Initial code commit
diff --git a/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618.tpd b/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618.tpd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..199c7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618.tpd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+  File:               EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618.tpd
+  Description:        tpd project file
+  Rev:                <RnXnn>
+  Prodnr:             CNL 113 618
+  Updated:            2018-02-13
+  Contact:  
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+    <ReferencedProject name="EPTF_CLL_Logging" projectLocationURI="../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Logging/EPTF_CLL_Logging.tpd"/>
+    <ReferencedProject name="EPTF_CLL_RedBlackTree" projectLocationURI="../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/RedBlackTree/EPTF_CLL_RedBlackTree.tpd"/>
+    <ReferencedProject name="EPTF_CLL_Scheduler" projectLocationURI="../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Scheduler/EPTF_CLL_Scheduler.tpd"/>
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+    <ReferencedProject name="EPTF_CLL_Transport_MessageBufferManager" projectLocationURI="../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Transport/EPTF_CLL_Transport_MessageBufferManager.tpd"/>
+    <ReferencedProject name="EPTF_CLL_TransportRouting" projectLocationURI="../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Transport/EPTF_CLL_TransportRouting.tpd"/>
+    <ReferencedProject name="EPTF_CLL_Variable" projectLocationURI="../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Variable/EPTF_CLL_Variable.tpd"/>
+    <ReferencedProject name="HTTPmsg_CNL113312" projectLocationURI="../../TestPorts/HTTPmsg_CNL113312/HTTPmsg_CNL113312.tpd"/>
+    <ReferencedProject name="IPL4asp_CNL113531" projectLocationURI="../../TestPorts/IPL4asp_CNL113531/IPL4asp_CNL113531.tpd"/>
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+  </ReferencedProjects>
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+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn" relativeURI="src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn" relativeURI="src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn" relativeURI="src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn" relativeURI="src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn"/>
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+  </Configurations>
diff --git a/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.cfg b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..191cacf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+LogEventTypes := Yes
+SourceInfoFormat := Stack #Single
+LogEntityName := Yes
+#MatchingHints := Detailed
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEnable := true;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEnable := true;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities := 100;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchLevel := Detailed;
+tsp_EPTF_LGenBaseDebug := false;
+tsp_EPTF_LGenBaseDebugTraffic := false;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_userNumber := 10;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_headerTemplatePath := "./";
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_headerTemplateName := "";
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bodyTemplatePath := "./";
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bodyTemplateName := "";
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalAddress := ""
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalPort := 3000
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress := ""
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort := 4000
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_FSMs := 
+  { name := "EPTF HTTP: Basic Call",
+    stateList := { "idle", "wait" },
+    timerList := { { name := "TIMEOUT", startValue := 1.0 } },
+    table := { 
+      // TC tarted event
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "EPTF_CLL_LGenBase",  iName := "LGenBase: Traffic_case_started.", eventType := fsm },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle 
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          },
+          // state == wait
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          }
+        }            
+      },
+      // start TC event
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "EPTF_CLL_LGenBase",  iName := "LGenBase: Start_the_traffic_case!", eventType := fsm },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle 
+          { actionList := {                 
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "EPTF HTTP: Sends HTTP Request",     contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_timerStart", contextArgs := { timerName := "TIMEOUT"} }
+            }, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := "wait" 
+          },
+          // state == wait
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          }
+        }            
+      },
+      // answer OK event
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "HTTP Behavior", iName := "HTTP CHAR Response Message Received", eventType := fsm },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle 
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          },         
+          // state == wait
+          { actionList := {                                 
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "EPTF HTTP: Response message received", contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {}  } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_timerCancel",   contextArgs := { timerName := "TIMEOUT" } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_trafficSuccess",contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {}  } }
+            }, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := "idle" 
+          }          
+        }            
+      },
+      // timeout event
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "Special behavior for timeout reporting", iName := "TIMEOUT", eventType :=  fsm },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle 
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          },         
+          // state == wait
+          { actionList := {            
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "EPTF HTTP: Timeout handler",           contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "EPTF HTTP: Closes port of user",       contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_trafficFailed", contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+            }, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := "idle" 
+          }        
+        }            
+      },
+      // connection closed event
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "HTTP Behavior", iName := "HTTP Connection Closed ", eventType := fsm },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle 
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          },         
+          // state == wait
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          }        
+        }            
+      },
+      // connection opened event
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "HTTP Behavior", iName := "HTTP Connection Opened ", eventType := fsm },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle 
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          },         
+          // state == wait
+          { actionList := omit, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := omit 
+          }        
+        }            
+      },
+      // stop TC event
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "EPTF_CLL_LGenBase", iName := "LGenBase: Stop_the_traffic_case!", eventType := fsm },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle 
+          { actionList := { 
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_entityStopped", contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+            }, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := "idle" 
+          },
+          // state == wait
+          { actionList := { 
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_entityStopped", contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+            }, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := "idle" 
+          }
+        }            
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  { name := "EPTF HTTP: Server",
+    stateList := { "idle"},
+    timerList := {},
+    table := { 
+      { 
+        eventToListen := { bName := "HTTP Behavior", iName := "HTTP CHAR Request Message Received", eventType := entity },
+        cellRow := {
+          // state == idle
+          { actionList := {                                 
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_recordEntityStart",contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {}  } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "EPTF HTTP: Handle Request", contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {}  } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "EPTF HTTP: Send Response",   contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+              { stepOrFunctionName := "LGenBase: StepFunction_trafficSuccess",contextArgs := { stepContextArgs := {}  } }
+            }, 
+            nextStateCalculation := omit, 
+            nextState := "idle" 
+          }          
+        }            
+      }
+    }
+  }  
+#*.IPL4_PCO.debug := "YES"
+#*.v_IPL4_PCO.debug := "YES"
+#TCPPort := 1025
+#NumHCs := 1
+#KillTimer := 11
diff --git a/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.prj b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c54b727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
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+    </General>
+    <Configs>
+        <Config>EPTF_HTTP_Demo.cfg</Config>
+    </Configs>
+    <Test_Cases>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_HTTP_Demo.control</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_HTTP_Demo.tc_localTransport</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_HTTP_Demo.tc_remoteTransport</Test_Case>
+    </Test_Cases>
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+        <Other>EPTF_HTTP_Demo.prj</Other>
+        <Other></Other>
+    </Others>
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+                    </File_Group>
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+                        <File path="../src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
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+                        <File path="../src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                </File_Groups>
+            </File_Group>
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+            </File_Group>
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+                <File path="../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/" />
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+                <File path="../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/" />
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+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/IPL4asp_CNL113531/src/" />
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+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/HTTPmsg_CNL113312/src/HTTPmsg_Types.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
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+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/XTDPasp_CNL113494/src/XTDP_PDU_Defs.asn" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/XTDPasp_CNL113494/src/" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/XTDPasp_CNL113494/src/XTDPasp_PT.hh" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/XTDPasp_CNL113494/src/XTDPasp_PortType.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/XTDPasp_CNL113494/src/XTDPasp_Types.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/XTDPasp_CNL113494/src/XUL_XTDL.asn" />
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+                    </File_Group>
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+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/UDPasp_CNL113346/src/" />
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+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/UDPasp_CNL113346/src/UDPasp_PortType.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/UDPasp_CNL113346/src/UDPasp_Types.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
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+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/Common_Components/Abstract_Socket_CNL113384/src/" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/Common_Components/Abstract_Socket_CNL113384/src/Abstract_Socket.hh" />
+                    </File_Group>
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+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/TELNETasp_CNL113320/src/" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/TELNETasp_CNL113320/src/TELNETasp_PT.hh" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/TELNETasp_CNL113320/src/TELNETasp_PortType.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
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+            </File_Group>
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diff --git a/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.ttcn b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..708deb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Demo.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2009-08-10
+//  Contact:
+// Module: EPTF_HTTP_Demo
+// Purpose:
+//   This module contains the Demo module of the HTTP Application Library.
+// Module Parameters:
+//   -
+//  Module depends on:
+//   <IPL4asp_Types>
+//   <IPL4asp_PortType>
+//   <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//   <EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder>
+//   <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions>
+//   <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions>
+//   <EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_HTTP_Functions>
+//   <XTDP_PDU_Defs language "ASN.1:2002">
+//   <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_WidgetFunctions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_LoggingUI_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_LoggingUI_Definitions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_UIHandlerClient_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_Definitions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_PrivateFunctions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions>
+//   <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TrafficFunctions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_EventHandlingFunctions>
+// Current owner:
+// Last Review Date:
+//   2009-08-10
+module EPTF_HTTP_Demo
+//  Import part
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Functions all;
+import from XTDP_PDU_Defs language "ASN.1:2002" all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_WidgetFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LoggingUI_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LoggingUI_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_UIHandlerClient_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_PrivateFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TrafficFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_EventHandlingFunctions all;
+//  Module parameters
+  integer    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_userNumber := 1;
+  integer    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_portNumber := 1;
+  integer    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_serverUserNumber := 1;
+  charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_headerTemplatePath := "./";
+  charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_headerTemplateName := "";
+  charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bodyTemplatePath := "./";
+  charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bodyTemplateName := "";
+  charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalAddress := "";
+  integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalPort := 3000;
+  charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress := "";
+  integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort := 4000;
+  EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_CompactFsmTableDeclaratorList tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_FSMs := {};
+  float tsp_runningTime := 30.0;
+type enumerated HTTP_Demo_controlMessage {READY};
+type port HTTP_Demo_control message
+  inout HTTP_Demo_controlMessage;
+} with {extension "internal"}
+//  Component types
+type component MyLogger_CT 
+extends EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT, EPTF_UIHandler_CT, EPTF_LoggingUI_CT 
+  var integer v_MyLogger_loggerEnabled;
+type component MyLGen_CT 
+  extends EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  var integer v_myBIdx;  
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Demo_CM_PT v_CM_PCO;
+  port HTTP_Demo_control v_ctrl_PCO;
+type component My_Local_LGen_CT 
+extends MyLGen_CT, EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+type component My_Remote_LGen_CT 
+extends MyLGen_CT, EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+type component My_Mapper_CT
+  extends EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT, My_Local_LGen_CT
+//  Functions
+function f_HTTP_CreateResponder(
+  in integer pl_tcIndex)
+runs on My_Local_LGen_CT
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_CT v_HTTP_Responder_comp;
+  v_HTTP_Responder_comp := EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_CT.create("HTTP_Responder");
+  connect(self:v_CM_PCO, v_HTTP_Responder_comp:v_CM_PCO);
+  v_HTTP_Responder_comp.start(f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_behavior(
+      pl_tcIndex, tsp_runningTime + 2.0));
+  timer tl_guard;
+  tl_guard.start(5.0);
+  alt {
+    [] v_CM_PCO.receive {tl_guard.stop}
+    [] tl_guard.timeout {f_EPTF_Base_stopAll()}
+  }
+function f_HTTP_LocalLGenBehaviorClient() runs on My_Local_LGen_CT 
+  var integer dummy, nof_entity := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_userNumber;
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init("HTTP", 0, "Demo Entity#");
+  dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT("HTTP", 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setFreePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser));
+  var EPTF_IntegerList vl_EPTF_HTTP_fsmIdx_basicCall := f_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_declareCompactFsmTables(
+      tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_FSMs); //f_EPTF_HTTP_return_CompactFsm_basicCall());
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareEntityType("HTTPEntityType", { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName });
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_createEntityGroup(
+    { name := "HTTPEntityGroup", eType := "HTTPEntityType", eCount := nof_entity});
+  //adding the behaviour
+  var integer groupIdx:=f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityGrpNameIndex("HTTPEntityGroup");
+  var integer groupBaseOffsetIdx:= f_EPTF_LGenBase_getEGrpBaseOffset(groupIdx);
+  log ("groupIdx: ",groupIdx," groupBaseOffsetIdx: ",groupBaseOffsetIdx);
+  var integer vl_connHandle := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup({
+    name := "MyPortGroup",
+    localHostInformation := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalAddress, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalPort},   
+    remoteHostInformation := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort},
+    numberOfPorts := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_portNumber, 
+    localportStep := 1, 
+    remoteportStep := 0,
+    instantConnOpen := false, 
+    instantConnClose := false, 
+    useSSL := false, 
+    userFunctions := omit});
+  if (vl_connHandle < 0) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+  log("Port database: ", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+  log("Function database: ", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB);
+  var charstring vl_body;
+  for (var integer i:= groupBaseOffsetIdx; i<groupBaseOffsetIdx+nof_entity; i:=i+1)
+  {
+    vl_body := "<HTML>Request." & int2str(i) & "</HTML>"
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext (i,
+      "POST", "/HTTP-ap-service/resource-lists/users/friends.xml" & "_" & int2str(i),
+      1, 1,
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(vl_body),
+      vl_connHandle, -,    
+      { charVal := vl_body }); 
+  } 
+  f_declareScenario("HTTPScenario"); 
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_createScenario2EntityGroup(
+    { eGrpName := "HTTPEntityGroup", scenarioName :="HTTPScenario" });
+  timer t_wait := tsp_runningTime;
+  t_wait.start;
+  alt {  
+    [] t_wait.timeout {}
+  } 
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_printStats();
+  log("v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts:", v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts);
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_stopTrafficCase("HTTPEntityGroup", "HTTPScenario", "EPTF_HTTP_DemoTrafficCase"); 
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_server := "EPTF HTTP: Server";
+function f_HTTP_LocalLGenBehaviorServer() runs on My_Local_LGen_CT 
+  var integer dummy, nof_entity := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_serverUserNumber;
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init("HTTP", 0, "Demo Entity#");
+  dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT("HTTP", 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedServer)/*,
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceivedServer),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceivedServer)*/);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendResponseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setListenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePort));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction(refers(f_HTTP_searchServerContext));
+  var EPTF_IntegerList vl_EPTF_HTTP_fsmIds:= f_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_declareCompactFsmTables(
+      tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_FSMs);
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareEntityType("HTTPEntityType", { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName });
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_createEntityGroup(
+    { name := "HTTPEntityGroup", eType := "HTTPEntityType", eCount := nof_entity});
+  //adding the behaviour
+  var integer groupIdx:=f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityGrpNameIndex("HTTPEntityGroup");
+  var integer groupBaseOffsetIdx:= f_EPTF_LGenBase_getEGrpBaseOffset(groupIdx);
+  log ("groupIdx: ",groupIdx," groupBaseOffsetIdx: ",groupBaseOffsetIdx);
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode vl_portMode := c_EPTF_HTTP_initServerPortMode;
+ := "ServerPort";
+  vl_portMode.localHostInformation := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort};
+  vl_portMode.instantConnClose := false;
+  vl_portMode.userFunctions := omit;
+  vl_portMode.buffer := true;
+  var integer vl_connHandle := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newServerPort(vl_portMode);
+  if (vl_connHandle < 0) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+  var integer vl_listenPortId := f_EPTF_HTTP_listen(vl_connHandle);
+  if (-1 == vl_listenPortId){ f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+  log("Port database: ", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+  log("Function database: ", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB);
+  var charstring vl_body;
+  for (var integer i:= groupBaseOffsetIdx; i<groupBaseOffsetIdx+nof_entity; i:=i+1)
+  {
+    vl_body := "<HTML>Response " & int2str(i) & "." & "</HTML>"
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextServer(
+      i,
+      200,
+      "OK",
+      1,
+      1,
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(vl_body),
+      { charVal := vl_body });
+  } 
+  f_HTTP_declareServerScenario("HTTPEntityType", "HTTPEntityGroup", "HTTPScenario", "HTTPTrafficCase");
+  v_ctrl_PCO.send(READY);
+  timer t_wait := tsp_runningTime + 1.0;
+  t_wait.start;
+  alt {  
+    [] t_wait.timeout {}
+  } 
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_printStats();
+  log("v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts:", v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts);
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_stopTrafficCase("HTTPEntityGroup","HTTPScenario","HTTPTrafficCase"); 
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_closePort(vl_connHandle, vl_listenPortId);
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+function f_HTTP_RemoteLGenBehaviorClient(
+  in integer pl_LGenNumber) 
+runs on My_Remote_LGen_CT 
+  var integer dummy, nof_entity := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_userNumber;  
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init("HTTP", pl_LGenNumber, "Demo Entity#");
+  var EPTF_IntegerList vl_EPTF_HTTP_fsmIdx_basicCall := f_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_declareCompactFsmTables(
+    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_FSMs); //f_EPTF_HTTP_return_CompactFsm_basicCall());
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareEntityType("HTTPEntityType", { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName });
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_createEntityGroup(
+    { name := "HTTPEntityGroup", eType := "HTTPEntityType", eCount := nof_entity });
+  //adding the behaviour
+  var integer groupIdx:=f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityGrpNameIndex("HTTPEntityGroup");
+  var integer groupBaseOffsetIdx:= f_EPTF_LGenBase_getEGrpBaseOffset(groupIdx);
+  log ("groupIdx: ",groupIdx," groupBaseOffsetIdx: ",groupBaseOffsetIdx);
+  dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_init_CT("HTTP", 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionOpen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionHalfClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_closePortOfUser));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setFreePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_freePortOfUser));
+  var integer vl_connHandle := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPortGroup({
+    name := "MyPortGroup." & int2str(pl_LGenNumber),
+    localHostInformation := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalAddress, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_LocalPort + pl_LGenNumber * 10 + 10}, 
+    remoteHostInformation := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort},
+    numberOfPorts := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_portNumber, 
+    localportStep := 1, 
+    remoteportStep := 0,
+    instantConnOpen := false, 
+    instantConnClose := false, 
+    useSSL := false, 
+    userFunctions := omit});
+  if (vl_connHandle < 0) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+  var charstring vl_body;
+  for (var integer i:= 0; i < nof_entity; i:=i+1)
+  {    
+    vl_body := "<HTML>Request." & int2str(pl_LGenNumber) & "." & int2str(i) & "</HTML>";
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext (i,
+      "POST", "/HTTP-ap-service/resource-lists/users/friends.xml" & "_" & int2str(i),
+      1, 1,
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(vl_body),
+      vl_connHandle, -,    
+      { charVal := vl_body });
+  } 
+  f_declareScenario("HTTPScenario"); 
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_createScenario2EntityGroup(
+    { eGrpName := "HTTPEntityGroup", scenarioName := "HTTPScenario" });
+  timer t_wait := tsp_runningTime;
+  t_wait.start;
+  alt {  
+    [] t_wait.timeout {}
+  } 
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_printStats();
+  log("v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts:", v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts);
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_stopTrafficCase("HTTPEntityGroup","HTTPScenario","EPTF_HTTP_DemoTrafficCase"); 
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+function f_HTTP_RemoteLGenBehaviorServer(
+  in integer pl_LGenNumber) 
+runs on My_Remote_LGen_CT 
+  var integer dummy, nof_entity := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_userNumber;  
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init("HTTP", pl_LGenNumber, "Demo Entity#");
+  var EPTF_IntegerList vl_EPTF_HTTP_fsmIds:= f_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_declareCompactFsmTables(
+      tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_FSMs);
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareEntityType("HTTPEntityType", { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName });
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_createEntityGroup(
+    { name := "HTTPEntityGroup", eType := "HTTPEntityType", eCount := nof_entity });
+  //adding the behaviour
+  var integer groupIdx:=f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityGrpNameIndex("HTTPEntityGroup");
+  var integer groupBaseOffsetIdx:= f_EPTF_LGenBase_getEGrpBaseOffset(groupIdx);
+  log ("groupIdx: ",groupIdx," groupBaseOffsetIdx: ",groupBaseOffsetIdx);
+  dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_init_CT("HTTP", 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedServer),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceivedServer),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceivedServer));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendResponseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendResponse));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setListenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_closePort));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction(refers(f_HTTP_searchServerContext));
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode vl_portMode := c_EPTF_HTTP_initServerPortMode;
+ := "ServerPort";
+  vl_portMode.localHostInformation := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort};
+  vl_portMode.instantConnClose := false;
+  vl_portMode.userFunctions := omit;
+  vl_portMode.buffer := true;
+  var integer vl_connHandle := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newServerPort(vl_portMode);
+  if (vl_connHandle < 0) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+  var integer vl_listenPortId := f_EPTF_HTTP_listen(vl_connHandle);
+  if (-1 == vl_listenPortId){ f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+  var charstring vl_body;
+  for (var integer i:= 0; i < nof_entity; i:=i+1)
+  {    
+    vl_body := "<HTML>Request." & int2str(pl_LGenNumber) & "." & int2str(i) & "</HTML>";
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextServer(
+      i,
+      200,
+      "OK",
+      1,
+      1,
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(vl_body),
+      { charVal := vl_body });
+  } 
+  f_HTTP_declareServerScenario("HTTPEntityType", "HTTPEntityGroup", "HTTPScenario", "HTTPTrafficCase");
+  v_ctrl_PCO.send(READY);
+  timer t_wait := tsp_runningTime + 1.0;
+  t_wait.start;
+  alt {  
+    [] t_wait.timeout {}
+  } 
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_printStats();
+  log("v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts:", v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts);
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_stopTrafficCase("HTTPEntityGroup","HTTPScenario","HTTPTrafficCase");
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_closePort(vl_connHandle, vl_listenPortId);
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+function f_mapperBehavior () runs on My_Mapper_CT {
+  timer t_wait := tsp_runningTime + 1.0;
+  t_wait.start;
+  var integer dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT();
+  alt {
+    [] t_wait.timeout {    
+      log("The mapper component is shutting down!");
+    }
+  }
+  f_EPTF_Base_stopRemote(mtc);
+function f_loggerSend(in octetstring pl_message) runs on MyLogger_CT 
+  if (f_EPTF_Var_getBoolValue(v_MyLogger_loggerEnabled)) {
+    HTTP_LoggerClient_PCO.send(pl_message);
+  }
+  else {
+    log("The logging mechanism is not enabled");
+  }
+function f_declareScenario(
+  in charstring pl_name)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  var integer dummy, vl_tcconn := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTcType2({
+      name := "EPTF_HTTP_DemoTrafficCase",
+      fsmName := c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_basicCall,
+      entityType := "HTTPEntityType",
+      customEntitySucc := ""
+    });
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareScenarioType2({
+      name := pl_name,
+      tcList := {
+        {
+          tcName := "EPTF_HTTP_DemoTrafficCase",
+          startDelay := 0.0,
+          cpsToReach := 1.0,
+          enableEntities := true,
+          enable := true,
+          ranges := {},
+          params := 
+          {
+            /*
+            {"HTTP",c_EPTF_HTTP_externalHeaderTemplatePath,tsp_EPTF_HTTP_headerTemplatePath},
+            {"HTTP",c_EPTF_HTTP_externalHeaderTemplateName,tsp_EPTF_HTTP_headerTemplateName},
+            {"HTTP",c_EPTF_HTTP_externalBodyTemplatePath,tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bodyTemplatePath},
+            {"HTTP",c_EPTF_HTTP_externalBodyTemplateName,tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bodyTemplateName}            
+            */
+          },
+          groupFinishConditions := 
+          {
+            nrOfExecStart := omit, 
+            nrOfSuccesses := omit, 
+            nrOfFails := omit, 
+            nrOfGrpLoop := omit, 
+            nrOfRangeLoop := omit, 
+            execTime := omit, 
+            entitiesFinished := omit, 
+            customFinishCondition := omit
+          },
+          entityFinishConditions := {
+            nrOfExecStart := omit, 
+            nrOfSuccesses := omit, 
+            nrOfFails := omit, 
+            customFinishCondition := omit
+          },
+          entityFinishActions := {
+          },
+          tcFinishActions := omit
+        }
+      }
+    });
+function f_HTTP_declareServerScenario(
+  in charstring pl_entityType, 
+  in charstring pl_entityGroup, 
+  in charstring pl_scenario, 
+  in charstring pl_tc)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  var integer dummy := -1;
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTcType2({
+      name := pl_tc,
+      fsmName := c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_server,
+      entityType := pl_entityType,
+      customEntitySucc := ""
+    });
+  dummy := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareScenarioType3({
+      name := pl_scenario,
+      tcList := {
+        {
+          tcName := pl_tc,
+          tcParamsList := {
+            { startDelay := 0.0},
+            {target := {cpsToReach := 0.0}},
+            {scheduler := { preDefinedName := orig }},
+            {enableEntitiesAtStart := true},
+            {enabledAtStart := true}
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      scParamsList := {
+        {enabled :=true}
+      }
