blob: 4d036f0521342fe77c09444cdcd92e4e0e79e554 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
RestartTitle = Install/Update
RestartMessage = You will need to restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. \
Would you like to restart now?
OptionalRestartMessage = It is recommended you restart the workbench for the changes to take effect, \
but it may be possible to apply the changes to the current configuration without restarting.\
Would you like to restart now?
ApplyChanges=Apply Changes Now
AddBookmarksAction.add=Add Bookmark... Bookmark
ConfigurationManagerAction.title=Product Configuration
EditBookmarksAction.edit=Edit Bookmarks...
InstallWizard.retryTitle = Problem occurred
InstallWizard.retry = Do you want to retry?
WebBookmarksDialog.label=Current Bookmarks:
WebBookmarksDialog.add=Add... Bookmark
WebBookmarksDialog.editTitle=Edit Bookmark
WebBookmarksDialog.remove=Remove to Visit
SiteBookmark.connecting = Connecting to "{0}"...
SiteBookmark.downloading = Downloading:\
SiteCategory.other.label = Other
SiteCategory.other.description = Features found under this category are either not categorized or their categories could not be found on server.
MainPreferencePage.checkSignature = Check digital &signatures of downloaded archives
MainPreferencePage.historySize = &Maximum number of 'History' configurations:
MainPreferencePage.updateVersions = Valid updates
MainPreferencePage.updateVersions.equivalent = e&quivalent (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 - only service increments)
MainPreferencePage.updateVersions.compatible = &compatible (1.0.9 -> 1.1.0 - service and minor increments)
MainPreferencePage.updatePolicy = &Update Policy
MainPreferencePage.updatePolicyURL = Po&licy URL:
MainPreferencePage.proxyGroup = Proxy settings
MainPreferencePage.enableHttpProxy = E&nable HTTP proxy connection
MainPreferencePage.httpProxyHost = &HTTP proxy host address:
MainPreferencePage.httpProxyPort = HTTP &proxy host port:
MainPreferencePage.digitalSignature.title = Digital Signature Check
MainPreferencePage.digitalSignature.message = You have chosen to disable digital signature \
checks for downloaded archives. Note that unsigned archives may \
contain software that can harm your computer.
UpdateSettingsPreferencePage.description=Settings for automatic feature update
UpdateSettingsPreferencePage.label=Address &Mappings URL:
UpdateSettingsPreferencePage.invalid=Invalid mappings URL
ConfigurationActivitiesPropertyPage.label=Activities that caused the creation of this configuration:
ConfiguredSitePropertyPage.path=Location path:
ConfiguredSitePropertyPage.type=Location type:
ConfiguredSitePropertyPage.extension=product extension
FeatureCopyrightPropertyPage.showInBrowser=Show in Browser
FeatureCopyrightPropertyPage.noCopyright=Feature does not contain a copyright statement
FeatureGeneralPropertyPage.platforms=Supported Platforms
FeatureGeneralPropertyPage.os=Operating System: System:
FeatureGeneralPropertyPage.arch=CPU Architecture:
FeatureLicensePropertyPage.showInBrowser=Show in Browser
FeatureLicensePropertyPage.noLicense=Feature does not contain a license.
FeatureStatusPropertyPage.pendingChanges=The feature has pending changes. Therefore, its status cannot be determined until you restart the workbench.
FeatureStatusPropertyPage.missingOptional=This optional feature is currently not installed.
FeatureStatusPropertyPage.missing=Referenced feature not found.
FeatureStatusPropertyPage.goodConfiguration=The feature is configured properly.
JarVerificationDialog.wtitle = Jar Verification
JarVerificationDialog.Title= Feature verification
JarVerificationDialog.ComponentNotInstalled=This feature will not be installed.
JarVerificationDialog.AboutToInstall.File=Warning: You are about to install an unsigned feature file.
JarVerificationDialog.NotDigitallySigned.File= Warning: This feature file has not been digitally signed.
JarVerificationDialog.CannotVerifyProvider.File=The provider of this feature file cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.CorruptedContent.File=The content of this feature file has been corrupted
JarVerificationDialog.SignedComponent.File=You are about to install a signed feature file.
JarVerificationDialog.UnknownCertificate.File=The certificates used to authenticate this feature file are not recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.UnableToVerifyProvider.File=The provider of this feature file cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.ProviderKnown.File=The provider of this feature file has been validated by a trusted third party.
