blob: 8722b94843ee56b6d43a220a1dbde9b3ac7b3e7e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
<cheatsheet title="Test commands in subitems">
<description>A cheat sheet which demonstrates the use of perform-when and conditional subitems
<br/><br/>Verify that each step performs as indicated in the description, that the description
for each step is visible and that all steps can be completed.
<item title="Formatting in subitems. ">
<description>Verifies that subitems can be formatted. </description>
<subitem skip = "true">
<description>Verify this subitem contains a <b>bold</b> word</description>
<subitem skip = "true">
<description>Verify that there is a line break between lines 1 and 2.<br/>Line 1<br/>Line 2</description>
title="Open Resource in Browser test">
Test the open resource in browser command
Verify when you Click to perform that the Testing Scenarios for User Assistance page is opened in an editor window.
<item title="Select a view to open">
<description>Select a view which will be opened in the following steps. Pick either, they work
equally well.</description>
<command returns = "result"
serialization="org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.openMessageDialog(title=Select View,buttonLabel0=Package Explorer,message=Select a view ,buttonLabel1=Search View)"/>
<onCompletion> Selected the ${result}. </onCompletion>
<item title="Close Views">
<description>Close the search view and package explorer if open</description>
<item title="Open the view from a perform when item." skip = "true">
<description>Uses perform when to open the view seleted previously.</description>
<perform-when condition = "${result}">
<command when = "Package Explorer"
<command when = "Search View"
<item title="Close Views">
<description>First verify that the view you selected was opened.
Close the Search View/Package explorer, whichever is open.</description>
<item title="Open the view from a perform when subitem. ">
<description>Uses perform when to open the view seleted previously. </description>
<subitem label="Perform when subitem" skip = "true">
<perform-when condition = "${result}">
<command when = "Package Explorer"
<command when = "Search View"
<item title="Close Views">
<description>First verify that the view you selected was opened.
Close the Search View/Package explorer, whichever is open.</description>
<item title="Open the view from a conditional subitem">
<description>Uses perform when to open the view seleted previously.</description>
<conditional-subitem condition="${result}">
<subitem when="Package Explorer" label="Open package explorer.">
<command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId=org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PackageExplorer)"/>
<subitem when="Search View" label="Open Search View">
<command serialization = "org.eclipse.ui.views.showView("/>
<item title="Close Views">
<description>First verify that the view you selected was opened.
Close the Search View/Package explorer, whichever is open.</description>
<item title="Open both views from a repeated-subitem">
<description>Uses repeated-subitem to open the view seleted previously.</description>
<repeated-subitem values="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PackageExplorer,">
<subitem label="Show ${this}">
<command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId=${this})"/>
<item title="Final checks">
<description>Verify that both the package explorer and search view are open.<br/>
Verify that every item except this one has a checkmark to the left of the title.</description>