blob: 993013b2bf469171a9cd44201d1e91312ad243f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007,2010 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTArraySubscriptExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTBinaryExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCastExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTConditionalExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarationStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDoStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpressionList;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpressionStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFieldReference;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTForStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionCallExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDefinition;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTIdExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTIfStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializerClause;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializerExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializerList;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTLiteralExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTName;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTParameterDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblemExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSwitchStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTypeIdExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTUnaryExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTWhileStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.c.ICASTTypeIdInitializerExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.gnu.c.ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.IASTAmbiguousExpression;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.IBlock;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.ICallGraph;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.ICallGraphNode;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.IControlFlowGraph;
* MPI Multi-Valued analysis
* @author zhangyua
public class MPIMVAnalysis {
class BroadCastAnalyzer extends ASTVisitor {
private final IBlock block_;
private String var;
public BroadCastAnalyzer(IBlock block) {
block_ = block;
var = null;
public String getBCdata() {
return var;
public void run() {
this.shouldVisitStatements = true;
this.shouldVisitExpressions = true;
IASTNode content = block_.getContent();
if (content != null) {
public int visit(IASTExpression expr) {
if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcE = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcE.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
if (signature.equals("MPI_Bcast")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
IASTInitializerClause[] arguments = funcE.getArguments();
if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof IASTExpression) {
IASTExpression dataE = (IASTExpression) arguments[0];
if (dataE instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
IASTIdExpression ID = (IASTIdExpression) dataE;
var = ID.getName().toString();
} else if (dataE instanceof IASTUnaryExpression) {
IASTUnaryExpression uE = (IASTUnaryExpression) dataE;
if (uE.getOperator() == IASTUnaryExpression.op_amper && uE.getOperand() instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
IASTIdExpression ID = (IASTIdExpression) uE.getOperand();
var = ID.getName().toString();
* Expression Multi-valued Analyzer
class ExprMVAnalyzer {
private IASTStatement stmt_;
private IASTExpression expr_;
private final List<String> context_;
private final MPIBlock currentBlock_;
private final List<String> MVvar_;
private final Stack<boolean[]> exprListMVContext_;
private boolean value;
public ExprMVAnalyzer(IASTExpression expr, List<String> context, MPIBlock block) {
stmt_ = null;
expr_ = expr;
context_ = context;
currentBlock_ = block;
MVvar_ = new ArrayList<String>();
exprListMVContext_ = new Stack<boolean[]>();
value = false;
public ExprMVAnalyzer(IASTNode node, List<String> context, MPIBlock block) {// BRT
// this
// one
// is
// called
if (node instanceof IASTExpression) {
stmt_ = null;
expr_ = (IASTExpression) node;
} else if (node instanceof IASTStatement) {
stmt_ = (IASTStatement) node;
expr_ = null;
context_ = context;
currentBlock_ = block;
MVvar_ = new ArrayList<String>();
exprListMVContext_ = new Stack<boolean[]>();
value = false;
public ExprMVAnalyzer(IASTStatement stmt, List<String> context, MPIBlock block) {
stmt_ = stmt;
expr_ = null;
context_ = context;
currentBlock_ = block;
MVvar_ = new ArrayList<String>();
exprListMVContext_ = new Stack<boolean[]>();
value = false;
public List<String> getMVList() {
return MVvar_;
public boolean isMV() {
return value;
public void run() {
if (stmt_ != null) {
value = useDefMVMapping(stmt_);
} else if (expr_ != null) {
List<String> defset = new ArrayList<String>();
value = useDefMVMapping(expr_, rhs, null, defset);
* Returns true if multi-valued? //BRT
* @param init
* @return
// BRT make sure this gets called, but will it be with these args?
// / not in a tree walk; perhaps with args gleaned from fn call
private boolean handleInitializer(IASTInitializer init) {
if (init instanceof IASTInitializerExpression) {
IASTInitializerExpression initE = (IASTInitializerExpression) init;
IASTExpression expr = initE.getExpression();
List<String> mvlist = new ArrayList<String>();
return useDefMVMapping(expr, rhs, null, mvlist);
} else if (init instanceof IASTInitializerList) {// BRT
IASTInitializerList initList = (IASTInitializerList) init;
IASTInitializer[] list = initList.getInitializers();
boolean listvalue = false;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
listvalue = listvalue | handleInitializer(list[i]);
return listvalue;
return false;
* @param side
* @param set
* @param v1
* @param l1
* @param funcE
* @param newParameterList
* @param n
* @param returnval
* @return
private boolean newParameterUse(int side, List<String> set, boolean v1, List<String> l1, IASTFunctionCallExpression funcE,
IASTInitializerClause[] newParameterList, MPICallGraphNode n, boolean returnval) {
if (newParameterList != null) {
// boolean[] newContext = new boolean[parameter2.length];
boolean context;
for (int i = 0; i < newParameterList.length; i++) {
IASTInitializerClause ic = newParameterList[i];
if (ic instanceof IASTExpression) { // BRT?? is it??
