*** empty log message ***
diff --git a/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/SessionDelta.java b/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/SessionDelta.java
index 53ec939..4705369 100644
--- a/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/SessionDelta.java
+++ b/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/SessionDelta.java
@@ -59,27 +59,30 @@
 		// find the configured site each feature belongs to
 		if (process == ENABLE) {
 			if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_CONFIGURATION)
-				UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("ENABLE SESSION DELTA");
+				UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("ENABLE SESSION DELTA");			
 			if (featureReferences != null && featureReferences.size() > 0) {
+				// manage ProgressMonitor
+				if (pm != null) {
+					int nbFeatures = featureReferences.size();
+					pm.beginTask(Policy.bind("SessionDelta.EnableFeatures"), nbFeatures);
+				}
 				// since 2.0.2 ISite.getConfiguredSite()
 				// find the configuredSite that maintains this featureReference
 				// configure the feature
-				// remove duplicate and any efixes that should not be enabled
-				List featureReferencesToEnable = processDuplicate(featureReferences);
+				// the order of the features is important, we need to enable efixes
+				// BEFORE enabling or disabling features
+				// Disabling a feature will disable associated efixes
+				// so disabling a feature before installing its efixes will resul tin error/warning
+				// the SiteReconciler.saveNewFeatures() makes sure efixes are written first	in the XML file			
-				// manage ProgressMonitor
-				if (pm != null) {
-					int nbFeatures = featureReferencesToEnable.size();
-					pm.beginTask(Policy.bind("SessionDelta.EnableFeatures"), nbFeatures);
-				}
+				Iterator iterator = featureReferences.iterator();
 				IFeatureReference ref = null;
 				IConfiguredSite configSite = null;
 				IFeature featureToConfigure = null;
-				for (Iterator iter = featureReferencesToEnable.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
-					ref = (IFeatureReference) iter.next();
+				while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+					ref = (IFeatureReference) iterator.next();
 					try {
 						featureToConfigure = ref.getFeature();
 					} catch (CoreException e) {
@@ -89,11 +92,11 @@
 					if (featureToConfigure != null) {
 						if (pm != null)
 						configSite = ref.getSite().getCurrentConfiguredSite();
 						try {
 							// make sure only the latest version of the configured features
-							// is configured across sites [16502]
+							// is configured across sites [16502]													
 							if (enable(featureToConfigure)) {
 							} else {
@@ -105,8 +108,9 @@
 							UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Unable to configure feature:" + featureToConfigure, e);
 					} else {
-						UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Unable to configure null feature:" + ref, null);
+						UpdateManagerPlugin.warn("Unable to configure null feature:" + ref,null);
@@ -265,141 +269,4 @@
 		return 0;
-	/*
-	 * Method processDuplicate.
-	 * @param featureReferences
-	 * @return List of features to enable of empty list
-	 */
-	private List processDuplicate(List featureReferencesToProcess) {
-		// eliminate duplicate versions (keep latest)
-		IFeatureReference[] list = (IFeatureReference[]) featureReferencesToProcess.toArray(new IFeatureReference[0]);
-		boolean foundDuplicate = false;
-		for (int i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++) {
-			IFeatureReference left = list[i];
-			try {
-				VersionedIdentifier leftVid = left.getVersionedIdentifier();
-				for (int j = i + 1; j < list.length; j++) {
-					IFeatureReference right = list[j];
-					try {
-						VersionedIdentifier rightVid = right.getVersionedIdentifier();
-						if (leftVid.getIdentifier().equals(rightVid.getIdentifier())) {
-							// duplicate versions ... keep latest
-							IFeatureReference oldest = null;
-							// bug 31940. If right>left remove left ELSE REMOVE RIGHT
-							if (rightVid.getVersion().isGreaterOrEqualTo(leftVid.getVersion()))
-								oldest = left;
-							else
-								oldest = right;
-							featureReferencesToProcess.remove(oldest);
