blob: 5a80d8b56e533fc9785bd4924dec7fbb723396b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.c.ICASTDesignatedInitializer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.c.ICASTTypeIdInitializerExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.gnu.c.ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.IASTAmbiguousExpression;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.IBlock;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.ICallGraph;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.ICallGraphNode;
import org.eclipse.ptp.pldt.mpi.analysis.cdt.graphs.IControlFlowGraph;
* Calculate the (inter-procedural) use set and def set of each block.
* @author Yuan Zhang
public class UseDefBuilder extends ASTVisitor {
protected ICallGraph cg_;
protected IControlFlowGraph cfg_ = null;
protected List<String> use_ = null;
protected List<String> def_ = null;
protected List<String> guse_ = null;
protected List<String> gdef_ = null;
protected List<String> padef_ = null;
protected final int lhs = 0;
protected final int rhs = 1;
protected MPICallGraphNode currentFunc_;
protected Hashtable<String, List<IBlock>> defTable_ = null;
public UseDefBuilder(ICallGraph cg) {
cg_ = cg;
public void run() {
this.shouldVisitDeclarations = true;
this.shouldVisitExpressions = true;
this.shouldVisitStatements = true;
/* Fix point to deal with the recursion */
boolean change = true;
while (change) {
change = false;
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.botEntry(); n != null; n = n.botNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
// if(node.getFuncName().equals("yytnamerr"))
// System.out.println(node.getFuncName());
if (!node.marked)
List<String> oldguse_ = node.getGlobalUse();
List<String> oldgdef_ = node.getGlobalDef();
List<String> oldpadef_ = node.getParamDef();
guse_ = new ArrayList<String>();
gdef_ = new ArrayList<String>();
padef_ = new ArrayList<String>();
cfg_ = node.getCFG();
currentFunc_ = node;
for (IBlock b = cfg_.getEntry().topNext(); b != null; b = b.topNext()) {
MPIBlock block = (MPIBlock) b;
IASTNode content = block.getContent();
if (content == null || content instanceof IASTName)
List<String> olduse_ = block.getUse();
List<String> olddef_ = block.getDef();
use_ = new ArrayList<String>();
def_ = new ArrayList<String>();
if (content instanceof IASTExpression) {
IASTExpression expr = (IASTExpression) content;
} else { // statement
IASTStatement stmt = (IASTStatement) content;
if (!Util.equals(use_, olduse_)) {
change = true;
if (!Util.equals(def_, olddef_)) {
change = true;
if (!Util.equals(guse_, oldguse_)) {
change = true;
if (!Util.equals(gdef_, oldgdef_)) {
change = true;
if (!Util.equals(padef_, oldpadef_)) {
change = true;
for (ICallGraphNode n = cg_.botEntry(); n != null; n = n.botNext()) {
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) n;
if (!node.marked)
currentFunc_ = node;
cfg_ = node.getCFG();
setEntryBlock((MPIBlock) node.getCFG().getEntry());
setExitBlock((MPIBlock) node.getCFG().getExit());
defTable_ = new Hashtable<String, List<IBlock>>();
for (IBlock b = cfg_.getEntry(); b != null; b = b.topNext()) {
MPIBlock block = (MPIBlock) b;
List<String> def = block.getDef();
if (def.isEmpty())
for (Iterator<String> i = def.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String var =;
List<IBlock> defblocks = defTable_.get(var);
if (defblocks == null) {
defblocks = new ArrayList<IBlock>();
defTable_.put(var, defblocks);
} else {
defTable_.put(var, defblocks);
public int visit(IASTStatement stmt) {
if (stmt instanceof IASTDeclarationStatement) {
IASTDeclarationStatement declStmt = (IASTDeclarationStatement) stmt;
IASTDeclaration decl = declStmt.getDeclaration();
if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) {
IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl;
IASTDeclarator[] declarators = simpleDecl.getDeclarators();
for (int i = 0; i < declarators.length; i++) {
IASTName name = declarators[i].getName();
IASTInitializer init = declarators[i].getInitializer();
if (init != null)
private void processInitializer(IASTInitializer init) {
if (init != null) {
if (init instanceof IASTInitializerExpression) {
IASTInitializerExpression initE = (IASTInitializerExpression) init;
IASTExpression e = initE.getExpression();
useDefSet(e, rhs, null, -1);
else if (init instanceof IASTInitializerList) {
IASTInitializerList list = (IASTInitializerList) init;
IASTInitializer[] inits = list.getInitializers();
for (int j = 0; j < inits.length; j++) {
else if (init instanceof ICASTDesignatedInitializer) {
System.out.println("ICASTDesignatedInitializer found !"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* The traverse is stopped (by PROCESS_SKIP) when the expression of
* the statement is visited. This method is used to find the expression.
