blob: 0b63d8ce2f064f336c2dac85045ff8751b8257bf [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.update.internal.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginDescriptorModel;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginFragmentModel;
import org.eclipse.update.configuration.*;
import org.eclipse.update.configuration.IConfiguredSite;
import org.eclipse.update.configuration.IInstallConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.update.core.*;
* This class manages the configurations.
public class SiteStatusAnalyzer {
private static List allRunningPlugins; /*VersionedIdentifier */
private static List allConfiguredFeatures; /*VersionedIdentifier */
private SiteLocal siteLocal;
public SiteStatusAnalyzer(SiteLocal siteLocal) {
this.siteLocal = siteLocal;
* manages the versionedIdentifier and location of parsed plugins
public class PluginIdentifier {
private VersionedIdentifier id;
private String label;
private boolean isFragment=false;
public PluginIdentifier(VersionedIdentifier id, String label, boolean fragment) { = id;
this.label = label;
this.isFragment = fragment;
public VersionedIdentifier getVersionedIdentifier() {
return id;
public boolean isFragment() {
return isFragment;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
* compare two feature references
* returns 0 if the feature are different
* returns 1 if the version of feature 1 is greater than version of feature 2
* returns 2 if opposite
private int compare(IFeatureReference featureRef1, IFeatureReference featureRef2) throws CoreException {
if (featureRef1 == null)
return 0;
IFeature feature1 = null;
IFeature feature2 = null;
try {
feature1 = featureRef1.getFeature();
feature2 = featureRef2.getFeature();
} catch (CoreException e) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn(null, e);
return 0;
if (feature1 == null || feature2 == null) {
return 0;
VersionedIdentifier id1 = feature1.getVersionedIdentifier();
VersionedIdentifier id2 = feature2.getVersionedIdentifier();
if (id1 == null || id2 == null) {
return 0;
if (id1.getIdentifier() != null && id1.getIdentifier().equals(id2.getIdentifier())) {
PluginVersionIdentifier version1 = id1.getVersion();
PluginVersionIdentifier version2 = id2.getVersion();
if (version1 != null) {
boolean greaterOrEqual = (version1.isGreaterOrEqualTo(version2));
if (greaterOrEqual) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
} else {
return 2;
return 0;
* Compares two URL for equality
* Return false if one of them is null
private boolean sameURL(URL url1, URL url2) {
if (url1 == null)
return false;
if (url1.equals(url2))
return true;
// check if URL are file: URL as we may
// have 2 URL pointing to the same featureReference
// but with different representation
// (i.e. file:/C;/ and file:C:/)
if (!"file".equalsIgnoreCase(url1.getProtocol()))
return false;
if (!"file".equalsIgnoreCase(url2.getProtocol()))
return false;
File file1 = new File(url1.getFile());
File file2 = new File(url2.getFile());
if (file1 == null)
return false;
return (file1.equals(file2));
* check if the Plugins of the feature are on the plugin path
* If all the plugins are on the plugin path, and the version match and there is no other version -> HAPPY
* If all the plugins are on the plugin path, and the version match and there is other version -> AMBIGUOUS
* If some of the plugins are on the plugin path, but not all -> UNHAPPY
* Check on all ConfiguredSites
private IStatus getStatus(IFeature feature) {
// check if broken first
IInstallConfiguration currentConfiguration = siteLocal.getCurrentConfiguration();
IConfiguredSite[] configuredSites = currentConfiguration.getConfiguredSites();
ISite featureSite = feature.getSite();
if (featureSite == null) {
String msg = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToDetermineFeatureStatusSiteNull",new Object[]{feature.getURL()});
if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_CONFIGURATION)
UpdateManagerPlugin.debug("Cannot determine status of feature:" + feature.getLabel() + ". Site is NULL.");
return createStatus(IStatus.ERROR,IFeature.STATUS_AMBIGUOUS,msg,null);
ConfiguredSite cSite = null;
for (int i = 0; i < configuredSites.length && cSite==null; i++) {
if (featureSite.equals(configuredSites[i].getSite())) {
cSite = (ConfiguredSite)configuredSites[i];
IStatus status = cSite.getBrokenStatus(feature);
if (status.getSeverity()!=IStatus.OK) {
if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_CONFIGURATION)
