blob: 8809719074cceddda6ddce76d7d31cb698024991 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.update.internal.core;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.webdav.http.client.Response;
import java.util.jar.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.update.internal.ui.*;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.update.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class represents an operation such as "copy" or "unzip".
* Attributes are id, status (pending/complete), action,
* source, target. Children are messages.
public class UMSessionManagerOperation extends UMSessionManagerEntry {
protected ArrayList _alMessages = new ArrayList();
protected ILogEntryProperty _propertyAction = null;
protected ILogEntryProperty _propertyID = null;
protected ILogEntryProperty _propertySource = null;
protected ILogEntryProperty _propertyTarget = null;
* UpdateManagerOperation constructor comment.
public UMSessionManagerOperation( ILogEntry logEntry ) {
super( logEntry );
// Action
_propertyAction = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ACTION);
if (_propertyAction == null) {
_propertyAction = new LogEntryProperty(logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ACTION, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
logEntry.addProperty( _propertyAction );
// Id
_propertyID = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ID);
if (_propertyID == null) {
_propertyID = new LogEntryProperty(logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ID, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
logEntry.addProperty( _propertyID );
// Source
_propertySource = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_SOURCE);
if (_propertySource == null) {
_propertySource = new LogEntryProperty(logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_SOURCE, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
logEntry.addProperty( _propertySource );
// Target
_propertyTarget = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_TARGET);
if (_propertyTarget == null) {
_propertyTarget = new LogEntryProperty(logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_TARGET, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
logEntry.addProperty( _propertyTarget);
* @param logEntry org.eclipse.update.internal.core.LogEntry
public void buildTreeFromLog(ILogEntry logEntry) {
super.buildTreeFromLog( logEntry );
// Action
ILogEntryProperty property = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ACTION);
if (property != null) {
_propertyAction = property;
// Id
property = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ID);
if (property != null) {
_propertyID = property;
// Source
property = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_SOURCE);
if (property != null) {
_propertySource = property;
// Target
property = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_TARGET);
if (property != null) {
_propertyTarget = property;
ILogEntry[] entries = logEntry.getChildEntries();
// Messages
int iIndex = 0;
UMSessionManagerMessage message = null;
for( int i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
if (entries[i] != null && entries[i].getName().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_MESSAGE) == true) {
message = new UMSessionManagerMessage( entries[i] );
_alMessages.add( message );
message.buildTreeFromLog( entries[i] );
* Copies all data from input stream to output stream.
* @param inputStream
* @param outputStream
public String copyStream(InputStream streamInput, OutputStream streamOutput, long lContentLength, String strTaskName, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean bSubtask) {
String strErrorMessage = null;
// Allocate buffer
byte[] byteArray = null;
if (streamInput != null && streamOutput != null) {
byteArray = new byte[64000];
if (byteArray != null) {
// Copy
if (progressMonitor != null) {
if (bSubtask == false) {
if (lContentLength > 0 && lContentLength < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
progressMonitor.beginTask(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Copy") + ": " +strTaskName, (int) lContentLength);
progressMonitor.beginTask(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Copy") + ": " + strTaskName, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
else {
progressMonitor.subTask(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Copy") + ": " + strTaskName);
int iBytesReceived = 0;
do {
// Read
try {
iBytesReceived =;
catch (IOException ex) {
iBytesReceived = 0;
strErrorMessage = UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Error_reading_from_input_stream") + ": " + ex.getMessage();
// Write
if (iBytesReceived > 0) {
try {
streamOutput.write(byteArray, 0, iBytesReceived);
if (progressMonitor != null && bSubtask == false)
catch (IOException ex) {
iBytesReceived = 0;
strErrorMessage = UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Error_writing_to_output_stream") + ": " + ex.getMessage();
while (iBytesReceived > 0);
if (progressMonitor != null && bSubtask == false) {
return strErrorMessage;
* @return org.eclipse.update.internal.core.UMSessionManagerMessage
* @param actionType java.lang.String
public UMSessionManagerMessage createMessage() {
// Create a new log entry