+  });
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_createScenario2EntityGroup(
+    { eGrpName := pl_entityGroup, scenarioName :=pl_scenario });
+function f_HTTP_searchServerContext(
+    inout integer pl_eIdx,
+    inout integer pl_fsmCtx)
+runs on MyLGen_CT
+  pl_eIdx := 0;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_printStats()
+runs on MyLGen_CT
+  action("Statistics:",
+        " outgoing POST number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.post_k),
+        ", incoming 200OK number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code200_k),
+        ", incoming POST number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.post_k),
+        ", outgoing 200OK number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code200_k),
+        " outgoing request number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.requests_k),
+        ", incoming response number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.responses_k),
+        ", incoming request number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.requests_k),
+        ", outgoing response number: ", f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.responses_k));
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_return_CompactFsm_basicCall()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+return EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_CompactFsmTableDeclaratorList
+  return {
+    { name := c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_basicCall,
+      stateList := { "idle", "wait" },
+      timerList := { { name := "TIMEOUT", startValue := 1.0 } },
+      table := { 
+        // TC tarted event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_trafficCaseStarted, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { omit, omit, omit },
+            // state == wait
+            { omit, omit, omit }
+          }            
+        },
+        // start TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_startTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { {                 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest, { stepContextArgs := {} } }//,
+              }, omit, "wait" },
+            // state == wait
+            { omit, omit, omit }
+          }            
+        },
+        // answer OK event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_messageReceived, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { omit, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {                                 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_messageReceived, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficSuccess, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }          
+          }            
+        },
+        // timeout event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_specialBName_timerTimeout, "TIMEOUT", fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { omit, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {            
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficFailed, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection closed event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { omit, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { omit, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection opened event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { omit, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { omit, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // stop TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior, c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_stopTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function f_demo_HTTP_sampleContentMaker(in EPTF_CharstringList pl_params)
+return charstring
+  return "Has "&int2str(sizeof(pl_params))&" elements";
+function f_HTTP_wait4ready(in integer pl_nofReady, in float pl_watchdog)
+runs on My_Local_LGen_CT
+return boolean
+  timer Tw := pl_watchdog;
+  var integer vl_nofInitReady := 0;
+  Tw.start;
+  alt{
+    []v_ctrl_PCO.receive(HTTP_Demo_controlMessage:READY);
+    {
+      vl_nofInitReady := vl_nofInitReady + 1;
+      if (vl_nofInitReady == pl_nofReady)
+      {
+        return true;
+      }else{
+        repeat;
+      }
+    }
+    []Tw.timeout{
+      return false;
+    }
+    []v_ctrl_PCO.receive{repeat;}
+  }
+  return false;
+function f_HTTP_Server()
+runs on My_Local_LGen_CT
+  f_HTTP_LocalLGenBehaviorServer();
+function f_HTTP_ServerRemote()
+runs on My_Mapper_CT
+  var My_Remote_LGen_CT vc_remoteLGenFirst;
+  var My_Remote_LGen_CT vc_remoteLGenSecond;
+  var integer vl_dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT(-, -, 1);
+  vc_remoteLGenFirst := My_Remote_LGen_CT.create;
+  vc_remoteLGenSecond := My_Remote_LGen_CT.create;
+  //vc_mapperComponent := Mapper_HTTP_Demo_CT.create;
+  connect(vc_remoteLGenFirst:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  connect(vc_remoteLGenFirst:v_ctrl_PCO, self:v_ctrl_PCO);
+  connect(vc_remoteLGenSecond:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  connect(vc_remoteLGenSecond:v_ctrl_PCO, self:v_ctrl_PCO);
+  vc_remoteLGenFirst.start(f_HTTP_RemoteLGenBehaviorServer(1));
+  vc_remoteLGenSecond.start(f_HTTP_RemoteLGenBehaviorServer(2));
+  if (not f_HTTP_wait4ready(2, 10.0)){vc_remoteLGenFirst.kill; vc_remoteLGenSecond.kill; return;}
+  v_ctrl_PCO.send(READY) to mtc;
+  vc_remoteLGenFirst.done;
+  vc_remoteLGenSecond.done;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  disconnect(vc_remoteLGenFirst:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  disconnect(vc_remoteLGenSecond:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);  
+  setverdict(pass);
+function f_HTTP_Client()
+runs on My_Local_LGen_CT
+  f_HTTP_LocalLGenBehaviorClient();
+function f_HTTP_ClientRemote()
+runs on My_Mapper_CT
+  var My_Remote_LGen_CT vc_remoteLGenFirst;
+  var My_Remote_LGen_CT vc_remoteLGenSecond;
+  var integer vl_dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT();
+  vc_remoteLGenFirst := My_Remote_LGen_CT.create;
+  vc_remoteLGenSecond := My_Remote_LGen_CT.create;
+  //vc_mapperComponent := Mapper_HTTP_Demo_CT.create;
+  connect(vc_remoteLGenFirst:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  connect(vc_remoteLGenSecond:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  vc_remoteLGenFirst.start(f_HTTP_RemoteLGenBehaviorClient(1));
+  vc_remoteLGenSecond.start(f_HTTP_RemoteLGenBehaviorClient(2));
+  vc_remoteLGenFirst.done;
+  vc_remoteLGenSecond.done;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT()
+  disconnect(vc_remoteLGenFirst:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  disconnect(vc_remoteLGenSecond:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort,
+    self:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);  
+  setverdict(pass);
+//  Test cases
+testcase tc_localTransport()
+runs on My_Local_LGen_CT
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC");
+  var My_Local_LGen_CT vl_server := My_Local_LGen_CT.create;
+  connect(vl_server:v_ctrl_PCO, self:v_ctrl_PCO);
+  vl_server.start(f_HTTP_Server());
+  if (not f_HTTP_wait4ready(1, 10.0)){all component.kill; stop;}
+  var My_Local_LGen_CT vl_client := My_Local_LGen_CT.create;
+  vl_client.start(f_HTTP_Client());
+  vl_client.done;
+  vl_server.done;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  setverdict(pass);
+testcase tc_remoteTransport () 
+runs on My_Mapper_CT
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC");
+  var My_Mapper_CT vl_server := My_Mapper_CT.create;
+  connect(vl_server:v_ctrl_PCO, self:v_ctrl_PCO);
+  vl_server.start(f_HTTP_ServerRemote());
+  v_ctrl_PCO.receive(HTTP_Demo_controlMessage:READY);
+  var My_Mapper_CT vl_client := My_Mapper_CT.create;
+  vl_client.start(f_HTTP_ClientRemote());
+  vl_client.done;
+  vl_server.done;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  setverdict(pass);
+testcase tc_graphicalLogger() runs on MyLogger_CT 
+{ timer t_wait := 8.0;
+  var integer i := 0;
+  var XTDP_XML_Tag pl_xul;
+  var boolean vl_exist;
+  f_EPTF_UIHandler_init_CT("LoggingUIHandler");
+  f_EPTF_UIHandler_clearGUI();
+  f_EPTF_UIHandler_addWindow();
+  f_EPTF_LoggingUI_createTabBox("EPTF_Main_tabbox",pl_xul);
+  f_EPTF_UIHandler_addElementToGui(pl_xul,"EPTF_Main_Window",vl_exist);
+  f_EPTF_LoggingUI_init_CT("LoggingUIHandler",self,"EPTF_Main_tabbox");
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT(null,self,self,"EPTF_LoggingUI_tabbox");
+  log("Init sikeres");
+  t_wait.start;
+  alt{
+    [] t_wait.timeout {
+       vf_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_sendFunction.apply(char2oct("HEHE"));
+       if (i != 10 ) {
+         t_wait.start;
+	 i := i + 1;
+	 repeat;
+	 }
+    }
+  }
+  f_EPTF_LoggingUI_cleanup_CT();
+  f_EPTF_UIHandler_cleanup_CT();
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_cleanup_CT();
+  setverdict(pass);
+// Control part
+/*control {
+  execute(tc_localTransport());
+  execute(tc_remoteTransport ());
+  //execute(tc_graphicalLogger());
diff --git a/demo/ b/demo/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..efeb561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+sed -e '
+s/CPPFLAGS = -D$(PLATFORM) -I$(TTCN3_DIR)\/include/CPPFLAGS = -D$(PLATFORM) -I$(OPENSSL_DIR)\/include -I$(TTCN3_DIR)\/include -DNO_IPV6/g
+s/OPENSSL_DIR = $(TTCN3_DIR)/\OPENSSL_DIR = \/mnt\/TTCN\/Tools\/openssl-0.9.8e/g
+#s/CXX = g++/CXX = \/usr\/sfw\/bin\/g++/g
+#s/CPP = cpp/CPP = \/usr\/sfw\/bin\/cpp/g
+#s/-L$(OPENSSL_DIR)\/lib -lcrypto $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS)/-L$(OPENSSL_DIR)\/lib -lcrypto $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS)/g
+s/SOLARIS_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl/SOLARIS_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -lxnet/g
+s/SOLARIS8_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl/SOLARIS8_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -lxnet/g
+s/CXXFLAGS = -Wall/CXXFLAGS = -Wall -g/g
+' <$1 >$2
diff --git a/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder.ttcn b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21ed6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2008-01-08 
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the functions to simulate a HTTP
+//    responder node for tests
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    -
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <IPL4asp_PortType>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//  Current Owner:    
+//    EAKOPER 
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2008-01-09
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder { 
+// Import Part
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+// Module parameters
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress := "";
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort := 4000;
+// Component types
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_CT {
+  port IPL4asp_PT v_IPL4_PCO;
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Demo_CM_PT v_CM_PCO;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_HostInformationList v_hostDatabase := {};
+  var EPTF_IntegerList v_connIds := {};
+  var ASP_RecvFrom v_ASP_RecvFrom;
+  var ASP_Event v_ASP_Event;
+  var HTTPMessage v_HTTP_msg;
+  var integer v_intNoWarn;
+// Types
+type port EPTF_HTTP_Demo_CM_PT message {
+  inout charstring 
+} with {extension "internal"}
+type record EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_HostInformation {
+  charstring hostIPAddress ,
+  integer hostPort
+type record of EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_HostInformation EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_HostInformationList;
+// Functions
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_init(
+  in EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_HostInformationList pl_hosts)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_CT return boolean
+  var Result vl_result;
+  var integer i;
+  map(self:v_IPL4_PCO, system:v_IPL4_PCO);
+  v_hostDatabase := pl_hosts;  
+  for (i := 0; i < sizeof(v_hostDatabase); i := i + 1) 
+  {    
+    vl_result := f_IPL4_listen(v_IPL4_PCO,       
+      v_hostDatabase[i].hostIPAddress, v_hostDatabase[i].hostPort, { tcp := {} });
+    if (vl_result.errorCode == omit) {
+      log("Listening successful on: ", v_hostDatabase[i], " (", vl_result.connId, ")");      
+      v_connIds[i] := vl_result.connId;
+      v_CM_PCO.send("Hello, I'm ready! :-)")
+    } else {
+      log("Listening failed on: ", v_hostDatabase[i], " (", vl_result, ")");
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_uninit()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_CT
+  var Result vl_result;
+  var integer i;
+  for (i := 0; i < sizeof(v_connIds); i := i + 1) 
+  {    
+    vl_result := f_IPL4_close(v_IPL4_PCO, v_connIds[i], { tcp := {} });
+  }
+  v_hostDatabase := {};
+  v_connIds := {};
+  unmap(self:v_IPL4_PCO, system:v_IPL4_PCO);
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_dummyHTTPResponse(
+  in charstring pl_body)
+return octetstring
+  var HTTPMessage vl_outgoingMessage := {
+    response := {
+      client_id := omit,
+      version_major := 1,
+      version_minor := 1,
+      statuscode := 200,
+      statustext := "OK",
+      header:= {{"Content-Length", int2str(lengthof(pl_body)) }},
+      body:= pl_body
+    }
+  }
+  log("HTTP message: ", vl_outgoingMessage);
+  return enc_HTTPMessage(vl_outgoingMessage);
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_behavior(
+  in integer pl_tcId,
+  in float pl_runningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_CT
+  log("<< Starting HTTP responder! >>");
+  timer t_guard := pl_runningTime;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_HostInformationList vl_hList;
+  var ASP_Send vl_send;
+  // provide initial data according to TC  
+  vl_hList := { { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemoteAddress, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_RemotePort + pl_tcId } };
+  // initialize component
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_init(vl_hList)) {
+    log("HTTP responder failed during initialization!");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_uninit();
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return
+  }
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt {
+    [] v_IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ASP_RecvFrom {
+        log("ASP receive from: ", v_ASP_RecvFrom);
+        v_intNoWarn := dec_HTTPMessage(v_ASP_RecvFrom.msg, v_HTTP_msg, false);
+        log("HTTP payload: ", v_HTTP_msg);
+        vl_send := { 
+          v_ASP_RecvFrom.connId, {tcp := {}}, 
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_dummyHTTPResponse(v_HTTP_msg.request.body)
+        };
+        v_IPL4_PCO.send(vl_send);        
+        repeat;
+      }
+    [] v_IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ASP_Event {
+        log("ASP event: ", v_ASP_Event);
+        log(v_IPL4_PCO);
+        repeat;
+      }
+    [] v_IPL4_PCO.receive {
+        log("Invalid message received!");
+        repeat;
+      }
+    [] t_guard.timeout {
+        log("Timer timed out!");
+      }    
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Demo_Responder_uninit();
+  log("<< Stopping HTTP responder! >>");
+  setverdict(pass);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/EPTF AppLib HTTP for TitanSim, Function Specification.doc b/doc/EPTF AppLib HTTP for TitanSim, Function Specification.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96cbee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/EPTF AppLib HTTP for TitanSim, Function Specification.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/EPTF Applib HTTP for TitanSim, User Guide.doc b/doc/EPTF Applib HTTP for TitanSim, User Guide.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dac220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/EPTF Applib HTTP for TitanSim, User Guide.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_PRI.doc b/doc/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_PRI.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56312fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_PRI.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/EPTF_HTTP_All.grp b/src/EPTF_HTTP_All.grp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa99e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EPTF_HTTP_All.grp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               EPTF_HTTP_All.grp
+//  Description:        FileGroup file for EPTF Applib HTTP
+//  Rev:                <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:            2009-03-11
+//  Contact:  
+<!DOCTYPE TITAN_GUI_FileGroup_file>
+<File_Group name="EPTF_HTTP_All" >
+    <File_Groups>
+        <File_Group path="LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_LoadGen.grp" />
+        <File_Group path="Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport.grp" />
+    </File_Groups>
diff --git a/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn b/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f0d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,3057 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2014-05-20
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_HTTP_Definitions
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the definitions for EPTF HTTP application library
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_latency - *float* - latency
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled - *boolean* - logging of messages enabled/disabled
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingComponentMask - *charstring* - logging component mask name
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEnable - *boolean* - logging of LGen component enable/disable
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities - *integer* - max number of entities
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Scheduler_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-08-10
+module EPTF_HTTP_Definitions {
+// Import Part
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
+//import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions all;
+//import from EPTF_CLL_Scheduler_Definitions all;
+//import from EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+// Module parameters
+modulepar float      tsp_EPTF_HTTP_latency := 2.0;
+modulepar boolean    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled := false;
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingComponentMask := "EPTF_HTTP_LGen";
+modulepar EPTF_HTTP_EventDispatchLevel tsp_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchLevel := Detailed;
+modulepar boolean    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEnable := false;
+modulepar integer    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities := 1000000;
+modulepar integer    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_nofNonceValues := 1;
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Applib
+//  Purpose:
+//    Functions of the EPTF HTTP Application Libray
+group EPTF_HTTP_Applib
+  //=============================================================================
+  // Component types
+  //=============================================================================
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   HTTP application library component type
+  //
+  // Extensions:
+  //   EPTF_LGenBase_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_Scheduler_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_Var_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_Logging_CT
+  //
+  // Variables:
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized - *boolean* - component initialization state
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts - <EPTF_HTTP_CtxList> - entity context database
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams - <EPTF_CharstringList> - holds the optional template
+  //                                        parameter values
+  //
+  //   v_boolNoWarningLG - *boolean* - dummy variable to supress warnings
+  //   v_intNoWarningLG - *integer* - dummy variable to supress warnings
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset - *integer* - entity offset for the lgen
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_selfName - *charstring* - component's self name
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId - *integer* - component's self id
+  //
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest - <EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT> - send request
+  //       callback function
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen - <EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT> - connection open
+  //       callback function
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose - <EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT> - connection close
+  //       callback function
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionHalfClose - <EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT> - connection
+  //       halfe close callback function
+  //
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePort - <EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT> - close port
+  //       callback function
+  //
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse  - <EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT> - send response
+  //       callback function
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_listen - <EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT> - listen callback function
+  //
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext - <EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT> - context searching callback function
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event - <EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT> - context searching callback function
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error - <EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT> - context searching callback function
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_entityIdxHashMap - *integer* - entity index hash map handle
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx - *integer* - self behavior index
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities - *integer* - max enabled number of entities
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled - *boolean* - logging enabled state
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_latency - *float* - latency
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_outgoingMessage - *octetstring* - outgoing message
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage - <HTTPMessage> - incoming message
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedGroupId - *integer* - the unique group identifier
+  //                                                  of the last received request
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedPortId - *integer* - the unique port identifier
+  //                                                of the last received request
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedSeqNum - *integer* - the sequence number of the last received request
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB - *integer* - index of charstring database hash map
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB - *integer* - index of octetstring database hash map
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_stats - <EPTF_HTTP_Stats> - statistics database
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList - <EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList> - headerlines database
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2EIdx - <EPTF_IntegerList> - connection id to entity database
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx - <EPTF_IntegerList> - connection id to fsm database
+  //
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn - <EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT> - dispatch event function pointer
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId - *integer* - logging mask id
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeader - *integer*
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeaderResponse - *integer*
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customBody - *integer*
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_authData - <EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer>
+  //
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook - <fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook> - callback placeholder for incoming HTTP message processing
+  //
+  // Timers:
+  //   -
+  //
+  // Ports:
+  //   -
+  //
+  // Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type component EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT extends
+    EPTF_LGenBase_CT, EPTF_Var_CT, EPTF_Logging_CT
+  {
+    var boolean v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized := false;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_CtxList v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts :={};
+    var EPTF_CharstringList v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams := {};
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset := 0;
+    var boolean v_boolNoWarningLG;
+    var integer v_intNoWarningLG;
+    var charstring v_EPTF_HTTP_selfName := "";
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId := -1;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_CharstringBodyDatabase v_EPTF_HTTP_charBodyDB := {};
+    var EPTF_HTTP_BinaryBodyDatabase v_EPTF_HTTP_binBodyDB := {};
+    var EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionHalfClose := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePort := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_listen := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error := null;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx;
+    //component variables to the module parameters
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities;
+    var boolean v_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled          := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled;
+    var float   v_EPTF_HTTP_latency             := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_latency;
+    //variables  to store incoming and outgoing messages
+    var octetstring v_EPTF_HTTP_outgoingMessage;
+    var HTTPMessage v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedGroupId := -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedPortId := -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedSeqNum := -1;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Event v_EPTF_HTTP_event;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_EventError v_EPTF_HTTP_error;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn := null;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB := -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB := -1;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Stats v_EPTF_HTTP_stats;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList := {};
+    //var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2EIdx := {};
+    var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx := {};
+    // logging
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId := c_EPTF_Logging_invalidMaskId;
+    // template types
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeader;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeaderResponse;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customBody;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer v_EPTF_HTTP_authData;
+    var fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook := null;
+  }
+  //=============================================================================
+  // Data types
+  //=============================================================================
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Container for HTTP status code statistics
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    codeXXX_k - *integer* - handles for status code statistics for
+  //                            status code XXX
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes {
+    integer code100_k,
+    integer code101_k,
+    integer code200_k,
+    integer code201_k,
+    integer code202_k,
+    integer code203_k,
+    integer code204_k,
+    integer code205_k,
+    integer code206_k,
+    integer code300_k,
+    integer code301_k,
+    integer code302_k,
+    integer code303_k,
+    integer code304_k,
+    integer code305_k,
+    integer code306_k,
+    integer code307_k,
+    integer code400_k,
+    integer code401_k,
+    integer code402_k,
+    integer code403_k,
+    integer code404_k,
+    integer code405_k,
+    integer code406_k,
+    integer code407_k,
+    integer code408_k,
+    integer code409_k,
+    integer code410_k,
+    integer code411_k,
+    integer code412_k,
+    integer code413_k,
+    integer code414_k,
+    integer code415_k,
+    integer code416_k,
+    integer code417_k,
+    integer code500_k,
+    integer code501_k,
+    integer code502_k,
+    integer code503_k,
+    integer code504_k,
+    integer code505_k
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Methods
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Container for HTTP method statistics
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    options_k - *integer* - handle for options statistics
+  //    get_k - *integer* - handle for get statistics
+  //    head_k - *integer* - handle for head statistics
+  //    post_k - *integer* - handle for post statistics
+  //    put_k - *integer* - handle for put statistics
+  //    delete_k - *integer* - handle for delete statistics
+  //    trace_k - *integer* - handle for trace statistics
+  //    connect_k - *integer* - handle for connect statistics
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Methods {
+    integer options_k,
+    integer get_k,
+    integer head_k,
+    integer post_k,
+    integer put_k,
+    integer delete_k,
+    integer trace_k,
+    integer connect_k
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Messages
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Container for HTTP message statistics
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    method - <EPTF_HTTP_Methods> - handles for method statistics
+  //    status - <EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes> - handles for status code statistics
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Messages {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Methods method,
+    integer requests_k,
+    EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes status,
+    integer responses_k
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_EventDispatchLevel
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Enumerate for HTTP message dispatch level control
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    OnlyReceived - only message received event will be dispatched
+  //                   (reception of charstring request, charstring response,
+  //                   binary request, binary response)
+  //    Class - OnlyReceived and status code classes event like 100 class event
+  //            if status code is 1xx
+  //    Detailed - Class and single status code events
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type enumerated EPTF_HTTP_EventDispatchLevel {
+    OnlyReceived,
+    Class,
+    Detailed
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Stats
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    TitanSim variables container for any HTTP statistics
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    incoming - <EPTF_HTTP_Messages> - incoming message statistics
+  //    outgoing - <EPTF_HTTP_Messages> - outgoing message statistics
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Stats {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Messages incoming,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Messages outgoing
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Error
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    TitanSim variables container for HTTP error messages
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type Result EPTF_HTTP_Error;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for send request callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //     -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT(
+      in integer pl_connId,
+      in integer pl_sessionId,
+      in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for send response callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //     -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT(
+      in integer pl_groupId,
+      in integer pl_portId,
+      in integer pl_seqNum,
+      in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for process message callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT(
+      in EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage pl_message)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_messageBetweenApplibs_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Type for message from application libraries callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_messageBetweenApplibs_FT ()
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Type for acquire a body content for an HTTP entity
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT (
+      in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
+      inout EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Type for acquire the header content for an HTTP entity
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT (
+      in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
+      inout HeaderLines pl_headerLines)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Type for acquire the raw (encoded) header content for an HTTP entity
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT (
+      in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
+      inout octetstring pl_rawHeader)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Type for charstring body handler function for an HTTP entity
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT (in integer pl_eIdx,in charstring pl_bodyMessage)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Type for binary body handler function for an HTTP entity
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT (in integer pl_eIdx,in octetstring pl_bodyMessage)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for connection open callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT (
+      in integer pl_connId,
+      in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on self return boolean;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for connection close callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT (
+      in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on self;
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback function for
+  //   opening a listen port
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  // Return value:
+  //  boolean - open result
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT(
+      in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on self return integer;
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Defines a function type for getting the context in case of an incoming
+  //   request.
