blob: e0871f538c60e29075fc282231b34f114e43b259 [file] [log] [blame]
The SWTBot generator plugin
1. What is this plugin?
This plugin contains some sources to generate key parts of the SWTBot
source. The `SWTBot' class and two classes named `WidgetMatcherFactory'
are generated using this plugin.
2. Why would one generate these classes?
For two reasons:
* consistency and error-free source - all the methods look exactly the
same and are generated by a program
* no need to keep track of methods on these classes when adding support
for new widgets or matchers
3. What do I need to do if I want to add a new widget to SWTBot?
Four things:
* Create an SWTBotMyWidget class (see SWTBotButton for an example)
* Add an annotation `@SWTBotWidget' to the new class. This annotation
describes what prefix and and suffixes should be generated for accessing
this widget. More on this annotation later.
* Edit widgets.xml and add the name of your class
* Run the class `SWTBotGeneratorMain'
4. What do I need to do if I want to add a new accessor method to SWTBot?
If SWTBot already has support for the widget, but is missing an accessor of
the form <widget>withSomeproperty(arguments), then change the annotation on
the SWTBot<widget> class and execute `SWTBotGeneratorMain'.
5. What do I need to do if I want to add support for a new matcher?
Four things:
* Create a Matcher class (see WithStyle/WithText for example)
* Ensure that there is an @Factory method on the class
* Edit swtbot-matchers.xml or swtbot-eclipse-matchers.xml as the case may be
* Run the class `MatcherGeneratorMain'
6. What is this @SWTBotWidget annotation about?
This annotation marks a SWTBot widget so the generator and other tools can
recognize it. This annotation is primarily used to describe the convinience
API that should be generated for a class annotated with the specified widget.
See the javadoc on the annotation for more detail and examples.