JarVerificationDialog.KnownCertificate.File=One of the certificates used to authenticate this feature file was recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.AboutToInstall.Feature=Warning: You are about to install an unsigned feature.
JarVerificationDialog.NotDigitallySigned.Feature= Warning: This feature has not been digitally signed.
JarVerificationDialog.CannotVerifyProvider.Feature=The provider of this feature cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.CorruptedContent.Feature=The content of this feature has been corrupted
JarVerificationDialog.SignedComponent.Feature=You are about to install a signed feature.
JarVerificationDialog.UnknownCertificate.Feature=The certificates used to authenticate this feature are not recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.UnableToVerifyProvider.Feature=The provider of this feature cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.ProviderKnown.Feature=The provider of this feature has been validated by a trusted third party.
JarVerificationDialog.KnownCertificate.Feature=One of the certificates used to authenticate this feature was recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.Caution=\r\nCaution: \"{0}\" asserts that the content of this feature is safe. \r\nYou should only install this feature if you trust \"{0}\" to make that assertion
JarVerificationDialog.FileName=File Identifier:
JarVerificationDialog.FeatureName=Feature name:
JarVerificationDialog.FeatureIdentifier=Feature Identifier:
JarVerificationDialog.Provider= Provider:
JarVerificationDialog.MayChooseToInstall=You may choose to install the feature or cancel its installation.
JarVerificationDialog.MayChooseToContinue=You may choose to continue to install the feature or cancel its installation.
JarVerificationDialog.RootCA= According to:
JarVerificationDialog.SubjectCA= File signed by:
JarVerificationDialog.CertificateInfo= Certificate:
UserVerificationDialog.PasswordRequired=Password Required
UserVerificationDialog.EnterNameAndPassword=Enter user name and password for:
UserVerificationDialog.Domain=At the following domain:
UserVerificationDialog.UserName=User name:
ConfigurationPreviewForm.configDescription=This is the description of the current configuration.
ConfigurationPreviewForm.install=Install Location
ConfigurationView.missingFeature = {0} (not installed)
ConfigurationView.current=Current Configuration
ConfigurationView.pending=\ (pending changes)
ConfigurationView.collapseLabel=Collapse All
ConfigurationView.collapseTooltip=Collapse All
ConfigurationView.installHistory =Installation History
ConfigurationView.extLocation=Extension Location...
ConfigurationView.anotherVersion=&Another Version...
ConfigurationView.findUpdates=Find Updates...
ConfigurationView.showNestedFeatures=Show Nested Features
ConfigurationView.showNestedTooltip=Show Nested Features
ConfigurationView.showInstall=Show Install Locations
ConfigurationView.showInstallTooltip=Show Install Locations
ConfigurationView.showDisabled=Show Disabled Features
ConfigurationView.showDisabledTooltip=Show Disabled Features
ConfigurationView.replaceWith=Replace with
ConfigurationView.revertPreviousLabel=Revert to Previous
ConfigurationView.revertPreviousDesc=You can revert to one of the previous configurations if you are having problems with the current one.
ConfigurationView.updateLabel=Scan for Updates
ConfigurationView.updateDesc=Search for updates for all the installed features.
ConfigurationView.detectedChanges=Detected Changes...
ConfigurationView.detectedLabel=Process Detected Changes
ConfigurationView.detectedDesc=Process configuration changes that were detected by the configuration manager.
ConfigurationView.linkLabel=Link an Extension Location
ConfigurationView.linkDesc=Locate and link an extension location to the current configuration.
ConfigurationView.installHistLabel=View Installation History
ConfigurationView.installHistDesc=View all activities since the installation of the product.
ConfigurationView.activitiesLabel=Show Activities
ConfigurationView.activitiesDesc=View the activities that caused the creation of this configuration.
ConfigurationView.enableLocDesc=You can enable or disable an entire install location. Disabling a location is equivalent to disabling every feature in it.
ConfigurationView.extLocLabel=Add an Extension Location
ConfigurationView.extLocDesc=Locate and add an extension location to the current configuration.
ConfigurationView.propertiesLabel=Show Properties
ConfigurationView.installPropDesc=View the properties of the install location.
ConfigurationView.replaceVersionLabel=Replace With Another Version
ConfigurationView.replaceVersionDesc=Disables the current version of the feature and replaces it with another version from the list of the currently disabled features.
ConfigurationView.enableFeatureDesc=You can enable or disable a feature. Function provided by the feature will be removed but the feature itself will still be present to be enabled later.
