blob: 6cef087afb725e4b78570f73a9252cab306c11a8 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.update.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.update.core.model.*;
import org.eclipse.update.internal.core.*;
import org.eclipse.update.internal.core.Policy;
* Abstract Class that implements most of the behavior of a feature
* A feature ALWAYS belongs to an ISite
public class Feature extends FeatureModel implements IFeature {
public static final String FEATURE_FILE = "feature"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String FEATURE_XML = FEATURE_FILE + ".xml"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Site in which teh feature resides
private ISite site;
* The content provider of the DefaultFeature
private IFeatureContentProvider featureContentProvider;
* Constructor
public Feature() {
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof Feature))
return false;
IFeature f = (IFeature) object;
return (super.equals(object) && getURL().equals(f.getURL()));
* @see IFeature#getVersionedIdentifier()
public VersionedIdentifier getVersionedIdentifier() {
return new VersionedIdentifier(getFeatureIdentifier(), getFeatureVersion());
* @see IFeature#getSite()
public ISite getSite() {
return site;
* @see IFeature#getURL()
public URL getURL() {
IFeatureContentProvider contentProvider = null;
try {
contentProvider = getFeatureContentProvider();
} catch (CoreException e) {
// no content provider, log status
return (contentProvider != null) ? contentProvider.getURL() : null;
* @see IFeature#getUpdateSiteEntry()
public IURLEntry getUpdateSiteEntry() {
return (IURLEntry) getUpdateSiteEntryModel();
* @see IFeature#getDiscoverySiteEntries()
public IURLEntry[] getDiscoverySiteEntries() {
URLEntryModel[] result = getDiscoverySiteEntryModels();
if (result.length == 0)
return new IURLEntry[0];
return (IURLEntry[]) result;
* @see IFeature#getDescription()
public IURLEntry getDescription() {
return (IURLEntry) getDescriptionModel();
* @see IFeature#getCopyright()
public IURLEntry getCopyright() {
return (IURLEntry) getCopyrightModel();
* @see IFeature#getLicense()
public IURLEntry getLicense() {
return (IURLEntry) getLicenseModel();
* @see IFeature#getImage()
public URL getImage() {
return getImageURL();
* Sets the site
* @param site The site to set
public void setSite(ISite site) throws CoreException {
if ( != null) {
String id = UpdateManagerPlugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier();
String featureURLString = (getURL() != null) ? getURL().toExternalForm() : EMPTY_STRING;
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, id, IStatus.OK, Policy.bind("Feature.SiteAlreadySet", featureURLString), null); //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new CoreException(status);
} = site;
* returns the download size
* of the feature to be installed on the site.
* If the site is <code>null</code> returns the maximum size
* If one plug-in entry has an unknown size.
* then the download size is unknown.
* @see IFeature#getDownloadSize()
public long getDownloadSize() {
try {
return getFeatureContentProvider().getDownloadSizeFor(getPluginEntries(), getNonPluginEntries());
} catch (CoreException e) {
return ContentEntryModel.UNKNOWN_SIZE;
* returns the install size
* of the feature to be installed on the site.
* If the site is <code>null</code> returns the maximum size
* If one plug-in entry has an unknown size.
* then the install size is unknown.
* @see IFeature#getInstallSize()
public long getInstallSize() {
try {
return getFeatureContentProvider().getInstallSizeFor(getPluginEntries(), getNonPluginEntries());
} catch (CoreException e) {
return ContentEntryModel.UNKNOWN_SIZE;
* @see IFeature#install(IFeature,IVerificationListener, IProgressMonitor) throws CoreException
public IFeatureReference install(IFeature targetFeature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress) throws CoreException {
// make sure we have an InstallMonitor
InstallMonitor monitor;
if (progress == null)
monitor = null;
else if (progress instanceof InstallMonitor)
monitor = (InstallMonitor) progress;
monitor = new InstallMonitor(progress);
// do the install
IFeatureContentConsumer consumer = targetFeature.getFeatureContentConsumer();
IVerifier verifier = getFeatureContentProvider().getVerifier();
try {
// determine list of plugins to install
// find the intersection between the two arrays of IPluginEntry...