IASTExpression iexpr = (IASTExpression) ic;
v1 = v1 | useDefMVMapping(iexpr, side, funcE, l1);
context = v1;
Util.addAll(set, l1); // BRT ?????
// --- put this inside this loop, don't need another
// loop
if (context) {
String param = getFormalParamName(n, i);
if (param != null) {
List<String> mvlist = n.getMVSummary().get(param);
Util.addAll(MVvar_, mvlist);
if (mvlist.contains(n.getFuncName())) { // return
// MV
// value
returnval = true;
// ---
// omit exprListMVContext_.push(newContext);
return returnval;
* @param parameter
* @param cgNode
* @param returnval
* @return
private boolean oldParameterUse(IASTExpression parameter, MPICallGraphNode cgNode, boolean returnval) {
if (parameter instanceof IASTExpressionList) { // >1 parameter
boolean[] paramContext = exprListMVContext_.pop();
for (int i = 0; i < paramContext.length; i++) {
if (paramContext[i]) {
String param = getFormalParamName(cgNode, i);
if (param != null) {
List<String> mvlist = cgNode.getMVSummary().get(param);
Util.addAll(MVvar_, mvlist);
if (mvlist.contains(cgNode.getFuncName())) { // return
// MV
// value
returnval = true;
} else { // single parameter
String param = getFormalParamName(cgNode, 0);
if (param != null) {
List<String> mvlist = cgNode.getMVSummary().get(param);
Util.addAll(MVvar_, mvlist);
if (mvlist.contains(cgNode.getFuncName())) { // return MV
// value
returnval = true;
return returnval;
* Return true if "expr" is multi_valued.
* @param expr
* expression to determine if multi-valued
* @param side
* LHS or RHS
* @param func
* @param set
* contains all defined variables in "expr" through
* assignment
private boolean useDefMVMapping(IASTExpression expr, int side, IASTFunctionCallExpression func, List<String> set) {
boolean v1 = false, v2 = false, v3 = false;
List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> l2 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> l3 = new ArrayList<String>();
if (expr == null) {
return false;
if (expr instanceof IASTAmbiguousExpression) {
} else if (expr instanceof IASTArraySubscriptExpression) {
IASTArraySubscriptExpression asE = (IASTArraySubscriptExpression) expr;
if (side == rhs) {
// = a[index_expr]
v1 = useDefMVMapping(asE.getArrayExpression(), rhs, func, l1);
v2 = useDefMVMapping(asE.getSubscriptExpression(), rhs, func, l2);
} else { // lhs
// a[b[i]] = ... , a is defined, b and i are used
v1 = useDefMVMapping(asE.getSubscriptExpression(), rhs, func, l1);
v2 = useDefMVMapping(asE.getArrayExpression(), lhs, func, l2);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l2);
return v1 | v2;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTBinaryExpression) {
IASTBinaryExpression biE = (IASTBinaryExpression) expr;
int op = biE.getOperator();
if (op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign) {
// x = y = z is right associative --> x = (y = z)
// So the "side" will be always rhs
v1 = useDefMVMapping(biE.getOperand1(), lhs, func, l1);
v2 = useDefMVMapping(biE.getOperand2(), rhs, func, l2);
if (v2) {
Util.addAll(MVvar_, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l2);
} else if (op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiplyAssign || op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_divideAssign
|| op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_moduloAssign || op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_plusAssign
|| op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_minusAssign || op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeftAssign
|| op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRightAssign || op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAndAssign
|| op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXorAssign || op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOrAssign) {
v1 = useDefMVMapping(biE.getOperand1(), rhs, func, l1);
v2 = useDefMVMapping(biE.getOperand2(), rhs, func, l2);
v3 = useDefMVMapping(biE.getOperand1(), lhs, func, l3);
if (v1 | v2) {
Util.addAll(MVvar_, l3);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l2);
Util.addAll(set, l3);
} else {
v1 = useDefMVMapping(biE.getOperand1(), rhs, func, l1);// BRT
// results
// are
// diff
// from
// 3.0!
