blob: 784626645d4645f11e00273bcd127a19ba768c8b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
RestartTitle = Install/Update
RestartMessage = You will need to restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. \
Would you like to restart now?
InstallConfigurationPage.createdOn = Created On
InstallConfigurationPage.currentConfig = \nCurrent Configuration
InstallConfigurationPage.yes = Yes = No
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.desc=The following list shows \
activities that caused the creation of this configuration: Date Target
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.headers.action= Action
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.headers.status= Status
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.configure= Enabled
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.featureInstall= Feature Installed
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.featureRemove= Feature Removed
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.siteInstall= Site Installed
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.siteRemove= Site Removed
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.unconfigure= Disabled
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.unknown= Unknown
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.status.ok = Success
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.status.nok = Failure
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.revert = Revert
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.reconcile = Reconcile
InstallConfigurationPage.ActivitySection.action.addpreserved = Preserved
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.title =Configuration Reversal
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.desc=You can revert from the current \
to any of the compatible previous configurations. Configurations are \
compatible if they are not separated by a full system reconcilation in the \
timeline. Note that the reversal \
will be only partial if some of the features that are part of the \
desired configuration have since been deleted.
InstallConfigurationPage.PreserveSection.title = Saving the Configuration
InstallConfigurationPage.PreserveSection.text= <form><p>\
Configurations can be saved so that they can be restored at a later date. \
Saved configurations appear in <b>Saved Configurations</b> folder \
in the <img href="image"/> <a href="link">Install Configuration</a> view.\
InstallConfigurationPage.PreserveSection.preserveText = To save this configuration, press:
InstallConfigurationPage.PreserveSection.preserveButton = Save
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.currentText=This is the current configuration.
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.revertText= \ To revert to the previous one, press:
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.restoreText=To restore this configuration, press:
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.dialog.title=Revert/Restore configuration.
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.dialog.message=The configuration has been successfully \
restored. You will need to restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. \
Would you like to restart the workbench now?
Revert.ProblemDialog.title = Restore Problems
BaseView.Popup.ShowDetails = Show &Details
MyComputer.label = My Computer
MyComputerPage.title= My Computer - {0}
MyComputerPage.desc = Browse the file system in order to find a valid update site.
ExtensionRootPage.title = Product Extension Directory
ExtensionRootPage.desc = <p>Product extension directory is a file system directory \
that is marked as <b>extension root.</b> Extension roots contain plug-ins \
that are designed to augment other applications when they link \
these directories into their configurations.</p>\
<p>You can link this extension root to your application by selecting \
<b>Link Product Extension</b> from the pop-up menu for this object.</p>
VolumeLabelProvider.cdrom = Compact Disc
VolumeLabelProvider.floppy3 = 3.5 Floppy
VolumeLabelProvider.floppy5 = 5.25 Floppy
VolumeLabelProvider.localDisk = Local Disc
CategoryPage.title = Category
CategoryPage.moreInfo = More Info
FeaturePage.provider = Provider
FeaturePage.version = \nVersion
FeaturePage.installedVersion = \nInstalled Version
FeaturePage.pendingVersion = {0} (changes pending)
FeaturePage.size = \nDownload Size
FeaturePage.estimate = \nEstimate Download Time
FeaturePage.os = Operating System = \nWindowing System = \nSupported Languages
FeaturePage.arch = \nSupported Operating System Architecture
FeaturePage.platforms = Supported Platforms
FeaturePage.all = All
FeaturePage.description = \nDescription
FeaturePage.infoLink = More Info
FeaturePage.licenseLink = License
FeaturePage.copyrightLink = Copyright
FeaturePage.notInstalled = Not Installed
FeaturePage.sizeValue = {0} KB
FeaturePage.estimateValue = {0} Hours {1} minutes
FeaturePage.minuteEstimateValue = Less than one minute
FeaturePage.unknownSizeValue = Unknown Size
FeaturePage.unknownEstimateValue = Unknown Download Time
FeaturePage.doButton.uninstall = Uninstall Now
FeaturePage.doButton.unconfigure = Disable Now
FeaturePage.doButton.configure = Enable Now
FeaturePage.doButton.update = Update Now
FeaturePage.doButton.install = Install Now = Repair Now
FeaturePage.doButton.change = Change Now
FeaturePage.disabledVersion = (disabled)
FeaturePage.batchButton.unconfigure = Disable by adding to the Selected Updates.
