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<title>Active help</title>
<h2>Active help</h2>
<p>Active help is the ability to invoke Eclipse code from on-line
documentation.&nbsp;It is implemented by including some JavaScript in your
documentation that describes a class that should be run inside the Eclipse
platform. </p>
<p>For example, instead of writing, &quot;Go to the Window Menu and open the
message dialog,&quot; your on-line help can include a link that will open your
application's message dialog for the user.&nbsp; Active help links look like hyperlinks in
the on-line help.</p>
<p>Below is an active help link that opens the cheatsheet "Check out a CVS project".&nbsp;
We will take a look at how to create and reference your own actions.</p>
<p><a href='javascript:liveAction(
"org.eclipse.platform.cvs.checkout")'>Open a cheatsheet.</a></p>