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<title>MPI Barrier Analysis</title>
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<h1><img src="images/barrier.gif"> PLDT MPI Barrier Analysis</h1>
<h2><img src="images/barrier.gif"> Overview of PLDT MPI Barrier Analysis</h2>
<p>MPI Barrier Analysis detects potential deadlocks in MPI applications,
and shows barrier matches, barrier errors, and paths of all barrier
matching sets. Includes detections across multiple functions and source files.
<br><img src="images/barrierMatches.gif">
<br><img src="images/barrierErrors.gif">
<h2><img src="images/barrier.gif"> Barrier Analysis: A Short Introduction</h2>
<p>A common source of errors in SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) programming causes deadlocks when barrier
statements, in which all tasks must synchronize, are not matched properly.
If one MPI task in a communicator does not pass through the same number of MPI_Barrier statements as the
other tasks in the same communicator,
the other tasks will deadlock while waiting.
The PLDT MPI Barrier analysis checks an SPMD program and determines whether there are deadlocks
due to the misplacement of barriers. We will report errors if any, and show "matching sets"
for each barrier if error-free. The matching set of a barrier contains all barriers that
synchronize with it at run time.
<p>For example, consider the second if-branch in
<a href="samples/testMPIbarrier.c">testMPIbarrier.c</a>.
if(my_rank == 0){
printf("test errors\n");
The program will become deadlocked on the above branch because some processors
will execute the global barrier in the branch while the others will skip it.
it is difficult to visually detect an error if barriers are not "textually" aligned.
Now, consider the
third if-branch in <a href="samples/testMPIbarrier.c">testMPIbarrier.c</a>.
if(x < 3){
printf("It is not an error\n");
Even if we only have a barrier in the then clause but
not in the else clause, there is no error since all processors agree on the branch
predicate, and they will choose the same way to go.
<h2>Running Barrier Analysis</h2>
<p>To run the barrier analysis, select a project, container, or source file in the Project Explorer view,
and click the MPI barrier analysis action in the PLDT icon menu.
Note that this simple example has all code in a single file, but by running the analysis on a
container (folder) or the entire project, inter-procedural barriers from other included files are also considered.
<br><script> thumb("images/barrierActionAnn.gif",300)</script>
<p>The barrier analysis produces three views of information:
<li><a href="#barView">MPI Barriers View</a></li>
<li><a href="#barMatch">Barrier Matches View</a></li>
<li><a href="#barError">Barrier Errors View</a></li>
<p>The three views should show automatically after performing barrier analysis,
but to bring them up otherwise, select Window > Show View > Other... and under
<b>PTP MPI Views</b>, select the view you want to show.
<h2 id="barView">MPI Barriers View </h2>
<p>The <b>MPI Barriers</b> view lists all barriers in the program(s), their
enclosing function names, filenames, line numbers, and index numbers
(beginning from 1). In the other two views, barriers are referred to according to
their index numbers (e.g., the barrier with index number 1 is called
"barrier 1").
<p>To find the source code line for a barrier in the view, double-click on the line
in the view, and the editor will open on that source file (if not already opened) and
it will scroll to the line containing the barrier.</p>
<img src="images/BarrierView.gif">
<h2 id="barMatch">Barrier Matches View </h2>
<p>By running the analysis, we will show two kinds
of results:
For each barrier b, all barriers that match to b are shown. </li>
Barrier synchronization errors are shown, if any. </li>
<p>The matching sets are shown in the <b>Barrier Matches</b> view.
They are grouped in this view as a tree view with "parent" nodes and "child" nodes.
The matching set of a barrier contains all barriers that
synchronize with it at run time. That is, all processes in the MPI program must arrive
at one of the barrier statements in a matching set, before any of the processes can proceed.
For each barrier statement in the program source files that are analyzed, a matching set is calculated and shown.
So for a matching set
with two members, this view will show both a matching set with the first barrier as the parent,
and another matching set with the second barrier as the parent.
The parent barrier node in the view shows the size of its matching set in parentheses.
Note that if a matching error occurs in a statement,
then barriers used in this statement <i>might</i> have an empty matching set (they <i>might</i>
still have a non-empty matching set if they are also used in other portions of the
program). This is one of the advantages of our analysis: if an error occurs, our
analysis can "recover" from such an error by continuing to analyze other portions of
the program that are not affected by such error.
<p>In the following example, the matching set for "Barrier 1"
(the barrier set highlight in blue below) contains two (2) barriers.
The first is in the <code>barrier()</code> function and the second is in the
<code>main()</code> function.
<p>Like the other views, to find a barrier source code line from the view, double-click on the
line in the view. Barrier markers are shown in the marker bar of the editor to pinpoint the
barrier statements found.
