blob: 15c19ee84ee35dd25a159bbe0723f40f1eb3100a [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2011 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Wolfgang Frings (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
<!--- predefined vars:
$stepinfile # file in $tmpdir filename contains id of
predecessor step
$stepoutfile # file in $tmpdir filename contains current id
<var key="tmpdir" value="./LMLtmp" />
<var key="permdir" value="./LMLperm" />
<var key="histdir" value="$permdir/hist" />
id = "getdata"
active = "1"
exec_after = ""
type = "execute"
<cmd exec="rms/TORQUE/ $tmpdir/sysinfo_LML.xml" />
<cmd exec="rms/TORQUE/ $tmpdir/jobs_LML.xml" />
<cmd exec="rms/TORQUE/ $tmpdir/nodes_LML.xml" />
id = "combineLML"
active = "1"
exec_after = "getdata"
type = "execute"
<cmd exec="$instdir/LML_combiner/ -v -o $stepoutfile
$tmpdir/nodes_LML.xml "
id = "addcolor"
active = "1"
exec_after = "combineLML"
type = "execute"
<cmd exec="$instdir/LML_color/ -colordefs $instdir/LML_color/default.conf
-o $stepoutfile $stepinfile" />
id = "cppermfile1"
active = "1"
exec_after = "addcolor"
type = "execute"
<cmd exec="cp $stepinfile $permdir/state_LMLraw.xml" />
<cmd exec="/usr/bin/gzip -c -9 $stepinfile > $permdir/state_LMLraw.xml.gz" />
id = "genLML_std"
active = "1"
exec_after = "cppermfile1"
type = "execute"
<cmd exec="$instdir/LML2LML/ -demo -v -layout $permdir/layout_std.xml -output $stepoutfile $stepinfile" />
id = "cppermfile2"
active = "1"
exec_after = "genLML_std"
type = "execute"
<cmd exec="cp $stepinfile $permdir/state_LML.xml" />
<cmd exec="/usr/bin/gzip -c -9 $stepinfile > $permdir/state_LML.xml.gz" />