ILogEntry logEntryChild = new LogEntry( _logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_MESSAGE );
_logEntry.addChildEntry( logEntryChild );
// Create the operation object
UMSessionManagerMessage message = new UMSessionManagerMessage( logEntryChild );
message.buildTreeFromLog( logEntryChild );
_alMessages.add( message );
return message;
public boolean doCopy(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
String strErrorMessage = null;
// Input URL
URL urlInput = null;
try {
urlInput = new URL(getSource());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Source_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
URL urlOutput = null;
// Output URL
try {
urlOutput = new URL(getTarget());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Target_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
// Input
InputStream streamInput = null;
long lContentLength = 0;
if (urlInput != null && urlOutput != null) {
// Input stream
try {
URLHandler.Response response = (URLHandler.Response);
lContentLength = response.getContentLength();
streamInput = response.getInputStream();
catch (IOException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_obtain_source_input_stream"), ex);
// Output
OutputStream streamOutput = null;
if (streamInput != null) {
// Output connection
URLConnection urlConnectionOutput = null;
try {
urlConnectionOutput = urlOutput.openConnection();
catch (IOException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString( UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_connect"), ex );
// Output stream
if (urlConnectionOutput != null) {
try {
streamOutput = urlConnectionOutput.getOutputStream();
catch (IOException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString( UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_obtain_target_output_stream"), ex );
// Attempt to create a file output stream
// This is used when protocol is file: or valoader:
// thus our local writes are all file I/O currently
if (streamOutput == null) {
streamOutput = getFileOutputStream(urlOutput);
catch( IOException ex){
strErrorMessage = createMessageString( UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_create_file"), ex );
if( streamInput != null && streamOutput != null )
strErrorMessage = copyStream( streamInput, streamOutput, lContentLength, urlInput.toExternalForm(), progressMonitor, false );
// Close input stream
if (streamInput != null) {
try {
catch (IOException ex) {
// Close output stream
if (streamOutput != null) {
try {
catch (IOException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString( UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Error_closing_output_stream"), ex );
// Increment the number of attempts
// Error return
if (strErrorMessage != null) {
UMSessionManagerMessage message = createMessage();
return false;
// Successful return
return true;
public boolean doUnzip(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
String strErrorMessage = null;
// Input URL
URL urlInput = null;
try {
urlInput = new URL(getSource());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Source_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
// Output URL
URL urlOutput = null;
try {
urlOutput = new URL(getTarget());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Target_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
// For unzipping plugins or component/configuration jar,
// set up the list of directories to look for
Vector dirNames = new Vector();
if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_PLUGINS ) {
IComponentDescriptor comp = null;
if (getData() instanceof IComponentEntryDescriptor) {
comp = ((IComponentEntryDescriptor) getData()).getComponentDescriptor();
} else {
comp = (IComponentDescriptor) getData();
IPluginEntryDescriptor[] plugins = comp.getPluginEntries();
for (int i=0; i<plugins.length; i++)
dirNames.addElement( UMEclipseTree.PLUGINS_DIR + "/" + plugins[i].getDirName());
IFragmentEntryDescriptor[] fragments = comp.getFragmentEntries();
for (int i=0; i<fragments.length; i++)
dirNames.addElement( UMEclipseTree.FRAGMENTS_DIR + "/" + fragments[i].getDirName());
} else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_INSTALL) {
IInstallable desc = (IInstallable) getData();
if (getData() instanceof IProductDescriptor)
dirNames.addElement(UMEclipseTree.INSTALL_DIR + "/" + UMEclipseTree.PRODUCTS_DIR + "/" + desc.getDirName());
dirNames.addElement(UMEclipseTree.INSTALL_DIR + "/" + UMEclipseTree.COMPONENTS_DIR + "/" + desc.getDirName());
// Create a file specification from the input URL
String strFilespec = UMEclipseTree.getFileInPlatformString(urlInput);
JarFile jarFile = null;
try {
jarFile = new JarFile(strFilespec);
catch (IOException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_open_Jar_file"), ex);
if (jarFile != null) {
JarEntry entry = null;
InputStream streamInputEntry = null;
int iCount = jarFile.size();
// Set up progress monitor
// Compute the filename without the path information
String strFilename = strFilespec;
int iIndex = strFilespec.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
if (iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < strFilespec.length() - 1) {
strFilename = strFilespec.substring(iIndex + 1);
if (progressMonitor != null) {