v2 = useDefMVMapping(biE.getOperand2(), rhs, func, l2);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l2);
return v1 | v2 | v3;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTCastExpression) {
IASTCastExpression castE = (IASTCastExpression) expr;
v1 = useDefMVMapping(castE.getOperand(), side, func, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
return v1;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTConditionalExpression) {
IASTConditionalExpression condE = (IASTConditionalExpression) expr;
if (side == rhs) {
v1 = useDefMVMapping(condE.getLogicalConditionExpression(), rhs, func, l1);
v2 = useDefMVMapping(condE.getPositiveResultExpression(), rhs, func, l2);
v3 = useDefMVMapping(condE.getNegativeResultExpression(), rhs, func, l3);
} else {
// eg. (x > y ? x : y) = 1
v1 = useDefMVMapping(condE.getLogicalConditionExpression(), rhs, func, l1);
v2 = useDefMVMapping(condE.getPositiveResultExpression(), lhs, func, l2);
v3 = useDefMVMapping(condE.getNegativeResultExpression(), lhs, func, l3);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l2);
Util.addAll(set, l3);
return v1 | v2 | v3;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTExpressionList) {// BRT
// IASTExpressionList
// no longer in AST;
// see below
IASTExpressionList exprList = (IASTExpressionList) expr;// But
// this
// *DOES*
// get
// called.
// 3-deep
// recursive
// call
// of
// useDevMVMapping
IASTExpression[] exprs = exprList.getExpressions();
boolean[] newContext_ = new boolean[exprs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.length; i++) {
v1 = v1 | useDefMVMapping(exprs[i], side, func, l1);
newContext_[i] = v1;
Util.addAll(set, l1);
if (func != null) {
exprListMVContext_.push(newContext_);// BRT note this is NOT
// a field! local
// var only
return v1;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTFieldReference) {
IASTFieldReference frE = (IASTFieldReference) expr;
v1 = useDefMVMapping(frE.getFieldOwner(), side, func, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
return v1;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcE = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcE.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
IASTInitializerClause[] arguments = funcE.getArguments();
MPICallGraphNode cgNode = (MPICallGraphNode) cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), signature);
if (cgNode != null) { // BRT always null on tiny.c. ??
* 1. Determine whether each parameter is MV or SV 2. Refer
* to the MVsummary, find the set of MV variables according
* to the parameter MV context, and find out whether the
* return value is MV or SV
boolean returnval = false;
if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof IASTExpression) {
IASTExpression parameter = (IASTExpression) arguments[0];
v1 = useDefMVMapping(parameter, side, funcE, l1);
// BRT note with CDT 7.0 the IASTExpressionList is not
// encountered in the AST
// See bug
// But since we get it from a method call
// IASTFunctionCallExpression.getParameterExpression()
// this probably still
// works ok here.
returnval = oldParameterUse(parameter, cgNode, returnval);
// == end context old way
// === new way
// returnval = newParameterUse(side, set, v1, l1, funcE,
// newParameterList, cgNode, returnval);
// === end new way
for (Iterator<String> i = cgNode.getGlobalUse().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String guse =;
if (context_.contains(guse)) {
List<String> mvlist = cgNode.getMVSummary().get(guse);
Util.addAll(MVvar_, mvlist);
if (mvlist.contains(cgNode.getFuncName())) { // return
// MV
// value
returnval = true;
if (cgNode.getMVSummary().size() == 1) {// no parameter, no
// global use
List<String> mvlist = cgNode.getMVSummary().get(cgNode.getFuncName());
if (mvlist.size() == 1 && mvlist.contains(cgNode.getFuncName())) {
returnval = true;
} else {
returnval = false;
return returnval;
}// end if cgNode!=null
else {
if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof IASTExpression) {
IASTExpression parameter = (IASTExpression) arguments[0];
v1 = useDefMVMapping(parameter, side, funcE, l1);
if (parameter instanceof IASTExpressionList) {
Util.addAll(set, l1);
return v1;
} else {
return false;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
IASTIdExpression id = (IASTIdExpression) expr;
IASTName name = id.getName();
String var = name.toString();
if (var.startsWith("MPI_")) {
return false; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (side == rhs) {
if (func != null) { // function parameter
IASTExpression funcname = func.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
ICallGraphNode n = cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), signature);
if (n == null) { // library function call
if (currentBlock_.getDef().contains(var)) {
if (!set.contains(var)) {
if (context_.contains(var) && !MVvar_.contains(var)) {
if (context_.contains(var)) {
return true;
} else { // lhs
if (!set.contains(var)) {
return false;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTLiteralExpression) {
} else if (expr instanceof IASTProblemExpression) {
} else if (expr instanceof IASTTypeIdExpression) {
} else if (expr instanceof IASTUnaryExpression) {
IASTUnaryExpression uE = (IASTUnaryExpression) expr;
int op = uE.getOperator();
if (op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixIncr || op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixDecr
|| op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_postFixIncr || op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_postFixDecr) {
v1 = useDefMVMapping(uE.getOperand(), rhs, func, l1);
v2 = useDefMVMapping(uE.getOperand(), lhs, func, l2);
if (v1) {
Util.addAll(MVvar_, l2);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l2);
} else {
v1 = useDefMVMapping(uE.getOperand(), side, func, l1);
Util.addAll(set, l1);
return v1 | v2;
} else if (expr instanceof ICASTTypeIdInitializerExpression) {
} else {
return false;
* Returns true if statement is multi_valued.
