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<a name="PTP600">PTP 6.0.0 Changes</a>
<p>A number of new
features and changes have been included in the 6.0.0 release.</p>
<li>The <code>property</code> element has been removed completely. Since properties and attributes
were essentially identical, removing the <code>property</code> element reduces confusion as to when they should be
<li>The <code>buttonId</code> attribute on a <a href="#Widget"><code>widget</code></a> is now global. In the previous version
button IDs were local to each tab. This allows a button on one tab to change the state
of a control on a different tab;</li>
<li>The <a href="#ControlState"><code>control-state</code></a> element now supports obtaining state by comparing
an <a href="#AttributeType"><code>attribute</code></a> value to a string;</li>
<li>The <code>saveValueTo</code> attribute on a <a href="#Widget">widget</a> has been renamed to simply
<code>attribute</code>. This is to reflect the fact that an widget can read from and
save to an <a href="#AttributeType"><code>attribute</code></a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="#LineArg"><code>arg</code></a> element now has an <a href="#AttributeType"><code>attribute</code></a> attribute. If
supplied, this will be compared to the <code>isUndefIfMatches</code> string rather than the element content in
order to determine if the argument is defined or not.
<a name="PTP501">PTP 5.0.1 Changes</a>
<p>Aside from some significant bug fixes, there are a number of new
features with the 5.0.1 release.</p>
<li>The <code>widget</code> component has been split up into
three components: <a href="#Widget"><code>widget</code> </a>, <a
href="#ButtonGroup"><code>button-group</code> </a>, and <a
href="#Browse"><code>browse</code> </a>;</li>
<li><a href="#Action"><code>action</code> </a> push-button
functionality has been added;</li>
<li><a href="#ControlState"><code>control-state</code> </a>
elements have been added to all UI control descriptors;</li>
<li>The launch tab <a href="#LaunchTab"><code>import</code> </a>
controller type has been modified (largely for maintaining uniformity
of implementation) to subclass the <code>dynamic</code> controller;</li>
<li>Ability to inspect invisible discovered (excluded) properties
and attributes via a "View" button (see <a href="#TabController">note</a>)
has been added;</li>
<li><a href="#Preferences">Preferences</a> have been added to
help with the debugging of <a href="#StreamParsers">stream
<li>Resource Manager "environment" handling has been totally
rewritten in order to support the exclusion of properties associated
with invisible or disabled widgets, and to allow for the restoration
of their values when re-enabled.</li>
<p>In addition, some tweaking of the SWT "knobs" was necessary to
get the XML to reflect more closely the behavior of the Java classes
(especially in terms of defaults).</p>