public int visit(IASTExpression expr) {
useDefSet(expr, rhs, null, -1);
* @param expr
* The expression being analyzed
* @param side
* lhs if it is defined, rhs otherwise (rhs)
* @param funcall
* the function call expression
* @param index
* the index of the current parameter in funcall
public void useDefSet(IASTExpression expr, int side,
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcall, int index) {
// Null expression for empty function parameter
if (expr == null)
if (expr instanceof IASTAmbiguousExpression) {
else if (expr instanceof IASTArraySubscriptExpression) {
IASTArraySubscriptExpression asE = (IASTArraySubscriptExpression) expr;
if (side == rhs) {
// = a[index_expr]
useDefSet(asE.getArrayExpression(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(asE.getSubscriptExpression(), rhs, funcall, index);
} else { // lhs
// a[b[i]] = ... , a is defined, b and i are used
useDefSet(asE.getSubscriptExpression(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(asE.getArrayExpression(), lhs, funcall, index);
else if (expr instanceof IASTBinaryExpression) {
IASTBinaryExpression biE = (IASTBinaryExpression) expr;
int op = biE.getOperator();
if (op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign) {
// x = y = z is right associative --> x = (y = z)
// So the "side" will be always rhs
useDefSet(biE.getOperand1(), lhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(biE.getOperand2(), rhs, funcall, index);
else if (op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiplyAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_divideAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_moduloAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_plusAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_minusAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeftAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRightAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAndAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXorAssign ||
op == IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOrAssign) {
useDefSet(biE.getOperand1(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(biE.getOperand2(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(biE.getOperand1(), lhs, funcall, index);
else {
useDefSet(biE.getOperand1(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(biE.getOperand2(), rhs, funcall, index);
else if (expr instanceof IASTCastExpression) {
IASTCastExpression castE = (IASTCastExpression) expr;
useDefSet(castE.getOperand(), side, funcall, index);
else if (expr instanceof IASTConditionalExpression) {
IASTConditionalExpression condE = (IASTConditionalExpression) expr;
if (side == rhs) {
useDefSet(condE.getLogicalConditionExpression(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(condE.getPositiveResultExpression(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(condE.getNegativeResultExpression(), rhs, funcall, index);
} else {
// eg. x > y ? x : y = 1
useDefSet(condE.getLogicalConditionExpression(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(condE.getPositiveResultExpression(), lhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(condE.getNegativeResultExpression(), lhs, funcall, index);
else if (expr instanceof IASTExpressionList) {
IASTExpressionList exprList = (IASTExpressionList) expr;
IASTExpression[] exprs = exprList.getExpressions();
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.length; i++) {
if (funcall != null)
useDefSet(exprs[i], side, funcall, i);
useDefSet(exprs[i], side, funcall, index);
else if (expr instanceof IASTFieldReference) {
IASTFieldReference frE = (IASTFieldReference) expr;
useDefSet(frE.getFieldOwner(), side, funcall, index);
else if (expr instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
IASTFunctionCallExpression funcE = (IASTFunctionCallExpression) expr;
IASTExpression funcname = funcE.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
MPICallGraphNode n = (MPICallGraphNode) cg_.getNode(currentFunc_.getFileName(), signature);
if (n != null) {
gdef_ = Util.Union(gdef_, n.getGlobalDef());
guse_ = Util.Union(guse_, n.getGlobalUse());
def_ = Util.Union(def_, n.getGlobalDef());
use_ = Util.Union(use_, n.getGlobalUse());
IASTInitializerClause[] arguments = funcE.getArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] instanceof IASTExpression) {
useDefSet((IASTExpression)arguments[i], side, funcall, i);
else if (expr instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
IASTIdExpression id = (IASTIdExpression) expr;
IASTName name = id.getName();
String var = name.toString();
if (var.startsWith("MPI_"))return; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (side == rhs) {
if (!use_.contains(var))
if (cg_.getEnv().contains(var) && !guse_.contains(var))
if (funcall != null) {
if (isDefinedParam(funcall, index)) {
if (!def_.contains(var))
if (cg_.getEnv().contains(var) && !gdef_.contains(var))
if (isPassableParam(var) && !padef_.contains(var))
} else { // lhs
if (!def_.contains(var))
if (cg_.getEnv().contains(var) && !gdef_.contains(var))
