blob: 060c264ba2479f4fffc825b63c7145e70337f68c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.update.internal.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader;
import org.eclipse.core.boot.IPlatformConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginDescriptorModel;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginFragmentModel;
import org.eclipse.update.configuration.*;
import org.eclipse.update.core.*;
import org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureReferenceModel;
import org.eclipse.update.core.model.SiteModel;
import org.eclipse.update.internal.model.*;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* This class manages the configurations.
public class SiteLocal extends SiteLocalModel implements ILocalSite, IWritable {
private ListenersList listeners = new ListenersList();
private SiteReconciler reconciler;
private SiteStatusAnalyzer siteStatusAnalyzer;
private boolean isTransient = false;
private static final String UPDATE_STATE_SUFFIX = ".metadata";
* Have new features been found during reconciliation
public static boolean newFeaturesFound = false;
* initialize the configurations from the persistent model.
* Set the reconciliation as non optimistic
public static ILocalSite getLocalSite() throws CoreException {
return internalGetLocalSite(false);
*Internal call is reconciliation needs to be optimistic
public static ILocalSite internalGetLocalSite(boolean isOptimistic) throws CoreException {
SiteLocal localSite = new SiteLocal();
// obtain platform configuration
IPlatformConfiguration currentPlatformConfiguration = BootLoader.getCurrentPlatformConfiguration();
try {
// obtain LocalSite.xml location
URL location;
try {
location = getUpdateStateLocation(currentPlatformConfiguration);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToRetrieveRWArea")),
URL configXML = UpdateManagerUtils.getURL(location, SITE_LOCAL_FILE, null);
localSite.resolve(configXML, null);
// Attempt to read previous state
// if reconcile or recover happens (erro reading state), it returns false
boolean hasRecoveredState = parseLocalSiteFile(localSite, configXML);
if (hasRecoveredState) {
// check if we have to reconcile, if the timestamp has changed
long bootStamp = currentPlatformConfiguration.getChangeStamp();
if (localSite.getStamp() != bootStamp) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Reconcile platform stamp:" + bootStamp + " is different from LocalSite stamp:" + localSite.getStamp());//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
newFeaturesFound = localSite.reconcile(isOptimistic);
} else {
// no reconciliation, preserve the list of plugins from the platform anyway
} else {
// If we are coming up without any state
// force optimistic reconciliation to recover working state
newFeaturesFound = localSite.reconcile(true);
} catch (MalformedURLException exception) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToCreateURLFor", localSite.getLocationURLString() + " & " + SITE_LOCAL_FILE), exception);//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return localSite;
* Create the localSite object either by parsing, recovering from the file system, or reconciling with the platform configuration
* returns true if we successfully recovered our state.
* If we haven't, the caller will force a full optimistic reconciliation
private static boolean parseLocalSiteFile(SiteLocal localSite, URL configXML) throws CoreException, MalformedURLException {
//attempt to parse the LocalSite.xml
URL resolvedURL = URLEncoder.encode(configXML);
try {
new SiteLocalParser(resolvedURL.openStream(), localSite);
} catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
// file SITE_LOCAL_FILE doesn't exist, ok, log it
// and reconcile with platform configuration
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn(localSite.getLocationURLString() + " does not exist, there is no previous state or install history we can recover from, we shall use default from platform configuration.", exception);
return false;
} catch (SAXException exception) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.ErrorParsingSavedState", localSite.getLocationURLString()), exception);
recoverSiteLocal(resolvedURL, localSite);
return false;
} catch (IOException exception) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToAccessFile", configXML.toExternalForm()), exception);
recoverSiteLocal(resolvedURL, localSite);
return false;
return true;
private SiteLocal() {
* adds a new configuration to the LocalSite
* the newly added configuration is teh current one
public void addConfiguration(IInstallConfiguration config) {
if (config != null) {
addConfigurationModel((InstallConfigurationModel) config);
// check if we have to remove a configuration
// the first added is #0
while (getConfigurationHistory().length > getMaximumHistoryCount()) {
InstallConfigurationModel removedConfig = getConfigurationHistoryModel()[0];
if (removeConfigurationModel(removedConfig)) {
if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_CONFIGURATION) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.debug("Removed configuration :" + removedConfig.getLabel());
// notify listeners
Object[] siteLocalListeners = listeners.getListeners();
for (int i = 0; i < siteLocalListeners.length; i++) {