private boolean useDefMVMapping(IASTStatement stmt) {
if (stmt instanceof IASTDeclarationStatement) {
boolean value = false;
IASTDeclarationStatement declStmt = (IASTDeclarationStatement) stmt;
IASTDeclaration decl = declStmt.getDeclaration();
if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) {
IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl;
IASTDeclarator[] declarators = simpleDecl.getDeclarators();
for (int i = 0; i < declarators.length; i++) {
boolean v1 = false;
IASTInitializer init = declarators[i].getInitializer();
if (init != null) {
IASTName name = declarators[i].getName();
v1 = handleInitializer(init);
if (v1) {
if (!MVvar_.contains(name.toString())) {
value = value | v1;
return value;
} else if (stmt instanceof IASTExpressionStatement) {
IASTExpressionStatement exprS = (IASTExpressionStatement) stmt;
IASTExpression expr = exprS.getExpression();
List<String> mvlist = new ArrayList<String>();
value = useDefMVMapping(expr, rhs, null, mvlist);
return false;
class FuncParamMVChecker extends ASTVisitor {
protected MPICallGraphNode currentNode_;
protected MPIBlock block_;
protected MPICallGraphNode func;
public FuncParamMVChecker(MPICallGraphNode func, MPIBlock block) {
currentNode_ = func;
block_ = block;
func = null;
public int leave(IASTExpression expr) {
if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcExpr.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
if (cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), signature) == func) {
func = null;
public void run() {
this.shouldVisitExpressions = true;
this.shouldVisitStatements = true;
IASTNode content = block_.getContent();
if (content != null) {
public int visit(IASTExpression expr) {
if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcExpr.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
func = (MPICallGraphNode) cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), signature);
if (func != null) {
IASTInitializerClause[] arguments = funcExpr.getArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] instanceof IASTExpression) {
ExprMVAnalyzer ema = new ExprMVAnalyzer(arguments[i], block_.getMVvar(), block_);;
if (ema.isMV()) {
String paramName = getFormalParamName(func, i);
if (paramName != null) {
func.getParamMV().put(paramName, new Boolean(true));
class PointerAnalyzer extends ASTVisitor {
protected IBlock block_;
protected List<String> deref_;
protected List<String> addr_;
public PointerAnalyzer(IBlock b) {
block_ = b;
deref_ = new ArrayList<String>();
addr_ = new ArrayList<String>();
public List<String> getAddr() {
return addr_;
public List<String> getDeref() {
return deref_;
public void run() {
this.shouldVisitExpressions = true;
this.shouldVisitStatements = true;
IASTNode content = block_.getContent();
if (content != null) {
public int visit(IASTExpression expr) {
visitor(expr, false, false);
private void visitor(IASTExpression expr, boolean inDeref, boolean inAddr) {
if (expr instanceof IASTArraySubscriptExpression) {
IASTArraySubscriptExpression arrayE = (IASTArraySubscriptExpression) expr;
visitor(arrayE.getArrayExpression(), inDeref, inAddr);
visitor(arrayE.getSubscriptExpression(), false, false);
} else if (expr instanceof IASTBinaryExpression) {
IASTBinaryExpression biE = (IASTBinaryExpression) expr;
visitor(biE.getOperand1(), inDeref, inAddr);
visitor(biE.getOperand2(), inDeref, inAddr);
} else if (expr instanceof IASTConditionalExpression) {
IASTConditionalExpression condE = (IASTConditionalExpression) expr;
visitor(condE.getLogicalConditionExpression(), inDeref, inAddr);
visitor(condE.getPositiveResultExpression(), inDeref, inAddr);
visitor(condE.getNegativeResultExpression(), inDeref, inAddr);
} else if (expr instanceof IASTExpressionList) {
IASTExpressionList listE = (IASTExpressionList) expr;
IASTExpression[] exprs = listE.getExpressions();
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.length; i++) {
visitor(exprs[i], inDeref, inAddr);
} else if (expr instanceof IASTFieldReference) {
IASTFieldReference fr = (IASTFieldReference) expr;
visitor(fr.getFieldOwner(), inDeref, inAddr);
} else if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcE = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcE.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
ICallGraphNode n = cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), signature);
if (n != null) {
visitor(funcE.getFunctionNameExpression(), false, false);
for (IASTInitializerClause argument: funcE.getArguments()) {
if (argument instanceof IASTExpression) {
visitor((IASTExpression) argument, inDeref, inAddr);
} else if (expr instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
IASTIdExpression ID = (IASTIdExpression) expr;
String var = ID.getName().toString();
if (inDeref) {
if (!deref_.contains(var)) {
if (inAddr) {
if (!addr_.contains(var)) {
