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<title>Import Project Settings</title>
<h2>Importing C/C++ Project Settings</h2>
To access the project settings import wizard do the following:
Open the <b>Import Wizard Dialog</b> by selecting <b>File &gt; Import...</b> or
activate a context menu on a C/C++ project and select <b>Import...</b>.
<li>Select <b>C/C++ &gt; C/C++ Project Settings</b>.</li>
<li>Click <b>Next</b></li>
<img src="../../images/import_dialog.png" alt="Import Wizard Dialog">
To import the settings into a project do the following:
Select a file that contains the settings to be imported. The file
must be in the same format as generated by the <a href="settings_wizard_export.html">
project settings export wizard</a>. The wizard quickly parses
the file to determine what types of settings it contains. If
the file cannot be parsed an error message is displayed.
<li>Select a project. Only open C/C++ and Remote C/C++ projects are listed.</li>
<li>Select a build configuration</li>
<li>Select the types of settings to be imported. Only the types of settings actually
contained in the file are displayed.</li>
<li>Click <b>Finish</b></li>
<img src="../../images/import_wizard.png" alt="Project Settings Import Wizard">
It may be necessary to perform a reindex for some of the new settings to take effect.
For example if include paths were imported a reindex may be required for the indexer
to pick up header files from the new paths.