((ILocalSiteChangedListener) siteLocalListeners[i]).installConfigurationRemoved((IInstallConfiguration) removedConfig);
//remove files
URL url = removedConfig.getURL();
UpdateManagerUtils.removeFromFileSystem(new File(url.getFile()));
// set configuration as current
if (getCurrentConfigurationModel() != null)
if (config instanceof InstallConfiguration)
((InstallConfiguration) config).setCurrent(true);
setCurrentConfigurationModel((InstallConfigurationModel) config);
((InstallConfigurationModel) config).markReadOnly();
// notify listeners
Object[] siteLocalListeners = listeners.getListeners();
for (int i = 0; i < siteLocalListeners.length; i++) {
((ILocalSiteChangedListener) siteLocalListeners[i]).currentInstallConfigurationChanged(config);
* @see ILocalSite#addLocalSiteChangedListener(ILocalSiteChangedListener)
public void addLocalSiteChangedListener(ILocalSiteChangedListener listener) {
synchronized (listeners) {
* @see ILocalSite#removeLocalSiteChangedListener(ILocalSiteChangedListener)
public void removeLocalSiteChangedListener(ILocalSiteChangedListener listener) {
synchronized (listeners) {
* Saves the site into the config file
public void save() throws CoreException {
// Save the current configuration as
// the other are already saved
// and set runtim info for next startup
((InstallConfiguration) getCurrentConfiguration()).save(isTransient());
// save the local site
if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(getLocationURL().getProtocol())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
File file = null;
try {
URL newURL = UpdateManagerUtils.getURL(getLocationURL(), SITE_LOCAL_FILE, null);
file = new File(newURL.getFile());
if (isTransient())
Writer writer = new Writer(file, "UTF8");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToSaveStateIn", file.getAbsolutePath()), e);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToEncodeConfiguration", file.getAbsolutePath()), e);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToCreateURLFor") + getLocationURL().toExternalForm() + " : " + SITE_LOCAL_FILE, e);
//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see IWritable#write(int, PrintWriter)
public void write(int indent, PrintWriter w) {
// force the recalculation to avoid reconciliation
IPlatformConfiguration platformConfig = BootLoader.getCurrentPlatformConfiguration();
long changeStamp = platformConfig.getChangeStamp();
String gap = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
gap += " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
String increment = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < IWritable.INDENT; i++)
increment += " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
w.print(gap + "<" + SiteLocalParser.SITE + " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (getLabel() != null) {
w.print(gap + "label=\"" + Writer.xmlSafe(getLabel()) + "\" ");
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
w.print(gap + "history=\"" + getMaximumHistoryCount() + "\" ");
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
w.print(gap + "stamp=\"" + changeStamp + "\" >"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
w.println(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
// the last one is the current configuration
InstallConfigurationModel[] configurations = getConfigurationHistoryModel();
for (int index = 0; index < configurations.length; index++) {
InstallConfigurationModel element = configurations[index];
if (!element.isCurrent()) {
writeConfig(gap + increment, w, element);
// write current configuration last
writeConfig(gap + increment, w, (InstallConfigurationModel) getCurrentConfiguration());
w.println(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (getPreservedConfigurations() != null && getPreservedConfigurations().length != 0) {
// write preserved configurations
w.println(gap + increment + "<" + SiteLocalParser.PRESERVED_CONFIGURATIONS + ">");
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
InstallConfigurationModel[] preservedConfig = getPreservedConfigurationsModel();
for (int index = 0; index < preservedConfig.length; index++) {
InstallConfigurationModel element = preservedConfig[index];
writeConfig(gap + increment + increment, w, element);
w.println(gap + increment + "</" + SiteLocalParser.PRESERVED_CONFIGURATIONS + ">");
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// end
w.println(gap + "</" + SiteLocalParser.SITE + ">"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Saved change stamp:" + changeStamp); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @since 2.0
private void writeConfig(String gap, PrintWriter w, InstallConfigurationModel config) {
w.print(gap + "<" + SiteLocalParser.CONFIG + " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// need to get parent as location points to XML file and not directory
URL locationAsDirectory = UpdateManagerUtils.getParent(getLocationURL());
String URLInfoString = UpdateManagerUtils.getURLAsString(locationAsDirectory, config.getURL());
w.print("url=\"" + Writer.xmlSafe(URLInfoString) + "\" ");
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (config.getLabel() != null) {
w.print("label=\"" + Writer.xmlSafe(config.getLabel()) + "\"");
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