} else if (expr instanceof IASTUnaryExpression) {
IASTUnaryExpression uE = (IASTUnaryExpression) expr;
int op = uE.getOperator();
boolean addrflag = inAddr;
boolean derefflag = inDeref;
if (op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_amper) { // &E
addrflag = true;
} else if (op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_star) { // *E
derefflag = true;
visitor(uE.getOperand(), addrflag, derefflag);
class SeedsCollector extends ASTVisitor {
private MPICallGraphNode currentFunc_;
public void run() {
this.shouldVisitExpressions = true;
this.shouldVisitStatements = true;
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.botEntry(); n != null; n = n.botNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked) {
currentFunc_ = node;
IControlFlowGraph cfg = node.getCFG();
for (IBlock b = cfg.getEntry(); b != null; b = b.topNext()) {
IASTNode content = b.getContent();
if (content != null) {
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.botEntry(); n != null; n = n.botNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked) {
if (node.hasSeed()) {
for (Iterator<ICallGraphNode> i = node.getCallers().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MPICallGraphNode caller = (MPICallGraphNode);
public int visit(IASTExpression expr) {
if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcExpr.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
if (signature.equals("MPI_Comm_rank")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
* Work list contains two kinds of blocks:<br>
* (1) where MPI_Comm_rank() is directly or indirectly called; <br>
* (2) the entry block of a function that has some MV real parameters;
* <p>
* (1) is marked in SeedsCollector and collected in WorkListCollector <br>
* (2) is collected in the slicing function.
class WorkListCollector extends ASTVisitor {
private final ICallGraphNode func_;
private boolean inRankFunc;
private IASTExpressionList paramsOLD;
private IASTInitializerClause[] params_;// BRT will perhaps replace
// IASTExpressionList
private final LinkedList<IBlock> wlist;
private MPIBlock currentBlock_;
public WorkListCollector(ICallGraphNode func) {
func_ = func;
inRankFunc = false;
wlist = new LinkedList<IBlock>();
public LinkedList<IBlock> getWorkList() {
if (!((MPICallGraphNode) func_).hasSeed()) {
return wlist;
this.shouldVisitExpressions = true;
this.shouldVisitStatements = true;
for (IBlock b = func_.getCFG().getEntry(); b != null; b = b.topNext()) {
currentBlock_ = (MPIBlock) b;
IASTNode content = b.getContent();
if (content != null) {
return wlist;
public int leave(IASTExpression expr) {
if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcExpr.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
if (signature.equals("MPI_Comm_rank")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
inRankFunc = false;
params_ = null; // BRT ???? do we do this here since no more
// IASTExpressionList below?
paramsOLD = null;
// BRT do we need to do paramsOLD=null instead?
// BRTnext IASTFunctionCallExpr is one level higher in the AST
// than the old IASTExpressionList was
} else if (expr instanceof IASTExpressionList) {
paramsOLD = null;// BRT will never reach here,
// IASTExpressionLlist no longer in AST tree
// int visitDebugCount=0;
public int visit(IASTExpression expr) {
// System.out.println("visitDebugCount="+visitDebugCount+" expr="+expr+" "+expr.getRawSignature());
// visitDebugCount++;
if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcExpr.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
if (signature.equals("MPI_Comm_rank")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
inRankFunc = true;
} else {
MPICallGraphNode n = (MPICallGraphNode) cg_.getNode(currentNode_.getFileName(), signature);
if (n != null && n.hasSeed()) {
if (!wlist.contains(currentBlock_)) {
List<String> genMV = n.getMVSummary().get(signature);
Util.addAll(currentBlock_.getMVvar(), genMV);
if (currentBlock_.getMVvar().contains(n.getFuncName())) {
if (inRankFunc) {
// BRT do what was formerly done when we hit an
// IASTExpressionList node.
IASTInitializerClause[] initClause = funcExpr.getArguments();
params_ = initClause;
} else if (expr instanceof IASTIdExpression) { // BRT NOTE: most of
// changes (for CDT
// 7.0 change) are
// here
((IASTIdExpression) expr).getName().toString();
// BRT debug cond bkpt here: var2.equals("my_rank")
if (inRankFunc) {
IASTNode me = expr;
IASTNode parent = me.getParent();
while (true) {
// if(parent == params) break; // BRT ptp40: params is
// null. not in ptp30; there is no longer an ASTnode for
// the parameters
// else
if (parent instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
} else {
if (traceOn) {
System.out.println("MMVA: me=parent, parent=parent.getParent()"); //$NON-NLS-1$
me = parent;
parent = parent.getParent();
boolean temp = false;// BRT never encountered now?