FeaturePage.batchButton.configure = Enable by adding to the Selected Updates. = Repair by adding to the Selected Updates.
FeaturePage.batchButton.change = Change by adding to the Selected Updates.
FeaturePage.batchButton.update = Update by adding to the Selected Updates.
FeaturePage.batchButton.install = Install by adding to the Selected Updates.
FeaturePage.batchButton.uninstall = Uninstall by adding to the Selected Updates.
FeaturePage.batch = Group Updates
FeaturePage.selectedUpdates = Selected Updates
FeaturePage.dialog.utitle = Uninstall
FeaturePage.dialog.title = Install
FeaturePage.dialog.ctitle = Enable
FeaturePage.dialog.uctitle = Disable
FeaturePage.duplicatesEnabled.title = Conflict Warning
FeaturePage.duplicatesEnabled.message = Another version of this feature is already enabled.
FeaturePage.missing.title = Missing Plug-ins
FeaturePage.missing.message = The feature you want to install requires plug-ins \
that cannot be found in the current configuration. You can search for features that \
contain required plug-ins and install them before this one or abort. = &Search
FeaturePage.missing.abort = &Abort
FeaturePage.missing.searchObjectName = Missing plug-ins of {0}
FeaturePage.optionalInstall.message = Feature cannot be found using {0}.
FeaturePage.optionalInstall.title = Optional Install
ActivityConstraints.rootMessage = Requested operation cannot be performed because it would invalidate the current configuration. See details for more information.
ActivityConstraints.rootMessageInitial = Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation. See details for more information.
ActivityConstraints.platform = Resulting configuration does not contain the platform.
ActivityConstraints.primary = Resulting configuration does not contain the primary feature.
ActivityConstaints.prereq.plugin = plug-in
ActivityConstaints.prereq.feature = feature
ActivityConstraints.prereq = Feature requires {0} "{1}".
ActivityConstraints.prereqPerfect = Feature requires {0} "{1} ({2})".
ActivityConstraints.prereqEquivalent = Feature requires {0} "{1} ({2})", or equivalent.
ActivityConstraints.prereqCompatible = Feature requires {0} "{1} ({2})", or compatible.
ActivityConstraints.prereqGreaterOrEqual = Feature requires {0} "{1} ({2})", or later version.
ActivityConstraints.os = Feature operating system does not match current environment. = Feature windowing system does not match current environment.
ActivityConstraints.arch = Feature platform architecture does not match current environment.
ActivityConstraints.cycle = Feature definition contains a nested features cycle.
ActivityConstraints.conflict = Update conflict detected (see details). Please deselect this update and try again.
ActivityConstraints.childMessage = {0} ({1}): {2}
ActivityConstraints.optionalChild = Feature included in another feature cannot be enabled if the parent is disabled. Enable the parent first.
ActivityConstraints.patchRegression = Included feature "{0} ({1})" is older than the currently active feature.
ActivityConstraints.patchUnconfigure = This feature is a patch and cannot be directly disabled. Use 'Revert' to restore \
the last configuration before the patch was installed.
ActivityConstraints.patchUnconfigureBackup = This feature is a patch and cannot be directly disabled. Use 'Revert' to restore \
configuration "{0}" in Saved Configurations.
ActivityConstraints.patchMissingTarget = Older version of feature "{0} ({1})" must be present for a patch to be applied.
ActivityConstraints.timeline = Cannot revert to "{0}" because it is not compatible with the current configuration.
ActivityConstraints.exclusive = The feature must be processed separately from other features.