UpdateManagerPlugin.debug("Feature broken:" + feature.getLabel() + ".Site:" + cSite.toString());
return status;
// if unconfigured, do not check if ambiguous
IFeatureReference ref = cSite.getSite().getFeatureReference(feature);
if (ref!=null){
if (!cSite.getConfigurationPolicy().isConfigured(ref)){
return createStatus(IStatus.OK,IFeature.STATUS_HAPPY,"",null);
} else {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Unable to find reference for feature"+feature+" in site "+cSite.getSite());
} else {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Unable to find the configured site in which "+feature+" resides.");
// not broken, check against registry [17015]
IPluginEntry[] featuresEntries = feature.getPluginEntries();
return status(featuresEntries);
* check if the Plugins of the feature are on the plugin path
* If all the plugins are on the plugin path, and the version match and there is no other version -> HAPPY
* If all the plugins are on the plugin path, and the version match and there is other version -> AMBIGUOUS
* If some of the plugins are on the plugin path, but not all -> UNHAPPY
* Check on all ConfiguredSites
public IStatus getFeatureStatus(IFeature feature) throws CoreException {
IInstallConfiguration currentConfig = siteLocal.getCurrentConfiguration();
IStatus featureStatus = getStatus(feature);
IFeatureReference[] children = feature.getIncludedFeatureReferences();
IFeature childFeature = null;
IStatus childStatus;
String msg = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.FeatureHappy");
int code = IFeature.STATUS_HAPPY;
MultiStatus multiTemp = new MultiStatus(featureStatus.getPlugin(),code,msg,null);
if (featureStatus.getSeverity()==IStatus.ERROR){
if (featureStatus.isMultiStatus()){
} else {
if (featureStatus.getCode()>code) code = featureStatus.getCode();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
try {
childFeature = children[i].getFeature();
} catch (CoreException e){
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Error retrieving feature:"+children[i],new Exception());
if (childFeature==null){
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Feature is null for:"+children[i],new Exception());
// Unable to find children feature, broken
String msg1 = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.NestedFeatureUnavailable",new Object[]{children[i].getURL()});
if (IFeature.STATUS_UNHAPPY>code) code = IFeature.STATUS_UNHAPPY;
} else {
childStatus = getFeatureStatus(childFeature);
// do not add the status, add the children status as getFeatureStatus
// returns a multiStatus
if (childStatus.getSeverity()!=IStatus.OK){
VersionedIdentifier versionID = childFeature.getVersionedIdentifier();
String featureVer = (versionID==null)?"":versionID.getVersion().toString();
String msg1 = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.NestedFeatureUnHappy",childFeature.getLabel(),featureVer);
if (childStatus.getCode()>code) code = childStatus.getCode();
if (code==IFeature.STATUS_UNHAPPY)
msg = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.FeatureUnHappy");
if (code==IFeature.STATUS_AMBIGUOUS)
msg = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.FeatureAmbiguous");
MultiStatus multi = new MultiStatus(featureStatus.getPlugin(),code,msg,null);
return multi;
* compute the status based on getStatus() rules
private IStatus status(IPluginEntry[] featurePlugins) {
VersionedIdentifier featureID;
VersionedIdentifier compareID;
String pluginName;
String happyMSG = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.FeatureHappy");
String ambiguousMSG = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.FeatureAmbiguous");
IStatus featureStatus = createStatus(IStatus.OK,IFeature.STATUS_HAPPY,"",null);
MultiStatus multi = new MultiStatus(featureStatus.getPlugin(),IFeature.STATUS_AMBIGUOUS,ambiguousMSG,null);
PluginIdentifier[] ids = getAllRunningPlugins();
// is Ambigous if we find a plugin from the feature
// with a different version and not the one we are looking
for (int i = 0; i < featurePlugins.length; i++) {
MultiStatus tempmulti = new MultiStatus(featureStatus.getPlugin(),IFeature.STATUS_AMBIGUOUS,ambiguousMSG,null);
featureID = featurePlugins[i].getVersionedIdentifier();
boolean found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < ids.length && !found; k++) {
compareID = ids[k].getVersionedIdentifier();
if (featureID.getIdentifier().equals(compareID.getIdentifier())) {