if (temp && !(parent instanceof IASTExpressionList /*
* new:
* ||
* parent
* instanceof
* IASTFunctionCallExpression
*/)) {
// IASTExpression[] rankParams =
// params.getExpressions();
if (params_ != null) {
IASTInitializerClause cl = params_[0];
if (cl instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
//System.out.println("IASTInitializerClause is IASTIdExpression"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int index;
for (index = 0; index < params_.length; index++) {
// if(me == rankParams[index]) break;
if (me == params_[index]) {
// BRT The second arg of MPI_Comm_rank is the variable that
// is thus multi-valued.
if (index == 1) {
IASTIdExpression id = (IASTIdExpression) expr;
String var = id.getName().toString();
// if(var.equals("MPI_Comm_rank")) return
// BRT Add this variable to the list of multivalued
// variables in the current block, if not already there
if (!currentBlock_.getMVvar().contains(var)) {
if (!wlist.contains(currentBlock_)) {
} else if (expr instanceof IASTExpressionList) {
if (inRankFunc) {
paramsOLD = (IASTExpressionList) expr;// BRT investigate if
// ptp40 gets here
protected ICallGraph cg_;
protected MPICallGraphNode currentNode_;
protected final int lhs = 0;
protected final int rhs = 1;
protected boolean changed = false;
private static final boolean traceOn = false;
public MPIMVAnalysis(ICallGraph cg) {
cg_ = cg;
public void run() {
SeedsCollector sc = new SeedsCollector();;
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.topEntry(); n != null; n = n.topNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked) {
IControlFlowGraph cfg = node.getCFG();
for (IBlock b = cfg.getEntry(); b != null; b = b.topNext()) {
MPIBlock block = (MPIBlock) b;
if (block.getMV() && (block.withBreak || block.withContinue)) {
System.out.println("************ Multi-valued branch with Break/Continue in " + //$NON-NLS-1$
node.getFuncName() + "(" + node.getFileName() + ")"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
private void clean() {
for (IBlock b = currentNode_.getCFG().getEntry(); b != null; b = b.topNext()) {
MPIBlock block = (MPIBlock) b;
block.sliced = false;
block.setMVvar(new ArrayList<String>());
/** Determine whether an "EXPRESSION" is multi-valued */
private void exprMVAnalysis() {
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.botEntry(); n != null; n = n.botNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked) {
IControlFlowGraph cfg = node.getCFG();
for (IBlock b = cfg.getEntry(); b != null; b = b.topNext()) {
MPIBlock block = (MPIBlock) b;
//System.out.println("expMVAnalysis(): Block " + block.getID()); //$NON-NLS-1$
ExprMVAnalyzer EA = new ExprMVAnalyzer(block.getContent(), block.getMVvar(), block);
// ^^^ BRT isEmpty;
private void functionMVSummary() {
changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.botEntry(); n != null; n = n.botNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked) {
currentNode_ = node;
for (Enumeration<String> e = node.getMVSummary().keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String var = e.nextElement();
* System.out.print("Summary: "); for(Iterator i =
* ((ArrayList)node.getMVSummary().get(var)).iterator();
* i.hasNext();){ System.out.print((String) + ", ");
* } System.out.println(" ");
* Determines a set of multi-valued "VARIABLES" (local and global) in each
* program point
private void functionSlicing() {
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.topEntry(); n != null; n = n.topNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked) {
currentNode_ = node;
// System.out.println(node.getFuncName());
IControlFlowGraph cfg = node.getCFG();
* The initial worklist contains seeds blocks in this function and
* the entry block if any of its parameters is multi-valued.
WorkListCollector wlc = new WorkListCollector(currentNode_);
LinkedList<IBlock> seeds = wlc.getWorkList();
boolean hasMVparam = false;
for (Enumeration<String> e = node.getParamMV().keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String param = e.nextElement();
boolean val = node.getParamMV().get(param).booleanValue();
if (val) { // multi-valued parameter
((MPIBlock) cfg.getEntry()).getMVvar().add(param);
hasMVparam = true;
if (hasMVparam) {
/** Slicing */
while (!seeds.isEmpty()) {
MPIBlock block = (MPIBlock) seeds.remove();
if (block.sliced) {
block.sliced = true;
// System.out.println("current seed is " + block.getID());
Hashtable<String, List<IBlock>> DUSucc = block.getDUSucc();
List<String> mv = block.getMVvar();
List<String> newMV = new ArrayList<String>();
handlePointers(block, mv);
* Intra-block slicing (Case #1) --- If there is a \phi function
* in this block, consider two cases: (1) If this block is a
* join block for If statement or Switch statement, or if this
* block is break exit join block of a loop, then all \phi
* variables in this block are multi-valued; (2) If this block
* is a join block (i.e., cond block) for For statement, While
* statement or Do statement, then its multi-valued \phi
* variables have been already marked through data dependences,
* and all used \phi variables are kept multi-valued. Note: a
* block falls into one and only one of these two cases.