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_eIdx - *inout* *integer* - entity index (-1 means generic)
+  //   pl_fsmCtx - *inout* *integer* - fsm context index
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT(
+    inout integer pl_eIdx,
+    inout integer pl_fsmCtx)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for event receive callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT (
+      in EPTF_HTTP_Event pl_event)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for socket error receive callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT (
+      in EPTF_HTTP_EventError pl_error)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for listening socket event receive callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT(
+      in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent pl_event)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for listening socket event receive callback function
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError_FT(
+      in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError pl_error)
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type for handle dispatch event for current settings
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT(
+    in integer pl_statusCode,
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_fsmIdx)
+  runs on self;
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback function to
+  //   provide a session operation on a group
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //   pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT(
+      in integer pl_groupId,
+      in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on self;
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback function to
+  //   provide an operation on a socket.
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //   pl_portId - *in* *integer* - port id within the group
+  //
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId
+  )
+  runs on self;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Event
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Contains the event parameters received from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group ID
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - unique identifier of the session
+  //    eventType - *integer* - the type of the event
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Event{
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId,
+    integer eventType
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_EventError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Contains the error event parameters received from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group ID
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - unique identifier of the message
+  //    transportError - <EPTF_HTTP_Error> - the error
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_EventError{
+    integer           groupId,
+    integer           sessionId,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Error   transportError
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Contains the listening socket event parameters received from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group ID
+  //    hostInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - listening address and port
+  //    eventType - *integer* - event type
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent
+  {
+    integer groupId,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation hostInfo,
+    integer eventType
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Contains the listening socket error parameters received from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group ID
+  //    hostInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - listening address and port
+  //    transportError - <EPTF_HTTP_Error> - the transport error
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError
+  {
+    integer                   groupId,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation hostInfo,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Error           transportError
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Contains the message received from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group identifier of the message
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - unique port identifier of the message
+  //    seqNum - *integer* - the sequence number of the request
+  //    message - *octetstring* - HTTP message
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage{
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId,
+    integer seqNum,
+    octetstring httpMessage
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type to store a list of header lines
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type record of HeaderLines EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_BinaryBodyDatabase
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    HTTP database for binary message body
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <octetstring>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type record of octetstring EPTF_HTTP_BinaryBodyDatabase;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_CharstringBodyDatabase
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    HTTP database for charstring message body
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    <EPTF_CharstringList>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type EPTF_CharstringList EPTF_HTTP_CharstringBodyDatabase;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    HTTP database for charstring message body
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    charVal - *charstring* - charstring value
+  //    octVal - *octetstring* - octetstring value
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type union EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct {
+    charstring charVal,
+    octetstring octVal
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Information
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Type to store a number of HTTP related data
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    method - *charstring* - HTTP method
+  //    uri - *charstring* - HTTP URI
+  //    headerLines - <HeaderLines> - HTTP header lines
+  //    authDetails - <EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails> - HTTP authentication details
+  //    bodymessage - *charstring* - HTTP body
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Information {
+    charstring method,
+    charstring uri,
+    HeaderLines headerLines,
+    EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails authDetails,
+    charstring bodymessage
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    The authentication details
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    realm - *charstring* - authentication realm
+  //    qop - *charstring* - qop (quality of protection code)
+  //    nonce - *charstring* - nonce (number used once)
+  //    cnonce - *charstring* - client nonce value
+  //    opaque - *charstring* - opaque
+  //    nonceCount - *charstring* - nonce count in hexa
+  //    algorithm - *charstring* - used algorithm eg: MD5
+  //    password - *charstring* - user password
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    This record contains the authentication details received from
+  //    proxy such as realm, qop, nonce, opaque.
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails {
+    charstring realm,
+    charstring qop,
+    charstring nonce,
+    charstring cnonce,
+    charstring opaque,
+    charstring nonceCount,
+    charstring algorithm,
+    charstring response,
+    charstring uri,
+    charstring username,
+    charstring password
+  }
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Authentication data initialization.
+  //
+  const EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails :=
+  {
+    realm := "",
+    qop := "",
+    nonce := "",
+    cnonce := "",
+    opaque := "",
+    nonceCount := "00000001",
+    algorithm := "",
+    response := "",
+    uri := "",
+    username := "",
+    password := ""
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Ctx
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    HTTP entity context
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    method - *charstring* - HTTP method
+  //    uri - *charstring* - HTTP request URI
+  //    version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
+  //    version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
+  //    headerLinesIdx - *integer* - headerlines database index
+  //    authDetails - <EPTF_HTTP_authDetails> - authentication details
+  //    connId - *integer* - port group index
+  //    bodymessage - *charstring* - HTTP message body
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Ctx {
+    charstring method,
+    integer statusCode,
+    charstring statusText,
+    charstring uri,
+    charstring etag,
+    integer version_major,
+    integer version_minor,
+    integer headerLinesIdx,
+    EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails authDetails,
+    boolean requestPending,
+    integer connId,
+    integer bodyId,
+    integer portId,
+    integer seqNum,
+    HTTPMessage httpMessage optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT headerGetterFn,
+    EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT rawHeaderGetterFn,
+    EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT contentGetterFn,
+    EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT charBodyHandlerFn,
+    EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT binaryBodyHandlerFn
+  }
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Context initialization.
+  //
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Ctx c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx :=
+  {
+    method := "",
+    statusCode := -1,
+    statusText := "",
+    uri := "",
+    etag := "",
+    version_major := 1,
+    version_minor := 1,
+    headerLinesIdx := -1,
+    authDetails := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails,
+    requestPending := false,
+    connId := -1,
+    bodyId := -1,
+    portId := -1,
+    seqNum := -1,
+    httpMessage := omit,
+    headerGetterFn := null,
+    rawHeaderGetterFn := null,
+    contentGetterFn := null,
+    charBodyHandlerFn := null,
+    binaryBodyHandlerFn := null
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Host information
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    hostIPAddress - *charstring* - store the IP address of the given host
+  //    hostPort - *integer* - store the port of the gives host
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation{
+    charstring hostIPAddress ,
+    integer hostPort
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Record of <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation>
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_CtxList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    FSM Context Database
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_Ctx>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_Ctx EPTF_HTTP_CtxList;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Stores server authentication data.
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    method - *charstring* - authentication method ("Digest")
+  //    algorithm - *charstring* - used algorithm eg: MD5
+  //    realm - *charstring* - authentication realm
+  //    domain - *charstring* *optional*- authentication domain
+  //    nonce - *charstring* - nonce (number used once)
+  //    qopOptions - *charstring* - qop (quality of protection code)
+  //    password - *charstring* - user password
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer
+  {
+    charstring method,
+    charstring algorithm,
+    charstring realm,
+    charstring domain optional,
+    EPTF_CharstringList nonceValues,
+    integer currentNonce,
+    charstring qopOptions,
+    charstring password
+  }
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  const EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthData :=
+  {
+    method := "",
+    algorithm := "",
+    realm := "",
+    domain := omit,
+    nonceValues := {},
+    currentNonce := 0,
+    qopOptions := "",
+    password := ""
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    paramName - *charstring* -
+  //    paramValue - *charstring* -
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue
+  {
+    charstring paramName,
+    charstring paramValue
+  }
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue_List
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue_List;
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets server authentication data.
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    method - *charstring* - authentication method ("Digest")
+  //    algorithm - *charstring* - used algorithm eg: MD5
+  //    realm - *charstring* - authentication realm
+  //    domain - *charstring* *optional*- authentication domain
+  //    nonce - *charstring* - nonce (number used once)
+  //    qopOptions - *charstring* - qop (quality of protection code)
+  //    password - *charstring* - user password
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData
+  {
+    charstring method,
+    charstring algorithm,
+    charstring realm,
+    charstring domain optional,
+    charstring qopOptions,
+    charstring password
+  }
+  //=============================================================================
+  // Constants
+  //=============================================================================
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendRequest := 0;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest := "EPTF HTTP: Sends HTTP Request";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleTimeout
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of handle timeout step
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleTimeout := 1;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of handle timeout step
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout := "EPTF HTTP: Timeout handler";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_responseReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of response message received step
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_responseReceived := 2;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_responseReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of response message received step
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_responseReceived := "EPTF HTTP: Response message received";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_openConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of open connection step
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_openConnection := 3;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_openConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of open connection step
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_openConnection := "EPTF HTTP: Opens connection";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closeConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of close connection step
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closeConnection := 4;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closeConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of close connection step
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closeConnection := "EPTF HTTP: Closes connection";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_halfCloseConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of half close connection step
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_halfCloseConnection := 5;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_halfCloseConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of half close connection step
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_halfCloseConnection := "EPTF HTTP: Half closes connection";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of close port of user step
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePortOfUser := 6;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of close port of user step
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePortOfUser := "EPTF HTTP: Closes port of user";
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of free port of user step
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_freePortOfUser := 7;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_freePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of free port of user step
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_freePortOfUser := "EPTF HTTP: Frees port of user";
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT := 8;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method CONNECT";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE := 9;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method DELETE";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET := 10;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method GET";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD := 11;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method HEAD";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS := 12;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method OPTIONS";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST := 13;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method POST";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT := 14;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method PUT";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE := 15;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method TRACE";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of handle request
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleRequest := 16;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of handle request
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleRequest := "EPTF HTTP: Handle Request";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of send response
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendResponse := 17;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step name of send response
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendResponse := "EPTF HTTP: Send Response";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_cleanUpContext
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of context cleanup
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePort := 18;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of port closing
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePort := "EPTF HTTP: Close port";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_cleanUpContext
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of context cleanup
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_cleanUpContext := 19;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the step index of context cleanup
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext := "EPTF HTTP: Cleanup";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100Continue
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response continue input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100Continue := 0;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100Continue
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response continue input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100Continue := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 100 Continue";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response101SwitchingProtocols
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response switching protocols input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response101SwitchingProtocols := 1;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response101SwitchingProtocols
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response switching protocols input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response101SwitchingProtocols := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 101 Switching Protocols";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200OK
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response OK input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200OK := 2;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200OK
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response OK input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200OK := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 200 Ok";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response201Created
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response created input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response201Created := 3;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response201Created
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response created input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response201Created := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 201 Created";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response202Accepted
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response accepted input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response202Accepted := 4;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response202Accepted
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response accepted input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response202Accepted := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 202 Accepted";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response non-authoritative information
+  //    input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation := 5;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response non-authoritative information
+  //    input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation:= "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 203 Non-Authoritative Information";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response204NoContent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response no content input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response204NoContent := 6;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response204NoContent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response no content input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response204NoContent := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 204 No Content";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response205ResetContent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response reset content input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response205ResetContent := 7;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response205ResetContent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response reset content input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response205ResetContent := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 205 Reset Content";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response206PartialContent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response partial content input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response206PartialContent := 8;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response206PartialContent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response partial content input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response206PartialContent := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 206 Partial Content";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300MultipleChoices
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response multiple choices input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300MultipleChoices := 9;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300MultipleChoices
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response multiple choices input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300MultipleChoices := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 300 Multiple Choices";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response301MovedPermanently
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response moved permanently input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response301MovedPermanently := 10;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response301MovedPermanently
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response moved permanently input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response301MovedPermanently := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 301 Moved Permanently";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response302Found
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response found input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response302Found := 11;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response302Found
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response found input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response302Found := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 302 Found";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response303SeeOther
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response see other input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response303SeeOther := 12;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response303SeeOther
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response see other input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response303SeeOther := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 303 See Other";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response304NotModified
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response modified input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response304NotModified := 13;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response304NotModified
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response modified input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response304NotModified := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 304 Not Modified";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response305UseProxy
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response use proxy input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response305UseProxy := 14;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response305UseProxy
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response use proxy input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response305UseProxy := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 305 Use Proxy";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response306Unused
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response unused input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response306Unused := 15;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response306Unused
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response unused input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response306Unused := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 306 Unused";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response307TemporaryRedirect
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response temporary redirect input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response307TemporaryRedirect := 16;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response307TemporaryRedirect
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response temporary redirect input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response307TemporaryRedirect := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 307 Temporary Redirect";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400BadRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response bad request input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400BadRequest := 17;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400BadRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response bad request input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400BadRequest := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 400 Bad Request";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response401Unauthorized
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response unauthorized input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response401Unauthorized := 18;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response401Unauthorized
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response unauthorized input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response401Unauthorized := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 401 Unauthorized";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response402PaymentRequired
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response payment required input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response402PaymentRequired := 19;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response402PaymentRequired
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response payment required input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response402PaymentRequired := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 402 Payment Required";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response403Forbidden
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response forbidden input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response403Forbidden := 20;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response403Forbidden
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response forbidden input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response403Forbidden := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 403 Forbidden";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response404NotFound
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response not found input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response404NotFound := 21;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response404NotFound
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response not found input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response404NotFound := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 404 Not Found";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response405MethodNotAllowed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response method not allowed input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response405MethodNotAllowed := 22;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response405MethodNotAllowed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response method not allowed input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response405MethodNotAllowed := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 405 Method Not Allowed";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response406NotAcceptable
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response not acceptable input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response406NotAcceptable := 23;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response406NotAcceptable
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response not acceptable input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response406NotAcceptable := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 406 Not Acceptable";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response proxy authentication required
+  //    input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired := 24;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response proxy authentication required
+  //    input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 407 Proxy Authentication Required";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response408RequestTimeout
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response request timeout input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response408RequestTimeout := 25;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response408RequestTimeout
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response request timeout input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response408RequestTimeout := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 408 Request Timeout";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response409Conflict
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response conflict input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response409Conflict := 26;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response409Conflict
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response conflict input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response409Conflict := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 409 Conflict";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response410Gone
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response gone input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response410Gone := 27;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response410Gone
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response gone input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response410Gone := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 410 Gone";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response411LengthRequired
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response length required input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response411LengthRequired := 28;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response411LengthRequired
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response length required input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response411LengthRequired := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 411 Length Required";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response412PreconditionFailed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response precondition failed input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response412PreconditionFailed := 29;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response412PreconditionFailed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response precondition failed input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response412PreconditionFailed := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 412 Precondition Failed";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response413RequestEntityTooLarge
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response request entity too large input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response413RequestEntityTooLarge := 30;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response413RequestEntityTooLarge
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response request entity too large input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response413RequestEntityTooLarge := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 413 Request Entity Too Large";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response414RequestURITooLong
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response request URI too long input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response414RequestURITooLong := 31;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response414RequestURITooLong
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response request URI too long input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response414RequestURITooLong := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 414 Request-URI Too Long";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response415UnsupportedMediaType
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response unsupported media type input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response415UnsupportedMediaType := 32;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response415UnsupportedMediaType
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response unsupported media type input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response415UnsupportedMediaType := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 415 Unsupported Media Type";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response requested range not
+  //    satisfiable input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable := 33;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response requested range not
+  //    satisfiable input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response417ExpectationFailed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response expectation failed input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response417ExpectationFailed := 34;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response417ExpectationFailed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response expectation failed input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response417ExpectationFailed := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 417 Expectation Failed";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500InternalServerError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response internal server error input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500InternalServerError := 35;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500InternalServerError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response internal server error input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500InternalServerError := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 500 Internal Server Error";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response501NotImplemented
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response not implemented input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response501NotImplemented := 36;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response501NotImplemented
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response not implemented input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response501NotImplemented := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 501 Not Implemented";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response502BadGateway
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response bad gateway input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response502BadGateway := 37;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response502BadGateway
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response bad gateway input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response502BadGateway := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 502 Bad Gateway";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response503ServiceUnavailable
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response service unavailable input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response503ServiceUnavailable := 38;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response503ServiceUnavailable
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response service unavailable input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response503ServiceUnavailable := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 503 Service Unavailable";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response504GatewayTimeout
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response gateway timeout input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response504GatewayTimeout := 39;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response504GatewayTimeout
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response gateway timeout input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response504GatewayTimeout := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 504 Gateway Timeout";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response HTTP version not supported
+  //    input
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported := 40;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response HTTP version not supported
+  //    input
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 505 HTTP Version Not Supported";
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response HTTP class 100
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class := 41;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 100
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 1XX";
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response HTTP class 200
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class := 42;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 200
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 2XX";
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response HTTP class 300
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class := 43;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 300
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 3XX";
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response HTTP class 400
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class := 44;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 400
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 4XX";
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of response HTTP class 500
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class := 45;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500class
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 500
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 5XX";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of connection opened
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened := 46;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of connection opened
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened := "HTTP Connection Opened ";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of connection closed
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed := 47;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of connection closed
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed := "HTTP Connection Closed ";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of error received
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived := 48;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_errorReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of error received
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_errorReceived := "HTTP error Result Received ";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of OK received
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived := 49;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_OKReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of OK received
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_OKReceived := "HTTP OK Result Received";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseCharReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of charstring response message received
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseCharReceived := 50;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of charstring response message received
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived := "HTTP CHAR Response Message Received";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of charstring request  message received
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived := 51;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestCharReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of charstring request message received
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestCharReceived := "HTTP CHAR Request Message Received";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseOctReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of octetstring response message received
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseOctReceived := 52;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseOctReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of octetstring response message received
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseOctReceived := "HTTP OCT Response Message Received";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of octetstring request message received
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived := 53;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestOctReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of octetstring request message received
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestOctReceived := "HTTP OCT Request Message Received";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input index of socket error response received
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError := 54;
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseSocketError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the input name of socket error response received
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseSocketError := "HTTP Response Socket Error";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the name of the HTTP behaviour
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName :=
+    "HTTP Behavior";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_basicCall
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the name of basic call FSM
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_basicCall := "EPTF HTTP: Basic Call";
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_fsm_basicCall_state_idle
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_fsm_basicCall_state_idle := 0;
+  //  const: Database Hash Map name constants
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    - c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_charDatabase
+  //    - c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_octDatabase
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_charDatabase := "EPTF HTTP: Charstring database";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_octDatabase  := "EPTF HTTP: Octetstring database";
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Templates
+  //=========================================================================
+  //  Template: t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_request
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     <HTTPMessage> template, HTTP request message
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //     p_client_id - *integer* - connection client ID
+  //     p_method - *charstring* - GET, PUT, etc
+  //     p_uri - *charstring* - uri ID
+  //     p_version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
+  //     p_version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
+  //     p_header - <HeaderLines> *template* - header of the message
+  //     p_body - *charstring* *template* - body of the message
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  template HTTPMessage t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_request(
+      charstring p_method,
+      charstring p_uri,
+      integer p_version_major,
+      integer p_version_minor,
+      HeaderLines p_header,
+      charstring p_body
+  ) :=
+  {
+    request:= {
+      client_id:= omit,
+      method:= p_method,
+      uri:= p_uri,
+      version_major := p_version_major,
+      version_minor := p_version_minor,
+      header:= p_header,
+      body:= p_body
+    }
+  }
+  //  Template: t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_binary_request
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     <HTTPMessage> template, HTTP binary request message
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //     p_client_id - *integer* - connection client ID
+  //     p_method - *charstring* - GET, PUT, etc
+  //     p_uri - *charstring* - uri ID
+  //     p_version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
+  //     p_version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
+  //     p_header - <HeaderLines> *template* - header of the message
+  //     p_body - *charstring* *template* - body of the message
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  template HTTPMessage t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_binary_request(
+      charstring p_method,
+      charstring p_uri,
+      integer p_version_major,
+      integer p_version_minor,
+      HeaderLines p_header,
+      octetstring p_body
+  ) :=
+  {
+    request_binary:= {
+      client_id:= omit,
+      method:= p_method,
+      uri:= p_uri,
+      version_major := p_version_major,
+      version_minor := p_version_minor,
+      header:= p_header,
+      body:= p_body
+    }
+  }
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeader
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the name of the HTTP external template
+  //    type Custom Header
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeader :=
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeader
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the name of the HTTP external template
+  //    type Custom Header
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeaderResponse :=
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomBody
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    constant for the name of the HTTP external template
+  //    type Custom Body
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomBody :=
+// Statistics
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Statistics
+//  Purpose:
+//    Functions of the EPTF HTTP Statistics
+group EPTF_HTTP_Statistics
+  //  Constant: Method constants
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Unique names for incoming and outgoing method statistics
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncRequests
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncOptionMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncOptionMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncHeadMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPostMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPutMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncDeleteMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncTraceMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncConnectMessages
+  //
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutRequests
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutOptionMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutOptionMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutHeadMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPostMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPutMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutDeleteMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutTraceMessages
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutConnectMessages
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncRequests := "HTTP: Number of incoming Requests";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncOptionMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming OPTION Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncGetMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming GET Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncHeadMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming HEAD Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPostMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming POST Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPutMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming PUT Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncDeleteMessages := "HTTP: Number incoming of DELETE Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncTraceMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming TRACE Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncConnectMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming CONNECT Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutRequests := "HTTP: Number of outgoing Requests";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutOptionMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing OPTION Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutGetMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing GET Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutHeadMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing HEAD Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPostMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing POST Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPutMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing PUT Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutDeleteMessages := "HTTP: Number outgoing of DELETE Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutTraceMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing TRACE Messages";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutConnectMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing CONNECT Messages";
+  //  Constant: Status code constants
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //     Unique names for incoming and outgoing status code statistics
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncResponses
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc100StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc101StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc200StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc201StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc202StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc203StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc204StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc205StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc206StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc300StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc301StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc302StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc303StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc304StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc305StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc306StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc307StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc400StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc401StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc402StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc403StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc404StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc405StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc406StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc407StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc408StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc409StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc410StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc411StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc412StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc413StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc414StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc415StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc416StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc417StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc500StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc501StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc502StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc503StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc504StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc505StatusCode
+  //
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutResponses
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut100StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut101StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut200StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut201StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut202StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut203StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut204StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut205StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut206StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut300StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut301StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut302StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut303StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut304StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut305StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut306StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut307StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut400StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut401StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut402StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut403StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut404StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut405StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut406StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut407StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut408StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut409StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut410StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut411StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut412StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut413StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut414StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut415StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut416StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut417StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut500StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut501StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut502StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut503StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut504StatusCode
+  //     - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut505StatusCode
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncResponses := "HTTP: Number of incoming responses"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc100StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 100 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc101StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 101 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc200StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 200 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc201StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 201 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc202StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 202 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc203StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 203 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc204StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 204 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc205StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 205 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc206StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 206 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc300StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 300 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc301StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 301 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc302StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 302 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc303StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 303 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc304StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 304 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc305StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 305 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc306StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 306 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc307StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 307 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc400StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 400 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc401StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 401 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc402StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 402 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc403StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 403 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc404StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 404 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc405StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 405 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc406StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 406 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc407StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 407 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc408StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 408 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc409StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 409 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc410StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 410 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc411StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 411 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc412StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 412 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc413StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 413 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc414StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 414 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc415StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 415 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc416StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 416 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc417StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 417 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc500StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 500 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc501StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 501 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc502StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 502 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc503StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 503 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc504StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 504 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc505StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 505 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutResponses := "HTTP: Number of outgoing responses"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut100StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 100 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut101StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 101 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut200StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 200 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut201StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 201 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut202StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 202 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut203StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 203 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut204StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 204 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut205StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 205 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut206StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 206 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut300StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 300 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut301StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 301 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut302StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 302 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut303StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 303 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut304StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 304 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut305StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 305 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut306StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 306 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut307StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 307 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut400StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 400 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut401StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 401 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut402StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 402 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut403StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 403 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut404StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 404 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut405StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 405 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut406StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 406 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut407StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 407 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut408StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 408 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut409StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 409 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut410StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 410 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut411StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 411 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut412StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 412 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut413StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 413 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut414StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 414 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut415StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 415 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut416StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 416 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut417StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 417 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut500StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 500 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut501StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 501 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut502StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 502 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut503StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 503 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut504StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 504 Status Codes"
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut505StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 505 Status Codes"
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Logging
+//  Purpose:
+//    Functions of the EPTF HTTP Logging
+group EPTF_HTTP_Logging
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEventClasses
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    list of logging event class names used on the EPTF HTTP component
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    <EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList> { "Error", "Warning", "Debug" }
+  const EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEventClasses := { "Error", "Warning", "Debug" };
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Error
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Error
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *0*
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Error := 0;
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Warning
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Warning
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *1*
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Warning := 1;
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Debug
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *2*
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Debug := 2;
+// Type: fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook
+// Purpose: Message hook to HTTP message received processing.
