blob: 3b8800c11fbe3f643418ba04d93a6dd27278d0d4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
#* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
#* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../../lib";
use LML_da_util;
my $patint = "([\\+\\-\\d]+)"; # Pattern for Integer number
my $patfp = "([\\+\\-\\d.E]+)"; # Pattern for Floating Point number
my $patwrd = "([\^\\s]+)"; # Pattern for Word (all noblank characters)
my $patbl = "\\s*"; # Pattern for blank space (variable length)
my $patnode = "([\^\\s]+(\\.[\^\\s]*)*)"; # Pattern for domain name (a.b.c)
# get user info / check system
my $verbose = 1;
my ( $line, $key, $value, $count, $arch, %notmappedkeys, %notfoundkeys );
my ( %jobs, %jobnr, $jobid );
my ( %nodes, $nodeid, %nodenr );
# get command line parameter
if ( $#ARGV != 0 ) {
die " Usage: $0 <filename> $#ARGV\n";
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
my %mapping_node = (
"id" => "id",
"ncores" => "ncores",
"state" => "state",
"arch" => "arch",
"_taskcounter" => "",
my %mapping_job = (
"step" => "step",
"nodelist" => "nodelist",
"totaltasks" => "totaltasks",
"totalcores" => "totalcores",
"job_state" => "state",
"status" => "status",
"detailedstatus" => "detailedstatus",
"user" => "owner",
"group" => "group",
"queue" => "queue",
"etime" => "wall",
"id" => "",
"spec" => "",
"queuedate" => "queuedate",
"dispatchdate" => "dispatchdate",
# unknown attributes
my $is_aix = `uname -s` =~ /aix/i;
my $cmd;
if ($is_aix) {
$cmd = "ps -u $ENV{LOGNAME} -o pid,user,group,etime,command | grep poe | grep -v grep";
else {
$cmd = "ps x -o pid,user,group,etime,command | grep poe | grep -v grep";
my $datecmd = "date '+%D %T'";
if ( open( IN, "$cmd 2>&1 |" ) ) {
while ( $line = <IN> ) {
if ( $line =~
my ( $jobid, $user, $group, $etime, $command ) =
( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 );
if ( $command eq "poe" ) {
$jobs{$jobid}{step} = $jobid;
$jobs{$jobid}{status} = "RUNNING";
$jobs{$jobid}{user} = $user;
$jobs{$jobid}{group} = $group;
$jobs{$jobid}{etime} = $etime;
# determine number of cores
my $numcpu;
if ( $is_aix ) {
$numcpu = `lscfg | grep proc | wc -l`;
} else {
$numcpu = `grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo`;
if ( $? != 0 ) {
$numcpu = "-1";
# add manatory attributes to jobs
foreach $jobid ( sort( keys(%jobs) ) ) {
my $jobdate = `$datecmd`;
if ( $numcpu eq "-1" ) {
$jobs{$jobid}{totalcores} = $jobs{$jobid}{totaltasks};
} else {
$jobs{$jobid}{totalcores} = $numcpu;
$jobs{$jobid}{queue} = "local";
$jobs{$jobid}{detailedstatus} = "";
$jobs{$jobid}{queuedate} = $jobdate;
$jobs{$jobid}{dispatchdate} = $jobdate;
# add default node that is required for LML schema
if ( !keys(%nodes) ) {
# set default
$nodeid = `uname -n`;
$nodes{$nodeid}{id} = $nodeid;
$nodes{$nodeid}{state} = "Running";
# add mandatory attributes for nodes. This should be obtained from the nodes
$arch = `uname -p`;
foreach $nodeid ( sort( keys(%nodes) ) ) {
$nodes{$nodeid}{arch} = $arch;
$nodes{$nodeid}{ncores} = 1;
