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<title>Eclipse Platform Release Notes Ant</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build March 12, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">34442</a>: Custom task does not work in folder (only in jar)<br>
<a href="">34472</a>: External tools preference is not clear<br>
<a href="">34519</a>: Dialog slow to cancel when Properties/External Tools was selected<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build March 6, 2003
<b>Note:</b> Adding the Xerces JARs to your runtime Ant classpath is no longer required.
In fact, adding these JARs can cause problems. The Xerces classes are loaded from the Xerces plugin provided with Eclipse.
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">32643</a>: PlantyContentOutlinePage: 'Open With' shows up in context menu for non-existant external entity<br>
<a href="">33682</a>: Ant build file editor causes exceptions when file empty<br>
<a href="">33794</a>: Variables should be sorted in the "Select Variable" dialog<br>
<a href="">33826</a>: Preferences>Editor>Appearance: layout problem<br>
<a href="">33069</a>: Stack traces using ant editor<br>
<a href="">31727</a>: Ant Editor tests fail when run as PDE JUnit tests<br>
<a href="">33838</a>: Have build.xml as a default name for -find emulation<br>
<a href="">32700</a>: Refresh Tab Scope variable selected but no selection widget<br>
<a href="">33685</a>: Ant view: open with not available for targets<br>
<a href="">32657</a>: Ant build stops working after terminating build<br>
<a href="">33861</a>: [External Tools] Pref page too prominent<br>
<a href="">33870</a>: The for org.eclipse.ant.tests.core is incorrect<br>
<a href="">33837</a>: Ant editor code assist is case sensitive<br>
<a href="">33859</a>: AntEditor: error nodes in outline are inconsistent with the Java editor<br>
<a href="">33867</a>: Misspelling in Ant View context menu<br>
<a href="">33874</a>: AntEditor: no context menu on vertical ruler<br>
<a href="">33857</a>: AntEditor: doesn't support hovers on annotations<br>
<a href="">33928</a>: NPE closing workbench<br>
<a href="">33981</a>: Better positioning of error squiggles in Ant Editor<br>
<a href="">33264</a>: Content assist fails if reference external entity<br>
<a href="">33644</a>: Class org/xml/sax/Parser violates loader constraints with IBM vm 131<br>
<a href="">32890</a>: Coloring bug in ant editor<br>
<a href="">33892</a>: BadLocationException possible during reconciliation of AntEditor<br>
<a href="">33952</a>: AntEditor: possible automatic move of cursor while editing<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build March 4, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">33443</a>: No need for our own Ant version implementation<br>
<a href="">33263</a>: Ant completion of properties is incorrect.<br>
<a href="">32825</a>: Missing NLS strings for Ant Editor preference page<br>
<a href="">32183</a>: Running with Ant1.6 alpha<br>
<a href="">32477</a>: Errors in external entities and nested external entities aren't supported by the editor outline<br>
<a href="">32551</a>: "Run Ant" causes ClassCastException with filesets<br>
<a href="">32587</a>: AntView actions are incorrecly enabled --> NPE<br>
<a href="">32824</a>: BadLocationException creating build.xml file<br>
<a href="">32624</a>: Problem with asyncExec(..) Runnable in PlantyContentOutlinePage if control of treeviewer gets disposed.<br>
<a href="">32787</a>: AssertionFailedException selecting error node in AntEditor outline<br>
<a href="">33043</a>: Custom types are broken<br>
<a href="">33288</a>: Ant View tooltips should use book capitalization<br>
<a href="">32517</a>: No mneumonics on the Choose Configuration Type dialog<br>
<a href="">31433</a>: Ant view will not set its focus when selecting the window<br>
<a href="">33514</a>: Ant integration appears broken in I20030227<br>
<a href="">32715</a>: Cancelling removing a external tool builder fails<br>
<a href="">32836</a>: Cannot remove custom task<br>
<a href="">33284</a>: Ant preferences: additional classpath entries not removed permanently<br>
<a href="">33117</a>: ClassCastException with tasks using Xerces<br>