+type function fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook(in integer pl_eIdx, in HTTPMessage pl_httpMessage) runs on self;
+}//end of module
+with {
+extension "version <RnXnn>"
diff --git a/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn b/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c52dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,7012 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2015-05-20
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_HTTP_Functions
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the functions of the EPTF HTTP application id
+//  Module Parameters:
+//     See <EPTF_HTTP_Definitions>
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_EventHandlingFunctions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapOct2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Definitions>
+//    <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//    <TCCSecurity_Functions>
+//    <TCCDateTime_Functions>
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2012-10-24
+module EPTF_HTTP_Functions {
+// Import Part
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_EventHandlingFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TemplateFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapOct2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Definitions all;
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+import from TCCSecurity_Functions all;
+import from TCCDateTime_Functions all;
+import from TCCConversion_Functions all;
+// Functions
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_PublicFunctions
+//  Purpose:
+//    The functions of the EPTF HTTP Public Functions
+group EPTF_HTTP_PublicFunctions{
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_init
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to initialize HTTP behaviour
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_selfName - *in* *charstring* - the components self name
+  //    pl_selfId - *in* *integer* - component self id
+  //    pl_entityNamePrefix - *in* *charstring* - entity name prefix
+  //    pl_numEntities - *in* *integer* - number of entities
+  //    pl_bind - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_BehaviorContextBinder_FT> - behaviour
+  //        context bind callback function
+  //    pl_reset - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_BehaviorContextHandler_FT> - behaviour
+  //        context reset callback function
+  //    pl_unbind - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_BehaviorContextHandler_FT> - behaviour
+  //        context unbind callback function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_init(
+    in charstring pl_selfName,
+    in integer pl_selfId,
+    in charstring pl_entityNamePrefix,
+    in integer pl_numEntities := 0,
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_BehaviorContextBinder_FT pl_bind := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_bindEntity4Behavior),
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_BehaviorContextHandler_FT pl_reset := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_resetEntity4Behavior),
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_BehaviorContextHandler_FT pl_unbind := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_unbindEntity4Behavior))
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+        ": tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities must be set to at least: " &
+        int2str(f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityCount()),
+        tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities > f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityCount());
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_initializeExtendedComponents( // LGenbase, Variable, Logging
+        pl_selfName,pl_numEntities,pl_entityNamePrefix);
+      f_EPTF_Base_registerCleanup(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_cleanup_CT));
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId :=
+      f_EPTF_Logging_registerComponentMasks(
+        tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingComponentMask,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEventClasses,
+        EPTF_Logging_CLL);
+      if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEnable)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_Logging_enableLocalMask(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId,
+          c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        f_EPTF_Logging_disableLocalMask(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId,
+          c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+      }
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_selfName := pl_selfName;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId := pl_selfId;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset := pl_selfId * tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Entity offset: " &
+        int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset));
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest     := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSendRequest);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen  := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionOpen);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionClose);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionHalfClose := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionHalfClose);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultFreePortOfUser);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultFreePortOfUser);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultClosePort);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSendResponse);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_listen := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultListen);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSearch);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSearch);
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSearch);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareBehaviorType(
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,
+        -1,
+        pl_reset,
+        pl_bind,
+        pl_unbind
+      );
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB := f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_charDatabase);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB  := f_EPTF_oct2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_octDatabase);
+      // set event dispatch mechanism
+      select (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchLevel) {
+        case (Class) { vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_reportClassEvent); }
+        case (Detailed) { vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_reportDetailedEvent); }
+        case else { }
+      }
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_declareStepsAndEvent();
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_initStats();
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_authData := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthData;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_generateNonceValues(tsp_EPTF_HTTP_nofNonceValues, v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.nonceValues)
+      //Declare external template types
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeader := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateType(
+        {behaviourType:=c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, templateName:=c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeader},
+        {"method"}, {"requestURI","versionMajor","versionMinor","customHeader","contentLength"} );
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeaderResponse := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateType(
+        {behaviourType:=c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, templateName:=c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeaderResponse},
+        {}, {"status","versionMajor","versionMinor","contentLength"} );
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customBody := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateType(
+        {behaviourType:=c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, templateName:=c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomBody},
+        {}, {} );
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized := true;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to add new entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of the entity context
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    return f_EPTF_LGenBase_getBehaviorCtxItem(pl_eIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx, 0);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_initStats
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to initialize HTTP statistics
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_initStats()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var charstring vl_prefix :=
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_selfName & "." & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId) & ".";
+    // incoming methods
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncRequests, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.requests_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_setSubsCanAdjust(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.requests_k, false)
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncOptionMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.options_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncGetMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.get_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncHeadMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.head_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPostMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.post_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPutMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.put_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncDeleteMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.delete_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncTraceMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.trace_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncConnectMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.connect_k);
+    // outgoing methods
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutRequests, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.requests_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutOptionMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.options_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutGetMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.get_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutHeadMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.head_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPostMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.post_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPutMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.put_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutDeleteMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.delete_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutTraceMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.trace_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutConnectMessages, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.connect_k);
+    // incoming status codes
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncResponses, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.responses_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc100StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code100_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc101StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code101_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc200StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code200_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc201StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code201_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc202StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code202_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc203StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code203_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc204StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code204_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc205StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code205_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc206StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code206_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc300StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code300_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc301StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code301_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc302StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code302_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc303StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code303_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc304StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code304_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc305StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code305_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc306StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code306_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc307StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code307_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc400StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code400_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc401StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code401_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc402StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code402_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc403StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code403_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc404StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code404_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc405StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code405_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc406StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code406_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc407StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code407_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc408StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code408_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc409StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code409_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc410StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code410_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc411StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code411_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc412StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code412_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc413StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code413_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc414StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code414_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc415StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code415_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc416StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code416_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc417StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code417_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc500StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code500_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc501StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code501_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc502StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code502_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc503StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code503_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc504StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code504_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc505StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code505_k);
+    // outgoing status codes
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutResponses, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.responses_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_setSubsCanAdjust(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.responses_k, false)
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut100StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code100_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut101StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code101_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut200StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code200_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut201StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code201_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut202StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code202_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut203StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code203_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut204StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code204_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut205StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code205_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut206StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code206_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut300StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code300_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut301StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code301_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut302StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code302_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut303StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code303_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut304StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code304_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut305StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code305_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut306StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code306_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut307StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code307_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut400StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code400_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut401StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code401_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut402StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code402_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut403StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code403_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut404StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code404_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut405StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code405_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut406StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code406_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut407StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code407_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut408StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code408_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut409StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code409_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut410StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code410_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut411StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code411_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut412StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code412_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut413StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code413_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut414StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code414_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut415StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code415_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut416StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code416_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut417StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code417_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut500StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code500_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut501StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code501_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut502StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code502_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut503StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code503_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut504StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code504_k);
+    f_EPTF_Var_newInt(
+      vl_prefix & c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut505StatusCode, 0,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code505_k);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_resetStats
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to reset HTTP statistics
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_resetStats()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    // incoming methods
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.requests_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.options_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.get_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.head_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.post_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.put_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.delete_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.trace_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.connect_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    // outgoing methods
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.requests_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.options_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.get_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.head_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.post_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.put_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.delete_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.trace_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.connect_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    // incoming status codes
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.responses_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code100_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code101_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code200_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code201_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code202_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code203_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code204_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code205_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code206_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code300_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code301_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code302_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code303_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code304_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code305_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code306_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code307_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code400_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code401_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code402_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code403_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code404_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code405_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code406_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code407_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code408_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code409_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code410_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code411_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code412_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code413_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code414_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code415_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code416_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code417_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code500_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code501_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code502_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code503_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code504_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code505_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    // outgoing status codes
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.responses_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code100_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code101_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code200_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code201_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code202_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code203_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code204_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code205_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code206_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code300_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code301_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code302_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code303_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code304_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code305_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code306_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code307_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code400_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code401_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code402_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code403_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code404_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code405_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code406_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code407_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code408_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code409_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code410_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code411_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code412_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code413_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code414_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code415_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code416_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code417_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code500_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code501_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code502_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code503_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code504_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code505_k,
+      { intVal := 0 });
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to update HTTP statistics
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_in - *in* *boolean* - message direction (incoming/outgoing)
+  //    pl_method - *in* *charstring* - HTTP method
+  //    pl_code - *in* *integer* - HTTP response status code
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    If pl_in is true, incoming  statistics is updated, else outgoing
+  //    If pl_method is empty string then method statistics will not be updates
+  //    If pl_code is -1 then statuscode statistics will not be updated
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(
+    in boolean pl_in := true,
+    in charstring pl_method := "",
+    in integer pl_code := -1)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if (pl_in)
+    {
+      if ("" != pl_method)
+      {
+        // incoming methods
+        select (pl_method)
+        {
+          case ("OPTIONS")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.options_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.options_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("GET")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.get_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.get_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("HEAD")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.head_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.head_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("POST")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.post_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.post_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("PUT")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.put_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.put_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("DELETE")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.delete_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.delete_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("TRACE")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.trace_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.trace_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("CONNECT")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.connect_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.method.connect_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case else
+          {
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_error(%definitionId &
+              ": Unhandled HTTP method: " & pl_method);
+          }
+        }
+        f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.requests_k,
+          { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.requests_k) + 1 });
+      }
+      if (-1 != pl_code)
+      {
+        // incoming status codes
+        select (pl_code)
+        {
+          case (100)
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code100_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code100_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (101) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code101_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code101_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (200) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code200_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code200_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (201) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code201_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code201_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (202) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code202_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code202_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (203) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code203_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code203_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (204) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code204_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code204_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (205) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code205_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code205_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (206) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code206_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code206_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (300) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code300_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code300_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (301) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code301_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code301_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (302) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code302_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code302_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (303) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code303_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code303_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (304) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code304_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code304_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (305) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code305_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code305_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (306) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code306_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code306_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (307) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code307_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code307_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (400) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code400_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code400_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (401) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code401_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code401_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (402) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code402_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code402_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (403) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code403_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code403_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (404) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code404_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code404_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (405) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code405_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code405_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (406) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code406_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code406_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (407) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code407_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code407_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (408) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code408_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code408_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (409) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code409_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code409_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (410) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code410_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code410_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (411) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code411_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code411_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (412) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code412_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code412_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (413) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code413_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code413_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (414) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code414_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code414_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (415) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code415_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code415_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (416) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code416_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code416_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (417) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code417_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code417_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (500) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code500_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code500_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (501) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code501_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code501_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (502) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code502_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code502_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (503) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code503_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code503_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (504) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code504_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code504_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (505) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code505_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.status.code505_k) + 1 });
+          }
+        }
+        f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.responses_k,
+          { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.incoming.responses_k) + 1 });
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if ("" != pl_method)
+      {
+        // outgoing method
+        select (pl_method)
+        {
+          case ("OPTIONS")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.options_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.options_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("GET")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.get_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.get_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("HEAD")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.head_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.head_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("POST")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.post_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.post_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("PUT")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.put_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.put_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("DELETE")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.delete_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.delete_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("TRACE")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.trace_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.trace_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case ("CONNECT")
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.connect_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.method.connect_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case else
+          {
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_error(%definitionId &
+              ": Unhandled HTTP method: " & pl_method);
+          }
+        }
+        f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.requests_k,
+          { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.requests_k) + 1 });
+      }
+      if (-1 != pl_code)
+      {
+        // outgoing status codes
+        select (pl_code)
+        {
+          case (100)
+          {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code100_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code100_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (101) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code101_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code101_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (200) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code200_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code200_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (201) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code201_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code201_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (202) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code202_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code202_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (203) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code203_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code203_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (204) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code204_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code204_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (205) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code205_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code205_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (206) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code206_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code206_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (300) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code300_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code300_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (301) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code301_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code301_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (302) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code302_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code302_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (303) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code303_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code303_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (304) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code304_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code304_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (305) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code305_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code305_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (306) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code306_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code306_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (307) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code307_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code307_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (400) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code400_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code400_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (401) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code401_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code401_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (402) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code402_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code402_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (403) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code403_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code403_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (404) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code404_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code404_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (405) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code405_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code405_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (406) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code406_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code406_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (407) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code407_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code407_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (408) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code408_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code408_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (409) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code409_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code409_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (410) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code410_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code410_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (411) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code411_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code411_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (412) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code412_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code412_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (413) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code413_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code413_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (414) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code414_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code414_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (415) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code415_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code415_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (416) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code416_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code416_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (417) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code417_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code417_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (500) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code500_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code500_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (501) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code501_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code501_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (502) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code502_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code502_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (503) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code503_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code503_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (504) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code504_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code504_k) + 1 });
+          }
+          case (505) {
+            f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code505_k,
+              { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.status.code505_k) + 1 });
+          }
+        }
+        f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.responses_k,
+          { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_stats.outgoing.responses_k) + 1 });
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set open connection callback function pointer
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_connectionOpen - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT> - connection
+  //        open callback function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT plf_connectionOpen)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen := plf_connectionOpen;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set close connection callback function pointer
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //     plf_connectionClose - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT> - connection
+  //        close callback function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT plf_connectionClose)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose := plf_connectionClose;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set half close connection callback function pointer
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //     plf_connectionHalfClose - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT> -
+  //        connection half close callback function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT plf_connectionHalfClose)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionHalfClose := plf_connectionHalfClose;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set send message callback function pointer
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_sendRequest_fp - <EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest_FT> - sendRequest function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT pl_sendRequest_fp)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest := pl_sendRequest_fp;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortOfUserFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set close port of user callback function pointer
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_cpou - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT> - close port of
+  //                              user function reference
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortOfUserFunction (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT plf_cpou)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser := plf_cpou;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setFreePortOfUserFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set free port of user callback function pointer
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_cpou - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT> - close port of
+  //                              user function reference
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setFreePortOfUserFunction (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT plf_fpou)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser := plf_fpou;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set close a port callback function pointer
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_close - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT> - close port function reference
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortFunction(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT plf_close)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePort := plf_close;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendResponseFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the response sender callback function.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_sendResponse - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT> - send response function reference
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendResponseFunction (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT plf_sendResponse)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse := plf_sendResponse;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setListenFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the listen callback function.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_listen - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT> - listen function reference
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setListenFunction(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT plf_listen)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_listen := plf_listen;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the entity searching callback function.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_search - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_searchEntity_FT> - entity searching function reference
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT plf_search)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext := plf_search;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction4Event
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the entity searching callback function for socket events.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_search - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_searchEntity_FT> - entity searching function reference
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction4Event(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT plf_search)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event := plf_search;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction4Error
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the entity searching callback function for socket error events.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    plf_search - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_searchEntity_FT> - entity searching function reference
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction4Error(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT plf_search)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error := plf_search;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set entity context
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //    pl_method - *charstring* - HTTP method
+  //    pl_uri - *charstring* - HTTP URI
+  //    pl_version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
+  //    pl_version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
+  //    pl_headerLines - <HeaderLines> - HTTP header lines
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index beloning to the entity
+  //    pl_authDetails - <EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails> - authorization details
+  //    pl_body - *charstring* - message body
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_method,
+    in charstring pl_uri,
+    in integer pl_version_major,
+    in integer pl_version_minor,
+    in HeaderLines pl_headerlines,
+    in integer pl_connId := -1,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails pl_authDetails := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body := { charVal := "" })
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    var integer vl_bodyIdx := -1;
+    var integer vl_headerLinesIdx := -1;
+    if (ischosen(pl_body.charVal))
+    {
+      vl_bodyIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharEntityBody(pl_body.charVal);
+    }else{
+      vl_bodyIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_setOctEntityBody(pl_body.octVal);
+    }
+    vl_headerLinesIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_addNewHeaderLines(pl_headerlines);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx] := c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].method := pl_method;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].uri := pl_uri;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_major := pl_version_major;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_minor := pl_version_minor;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].headerLinesIdx := vl_headerLinesIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].authDetails := pl_authDetails;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].connId := pl_connId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].bodyId := vl_bodyIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].headerGetterFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderContentForEntity);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].contentGetterFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_getCharstringBodyContentForEntity);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].charBodyHandlerFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultCharstringBodyHandler);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].binaryBodyHandlerFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultBinaryBodyHandler);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextServer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the entity context of a server entity.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //    pl_statusCode - *integer* - status code of the response
+  //    pl_statusText - *charstring* - status text of the response
+  //    pl_version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
+  //    pl_version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
+  //    pl_headerLines - <HeaderLines> - HTTP header lines
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index beloning to the entity
+  //    pl_body - *charstring* - message body
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextServer (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_statusCode,
+    in charstring pl_statusText,
+    in integer pl_version_major,
+    in integer pl_version_minor,
+    in HeaderLines pl_headerlines,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body := { charVal := "" })
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    var integer vl_bodyIdx := -1;
+    var integer vl_headerLinesIdx := -1;
+    if (ischosen(pl_body.charVal))
+    {
+      vl_bodyIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharEntityBody(pl_body.charVal);
+    }else{
+      vl_bodyIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_setOctEntityBody(pl_body.octVal);
+    }
+    vl_headerLinesIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_addNewHeaderLines(pl_headerlines);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx] := c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusCode := pl_statusCode;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusText := pl_statusText;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_major := pl_version_major;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_minor := pl_version_minor;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].headerLinesIdx := vl_headerLinesIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].bodyId := vl_bodyIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].headerGetterFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderContentForEntity);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].contentGetterFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_getCharstringBodyContentForEntity);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].charBodyHandlerFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultCharstringBodyHandler);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].binaryBodyHandlerFn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultBinaryBodyHandler);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharstringBodyHandlerFunction4Entity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the HTTP charstring body handler function of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_bodySender - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT> - body handler function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharstringBodyHandlerFunction4Entity(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT pl_bodySender)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_eIdx].charBodyHandlerFn := pl_bodySender;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setBinaryBodyHandlerFunction4Entity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the HTTP binary body handler function of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_bodySender - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT> - body handler function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setBinaryBodyHandlerFunction4Entity(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT pl_bodySender)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_eIdx].binaryBodyHandlerFn := pl_bodySender;
+  }
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextMethod
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get the HTTP Method field of the entity context of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - method name
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextMethod (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return charstring
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].method;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the HTTP Method field of the entity context of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_method - *in* *charstring* - HTTP method name
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_method)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].method := pl_method;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextStatusCode
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Gets the HTTP status code field from an entity context.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - status code
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextStatusCode (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusCode;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusCode
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the HTTP status code field in an entity context.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_statusCode - *in* *charstring* - status code
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusCode (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_statusCode)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusCode := pl_statusCode;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextStatusText
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Gets the HTTP status text field from an entity context.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - status text
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextStatusText (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return charstring
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusText;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusText
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the HTTP status text field in an entity context.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_statusText - *in* *charstring* - status text
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusText (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_statusText)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusText := pl_statusText;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextHeaderLinesIdx
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the header line index of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_headerLinesIdx - *in* *integer* - header line index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextHeaderLinesIdx(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_headerLinesIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if (0 > pl_headerLinesIdx) {return;}
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].headerLinesIdx := pl_headerLinesIdx;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_ETPF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusCode
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the status code of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_statusCode - *in* *integer* - status code
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_ETPF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusCode(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_statusCode)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusCode := pl_statusCode;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_ETPF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusText
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the status text of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_statusText - *in* *charstring* - status text
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_ETPF_HTTP_setEntityContextStatusText(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_statusText)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].statusText := pl_statusText;
+  }
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextURI
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get the HTTP URI field of the entity context of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - URI
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextURI (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return charstring
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].uri;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextURI
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the HTTP URI field of the entity context of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_uri - *in* *charstring* - HTTP URI
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextURI (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_uri)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].uri := pl_uri;
+  }
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextVersionMajor
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get the major version number of HTTP
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - major version number
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextVersionMajor (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_major;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextVersionMajor
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the major version number of HTTP
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_version_major - *in* *integer* - major version number
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextVersionMajor (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_version_major)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_major := pl_version_major;
+  }
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextVersionMinor
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get the minor version number of HTTP
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - minor version number
