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<h1 >Testing Scenarios for User Assistance </h1>
<p >Last updated 5/18/2009</p>
<h2 >About this Test Suite</h2>
<p >The test suite is intended to test areas
which the JUnit tests do not cover. Some of the tests have been converted to
cheat sheets, these are all included in the composite cheat sheet titled &quot;User
Assistance Test Suite&quot; which is in the file cheatsheets/usTests.xml. The
remaining tests are described in detail.</p>
<p >Please ensure that you run this test plan with the <code><span
>org.eclipse.ui.intro/debug=true</span></code> debug
option set. This is the only intro debug option that you need turned on, and if
there are any errors or warnings in the .log then this is a bug. Please open a
defect and include the log.</p>
<h3>Scenario A: Basic behavior </h3>
<p >Launch
a fresh workbench. Make sure that Intro is automatically opened and is in full
<p >
that root page come up/looks ok. Icons should be there.
Verify that the root page icons all have labels.</p>
<p >Test
clicking on each of the links in the root page. Verify that on each page visited the
size of the text can be increased or decreased by clicking on the two buttons on the toolbar that
looks like a letter 'A' with a small arrow next to it.</p>
<p >In
Overview page, test that each of the links brings you to a corresponding topic
from the Help System documentation.</p>
<p >In
the Tutorials page, make sure that clicking on each of the links brings you to
the appropriate cheat sheet.</p>
<p >In
the Samples page, click on any of the links, you should get a pop-up asking you
to download the samples. Click Yes. Check that all samples can then be imported
automatically into the workbench and that they can be run. </p>
<p >In
the <span >What's</span> New page, the New and Noteworthy links and
the Migration link should launch the Help System and take you to the
appropriate page. The New Updates link should launch an Install/Update dialog
to update features. The latest news from should also be available
as links.</p>
<p >Click
on the Eclipse Community link, it should open the web site.</p>
<p >Click
on the curved arrow icon to &#8220;Go to the workbench&#8221; and make sure
that you get the launch bar at the bottom right trim of the workbench window.
It should have a button for each welcome page. All should have tooltip, and
clicking on each should open Intro in full mode and take you to the appropriate
page. </p>
<p >Hover
over the Return to Workbench and the Close icons in the launch bar to get the
&quot;move&quot; cursor. Test drag and drop of Launch bar.</p>
<h3>Scenario B: Remembering state and Standby Behavior </h3>
<p >Close
the workbench with the Intro view opened in full mode. Test that re-launching a
workbench opens Intro.</p>
<p >Close
the workbench with the Intro view opened in standby mode on a <span
>cheatSheet</span> (<span >ie</span>: go to Tutorials
and click on any of the links). Test that re-launching a workbench opens Intro
with the same <span >cheatSheet</span> opened in standby mode. </p>
<p >Close
the workbench with the Intro view opened in standby mode on the SDK Welcome
standby page (<span >ie</span>: double click on the Intro view to
bring it to the Standby page). Test that re-launching a workbench opens Intro
with the SDK Welcome standby page opened. </p>
<p >From
a <span >cheatSheet</span> in standby mode, click on Return to
Welcome and make sure it takes you back to the last page you were at. </p>
<h3>Scenario C: Icons and Toolbar Icon behavior </h3>
<p >Go
to Help -&gt; Welcome, note the icon for the menu item</p>
<p >Make
sure the same icon is used for the Welcome view. </p>
<p >In
the welcome view toolbar, make sure that the Home icon is enabled and that it
has a tooltip when the view is in full mode. </p>
<p >Make
sure that the left and right icons are initially disabled, and are subsequently
enabled when you navigate to some of the pages. These icons should be disabled
if there is no history to navigate to. </p>
<p >When
the welcome view is in standby mode (e.g. when you open a cheat sheet, or
double click on Welcome view) the home, back, and next icons are disabled. </p>
<h3>Scenario D: Universal Intro</h3>
<p >
Click the customize button at the top of the Welcome view.</p>
<p >Change
the theme, verify that it works. Make sure that you view every page of every theme.</p>
<p >Add
and remove some pages, make sure it updates accordingly (some pages may be empty)</p>
<p >In
the Overview, Tutorials, etc tabs, move some items to the Available Extensions
and confirm that they no longer show up</p>
<p >Move
some items to different columns and confirm that the welcome pages react
<p >Change
the priority on some items by clicking the icons. Verify that different
priorities appear differently in the welcome.</p>
