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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the
desktop rules.
Package Specification</h2>
<code>ITextEditor</code> extends <code>IEditorPart</code> with text editor specific
functionality. Text editors use source viewers (<code>ISourceViewer</code>)
for displaying and editing the given editor input. In order to translate
the editor input into a document and vice versa (e.g., for saving a change),
a text editor uses document providers (<code>IDocumentProvider</code>). A document
provider is responsible not just for providing the document for a given
editor input but for the complete translation between the domain model
and the editor's internal document-based model. Document provider can be
shared between editors.
<br>The package provides a default implementation of <code>ITextEditor</code>
(<code>AbstractTextEditor</code>). This default implementation also covers
the editor's complete action management and activation. The package contains
a number of configurable and predefined actions. <code>AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel</code>
establishs a link between text annotations (<code>Annotation</code>) and desktop
markers (<code>IMarker</code>).