blob: 366d29fa15bc56342167acd6130447071e986af9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.texteditor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
* Utility class for accessing marker attributes. The static methods provided
* on this class provide internal exception handling (unexpected
* <code>CoreException</code>s are logged to workbench).
* <p>
* This class provides static methods only; it is not intended to be
* instantiated or subclassed by clients.
* </p>
* @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
public final class MarkerUtilities {
* Internal marker super type hierarchy cache.
* TODO this cache is currently unbound, i.e. only limited by the number of marker types
private static class MarkerTypeHierarchy {
private Map<String, String[]> fTypeMap;
private Map<String, String[]> fSuperTypesCache= new HashMap<>();
public String[] getSuperTypes(String typeName) {
String[] cachedTypes= fSuperTypesCache.get(typeName);
if (cachedTypes == null) {
cachedTypes= computeSuperTypes(typeName);
fSuperTypesCache.put(typeName, cachedTypes);
return cachedTypes;
private String[] computeSuperTypes(String typeName) {
ArrayList<String> types= new ArrayList<>();
appendAll(types, getDirectSuperTypes(typeName));
int index= 0;
while (index < types.size()) {
String type= types.get(index++);
appendAll(types, getDirectSuperTypes(type));
String[] superTypes= new String[types.size()];
return superTypes;
private String[] getDirectSuperTypes(String typeName) {
return getTypeMap().get(typeName);
private <T> void appendAll(List<T> list, T[] objects) {
if (objects == null)
for (int i= 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
T o= objects[i];
if (!list.contains(o))
private Map<String, String[]> getTypeMap() {
if (fTypeMap == null)
fTypeMap= readTypes();
return fTypeMap;
private Map<String, String[]> readTypes() {
HashMap<String, String[]> allTypes= new HashMap<>();
IExtensionPoint point= Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, ResourcesPlugin.PT_MARKERS);
if (point != null) {
IExtension[] extensions = point.getExtensions();
for (int i= 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
IExtension extension= extensions[i];
ArrayList<String> types= new ArrayList<>();
IConfigurationElement[] configElements= extension.getConfigurationElements();
for (int j= 0; j < configElements.length; ++j) {
IConfigurationElement element= configElements[j];
if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("super")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
String type = element.getAttribute("type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (type != null) {
String[] superTypes= new String[types.size()];
allTypes.put(extension.getUniqueIdentifier(), superTypes);
return allTypes;
private static MarkerTypeHierarchy fgMarkerTypeHierarchy;
* Don't allow instantiation.
private MarkerUtilities() {
* Returns the ending character offset of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @return the ending character offset, or <code>-1</code> if not set
* @see IMarker#CHAR_END
* @see IMarker#getAttribute(java.lang.String, int)
public static int getCharEnd(IMarker marker) {
return getIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.CHAR_END, -1);
* Returns the starting character offset of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @return the starting character offset, or <code>-1</code> if not set
* @see IMarker#CHAR_START
* @see IMarker#getAttribute(java.lang.String,int)
public static int getCharStart(IMarker marker) {
return getIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.CHAR_START, -1);
* Returns the specified attribute of the given marker as an integer.
* Returns the given default if the attribute value is not an integer.
* @param marker the marker
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the attribute's value or the default value
* if the attribute does not exist or isn't an int
private static int getIntAttribute(IMarker marker, String attributeName, int defaultValue) {
if (marker.exists())
return marker.getAttribute(attributeName, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
* Returns the line number of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @return the line number, or <code>-1</code> if not set
* @see IMarker#LINE_NUMBER
* @see IMarker#getAttribute(java.lang.String,int)
public static int getLineNumber(IMarker marker) {
return getIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, -1);
* Returns the priority of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @return the priority, or <code>IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL</code> if not set
* @see IMarker#PRIORITY
* @see IMarker#getAttribute(java.lang.String,int)
public static int getPriority(IMarker marker) {
return getIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.PRIORITY, IMarker.PRIORITY_NORMAL);
* Returns the severity of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @return the priority, or <code>IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO</code> if not set
* @see IMarker#SEVERITY
* @see IMarker#SEVERITY_INFO
* @see IMarker#getAttribute(java.lang.String,int)
public static int getSeverity(IMarker marker) {
return getIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO);
* Handles a core exception which occurs when accessing marker attributes.