ActivityConstraints.noLicense = The feature does not have a valid license agreement.
DetailsView.home.label=Go Home
DetailsView.backward.label=Go Backward
DetailsView.forward.label=Go Forward
DetailsView.home.tooltip=Go to the Update Manager home page
DetailsView.backward.tooltip=Go Back
DetailsView.forward.tooltip=Go Forward
InfoGroup.plainTextVersion = Plain Text Version
InfoGroup.htmlVersion = HTML Version
InstallableSitePage.title = Install Location
InstallableSitePage.desc = <form><p>\
Install location is the place on your disk where features are \
installed. A <b>product</b> location is always present. <b>Extension</b> \
location can be installed when the base product is extended by another \
product. When \
installed using Update Manager, features can be placed in a different \
folder in the file system. The folder then becomes <b>user</b> location.</p>\
<p>Install location can be enabled or disabled as a whole. When \
a disabled location is enabled, previous feature states are restored.</p>\
InstallableSiteForm.url = URL
InstallableSiteForm.type = \nType
InstallableSiteForm.type.product = Product
InstallableSiteForm.type.extension = Product Extension
InstallableSiteForm.type.private = User
InstallableSiteForm.state = \nState
InstallableSiteForm.stateButton.disable = Disable
InstallableSiteForm.stateButton.enable = Enable
InstallableSiteForm.stateLabel.enabled = This location is currently enabled.
InstallableSiteForm.stateLabel.disabled = This location is currently disabled.
LocalSitePage.title = Current Configuration
ConfigurationView.current = Current Configuration
ConfigurationView.showUnconfFeatures = Show Disabled Features
ConfigurationView.showUnconfFeatures.tooltip = Show Disabled Features
ConfigurationView.Popup.restore = &Restore
ConfigurationView.Popup.preserve = &Save
ConfigurationView.Popup.unlink = &Unlink
ConfigurationView.Popup.showStatus = Sho&w Status...
ConfigurationView.historyFolder = Configuration History
ConfigurationView.savedFolder = Saved Configurations
ConfigurationView.statusTitle = Feature Status
ConfigurationView.statusDefault = The feature is configured properly.
ConfigurationView.missingFeature = {0} (not installed)
ConfigurationView.missingOptionalStatus = This optional feature is currently not installed.
ConfigurationView.missingStatus = Referenced feature not found.
ConfigurationView.savingErrors = Errors while saving the selected configurations.
ConfigurationView.loading = Loading:\
HomePage.title = Welcome to Eclipse Update
HomePage.updates.title= Feature Updates
HomePage.updates.desc=<form><p>To check for updates for features you \
have installed, go to <img href="image1"/> <a href="action1">Feature Updates</a> and select \
<b>Available Updates</b>. <b>Search</b> page will \
be shown allowing you to initiate and customize the search.</p></form>
HomePage.installs.title = Installing New Features
HomePage.installs.desc = <form><p>To install new features, open \
<img href="image1"/> <a href="action1">Feature Updates</a> view and expand the desired site \
(this operation may take time). Select features and read about \
them in the <b>Preview</b>.</p>\
<p>If you have a removable device (e.g. a CD-ROM) that contains updates, \
you can navigate to them from <b>My Computer</b> object. You can also create \
configurable searches in order to locate features that match a specific query. To \
create a search, select <b>New</b>, <b>Search...</b> from the pop-up menu in <b>Feature Updates</b></p></form>
HomePage.uninstalls.title = Working With Installed Features
HomePage.uninstals.desc = <form><p>Features that have been previously installed can be \
<b>disabled</b> to make them invisible to you application, or re-<b>enabled</b> to make \
them visible again. Disabled features are still physically present on your computer.</p>\
<p>To view the currently enabled features, expand <b>Current Configuration</b> object in \
<img href="image1"/> <a href="action1">Install Configurations</a> view.</p></form>
HomePage.history.title = Installation History
HomePage.history.desc = <form><p>The history of your activity is kept in the <b>installation history</b>. \
You can review it by expanding <b>History</b> folder in the <a href="action1">Install Configurations</a> view. \
Only a limited number of history objects are kept. You can preserve stable configurations \
in order to be able to recreate them at a later date.</p></form>
NewSiteDialog.title = New Site Bookmark
NewSiteDialog.url = &Site URL: = Site &Name:
NewFolderDialog.title = New Folder &Folder Name:
NewSearchDialog.title = New Search = &Search Name:
NewSearchDialog.category = Search &Category:
ConfirmDelete.title = Confirm Delete
ConfirmDelete.multiple = Are you sure you want to delete these {0} items?
