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<p>This section walks through the tutorials that demonstrate how to use the RSE <a href="Extensions.html">extension points</a> to
extend the RSE:
<li>Popup menu actions for remote resources should now be contributed via the standard Eclipse extension point, <tt>org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus</tt>. An example of this usage is provided in the <tt>org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial</tt> plug-in.
<li>Property pages should for remote resources now be contributed via the standard Eclipse extension point, <tt>org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages<tt>. An example of this usage is provided in the <tt>org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial</tt> plug-in.
<li><a href="tutorial/subsystem.html">Creating a subsystem configuration</a> for working with remote resources, using the <a href="plugin/subsystem.html">org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystemConfigurations</a> extension point.
<p>The source code for all tutorials is available in the RSE-examples package, which
can be obtained from the DSDP <a href="">
Target Management download site</a> or directly from the RSE <b>Update Site</b>. In fact,
the simplest way to get the examples is to choose <I>Help &gt; Software Updates &gt;
Find and Install</I> from the Workbench, get the Examples installed, and then choose
<I>File &gt; Import... &gt; Plug-in development &gt; Plug-ins and Fragments</I>.
Choose the <tt>org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial</tt> plug-in and import it with
source folders.</p>
<p>In addition to providing the ready-made code, the tutorial also shows you
how to actally create the Eclipse plug-in project (Please bear with us if the
instructions do not 100% match the latest code due to recent refactorings).
The tutorial starts out by showing
you how to <A href="tutorial/pdeProject.html">create an Eclipse plug-in
project</A>, using the Plug-in Development Environment. While any Eclipse plug-in
project will do, there are benefits to using the RSE-supplied <A
href="api/plugin/uiPluginAPI.html">base class</A> for your project, and other RSE-supplied
infrastructure such as<A href="api/messages/uiMessageAPI.html"> messages</A>, and the many other user interface base classes and re-usable <A
href="api/uiAPI.html">user interface classes</A> supplied by
the RSE core plug-in project. The tutorial step for creating a plug-in project sets up your project for using these.