open( OUT, "> $filename" ) || die "cannot open file $filename";
printf( OUT "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" );
printf( OUT
"<lml:lgui xmlns:lml=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"
printf( OUT " xsi:schemaLocation=\"\"\n" );
printf( OUT " version=\"1.1\"\>\n" );
printf( OUT "<objects>\n" );
# job objs
$count = 0;
foreach $jobid ( sort( keys(%jobs) ) ) {
$jobnr{$jobid} = $count;
printf( OUT "<object id=\"j%06d\" name=\"%s\" type=\"job\"/>\n",
$count, &LML_da_util::escapeForXML($jobid) );
# node objs
$count = 0;
foreach $nodeid ( sort( keys(%nodes) ) ) {
$nodenr{$nodeid} = $count;
printf( OUT "<object id=\"nd%06d\" name=\"%s\" type=\"node\"/>\n",
$count, &LML_da_util::escapeForXML($nodeid) );
printf( OUT "</objects>\n" );
printf( OUT "<information>\n" );
# job info
foreach $jobid ( sort( keys(%jobs) ) ) {
printf( OUT "<info oid=\"j%06d\" type=\"short\">\n", $jobnr{$jobid} );
foreach $key ( sort( keys( %{ $jobs{$jobid} } ) ) ) {
if ( exists( $mapping_job{$key} ) ) {
if ( $mapping_job{$key} ne "" ) {
$value =
&modify( $key, $mapping_job{$key}, $jobs{$jobid}{$key} );
if ($value) {
printf( OUT " <data %-20s value=\"%s\"/>\n",
"key=\"" . $mapping_job{$key} . "\"", &LML_da_util::escapeForXML($value) );
} else {
} else {
printf( OUT "</info>\n" );
# node info
foreach $nodeid ( sort( keys(%nodes) ) ) {
printf( OUT "<info oid=\"nd%06d\" type=\"short\">\n", $nodenr{$nodeid} );
foreach $key ( sort( keys( %{ $nodes{$nodeid} } ) ) ) {
if ( exists( $mapping_node{$key} ) ) {
if ( $mapping_node{$key} ne "" ) {
$value =
&modify( $key, $mapping_node{$key}, $nodes{$nodeid}{$key} );
if ($value) {
printf( OUT " <data %-20s value=\"%s\"/>\n",
"key=\"" . $mapping_node{$key} . "\"", &LML_da_util::escapeForXML($value) );
} else {
} else {
printf( OUT "</info>\n" );
printf( OUT "</information>\n" );
printf( OUT "</lml:lgui>\n" );
foreach $key ( sort( keys(%notfoundkeys) ) ) {
printf( "%-40s => \"\",\n", "\"" . $key . "\"", $notfoundkeys{$key} );
sub check_attach_cfg {
my ($jobid) = @_;
if ( open( CFG, "/tmp/.ppe.$jobid.attach.cfg" ) ) {
# Ignore first line
$line = <CFG>;
# Second line has number of tasks
chomp( $line = <CFG> );
if ( $line =~ /$patint$patbl;/ ) {
$jobs{$jobid}{totaltasks} = $1;
while ( $line = <CFG> ) {
my ( $taskid, $nodeid );
if ( $line =~ /$patint$patbl$patint$patbl$patnode/ ) {
( $taskid, $nodeid ) = ( $1, $3 );
} elsif ( $line =~ /$patint$patbl$patnode/ ) {
( $taskid, $nodeid ) = ( $1, $2 );
$nodes{$nodeid}{id} = $nodeid;
$nodes{$nodeid}{state} = "Running";
$nodes{$nodeid}{_taskcounter} = 0
if ( !exists( $nodes{$nodeid}{_taskcounter} ) );
$jobs{$jobid}{nodelist} .=
"($nodeid," . $nodes{$nodeid}{_taskcounter} . ")";
sub modify {
my ( $key, $mkey, $value ) = @_;
my $ret = $value;
if ( !$ret ) {
return (undef);
if ( $mkey eq "owner" ) {
$ret =~ s/\@.*//gs;
if ( ( $mkey eq "comment" ) ) {
$ret =~ s/\"//gs;
# mask & in user input
if ( $ret =~ /\&/ ) {
$ret =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/gs;
return ($ret);