ConfirmDelete.single = Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"? = &Name:
SiteBookmarkPropertyPage.address = A&ddress:
SiteBookmarkPropertyPage.updateSite = &Update site
SiteBookmarkPropertyPage.webSite = &Web site = &Name:
NamedObjectPropertyPage.exists = "{0}" already exists. = &Configuration Name:
SiteCategory.other.label = Other
SiteCategory.other.description = Features found under this category are either not categorized or their categories could not be found on server.
SiteBookmarkPropertySource.url.label=Site URL
SiteBookmarkPropertySource.url.desc=a URL of the update site name display name of the update site
SitePage.desc = <form><p>Expand the site folder to browse the \
features available for download. By default, features are categorized if \
category information exists on the site.</p><p>To view features in \
a flat list, uncheck <b>Show Site Categories</b> option available on \
the pull-down menu of the <img href="updateSites"/> <b>Feature Updates</b> view.</p>\
<p>Features can be designed to work on certain platforms only. These features \
will not show up in the <b>Feature Updates</b> view unless you uncheck \
<b>Show Matching Features Only</b> option on the same pull-down menu.\
</p></form> = Site home page
SitePage.wdesc = <form>\
<p>The Web site bookmark can be used to preserve addresses of regular \
Web sites. When opened, Web site bookmark will open into the currently \
configured Web browser.\
SitePage.wlink = Open Web site
UpdatesView.Popup.newSite = Site &Bookmark...
UpdatesView.Popup.newFolder = &Folder...
UpdatesView.Popup.newSearch = &Search...
UpdatesView.Popup.newLocalSite = Bookmark &Location...
UpdatesView.Popup.delete = &Delete
UpdatesView.Popup.openWeb = &Open
UpdatesView.Popup.cut = Cu&t
UpdatesView.Popup.copy = &Copy
UpdatesView.Popup.paste = &Paste
UpdatesView.Popup.refresh = &Refresh
UpdatesView.Popup.refresh.tooltip = Refresh
UpdatesView.Popup.showSearchResult = &Show Search Results
UpdatesView.Popup.linkExtension = Link Product &Extension = &Show My Computer Files = Show Site &Categories = Show &Matching Features Only
UpdatesView.newSearch.title = New Search
UpdatesView.newBookmark.title = New Site Bookmark
UpdatesView.newFolder.title = New Folder
UpdatesView.connecting = Connecting...
UpdatesView.updating = Updating...
SearchResultView.column.feature = Feature
SearchResultView.column.provider = Provider = Site
SearchResultView.column.version = Version
SearchResultView.column.size = Size
SearchResultView.column.sizeUnknown = N/A
SearchResultView.title = {0} - {1} ({2})
SearchResultView.showSearch.label = &Show Search Page
SearchResultView.showSearch.tooltip = Show Search Page
ItemsView.title = {0} ({1} tasks, {2} completed)
ItemsView.popup.delete = D&elete
ItemsView.popup.process = &Process
ItemsView.popup.processAll = Process &All
DiscoveryFolder = Sites to Visit
DiscoveryFolderPage.title = Sites to Visit
DiscoveryFolderPage.desc = This folder contains links to the update sites provided by features \
installed in this application. Feature providers include them to let you know about sites \
that contain features you might want to try out. = &Name:
BaseNewWizardPage.createIn = &Create in:
BaseNewWizardPage.existing = &Existing folders:
BaseNewWizardPage.invalid = Container path is invalid
BaseNewWizardPage.missingName = Name must be specified.