if (featureID.getVersion().isPerfect(compareID.getVersion())) {
found = true;
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Found the plugin plugin on the path:" + compareID.toString());
} else {
// there is a plugin with a different version on the path
// log it
IFeature feature = getFeatureForId(compareID);
String msg = null;
if (feature==null){
Object[] values = new Object[]{pluginName,featureID.getVersion(),compareID.getVersion()};
msg = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.TwoVersionSamePlugin1",values);
} else {
String label = feature.getLabel();
String version = feature.getVersionedIdentifier().getVersion().toString();
Object[] values = new Object[]{pluginName,featureID.getVersion(),compareID.getVersion(),label,version};
msg = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.TwoVersionSamePlugin2",values);
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Found another version of the same plugin on the path:" + compareID.toString());
// if we haven't found the exact plugin, add the children
// of tempMulti (i,e the other we found)
// if we have no children, we have a problem as a required plugin is not there at all
if (!found){
if (tempmulti.getChildren().length>0){
} else {
if (multi.getCode()!=IFeature.STATUS_UNHAPPY){
String unhappyMSG = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.FeatureUnHappy");
MultiStatus newMulti = new MultiStatus(featureStatus.getPlugin(),IFeature.STATUS_UNHAPPY,unhappyMSG,null);
String msg = Policy.bind("SiteLocal.NoPluginVersion",featureID.getIdentifier());
if (!multi.isOK())
return multi;
// we return happy as we consider the isBroken verification has been done
return createStatus(IStatus.OK,IFeature.STATUS_HAPPY,happyMSG,null);
* creates a Status
public IStatus createStatus(int statusSeverity, int statusCode, String msg, Exception e){
String id =
StringBuffer completeString = new StringBuffer("");
if (msg!=null)
if (e!=null){
return new Status(statusSeverity, id, statusCode, completeString.toString(), e);
* returns all the configured plugins from the registry
private PluginIdentifier[] getAllRunningPlugins(){
if (allRunningPlugins==null){
PluginIdentifier pluginIdentifier;
allRunningPlugins = new ArrayList();
IPluginRegistry reg = Platform.getPluginRegistry();
IPluginDescriptor[] desc = reg.getPluginDescriptors();
for (int i = 0; i < desc.length; i++) {
String id = desc[i].getUniqueIdentifier();
String ver = desc[i].getVersionIdentifier().toString();
VersionedIdentifier versionID = new VersionedIdentifier(id,ver);
pluginIdentifier = new PluginIdentifier(versionID,desc[i].getLabel(),false);
// check fragments
if (desc[i] instanceof PluginDescriptorModel){
PluginDescriptorModel descModel = (PluginDescriptorModel)desc[i];
PluginFragmentModel[] frags = descModel.getFragments();
if (frags!=null){
for (int j = 0; j < frags.length; j++) {
String fragID = frags[j].getId();
String fragVER = frags[j].getVersion();
VersionedIdentifier fragVersionID = new VersionedIdentifier(fragID,fragVER);
pluginIdentifier = new PluginIdentifier(fragVersionID,frags[j].getName(),true);
PluginIdentifier[] ids = new PluginIdentifier[allRunningPlugins.size()];
if (allRunningPlugins.size()>0){
return ids;
* returns all the configured fetaures
private IFeature[] getAllConfiguredFeatures(){
if (allConfiguredFeatures==null){
allConfiguredFeatures = new ArrayList();
IConfiguredSite[] allConfiguredSites = siteLocal.getCurrentConfiguration().getConfiguredSites();
for (int i = 0; i < allConfiguredSites.length; i++) {
IFeatureReference[] refs = allConfiguredSites[i].getConfiguredFeatures();
IFeature feature = null;
for (int j = 0; j < refs.length; j++) {
try {
feature = refs[j].getFeature();
} catch (CoreException e){}
if (feature!=null){
IFeature[] features = new IFeature[allConfiguredFeatures.size()];
if (allConfiguredFeatures.size()>0){
return features;
* returns the Feature that declares this versionedIdentifier or null if none found
private IFeature getFeatureForId(VersionedIdentifier id){
if (id==null)
return null;
IFeature[] allFeatures = getAllConfiguredFeatures();
IFeature currentFeature=null;
IPluginEntry[] allPlugins = null;
IPluginEntry currentPlugin = null;
for (int i = 0; i < allFeatures.length; i++) {
currentFeature = allFeatures[i];
allPlugins = currentFeature.getPluginEntries();
for (int j = 0; j < allPlugins.length; j++) {
currentPlugin = allPlugins[j];
if (id.equals(currentPlugin.getVersionedIdentifier()))
return currentFeature;
return null;