<a href="">32837</a>: Tasks tab restore defaults<br>
<a href="">32827</a>: Editor selection for external entities can be improved<br>
<a href="">32809</a>: AntView search dialog retains name of removed working set<br>
<a href="">32693</a>: Duplicate mneumonic on Program main tab<br>
<a href="">33534</a>: Ant Editor: range indication not supported<br>
<a href="">33272</a>: Leaking PlantyDocumentProviders<br>
<a href="">32768</a>: Edit launch config from Ant view starts out "dirty"<br>
<a href="">32811</a>: Setting ANT_HOME for specific config does not update classpath<br>
<a href="">32781</a>: Description in Ant preference page is confusing<br>
<a href="">33702</a>: [Ant View] Properties action<br>
<a href="">33346</a>: Move to Ant 1.5.2<br>
<a href="">32521</a>: (minor)AntView status line shows "no description"<br>
<a href="">33670</a>: Ant view error strings are too long<br>
<a href="">32762</a>: ${resource_loc} variable component specific resource tree too small<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Feb 21, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">23969</a>: Launcher should throw JVM exit code to parent process when build fails<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Feb 20, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">31819</a>: New support for color in TableViewers and TreeViewers<br>
<a href="">32158</a>: Can't remove erroneous project builders<br>
<a href="">30716</a>: cannot change external tool builder launch configuration properties<br>
<a href="">31949</a>: Use OpenWith menu for external entities in the AntEditor outline<br>
<a href="">32091</a>: AntClassloader should be setting its parent classloader<br>
<a href="">31625</a>: Mixing build files in Ant view does not work<br>
<a href="">31934</a>: Targets tab gets very wide if lots of targets selected<br>
<a href="">19459</a>: [ExternalTools] failure to execute invalid tools should be better handled by ui.<br>
<a href="">32297</a>: "plug-in" should be spelled with a hyphen<br>
<a href="">32276</a>: Stack trace running ant.bat as an external process<br>
<a href="">31955</a>: Outline is not created until initial reconcilation: noticeable delay<br>
<a href="">32345</a>: Ant Editor doesn't support annotations<br>
<a href="">32374</a>: BadLocationException on external entity build file<br>
<a href="">32423</a>: Cannot use Run as Ant build with the Ant Editor outline with focus<br>
<a href="">32419</a>: Put External Tools launch button with Run and Debug launch buttons<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Feb 18, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">28770</a>: Display default target in project label in Ant view<br>
<a href="">30596</a>: Fixes for the Ant Editor Tests<br>
<a href="">29236</a>: AntView tests & Ant editor tests<br>
<a href="">31780</a>: Workaround JFace selection bug<br>
<a href="">31776</a>: Ant targets cannot be configured within the list box if many targets exist<br>
<a href="">31777</a>: Add reconciling to the Ant editor outline page<br>
<a href="">21793</a>: Ant ProjectHelper not loaded correctly [set thread context classloader]<br>
<a href="">31796</a>: Ant Editor syntax coloring fails over multiple lines<br>
<a href="">30836</a>: XMLElements from external entities have incorrect selection in AntEditor<br>
<a href="">31369</a>: External Processes are not typed<br>
<a href="">31439</a>: PlantyException on opening ant script<br>
<a href="">31588</a>: Show In... support from the Ant<br>
<a href="">31792</a>: Project.init shortcut not working for datatypes<br>
<a href="">31797</a>: AntEditor syntax color does not update until the editor is re-opened<br>
<a href="">31935</a>: No targets selected, yet still have targets in target execution order<br>
<a href="">31876</a>: ClassCastException code assisting in Ant Editor<br>
<a href="">31948</a>: AntEditor reconciling has broken resolution of external entities<br>
<a href="">32069</a>: Color preferences are applied too early<br>
<a href="">27613</a>: Code duplication with Ant preference pages and Ant launch config tabs<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Feb 13, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">31587</a>: Open Editor for external entities should use selection<br>
