blob: 374f014e149c77cdaf7e8d9d22924a8dfa717250 [file] [log] [blame]
# General information about the SWTBot server/client recorder plugin
This plugin makes it possible to record and edit SWTBot tests at the
same time. By recording tests in a separate Eclipse instance the
original editor can be used to write tests in the regular Java editing
environment while being able to change perspective, open new views,
etc. in the test instance.
The main parts of this plugin is the client view which displays
generated code and the recorder server which generates code. The
server generates code using the SWTBot code generator and then sends
it to the client view. The server code is part of the
'org.eclipse.swtbot.generator' plugin.
## First time launching
Create a new 'SWTBot Recorder Server' launch configuration. This
configuration is similar to a regular Eclipse Application but contains
a VM argument for specifying that the recorder server should be
started. By default the server will use port 8000 but this can be
changed by changing the port number in the VM arguments. It is
possible to use a regular Eclipse Application launch configuration but
then one has to supply the VM argument manually and the client view
will not start connecting automatically when launched.
The default VM argument for the server is
"-Dorg.eclipse.swtbot.generator.server.enable=8000". The integer at
the end of the string is the selected port number and can be
changed. When launching the edited configuration the client view will
update the port number before starting to connect.
Make sure that the Eclipse application being launched has the
'org.eclipse.swtbot.generator.*' plugins included.
## Launching
Launch the SWTBot Recorder Server launch configuration. This will
start a second Eclipse instance for recording tests. While launching,
the client view will also start trying to connect to the recorder
server. When the client view displays that it is connected you are
ready to record tests!
## Recording
Toggle the record button to decide if code generated on the server
side should be recorded in the view.
To insert code directly in a Java method, open a Java editor, click
"Add to method" in the client view and select the method to add the
code to. If you are recording, the code should now be inserted last in
the method.
It is also possible to quickly move text from the client view and the
editor by right clicking in the editor and selecting "Import SWTBot
code" in the context menu. This moves the code from the client view to
the selection within the editor. The shortcut for this action is