progressMonitor.beginTask(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Install") + ": " + strFilename, iCount);
// Write out a safety lock
IUMLock lock = new UMLock();
if (!lock.exists())
// Do each jar file entry
Enumeration enum = jarFile.entries();
while (enum.hasMoreElements() == true) {
entry = (JarEntry) enum.nextElement();
String entryName = entry.getName();
if (entryName.startsWith(IManifestAttributes.MANIFEST_DIR)) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_PLUGINS ) {
// Unzip plugins and fragments. Skip entries not under plugins/ or fragments/ trees
if ((!entryName.startsWith(UMEclipseTree.PLUGINS_DIR) &&
|| entryName.endsWith("/")) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
int second_slash = entryName.indexOf("/", (entryName.indexOf("/")+1));
String prefix = entryName.substring(0,second_slash);
if (!dirNames.contains(prefix))
} else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_INSTALL) {
// Skip over entries that don't start with the right dir naming convention (id_version)
if (!entryName.startsWith((String)dirNames.firstElement()) || entryName.endsWith("/")) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
} else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_BINDIR) {
// Unzip the bin directory, if it exists
if (!entryName.startsWith(UMEclipseTree.BIN_DIR) || entryName.endsWith("/")) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
try {
streamInputEntry = jarFile.getInputStream(entry);
catch (IOException ex) {
streamInputEntry = null;
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_open_jar_entry_input_stream"), ex);
catch (SecurityException ex) {
streamInputEntry = null;
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Encountered_jar_entry_security_exception"), ex);
// Create an output URL
URL urlOutputFile = null;
if (streamInputEntry != null) {
try {
// Ensure file separator between target directory, and source file path
StringBuffer strbTarget = new StringBuffer(getTarget());
if (getTarget().endsWith("/") == false) {
urlOutputFile = new URL(strbTarget.toString());
File fTarget = new File(UMEclipseTree.getFileInPlatformString(urlOutputFile));
if (fTarget.exists()) { // we will not override existing files
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_create_jar_entry_URL"), ex);
// Create a file output stream
OutputStream streamOutputFile = null;
if (urlOutputFile != null) {
try {
streamOutputFile = getFileOutputStream(urlOutputFile);
catch (IOException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_create_output_file_for_Jar_entry") + ": " + urlOutputFile.toExternalForm(), ex);
// Copy from input to output stream
if (streamInputEntry != null && streamOutputFile != null) {
// Do not alter progress monitor
strErrorMessage = copyStream(streamInputEntry, streamOutputFile, 0, entryName, null, true );
if (strErrorMessage != null) {
try {
if (streamInputEntry != null) streamInputEntry.close();
if (streamOutputFile != null) streamOutputFile.close();
} catch ( ex) {
// unchecked
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
} // while
// strErrorMessage = "Error Injected!";
try {
} catch ( ex) {
// unchecked
// Remove safety lock
} // if jarFile is not null
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.done();
// Increment the number of attempts
// Error return
if (strErrorMessage != null) {
UMSessionManagerMessage message = createMessage();
return false;
// Successful return
return true;
public boolean doVerify(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
String strErrorMessage = null;
// Input URL
URL urlInput = null;
try {
urlInput = new URL(getSource());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Source_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
IInstallable installable = (IInstallable) getData();
String strName = installable.getLabel();
String strId = null;
String strProviderName = null;
if (installable instanceof IProductDescriptor) {
strId = ((IProductDescriptor) installable).getUniqueIdentifier();
strProviderName = ((IProductDescriptor) installable).getProviderName();
else if (installable instanceof IComponentDescriptor) {
strId = ((IComponentDescriptor) installable).getUniqueIdentifier();
strProviderName = ((IComponentDescriptor) installable).getProviderName();
else if (installable instanceof IComponentEntryDescriptor) {
strId = ((IComponentEntryDescriptor) installable).getUniqueIdentifier();
else if (installable instanceof IPluginEntryDescriptor) {
strId = ((IPluginEntryDescriptor) installable).getUniqueIdentifier();
else if (installable instanceof IFragmentEntryDescriptor) {
strId = ((IFragmentEntryDescriptor) installable).getUniqueIdentifier();
JarVerificationService verifier = UpdateManager.getCurrentInstance().getJarVerifier();
JarVerificationResult result = verifier.okToInstall(new File(urlInput.getFile()), strId, strName, strProviderName, progressMonitor);
if (result.getResultCode() == JarVerificationResult.CANCEL_INSTALL) {
Exception ex = result.getResultException();
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Installation_cancelled_by_user"), ex);
// Increment the number of attempts
// Error return
if (strErrorMessage != null) {
UMSessionManagerMessage message = createMessage();
return false;
// Successful return
return true;
* Execute copy from source URL to target URL.