<a href="">31561</a>: Parse build files faster<br>
<a href="">31672</a>: Broken backwards compatibility with Ant 1.4.*<br>
<a href="">31678</a>: Disallow the AntClassLoader to load core Ant classes from plugin parents<br>
<a href="">30679</a>: External tool migration and writing to System.err<br>
<a href="">31097</a>: Ant Color Option list needs scrollbars<br>
<a href="">28928</a>: Set minimum size of Runtime class path<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Feb 11, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">30939</a>: DBCS characters are garbled at the Outline view using non-native workbench encoding<br>
<a href="">31180</a>: Outline colors all elements whose name matches default target's<br>
<a href="">29815</a>: Ant artwork<br>
<a href="">29898</a>: Updating actions in the AntView<br>
<a href="">30931</a>: [Ant View] Run button not enabled when first target added to list<br>
<a href="">30961</a>: Arguments field on the ExternalToolsMain tab needs to be multiline<br>
<a href="">30239</a>: Some bugs in launch configurations for external tools<br>
<a href="">31378</a>: AntTargetsTab order tab does not color default target correctly<br>
<a href="">31200</a>: Unable to uncheck Ant Targets after clicking "Revert"<br>
<a href="">31145</a>: Show external entities as root nodes in the outline page<br>
<a href="">30884</a>: PlantyCompletionProcessor does not handle external entities<br>
<a href="">30844</a>: AntClasspathTab top table will grow unbounded<br>
<a href="">29572</a>: headless Ant support does not properly handle IDE based Ant tasks<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Feb 6, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">31055</a>: NPE determining if default target<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Feb 5, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">30239</a>: Some bugs in launch configurations for external tools<br>
<a href="">26750</a>: "Run with..." dialog for AntView<br>
<a href="">29231</a>: Ant view is listed under "External Tools" in menu<br>
<a href="">29824</a>: Ant view toolbars should follow type hierarchy example<br>
<a href="">30220</a>: external builder not readded to projects<br>
<a href="">30228</a>: Mneumonic collision on Refresh tab for resource variable<br>
<a href="">30649</a>: Ant Runtime Classpath Up/Down buttons broken<br>
<a href="">30591</a>: DBCS:After remove all targets, "Run Ant..." will repeat last target<br>
<a href="">29822</a>: Streamline single target case for Ant View<br>
<a href="">30331</a>: [Ant View] Add build files sorts case dependant<br>
<a href="">30318</a>: Planty should be renamed to "Ant Editor"<br>
<a href="">29820</a>: Reduce clutter in Ant View<br>
<a href="">30098</a>: AntSecurityManager throws exception when exiting Eclipse<br>
<a href="">30715</a>: Incorrect string description for ${build_type} variable<br>
<a href="">30420</a>: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on restart with Ant editor active<br>
<a href="">30744</a>: Activating a target in the Ant view switches view layout<br>
<a href="">30589</a>: DBCS:Clicking "Up" or "Down" make Target lost<br>
<a href="">29318</a>: Two builds at the same starts logging to the DOS console<br>
<a href="">29271</a>: External tools ant output always goes to the console<br>
<a href="">30547</a>: Ant view properties action doesn't handle more than one config<br>
<a href="">30680</a>: "Widget is disposed" setting variable arguments for Ant Build<br>
<a href="">30769</a>: Missing icon for target error node<br>
<a href="">29885</a>: Ant editor (planty) does not handle relative paths nicely<br>
<a href="">29744</a>: [External Tools] refresh ${working_set} does not work<br>
<a href="">30559</a>: ExternalToolsPlugin.log(Throwable) logs no message<br>
<a href="">30770</a>: When things go wrong parsing for the Ant Editor outline<br>
<a href="">30767</a>: NPE on resource changed from AntView<br>
<a href="">30343</a>: Ant Editor outline does not indicate default target<br>
<a href="">24108</a>: Nls external tools<br>
<a href="">26683</a>: Targets tab behavior<br>