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextVersionMinor (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_minor;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextVersionMinor
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the minor version number of HTTP
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_version_minor - *in* *integer* - minor version number
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextVersionMinor (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_version_minor)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].version_minor := pl_version_minor;
+  }
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextMessageHeader
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get the HTTP header lines of the entity context of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ctxIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - URI
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextMessageHeader (
+    in integer pl_ctxIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return HeaderLines
+  {
+    //var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    var integer vl_headerLinesIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].headerLinesIdx;
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[vl_headerLinesIdx];
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextAddCustomHeader
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to add a custom HTTP header to the entity context of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_uri - *in* *charstring* - HTTP URI
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextAddCustomHeader (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_field_name,
+    in charstring pl_field_value)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    var integer vl_headerLinesIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].headerLinesIdx;
+    if(vl_headerLinesIdx < 0) { return; }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[vl_headerLinesIdx][sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[vl_headerLinesIdx])] :=
+    { pl_field_name, pl_field_value }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextConnectionId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get entity context connection Id
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - connection id
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextConnectionId (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextConnectionId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set entity context
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index beloning to the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextConnectionId (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId := pl_connId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextBodyId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get entity context body Id
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be get
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - body id
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextBodyId (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].bodyId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextBodyId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set entity context
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //    pl_bodyId - *integer* - body index beloning to the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextBodyId (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_bodyId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].bodyId := pl_bodyId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextPortId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get entity context port Id
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be get
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - port id
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextPortId (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].portId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextPortId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set entity context
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //    pl_portId - *integer* - port index beloning to the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextPortId (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_portId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].portId := pl_portId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextSeqNum
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get entity context sequence number
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be get
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - sequence number
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextSeqNum (
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].seqNum;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextSeqNum
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set entity context
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - sequence number beloning to the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextSeqNum (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_seqNum)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].seqNum := pl_seqNum;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharEntityBody
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the charstring body of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index beloning to the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - database index
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharEntityBody(
+    in charstring pl_val)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_dbIdx;
+    if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB, pl_val, vl_dbIdx))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": CHAR Body already exists at index: " & int2str(vl_dbIdx));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      vl_dbIdx := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_charBodyDB);
+      f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB, pl_val, vl_dbIdx);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_charBodyDB[vl_dbIdx] := pl_val;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": CHAR Body does not exists, now added: " & int2str(vl_dbIdx));
+    }
+    return vl_dbIdx;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setOctEntityBody
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the octetstring body of an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index beloning to the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - database index
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setOctEntityBody(
+    in octetstring pl_val)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_dbIdx;
+    if (f_EPTF_oct2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB, pl_val, vl_dbIdx))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": OCT Body already exists at index: " & int2str(vl_dbIdx));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      vl_dbIdx := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_binBodyDB);
+      f_EPTF_oct2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB, pl_val, vl_dbIdx);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_binBodyDB[vl_dbIdx] := pl_val;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": OCT Body does not exists, now added: " & int2str(vl_dbIdx));
+    }
+    return vl_dbIdx;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderContentForEntity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Get HTTP header content for an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_pars - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - parameter list, element #0 is the entity context index
+  //    pl_headerLines - *inout* <HeaderLines> - header content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderContentForEntity(
+    in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
+    inout HeaderLines pl_headerLines)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    pl_headerLines := f_EPTF_HTTP_getEntityContextMessageHeader(pl_pars[0]);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getCharstringBodyContentForEntity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Get HTTP body content for an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_pars - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - parameter list, element #0 is the entity context index
+  //    pl_body - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct> - charstring or binary body content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getCharstringBodyContentForEntity(
+    in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    pl_body := { charVal := v_EPTF_HTTP_charBodyDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_pars[0]].bodyId] };
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getCharstringBodyContentForEntity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Get HTTP body content for an entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_pars - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - parameter list, element #0 is the entity context index
+  //    pl_body - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct> - charstring or binary body content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getBinaryBodyContentForEntity(
+    in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    pl_body := { octVal := v_EPTF_HTTP_binBodyDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_pars[0]].bodyId] };
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getBodyContentForEntity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Get HTTP body for an entity (entity context)
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ctxIdx - *in* *integer* - entity context
+  //    pl_body - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct> - charstring or binary body content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getBodyContentForEntity(
+    in integer pl_ctxIdx,
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(
+      %definitionId & ": Content getter function is null!",
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].contentGetterFn != null);
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(
+      %definitionId & ": Content getter function is unbound!",
+      isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].contentGetterFn));
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].contentGetterFn.apply(
+      {pl_ctxIdx}, pl_body)
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderForEntity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Get HTTP header for an entity (entity context)
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ctxIdx - *in* *integer* - entity context
+  //    pl_headerLines - *inout* <HeaderLines> - header content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderForEntity(
+    in integer pl_ctxIdx,
+    inout HeaderLines pl_headerLines)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(
+      %definitionId & ": Header content getter function is null!",
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].headerGetterFn != null);
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(
+      %definitionId & ": Header content getter function is unbound!",
+      isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].headerGetterFn));
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].headerGetterFn.apply(
+      {pl_ctxIdx}, pl_headerLines)
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getRawHeaderForEntity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Get HTTP raw header for an entity (entity context)
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ctxIdx - *in* *integer* - entity context
+  //    pl_body - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct> - charstring or binary body content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getRawHeaderForEntity(
+    in integer pl_ctxIdx,
+    inout octetstring pl_rawHeader)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(
+      %definitionId & ": Raw header content getter function is null!",
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].rawHeaderGetterFn != null);
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(
+      %definitionId & ": Raw header content getter function is unbound!",
+      isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].rawHeaderGetterFn));
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_ctxIdx].rawHeaderGetterFn.apply(
+      {pl_ctxIdx}, pl_rawHeader)
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMessageBody
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Get HTTP body for an entity (entity context)
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of entity whose context
+  //                               database is to be set
+  //    pl_body - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct> - charstring or binary body content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMessageBody(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    if(ischosen(pl_body.charVal))
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_myCtx].bodyId := f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharEntityBody(pl_body.charVal);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_myCtx].bodyId := f_EPTF_HTTP_setOctEntityBody(pl_body.octVal);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_reportEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to report an event on the initially set reporting level
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_statusCode - *in* *integer* - status code of the message
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the entity
+  //    pl_fsmIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the fsm of the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_reportEvent(
+    in integer pl_statusCode,
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_fsmIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn != null) {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn.apply(pl_statusCode, pl_eIdx, pl_fsmIdx);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_convertEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_convertEvent(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor pl_eventIN,
+    inout EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor pl_eventOUT)
+  {
+    pl_eventOUT := pl_eventIN;
+    if (omit !=
+    {
+      if (0 >
+      {
+ := omit;
+      }else if (0 >
+      {
+ := omit;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    HTTP dispatch function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_event - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor> - status code of the message
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent(in EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor pl_event)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor vl_local;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_convertEvent(pl_event, vl_local);
+    f_EPTF_LGenBase_dispatchEvent(vl_local);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_postEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    HTTP post function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_event - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor> - status code of the message
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_postEvent(in EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor pl_event)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_LGenBase_ReportedEventDescriptor vl_local;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_convertEvent(pl_event, vl_local);
+    f_EPTF_LGenBase_postEvent(vl_local);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_reportClassEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to report an event to an entity/fsm (class reporting level)
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_statusCode - *in* *integer* - status code of the message
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the entity
+  //    pl_fsmIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the fsm of the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_reportClassEvent(
+    in integer pl_statusCode,
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_fsmIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if (pl_statusCode < 100 or pl_statusCode > 599)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Status code of incoming message is invalid: " &
+        int2str(pl_statusCode));
+      return;
+    }
+    if (pl_statusCode < 200) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+    }
+    else
+    if (pl_statusCode < 300) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+    }
+    else
+    if (pl_statusCode < 400) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+    }
+    else
+    if (pl_statusCode < 500) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+    }
+    else
+    if (pl_statusCode < 600) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_reportDetailedEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to report an event to an entity/fsm (detailed reporting level)
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_statusCode - *in* *integer* - status code of the message
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the entity
+  //    pl_fsmIdx - *in* *integer* - index of the fsm of the entity
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_reportDetailedEvent(
+    in integer pl_statusCode,
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in integer pl_fsmIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    // do reporting
+    select (pl_statusCode)
+    {
+      case (100) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100Continue,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+      }
+      case (101) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response101SwitchingProtocols,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (200) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200OK,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (201) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response201Created,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (202) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response202Accepted,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (203) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (204) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response204NoContent,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (205) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response205ResetContent,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (206) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response206PartialContent,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (300) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300MultipleChoices,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (301) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response301MovedPermanently,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (302) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response302Found,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (303) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response303SeeOther,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (304) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response304NotModified,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (305) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response305UseProxy,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (306) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response306Unused,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (307) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response307TemporaryRedirect,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (400) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400BadRequest,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (401) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response401Unauthorized,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (402) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response402PaymentRequired,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (403) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response403Forbidden,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (404) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response404NotFound,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (405) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response405MethodNotAllowed,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (406) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response406NotAcceptable,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (407) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (408) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response408RequestTimeout,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (409) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response409Conflict,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (410) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response410Gone,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (411) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response411LengthRequired,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (412) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response412PreconditionFailed,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (413) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response413RequestEntityTooLarge,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (414) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response414RequestURITooLong,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (415) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response415UnsupportedMediaType,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (416) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (417) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response417ExpectationFailed,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (500) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500InternalServerError,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (501) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response501NotImplemented,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (502) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response502BadGateway,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (503) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response503ServiceUnavailable,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (504) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response504GatewayTimeout,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+      case (505) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+              c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported,{pl_eIdx,pl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle received message
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_message - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage> - incoming message from the transport layer
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Message received!");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Session id and entity offset: " &
+      int2str(pl_message.sessionId) & " / " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset));
+    var integer vl_fsmIdx, vl_eIdx := pl_message.sessionId - v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset;
+    if (vl_eIdx < 0) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Entity cannot be determined to message on session: " &
+        int2str(pl_message.sessionId))
+      return;
+    };
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId & ": Invalid entity index (" &
+      int2str(vl_eIdx) &
+      ") applied to connId -> fsm index database!",
+      isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_eIdx]));
+    vl_fsmIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_eIdx];
+    //v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_fsmIdx] := -1;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Fsm index: " &
+      int2str(vl_fsmIdx) & " acquired for entity id: " &
+      int2str(vl_eIdx));
+    v_intNoWarningLG := dec_HTTPMessage(pl_message.httpMessage, v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage);
+    if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook != null) {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook.apply(vl_eIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage);
+    }
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived, {vl_eIdx,vl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(true,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request.method, -1);
+      var integer myctx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(vl_eIdx);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].charBodyHandlerFn.apply( vl_eIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request.body);
+    }
+    else
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request_binary))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived, {vl_eIdx,vl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(true,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request_binary.method, -1);
+      var integer myctx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(vl_eIdx);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].binaryBodyHandlerFn.apply( vl_eIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request_binary.body);
+    }
+    else
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response))
+    {
+      var integer myctx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(vl_eIdx);
+      // do automatic adminsitration
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].requestPending)
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].requestPending := false; // request is not pending after answer
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_createAuthorizationDataFromMessage(myctx); // store auth data into entity context
+      }
+      if( v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].uri != "")
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].etag:="";
+        var integer vl_size := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.header);
+        for(var integer vl_i := 0; vl_i < vl_size; vl_i := vl_i + 1)
+        {
+          if(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.header[vl_i].header_name == "ETag")
+          {
+             var charstring vl_etag := v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.header[vl_i].header_value;
+             var integer vl_length := lengthof(vl_etag);
+             if(vl_etag[0] == "\"" and vl_etag[vl_length-1] == "\"")
+             {
+               vl_etag := substr(vl_etag,1,vl_length-2);
+             }
+             v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].etag := vl_etag;
+             break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseCharReceived,{vl_eIdx,vl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_reportEvent(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.statuscode,
+        vl_eIdx, vl_fsmIdx)
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(true, "",
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.statuscode);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].charBodyHandlerFn.apply( vl_eIdx,v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.body);
+    }
+    else if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response_binary))
+    {
+      var integer myctx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(vl_eIdx);
+      // do automatic adminsitration
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].requestPending)
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].requestPending := false; // request is not pending after answer
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_createAuthorizationDataFromMessage(myctx); // store auth data into entity context
+      }
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseOctReceived,{vl_eIdx,vl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}});
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_reportEvent(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response_binary.statuscode,
+        vl_eIdx, vl_fsmIdx)
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(true, "",
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response_binary.statuscode);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myctx].binaryBodyHandlerFn.apply( vl_eIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response_binary.body);
+    }
+    else // not response
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Unhandled message type received: " &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage));
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle received events
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_sessionId - *integer* - session id of received event
+  //    pl_type - *integer* - event type
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Event pl_event)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Event received!");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Session id and entity offset: " &
+      int2str(pl_event.sessionId) & " / " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset));
+    var integer vl_fsmIdx, vl_eIdx := pl_event.sessionId - v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset;
+    if (vl_eIdx < 0) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Entity cannot be determined to event: " &
+        int2str(pl_event.eventType) & " on session: " &
+        int2str(pl_event.sessionId) & ", dispatching generic event");
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+            pl_event.eventType, omit, omit},{}}) ;
+      return;
+    };
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId & ": Invalid connection id (" &
+      int2str(vl_eIdx) &
+      ") applied to connId -> fsm index database!",
+      isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_eIdx]));
+    vl_fsmIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_eIdx];
+    //v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_eIdx] := -1;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Fsm index: " &
+      int2str(vl_fsmIdx) & " acquired for entity id: " &
+      int2str(vl_eIdx));
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,
+          pl_event.eventType,{vl_eIdx,vl_fsmIdx}, omit},{}}) ;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle received socket errors
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_error - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_EventError> - error received from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    This function handles received socket error messages and events and sends a socketError event
+  //    with LGenbase postEvent method. This is a private function.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_EventError pl_error)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Socket Error received!");
+    if(ispresent(pl_error.transportError.errorCode)) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Socket Error result: " & log2str(pl_error.transportError));
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Session id and entity offset: " &
+        int2str(pl_error.sessionId) & " / " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset));
+      var EPTF_IntegerList vl_reportedArgs := { enum2int(pl_error.transportError.errorCode), -1 };
+      if(ispresent(pl_error.transportError.os_error_code)) { vl_reportedArgs[1] := pl_error.transportError.os_error_code; }
+      var integer vl_fsmIdx, vl_eIdx := pl_error.sessionId - v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset;
+      if (vl_eIdx < 0) {
+        //if connection opened with f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup() with no instant connection open sessionId cannot be determined
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": Entity cannot be determined to socket Error on session: " &
+          int2str(pl_error.sessionId));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_postEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError,
+              omit,omit},vl_reportedArgs});
+        return;
+      };
+      f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId & ": Invalid connection id (" &
+        int2str(vl_eIdx) &
+        ") applied to connId -> fsm index database!",
+        isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_eIdx]));
+      vl_fsmIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[vl_eIdx];
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Fsm index: " &
+        int2str(vl_fsmIdx) & " acquired for entity id: " &
+        int2str(vl_eIdx));
+      // generating postEvent for socket error
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_postEvent({{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError,
+            {vl_eIdx,vl_fsmIdx},omit},vl_reportedArgs});
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedServer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle received message in a server
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_message - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage> - incoming message from the transport layer
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedServer(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    v_intNoWarningLG := dec_HTTPMessage(pl_message.httpMessage, v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedGroupId := pl_message.groupId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedPortId := pl_message.sessionId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedSeqNum := pl_message.seqNum;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Message received!");
+    var integer vl_eIdx := -1;
+    var integer vl_fsmCtx := -1;
+    var integer vl_eventIdx := -1;
+    if (null != vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext)
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext.apply(vl_eIdx, vl_fsmCtx);
+    }
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request))
+    {
+      vl_eventIdx := c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(true,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request.method, -1);
+    }
+    else
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request_binary))
+    {
+      vl_eventIdx := c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(true,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.request_binary.method, -1);
+    }
+    else // not response
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_warning(%definitionId & ": Unhandled message type received: " &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage));
+      return;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent( {{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx, vl_eventIdx,
+          {vl_eIdx,vl_fsmCtx}, omit},{}});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceivedServer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle received events in a server
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Event> - event received from the transport layer
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceivedServer(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Event pl_event)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_event := pl_event;
+    var integer vl_eIdx := -1;
+    var integer vl_fsmCtx := -1;
+    if (null != vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event)
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event.apply(vl_eIdx, vl_fsmCtx);
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchEvent( {{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx, pl_event.eventType,
+          {vl_eIdx,vl_fsmCtx}, omit},{}});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceivedServer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle received socket errors
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //   pl_error - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_EventError> - error received from the transport layer
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceivedServer(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_EventError pl_error)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_error := pl_error;
+    var integer vl_eIdx := -1;
+    var integer vl_fsmCtx := -1;
+    if (null != vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error)
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error.apply(vl_eIdx, vl_fsmCtx);
+    }
+    var EPTF_IntegerList vl_reportedArgs := { -1, -1 };
+    if(ispresent(pl_error.transportError.errorCode)) { vl_reportedArgs[0] := enum2int(pl_error.transportError.errorCode); }
+    if(ispresent(pl_error.transportError.os_error_code)) { vl_reportedArgs[1] := pl_error.transportError.os_error_code; }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_postEvent( {{v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError,
+          {vl_eIdx,vl_fsmCtx}, omit},vl_reportedArgs} );
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send HTTP message
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index on which the message is
+  //                            intended to be sent
+  //    pl_sessionId - *integer* - session id
+  //    pl_message - *octetstring* - message to send
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId,
+    in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest.apply(pl_connId, pl_sessionId, pl_message);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_closeConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Closes all open conection in a port group
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_closeConnection(
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose.apply(pl_connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_closeHalfConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to half close connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Half closes all open connections in a port group
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_closeHalfConnection(
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionHalfClose.apply(pl_connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_openConnection
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to open connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Open all idle connections in a port group
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_openConnection(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT return boolean
+  {
+    return vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen.apply(pl_connId, pl_sessionId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close port of user
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser.apply(pl_groupId, pl_sessionId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to free port of user
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser.apply(pl_groupId, pl_sessionId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sends the response.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId,
+    in integer pl_seqNum,
+    in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse.apply(pl_groupId, pl_portId, pl_seqNum, pl_message);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_listen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Opens a listen port
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_listen(
+    in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    return vf_EPTF_HTTP_listen.apply(pl_groupId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_closePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Closes a port in a server port group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_closePort(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId
+  )
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePort.apply(pl_groupId, pl_portId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the authentication data for the server.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_authData - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData> - authentication data
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData(in EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData pl_authData)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.method := pl_authData.method;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.algorithm := pl_authData.algorithm;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.realm := pl_authData.realm;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.domain := pl_authData.domain;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.qopOptions := pl_authData.qopOptions;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.password := pl_authData.password;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_genAuthResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Generates authentication response data.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_authResp - *inout* *charstring* - authentication data
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_genAuthResponse(inout charstring pl_authResp)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var charstring vl_nonce := f_EPTF_HTTP_getNonceValue(v_EPTF_HTTP_authData);
+    pl_authResp := v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.method &
+    " realm=\"" & v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.realm & "\"" &
+    ",nonce=\"" & vl_nonce & "\"" &
+    ",algorithm=" & v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.algorithm &
+    ",qop=\"" & v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.qopOptions &"\"";
+    if (ispresent(v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.domain))
+    {
+      pl_authResp := pl_authResp & ",domain=\"" & v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.domain & "\"";
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_checkAuthData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Checks authorization data.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_method - *in* *charstring* - HTTP request method
+  //    pl_authData - *in* *charstring* - the Authorization header value
+  //    pl_entityBody - *in* *charstring* - the entity body
+  //
+  //  Return value:
+  //    boolean - check result
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_checkAuthData(in charstring pl_httpMethod, in charstring pl_authData, in charstring pl_entityBody)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails vl_authDetails := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_getAuthParams(pl_authData, vl_authDetails);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(log2str(%definitionId, ": Authentication details: ", vl_authDetails));
+    var charstring vl_response := f_calculateDigestResponse(
+      vl_authDetails.nonce,
+      vl_authDetails.cnonce,
+      vl_authDetails.username,
+      vl_authDetails.realm,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_authData.password,
+      vl_authDetails.algorithm,
+      vl_authDetails.nonceCount,
+      pl_httpMethod,
+      vl_authDetails.qop,
+      vl_authDetails.uri,
+      f_calculateMD5(pl_entityBody));
+    return vl_response == vl_authDetails.response;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_addNewHeaderLines
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Add header lines to the header lines database
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_headerLines - *in* <HeaderLines> - header lines to add
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of HTTP header lines database where new data is
+  //                found or inserted
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_addNewHeaderLines (
+    in HeaderLines pl_headerLines)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer pl_headerLinesIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_existHeaderLines(pl_headerLines);
+    if (pl_headerLinesIdx > -1) {
+      return pl_headerLinesIdx;
+    }
+    else {
+      var integer pl_size := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[pl_size] := pl_headerLines;
+      return pl_size;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setHeaderValue
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets a header value for an element in the HeaderLines list.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_headerLinesIdx - *in* *integer* - header line index
+  //    pl_headerName - *in* *charstring* - header name
+  //    pl_headerValue - *in* *charstring* - header value
+  //
+  //  Detailed comments:
+  //    If the header does not exist, the value is NOT added.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setHeaderValue(
+    in integer pl_headerLinesIdx,
+    in charstring pl_headerName,
+    in charstring pl_headerValue)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[pl_headerLinesIdx]); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      if (pl_headerName == v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[pl_headerLinesIdx][i].header_name)
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[pl_headerLinesIdx][i].header_value := pl_headerValue;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharBody
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the charstring body of an entity. All of the entities referencing this
+  ///   charstring body entry will be affected.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_body - *in* *charstring* - body value
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setCharBody(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_body
+  )
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_ctx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    var integer vl_bodyId := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_ctx].bodyId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_charBodyDB[vl_bodyId] := pl_body;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Create header lines containing only content length header line
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_body - *in* *charstring* - message body
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    <HeaderLines> - created header lines
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(
+    in charstring pl_body)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return HeaderLines
+  {
+    var HeaderLines vl_hl;
+    vl_hl := { { "Content-Length", int2str(lengthof(pl_body)) } };
+    return vl_hl;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_addOptTempParamNumber
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the variable that holds the user added optional template parameters.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_number - *in* *integer* - the number of the optional template parameters
+  //
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_addOptTempParamNumber(in integer pl_number)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_sizeof := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams)
+    for (var integer i := vl_sizeof; i < pl_number; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams[i] := "";
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setOptTempParam
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the user added optional template parameter value
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_idx - *in* *integer* - the index of the optional template parameter
+  //    pl_paramValue - *in* *charstring* - parameter value
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The index must be the same as the index of the parameter
+  //    when calling f_EPTF_LGenBase_extendTemplateType.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setOptTempParam(in integer pl_idx, in charstring pl_paramValue)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if (pl_idx >= sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams) or 0 > pl_idx)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Setting invalid template parameter: " & int2str(pl_idx));
+      return;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams[pl_idx] := pl_paramValue;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_cleanupContext
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Cleans up entity context. All the value set by f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextServer
+  //    or f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext remains unchanged.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_cleanupContext(in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].requestPending := c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx.requestPending;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].portId := c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx.portId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].httpMessage := omit;//c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx.httpMessage;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].seqNum := c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx.seqNum;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx].connId := c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx.connId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[pl_eIdx] := -1;
+  }
+} //EPTF_HTTP_PublicFunctions
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_PrivateFunctions
+//  Purpose:
+//    The functions of the EPTF HTTP Private Functions
+group EPTF_HTTP_PrivateFunctions {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_cleanup_CT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    The HTTP HTTP cleanup function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  private function f_EPTF_HTTP_cleanup_CT()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized := false;
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_charDatabase);
+    f_EPTF_oct2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_octDatabase);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB := -1;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB := -1;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_declareStepsAndEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to declare the steps and events
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_declareStepsAndEvent( )
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    if( //steps
+      c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendRequest != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendRequest)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleTimeout != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleTimeout)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_responseReceived != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_responseReceived,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_processResponse)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_openConnection != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_openConnection,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendConnect)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closeConnection != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closeConnection,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendClose)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_halfCloseConnection != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_halfCloseConnection,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendHalfClose)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePortOfUser != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePortOfUser,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePortOfUser)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_freePortOfUser != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_freePortOfUser,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_freePortOfUser)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleRequest != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,{c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleRequest,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleRequest)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendResponse !=  f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,{c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendResponse,refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendResponse)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePort != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePort, refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePort)})
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_cleanUpContext != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareStep(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, {c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_step_cleanUp)})
+      //inputs
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100Continue != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100Continue)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response101SwitchingProtocols != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response101SwitchingProtocols)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200OK != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200OK)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response201Created != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response201Created)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response202Accepted != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response202Accepted)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response204NoContent != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response204NoContent)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response205ResetContent != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response205ResetContent)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response206PartialContent != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response206PartialContent)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300MultipleChoices != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300MultipleChoices)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response301MovedPermanently != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response301MovedPermanently)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response302Found != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response302Found)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response303SeeOther != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response303SeeOther)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response304NotModified != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response304NotModified)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response305UseProxy != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response305UseProxy)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response306Unused != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response306Unused)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response307TemporaryRedirect != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response307TemporaryRedirect)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400BadRequest != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400BadRequest)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response401Unauthorized != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response401Unauthorized)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response402PaymentRequired != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response402PaymentRequired)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response403Forbidden != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response403Forbidden)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response404NotFound != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response404NotFound)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response405MethodNotAllowed != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response405MethodNotAllowed)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response406NotAcceptable != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response406NotAcceptable)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response408RequestTimeout != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response408RequestTimeout)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response409Conflict != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response409Conflict)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response410Gone != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response410Gone)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response411LengthRequired != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response411LengthRequired)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response412PreconditionFailed != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response412PreconditionFailed)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response413RequestEntityTooLarge != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response413RequestEntityTooLarge)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response414RequestURITooLong != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response414RequestURITooLong)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response415UnsupportedMediaType != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response415UnsupportedMediaType)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response417ExpectationFailed != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response417ExpectationFailed)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500InternalServerError != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500InternalServerError)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response501NotImplemented != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response501NotImplemented)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response502BadGateway != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response502BadGateway)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response503ServiceUnavailable != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response503ServiceUnavailable)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response504GatewayTimeout != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response504GatewayTimeout)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100class)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200class)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300class)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400class)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500class)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_errorReceived)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_OKReceived)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseCharReceived != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestCharReceived)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseOctReceived != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseOctReceived)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestOctReceived)
+      or c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError != f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFsmEvent(c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName,c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseSocketError)
+    )
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_error(%definitionId&": error");
+      mtc.stop;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_bindEntity4Behavior
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to bind entity for the behaviour
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    <EPTF_IntegerList> - behaviour integer list
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_bindEntity4Behavior(
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return EPTF_IntegerList
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_index := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_index] := c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx;
+    return {vl_EPTF_HTTP_index};
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setContentGetterFunction4Entity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set content getter function to the entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_contentGetter - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT> - the content getter function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setContentGetterFunction4Entity(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT pl_contentGetter)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_eIdx].contentGetterFn := pl_contentGetter;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setContentGetterFunction4Entities
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set content getter function to the entities
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_contentGetter - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT> - the content getter function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setContentGetterFunction4Entities(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT pl_contentGetter)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT {
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts); i := i + 1) {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[i].contentGetterFn := pl_contentGetter;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set header content getter function to the entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_headerContentGetter - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT> - the header content getter function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entity(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT pl_headerContentGetter)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_eIdx].headerGetterFn := pl_headerContentGetter;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entities
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set header content getter function to the entities
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_headerContentGetter - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT> - the header content getter function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entities(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT pl_headerContentGetter)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT {
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts); i := i + 1) {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[i].headerGetterFn := pl_headerContentGetter;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setRawHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set raw header content getter function to the entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_rawHeaderContentGetter - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT> - the raw header content getter function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setRawHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entity(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT pl_rawHeaderContentGetter)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_eIdx].rawHeaderGetterFn := pl_rawHeaderContentGetter;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setRawHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entities
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set raw header content getter function to the entities
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_rawHeaderContentGetter - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT> - the raw header content getter function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setRawHeaderContentGetterFunction4Entities(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT pl_rawHeaderContentGetter)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT {
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts); i := i + 1) {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[i].rawHeaderGetterFn := pl_rawHeaderContentGetter;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_unbindEntity4Behavior
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to unbind entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_unbindEntity4Behavior(
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT {
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_resetEntity4Behavior
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to reset entity
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - entity index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_resetEntity4Behavior(
+    in integer pl_eIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[vl_EPTF_HTTP_myCtx] := {
+      method := "",
+      uri:= "",
+      headerLinesIdx := -1
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_initializeExtendedComponents
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to initialize the extended components
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_selfName - *charstring* - component self name
+  //    pl_numEntities - *integer* - number of entities
+  //    pl_entityNamePrefix - *charstring* - entity name prefix
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_initializeExtendedComponents(
+    in charstring pl_selfName,
+    in integer pl_numEntities := 0,
+    in charstring pl_entityNamePrefix)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_LGenBase_init(pl_selfName,pl_numEntities,pl_entityNamePrefix);
+    f_EPTF_Var_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_Logging_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_existHeaderLines
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Check if header lines exist in header lines database
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_headerLines - *in* <HeaderLines> - header lines to check
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - database index if header lines exist, otherwise -1
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_existHeaderLines(
+    in HeaderLines pl_headerLines)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList); i := i + 1){
+      if (pl_headerLines == v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList[i]) {
+        return i;
+      }
+    }
+    return -1;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthDetails4Entity
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set authorization details for entity such as password
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *integer* - entity index
+  //    pl_algorithm - *charstring* - used algorithm eg: MD5
+  //    pl_password - *charstring* - used password
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    This function can be used to set authorization details for entity such as password, algorithm...