public boolean execute(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_INSTALL ||
getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_PLUGINS ||
getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_BINDIR) {
return doUnzip(progressMonitor);
else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_COPY) {
return doCopy(progressMonitor);
else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_VERIFY_JAR) {
return doVerify(progressMonitor);
return false;
* Execute any pending or failed updates.
public boolean executeUndo(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
// Undo all successful and failed operations
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_PENDING) == false) {
if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_INSTALL ||
getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_PLUGINS) {
return undoUnzip(progressMonitor);
else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_COPY) {
return undoCopy(progressMonitor);
else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_VERIFY_JAR){
return undoVerify(progressMonitor);
return true;
* @return java.lang.String
public String getAction() {
return _propertyAction.getValue();
* Creates a file output stream from the URL.
* @param url
private FileOutputStream getFileOutputStream(URL url) throws IOException {
// Convert the URL to a string
String strFilespec = UMEclipseTree.getFileInPlatformString(url);
// Create directory structure
int iIndex = strFilespec.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
if (iIndex >= 0) {
String strPath = strFilespec.substring(0, iIndex+1);
File fileDirectory = new File(strPath);
if (fileDirectory.exists() == false) {
// Open / create the file
File file = new File(strFilespec);
boolean bExists = file.exists();
if (bExists == false) {
bExists = file.createNewFile();
// Create the output stream
return new FileOutputStream(file);
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (2001/02/15 14:21:48)
* @return java.lang.String
public String getId() {
return _propertyID.getValue();
* @return java.lang.String
public String getSource() {
return _propertySource.getValue();
* @param strb java.lang.StringBuffer
* @param iIndentation int
public void getStatusString(java.lang.StringBuffer strb, int iIndentation) {
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) == true) {
else if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_PENDING) == true) {
else {
if (getAction().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_COPY) == true) {
indent(strb, iIndentation);
strb.append(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Copy") + ": " + getSource());
else if (getAction().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_INSTALL) ||
getAction().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_PLUGINS) == true) {
indent(strb, iIndentation);
strb.append(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Install") + ": " + getSource());
// Obtain messages
for (int i = 0; i < _alMessages.size(); ++i) {
indent(strb, iIndentation + 2);
strb.append(((UMSessionManagerMessage) _alMessages.get(i)).getText());
* @return java.lang.String
public String getTarget() {
return _propertyTarget.getValue();
* @param actionType java.lang.String
public void setAction(String strAction) {
_propertyAction.setValue( strAction != null ? strAction : UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
public void setId( String strID ) {
_propertyID.setValue( strID != null ? strID : UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
public void setSource( String strSource ) {
_propertySource.setValue( strSource != null ? strSource : UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
public void setTarget( String strTarget ) {
_propertyTarget.setValue( strTarget != null ? strTarget : UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
public boolean undoCopy(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
String strErrorMessage = null;
// Output URL
URL urlOutput = null;
try {
urlOutput = new URL(getTarget());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Target_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
if (urlOutput != null) {
// Convert the URL to a string
String strFilespec = UMEclipseTree.getFileInPlatformString(urlOutput);
// Delete the file
File file = new File(strFilespec);
if (file.exists() == true) {
if (file.delete() == false) {
strErrorMessage = UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_delete_file") + ": " + strFilespec;
// Reset the number of attempts
// Error return
if (strErrorMessage != null) {
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) == true)
return false;
// Successful return
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) == true)
return true;