NewFolderWizardPage.title = Create New Folder
NewFolderWizardPage.desc = You can \
choose an existing folder as a container or create a new root folder.
NewSearchWizardPage.title = New Feature Search
NewSearchWizardPage.desc = Create a new search for features. Use folders to organize \
your search objects.
NewSearchWizardPage.category = Cate&gory:
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.title = New Update Site Bookmark
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.desc = Bookmark an update site. Use folders to organize \
your bookmarks.
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.url = &URL:
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.http = http://
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.invalid = Invalid URL format
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.type = Bookmark type:
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.updateType = Ec&lipse update site
NewSiteBookmarkWizardPage.webType = &Web site
UpdatesPage.title = Available Updates
SearchPage.title = Search
SearchPage.lastSearch = Last search: {0}
SearchPage.noLastSearch = Last search: n/a
SearchPage.searchNow = Search Now
SearchPage.cancel = Cancel
SearchPage.desc=<form><p>Search the update sites for features using various search criteria.\
SearchPage.query.label= Query Settings
SearchPage.query.category= Search Category:
SearchPage.options.label = Scope Settings
SearchPage.options.myComputerCheck = Include My Computer in the search
SearchPage.options.myComputerSettings.title = Search Settings
SearchPage.options.myComputerSettings = Settings...
SearchPage.options.fullModeCheck = Show results in extended form
SearchPage.options.bookmarkCheck = Search bookmarked sites
SearchPage.options.discoveryCheck = Search sites in "Sites to Visit" folder
SearchPage.options.filterCheck = Only include features applicable to this environment
MyComputerSearchDialog.label = Select the volumes that should be searched:
ExpressionSearchCategory.expression = Expression: = Case sensitive
ExpressionSearchCategory.look = Look for expression in: = Feature name
ExpressionSearchCategory.provider = Feature provider
ExpressionSearchCategory.description = Feature description
UpdatesSearchCategory.currentSearch = Available Feature Updates = Add... = New Plug-in
PluginSearchCategory.delete = Delete = Available Updates
Search.begin = Searching for updates:
Search.myComputer = Scanning My Computer:
Search.contacting = Contacting site "{0}" ...
Search.checking = Searching "{0}"...
UpdatesPage.SearchResultSection.title = Search Results
UpdatesPage.SearchResultSection.desc = The following features satisfy the search criteria ({0}):
UpdatesPage.SearchResultSection.nodesc = No features found.
UpdatesPage.SearchResultSection.startdesc = Search in progress ...
UpdatesPage.SearchResultSection.resultEntry = \
<form><p><a href="openFeature">{0}</a></p>\
<p>Provider: <b>{1}</b></p>\
<p addVerticalSpace="false">Found at: <a href="openSite">{2}</a></p>\
BrowserPage.address = Address:
BrowserPage.stop = Stop
BrowserPage.go = Go
BrowserPage.refresh = Refresh
WebBrowserView.notAvailable = Embedded Web browser is not available. \
Requiests for opening URLs are processed using Web browser registered to handle \
Web pages on your system.
WebBrowserView.address = Address:
WebBrowserView.stop = Stop
WebBrowserView.go = Go
WebBrowserView.refresh = Refresh
WebBrowserView.backward = Go Back
WebBrowserView.forward = Go Forward
NewUpdates.noUpdates.title = New Updates
NewUpdates.noUpdates.message = There are no new updates for the installed features. \
Note that the settings in the Preferences (Install/Update page) affect \
the search results.
NewUpdatesWizard.installing = Installing updates...
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.title = Available Updates
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.tableLabel = Available &updates (see Preferences for search constraints):
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.desc = New updates have been found for the installed features. \
Select the updates you want to install.