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthDetails4Entity(
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_algorithm,
+    in charstring pl_password)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].authDetails.algorithm := pl_algorithm;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].authDetails.password  := pl_password;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderIndex
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function retrieves the index of a given header
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_headerName - *in* *charstring* - the name of the header
+  //    pl_headerList - *inout* <HeaderLines> - the HTTP header
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - the header index
+  //
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderIndex(
+    in charstring pl_headerName,
+    inout HeaderLines pl_headerList)
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_headerIdx := -1;
+    var integer vl_headers := sizeof(pl_headerList);
+    for(var integer i := 0; i < vl_headers; i:=i+1)
+    {
+      if (pl_headerList[i].header_name == pl_headerName) {
+        vl_headerIdx := i;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    return vl_headerIdx;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_isWhiteSpace
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to decide wether a character is a whitespace.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_char - *in* *integer* - the character
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - the result
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_isWhiteSpace(
+    in integer pl_char)
+  return boolean{
+    return (pl_char == 32 /* SP */ or pl_char == 9 /* TAB */);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_isWSBeforeEq
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to decide wether a whitespace is before an equal sign.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_char - *in* *integer* - the whistspace character
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - the result
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_isWSBeforeEq(
+    in charstring pl_string,
+    inout integer pl_pos,
+    out charstring pl_segment)
+  return boolean
+  {
+    pl_segment := "";
+    while (pl_pos<lengthof(pl_string)) {
+      var integer ch := char2int(pl_string[pl_pos]);
+      pl_segment := pl_segment & int2char(ch);
+      if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
+        if (ch == 61 /* = */) {
+          return true;
+        } else {
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+      pl_pos:=pl_pos+1;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getNextAttribute
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to process the next header field parameter.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_char - *in* *integer* - the whistspace character
+  //    pl_authenticateHeader - *in* *charstring* - the header field string
+  //    pl_pos - *inout* *integer* - the actual position in the proccessing
+  //    pl_errpos - *out* *integer* - the character position where the error occured
+  //    pl_key - *out* *charstring* - the recevied parameter key
+  //    pl_value - *out* *charstring* - the recevied parameter value
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - true if there is more parameters
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getNextAttribute(
+    in charstring pl_authenticateHeader,
+    inout integer pl_pos,
+    out integer pl_errpos,
+    out charstring pl_key,
+    out charstring pl_value)
+  return boolean{
+    const integer cl_WSKEY   := 0;
+    const integer cl_KEY     := 1;
+    const integer cl_EQ      := 2;
+    const integer cl_WSVALUE := 3;
+    const integer cl_VALUE   := 4;
+    const integer cl_WSCOMMA := 5;
+    var integer vl_state     := cl_WSKEY;
+    var boolean vl_woqoute   := false;
+    pl_key := "";
+    pl_value := "";
+    pl_errpos := -1;
+    for(var integer i:=pl_pos; i<lengthof(pl_authenticateHeader); i:=i+1) {
+      //    action("pl_authenticateHeader[",i,"] := ", pl_authenticateHeader[i])
+      var integer ch := char2int(pl_authenticateHeader[i]);
+      select (vl_state) {
+        case (cl_WSKEY) {
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
+            vl_state := cl_KEY;
+            pl_key := pl_key & int2char(ch);
+          }
+        }  case (cl_KEY) {
+          if (f_EPTF_HTTP_isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
+            var charstring vl_segment;
+            if (f_EPTF_HTTP_isWSBeforeEq(pl_authenticateHeader, i, vl_segment)) {
+              //          action("f_isWSBeforeEq():true -> ", vl_segment);
+              vl_state := cl_WSVALUE;
+            } else {
+              //          action("f_isWSBeforeEq():false -> ", vl_segment);
+              pl_key := pl_key & vl_segment;
+            }
+          } else if (ch == 61 /* = */) {
+            vl_state := cl_EQ;
+          } else {
+            pl_key := pl_key & int2char(ch);
+          }
+        }  case (cl_EQ) {
+          if (f_EPTF_HTTP_isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
+            vl_state := cl_WSVALUE;
+          } else if (ch==34 /* " */) {
+            vl_state := cl_VALUE;
+          } else if (ch==44 /* , */) {
+            pl_pos := i+1;
+            return true;
+          } else {
+            vl_woqoute := true; // value wo qoute
+            pl_value := pl_value & int2char(ch);
+            vl_state := cl_VALUE;
+          }
+        }  case (cl_WSVALUE) {
+          if (ch == 34 /* " */) {
+            vl_state := cl_VALUE;
+          } else if (ch == 44 /* , */) {
+            pl_pos := i+1;
+            return true;
+          } else if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
+            vl_woqoute := true; // value wo qoute
+            pl_value := pl_value & int2char(ch);
+            vl_state := cl_VALUE;
+          }
+        }  case (cl_VALUE) {
+          if (vl_woqoute) {
+            if (ch == 44 /* , */) {
+              pl_pos := i+1;
+              return true;
+            } else {
+              pl_value := pl_value & int2char(ch);
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (ch == 34 /* " */) {
+              vl_state := cl_WSCOMMA;
+            } else {
+              pl_value := pl_value & int2char(ch);
+            }
+          }
+        }  case (cl_WSCOMMA) {
+          if (ch ==  44 /* , */) {
+            pl_pos := i+1;
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    //  action ("pl_key := ", pl_key, "; pl_value := ", pl_value);
+    return false;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthorizationDataToContextFromMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function acquires authentication data from a message
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_myCtx - *in* *integer* - the index of the context
+  //    pl_authHeader - *in* *charstring* - authentication header
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthorizationDataToContextFromMessage(
+    in integer pl_myCtx,
+    in charstring pl_authHeader)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var boolean vl_hasParameter := false;
+    var integer vl_pos := 0;
+    var integer vl_errpos := 0;
+    var charstring vl_key := "";
+    var charstring vl_value := "";
+    do
+    {
+      vl_hasParameter := f_EPTF_HTTP_getNextAttribute(pl_authHeader, vl_pos, vl_errpos, vl_key, vl_value);
+      if (vl_errpos != -1) {
+        f_EPTF_Logging_warning(tsp_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled,%definitionId&
+          ": Parsing WWW-Authenticate header failed on position: "&
+          int2str(vl_errpos)&" in """&pl_authHeader&"""");
+      }
+      if (vl_key == "Digest realm"){
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.realm := vl_value;
+      } else if (vl_key == "qop"){
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.qop := vl_value;
+      } else if (vl_key == "nonce"){
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.nonce := vl_value;
+      } else if (vl_key == "opaque"){
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.opaque := vl_value;
+      }
+    } while ( vl_hasParameter )
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId&
+      ": Authentication data stored: realm -> " &
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.realm &
+      " qop-> "&v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.qop &
+      " nonce-> "&v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.nonce &
+      " opaque-> "&v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.opaque);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_createAuthorizationDataFromMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function generates the authorization data header
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_myCtx - *in* *integer* - the index of the context
+  //    pl_userName - *in* *charstring* - the username
+  //    pl_requestUri - *in* *charstring* - HTTP requestUri
+  //    pl_method - *charstring* - HTTP method
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - the generated authorization data
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    This function generates the authorization data to the header if the authorization details exists
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_createAuthorizationDataFromMessage(
+    in integer pl_myctx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_hIdx := -1;
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response))
+    {
+      vl_hIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderIndex("WWW-Authenticate",
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.header);
+      if (vl_hIdx != -1) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthorizationDataToContextFromMessage(pl_myctx,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.header[vl_hIdx].header_value);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      vl_hIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderIndex("WWW-Authenticate",
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response_binary.header);
+      if (vl_hIdx != -1) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthorizationDataToContextFromMessage(pl_myctx,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response_binary.header[vl_hIdx].header_value);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_createAuthorizationData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function generates the authorization data header
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_myCtx - *in* *integer* - the index of the context
+  //    pl_userName - *in* *charstring* - the username
+  //    pl_requestUri - *in* *charstring* - HTTP requestUri
+  //    pl_method - *charstring* - HTTP method
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - the generated authorization data
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    This function generates the authorization data to the header if the authorization details exists
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_createAuthorizationData(
+    in integer pl_myCtx,
+    in charstring pl_userName,
+    in charstring pl_requestUri,
+    in charstring pl_method)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT return charstring
+  {
+    // MD5 hash of empty entity body for qop=auth, for qop=auth-int a new hash for the body must be calculated).
+    const charstring hEntity := ""; //"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"; //hash for empty string
+    var charstring cnonce := "01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef";
+    var charstring realm  := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.realm;
+    var charstring qop    := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.qop;
+    var charstring nonce  := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.nonce;
+    var charstring opaque := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.opaque;
+    var charstring password   := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.password;
+    var charstring algorithm  := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.algorithm;
+    var charstring nonceCount := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.nonceCount;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].authDetails.nonceCount := f_putInLowercase(
+    hex2str(int2hex(  hex2int( str2hex(nonceCount) ) + 1, 8 ) ));  //nonce count +1
+    var charstring response := f_calculateDigestResponse(
+      nonce, cnonce, pl_userName, realm, password, algorithm, nonceCount,
+      pl_method, qop, pl_requestUri, hEntity);
+    var charstring vl_authData :=
+    "Authorization: Digest username=\""&pl_userName&"\""&
+    ", realm=\""&realm&"\""&
+    ", nonce=\""&nonce&"\""&
+    ", uri=\""&pl_requestUri&"\""&
+    ", response=\""&response&"\"";
+    if(algorithm != "") { vl_authData := vl_authData  & ", algorithm=\""&algorithm&"\"" }
+    vl_authData := vl_authData  &
+    ", qop="&qop& // qop is without quotes, see rfc
+    ", nc="&nonceCount& // nc is without quotes, see rfc
+    ", cnonce=\""&cnonce&"\""&
+    ", opaque=\""&opaque&"\"" &
+    "\r\n";
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & "Authorization data: " &
+      vl_authData);
+    return vl_authData;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_contentLength
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to calculate the length of the given string
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    p_str - *in* *charstring* - content
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - the length of the content in charstring
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_contentLength (
+    in charstring p_str)
+  return charstring
+  {
+    return int2str(lengthof(p_str));
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeHeader
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to encode header
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_myCtx - *in* *integer* - the index of the context
+  //    pl_templSetIdx - *in* *integer* - the index of the template set
+  //    pl_templItemIdxHeader - *in* *integer* - the index of the template item holding the header
+  //    pl_content_length - *in* *charstring* - content length
+  //    pl_headerOct - *inout* *octetstring* - encoded header
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeHeader(
+    in integer pl_myCtx,
+    in integer pl_templSetIdx,
+    in integer pl_templItemIdxHeader,
+    in charstring pl_content_length,
+    inout octetstring pl_headerOct)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var boolean isRawheader := (v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].rawHeaderGetterFn != null) and
+    isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].rawHeaderGetterFn);
+    var boolean isExternalTemplate :=  pl_templItemIdxHeader > -1;
+    var charstring  vl_method                := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].method;
+    var charstring  vl_uri                   := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].uri;
+    var charstring  vl_version_major         := int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_major);
+    var charstring  vl_version_minor         := int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_minor);
+    var HeaderLines vl_headerlines;
+    if(isExternalTemplate)
+    {
+      var charstring  vl_context_header        := "";
+      var charstring  vl_message_header;
+      // custom header from entity context
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderForEntity(pl_myCtx, vl_headerlines);
+      for(var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(vl_headerlines); i := i + 1)
+      {
+        if(vl_headerlines[i].header_name == "" or vl_headerlines[i].header_value == "") { continue;}
+        vl_context_header := vl_context_header &
+        vl_headerlines[i].header_name & ": " &
+        vl_headerlines[i].header_value;
+        // There is a newline character after the customHeader parameter in each template.