ConfigurationView.installOptionalLabel=Install from Originating Server
ConfigurationView.installOptionalDesc=This optional feature was not originally installed. You can install it now by connecting to the originating server of the parent.
ConfigurationView.uninstallDesc=This feature is currently not used and can be uninstalled from the product.
ConfigurationView.scanLabel=Scan for Updates
ConfigurationView.scanDesc=Search for updates for this feature.
ConfigurationView.featurePropLabel=Show Properties
ConfigurationView.featurePropDesc=View properties of the feature such as version, provider name, license agreement etc.
Actions.brokenConfigQuestion=The current configuration contains errors and this operation can have unpredictable results. Do you want to continue ?
FeatureStateAction.disableQuestion=Do you want to disable this feature?
FeatureStateAction.EnableQuestion=Do you want to enable this feature?
FeatureStateAction.dialogTitle=Current Configuration
FeatureUninstallAction.uninstallQuestion=Do you want to uninstall this feature?
FeatureUninstallAction.dialogTitle=Current Configuration
SiteStateAction.dialogTitle=Current Configuration
SiteStateAction.disableMessage=Do you want to disable all the features in "{0}"?
SiteStateAction.enableMessage=Do you want to enable features in "{0}"?
InstallationHistoryAction.title=Installation History
InstallationHistoryAction.desc=The list below represents the history of your update activities from the product installation to date. Each operation carries a date it commenced, as well as activities performed. Operations are sorted by date in ascending order.
InstallationHistoryAction.dateTime=Date / Time
InstallationHistoryAction.errors=Errors while creating installation history file.
NewExtensionLocationAction.selectExtLocation=Select an extension location.
NewExtensionLocationAction.extInfoTitle=Invalid Extension
NewExtensionLocationAction.extInfoMessage=Selected location does not contain extension. Please select another location.
ActivitiesTableViewer.featureInstalled=Feature Installed
ActivitiesTableViewer.featureRemoved=Feature Removed
ActivitiesTableViewer.siteInstalled=Site Installed
ActivitiesTableViewer.siteRemoved=Site Removed
DeltaFeatureAdapter.shortName = {0} ({1})
DeltaFeatureAdapter.longName = {0} ({1}) in {2}
DuplicateConflictsDialog.title = Duplicate Conflicts
DuplicateConflictsDialog.message = If you continue with the update/install, \
the resulting configuration will contain duplication conflicts \
that may cause parts of the product to be unusable. Do you want to \
DuplicateConflictsDialog.treeLabel = &Detected conflicts:
InstallDeltaWizard.wtitle = Configuration Changes
InstallDeltaWizard.processing = Processing pending changes:
InstallDeltaWizard.title = Pending Configuration Changes
InstallDeltaWizard.desc = Check the changes you wish to process now. Remove changes that should never be processed.
InstallDeltaWizard.label = Detected &changes:
InstallDeltaWizard.delete = &Remove
InstallDeltaWizard.errors = &Error Details...
InstallDeltaWizard.message = Selected update will result in an invalid configuration.
ModeSelectionPage.title=Feature Updates
ModeSelectionPage.desc=Choose the way you want to search for features to install
ModeSelectionPage.updates=Search for updates of the currently installed features
ModeSelectionPage.newFeatures=Search for new features to install
MoreInfoGenerator.notInstalled=not installed
MoreInfoGenerator.HTMLlicense=HTML version of the license agreement
MoreInfoGenerator.licenseAvailable=is also available.
MoreInfoGenerator.HTMLcopyright=HTML version of the copyright
MoreInfoGenerator.copyrightAvailable=is also available.
MoreInfoGenerator.platforms=Supported Platforms
MoreInfoGenerator.downloadSize=Download size:
MoreInfoGenerator.installSize=Install size:
MoreInfoGenerator.downloadTime=Estimated download time:
MoreInfoGenerator.lessthanone=less than one minute
MoreInfoGenerator.moreInfo=More info...
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.title= Optional Features
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.desc = Some of the features that are included in this feature are optional.
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.treeLabel = &Available optional features:
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.selectAll = &Select All
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.deselectAll = &Deselect All
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.counter = {0} of {1} selected.
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.title=Search Results
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.desc=Select features to install from the search result list.
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.label=Select the &features to install:
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.selectAll=&Select All
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.deselectAll=&Deselect All
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.moreInfo=&More Info
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.showStatus=&Error Details...
