blob: 719206b4525fffa4e66e7254f5e55cf751dc8ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM,
* WebSphere Studio Workbench
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp 2000
import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
* URL to the search server.
public class SearchURL extends HelpURL {
// Maximum number of displayed hits.
// This is different than maximum number of hits returned by GTR.
// We allow GTR to search for more hits,
// and than display only few top ranked ones.
private final static int MAX_HITS_DISP = 15;
// Maximum number of search results.
// This is how many sets of MAX_HITS_DISP we provide
private final static int MAX_SETS = 6;
private ISearchEngine searchManager;
// This is a cheat to keep the last query string around.
// This won't work if we need to support multithreaded SearchURLs.
protected static String lastQuery = null;
protected final static String QUERY_ARG = Resources.getString("keyword");
protected final static String REFINE_SEARCH_ARG = Resources.getString("within");
* SearchURL constructor comment.
* @param url java.lang.String
public SearchURL(String url) {
this(url, "");
* SearchURL constructor comment.
* @param url java.lang.String
public SearchURL(String url, String query) {
super(url, query);
searchManager = HelpSystem.getSearchManager();
* Creates result HTML page from result vector.
* @return HTML page
* @param results the search result
* @param baseURL directory under which plugins are installed
* (including "/" at the end), this will be prepended to file
* paths when creating URL of links to the documents.
private final String formatSearchResults(String results) {
String doc;
baseURL = baseURL.replace('\\', '/');
//document header
doc = getFileHeader();
// results
if (results==null || results.getSize() == 0)
doc += "<b>" + Resources.getString("returned_no_matches") + "</b>";
// Display 5 sets of results at most, 1-20, 21-40, etc.
int maxResultsSets = (results.getSize() + MAX_HITS_DISP - 1) / MAX_HITS_DISP;
int resultSetCount = Math.min(maxResultsSets, MAX_SETS);
NodeList documents = results.getXML().getElementsByTagName("topic");
doc += "<div style='display:None; margin-left:-5' id=searchResultsc>\r\n";
for (int r = 0; r < resultSetCount; r++)
// the range of results displayed
int resultsBegin = 1 + r * MAX_HITS_DISP;
int resultsEnd = Math.min((r + 1) * MAX_HITS_DISP, results.getSize());
doc += "<a id=Range"
+ r
+ " class=tree_search_results href=\"javascript:void 0\">Results "
+ resultsBegin
+ "..."
+ resultsEnd
+ "</a>\r\n";
doc += "<div id=Range" + r + "c style='display:None;'>\r\n";
//Inserting results rows here
int maxRange = Math.min(results.getSize(), resultsEnd);
for (int i = r * MAX_HITS_DISP; i < maxRange; i++)
Element result = (Element)documents.item(i);
String url = result.getAttribute("href");
url = url.replace('\\', '/');
doc += " <a href='"
+ baseURL
+ url
+ "' id=Result"
+ i
+ " class=tree onclick='javascript:highlightText();return true;'>"
+ result.getAttribute("label")
+ "</a>\r\n";
} //end of results
doc += "</div>\r\n";
doc += "</div>\r\n";
//document footer
doc += "</body></html>" + "\r\n";
return doc;
return results;
private String getFileHeader() {
String doc =
+ Resources.getString("Search_Results")
+ "</title>"
+ "\n"
+ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\r\n "
//+ "function loadFrame(url){ \r\n"
//+ " parent.opener.parent.document.frames.content.location.href = url; \r\n"
//+ "}\r\n"
+"function handleOnload(){ \r\n"
+ " parent.searchComplete(); \r\n"
+ "}\r\n"
+ "</script>\r\n"
+ "</head>"
+ "<body onload='handleOnload()'>\r\n";
return doc;
/** Returns the path prefix that identifies the URL. */
public static String getPrefix() {
return "search";
* Opens a stream for reading.
* @return
public InputStream openStream() {
Logger.logInfo("begining search..");
if (searchManager == null) {
Logger.logError(Resources.getString("search_not_installed"), null);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<topics/>".getBytes());
// The url string should contain the search parameters.
try {
String infoSet = (String) arguments.get("infoset");
try {
searchManager.updateIndex(infoSet, new NullProgressMonitor(), getValue("lang"));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logError(Resources.getString("search_index_update_error"), null);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<topics/>".getBytes());
String results = searchManager.getSearchResults(infoSet, query.toString());
System.out.println("search results=" + results);
String formattedResults = formatSearchResults(results);
InputStream is =
new ByteArrayInputStream(formattedResults.getBytes(/* can add encoding */));
if (is != null) {
contentSize = is.available();
} else {
Logger.logError(Resources.getString("index_is_busy"), null);
return is;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;