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.selectAll = &Select All
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.deselectAll = Deselect &All
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.moreInfo = &More Info
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.column.feature = Feature
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.column.version = Version
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.column.provider = Provider
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.column.size = Size
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.column.sizeUnknown = N/A
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.featureDesc = &Description:
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.counter = {0} out of {1} selected.
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.filterCheck = Fil&ter features included in other features on the list
NewUpdatesWizard.MainPage.duplicateWarning = Some of the selected features are already contained in others. Use filter button to avoid duplicates.
InstallWizard.wtitle = Install
InstallWizard.LicensePage.title = Feature License
InstallWizard.LicensePage.desc = This feature has a license \
agreement that you need to accept before proceeding with \
the installation.
InstallWizard.LicensePage.desc2 = Some of the features have license \
agreements that you need to accept before proceeding with \
the installation.
InstallWizard.LicensePage.up=&Previous License
InstallWizard.LicensePage.down=Next &License
InstallWizard.LicensePage.header={0} out of {1}: {2} ({3})
InstallWizard.LicensePage.accept = I &accept the terms in the license agreement
InstallWizard.LicensePage.decline = I &do not accept the terms in the license agreement
InstallWizard.LicensePage.accept2 = I &accept the terms in the license agreements
InstallWizard.LicensePage.decline2 = I &do not accept the terms in the license agreements
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.title = Feature Install
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.desc =This wizard helps you install \
new, update or uninstall existing features of your product.
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.about.install = You are about to install the following feature:
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.about.uninstall = You are about to uninstall the following feature:
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.about.unconfigure = You are about to disable the following feature:
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.about.configure = You are about to enable the following feature: = Name:
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.provider = Provider:
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.version = Version:
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.correct.install = \nIf that is correct, select Next to continue.
InstallWizard.ReviewPage.correct.uninstall = \nIf that is correct, select Finish.
InstallWizard.TargetPage.title = Install Location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.desc = Choose the location where the feature will be installed. = &Add...
InstallWizard.TargetPage.delete = &Remove
InstallWizard.TargetPage.requiredSpace = Required space:
InstallWizard.TargetPage.availableSpace = Free space:
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location = Target Location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.message = Select a new install location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.empty = Target install location must be selected. If none is available, create a new one.
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.exists = Target location already exists.
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.title = Invalid Location
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.message = The selected location cannot be used to install features: {0}
InstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.reason = Reason: {0}
InstallWizard.TargetPage.size = {0}KB
InstallWizard.TargetPage.unknownSize = Unknown
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.title= Optional Features
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.desc = Some of the features that are included in this feature are optional.
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.treeLabel = &Available optional features:
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.selectAll = &Select All
InstallWizard.OptionalFeaturesPage.deselectAll = &Deselect All
InstallWizard.error.unable=Unable to locate configuration site for the feature
InstallWizard.error.old= Error while updating the old feature version
InstallWizard.savedConfig = {0} backup
InstallDeltaWizard.wtitle = Configuration Changes
InstallDeltaWizard.processing = Processing pending changes:
InstallDeltaWizard.title = Pending Configuration Changes
InstallDeltaWizard.desc = Check the changes you wish to process now. Remove changes that should never be processed.
InstallDeltaWizard.label = Detected &changes:
InstallDeltaWizard.delete = &Remove
InstallDeltaWizard.errors = &Error Details...
InstallDeltaWizard.message = Selected update will result in an invalid configuration.
DuplicateConflictsDialog.title = Duplicate Conflicts
DuplicateConflictsDialog.message = If you continue with the update/install, \
the resulting configuration will contain duplication conflicts \
that may cause parts of the product to be unusable. Do you want to \
DuplicateConflictsDialog.treeLabel = &Detected conflicts:
DuplicateConflictsDialog.conflict = Version {0} in {1}
MainPreferencePage.description = General settings for Install/Update Manager.