<a href="">27325</a>: "activate" terminology<br>
<a href="">29828</a>: Too many preference pages<br>
<a href="">30915</a>: Selected resource tracking fails<br>
<a href="">30932</a>: Restore defaults does not work for color preferences<br>
<a href="">30845</a>:<br>
<a href="">30093</a>: Handling bad definitions of extension points<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Jan 28, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">29878</a>: Chkpii failures for Ant / external tools<br>
<a href="">29857</a>: Open with "Planty"<br>
<a href="">28877</a>: Double clicking active target should run the active target<br>
<a href="">29816</a>: Support "delete" key in the Ant view for active targets<br>
<a href="">30035</a>: NPE running build file in external project<br>
<a href="">29315</a>: AntProgressBuildListener writing to .log on build cancelled<br>
<a href="">29321</a>: Set ANT_HOME does not force you to enter location<br>
<a href="">29249</a>: Ant view updates for resource changes inefficiently<br>
<a href="">27675</a>: Show custom Eclipse tasks / types<br>
<a href="">30083</a>: Adding -logger XmlLogger cause Exception on build finished<br>
<a href="">27627</a>: API review<br>
<a href="">30086</a>: Ant view not updated when project deleted<br>
<a href="">29743</a>: [External Tools] Apply button does not enable in "refresh tab"<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Jan 21, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">26532</a>: [External Tools] the external tools menu in the run menu<br>
<a href="">25860</a>: Ant runner sets basedir incorrectly<br>
<a href="">26667</a>: External Tool variables are expanded in launch config dialog<br>
<a href="">29504</a>: External Tools' Eclipse variables are disallowed to have text before/after<br>
<a href="">16618</a>: [ExternalTools] Re-launch last External Tool hotkey <br>
<a href="">26523</a>: NPE in getHyperLink<br>
<a href="">29573</a>: External tool variable scope is too restrictive<br>
<a href="">29672</a>: When external tool builders go bad<br>
<a href="">29152</a>: Migrate extension point schema ownership<br>
<a href="">29148</a>: Contribution of Planty 0.9.1<br>
<a href="">28746</a>: Please sort build targets alphabetically<br>
<a href="">29322</a>: Revert has no effect on Build Options tab<br>
<a href="">29806</a>: Default script name<br>
<a href="">29812</a>: Define placeholder for Ant View<br>
<a href="">29811</a>: Add "Ant View" to top level menu<br>
<a href="">28306</a>: External tool builder not deleted on cancel<br>
<a href="">28577</a>: External tool builder not added<br>
<a href="">28769</a>: New Ant View doesn't gracefully handle missing targets<br>
<a href="">29449</a>: SearchForBuildFilesDialog.searchForBuildFiles optimization<br>
<a href="">29663</a>: Descriptions in the AntView<br>
<a href="">29818</a>: Replace "Go To File" with "Open With ->"<br>
<a href="">3079</a>: [ExternalTools] Clicking on output should open resource<br>
<a href="">27684</a>: Tasks and Types lists need to be sorted<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Jan 14, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">26688</a>: Rendering of Ant projects in the Ant View<br>
<a href="">27699</a>: Move up/down enabled when no selection and only one target<br>
<a href="">29180</a>: Support double-click in the selection dialog<br>
<a href="">28809</a>: ANT_HOME not set on first run of Ant tool<br>
<a href="">27540</a>: Run Ant vs. Ant View<br>
<a href="">19623</a>: [ExternalTools] Display full command line for external tool<br>
<a href="">29220</a>: Ant view execution order contains extra node<br>
<a href="">29221</a>: Run as Ant does not report anything on some failures<br>
<a href="">24338</a>: Cancelling an Ant run can take a long time<br>
<a href="">21012</a>: [ExternalTools] Cancel tool does not cancel tool<br>
<a href="">28933</a>: Cannot add tasks/types from folder<br>
<a href="">28876</a>: Ant View in M4 should split vertical<br>
<a href="">29269</a>: ClassNotFoundException: TaskLineTracker<br>
<a href="">26978</a>: Ant targets tab shouldn't add all targets by defaultt<br>
<a href="">26882</a>: Need "run for build kinds" UI for project builders<br>