public boolean undoUnzip(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
String strErrorMessage = null;
// Input URL
URL urlInput = null;
try {
urlInput = new URL(getSource());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Source_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
// Output URL
URL urlOutput = null;
try {
urlOutput = new URL(getTarget());
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Target_URL_is_malformed"), ex);
// For unzipping plugins or component/configuration jar,
// set up the list of directories to look for
Vector dirNames = new Vector();
if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_PLUGINS ) {
IComponentDescriptor comp = (IComponentDescriptor) getData();
IPluginEntryDescriptor[] plugins = comp.getPluginEntries();
for (int i=0; i<plugins.length; i++)
dirNames.addElement( UMEclipseTree.PLUGINS_DIR + "/" + plugins[i].getDirName());
IFragmentEntryDescriptor[] fragments = comp.getFragmentEntries();
for (int i=0; i<fragments.length; i++)
dirNames.addElement( UMEclipseTree.FRAGMENTS_DIR + "/" + fragments[i].getDirName());
} else if (getAction() == UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_INSTALL) {
IManifestDescriptor desc = (IManifestDescriptor) getData();
dirNames.addElement(UMEclipseTree.INSTALL_DIR + "/" + UMEclipseTree.COMPONENTS_DIR + "/" + desc.getDirName());
// Create a file specification from the input URL
String strFilespec = UMEclipseTree.getFileInPlatformString(urlInput);
JarFile jarFile = null;
try {
jarFile = new JarFile(strFilespec);
catch (IOException ex) {
strErrorMessage = createMessageString(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_open_Jar_file"), ex);
if (jarFile != null) {
JarEntry entry = null;
int iCount = jarFile.size();
// Set up progress monitor
// Compute the filename without the path information
String strFilename = strFilespec;
int iIndex = strFilespec.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
if (iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < strFilespec.length() - 1) {
strFilename = strFilespec.substring(iIndex + 1);
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.beginTask(UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Undo") + ": " + strFilename, iCount);
// Write out a safety lock
IUMLock lock = new UMLock();
if (!lock.exists())
// Do each jar file entry
Enumeration enum = jarFile.entries();
while (enum.hasMoreElements() == true) {
entry = (JarEntry) enum.nextElement();
String entryName = entry.getName();
if (entryName.startsWith(IManifestAttributes.MANIFEST_DIR)) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
if (getAction().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_PLUGINS)) {
// Remove the plugins and fragments. Skip entries not under plugins/ or fragments/ trees
if ((!entryName.startsWith(UMEclipseTree.PLUGINS_DIR)) &&
(!entryName.startsWith(UMEclipseTree.FRAGMENTS_DIR))) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
if ((entryName.equals(UMEclipseTree.PLUGINS_DIR + "/")) ||
(entryName.equals(UMEclipseTree.FRAGMENTS_DIR + "/"))) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
} else if (getAction().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_INSTALL)) {
// Remove the component/product items. Skip over entries that don't match the dirname
if (!entryName.startsWith((String)dirNames.firstElement()) || entryName.endsWith("/")) {
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
} else if (getAction().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.OPERATION_UNZIP_BINDIR)) {
// No-op. The bin directory contents cannot be undone
if (urlOutput != null) {
// Build pathname to actual install location
strFilespec = urlOutput.getFile() + "/" + entryName;
strFilespec = strFilespec.replace('/',File.separatorChar);
int k = strFilespec.indexOf(UMEclipseTree.DEVICE_SEPARATOR);
if (k != -1 && strFilespec.startsWith(File.separator)) {
strFilespec = strFilespec.substring(1);
// Delete the file or directory
File file = new File(strFilespec);
if (file.exists() == true) {
if (file.isDirectory())
if (file.delete() == false) {
strErrorMessage = UpdateManagerStrings.getString("S_Unable_to_delete_file") + ": " + strFilespec;
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.worked(1);
} // while
try {
} catch ( ex) {
// unchecked
// Remove safety lock
} // if jarFile is not null
if (progressMonitor != null) progressMonitor.done();
// Reset the number of attempts
// Error return
if (strErrorMessage != null) {
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) == true)
return false;
// Successful return
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) == true)
return true;
public boolean undoVerify(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) == true)
return true;