MainPreferencePage.checkSignature = Check digital &signatures of downloaded archives
MainPreferencePage.historySize = &Maximum number of 'History' configurations:
MainPreferencePage.browserChoice = Web browser to use
MainPreferencePage.browserChoice.embedded = &Embedded browser
MainPreferencePage.browserChoice.system = De&fault system browser
MainPreferencePage.updateVersions = Valid updates
MainPreferencePage.updateVersions.equivalent = e&quivalent (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 - only service increments)
MainPreferencePage.updateVersions.compatible = &compatible (1.0.9 -> 1.1.0 - service and minor increments)
MainPreferencePage.topicColor = Section &title color:
MainPreferencePage.proxyGroup = Proxy settings
MainPreferencePage.enableHttpProxy = E&nable HTTP proxy connection
MainPreferencePage.httpProxyHost = &HTTP proxy host address:
MainPreferencePage.httpProxyPort = HTTP &proxy host port:
MainPreferencePage.digitalSignature.title = Digital Signature Check
MainPreferencePage.digitalSignature.message = You have chosen to disable digital signature \
checks for downloaded archives. Note that unsigned archives may \
contain software that can harm your computer.
AppServerPreferencePage.description = Settings for Update Web service:
AppServerPreferencePage.masterSwitch = Accept &Internet connections for the Web-triggered updates
AppServerPreferencePage.encodeURLs = &Encode local host and port in URLs passed to the browser
JarVerificationDialog.wtitle = Jar Verification
JarVerificationDialog.Title= Feature verification
JarVerificationDialog.ComponentNotInstalled=This feature will not be installed.
JarVerificationDialog.AboutToInstall.File=Warning: You are about to install an unsigned feature file.
JarVerificationDialog.NotDigitallySigned.File= Warning: This feature file has not been digitally signed.
JarVerificationDialog.CannotVerifyProvider.File=The provider of this feature file cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.CorruptedContent.File=The content of this feature file has been corrupted
JarVerificationDialog.SignedComponent.File=You are about to install a signed feature file.
JarVerificationDialog.UnknownCertificate.File=The certificates used to authenticate this feature file are not recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.UnableToVerifyProvider.File=The provider of this feature file cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.ProviderKnown.File=The provider of this feature file has been validated by a trusted third party.
JarVerificationDialog.KnownCertificate.File=One of the certificates used to authenticate this feature file was recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.AboutToInstall.Feature=Warning: You are about to install an unsigned feature.
JarVerificationDialog.NotDigitallySigned.Feature= Warning: This feature has not been digitally signed.
JarVerificationDialog.CannotVerifyProvider.Feature=The provider of this feature cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.CorruptedContent.Feature=The content of this feature has been corrupted
JarVerificationDialog.SignedComponent.Feature=You are about to install a signed feature.
JarVerificationDialog.UnknownCertificate.Feature=The certificates used to authenticate this feature are not recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.UnableToVerifyProvider.Feature=The provider of this feature cannot be verified.
JarVerificationDialog.ProviderKnown.Feature=The provider of this feature has been validated by a trusted third party.
JarVerificationDialog.KnownCertificate.Feature=One of the certificates used to authenticate this feature was recognized.
JarVerificationDialog.Caution=\r\nCaution: \"{0}\" asserts that the content of this feature is safe. \r\nYou should only install this feature if you trust \"{0}\" to make that assertion
JarVerificationDialog.FileName=File Identifier:
JarVerificationDialog.FeatureName=Feature name:
JarVerificationDialog.FeatureIdentifier=Feature Identifier:
JarVerificationDialog.Provider= Provider:
JarVerificationDialog.MayChooseToInstall=You may choose to install the feature or cancel its installation.
JarVerificationDialog.MayChooseToContinue=You may choose to continue to install the feature or cancel its installation.
JarVerificationDialog.RootCA= According to:
JarVerificationDialog.SubjectCA= File signed by:
JarVerificationDialog.CertificateInfo= Certificate:
UserVerificationDialog.PasswordRequired=Password Required
UserVerificationDialog.EnterNameAndPassword=Enter user name and password for:
UserVerificationDialog.Domain=At the following domain:
UserVerificationDialog.UserName=User name: Id:
NewPluginEntryDialog.version=Plug-in &Version:
InstallConfigurationPage.RevertSection.confirm.message=Are you sure you want to revert to this configuration?