* @param e the core exception
private static void handleCoreException(CoreException e) {
Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID);
ILog log= Platform.getLog(bundle);
* Returns whether the given marker is of the given type (either directly or indirectly).
* @param marker the marker to be checked
* @param type the reference type
* @return <code>true</code>if maker is an instance of the reference type
public static boolean isMarkerType(IMarker marker, String type) {
if (marker != null) {
try {
return marker.exists() && marker.isSubtypeOf(type);
} catch (CoreException x) {
return false;
* Returns the marker type of the given marker or <code>null</code> if
* the type could not be determined.
* @param marker the marker
* @return the marker type
* @since 3.0
public static String getMarkerType(IMarker marker) {
try {
return marker.getType();
} catch (CoreException x) {
return null;
* Returns the message associated with the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @return the message associated with the marker or <code>null</code>
* @since 3.0
public static String getMessage(IMarker marker) {
return marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, null);
* Sets the ending character offset of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @param charEnd the ending character offset
* @see IMarker#CHAR_END
* @see IMarker#setAttribute(java.lang.String,int)
public static void setCharEnd(IMarker marker, int charEnd) {
setIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.CHAR_END, charEnd);
* Sets the ending character offset in the given map using the standard
* marker attribute name as the key.
* @param map the map
* @param charEnd the ending character offset
* @see IMarker#CHAR_END
public static void setCharEnd(Map<String, Object> map, int charEnd) {
map.put(IMarker.CHAR_END, Integer.valueOf(charEnd));
* Sets the starting character offset of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @param charStart the starting character offset
* @see IMarker#CHAR_START
* @see IMarker#setAttribute(java.lang.String,int)
public static void setCharStart(IMarker marker, int charStart) {
setIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.CHAR_START, charStart);
* Sets the starting character offset in the given map using the standard
* marker attribute name as the key.
* @param map the map
* @param charStart the starting character offset
* @see IMarker#CHAR_START
public static void setCharStart(Map<String, Object> map, int charStart) {
map.put(IMarker.CHAR_START, Integer.valueOf(charStart));
* Sets the specified attribute of the given marker as an integer.
* @param marker the marker
* @param attributeName the attribute name
* @param value the int value
private static void setIntAttribute(IMarker marker, String attributeName, int value) {
try {
if (marker.exists())
marker.setAttribute(attributeName, value);
} catch (CoreException e) {
* Sets the line number of the given marker.
* @param marker the marker
* @param lineNum the line number
* @see IMarker#LINE_NUMBER
* @see IMarker#setAttribute(java.lang.String,int)
public static void setLineNumber(IMarker marker, int lineNum) {
setIntAttribute(marker, IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, lineNum);
* Sets the line number in the given map using the standard marker attribute
* name as the key.
* @param map the map
* @param lineNum the line number
* @see IMarker#LINE_NUMBER
public static void setLineNumber(Map<String, Object> map, int lineNum) {
map.put(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, Integer.valueOf(lineNum));
* Sets the message in the given map using the standard marker attribute name
* as the key.
* @param map the map
* @param message the message
* @see IMarker#MESSAGE
public static void setMessage(Map<String, Object> map, String message) {
map.put(IMarker.MESSAGE, message);
* Creates a marker on the given resource with the given type and attributes.
* <p>
* This method modifies the workspace (progress is not reported to the user).</p>
* @param resource the resource
* @param attributes the attribute map
* @param markerType the type of marker
* @throws CoreException if this method fails
* @see IResource#createMarker(java.lang.String)
public static void createMarker(final IResource resource, final Map<String, Object> attributes, final String markerType) throws CoreException {
IWorkspaceRunnable r= new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
IMarker marker= resource.createMarker(markerType);
resource.getWorkspace().run(r, null,IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null);
* Returns the list of super types for the given marker.
* The list is a depth first list and maintains the sequence in which
* the super types are listed in the marker specification.
* @param markerType the marker's type
* @return a depth-first list of all super types of the given marker type
public static String[] getSuperTypes(String markerType) {
if (fgMarkerTypeHierarchy == null)
fgMarkerTypeHierarchy= new MarkerTypeHierarchy();
return fgMarkerTypeHierarchy.getSuperTypes(markerType);