if (isPassableParam(var) && !padef_.contains(var))
else if (expr instanceof IASTLiteralExpression) {
else if (expr instanceof IASTProblemExpression) {
else if (expr instanceof IASTTypeIdExpression) {
else if (expr instanceof IASTUnaryExpression) {
IASTUnaryExpression uE = (IASTUnaryExpression) expr;
int op = uE.getOperator();
if (op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixIncr ||
op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_prefixDecr ||
op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_postFixIncr ||
op == IASTUnaryExpression.op_postFixDecr) {
useDefSet(uE.getOperand(), rhs, funcall, index);
useDefSet(uE.getOperand(), lhs, funcall, index);
} else {
useDefSet(uE.getOperand(), side, funcall, index);
else if (expr instanceof ICASTTypeIdInitializerExpression) {
else {
private boolean isPassableParam(String name) {
IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = currentFunc_.getFuncDef();
IASTFunctionDeclarator fdecl = fdef.getDeclarator();
if (fdecl instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) {
IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator sfunc = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTParameterDeclaration[] params = sfunc.getParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
IASTName param = params[i].getDeclarator().getName();
IASTPointerOperator[] pops = params[i].getDeclarator().getPointerOperators();
if (name.equals(param.toString()) && pops != IASTPointerOperator.EMPTY_ARRAY) {
return true;
} else {
ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator krfunc = (ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTName[] params = krfunc.getParameterNames();
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (name.equals(params[i].toString())) {
IASTDeclarator decl = krfunc.getDeclaratorForParameterName(params[i]);
if (decl.getPointerOperators() != IASTPointerOperator.EMPTY_ARRAY)
return true;
return false;
private boolean isDefinedParam(IASTFunctionCallExpression fE, int index) {
if (index == -1)
return false;
IASTExpression funcname = fE.getFunctionNameExpression();
String signature = funcname.getRawSignature();
MPICallGraphNode node = (MPICallGraphNode) cg_.getNode(currentFunc_.getFileName(), signature);
if (node != null) {
List<String> padef = node.getParamDef();
IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = node.getFuncDef();
IASTFunctionDeclarator fdecl = fdef.getDeclarator();
if (fdecl instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) {
IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator sfunc = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTParameterDeclaration[] params = sfunc.getParameters();
if (params.length <= index)
return false;
IASTName param = params[index].getDeclarator().getName();
if (padef.contains(param.toString()))
return true;
} else {
ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator krfunc = (ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTName[] params = krfunc.getParameterNames();
if (params.length <= index)
return false;
IASTName param = params[index];
if (padef.contains(param.toString()))
return true;
} else {
* Library function calls. Any parameter whose address
* is taken (pointer or array) is both defined and used.
IASTInitializerClause[] arguments = fE.getArguments();
if (arguments.length > index) {
IASTInitializerClause argument = arguments[index];
if (argument instanceof IASTExpression) {
IType type = ((IASTExpression)argument).getExpressionType();
if (type instanceof IArrayType ||
type instanceof IPointerType)
return true;
return false;
* All parameters of a function and used globals are assumed to be
* defined at the entry block.
private void setEntryBlock(MPIBlock entry) {
List<String> def = new ArrayList<String>();
IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = currentFunc_.getFuncDef();
IASTFunctionDeclarator fdecl = fdef.getDeclarator();
if (fdecl instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) {
IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator sfunc = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTParameterDeclaration[] params = sfunc.getParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
IASTName param = params[i].getDeclarator().getName();
} else {
ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator krfunc = (ICASTKnRFunctionDeclarator) fdecl;
IASTName[] params = krfunc.getParameterNames();
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
IASTName param = params[i];
for (Iterator<String> i = currentFunc_.getGlobalUse().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
entry.setUse(new ArrayList<String>());
* All defined global variables and defined passable parameters are assumed
* to be used in the exit block
private void setExitBlock(MPIBlock exit) {
List<String> use = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Iterator<String> i = currentFunc_.getGlobalDef().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
for (Iterator<String> i = currentFunc_.getParamDef().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
exit.setDef(new ArrayList<String>());