w.println("/>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @since 2.0
IInstallConfiguration cloneConfigurationSite(IInstallConfiguration installConfig, URL newFile, String name) throws CoreException {
// save previous current configuration
if (getCurrentConfiguration() != null)
((InstallConfiguration) getCurrentConfiguration()).saveConfigurationFile(isTransient());
InstallConfiguration result = null;
Date currentDate = new Date();
String newFileName = UpdateManagerUtils.getLocalRandomIdentifier(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, currentDate);
try {
if (newFile == null)
newFile = UpdateManagerUtils.getURL(getLocationURL(), newFileName, null);
// pass the date onto the name
if (name == null)
name = Utilities.format(currentDate);
result = new InstallConfiguration(installConfig, newFile, name);
// set teh same date in the installConfig
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToCreateURLFor") + newFileName, e);
return result;
* @since 2.0
public IInstallConfiguration cloneCurrentConfiguration() throws CoreException {
return cloneConfigurationSite(getCurrentConfiguration(), null, null);
* @since 2.0
public void revertTo(IInstallConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor, IProblemHandler handler) throws CoreException {
// create the activity
//Start UOW ?
ConfigurationActivity activity = new ConfigurationActivity(IActivity.ACTION_REVERT);
activity.setDate(new Date());
IInstallConfiguration newConfiguration = null;
try {
// create a configuration
newConfiguration = cloneCurrentConfiguration();
// process delta
// the Configured featuresConfigured are the same as the old configuration
// the unconfigured featuresConfigured are the rest...
((InstallConfiguration) newConfiguration).revertTo(configuration, monitor, handler);
// add to the stack which will set up as current
// everything done ok
} catch (CoreException e) {
// error
throw e;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//user decided not to revert, do nothing
// because we didn't add the configuration to the history
} finally {
if (newConfiguration != null)
((InstallConfiguration) newConfiguration).addActivityModel((ConfigurationActivityModel) activity);
* @since 2.0
public void addToPreservedConfigurations(IInstallConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException {
if (configuration != null) {
// create new configuration based on the one to preserve
InstallConfiguration newConfiguration = null;
String newFileName = UpdateManagerUtils.getLocalRandomIdentifier(DEFAULT_PRESERVED_CONFIG_FILE, new Date());
try {
URL newFile = UpdateManagerUtils.getURL(getLocationURL(), newFileName, null);
// pass the date onto teh name
Date currentDate = configuration.getCreationDate();
String name = configuration.getLabel();
newConfiguration = new InstallConfiguration(configuration, newFile, name);
// set teh same date in the installConfig
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.UnableToCreateURLFor") + newFileName, e);
// activity
ConfigurationActivity activity = new ConfigurationActivity(IActivity.ACTION_ADD_PRESERVED);
activity.setDate(new Date());
((InstallConfiguration) newConfiguration).addActivityModel(activity);
((InstallConfiguration) newConfiguration).saveConfigurationFile(isTransient());
// add to the list
addPreservedInstallConfigurationModel((InstallConfigurationModel) newConfiguration);
* @see ILocalSite#getPreservedConfigurationFor(IInstallConfiguration)
public IInstallConfiguration findPreservedConfigurationFor(IInstallConfiguration configuration) {
// based on time stamp for now
InstallConfigurationModel preservedConfig = null;
if (configuration != null) {
InstallConfigurationModel[] preservedConfigurations = getPreservedConfigurationsModel();
if (preservedConfigurations != null) {
for (int indexPreserved = 0; indexPreserved < preservedConfigurations.length; indexPreserved++) {
if (configuration.getCreationDate().equals(preservedConfigurations[indexPreserved].getCreationDate())) {
preservedConfig = preservedConfigurations[indexPreserved];
return (IInstallConfiguration) preservedConfig;
* @see ILocalSite#getCurrentConfiguration()
* LocalSiteModel#getCurrentConfigurationModel() may return null if
* we just parsed LocalSite.xml
public IInstallConfiguration getCurrentConfiguration() {
if (getCurrentConfigurationModel() == null) {
int index = 0;
if ((index = getConfigurationHistoryModel().length) == 0) {
return null;
} else {
InstallConfigurationModel config = getConfigurationHistoryModel()[index - 1];
return (IInstallConfiguration) getCurrentConfigurationModel();
* @see ILocalSite#getPreservedConfigurations()
public IInstallConfiguration[] getPreservedConfigurations() {
if (getPreservedConfigurationsModel().length == 0)
return new IInstallConfiguration[0];
return (IInstallConfiguration[]) getPreservedConfigurationsModel();
* @see ILocalSite#removeFromPreservedConfigurations(IInstallConfiguration)
public void removeFromPreservedConfigurations(IInstallConfiguration configuration) {
if (removePreservedConfigurationModel((InstallConfigurationModel) configuration))
((InstallConfiguration) configuration).remove();
* Add the list of plugins the platform found for each site. This list will be preserved in
* a transient way.