if (!block.getPhiVar().isEmpty()) {
List<IBlock> cond = block.getCond();
int blockcase = 0;
for (Iterator<IBlock> i = cond.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
if (blockcase == 2) {
MPIBlock condblock = (MPIBlock);
IASTStatement parent = condblock.getParent();
if (parent instanceof IASTIfStatement || parent instanceof IASTSwitchStatement) {
blockcase = 1;
} else if (parent instanceof IASTForStatement || parent instanceof IASTDoStatement
|| parent instanceof IASTWhileStatement) {
if (block.getType() == MPIBlock.exit_join_type) {
blockcase = 1;
} else if (block.getType() == MPIBlock.expr_type) {
blockcase = 2;
if (blockcase == 1) {
newMV = Util.Union(newMV, block.getPhiVar());
} else if (blockcase == 2) {
for (Iterator<IBlock> i = cond.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MPIBlock condblock = (MPIBlock);
for (Iterator<String> ii = condblock.getUsedPhiVar().iterator(); ii.hasNext();) {
String var =;
if (mv.contains(var)) {
* Intra-block slicing (Case #1) --- Given MV/SV used variable,
* determine whether defined variables are MV or SV.
IASTNode content = block.getContent();
ExprMVAnalyzer emva = new ExprMVAnalyzer(content, mv, block);;
newMV = Util.Union(newMV, emva.getMVList());
* Intra-block slicing (Case #3) -- any used only multi-valued
* variable is still multi-valued
for (Iterator<String> i = mv.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String var =;
if (block.getUse().contains(var) && !block.getDef().contains(var)) {
if (!newMV.contains(var)) {
handlePointers(block, newMV);
handleBroadCast(block, newMV);
/** Inter-block slicing based on data dependences */
for (Iterator<String> i = newMV.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String MVvar =;
List<IBlock> DUnext = DUSucc.get(MVvar);
if (DUnext != null) {
for (Iterator<IBlock> ii = DUnext.iterator(); ii.hasNext();) {
MPIBlock b = (MPIBlock);
if (b.sliced == true) {
if (!seeds.contains(b)) {
// System.out.println("block " + b.getID() +
// " is added to seeds");
if (!b.getMVvar().contains(MVvar)) {
/** Inter-block slicing based on \Phi edges */
for (Iterator<IBlock> i = block.getJoin().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MPIBlock join = (MPIBlock);
if (!seeds.contains(join) && !join.sliced) {
* Function Multi-valued Summary --- (1) whether a function's REAL
* parameters are multi-valued (A real parameter of function foo is
* multi-valued if in any of foo's call sites the parameter is
* multi-valued)
for (IBlock block = cfg.getEntry(); block != null; block = block.topNext()) {
FuncParamMVChecker fpc = new FuncParamMVChecker(node, (MPIBlock) block);;
private String getFormalParamName(ICallGraphNode func, int index) {
IASTFunctionDefinition fd = func.getFuncDef();
IASTFunctionDeclarator fdecl = fd.getDeclarator();
if (fdecl instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) {
IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator sfunc = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTParameterDeclaration[] params = sfunc.getParameters();
if (index >= params.length) {
return null;
IASTName param = params[index].getDeclarator().getName();
return param.toString();
} else {
ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator krfunc = (ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTName[] params = krfunc.getParameterNames();
if (index >= params.length) {
return null;
return params[index].toString();
private void handleBroadCast(MPIBlock block, List<String> set) {
BroadCastAnalyzer bca = new BroadCastAnalyzer(block);;
String bcdata = bca.getBCdata();
if (bcdata != null) {
if (set.contains(bcdata)) {
private void handlePointers(MPIBlock block, List<String> set) {
PointerAnalyzer pa = new PointerAnalyzer(block);;
for (Iterator<String> i = pa.getAddr().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String var =;
if (block.getUse().contains(var)) {
if (!set.contains(var)) {
for (Iterator<String> i = pa.getDeref().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String var =;
if (block.getUse().contains(var)) {
if (!set.contains(var)) {
* Initialize all parameters of a function as single-valued; Initialize its
* MV and SV summary as empty
private void init() {
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.topEntry(); n != null; n = n.topNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked) {
IASTFunctionDefinition fd = node.getFuncDef();
IASTFunctionDeclarator fdecl = fd.getDeclarator();
if (fdecl instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) {
IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator sfunc = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTParameterDeclaration[] params = sfunc.getParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
IASTName param = params[i].getDeclarator().getName();
if (param.toString().equals("")) {
continue; //void parameter //$NON-NLS-1$
node.getParamMV().put(param.toString(), new Boolean(false));
node.getMVSummary().put(param.toString(), new ArrayList<String>());
} else {
ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator krfunc = (ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTName[] params = krfunc.getParameterNames();
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
node.getParamMV().put(params[i].toString(), new Boolean(false));
node.getMVSummary().put(params[i].toString(), new ArrayList<String>());
for (Iterator<String> i = node.getGlobalUse().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String var =;
node.getMVSummary().put(var, new ArrayList<String>());
* Another entry if (1) the function has no parameter and no global
* use; (2) all parameters and global uses are SV. (We call this
* function(context) as "empty MV input" function(context).) Use the
* function name as the key in these cases
node.getMVSummary().put(node.getFuncName(), new ArrayList<String>());
* The return value of a function is multi-valued if any of its return
* statement is multi-valued.