<h3>Scenario E: Platforms </h3>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo8;tab-stops:.5in'>Ensure that Intro uses the HTML presentation when a browser
is properly configured on the platform. If the links for all the pages (Overview,
Tutorials, etc.) are at the top left corner of the page, you have HTML
presentation. If they are centered at the bottom of the page, you have SWT.</p>
<h3>Scenario A: Integration with the workbench</h3>
<p >These tests exercise interactions with help system from
workbench. </p>
<p >&nbsp;</p>
<p >NOTE this scenario is part of the UA test cheatsheet. The
steps used to create the cheat sheet can be found <a href="legacy_tests.htm">
<h3>Scenario B: Navigation and browsing</h3>
<p>NOTE this scenario is part of the UA test cheatsheet. The steps used to
create the cheat sheet can be found <a href="legacy_tests.htm">here</a>.</p>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo19;tab-stops:.5in'>The
main things to look for here are: </p>
<p >moving
around the navigation views (Contents, Search Results, Links, Bookmarks)</p>
<p >opening
a book, expanding/collapsing/selecting topic nodes</p>
<p >navigating
links inside the help pages</p>
<p >using
toolbar actions for displaying the main table of contents, for hiding or
maximizing the navigation frame, for topic/navigation synchronization, printing</p>
<p ><span
>performing</span> simple searching.</p>
<p ><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p >Note: this test is to be done on browser adapters that are
based on Internet Explorer or <span >Mozilla</span>. For other
browser, refer to the &quot;basic&quot; test.</p>
<h3>Scenario C: Search</h3>
<p>NOTE this scenario is part of the UA test cheatsheet. The steps used to
create the cheat sheet can be found <a href="legacy_tests.htm">here</a>.</p>
<h3>Scenario D: Customization</h3>
<h4>D1: Help preferences and Webapp extensibility </h4>
<p >Download the eclipse automated test framework and install into your Eclipse installation.</p>
<p >Download the eclipse automated tests and copy the plugin
into your Eclipse dropins directory.</p>
<p >Launch Eclipse, with the parameter <code>-product</code>, e.g. eclipse -product</p>
<p >From the workbench menu:
Help-&gt;Help Contents. This should open the help browser. Verify existence of
banner frame above search toolbar and a footer at the bottom of the screen.</p>
<p >The page displayed in the content
frame should be page.</p>
<p >There should be only two Eclipse
books displayed Plugin Developer Guide and JDT Development Guide, in that order. Other
Eclipse books should not appear.</p>
<p >Search for &quot;workbench&quot;. Verify
there are no hits from Workbench User Guide that is not present.</p>
<p >Verify that the Contents,
Index and Search tabs show at the bottom of navigation frame, the bookmarks view is not present.</p>
<p >Verify the browser title shows
product name.</p>
<p >Verify help UI background is
yellow, and green in the toolbars.</p>
<p >Verify fonts are bold sans-serif
in the toolbars, and italic sans-serif in the rest of the UI.</p>
<p >Type &quot;active help&quot; (no
quotes) in the search field in the browser, and search.</p>
<p >Choose a document titled &quot;Active
help&quot; from the search results.</p>
<p >Click once &quot;Open a cheatsheet&quot; link at the bottom of the document.</p>
<p >Verify a message informing that
active help is not enabled is displayed, and &quot;Hello World&quot; workbench dialog does
not appear.</p>
<p >If you don't have installed stop here</p>
<p >Open Platform Plug-in Developer's Guide/Programmer's Guide in
the browser and verify that the breadcrumbs have a gray background</p>
<p >Open Platform Plug-in Developer's Guide/What's New in
the browser and verify that the breadcrumbs are in&nbsp; a black box</p>
<p >In the help view open
Open Platform Plug-in Developer's Guide/What's New. Verify that the breadcrumbs and every header is in a
black box</p>
<p >Verify that there is an additional tab with a welcome icon, a button over the content frame which is a welcome icon
and a narrow frame beneath the content frame titled 'Extra frame inserted by extension point'</p>
<p >Click on the welcome button in the content toolbar, verify that the new view shows. Verify that it
allows topic titles to be searched and test it by entering the word 'platform' and hitting the Go button/</p>
<p >&nbsp;</p>
<h4>D2: BIDI </h4>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo25;tab-stops:.5in'>Launch
eclipse passing &quot;-dir <span >rtl</span>&quot; option on the
command line. Open Help.</p>
<p >Verify
Help UI is rendered right to left.</p>
<p>Verify that each page of Intro is usable.</p>
<h3>Scenario E: Accessibility</h3>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo26;tab-stops:.5in'>Accessibility