* We do not lose explicitly set plugins found in platform.cfg.
private void preserveRuntimePluginPath() throws CoreException {
IPlatformConfiguration platformConfig = BootLoader.getCurrentPlatformConfiguration();
IPlatformConfiguration.ISiteEntry[] siteEntries = platformConfig.getConfiguredSites();
// sites from the current configuration
IConfiguredSite[] configured = new IConfiguredSite[0];
if (this.getCurrentConfiguration() != null)
configured = this.getCurrentConfiguration().getConfiguredSites();
// sites from the platform
for (int siteIndex = 0; siteIndex < siteEntries.length; siteIndex++) {
URL resolvedURL = getReconciler().resolveSiteEntry(siteEntries[siteIndex]);
boolean found = false;
for (int index = 0; index < configured.length && !found; index++) {
// the array may have hole as we set found site to null
if (configured[index] != null) {
if (UpdateManagerUtils.sameURL(configured[index].getSite().getURL(), resolvedURL)) {
found = true;
String[] listOfPlugins = siteEntries[siteIndex].getSitePolicy().getList();
((ConfiguredSite) configured[index]).setPreviousPluginPath(listOfPlugins);
configured[index] = null;
* @see ILocalSite#getConfigurationHistory()
public IInstallConfiguration[] getConfigurationHistory() {
if (getConfigurationHistoryModel().length == 0)
return new IInstallConfiguration[0];
return (IInstallConfiguration[]) getConfigurationHistoryModel();
* Reconciliation is the comparison between the old preserved state and the new one from platform.cfg
* If the old state contained sites that are not in the new state, the old sites are not added to the state
* If the new state contains sites that were not in the old state, configure the site and configure all the found features
* If the sites are in both states, verify the features
* if the old site contained features that are not in the new site, the features are not added to the site
* if the new site contains feature that were not in the old site, configure the new feature
* if the feature is in both site (old and new), use old feature state
* When adding a feature to a site, we will check if the feature is broken or not.
* A feature is broken when at least one of its plugin is not installed on the site.
* At the end, go over all the site, get the configured features and make sure that if we find duplicates
* only one feature is configured
* returns true if new features have been found during a pessimistic reconcile
* otherwise returns false
public boolean reconcile(boolean isOptimistic) throws CoreException {
return getReconciler().reconcile(isOptimistic);
private SiteReconciler getReconciler() {
if (reconciler == null)
reconciler = new SiteReconciler(this);
return reconciler;
* Get update state location relative to platform configuration
private static URL getUpdateStateLocation(IPlatformConfiguration config) throws IOException {
// Create a directory location for update state files. This
// directory name is constructed by adding a well-known suffix
// to the name of the corresponding platform configuration. This
// way, we can have multiple platform configuration files in
// the same directory without ending up with update state conflicts.