+        if(i < sizeof(vl_headerlines) - 1)
+        {
+          vl_context_header := vl_context_header & "\n";
+        }
+      } // => $(customHeader) + \n
+      v_boolNoWarningLG := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFast(pl_templSetIdx, pl_templItemIdxHeader,
+        { vl_method, vl_uri, vl_version_major, vl_version_minor, vl_context_header, pl_content_length },
+        vl_message_header );
+      //external template resolves crlf conversion
+      //vl_message_header := f_replaceEveryOccurenceOfSubstring(vl_message_header,"\n","\r\n");
+      pl_headerOct := char2oct(vl_message_header);
+      f_EPTF_Logging_debug(v_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled,
+        %definitionId&": "&
+        "SendMessage, header: "&vl_message_header);
+    }
+    else if(isRawheader)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_getRawHeaderForEntity(pl_myCtx, pl_headerOct);
+    }
+    else // inner template
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderForEntity(pl_myCtx, vl_headerlines);
+      if (pl_content_length != "0") {
+        vl_headerlines[sizeof(vl_headerlines)] := { "Content-Length", pl_content_length };
+      }
+      var HTTPMessage vl_outgoingMessage := valueof(t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_request(
+          vl_method,
+          vl_uri,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_major,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_minor,
+          vl_headerlines,
+          ""
+        ));
+      var octetstring temp := enc_HTTPMessage(vl_outgoingMessage);
+      // cutting trailing /r/n
+      pl_headerOct := substr(temp, 0, lengthof(temp)-2);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeHeaderResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Encodes response header.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_myCtx - *in* *integer* - the index of the context
+  //    pl_templSetIdx - *in* *integer* - the index of the template set
+  //    pl_templItemIdxHeader - *in* *integer* - the index of the template item holding the header
+  //    pl_content_length - *in* *charstring* - content length
+  //    pl_headerOct - *inout* *octetstring* - encoded header
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeHeaderResponse(
+    in integer pl_myCtx,
+    in integer pl_templSetIdx,
+    in integer pl_templItemIdxHeader,
+    in charstring pl_content_length,
+    inout octetstring pl_headerOct,
+    in EPTF_CharstringList pl_optParams := {})
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var boolean isRawheader := (v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].rawHeaderGetterFn != null) and
+    isvalue(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].rawHeaderGetterFn);
+    var boolean isExternalTemplate :=  pl_templItemIdxHeader > -1;
+    if(isExternalTemplate)
+    {
+      var charstring  vl_version_major         := int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_major);
+      var charstring  vl_version_minor         := int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_minor);
+      var charstring  vl_status := int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].statusCode) & " " & v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].statusText;
+      var charstring  vl_message_header;
+      var EPTF_CharstringList vl_paramListDef := { vl_status, vl_version_major, vl_version_minor, pl_content_length } ;
+      var EPTF_CharstringList vl_paramListOpt
+      if(pl_optParams == {}) {
+        vl_paramListOpt := v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams;
+      }
+      else {
+        vl_paramListOpt := pl_optParams;
+      }
+      v_boolNoWarningLG := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFast(pl_templSetIdx, pl_templItemIdxHeader,
+        vl_paramListDef & vl_paramListOpt,
+        vl_message_header );
+      pl_headerOct := char2oct(vl_message_header);
+      f_EPTF_Logging_debug(v_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled,
+        %definitionId&": "&
+        "SendMessage, header: "&vl_message_header);
+      return;
+    }
+    if(isRawheader)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_getRawHeaderForEntity(pl_myCtx, pl_headerOct);
+      return;
+    }
+    var HeaderLines vl_headerlines := {};
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_getHeaderForEntity(pl_myCtx, vl_headerlines);
+    if (pl_content_length != "0") {
+      vl_headerlines[sizeof(vl_headerlines)] := { "Content-Length", pl_content_length };
+    }
+    var HTTPMessage vl_outgoingMessage := {
+      response :={
+        client_id := omit,
+        version_major := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_major,
+        version_minor := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].version_minor,
+        statuscode := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].statusCode,
+        statustext := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[pl_myCtx].statusText,
+        header := vl_headerlines,
+        body := ""
+      }
+    }
+    var octetstring temp := enc_HTTPMessage(vl_outgoingMessage);
+    // cutting trailing /r/n
+    pl_headerOct := substr(temp, 0, lengthof(temp)-2);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeBody
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to encode body
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_myCtx - *in* *integer* - the index of the context
+  //    pl_templSetIdx - *in* *integer* - the index of the template set
+  //    pl_templItemIdxBody - *in* *integer* - the index of the template item holding the body
+  //    pl_content_length - *inout* *charstring* - content length
+  //    pl_bodyOct - *inout* *octetstring* - encoded body
+  //    pl_templParamList - *in* *EPTF_CharstringList* - extra optional parameters for the body template
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeBody(
+    in integer pl_myCtx,
+    in integer pl_templSetIdx,
+    in integer pl_templItemIdxBody,
+    inout charstring pl_content_length,
+    inout octetstring pl_bodyOct,
+    in EPTF_CharstringList pl_templParamList := {})
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var boolean isExternalTemplate :=  pl_templItemIdxBody > -1;
+    if(isExternalTemplate)
+    {
+      var charstring vl_message_body;
+      v_boolNoWarningLG := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFast(pl_templSetIdx, pl_templItemIdxBody,
+        pl_templParamList, vl_message_body );
+      //external template resolves crlf conversion
+      //vl_message_body := f_replaceEveryOccurenceOfSubstring(vl_message_body,"\n","\r\n");
+      pl_bodyOct := char2oct(vl_message_body);
+      pl_content_length := int2str(lengthof(pl_bodyOct));
+    }
+    else // inner template
+    {
+      var EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct vl_body;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_getBodyContentForEntity(pl_myCtx, vl_body);
+      if (ischosen(vl_body.charVal))
+      {
+        pl_bodyOct := char2oct(vl_body.charVal);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        pl_bodyOct := vl_body.octVal;
+      }
+      pl_content_length := int2str(lengthof(pl_bodyOct));
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getNonceValue
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Generates a nonce value.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_authData - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_AuthData> - the generated nonce values
+  //
+  //  Return value:
+  //    charstring - nonce value
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getNonceValue(inout EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer pl_authData)
+  return charstring
+  {
+    if (0 == sizeof(pl_authData.nonceValues))
+    {
+      return "";
+    }
+    var integer vl_currentNonce := pl_authData.currentNonce;
+    pl_authData.currentNonce := (pl_authData.currentNonce + 1) mod sizeof(pl_authData.nonceValues);
+    return pl_authData.nonceValues[vl_currentNonce];
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getAuthParams
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Retrieves the authentication data from the Authorization request header.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_authData - *in* *charstring* - the Authorization header value
+  //    pl_authParams - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails> - the retreived paramters
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_getAuthParams(in charstring pl_authData, inout EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails pl_authParams)
+  {
+    var EPTF_CharstringList vl_list := {};
+    var EPTF_CharstringList vl_paramValues := {};
+    var EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue_List vl_params := {};
+    var charstring vl_paramValue := "";
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Tokenize(pl_authData, " ,", vl_list);
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(vl_list); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Tokenize(vl_list[i], "=", vl_paramValues);
+      if (sizeof(vl_paramValues) == 1)
+      {
+        vl_params[sizeof(vl_params)] := {vl_paramValues[0], ""};
+      }else
+      {
+        vl_paramValue := vl_paramValues[1];
+        if (lengthof(vl_paramValue) > 2)
+        {
+          if ("\"" == vl_paramValue[0] and "\"" == vl_paramValue[lengthof(vl_paramValue) - 1])
+          {
+            vl_paramValue := substr(vl_paramValue, 1, lengthof(vl_paramValue) - 2);
+          }
+        }else{
+          vl_paramValue := "";
+        }
+        vl_params[sizeof(vl_params)] := {vl_paramValues[0], vl_paramValue};
+      }
+      vl_paramValues := {}
+    }
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(vl_params); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      if ("nonce" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.nonce := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("algorithm" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.algorithm := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("cnonce" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.cnonce := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("nc" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.nonceCount := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("realm" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.realm := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("qop" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.qop := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("response" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.response := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("uri" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.uri := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if ("username" == vl_params[i].paramName)
+      {
+        pl_authParams.username := vl_params[i].paramValue;
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Tokenize
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Breaks a string into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by
+  //    one or more characters.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_string - *in* *charstring* - the string to break into tokens
+  //    pl_delimiters - *in* *charstring* - the delimiter characters
+  //    pl_tokens - *in* <EPTF_CharstringList> - the tokens
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Tokenize(in charstring pl_string, in charstring pl_delimiters, inout EPTF_CharstringList pl_tokens)
+  {
+    var integer vl_state := 0; //0: not delim; 1: delim; 2: quoted
+    var boolean vl_isDelim := false;
+    var charstring vl_value := "";
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(pl_string); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      vl_isDelim := false;
+      if (0 == vl_state)
+      {
+        for (var integer ii := 0; ii < lengthof(pl_delimiters) and not vl_isDelim; ii := ii + 1)
+        {
+          vl_isDelim := pl_delimiters[ii] == pl_string[i];
+        }
+        if (vl_isDelim)
+        {
+          if (vl_value != "")
+          {
+            pl_tokens[sizeof(pl_tokens)] := vl_value;
+          }
+          vl_state := 1
+        }else{
+          vl_value := vl_value & pl_string[i];
+          if (pl_string[i] == "\"")
+          {
+            vl_state := 2;
+          }
+        }
+      }else if (1 == vl_state)
+      {
+        for (var integer ii := 0; ii < lengthof(pl_delimiters) and not vl_isDelim; ii := ii + 1)
+        {
+          vl_isDelim := pl_delimiters[ii] == pl_string[i];
+        }
+        if (vl_isDelim)
+        {/*do nothing*/}
+        else{
+          vl_state := 0;
+          vl_value := pl_string[i];
+          if (pl_string[i] == "\"")
+          {
+            vl_state := 2;
+          }
+        }
+      }else if (2 == vl_state)
+      {
+        vl_value := vl_value & pl_string[i];
+        if (pl_string[i] == "\"")
+        {
+          vl_state := 0;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (vl_value != ""){pl_tokens[sizeof(pl_tokens)] := vl_value;}
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_generateNonceValues
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Generates nonce values for the server
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_number - *in* *integer* - number of nonce values to generate
+  //    pl_nonceValues - *in* <EPTF_CharstringList> - generated nonce values
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_generateNonceValues(in integer pl_number, inout EPTF_CharstringList pl_nonceValues)
+  {
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < pl_number; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      pl_nonceValues[sizeof(pl_nonceValues)] := f_calculateMD5(int2str(f_time()));
+    }
+  }
+} //EPTF_HTTP_PrivateFunctions
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_TestSteps
+//  Purpose:
+//    The functions of the EPTF HTTP Test Steps
+//  Test Steps:
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleTimeout -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendRequest -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePortOfUser -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_freePortOfUser -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_processResponse -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendConnect -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendClose -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendHalfClose -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleRequest -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendResponse -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePort -
+//    f_EPTF_HTTP_step_cleanUp -
+group EPTF_HTTP_TestSteps
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleTimeout
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements handle timeout test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleTimeout(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    var integer fCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId&
+      ": Timed Out: cIdx-> "&int2str(myCtx)&
+      " fCtx-> "&int2str(fCtx));
+    // Update The Statistics
+    // Delete the entity context and databases
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements send request test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    stepArgs first element holds the desired callType
+  //    stepArgs second element holds the fsm to report events up
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendRequest(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    var integer fCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+    var integer vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId; // port group id
+    var integer vl_templSetIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_templateSetIdxOfStep(pl_ptr);
+    var integer vl_templItemIdxHeader := -1;
+    var integer vl_templItemIdxBody := -1;
+    var charstring vl_content_length;
+    var octetstring vl_outgoingMessage;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": " &
+      " myCtx-> "&int2str(myCtx)&
+      " pl_ptr.eIdx-> "&int2str(pl_ptr.eIdx)&
+      " fCtx-> "&int2str(fCtx)//&
+      //" vl_tcIdx-> "&int2str(vl_tcIdx)
+    );
+    if(vl_templSetIdx>-1) { // if template set exists
+      vl_templItemIdxHeader := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(
+        vl_templSetIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeader );
+      vl_templItemIdxBody := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(
+        vl_templSetIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customBody );
+    }
+    var octetstring vl_headerOct;
+    var octetstring vl_bodyOct;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeBody(myCtx, vl_templSetIdx, vl_templItemIdxBody, vl_content_length, vl_bodyOct);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeHeader(myCtx, vl_templSetIdx, vl_templItemIdxHeader, vl_content_length, vl_headerOct);
+    vl_outgoingMessage := vl_headerOct & '0D0A'O & vl_bodyOct;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": sending message: " &
+      log2str(vl_outgoingMessage));
+    //v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2EIdx[vl_connId] := pl_ptr.eIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[pl_ptr.eIdx] := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Entity and Fsm index: " &
+      int2str(pl_ptr.eIdx) & " / " &
+      int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx[pl_ptr.eIdx]) &
+      " set for connection id: " & int2str(vl_connId));
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest(vl_connId,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset + pl_ptr.eIdx,
+      vl_outgoingMessage);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].requestPending := true; // if request sent out, message is pending
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(false, v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].method);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements send response test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendResponse(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    var integer fCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+    var integer vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId; // port group id
+    var integer vl_portId := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].portId;
+    var integer vl_seqNum := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].seqNum;
+    var integer vl_templSetIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_templateSetIdxOfStep(pl_ptr);
+    var integer vl_templItemIdxHeader := -1;
+    var integer vl_templItemIdxBody := -1;
+    var charstring vl_content_length;
+    var octetstring vl_outgoingMessage;
+    var octetstring vl_headerOct;
+    var octetstring vl_bodyOct;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": " &
+      " myCtx-> "&int2str(myCtx)&
+      " pl_ptr.eIdx-> "&int2str(pl_ptr.eIdx)&
+      " fCtx-> "&int2str(fCtx)//&
+      //" vl_tcIdx-> "&int2str(vl_tcIdx)
+    );
+    if(vl_templSetIdx>-1) { // if template set exists
+      vl_templItemIdxHeader := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(
+        vl_templSetIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeaderResponse );
+      vl_templItemIdxBody := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(
+        vl_templSetIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customBody );
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeBody(myCtx, vl_templSetIdx, vl_templItemIdxBody, vl_content_length, vl_bodyOct);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_encodeHeaderResponse(myCtx, vl_templSetIdx, vl_templItemIdxHeader, vl_content_length, vl_headerOct);
+    vl_outgoingMessage := vl_headerOct & '0D0A'O & vl_bodyOct;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": sending message: " &
+      log2str(vl_outgoingMessage));
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": Entity index: " &
+      int2str(pl_ptr.eIdx) &
+      " set for group id: " & int2str(vl_connId));
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse(vl_connId,
+      vl_portId,
+      vl_seqNum,
+      vl_outgoingMessage);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_updateStatistics(false, "", v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].statusCode);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements the close port of user test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePortOfUser(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    //var integer fCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+    //var integer vl_tcIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_tcIdxOfStep(pl_ptr);
+    var integer vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId; // port group id
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": " &
+      " myCtx-> "&int2str(myCtx)//&
+      //" fCtx-> "&int2str(fCtx)&
+      //" vl_tcIdx-> "&int2str(vl_tcIdx)
+    );
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser(vl_connId,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset + pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].requestPending := false;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_freePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements the free port of user test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_freePortOfUser(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    //var integer fCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+    //var integer vl_tcIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_tcIdxOfStep(pl_ptr);
+    var integer vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId; // port group id
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId & ": " &
+      " myCtx-> "&int2str(myCtx)//&
+      //" fCtx-> "&int2str(fCtx)&
+      //" vl_tcIdx-> "&int2str(vl_tcIdx)
+    );
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser(vl_connId,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset + pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].requestPending := false;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_processResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements processing of HTTP responses
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_processResponse(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": Request arrived for entity context: " & int2str(myCtx));
+    //var integer fCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+    //var integer vl_tcIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_tcIdxOfStep(pl_ptr);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendConnect
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements connect request test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendConnect(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    v_boolNoWarningLG :=
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_openConnection(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId, v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset + pl_ptr.eIdx);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements close request test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendClose(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_closeConnection(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendHalfClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function implements half close request test step
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_sendHalfClose(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer myCtx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_closeHalfConnection(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[myCtx].connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Handles the incoming HTTP requests
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Handles the following events: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived,
+  //      c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_handleRequest(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer v_ctx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[v_ctx].httpMessage := v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[v_ctx].connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedGroupId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[v_ctx].portId := v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedPortId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[v_ctx].seqNum := v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedSeqNum;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to CONNECT.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "CONNECT");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to DELETE.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "DELETE");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to GET.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "GET");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to HEAD.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "HEAD");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to OPTIONS.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "OPTIONS");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to POST.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "POST");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to PUT.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "PUT");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function sets the HTTP method of the entity context to TRACE.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContextMethod(pl_ptr.eIdx, "TRACE");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Test step wrapper for <f_EPTF_HTTP_closePort>
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_closePort(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    var integer v_ctx := f_EPTF_HTTP_getContextIndex(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_closePort(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[v_ctx].connId, v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts[v_ctx].portId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Test step wrapper for <f_EPTF_HTTP_cleanupContext>
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - test step args
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_step_cleanUp(
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_cleanupContext(pl_ptr.eIdx);
+  }
+} //EPTF_HTTP_TestSteps
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_DefaultFunctions
+//  Purpose:
+//    The functions of the EPTF HTTP Default Functions
+group EPTF_HTTP_DefaultFunctions {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSendRequest
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default send request function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_Message - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Message> - the outgoing HTTP message
+  //    pl_result - *out* <Result> - the result of send
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSendRequest(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId,
+    in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId&": "&
+      "You should set your sender function with f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionOpen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default connection open function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* *integer* - the ID of the opened connection
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - success result of operation
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionOpen (
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Default Connection Open fucntion has been called");
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default connection close function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* *integer* - the connection ID
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionClose (
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Default Connection Close fucntion has been called");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionHalfClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default connection half close function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* *integer* - the connection ID
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultConnectionHalfClose (
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Default Connection Half Close function has been called");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultClosePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default close port of user function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultClosePortOfUser (
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Default Close Port of User function has been called");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultFreePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default free port of user function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultFreePortOfUser (
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Default Free Port of User function has been called");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultClosePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default free port of user function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_portId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultClosePort(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Default connection close function has been called");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default send response function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group identifier to send the response
+  //    pl_portId - *out* *integer* - unique port identifier in the port group
+  //    pl_message - *out* *integer* - the message to send
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSendResponse(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId,
+    in integer pl_seqNum,
+    in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId&": "&
+      "You should set your sender function with f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendResponseFunction");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultListen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    This function is the default listen function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group identifier to send the response
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultListen(
+    in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId&": "&
+      "You should set your sender function with f_EPTF_HTTP_setListenFunction");
+    return -1;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSearch
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    The default context searching function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultSearch(
+    inout integer pl_eIdx,
+    inout integer pl_fsmCtx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(%definitionId&": "&
+      "You should set your sender function with f_EPTF_HTTP_setSearchContextFunction");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultCharstringBodyHandler
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    The default charstring body handler function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_bodyMessage - *in* *charstring* - the body message
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultCharstringBodyHandler (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in charstring pl_bodyMessage)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    //f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(pl_bodyMessage);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultBinaryBodyHandler
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    The default binary body handler function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_eIdx - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_bodyMessage - *in* *octetstring* - the body message
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_defaultBinaryBodyHandler (
+    in integer pl_eIdx,
+    in octetstring pl_bodyMessage)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    //f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(pl_bodyMessage);
+  }
+} //EPTF_HTTP_DefaultFunctions
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Logging
+//  Purpose:
+//    The functions of the EPTF HTTP Logging
+group EPTF_HTTP_Logging
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_error
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log an error from StatMeasure feature.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_error(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_errorV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Error});
+    f_EPTF_Base_stopAll();
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_warning
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log a warning from StatMeasure feature.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_warning(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_warningV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Warning});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_debug
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log a debug message from StatMeasure feature.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_debug(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_debugV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Debug});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_debugEnabled
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to check if debug is enabled for StatMeasure
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - true if debug enalbed
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_debugEnabled()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    return f_EPTF_Logging_isEnabled(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId,
+      c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+  }
+} // group Logging
+}//end of module
+with {
+extension "version <RnXnn>"
diff --git a/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_LoadGen.grp b/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_LoadGen.grp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a61d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_LoadGen.grp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               EPTF_HTTP_LoadGen.grp
+//  Description:        FileGroup file for EPTF Applib HTTP LoadGen
+//  Rev:                <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:            2009-03-11
+//  Contact:  
+<!DOCTYPE TITAN_GUI_FileGroup_file>
+<File_Group name="EPTF_HTTP_LoadGen" >
+    <File path="EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn" />
+    <File path="EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn" />
diff --git a/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger.grp b/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger.grp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba5bd93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger.grp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               EPTF_HTTP_Logger.grp
+//  Description:        FileGroup file for EPTF Applib HTTP Logger
+//  Rev:                <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:            2009-03-11
+//  Contact:  
+<!DOCTYPE TITAN_GUI_FileGroup_file>
+<File_Group name="EPTF_HTTP_Logger" >
+    <File path="EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn" />
+    <File path="EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn" />
diff --git a/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn b/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a2503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2012-11-28
+//  Contact:
+// Module: EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions
+//  Purpose:
+//   This module contains the definitions used by the EPTF_HTTP_Logger_CT
+//   component.
+//  Module Parameters:
+//   -
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions>
+//   <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//  Current Owner:    
+//    EAKOPER 
+// Last Review Date:
+//   2008-01-09 
+module EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions {
+// Import Part
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions all;
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+// Type: EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_FT
+// Purpose:
+//   Function type to register LoggerClient send function 
+// Elements:
+//   pl_message - *in* - *octetstring* - the outgoing octetstring message
+type function EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_FT (
+  in charstring pl_message) 
+runs on self;
+// Type: EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_CT 
+// Purpose:
+//   The type definition of the LoggerClient component
+// Extends:
+//   EPTF_Base_CT
+// Elements:
+//   HTTP_LoggerClient_PCO - <EPTF_HTTP_Logger_PT> - Communiucation port between the LoggerClient and The Logger components
+//   vf_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_sendFunction - <EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_FT> - Function to reference the logging send function
+//   vc_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_loggerComponent - <EPTF_HTTP_Logger_CT> - The Logger component
+//   v_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_initialized - *boolean* - The component initialized variable
+type component EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_CT  extends 
+  EPTF_Base_CT 
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Logger_PT        HTTP_LoggerClient_PCO;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_sendFunction := null;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Logger_CT         vc_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_loggerComponent;
+  var boolean                     v_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_initialized := false; 
+// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Logger_PT
+// Purpose:
+//   HTTP Logger port type
+// Detailed Comments:
+//   The port receives a HTTP message as octetstring
+type port EPTF_HTTP_Logger_PT message {
+  inout octetstring
+} with { extension "internal" };
+// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Logger_CT
+// Purpose:
+//   HTTP Logger component type
+// Detailed Comments:
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Logger_CT {
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Logger_PT HTTP_Logger_PCO;
+  var octetstring v_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_incomingMsg;
+  var HTTPMessage v_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_decodedMessage;
+}//end of module
+with {
+extension "version <RnXnn>"
diff --git a/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn b/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe63c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2012-11-28
+//  Contact:
+// Module: EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions
+// Purpose:
+//   This module contains the functions for EPTF_HTTP_Logger_PT component
+// Module Parameters:
+//     tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Logging_Decode - *boolean* - default value:*true*
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
+//   <EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions>
+//   <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//  Current owner
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2008-01-09
+module EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions {
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions all;
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+// Module Parameters
+modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Logging_Decode := true;
+//  Group: LoggerClient
+//  Purpose:
+//    Functions of the LoggerClient component
+group LoggerClient  {
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_init_CT
+  // 
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to init the LoggerClient component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_functionRef - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_FT> - The send function of the logging
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    - integer - if the component initialize already the return value will be -1
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_init_CT(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_FT  pl_functionRef) 
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_CT 
+  return integer 
+  {
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_initialized) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_Base_registerCleanup(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_cleanup_CT));
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_sendFunction := pl_functionRef;
+    vc_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_loggerComponent := EPTF_HTTP_Logger_CT.create;
+    connect(vc_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_loggerComponent:HTTP_Logger_PCO,self:HTTP_LoggerClient_PCO);
+    vc_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_loggerComponent.start(f_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Behavior());
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_initialized := true;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_cleanup_CT
+  // 
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to clean the LoggerClient component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_cleanup_CT() 
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_CT {
+    if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_initialized) {
+      return;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_initialized := false;    
+    vc_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_loggerComponent.stop;
+    disconnect(vc_EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_loggerComponent:HTTP_Logger_PCO,
+      self:HTTP_LoggerClient_PCO);
+  }
+//  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Behavior
+//  Purpose:
+//    The main function of the logger component
+//  Parameters:
+//    -
+//  Return Value:
+//    -
+//  Errors:
+//    -
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Behavior() 
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Logger_CT
+  var integer vl_noIntWarning;
+  alt {
+    [] HTTP_Logger_PCO.receive(octetstring:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_incomingMsg
+      {
+        if(tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Logging_Decode) {
+          vl_noIntWarning := dec_HTTPMessage(v_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_incomingMsg,
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_decodedMessage )
+          log("The received decoded Message is: ",
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_decodedMessage); 
+        }
+        else {
+          log("The received encoded Message is: ",
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Logger_incomingMsg);
+        }
+        repeat;	  
+      }
+  }
+}//end of module
+with {
+extension "version <RnXnn>"
diff --git a/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport.grp b/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport.grp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6ae3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport.grp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               EPTF_HTTP_Transport.grp
+//  Description:        FileGroup file for EPTF Applib HTTP Transport
+//  Rev:                <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:            2009-03-11
+//  Contact:  
+<!DOCTYPE TITAN_GUI_FileGroup_file>
+<File_Group name="EPTF_HTTP_Transport" >
+    <File path="EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn" />
+    <File path="EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn" />
diff --git a/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn b/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b46be44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,2092 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2014-03-21
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the definitions to the HTTP Transport
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingComponentMask - *charstring* - logging component mask id
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEnable - *boolean* - enable/disable the transport logging
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_TransportDefinitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_TransportMessageBufferManager_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_TransportCommPortIPL4_Definitions>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <TCCMaths_GenericTypes>
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-08-10
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions {
+// Imports
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions all;
+//import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_TransportRouting_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_TransportMessageBufferManager_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_TransportCommPortIPL4_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Definitions all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from TCCMaths_GenericTypes all;
+// Module parameters
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingComponentMask := "EPTF_HTTP_Transport";
+modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEnable := false;
+modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferLogEnable := false;
+modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_messageBufferEnable := false;
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bufferSize := 100;
+// Data types
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Transport
+//  Purpose:
+//    The definitions of the EPTF HTTP Transport
+group EPTF_HTTP_Transport {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    HTTP states
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //   IDLE(0),
+  //   OPENED(1)
+  //   HALFCLOSED(2)
+  //   CLOSED(3)
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type enumerated EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState {
+    IDLE,
+    OPENED,
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortType
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Port type
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    LISTENING(0) -
+  //    INCOMING_PORT(1) -
+  //    OUTGOING_PORT(2) -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type enumerated EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortType{
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   add/remove ports to/from a port group
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SelectPort_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   select a port for sending within a port group
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SelectPort_FT(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   provide a session operation on a group
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortOperation_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   provide a session operation on a group
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_portId - *in* *integer* - port id
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortOperation_FT(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_portId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroupAndPort_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   acquire port group and port index for a connection id
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_connId - *in* *integer* -connection id
+  //   pl_group - *inout* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_port  - *inout* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroupAndPort_FT(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    inout integer pl_group,
+    inout integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroup_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   acquire port group ndex for a connection id
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_connId - *in* *integer* -connection id
+  //   pl_groupId - *inout* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroup_FT(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    inout integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendFunction_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   send an encoded message over a port group
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id for sending
+  //   pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - message to send
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendFunction_FT(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_sessionId,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   send an encoded response over a port group
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_portId - *in* *integer* - port id for sending
+  //   pl_seqNum - *in* *integer* -  sequence number of the response
+  //   pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - response to send
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse_FT(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_portId,
+    in integer pl_seqNum,
+    in octetstring pl_msg
+  )
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OpenConnection_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   open port / port group connection
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OpenConnection_FT(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   cloase port / port group connection
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   handle a received message
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_port  - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //   pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - message to send
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   handle a received message
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_port  - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //   pl_type - *in* *integer* - event type
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT (
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in integer pl_type)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback function for
+  //   opening a listen port
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  // Return value:
+  //  boolean - open result
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen_FT(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CreateIncomingConn_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   store an incoming connection
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CreateIncomingConn_FT(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in ConnectionOpenedEvent pl_connOpened,
+    inout integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemoveIncomingConn_FT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Function type to a registerable callback functions to
+  //   remove an incoming connection
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //   pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index in the group
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemoveIncomingConn_FT(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Record to store function referencies for a port group
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    addPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT> *optional* - add port function ref
+  //    removePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT> *optional* - remove port function ref
+  //    selectPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SelectPort_FT> *optional* - select port function ref
+  //    sendMessage - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendFunction_FT> *optional* - send message function ref
+  //    closePortOfUser - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT> - close port of user function ref
+  //    freePortOfUser - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT> - free port of user function ref
+  //    openPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OpenConnection_FT> *optional* - open port function ref
+  //    closeConnection - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT> *optional* - close port function ref
+  //    halfClosePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT> *optional* - half close port function ref
+  //    receiveMessage - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT> *optional* - receive message function ref
+  //    receiveEvent - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT> *optional* - receive event function ref
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //     -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions
+  {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT addPort optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT removePort optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SelectPort_FT selectPort optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendFunction_FT sendMessage optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT closePortOfUser optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT freePortOfUser optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OpenConnection_FT openPort optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT closeConnection optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT halfClosePort optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT receiveMessage optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT receiveEvent optional
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initUserFunctions
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions c_EPTF_HTTP_initUserFunctions :={
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit,
+    omit
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerUserFunctions
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Record to store function referencies for a server port group
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    removePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT> *optional* - remove port function ref
+  //    listen - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen_FT> *optional* - open a listen port function ref
+  //    createIncomingConn - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CreateIncomingConn_FT> *optional* - create incoming connection function ref
+  //    removeIncomingConn - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemoveIncomingConn_FT> *optional* - remove incoming connection function ref
+  //    sendResponse - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse_FT> *optional* - send response function ref
+  //    receiveMessage - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT> *optional* - receive message function ref
+  //    receiveEvent - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT> *optional* - receive event function ref
+  //    closePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortOperation_FT> - close connection function ref
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //     -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerUserFunctions
+  {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT removePort optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen_FT listen optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CreateIncomingConn_FT createIncomingConn optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemoveIncomingConn_FT removeIncomingConn optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse_FT sendResponse optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT receiveMessage optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT receiveEvent optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortOperation_FT closePort optional
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initUserFunctions
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerUserFunctions c_EPTF_HTTP_initServerUserFunctions :={
+    removePort := omit,
+    listen := omit,
+    createIncomingConn := omit,
+    removeIncomingConn := omit,
+    sendResponse := omit,
+    receiveMessage := omit,
+    receiveEvent := omit,
+    closePort := omit
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Record to store information on a port group
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    name - *charstring* *optional* - unique name of the group
+  //    localHostInformation - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - local IP address
+  //                                                         and port
+  //    remoteHostInformation - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - remote IP address
+  //                                                          and port
+  //    numberOfPorts - *integer* - number of ports within the group to be
+  //                                created
+  //    localportStep - *integer* - step of local port number after creation
+  //                                of each port
+  //    remoteportStep - *integer* - step of remote port number after creation
+  //                                 of each port
+  //    instantConnOpen - *boolean* - instant connection open mode
+  //    instantConnClose - *boolean* - instant connection close mode
+  //    useSSL - *boolean* - use ssl mode
+  //    userFunctions - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions> *optional* -
+  //                function references of group callback functions if needed
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //     Used for port group creation
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode {
+    charstring name optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation localHostInformation,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation remoteHostInformation,
+    integer numberOfPorts,
+    integer localportStep,
+    integer remoteportStep,
+    boolean instantConnOpen,
+    boolean instantConnClose,
+    boolean useSSL,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions userFunctions optional
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Record to store information on a port group
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    name - *charstring* *optional* - unique name of the port
+  //    localHostInformation - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - local IP address
+  //                                                         and port
+  //    remoteHostInformation - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - remote IP address
+  //                                                          and port
+  //    instantConnOpen - *boolean* - instant connection open mode
+  //    instantConnClose - *boolean* - instant connection close mode
+  //    useSSL - *boolean* - use ssl mode
+  //    userFunctions - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions> *optional* -
+  //                function references of group callback functions if needed
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //     Used for port creation
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode {
+    charstring name optional,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation localHostInformation,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation remoteHostInformation,
+    boolean instantConnOpen,
+    boolean instantConnClose,
+    boolean useSSL,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions userFunctions optional
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Contains information to create a new listening port group.