support should test for how the help view </p>
<p >uses
system colors and fonts,</p>
<p >uses
browser's accessibility support,</p>
<p ><span
>can</span> be navigated using only the keyboard.</p>
<p >Note:
Platform considerations for the accessibility tests: </p>
<p >on
Windows things should work as described;</p>
<p ><span
>on</span> Linux using the <span >Mozilla</span> browser
adapter keyboard navigation works slightly different: Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab
are to be replaced by Ctrl-F6 and Ctrl-Shift-F6 (this is for frame navigation,
see below).</p>
<p ><span
>on</span> Solaris/AIX/HP, unless you use <span >Mozilla</span>,
the default browser adapter for Netscape 4.x has very little accessibility
support, both for fonts/colors and for keyboard navigation.</p>
<p >System
colors and fonts: </p>
<p >Observe
if the colors and fonts match your system settings. Window backgrounds for
navigation views (Contents/Search Results/Links/Bookmarks) should match the
system background color (usually white on Windows and Linux). The toolbars
should match the button face colour (usually gray). The font should match the
system icon font. Highlight colour should match the system highlight colour.</p>
<p >Change
your system colors/font settings and see if the changes take effect.</p>
<p >On
Windows, try the high contrast settings: Control Panel -&gt; Accessibility
Options -&gt; Display - &gt; Use high contrast.</p>
<p >Browser
accessibility support: </p>
<p >Windows:
in IE - &gt; Tools-&gt; Internet Options -&gt; General -&gt;Accessibility play
with the settings for Format. Help should behave accordingly.</p>
<p >DO
NOT turn off style sheet support, help will not work well.</p>
<p >Navigation
with keyboard only:</p>
<p ><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p >Here are the keyboard navigation rules for help (as
supported by browsers): </p>
<p ><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p >- To move to the next topic in the left frame, press TAB or
DOWN arrow. <br>
- To move to the previous <span >topic ,</span> press SHIFT-TAB or
UP arrow. <br>
- To expand/collapse a tree node press RIGHT/LEFT arrow. <br>
- Press Enter to select a topic and have its content displayed <br>
- To scroll all the way up/down press HOME/END. <br>
- To go to the next frame (there are quite a number of frames in the help
system) press CTRL-TAB (On <span >Mozilla</span> 1.2 press
Ctrl-F6). <br>
- To move to previous frame, press SHIFT-CTRL-TAB (On <span >Mozilla</span>
&gt;1.2 press Ctrl-Shift-F6).<br>
- To print the current page or active frame, press CTRL-P.</p>
<p ><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p >F1 <span
>infopop</span> keyboard accessibility: </p>
<p >Press
F1 (on GTK - Ctrl-F1, on carbon - Help key) in the workbench Package Explorer view
. This should open the <span >Related Topics</span> section of the Help view
with some text and related links. Tabbing once should focus on the first link
(&quot;Views&quot;). Use tab and ctrl-Tab to move up and down the links.
Click on a link and the help view should open to the selected topic.</p>
<p >On
Windows, use Windows Narrator (or JAWS if <span >installed )</span>,
repeat the same tests and see if description an links read out correctly.</p>
<h3>Scenario F: Other / Miscellaneous</h3>
<p >In addition to the eclipse workbench help scenario, there
are two other help uses scenarios: <a
help</a> and <a
(server based) help.</p>
<h4>F1: <span >Infocenter</span></h4>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo27;tab-stops:.5in'>Assuming
eclipse is installed as d:\eclipse, change directory to d:\eclipse and run the
following command: java -cp plugins/*.jar <span
></span> -command start -data
<span >infocenter</span> -port 8888</p>
<p >Open
a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8888/help. You should see the help
system, but without the links and bookmarks tabs.</p>
<p >Define
a working set, search help. Close the browser and reopen. Verify working sets
are remembered.</p>
<p >Perform
ad-hoc testing or follow the steps for the regular workbench scenarios, with
the exception of bookmarks, <span >infopop</span> and active help.</p>
<p >Shutdown
the <span >infocenter</span> by running: java -cp
plugins/ <span ></span>
-command shutdown -data <span >infocenter</span></p>
<h4>F2: Stand-alone help </h4>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo28;tab-stops:.5in'>Assuming
eclipse is installed as d:\eclipse, change directory to d:\eclipse and run the
following command, replacing the '*' with the actual plugin version information if testing on Windows: java -cp plugins/*.jar <span
></span> -command <span
>displayHelp</span> -data standalone</p>
<p >The
above command should automatically open the browser so you can browse the help.