<a href="">28431</a>: Variable expansion is using incorrect path separators<br>
<a href="">28569</a>: Browse workspace dialog needs colon<br>
<a href="">28570</a>: Missing mneumonic for copy button in External Tools builders page<br>
<a href="">28305</a>: Edit properties for Launch Configuration for External tools<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Jan 7, 2003
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">27983</a>: Ant logger does not respect console buffer size<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Dec 17, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">28276</a>: Should not expose "ant class loader" option to user<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Dec 16, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">28301</a>: Creation of an External Tool Builder gets name wrong.<br>
<a href="">28306</a>: External tool builder not deleted on cancel<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Dec 13, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">27984</a>: Total build time wrong<br>
<a href="">23661</a>: [ExternalTools] Launching Ant on xml file that is in the active editor<br>
<a href="">20581</a>: [ExternalTools] Variables should insert at caret<br>
<a href="">26182</a>: Ant preference page has conflicting mnemonics<br>
<a href="">26200</a>: External tools menu is missing mnemonics<br>
<a href="">27525</a>: Remove All Projects and Remove all build files<br>
<a href="">28052</a>: AntProcessBuildLogger doesn't handle empty locations<br>
<a href="">27804</a>: VariableContextManager and ExternalToolsPlugin#startup<br>
<a href="">28130</a>: 1.3 incompatible compile when target, source set to "1.3" using 1.4.* vm<br>
<a href="">28136</a>: Ant view "Run" button is ambiguous<br>
<a href="">28213</a>: Adding a file to the Ant view that already exists takes way too long<br>
<a href="">26689</a>: navigate from ant view to editor<br>
<a href="">26554</a>: Ant view should update when projects closed/removed<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Dec 10, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">27328</a>: Search for build file does not remeber last search text<br>
<a href="">27541</a>: Cannot add an Ant External Tool Builder<br>
<a href="">27050</a>: NullBuildLogger no longer needed<br>
<a href="">16574</a>: [ExternalTools] External tool builders should use same set of external tools<br>
<a href="">27101</a>: AntView enhancement<br>
<a href="">27686</a>: Having both Run Ant and Run Ant... in the same menu is problematic<br>
<a href="">27669</a>: Ant view toolbar is misleading<br>
<a href="">27615</a>: Incorrect button enablement on AntClasspathPage<br>
<a href="">22793</a>: [ExternalTools] Ant preference page jar area changes size<br>
<a href="">27814</a>: AntLaunchShortcut refererences internal debug UI class<br>
<a href="">27665</a>: Buildfile hyperlink off by 1<br>
<a href="">27323</a>: can only single-select active targets<br>
<a href="">27700</a>: Ant View: I can activate a target more than once<br>
<a href="">27810</a>: BuilderPropertyPage makes multiple dispatching listeners<br>
<a href="">15405</a>: Make all ANT configuration defined at config level<br>
<a href="">27841</a>: Illegal reference to LaunchGroup and DebugUIPlugin<br>
<a href="">27832</a>: Easy to cut off the "Reuse Ant classloader" option<br>
<a href="">27831</a>: Save changes prompt from classpath tab<br>
<a href="">25649</a>: Add action to add ant project to ant view<br>
<a href="">27505</a>: Ant specific actions in External tools base<br>
<a href="">27865</a>: Can't cancel AntView search<br>
<a href="">27702</a>: IllegalArgumentException in AntView<br>
<a href="">27846</a>: Cannot add new ext tool builer<br>
<a href="">20856</a>: [ExternalTools] Preferences/Ant/Classpath inconsistency<br>
<a href="">27440</a>: Cached classloader misses changes to tasks / types<br>
<a href="">25650</a>: Add action to ant view to search for build files<br>
<a href="">27954</a>: Merge Main and Options tabs<br>
<a href="">27841</a>: Ext tool builders have wrong icon and NPE'd<br>
<a href="">17782</a>: [ExternalTools] Custom tasks not checked for validity<br>