Search.networkProblems=Network connection problems encountered during search.
MissingFeature.desc.unknown=This feature reference cannot be resolved.
MissingFeature.desc.optional=This feature is referenced as optional and is currently not installed.
UpdatesDropAdapter.nameConflict = Name Conflict
RenameDialog.label = &Enter a new name for this object:
RenameDialog.exists = Object ''{0}'' already exists.
MultiInstallWizard.wtitle = Install
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.title = Update Tasks
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.desc = This wizard helps you install \
new, update or uninstall existing features of your product.
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.c.task = Task
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.c.feature = Feature
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.c.version = Version
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.c.provider = Provider
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.counter = {0} of {1} selected.
MultiInstallWizard.MultiReviewPage.filterCheck = &Filter features included in other features on the list
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.title = Install Location
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.desc = Choose the location where the features will be installed.
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.jobsLabel = &Features to install:
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.siteLabel = &Target sites (selected site will be used for the feature selected above): = &Add...
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.delete = &Remove
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.requiredSpace = Required space:
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.availableSpace = Free space:
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.location = Target Location
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.location.message = Select a new install location
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.location.empty = Target install location must be selected. If none is available, create a new one.
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.location.exists = Target location already exists.
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.title = Invalid Location
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.message = The selected location cannot be used to install features: {0}
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.location.error.reason = Reason: {0}
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.size = {0}KB
MultiInstallWizard.TargetPage.unknownSize = Unknown
MultiInstallWizard.installing = Initializing...
MultiInstallWizard.error.unable={0}: unable to locate configuration site
MultiInstallWizard.error.old= {0}: Error while updating the old feature version
MultiInstallWizard.savedConfig = {0} backup
SiteStateAction.enableMessage=Do you want to enable features in "{0}"?
SiteStateAction.disableMessage=Do you want to disable all the features in "{0}"?
SiteStateAction.dialogTitle=Update Manager
SiteBookmark.connecting = Connecting to "{0}"...
SiteBookmark.downloading = Downloading:\
MultipleSelectionForm.title = Multiple Selection
MultipleSelectionForm.counter = {0} items selected.
DeltaFeatureAdapter.shortName = {0} ({1})
DeltaFeatureAdapter.longName = {0} ({1}) in {2}
InstallServlet.unknownServerURL=Update server URL is unknown.
InstallServlet.noFeatures=No features to install.
InstallServlet.incorrectURLFormat=Update server URL has incorrect format: {0}
InstallServlet.contactWebmaster=Contact Web master that maintains the page that initiated this operation.
InstallServlet.multipleInstall=Multiple feature install not supported.
InstallServlet.alreadyInstalled=The feature is already installed.
InstallServlet.alreadyHaveIt=Nothing - you already have it.
InstallServlet.inProgress = Another install session is already in progress.
InstallServlet.olderFeature=The feature is older than the one already installed
InstallServlet.nothing2=Nothing - update can only install features that you do not have or that are updates to the one already installed.
DetailsForm.locatingFeature=Locating feature on the server...
DetailsForm.downloadingInfo=Downloading feature information...
DetailsForm.featureAPatch=This feature is a patch and cannot be directly disabled. Locate a configuration before it was installed and revert to it instead.
DetailsForm.disableFeature.title=Disable Feature
ServletsUtil.responseTitle=Eclipse Install
ServletsUtil.updateFailed=Web update failed
ServletsUtil.whatToDo=What you can do
ServletsUtil.updateInProgress=Web Update in progress
ServletsUtil.updateInitiated=Web update has been initiated. You should see install wizard being open from the running Eclipse window.
ConfigurationPropertyPage.invalidCharacter=Configuration label cannot start with a ''@''
DetailsForm.downloadingIncluded = Downloading complete feature information...