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<title>Eclipse Platform Build Notes - Text</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
To see which bugs have been addressed in one of the builds simply open the <a href=";product=Platform&amp;component=Text&amp;long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;long_desc=&amp;bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;bug_file_loc=&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=&amp;emailtype1=substring&amp;email1=&amp;emailtype2=substring&amp;email2=&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;bug_id=&amp;votes=&amp;changedin=&amp;chfieldfrom=&amp;chfieldto=Now&amp;chfieldvalue=&amp;namedcmd=Assigned&amp;newqueryname=&amp;field0-0-0=noop&amp;type0-0-0=noop&amp;value0-0-0=">Platform-Text bugzilla query page</a>, select status, resolution and the time frame.
========== Eclipse Build Input July 8th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
- The TextViewer sends out time-out based selection changed events for
caret position changes for clients registered as post selection changed listeners.
- The default text editor supports a light weight change indicator integrated with the line number ruler.
Can be globally enabled on the Text Editor preference page. Can be enabled/disabled for the current editor
in the editor's context menu or using the short cut "Ctrl+Shift+Q".
- Text frameworks have been extended to support light weight diffing.
========== Eclipse Build Input June 17th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
- The TextViewer sends out time-out based selection changed events for caret position changes.
- added extension interfaces which allow completion proposals to specify their custom
information control creator
========== Eclipse Build Input June 4th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
- The TextViewer sends out time-out based selection changed events for caret position changes.
- added extension interfaces which allow text hovers and information providers to specify their custom
information control creator
- text editors support three typing modes: Overwrite, Insert, Smart Insert
- typing modes are toggled by INS in the default key binding
- each mode is represented with its own caret
- modes can be disabled per editor, i.e. when toggling insert modes, disabled modes will not be selected
- status line contribution items can now be associated with an action that is called when double clicking the status item
========== Eclipse Build Input May 13th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
- released new features:
- Insert new line above the caret line (ui name: "Smart Enter (Inverse)", default key binding: Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
- Insert new line after the caret line (ui name: "Smart Enter", default key binding: Shift+Enter)
- Move selected lines upwards (ui name: "Move Lines Up", default key binding: Alt+Arrow_UP)
- Move selected lines down (ui name: "Move Lines Down", default key binding: Alt+Arrow_Down)
- Change case of selection to upper case (ui name: "To Upper Case", default key binding: Ctrl+Shift+X)
- Change case of selection to lower case (ui name: "To Lower Case", default key binding: Ctrl+Shift+Y)
========== Eclipse Build Input April 29th 2003 ==========<br>
<!-- Add what's new below and end each line with br tag -->
- several bugs fixed
========== Eclipse Build Input April 22nd 2003 ==========<br>
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- several bugs fixed