blob: 3a7da7ebac5e6d8c2b13b4b644f56d414e57b3b7 [file] [log] [blame]
#* Copyright (c) 2012 IBM Corporation and others.
#* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
#* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd;
use Sys::Hostname;
use IO::Socket::UNIX;
my $patint = "([\\+\\-\\d]+)"; # Pattern for Integer number
my $patnode = "([\^\\s]+(\\.[\^\\s]*)*)"; # Pattern for domain name (a.b.c)
my $portbase = 50000;
my $portrange = 10000;
my $ROUTING_FILE = "routing_file";
my $TOTAL_PROCS = 0;
my $pid;
my $hpcrun;
my $launchMode;
my $debuggerId;
my $debuggerLauncher;
my @child_pids;
# The routing table is called 'routing_file' and it is generated in
# the current working directory. The sdm's working directory must be
# the same location if they are to find the table. Also, any old
# routing tables should be removed before starting the sdm.
# Routing table format is:
# num_tasks
# task_num host_name port_num
# ...
# where:
# num_tasks is the total number of tasks in the MPI job
# task_num is the task number for a process (e.g. 0, 1, 2, etc.)
# host_name is the hostname of the node the process is running on
# port_num is a semi-random port number that the debugger will listen on
sub generate_routing_file {
my ($pid, $file) = @_;
my $ntasks;
my $cfg_file = "/tmp/.ppe.$pid.attach.cfg";
my $hname = hostname;
# get the location of the socket file
my $taskinfodir = $ENV{'MP_DBG_TASKINFO_DIR'};
if ( $taskinfodir == "" ) {
$taskinfodir = "/tmp";
my $socket_file = "$taskinfodir/.ppe.$hname.$pid.socket";
my $socket_addr = sockaddr_un($socket_file);
my $sb;
while ( $sb == "" ) {
# check the socket file
$sb = stat($socket_file);
my $clntsocket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Type => SOCK_STREAM,
Peer => $socket_file) || die "IO::Socket->new: $!\n";
# register for notifications
my $register_for_notifications = "[TASK:%t,%p,%H]-1\n";
$clntsocket->syswrite($register_for_notifications) || die "syswrite: $!\n";
my @msgs;
my $msg;
my $chr;
my $bytesread = 0;
my $msgdone = 0;
while ($bytesread = $clntsocket->sysread($chr, 1)) {
if ( $chr eq "\n" ) {
if ( $msgdone eq 1 ) {
} else {
$msgdone = 1;
$msg = $msg . $chr;
push( @msgs, $msg );
$msg = "";
} else {
$msgdone = 0;
$msg = $msg . $chr;
# write the task configuration info to the routing file
open( OUT, ">$file") || die "open: $!\n";
printf(OUT "%d\n", scalar(@msgs));
foreach $msg (@msgs) {
if ( $msg =~ /$patint,$patint,$patint,$patnode/ ) {
my ( $taskid, $nodeid ) = ( $2, $4 );
printf(OUT "%d %s %d\n", $taskid, $nodeid, $portbase + int (rand($portrange)));
sub start_sdm_master {
my($cmd, @args) = @_;
my $pid;
$pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
exec($cmd, '--master', @args);
push(@child_pids, $pid);
$launchMode = $ENV{'PTP_LAUNCH_MODE'};
$hpcrun = $ENV{'HPC_USE_HPCRUN'};
if ($launchMode eq 'debug') {
$debuggerId = $ENV{'PTP_DEBUGGER_ID'};
$debuggerLauncher = $ENV{'PTP_DEBUGGER_LAUNCHER'};
if ($debuggerId eq 'org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm') {
$ROUTING_FILE = getcwd() . "/route." . $$;
push(@ARGV, "--routing_file=$ROUTING_FILE");
} elsif ($debuggerLauncher) {
exec($debuggerLauncher, @ARGV); # try running directly first
exec('/usr/bin/perl', $debuggerLauncher, @ARGV); # assume perl script if this fails
exit(5); # Not reached
$pid = fork();
if ( $pid == 0 ) {
$ENV{'MP_DBG_TASKINFO'} = "yes";
printf( "::::PoePid=%d::::\n", $$ );
if ($hpcrun eq 'yes') {
exec('/opt/ibmhpc/ppedev.hpct/bin/hpcrun', '/usr/bin/poe', @ARGV);
else {
exec('/usr/bin/poe', @ARGV);
push(@child_pids, $pid);
if ($launchMode eq 'debug' && $debuggerId eq 'org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm') {
generate_routing_file($pid, $ROUTING_FILE);
foreach (@child_pids) {
waitpid($_, 0);
if ($launchMode eq 'debug' && $debuggerId eq 'org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm') {
exit( $? >> 8 );