private boolean returnMV() {
boolean returnmv = false;
for (Iterator<IBlock> i = ((MPIControlFlowGraph) currentNode_.getCFG()).getReturnBlocks().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MPIBlock returnBlock = (MPIBlock);
ExprMVAnalyzer ema = new ExprMVAnalyzer(returnBlock.getContent(), returnBlock.getMVvar(), returnBlock);;
returnmv = returnmv | ema.isMV();
returnBlock.setMV(false); // reset it
return returnmv;
* For each function, assume all parameters are MV, find out which global
* variables (and passable parameters) are MV
private void singleVariableSlicing(String var) {
IControlFlowGraph cfg = currentNode_.getCFG();
WorkListCollector wlc = new WorkListCollector(currentNode_);
LinkedList<IBlock> seeds = wlc.getWorkList();
if (!var.equals(currentNode_.getFuncName())) {
((MPIBlock) cfg.getEntry()).getMVvar().add(var);
while (!seeds.isEmpty()) {
MPIBlock block = (MPIBlock) seeds.remove();
if (block.sliced) {
block.sliced = true;
if (block.getContent() == null) {
Hashtable<String, List<IBlock>> DUSucc = block.getDUSucc();
List<String> mv = block.getMVvar();
List<String> newMV = new ArrayList<String>();
handlePointers(block, mv);
if (!block.getPhiVar().isEmpty()) {
List<IBlock> cond = block.getCond();
int blockcase = 0;
for (Iterator<IBlock> i = cond.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
if (blockcase == 2) {
MPIBlock condblock = (MPIBlock);
IASTStatement parent = condblock.getParent();
if (parent instanceof IASTIfStatement || parent instanceof IASTSwitchStatement) {
blockcase = 1;
} else if (parent instanceof IASTForStatement || parent instanceof IASTDoStatement
|| parent instanceof IASTWhileStatement) {
if (block.getType() == MPIBlock.exit_join_type) {
blockcase = 1;
} else if (block.getType() == MPIBlock.expr_type) {
blockcase = 2;
if (blockcase == 1) {
newMV = Util.Union(newMV, block.getPhiVar());
} else if (blockcase == 2) {
for (Iterator<IBlock> i = cond.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MPIBlock condblock = (MPIBlock);
for (Iterator<String> ii = condblock.getUsedPhiVar().iterator(); ii.hasNext();) {
String v =;
if (mv.contains(v)) {
* Intra-block slicing (Case #1) --- Given MV/SV used variable,
* determine whether defined variables are MV or SV.
IASTNode content = block.getContent();
ExprMVAnalyzer emva = new ExprMVAnalyzer(content, mv, block);;
newMV = Util.Union(newMV, emva.getMVList());
* Intra-block slicing (Case #3) -- any used only multi-valued
* variable is still multi-valued
for (Iterator<String> i = mv.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String v =;
if (block.getUse().contains(v) && !block.getDef().contains(v)) {
if (!newMV.contains(v)) {
handlePointers(block, newMV);
handleBroadCast(block, newMV);
/** Inter-block slicing based on data dependences */
for (Iterator<String> i = newMV.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String MVvar =;
List<IBlock> DUnext = DUSucc.get(MVvar);
if (DUnext != null) {
for (Iterator<IBlock> ii = DUnext.iterator(); ii.hasNext();) {
MPIBlock b = (MPIBlock);
if (b.sliced == true) {
if (!seeds.contains(b)) {
// System.out.println("block " + b.getID() +
// " is added to seeds");
if (!b.getMVvar().contains(MVvar)) {
/** Inter-block slicing based on \Phi edges */
for (Iterator<IBlock> i = block.getJoin().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MPIBlock join = (MPIBlock);
if (!seeds.contains(join) && !join.sliced) {
List<String> MVlist = currentNode_.getMVSummary().get(var);
for (Iterator<String> i = currentNode_.getGlobalDef().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String v =;
if (((MPIBlock) cfg.getExit()).getMVvar().contains(v)) {
if (!MVlist.contains(v)) {
for (Iterator<String> i = currentNode_.getParamDef().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String v =;
if (((MPIBlock) cfg.getExit()).getMVvar().contains(v)) {
if (!MVlist.contains(v)) {
if (returnMV()) {
if (!MVlist.contains(currentNode_.getFuncName())) {