-							// debug
-							if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_RECONCILER) {
-								UpdateManagerPlugin.debug("Removing \"duplicate\" during delta processing" + oldest.getVersionedIdentifier().toString());
-							}
-							foundDuplicate = true;
-						}
-					} catch (CoreException e) {
-					};
-				}
-			} catch (CoreException e1) {
-			};
-		}
-		// duplicate found, remove any efixes of the removed duplicate
-		if (foundDuplicate) {
-			ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
-			Map patches = getPatchesAsFeatureReference(featureReferencesToProcess);
-			if (!patches.isEmpty()){
-				List patchesToEnable = getFeatureReferencePatchesToEnable(patches,featureReferencesToProcess);
-				featureReferencesToProcess.removeAll(patches.keySet());
-				// add efixes first so they will be processed first and may be disabled
-				result.addAll(patchesToEnable);
-				result.addAll(featureReferencesToProcess);
-				return result;
-			}				
-		}
-		return featureReferencesToProcess;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * get the map of enabled patches (as feature reference)  or an empty map
-	 */
-	private Map getPatchesAsFeatureReference(List listOfFeatureReferences) {
-		// get all efixes and the associated patched features
-		Map patches = new HashMap();
-		if (listOfFeatureReferences != null) {
-			Iterator iter = listOfFeatureReferences.iterator();
-			while (iter.hasNext()) {
-				List patchedFeaturesID = new ArrayList();
-				IFeatureReference element = (IFeatureReference) iter.next();
-				// add the patched feature identifiers
-				try {
-					IFeature feature = element.getFeature();
-					if (feature != null) {
-						IImport[] imports = feature.getImports();
-						for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) {
-							if (imports[i].isPatch()) {
-								VersionedIdentifier id = imports[i].getVersionedIdentifier();
-								if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_RECONCILER)
-									UpdateManagerPlugin.debug("Found patch " + element + " for feature identifier " + id);
-								patchedFeaturesID.add(id);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					if (!patchedFeaturesID.isEmpty()) {
-						patches.put(element, patchedFeaturesID);
-					}
-				} catch (CoreException e) {
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return patches;
-	}
-	/*
-		 * retruns the list of pathes-featureReference who patch enabled features
-		 */
-	private List getFeatureReferencePatchesToEnable(Map efixes, List configuredFeatureReferences) {
-		ArrayList enabledVersionedIdentifier = new ArrayList();
-		Iterator iter = configuredFeatureReferences.iterator();
-		while (iter.hasNext()) {
-			IFeatureReference element = (IFeatureReference) iter.next();
-			try {
-				enabledVersionedIdentifier.add(element.getVersionedIdentifier());
-			} catch (CoreException e){};
-		}
-		// loop through the patches
-		List result = new ArrayList();
-		iter = efixes.keySet().iterator();
-		while (iter.hasNext()) {
-			boolean toEnable = false;
-			IFeatureReference efixFeatureReference = (IFeatureReference) iter.next();
-			List patchedFeatures = (List) efixes.get(efixFeatureReference);
-			// loop through the 'patched features identifier' the for this patch
-			// see if it the patch patches at least one enable feature
-			Iterator patchedFeaturesIter = patchedFeatures.iterator();
-			while (patchedFeaturesIter.hasNext() && !toEnable) {
-				VersionedIdentifier patchedFeatureID = (VersionedIdentifier) patchedFeaturesIter.next();
-				if (enabledVersionedIdentifier.contains(patchedFeatureID)) {
-					toEnable = true;
-				}
-			}
-			if (!toEnable) {
-				if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_RECONCILER)
-					UpdateManagerPlugin.debug("The Patch " + efixFeatureReference + " does not patch any enabled features: it will be disabled");
-			} else {
-				if (UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG && UpdateManagerPlugin.DEBUG_SHOW_RECONCILER)
-					UpdateManagerPlugin.debug("The patch " + efixFeatureReference + " will be enabled.");
-				result.add(efixFeatureReference);
-			}
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
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