blob: a5eb8b1681f2c7f724e711e7ac671a4134432637 [file] [log] [blame]
IDETipManager_0=Registering provider
IDETipManager_1=Loading {0}
IDETipManager_18=Could not read or write the state location {0}
IDETipManager_2=Load new tips job started for {0}
IDETipManager_3=Save tips state
IDETipManager_4=Saving read tips...
IDETipManager_5=Tips status bar refresh
IDETipManager_6=New tips {0}
IDETipManager_8=Evaluating expression {0}
IDETipManager_9=Evaluating expression done. Priority: {0}
Startup_0=Load default IDE Tip Providers
Startup_18=Fetching content for the tip of the day
Startup_19=Checking for tip of the day content
Startup_20=Tip of the Day
Startup_3=Failure getting the Tips state location.
TipSourceProvider_0=Tip of the Day. Layout Shell
TipSourceProvider_1=Layout on