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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Provides a content assist add-on for implementors of <tt>IContentAssistSubjectControl</tt>.
Content assist supports the user in writing&nbsp; by proposing context
sensitive completions at a given position. A completion can also
be a incomplete in itself and content assist provides means to deal with
nested completions.
Package Specification</h2>
<tt>ISubjectControlContentAssistant</tt> defines the concept of the content assist add-on.
It collaborates with content type specific completion processors (<tt>ISubjectControlContentAssistProcessor</tt>)
in order to generate completion proposals (<tt>ICompletionProposal</tt>)
valid at the current document position. The package provides a default
implementation <tt>SubjectControlContentAssistant</tt> which completely defines and implements
the UI and the control flow for content assist.
<strong>Deprecated, as of 3.2, replaced by Platform UI's field assist support</strong>