Perform ad-hoc testing or follow the steps in the regular workbench scenario,
with the exception of <span >infopop</span> and active help.</p>
<p >Shutdown
the standalone help by running: java -cp
plugins/*.jar <span ></span>
-command shutdown -data standalone</p>
<h4>F3: Basic help <span >ui</span> (any browser with <span
>Javascript</span> disabled or browsers other than IE, <span
>Mozilla</span> or Netscape6+) </h4>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo29;tab-stops:.5in'>Disable
<span >javascript</span> in the browser that is used by the default
browser adapter (normally, that's IE on Windows, <span >Mozilla</span>
on Linux and Netscape6+ on others)</p>
<p >Launch
help and you should see a simple 3-frame layout with links instead of tabs and
just the synchronize navigation button available. Books are always expanded and
there is no state preservation across views (i.e. when switching between
contents/links/search/bookmarks) the page always reloads)</p>
<p >Try
ad-hoc testing or follow the regular workbench scenario steps above.</p>
<p >Instead
of step 1, you can launch Netscape 4.7 and navigate to the help system URL. To
get this URL, right click in the help browser and select
&quot;Properties&quot;. Check what the URL is.</p>
<h2>Cheat Sheet</h2>
<h3>Scenario A: Search for Cheat sheet</h3>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo30;tab-stops:.5in'>Help/Search</p>
<p >Search
for &quot;Creating Rich Client&quot;</p>
<p >Expected
result: The cheat sheet &quot;Creating a rich client application&quot; should
show in the matches at or near the top of the list of search results<span
<p >Expected
Result: The icon should be overlapping blue and white rectangles.</p>
<p >Double
click on this cheat sheet in the search results.</p>
<p >If
this is not a clean workbench and you have run this test before restart all
tasks using the view menu.</p>
<p >Expected
result: The <span >cheatsheet</span> opens in the cheat sheet view
and displays two panes, a tree and a section containing a description of the
cheat sheet and a hyperlink.</p>
<p >Resize
the cheat sheet view so that it is taller than it is wide.</p>
<p >Expected
result: The tree appears above the description.</p>
<p >Resize
the cheat sheet view so that it is wider than it is tall.</p>
<p >Expected
result: The tree appears to the left of description.</p>
<p >Click
on the link &quot;Go to Create a plug-in&quot;</p>
<p >Expected
result:<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>&quot;Create a plug-in is
selected in the tree and its description is displayed, with a hyperlink to
&quot;Start working on this task&quot;.</p>
<p >Start
the cheat sheet by clicking on the hyperlink and complete the Introduction and
the following step.</p>
<h3>Scenario B: Self testing cheat sheet</h3>
<p>NOTE this scenario is part of the UA test cheatsheet and is not described
<h3>Scenario C: Open simple cheat sheet</h3>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo32;tab-stops:.5in'>Help
-&gt; <span >CheatSheets</span></p>
<p >Expected
Result: The Cheat Sheet Selection dialog is opened.</p>
<p >Select
the radio button &quot;Select a cheat sheet from the list&quot;</p>
<p >Select
the cheat <span >sheet<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>&quot;</span>Java
Development/Hello World Application&quot; and hit OK.</p>
<p >Expected
result: The cheat sheet opens.</p>
<p >Complete
the introduction and the first steps.</p>
<p >Expected
result: Next step is &quot;Create a Java project&quot;</p>
<p >Click
the &quot;Click to perform&quot; hyperlink.</p>
<p >Expected
result: A dialog titled &quot;New Java Project&quot; opens with the <span
>cheatsheet</span> docked to the right of the dialog.</p>
<p >Cancel
out of this dialog.</p>
<h3>Scenario D: History</h3>
<p style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo33;tab-stops:.5in'>Click
on the cheat sheet view menu. </p>
<p >Expected
result: 5 cheat sheets are shown in the dropdown menu as well as &quot;Launch <span
>Other</span> ...&quot; and &quot;Restart all tasks&quot;. One of
the cheat sheets in the list is &quot;Building a Rich Client Application&quot;,
select that menu option.</p>
<p >Expected
result: Building a rich client Application is opened, the selected task is
&quot;Create a plug-in&quot; and the introduction and first step have been
<p ><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>