messages.format(SearchMessages.FileSearchQuery_singularLabel, args);
Object[] args= { searchString, new Integer(nMatches), fScope.getDescription() };
return Messages.format(SearchMessages.FileSearchQuery_pluralPattern, args);
// search selected file extensions
if (nMatches == 1) {
Object[] args= { searchString, fScope.getDescription(), fScope.getFilterDescription() };
return Messages.format(SearchMessages.FileSearchQuery_singularPatternWithFileExt, args);
Object[] args= { searchString, new Integer(nMatches), fScope.getDescription(), fScope.getFilterDescription() };
return Messages.format(SearchMessages.FileSearchQuery_pluralPatternWithFileExt, args);
// file search
if (nMatches == 1) {
Object[] args= { fScope.getFilterDescription(), fScope.getDescription() };
return Messages.format(SearchMessages.FileSearchQuery_singularLabel_fileNameSearch, args);
Object[] args= { fScope.getFilterDescription(), new Integer(nMatches), fScope.getDescription() };
return Messages.format(SearchMessages.FileSearchQuery_pluralPattern_fileNameSearch, args);
* @param result all result are added to this search result
* @param monitor the progress monitor to use
* @param file the file to search in
* @return returns the status of the operation
public IStatus searchInFile(final AbstractTextSearchResult result, final IProgressMonitor monitor, IFile file) {
FileTextSearchScope scope= FileTextSearchScope.newSearchScope(new IResource[] { file }, new String[] { "*" }, true); //$NON-NLS-1$
Pattern searchPattern= getSearchPattern();
TextSearchResultCollector collector= new TextSearchResultCollector(result, isFileNameSearch(), fSearchInBinaries);
return TextSearchEngine.create().search(scope, collector, searchPattern, monitor);
protected Pattern getSearchPattern() {
return PatternConstructor.createPattern(fSearchText, fIsRegEx, true, fIsCaseSensitive, fIsWholeWord);
public boolean isFileNameSearch() {
return fSearchText.length() == 0;
public boolean isRegexSearch() {
return fIsRegEx;
public boolean isCaseSensitive() {
return fIsCaseSensitive;
public boolean isWholeWord() {
return fIsWholeWord;
public boolean canRerun() {
return true;
public ISearchResult getSearchResult() {
if (fResult == null) {
fResult= new FileSearchResult(this);
new SearchResultUpdater(fResult);
return fResult;