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.filter=\ &Filter features included in other features on the list
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.invalid.long=Invalid combination - select \"Show Status...\" for details.
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.invalid.short=Invalid combination
InstallWizard.LicensePage.accept = I &accept the terms in the license agreement
InstallWizard.LicensePage.accept2 = I &accept the terms in the license agreements
InstallWizard.LicensePage.decline = I &do not accept the terms in the license agreement
InstallWizard.LicensePage.decline2 = I &do not accept the terms in the license agreements
InstallWizard.LicensePage.desc = This feature has a license \
agreement that you need to accept before proceeding with \
the installation.
InstallWizard.LicensePage.desc2 = Some of the features have license \
agreements that you need to accept before proceeding with \
the installation.
InstallWizard.LicensePage.down=Next &License
InstallWizard.LicensePage.header={0} out of {1}: {2} ({3})
InstallWizard.LicensePage.title = Feature License
InstallWizard.LicensePage.up=&Previous License
InstallWizard.TargetPage.title = Install Location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.desc = Choose the location where the features will be installed.
InstallWizard.TargetPage.jobsLabel = &Features to install:
InstallWizard.TargetPage.siteLabel = A&vailable sites: = &Add Site...
InstallWizard.TargetPage.delete = &Remove Site
InstallWizard.TargetPage.requiredSpace = Required space:
InstallWizard.TargetPage.availableSpace = Free space:
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location = Target Location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.message = Select a new install location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.empty = Target install location must be selected. If none is available, create a new one.
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.exists = Target location already exists.
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.title = Invalid Location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.message = The selected location cannot be used to install features: {0}
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.reason = Reason: {0}
InstallWizard.TargetPage.size = {0}KB
InstallWizard.TargetPage.unknownSize = Unknown
IntallWizard.TargetPage.patchError = Patch '{0}' must be installed in the same site as '{1}'
RevertConfigurationWizard.wtitle=Revert to a Previous Configuration
RevertConfigurationWizardPage.title=Revert to a Previous Configuration
RevertConfigurationWizardPage.desc=Choose a stable configuration to which you would like to revert
RevertConfigurationWizardPage.label=&Past configurations:
RevertConfigurationWizardPage.activities=&Activities that caused the creation of this configuration:
RevertConfigurationWizardPage.question=This operation requires restarting the workbench. Would you like to proceed?
Revert.ProblemDialog.title = Restore Problems
ShowActivitiesDialog.title = Current Configuration = Date:
ShowActivitiesDialog.loc = Location:
ShowActivitiesDialog.label = Activities that caused the creation of the current configuration:
SitePage.title=Update sites to visit
SitePage.desc=Select update sites to visit while looking for new features.
SitePage.label=&Sites to include in search:
SitePage.addUpdateSite=Add &Update Site...
SitePage.addLocalSite=Add &Local Site...
SitePage.addLocalZippedSite=Add &Archived Site...
SitePage.ignore=Ignore features not applicable to this environment Update Site
SitePage.dialogEditLocal=Edit Local Site
SitePage.dialogEditUpdateSite=Edit Update Site
SearchRunner.connectionError=Connection error
LocalSiteSelector.dialogMessage=Select a local site
LocalSiteSelector.dirInfoTitle=Invalid Site
LocalSiteSelector.dirInfoMessage=Selected location does not contain local site. Please select another location.
LocalSiteSelector.dialogMessagezip=Select a local site archive.
LocalSiteSelector.zipInfoTitle=Invalid Site
LocalSiteSelector.zipInfoMessage=Selected archive does not contain local site. Please select another archive.
InstallServlet.unknownServerURL=Update server URL is unknown.
InstallServlet.noFeatures=No features to install.
InstallServlet.inProgress = Another install session is already in progress.
InstallServlet.incorrectURLFormat=Update server URL has incorrect format: {0}
InstallServlet.contactWebmaster=Contact Web master that maintains the page that initiated this operation.
MissingFeature.provider = N/A
MissingFeature.desc.unknown = The feature was not loaded due to errors. Open feature properties for details.
MissingFeature.desc.optional = This optional feature has not been installed.
InstallDeltaWizard.reminder=To process these changes at a later time, go to Help->Software Updates->Manage Configuration...
SwapFeatureWizard.title=Replace With Another Version
SwapFeatureWizardPage.title=Replace With Another Version
SwapFeatureWizardPage.desc=Disable the current version of the feature and replace it with one of the versions from the list
SwapFeatureWizardPage.label=&Available disabled versions: