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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Classes and interface required to contribute search dialog pages and search result view pages.
Package Specification</h2>
<p>The search plugin implements the <i>search dialog</i> and the <i>search result view</i>. Client can contribute search dialog pages (extension point '')
and search result view pages (extension point '') to integrate their searches to the shared search user interface.
Search dialog pages</h3>
<p>Search dialog pages contributing to the 'searchPages' extension point must implement <tt>ISearchPage</tt>. A search page
has access to its <tt>ISearchPageContainer</tt> to modify search
dialog properties.
<p>A search dialog page can additionally implement <tt>IReplacePage</tt> to allow the 'Replace' button to show up.
Search result view, since 3.0</h3>
<p>The search view that shows the search results has been redesigned for 3.0. It is recommended
to use and to switch to the new API:
<p>On 'OK', an implementation of a search dialog page creates a <i>search query</i>, represented by an instances of type <tt>ISearchQuery</tt>. The query
can be run using API on <tt>NewSearchUI</tt> and will create a <code>ISearchResult</code> as result.
<tt>ISearchResultListener</tt> can be added to search results and report changes as <tt>SearchResultEvent</tt>.
<p>Clients have to contribute a search result page (<tt>ISearchResultPage</tt>) that can
visualize the matches contained in the result set.
<p>The result page has access to the view using <tt>ISearchResultViewPart</tt>
Search result view, before 3.0</h3>
<p>For compatibility to searches written prior to 3.0, the following APIs still exist and are functional. The old search result view is called 'classic search view' in the UI.
<p>Before 3.0, the search result view was fully implemented by the search plugin. All search results had to be marked with <i>search markers</i> (<tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker</tt>, registered under '')
<p>The search dialog page (type <tt>ISearchResultView</tt>) could access the single search result view using <tt>SearchUI.getSearchResultView()</tt>. It showed all matches as elements of type <tt>ISearchResultViewEntry</tt>.
<p><tt>IGroupByKeyComputer</tt>, <tt>IActionGroupFactory</tt>, <tt>IContextMenuContributor</tt> and extension point
'' were used to configure the search result view.