// The one the site contains and the one the feature contains
IPluginEntry[] sourceFeaturePluginEntries = getPluginEntries();
ISite targetSite = targetFeature.getSite();
IPluginEntry[] targetSitePluginEntries = (targetSite != null) ? targetSite.getPluginEntries() : new IPluginEntry[0];
IPluginEntry[] pluginsToInstall = UpdateManagerUtils.diff(sourceFeaturePluginEntries, targetSitePluginEntries);
// determine number of monitor tasks
int taskCount = 1 // one task for all feature files (already downloaded)
+pluginsToInstall.length // one task for each plugin to install
+getNonPluginEntries().length; // one task for each non-plugin file to install
if (monitor != null)
monitor.beginTask(EMPTY_STRING, taskCount);
if (verifier != null) {
ContentReference[] references = getFeatureContentProvider().getFeatureEntryArchiveReferences(monitor);
promptForVerification(verifier.verify(this, references, monitor),verificationListener);
//finds the contentReferences for this IFeature
if (monitor != null)
monitor.setTaskName(Policy.bind("Feature.TaskInstallFeatureFiles")); //$NON-NLS-1$
ContentReference[] references = getFeatureContentProvider().getFeatureEntryContentReferences(monitor);
if (verifier != null)
verifier.verify(this, references, monitor);
for (int i = 0; i < references.length; i++) {
if (monitor != null)
monitor.subTask(references[i].getIdentifier());[i], monitor);
if (monitor != null)
// download and install plugin plugin files
for (int i = 0; i < pluginsToInstall.length; i++) {
// verification
if (verifier != null) {
references = getFeatureContentProvider().getPluginEntryArchiveReferences(pluginsToInstall[i], monitor);
promptForVerification(verifier.verify(this, references, monitor),verificationListener);
for (int i = 0; i < pluginsToInstall.length; i++) {
if (monitor != null)
monitor.setTaskName(Policy.bind("Feature.TaskInstallPluginFiles") + pluginsToInstall[i].getVersionedIdentifier().getIdentifier() + "]: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
IContentConsumer pluginConsumer =[i]);
// installation
references = getFeatureContentProvider().getPluginEntryContentReferences(pluginsToInstall[i], monitor);
for (int j = 0; j < references.length; j++) {
if (monitor != null)
monitor.subTask(references[j].getIdentifier());[j], monitor);
if (monitor != null)
// download and install non plugins bundles
INonPluginEntry[] nonPluginsContentReferencesToInstall = getNonPluginEntries();
for (int i = 0; i < nonPluginsContentReferencesToInstall.length; i++) {
if (monitor != null)
monitor.setTaskName(Policy.bind("Feature.TaskInstallNonPluginsFiles")); //$NON-NLS-1$
IContentConsumer nonPluginConsumer =[i]);
references = getFeatureContentProvider().getNonPluginEntryArchiveReferences(nonPluginsContentReferencesToInstall[i], monitor);
if (verifier != null)
promptForVerification(verifier.verify(this, references, monitor),verificationListener);
for (int j = 0; j < references.length; j++) {
if (monitor != null)
monitor.subTask(references[j].getIdentifier());[j], monitor);
if (monitor != null)
} catch (CoreException e) {
// an error occured, abort
if (consumer != null)
throw e;
} finally {
if (monitor != null)
return consumer.close();
* @see IPluginContainer#getPluginEntries()
public IPluginEntry[] getPluginEntries() {
PluginEntryModel[] result = getPluginEntryModels();
if (result.length == 0)
return new IPluginEntry[0];
return (IPluginEntry[]) result;
* @see IFeature#getDataEntries()
public INonPluginEntry[] getNonPluginEntries() {
NonPluginEntryModel[] result = getNonPluginEntryModels();
if (result.length == 0)
return new INonPluginEntry[0];
return (INonPluginEntry[]) result;
* @see IPluginContainer#getPluginEntryCount()
public int getPluginEntryCount() {
return getPluginEntryModels().length;
* @see IFeature#getNonPluginEntryCount()
public int getNonPluginEntryCount() {
return getNonPluginEntryModels().length;
* @see IFeature#getImports()
public IImport[] getImports() {
ImportModel[] result = getImportModels();
if (result.length == 0)
return new IImport[0];
return (IImport[]) result;
* @see IAdaptable#getAdapter(Class)
public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
return null;
* @see IFeature#setFeatureContentProvider(IFeatureContentProvider)
public void setFeatureContentProvider(IFeatureContentProvider featureContentProvider) {
this.featureContentProvider = featureContentProvider;
* @see IFeature#getFeatureContentProvider(IFeatureContentConsumer)
public IFeatureContentProvider getFeatureContentProvider() throws CoreException {
if (featureContentProvider == null) {
String id = UpdateManagerPlugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier();
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, id, IStatus.OK, Policy.bind("Feature.NoContentProvider", getVersionedIdentifier().toString()), null); //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new CoreException(status);
return this.featureContentProvider;
* @see IFeature#getContentConsumer()
public IFeatureContentConsumer getFeatureContentConsumer() throws CoreException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString() {
String URLString = (getURL() == null) ? Policy.bind("Feature.NoURL") : getURL().toExternalForm(); //$NON-NLS-1$
return Policy.bind("Feature.FeatureVersionToString", URLString, getVersionedIdentifier().toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
private void promptForVerification(IVerificationResult verificationResult, IVerificationListener listener) throws CoreException{
if (listener==null) return;
int result = listener.prompt(verificationResult);
if (result == IVerificationListener.CHOICE_ABORT) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("JarVerificationService.CancelInstall"), //$NON-NLS-1$
if (result == IVerificationListener.CHOICE_ERROR) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("JarVerificationService.UnsucessfulVerification"), //$NON-NLS-1$