<img src="images/BarrierMatchingSetView.gif">
<h2 id="barError">Barrier Errors View </h2>
<p>When a barrier error is detected, it is highlighted in
the editor in red. In addition, the Barrier Errors view shows a counter example which contains
two sequences of barriers which have different sizes along two
paths starting from the highlighted error position. This counter example
simulates an execution and illustrates the reason for the
synchronization error. Note that a synchronization error occurs if different
MPI tasks meet a different number of barriers. If a barrier b is in a loop, and
all tasks execute the same number of iterations, then barrier b is marked by
"*", which means that the static barrier in the counter example represents a
dynamic number of barriers at runtime. If a synchronization error occurs
on a loop (i.e., different tasks will execute a different number of iterations
of such loop), then we show the counter example as the sequence of barriers
in the loop body.
<br><script> thumb("images/barrierErrorView.gif",300)</script>
<p>If a filename and LineNo are shown, double-click on that line in
the Barrier Errors view to locate that Barrier or error.
The initial Error line in the view should point to the point in the path of
execution that forks (such as an if statement) such that one path encounters
a barrier that the other path does not.
To show the path of a counterexample (e.g. a path without barriers),
double-click on the Path line in the view, as shown below. If there
is a path available it should be shown.
<br><script> thumb("images/barrierPathSelection.png",350)</script>
<h3>Sample program testMPIbarrier.c </h3>
<p> We use this simple program <a href="samples/testMPIbarrier.c">testMPIbarrier.c</a>
to illustrate the basic functionality of the
analysis and three views.
The code is condensed here:
if (my_rank !=0){
for (source = 1; source < p; source++) {
if(my_rank == 0){
printf("this path does not contain a barrier\n");
if(x < 3){
while(x < my_rank){
x ++;
There are three branches and one loop in the program.
The first branch ( the <code>if( my_rank!=0)</code> statement ) is free of synchronization
errors; two barriers (one encoded directly in
the loop,
and the other in the barrier() function called in the else clause) match to each other.
The second branch (<code>if(my_rank == 0)</code>)
contains an error because some tasks would execute the barrier in it, while the
other tasks would skip it. The else clause here is added for emphasis.
The next branch (<code>if(x<3)</code>) does not make a decision based on processor
rank (x does not depend on rank) so processes should proceed similar to each other.
The loop (<code>while(x < my_rank)</code>)
contains an error also, since different
tasks may execute a different number of iterations, and thus encounter a different number of
<h3>Removing Barrier Markers</h3>
<p>To remove barrier markers, simply run barrier analysis on any file without barrier errors (even a trivial non-source file).
<!-- since this code isn't included, don't refer to it here
<h3> MPB </h3>
<p>MPB is a scientific application which computes the electromagnetic model using
maxwell equations. We use this example to show the following points:
<p>(1) Our analysis has inter-procedural analysis. This makes our analysis tool
outperform previous intra-procedural analysis algorithms.
<p>(2) Try this to show the necessity and effectiveness of the inter-procedural
analysis. In the original code, there are three barriers: two in function
matrixio_create_sub(), and one in matrixio_create_dataset(). Obviously two barriers
in matrixio_create_sub() match to each other. Now comment out "barrier 1" (the one
in the then clause of the if-branch in matrixio_create_sub()), add a barrier in function
mpi_is_master(), right after the MPI_Comm_rank call, then run the analysis.
One may expect a synchronization error in this branch, however it is still error free,
since the function matrixio_write_string_attr() will call mpi_is_master() somewhere.
(matrixio_write_string_attr calls write_attr which calls mpi_is_master)
<h3> Tcgmsg </h3>
Tcgmsg is an MPI toolkit. As with the MPB application, we use it to demonstrate the inter-procedural
analysis. There are some interesting points in the function test_main():
(1) At the beginning of test_main(), the master thread reads a parameter "opt"
from stdout (the first while loop), and broadcasts it to other threads
(by BRDCST_) so that they obtain the same "opt". All threads then choose
some job to do according to the value of "opt". No synchronization occurs in the original
code. If the master thread doesn't broadcast the "opt" value, then different processors
will choose different jobs, and an error occurs (no barrier are used in cast 0-4, while
some barriers are used in case 5).
(2) This program also illustrates how errors (and counter examples) are reported for
the "switch" statement. Briefly, we will only show the "first" error, i.e., if
the switch statement contains n cases, we will always begin from the first two cases,
and move to the next case ONLY IF the first two cases are error-free. To test it, if
we add a barrier in case 0 clause, then an error will be reported, and one path
in the counter example contains 1 barrier (the barrier we've just added in), and the
other path contains no barrier (case 1 clause).
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