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<title>Eclipse Platform Build Notes - Text</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
To see which bugs have been addressed in one of the builds simply open the <a href=";product=Platform&amp;component=Text&amp;long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;long_desc=&amp;bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;bug_file_loc=&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=&amp;emailtype1=substring&amp;email1=&amp;emailtype2=substring&amp;email2=&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;bug_id=&amp;votes=&amp;changedin=&amp;chfieldfrom=&amp;chfieldto=Now&amp;chfieldvalue=&amp;namedcmd=Assigned&amp;newqueryname=&amp;field0-0-0=noop&amp;type0-0-0=noop&amp;value0-0-0=">Platform-Text bugzilla query page</a>, select status, resolution and the time frame.
========== Eclipse Build Input August 26th 2003 ==========<br>
- Improved overview ruler:
- can now handle annotations on same layer
- added tool tip text to overview ruler header
- tool tip text for disabled annotation no longer appears
- click on overview ruler item respects layer
- clicking on same overview ruler item jumps to next annotation
- several bugs fixed
========== Eclipse Build Input August 19th 2003 ==========<br>
- added concept of reconcile step: a reconcile step is one of n steps of a
reconcile strategy that consists of several steps. See the Java Family example
to see it in action.
- added concept of translator: a translator translates a given file into another
language. The translator is also responsible to provide line mapping information
for the translation and to compute which offset in an original line corresponds
to a given offset in a target line. See the Java Family example to see it in action.
- TextEditor extends now ExtendedTextEditor, an additional layer combining features
used in rich editors, such as the annotation, line number and overview rulers,
the print margin, current text highlighting, and quick diff.
- several bugs fixed
========== Eclipse Build Input August 12th 2003 ==========<br>
- the marker annotation specification can now be used to specify if the annotation
should allow to be a navigation target. For details read the documentation of
org.eclipse.workbench.texteditor.markerAnnotationSpecification extension point.
- several bugs fixed
========== Eclipse Build Input July 29th 2003 ==========<br>
- several bugs fixed
========== Eclipse Build Input July 22th 2003 ==========<br>
- several bugs fixed
========== Eclipse Build Input July 16th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
- Improvements and framework changes for the light weight change indication. Change indication
can now happen in the line number ruler or a dedicated change ruler column.
========== Eclipse Build Input July 8th 2003 ==========<br>
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- several bugs fixed
- The TextViewer sends out time-out based selection changed events for
caret position changes for clients registered as post selection changed listeners.
- The default text editor supports a light weight change indicator integrated with the line number ruler.
Can be globally enabled on the Text Editor preference page. Can be enabled/disabled for the current editor
in the editor's context menu or using the short cut "Ctrl+Shift+Q".
- Text frameworks have been extended to support light weight diffing.
========== Eclipse Build Input June 17th 2003 ==========<br>
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- several bugs fixed
- The TextViewer sends out time-out based selection changed events for caret position changes.
- added extension interfaces which allow completion proposals to specify their custom
information control creator
========== Eclipse Build Input June 4th 2003 ==========<br>
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- several bugs fixed
- The TextViewer sends out time-out based selection changed events for caret position changes.
- added extension interfaces which allow text hovers and information providers to specify their custom
information control creator
- text editors support three typing modes: Overwrite, Insert, Smart Insert
- typing modes are toggled by INS in the default key binding
- each mode is represented with its own caret
- modes can be disabled per editor, i.e. when toggling insert modes, disabled modes will not be selected
- status line contribution items can now be associated with an action that is called when double clicking the status item
========== Eclipse Build Input May 13th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
- released new features:
- Insert new line above the caret line (ui name: "Smart Enter (Inverse)", default key binding: Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
- Insert new line after the caret line (ui name: "Smart Enter", default key binding: Shift+Enter)
- Move selected lines upwards (ui name: "Move Lines Up", default key binding: Alt+Arrow_UP)
- Move selected lines down (ui name: "Move Lines Down", default key binding: Alt+Arrow_Down)
- Change case of selection to upper case (ui name: "To Upper Case", default key binding: Ctrl+Shift+X)
- Change case of selection to lower case (ui name: "To Lower Case", default key binding: Ctrl+Shift+Y)
========== Eclipse Build Input April 29th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
========== Eclipse Build Input April 22nd 2003 ==========<br>
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- several bugs fixed