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<title>Search Infrastructure Extension Points</title>
Eclipse Platform Search</h1></center>
This document lists all of the extension points that the search plug-in makes
available to tool developers.
<p>All XML sub-elements defined in the individual extension point documents
may appear more than once inside an extension element. For example, a <tt></tt>
extension may contain several instances of <tt>page</tt> elements. Although
making one extension per sub-element is not technically incorrect, we recommend
grouping for consistent style. It can also improve platform startup time
because there will be fewer extensions to process.
<hr WIDTH="100%">
Extension Points</h1>
The following extension points can be used to extend the capabilities
of the search infrastructure:
<a href="org_eclipse_search_searchPages.html"></a></li>
<a href="org_eclipse_search_searchResultSorters.html"></a></li>
<p>&nbsp;<a href="hglegal2002.htm"><img src="ngibmcpy2002.gif" alt="Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2002. All Rights Reserved." border="0" width="324" height="14"></a>