<a href="">26455</a>: -find option not yet implemented<br>
<a href="">27703</a>: Add classpath tab for Ant<br>
<a href="">27776</a>: Don't use the term "Ant Script"<br>
<a href="">27780</a>: Ant Preference page reorganization<br>
<a href="">27856</a>: Description field on ExternalToolsMainTab<br>
<a href="">27964</a>: NoSuchElement exception in AddCustomDialog<br>
<a href="">27956</a>: Create Ant Main tab to limit location selection<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Dec 03, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">20014</a>: [ExternalTools] Tool location should accept only files<br>
<a href="">26918</a>: Projects with external builders cause NPEs when built in headless mode<br>
<a href="">26671</a>: Ant external tool hangs Eclipse<br>
<a href="">25709</a>: Lists on Targets page of External Tools properties need scrollbars<br>
<a href="">26637</a>: Process timestamp showing as launch configuration property<br>
<a href="">26638</a>: Too much logging to the log<br>
<a href="">26995</a>: Run Ant action should prompt for config<br>
<a href="">26449</a>: pref page: set ANT_HOME 'Browse' button size is unusual<br>
<a href="">27500</a>: Ant tasks do not always have a name<br>
<a href="">25712</a>: external tools tabs missing mneumonics<br>
<a href="">27124</a>: Adjust hyperlink for adorned tasks in Ant output<br>
<a href="">27049</a>: AntProcessBuildLogger does not write to logfile<br>
<a href="">24704</a>: Tasks with the same name can be entered via the pref page<br>
<a href="">27345</a>: "Don't ask again" preference when migrating external tool builders<br>
<a href="">27128</a>: Hyperlinking for Ant tasks does not work on older Ants<br>
<a href="">27141</a>: [External Tools] Unexpected Run Ant dialog behaviour.<br>
<a href="">27531</a>: Browse for Ant home should store last location<br>
<a href="">27157</a>: Two launch histories for external tools<br>
<a href="">27534</a>: Extra runtime classpath entries lost if Ant home specified<br>
<a href="">25500</a>: Add JAR to classpath should default to workspace root<br>
<a href="">13144</a>: [ExternalTools] Ant preference page details<br>
<a href="">27449</a>: External Tools/Ant should honour dialog font<br>
<a href="">27206</a>: Additional ant classpath urls do not show up for adding tasks/types<br>
<a href="">24865</a>: Misc Restricted to Selected Objects in Breakpoint Properties dialog<br>
<a href="">27265</a>: Adornment adjustment is incorrect for long task names.<br>
<a href="">20921</a>: [ExternalTools] Project properties runs autobuild for all projects<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Nov 26, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">27009</a>: External tool option tab defaults to "run in background"<br>
<a href="">24699</a>: Ant classpath should be separated into two components?<br>
<a href="">26405</a>: AntTargetsTab doesn't save target selection<br>
<a href="">26415</a>: Migrate external tool project builders to use launch configurations<br>
<a href="">26704</a>: Remove External Tools View<br>
<a href="">26705</a>: Remove "ExternalTool" UI code<br>
<a href="">26708</a>: output should be the same as from command line<br>
<a href="">27014</a>: Prompt for argument checkbox should be temporarily removed<br>
<a href="">27033</a>: AntView uses JDK 1.4 method String.split(...)<br>
<a href="">26744</a>: [ExternalTools] Console always opens build file with Text editor<br>
<a href="">26636</a>: Cached Ant classloader not reset with classpath change<br>
<a href="">16849</a>: [ExternalTools] Ant does not respect output level preference<br>
<a href="">26948</a>: Requesting invalid target execution causes NPE in ProgressBuildListener<br>
<a href="">26042</a>: Can't run Ant script with new Ant on MacOS X<br>
<a href="">26606</a>: Ant errors not showing in console<br>
<a href="">19520</a>: [ExternalTools] Performance suffers with console log ouput enabled<br>
<a href="">22402</a>: [ExternalTools] Port fix for handling spaces in arguments...<br>
<a href="">26192</a>: NPE from ant targets tab<br>
<a href="">26729</a>: External tools menu does not update<br>