// For example: platform configuration file:C:/platform.cfg results
// in update state location file:C:/platform.cfg.update/
URL configLocation = Platform.resolve(config.getConfigurationLocation());
String temp = configLocation.toExternalForm();
temp += UPDATE_STATE_SUFFIX + "/";
URL updateLocation = new URL(temp);
if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(updateLocation.getProtocol())) {
// ensure path exists. Handle transient configurations
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
File path = new File(updateLocation.getFile());
while (path != null) { // walk up to first dir that exists
if (!path.exists()) {
path = path.getParentFile();
} else
path = null;
for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // walk down to create missing dirs
path = (File) list.get(i);
if (config.isTransient())
return updateLocation;
* Gets the isTransient.
* @return Returns a boolean
public boolean isTransient() {
return isTransient;
* Sets the isTransient.
* @param isTransient The isTransient to set
private void isTransient(boolean isTransient) {
this.isTransient = isTransient;
* if we are unable to parse the SiteLoca we will attempt to parse the file system
private static void recoverSiteLocal(URL url, SiteLocal site) throws CoreException, MalformedURLException {
if (url == null)
throw Utilities.newCoreException(Policy.bind("SiteLocal.SiteUrlIsNull"),
// parse site information
long stamp = 0L;
// retrieve XML files
File localXml = new File(url.getFile());
if (localXml.exists()){
try {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Removed bad LocalSite.xml file:"+localXml);
} catch (Exception e){
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Unable to remove bad LocalSite.xml file:"+localXml,e);
File dir = localXml.getParentFile();
File[] configFiles = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return (name.startsWith("Config") && name.endsWith("xml"));
if (configFiles==null) configFiles = new File[0];
File[] preservedFiles = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return (name.startsWith("PreservedConfig") && name.endsWith("xml"));
if (preservedFiles==null) preservedFiles = new File[0];
// history
int history = 0;
if (configFiles.length > 0) {
history = configFiles.length;
if (SiteLocalModel.DEFAULT_HISTORY>history)
history = SiteLocalModel.DEFAULT_HISTORY;
// parse configuration information
List validConfig = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < configFiles.length; i++) {
URL configURL = configFiles[i].toURL();
InstallConfigurationModel config = new BaseSiteLocalFactory().createInstallConfigurationModel();
String relativeURL = UpdateManagerUtils.getURLAsString(url,configURL);
config.resolve(configURL, getResourceBundle(url));
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn(null, e);
// add the currentConfig last
// based on creation date
if (validConfig.size()>0){
Iterator iter = validConfig.iterator();
InstallConfigurationModel currentConfig = (InstallConfigurationModel);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
InstallConfigurationModel element = (InstallConfigurationModel);
Date currentConfigDate = currentConfig.getCreationDate();
Date elementDate = element.getCreationDate();
if (elementDate!=null && elementDate.after(currentConfigDate)){
currentConfig = element;
} else {
// parse preserved configuration information
for (int i = 0; i < preservedFiles.length; i++) {
URL configURL = configFiles[i].toURL();
InstallConfigurationModel config = new BaseSiteLocalFactory().createInstallConfigurationModel();
String relativeURL = UpdateManagerUtils.getURLAsString(url,configURL);
config.resolve(configURL, getResourceBundle(url));
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn(null, e);
* return the appropriate resource bundle for this sitelocal
private static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(URL url) throws CoreException {
ResourceBundle bundle = null;
try {
url = UpdateManagerUtils.asDirectoryURL(url);
ClassLoader l = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { url }, null);
bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(SiteLocalModel.SITE_LOCAL_FILE, Locale.getDefault(), l);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
UpdateManagerPlugin.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage() + ":" + url.toExternalForm());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return bundle;
private SiteStatusAnalyzer getSiteStatusAnalyzer() {
if (siteStatusAnalyzer == null)
siteStatusAnalyzer = new SiteStatusAnalyzer(this);
return siteStatusAnalyzer;
* check if the Plugins of the feature are on the plugin path
* If all the plugins are on the plugin path, and the version match and there is no other version -> HAPPY
* If all the plugins are on the plugin path, and the version match and there is other version -> AMBIGUOUS
* If some of the plugins are on the plugin path, but not all -> UNHAPPY
* Check on all ConfiguredSites
public IStatus getFeatureStatus(IFeature feature) throws CoreException {
return getSiteStatusAnalyzer().getFeatureStatus(feature);