blob: 5b6d2d9bdc2deef1ae2c21ac497626a83f130f58 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
import org.eclipse.update.ui.forms.internal.FormWidgetFactory;
import java.util.Map;
public interface ISearchCategory {
* Returns the unique identifier of this search category.
public String getId();
* Accepts the identifier assigned to this category during
* the registry reading.
public void setId(String id);
* Returns an array of queries that need to be executed
* when search of this category is initiated.
public ISearchQuery [] getQueries();
* Creates a control that contains widgets users can use to
* customize category settings.
public void createControl(Composite parent, FormWidgetFactory factory);
* Returns the control that hosts widgets users can use to
* customize category settings.
public Control getControl();
* Returns a textual representation of the current search. This
* text will be used in the UI
public String getCurrentSearch();
* Load the category settings from the provided object.
public void load(Map settings, boolean editable);
* Save the category settings into the provided object.
public void store(Map settings);