<a href="">26714</a>: Ant loses preferences<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Nov 19, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">26112</a>: "Run Ant..." implies dialog<br>
<a href="">6498</a>: [ExternalTools] selecting and building individual targets in ANT scripts<br>
<a href="">18971</a>: [ExternalTools] Using external tool configs in other contexts<br>
<a href="">19450</a>: [ExternalTools] menu should limit itself to the first n tools (perhaps n = 20)<br>
<a href="">21809</a>: Let user specify installation directory of Ant<br>
<a href="">24718</a>: Run Ant should be programmatically available<br>
<a href="">25059</a>: [ExternalTools] Refresh Scopes dialog should be wizard<br>
<a href="">25062</a>: Support execution of ant tasks in a seperate thread<br>
<a href="">25821</a>: External Tool] Error Message "External Tool runner internal error"<br>
<a href="">26061</a>: Changes to Ant classpath don't persist<br>
<a href="">26418</a>: Remove "launch configuration mode" as an option in external tools<br>
<a href="">26629</a>: Error message has reversed arguments<br>
<a href="">19450</a>: [ExternalTools] menu should limit itself to the first n tools (perhaps n = 20)<br>
<a href="">22738</a>: [ExternalTools] Tool arguments should be a wizard<br>
<a href="">13275</a>: [ExternalTools] Ant Wizard should not "always" be modal<br>
<a href="">20857</a>: Problems with Ant classpath not being picked up<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Nov 13, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">26050</a>: Unnamed projects cause NPE in Ant View<br>
<a href="">16982</a>: [ExternalTools] Console font setting should be workbench text font<br>
<a href="">25592</a>: [External Tools] Log console should have autoscroll<br>
<a href="">18478</a>: [External Tools] Minor: output not always in right order<br>
<a href="">22727</a>: [External Tools] Program tool output not shown on log console<br>
<a href="">25762</a>: Problem starting JUnit plugin tests<br>
<a href="">25746</a>: Runtime exec support should be in debug core<br>
<a href="">25877</a>: should save all files before execute ant script<br>
<a href="">23662</a>: [ExternalTools] External tools history manipulation<br>
<a href="">25907</a>: [ExternalTools] ExternalToolMenuDelegate leaking menus<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Nov 12, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">25759</a>: NPE trying to open the antview preferences page<br>
<a href="">22730</a>: [ExternalTools] Capture output<br>
<a href="">25397</a>: AntPage flashes when resized<br>
<a href="">25493</a>: NPE if default target does not exist in external tool builder ant file<br>
<a href="">25648</a>: Add remove action to ant view<br>
<a href="">25468</a>: Backwards compatibility with Ant 1.4.1<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Nov 05, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">25509</a>: NPE from InternalAntRunner<br>
<a href="">25639</a>: Double click in tasks and types tabs should invoke edit<br>
<a href="">25656</a>: [ant] Cannot add multiple Jars to ant classpath at the same time<br>
<a href="">25693</a>: Implement support for the -diagnostics option<br>
<a href="">25647</a>: Add Ant View to Eclipse<br>
<a href="">25698</a>: Global properties<br>
<a href="">25699</a>: Global property files<br>
<a href="">25702</a>: [External Tools] Restore defaults does not work<br>
<a href="">24525</a>: Active targets not shown in ant tool property page<br>
<a href="">24578</a>: Can't add variable to tool arguments<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Oct 29, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">24847</a>: duplicate options not handled the same as cmd line Ant<br>
<a href="">25133</a>: Implement support for the 1.5.1 feature: -propertyfile<br>
<a href="">25213</a>: -propertyfile should not abort build if the property file is not found<br>
<a href="">24580</a>: Expose more information in TargetInfo<br>
<a href="">17803</a>: [ExternalTools] AntPage table should scroll horizontally<br>
<a href="">18294</a>: [ExternalTools] Ant preference page: classpath list too wide<br>
<a href="">24383</a>: Update the printUsage of InternalAntRunner<br>
<a href="">24824</a>: DefaultLogger should be used for headless Ant<br>
<a href="">20576</a>: [ExternalTools] Should specify order of jars on classpath<br>
<a href="">24234</a>: Ant test suite<br>
<a href="">24318</a>: Move to Ant 1.5.1<br>
<a href="">25134</a>: Implement support for the 1.5.1 feature: -inputhandler<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Oct 22, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">24756</a>: -projecthelp indicates BUILD SUCCESSFUL<br>
<a href="">24831</a>: Same URL multiple times in the AntClassLoader<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Oct 16, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">15821</a>: [ExternalTools] Minor: Ant console "steals" focus<br>
<a href="">22400</a>: [ExternalTools] Run Ant... action displayed for invalid resources (build I0813)<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Oct 15, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">6020</a>: Tasks calling System.exit crash Eclipse<br>
<a href="">23651</a>: [doc] AntTasks and AntTypes refer to non-existant API<br>
<a href="">23653</a>: [doc] Extra Ant classpath entries extension<br>
<a href="">24459</a>: AntCorePlugin startup<br>
<a href="">19899</a>: If the user never changes the Ant classpath, it should always be computed<br>
<a href="">23917</a>: logfile not created in the correct location when path not fully specified<br>
<a href="">24587</a>: Project properties not set properly if no arguments passed<br>
<a href="">24696</a>: ExternalTools antrunner.jar is still in the HEAD stream<br>
<a href="">24418</a>: Option without necessary corresponding argument not handled correctly<br>
<a href="">24594</a>: Targets specified as arguments not recognized<br>
<a href="">23995</a>: deadlock while running build.xml<br>
<a href="">24733</a>: Help text is wrong<br>
<a href="">24710</a>: Custom ant task classes not found<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Oct 09, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">24527</a>: occurs when invoking AntRunner<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Oct 08, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">20557</a>: Running an empty ant script takes about 2 seconds<br>
<a href="">22459</a>: AntRunner prints stack trace on OperationCanceledException<br>
<a href="">23383</a>: API: Add @since tags<br>
<a href="">24290</a>: Ant preferences are only saved at shutdown<br>
<a href="">23584</a>: Java should be capitalized<br>
<a href="">17484</a>: [ExternalTools] Adding tasks from JARs in the Ant Preference Page<br>
<a href="">23664</a>: Better reporting of errors when reading Ant build file<br>
<a href="">24415</a>: Running an Ant script with console logging turned off writes to OS console<br>
<a href="">24452</a>: Key clashes within extension point definitions<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">23350</a>: Possible NPE<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Eclipse SDK Build Oct 01, 2002
Resolved Bugs</h3>
<a href="">23482</a>: Rework the Core Ant code to be able to use the NLS tools<br>
<a href="">14180</a>: Ant -help not function<br>
<a href="">19801</a>: AntCorePreferences, Type, Tasks could be a public class<br>
<a href="">23881</a>: Same error logged three times<br>
<a href="">23913</a>: Issues with InternalAntRunner#printHelp(Project)<br>
<a href="">22714</a>: Arguments line lose spaces when printed to console<br>
<a href="">23132</a>: -logfile option for ant doesnt seem to work<br>
<a href="">16740</a>: [ExternalTools] Irrelevant stack trace for errors in Ant build file<br>
<a href="">19838</a>: Error codes for Ant Core should be public<br>
<a href="">21478</a>: Insufficient Ant activation error reporting<br>
<a href="">23658</a>: Build file is not logged to log console view<br>
<a href="">22465</a>: Wrong ant script causes fatal error written to console<br>
<a href="">23924</a>: handling of incorrect / unrecognized arguments<br>
<a href="">23720</a>: [doc] Extension point listing is incorrect<br>
<a href="">22702</a>: XmlLogger not working?<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">21479</a>: Ant classpath refers to old 'xerces.jar'<br>
<a href="">23832</a>: Update Ant pages on<br>