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    name - *charstring* - unique name of the port
+  //    localHostInformation - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - local IP address
+  //                                                         and port
+  //    instantConnClose - *boolean* - instant connection close mode
+  //    userFunctions - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListeningUserFunctions> *optional* -
+  //                function references of group callback functions if needed
+  //    buffer - *boolean* - buffering mode
+  //    useSSL - *boolean* - use SSL socket
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //     Used for port creation
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode{
+    charstring name,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation localHostInformation,
+    boolean instantConnClose,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerUserFunctions userFunctions optional,
+    boolean buffer,
+    boolean useSSL optional
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initServerPortMode
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode c_EPTF_HTTP_initServerPortMode :={
+    name := "",
+    localHostInformation := {"", -1},
+    instantConnClose := false,
+    userFunctions := omit,
+    buffer := false,
+    useSSL := omit
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Record to store an element of the function group database
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    addPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT> - add port function ref
+  //    removePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT> - remove port function ref
+  //    selectPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SelectPort_FT> - select port function ref
+  //    sendMessage - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendFunction_FT> - send message function ref
+  //    closePortOfUser - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT> - close port of user function ref
+  //    freePortOfUser - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT> - free port of user function ref
+  //    openPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OpenConnection_FT> - open port function ref
+  //    closeConnection - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT> - close port function ref
+  //    halfClosePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT> - half close port function ref
+  //    receiveMessage - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT> - receive message function ref
+  //    receiveEvent - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT> - receive event function ref
+  //    listen - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen_FT> - open a listen port function ref
+  //    createIncomingConn - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CreateIncomingConn_FT> - create incoming connection function ref
+  //    removeIncomingConn - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemoveIncomingConn_FT> *optional* - remove incoming connection function ref
+  //    closePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortOperation_FT> - close connection function ref
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    A port group has a number of registerable and stateless callback
+  //    functions to handle communication. These kind of function sets can
+  //    be registered into the function database. This element contains
+  //    one functions set.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function
+  {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT addPort,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupOperation_FT removePort,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SelectPort_FT selectPort,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendFunction_FT sendMessage,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse_FT sendResponse,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT closePortOfUser,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SessionOperation_FT freePortOfUser,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OpenConnection_FT openPort,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT closeConnection,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CloseConnection_FT halfClosePort,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveMessage_FT receiveMessage,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ReceiveEvent_FT receiveEvent,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen_FT listen,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_CreateIncomingConn_FT createIncomingConn,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemoveIncomingConn_FT removeIncomingConn,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortOperation_FT closePort
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_HTTP_Transport_initFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function c_HTTP_Transport_initFunction:=
+  {
+    addPort := null,
+    removePort := null,
+    selectPort := null,
+    sendMessage := null,
+    sendResponse := null,
+    closePortOfUser := null,
+    freePortOfUser := null,
+    openPort := null,
+    closeConnection := null,
+    halfClosePort := null,
+    receiveMessage := null,
+    receiveEvent := null,
+    listen := null,
+    createIncomingConn := null,
+    removeIncomingConn := null,
+    closePort := null
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FunctionList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function database for port groups
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FunctionList;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfo
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   A port connection database element
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupIndex - *integer* - index of the port group in which the
+  //                             port is situated
+  //    portIndex - *integer* -  self index of the port within the port
+  //                             connection database
+  //    connectionId - *integer* - connection id of the current port
+  //    localhostInfoIdx - *integer* - localhost information database index to
+  //                                   acquire local IP adress and port number
+  //    remotehostInfoIdx - *integer* - remotehost information database index to
+  //                                   acquire remote IP adress and port number
+  //    state - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState> - state of current port
+  //    portType - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortType> - port type
+  //    buffer - *boolean* - buffering mode
+  //    mesageBuffer - <EPTF_HTTP_Buffer> - buffer for sequencing outgoing responses
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    A port group has a number of registerable and stateless callback
+  //    functions to handle communication. These kind of function sets can
+  //    be registered into the function database. This element contains
+  //    one functions set.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfo {
+    integer groupIndex,
+    integer portIndex,
+    integer connectionId,
+    integer sessionId,
+    integer portId,
+    integer localhostInfoIdx,
+    integer remotehostInfoIdx,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState state,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortType portType,
+    boolean buffer,
+    EPTF_HTTP_MessageBuffer  messageBuffer optional
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfo c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo :={
+    groupIndex := -1,
+    portIndex := -1,
+    connectionId := -1,
+    sessionId := -1,
+    portId := -1,
+    localhostInfoIdx := -1,
+    remotehostInfoIdx := -1,
+    state := IDLE,
+    portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+    buffer := false,
+    messageBuffer := omit
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_MessageBuffer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Message buffer for response sequencing.
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    seqNums - <EPTF_HTTP_SeqNumMgmt> - sequence number management
+  //    seqNum2messageIdxHM - *integer* -  hashmap reference to map a sequence number to a message queue index
+  //    messageQueue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - index management for the message queue
+  //    httpMessages - <EPTF_OctetstringList> - http messages in the buffer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    In case of a pipelining on a persistent connection the server MUST send its
+  //    responses to the requests in the  same order that the requests were received.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_MessageBuffer
+  {
+    EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer    seqNums,
+    integer                 seqNum2messageIdxHM,
+    EPTF_FreeBusyQueue      messageQueue,
+    OctetStringList    httpMessages
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   Handles sequence numbers of the responses
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    isSlotBusyHM - *integer* - to decide if a given slot is busy
+  //    nextSeqNum - *integer* -  the sequence number of the next incoming request
+  //    waitForSeqNum - *integer* - the sequence number of the next response to send out
+  //    usedSlots - *integer* - number of used slowts in the buffer
+  //    maxSize - *integer* - maximum size of the buffer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    In case of a pipelining on a persistent connection the server MUST send its
+  //    responses to the requests in the  same order that the requests were received.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer{
+    integer isSlotBusyHM,
+    integer nextSeqNum,
+    integer waitForSeqNum,
+    integer usedSlots,
+    integer maxSize
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Port connection database of a port group
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfo>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfo EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //   An element of the port group database of the HTTP transport component
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    name - *charstring* - unique name of the port group
+  //    localHostInformation - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> -  base local IP
+  //                                                          address and port
+  //    remoteHostInformation - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - base remote IP
+  //                                                          address and port
+  //    currentPortId - *integer* - used to generate unique portId
+  //    numberOfPorts - *integer* - number of ports within the group to be
+  //                                created
+  //    localportStep - *integer* - step of local port number after creation
+  //                                of each port
+  //    remoteportStep - *integer* - step of remote port number after creation
+  //                                 of each port
+  //    portDatabase - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList> - port connection
+  //                                                  database of the group
+  //    listeningPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfo> *optional* - listening port info
+  //    defaultFIdx - *integer* - function group database pointer
+  //    portQueue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - FBQ to maintain status of ports
+  //                                       within the group
+  //    portStateQueue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - FBQ to maintain sending status
+  //                                       of ports within the group
+  //    useSSL - *boolean* - use ssl mode
+  //    instantConnOpen - *boolean* - instant connection open mode
+  //    instantConnClose - *boolean* - instant connection close mode
+  //    buffer - *boolean* - buffer mode
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup {
+    charstring name,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation baseLocalHostInformation,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation baseRemoteHostInformation,
+    integer currentPortId,
+    integer numberOfPorts,
+    integer localportStep,
+    integer remoteportStep,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList portDatabase,
+    integer listeningPortIdx,
+    integer defaultFIdx,
+    EPTF_FreeBusyQueue portQueue,
+    EPTF_FreeBusyQueue portStateQueue,
+    boolean useSSL,
+    boolean instantConnOpen,
+    boolean instantConnClose,
+    boolean buffer
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_HTTP_Transport_initPortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup c_HTTP_Transport_initPortGroup :=
+  {
+    name := "",
+    baseLocalHostInformation := {"", -1},
+    baseRemoteHostInformation := {"", -1},
+    currentPortId := 0,
+    numberOfPorts := 0,
+    localportStep := -1,
+    remoteportStep := -1,
+    portDatabase := {},
+    listeningPortIdx := -1,
+    defaultFIdx := -1,
+    portQueue := c_EPTF_emptyFreeBusyQueue,
+    portStateQueue := c_EPTF_emptyFreeBusyQueue,
+    useSSL := false,
+    instantConnOpen := false,
+    instantConnClose := false,
+    buffer := false
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Port group database of the HTTP transport component
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for port group creation
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - port group info
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode groupInfo
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for port group deletion
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group index of created port group
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup {
+    integer groupId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for port creation
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    portInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode> - port info
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode portInfo
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for a server port creation
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    portInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode> - server port info
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort {
+    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode portInfo
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for port deletion
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    portId - *integer* - port group index of port to be deleted
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort {
+    integer portId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for add port to a port group
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group index of group to which a new port
+  //                          is to be added
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort {
+    integer groupId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for remove port from a port group
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group index of group from which a port
+  //                          is to be removed
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort {
+    integer groupId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for send a message
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group on which the message
+  //                          should be sent
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - entity index as session id for current send
+  //    outgoingMessage - *octetstring* - outgoing message
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send {
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId,
+    octetstring outgoingMessage
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ClosePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for close port of user
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group on which the message
+  //                          should be sent
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - entity index as session id for current send
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ClosePortOfUser {
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FreePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for free port of user
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group on which the message
+  //                          should be sent
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - entity index as session id for current send
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FreePortOfUser {
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for open a connection
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group whose connections should
+  //                          be opened
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - entity index as session id for current open
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect {
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for close a connection
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group whose connections should
+  //                          be closed
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close {
+    integer groupId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for half close a connection
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group whose connections should
+  //                          be half closed
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose {
+    integer groupId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for opening a listen connection
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the server group
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen {
+    integer groupId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for closing a port
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group
+  //    portId - *integer* - the port identifier
+  //
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePort{
+    integer groupId,
+    integer portId
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for send a response.
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group on which the message
+  //                          should be sent
+  //    portId - *integer* - the unique port identifier of the request
+  //    msg - *octetstring* - outgoing response
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse{
+    integer groupId,
+    integer portId,
+    integer seqNum,
+    octetstring msg
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for result notification
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group whose port got the event
+  //    resultType - *integer* - event type
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result {
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId,
+    integer resultType
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for message reception handling
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group identifier of the request
+  //    sessionId - *integer* - unique id of the request
+  //    seqNum- *integer* - sequence number of the request
+  //    reveivedMessage - *octetstring* - received message
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive {
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId,
+    integer seqNum,
+    octetstring reveivedMessage
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for error socket notification
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - the ID of the group whose port got the event
+  //    result - <Result> - Contains IPL4 Result message
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error {
+    integer groupId,
+    integer sessionId,
+    Result result
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for listen socket event notification
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group ID
+  //    hostInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - listening address and port
+  //    eventType - *integer* - event type
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent{
+    integer groupId,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation hostInfo,
+    integer eventType
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport ASP API element for listen socket error notification
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - port group ID
+  //    hostInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - listening address and port
+  //    transportError - <EPTF_HTTP_Error> - error
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError{
+    integer                   groupId,
+    EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation hostInfo,
+    EPTF_HTTP_Error           transportError
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    EPTF HTTP internal communication port
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ClosePortOfUser
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FreePortOfUser
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError
+  //    EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePort
+  //    integer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type port EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT message
+  {
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ClosePortOfUser;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FreePortOfUser;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError;
+    inout EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePort;
+    inout integer;
+  } with {extension "internal"}
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Base_CTList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Routing component CT list
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_Base_CT>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_Base_CT EPTF_HTTP_Base_CTList;
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport
+//  Purpose:
+//    The definitions of the EPTF HTTP Local Transport
+group EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   EPTF HTTP local transport component
+  //
+  // Extends:
+  //   EPTF_MessageBufferManager_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_HTTP_LoggerClient_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT (this extends EPTF_Logging_CT)
+  //
+  //   EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_Base_CT
+  //
+  // Ports:
+  //   pf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_commPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT> - local transport communication port
+  //
+  // Timers:
+  //   -
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive - <EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT> -
+  //       receive message callback function pointer
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive - <EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT> -
+  //       receive event callback function pointer
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive - <EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT> -
+  //       receive socket error callback function pointer
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketEvent - <EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT> -
+  //       receive lisent socket event callback function pointer
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketError - <EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError_FT> -
+  //       receive lisent socket error callback function pointer
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook - <fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook> -
+  //       callback function that is invoked after each HTTP message is sent
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_loggingEnabled - *integer* -
+  //       the Variable of the GUI logging
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_guiEnabled - *boolean* - GUI Logging enabled
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initialized  - *boolean* -
+  //       The component initialized variable
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTPLocalTransport_lengthCalculationFunctions - <EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_MessageLengthCalculationFunctionList> -
+  //       message length calcualtion function list
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName - *charstring* - self name of the component
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - FBQ to maintain port groups
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList> - port group database
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FunctionList> - function database
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM - *integer* - group name to group index hash map handle
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM - *integer* - function set to function database hash map handle
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap - *integer* - remote host hash map handle
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap - *integer* - local host hash map handle
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM - *integer* - connection id to group index hash map handle
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM - *integer* - connection id to port index hash map handle
+  //
+  //   v_nameIdx - *integer* - variable to store current highest port group name index
+  //
+  //   v_resultNoWarning - <Result> - dummy variable to suppress warnings
+  //   v_boolNoWarning - *boolean* - dummy variable to suppress warnings
+  //   v_intNoWarning - *integer* - dummy variable to suppress warnings
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostInformationList - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList> - local host
+  //       information database
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostInformationList - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList> - remote
+  //       host information database
+  //
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage - <EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_ASP_OutgoingMessage> -
+  //      outgoing message
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type component EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT extends
+  EPTF_MessageBufferManager_CT,
+  EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT,
+  EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_CT,
+  EPTF_Base_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT 	  vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT   	  vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT   vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketEvent := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError_FT    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketError := null
+    var fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook     vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook := null;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_loggingEnabled := -1;
+    var boolean v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_guiEnabled := false;
+    var boolean v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initialized := false;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_MessageLengthCalculationFunctionList v_EPTF_HTTPLocalTransport_lengthCalculationFunctions := {};
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroupAndPort_FT vf_getGroupAndPort := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroup_FT vf_getGroup := null;
+    var charstring v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName := "EPTF_HTTP_Transport";
+    var EPTF_FreeBusyQueue v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB :=  {};
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM :=  -1;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FunctionList v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB := {};
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM :=  -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM := -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM :=  -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM :=  -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM := -1;
+    var integer v_nameIdx := 0;
+    var Result v_resultNoWarning;
+    var boolean v_boolNoWarning;
+    var integer v_intNoWarning;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostInformationList := {};
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap :=  -1;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostInformationList := {};
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap := -1;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup := -1;
+    var EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_ASP_OutgoingMessage v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferSize := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_bufferSize;
+    port EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT pf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_commPort;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CTList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport CT list
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CTList;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_MessageLengthCalculationFunctionList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Message length calculation function database
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <f_IPL4_getMsgLen>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of f_IPL4_getMsgLen
+  EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_MessageLengthCalculationFunctionList;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_idx_getMessageLength
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_idx_getMessageLength := 0;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_idx_getMessageLength4Diameter
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_idx_getMessageLength4Diameter := 1;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_idx_getMessageLengthChunkedCoding
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_idx_getMessageLengthChunkedCoding := 2;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: Hash map name constants for Local transport
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_groupName2Idx  := "EPTF HTTP: Group name to group index HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_fnGrp2Idx      := "EPTF HTTP: Function group to index HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_localHost      := "EPTF HTTP: Local Host HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_remoteHost     := "EPTF HTTP: Remote Host HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_connId2PortGrp := "EPTF HTTP: Connection id to Port group index HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_connId2Port    := "EPTF HTTP: Connection id to Port index within port group HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_sessId2Port    := "EPTF HTTP: Session id to Port index within port group HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_portId2Idx     := "EPTF HTTP: Port id to Port index within port group HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_isSlotBusy     := "EPTF HTTP: Buffer queue HashMap";
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_seqNum2messageIdx     := "EPTF HTTP: Sequence number to message queue index HashMap";
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport
+//  Purpose:
+//    The definitions of the EPTF HTTP Remote Transport
+group EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   EPTF HTTP remote transport component
+  //
+  // Extends:
+  //   EPTF_Base_CT
+  //   EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT (this extends EPTF_Logging_CT)
+  //
+  // Ports:
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT> -
+  //     internal communication port
+  //
+  // Timers:
+  //   -
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_selfName - *charstring* - self name of the
+  //                                                   component
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_result - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result> -
+  //     Remote transport internal communication ASP for incoming events
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_receive - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive> -
+  //     Remote transport internal communication ASP for incoming messages
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_error - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error> -
+  //     Remote transport internal communication ASP for error messages
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenEvent - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent> -
+  //     Remote transport internal communication ASP for listening socket events
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenError - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError> -
+  //     Remote transport internal communication ASP for listening socket errors
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handleReceive - <EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT> -
+  //     receive callback function pointer
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_eventReceive - <EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT> -
+  //     receive event callback function pointer
+  //   vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_socketErrorReceive - <EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT> -
+  //       receive socket error callback function pointer
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_default - *default* -      remote transport
+  //     default altstep handler
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_initialized - *boolean* -  remote transport
+  //     component initialization state
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_transportIdToConnId - *integer* -  hash map
+  //     index
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_halfClose - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose> -   HTTP
+  //                                                    half close message ASP
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type component EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT extends
+  EPTF_Base_CT,
+  EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT,
+  EPTF_HashMap_CT
+  {
+    var charstring                    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_selfName := "EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport";
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_result;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive   v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_receive;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error     v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_error;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenEvent;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenError;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT 	vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handleReceive := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT   	vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_eventReceive := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_socketErrorReceive := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenSocketEvent := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError_FT    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenSocketError := null
+    var default                       v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_default;
+    var boolean                       v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_initialized := false;
+    var integer                       v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_transportIdToConnId := -1;
+    port EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT       v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CTList
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Remote transport CT list
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CTList;
+//  const: Hash map name constants for Remote transport
+//  Purpose:
+//    -
+const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_HashMap_transportId2ConnId  := "EPTF HTTP: Transport ID To Connection ID HashMap";
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Mapper
+//  Purpose:
+//    The definitions of the EPTF HTTP Mapper
+group EPTF_HTTP_Mapper
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   EPTF HTTP mapper component
+  //
+  // Extends:
+  //   EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_Routing_CT
+  //
+  //   EPTF_Base_CT
+  //
+  // Ports:
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT> - internal
+  //                                                  communication port
+  //
+  // Timers:
+  //   -
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId - *integer* - component id for routing
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_default - *default* - handle of the Mapper's
+  //                                            default altstep
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef - <EPTF_Base_CT> - store remote load
+  //                              generator component reference for routing
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx - *integer* -  mapper routing hash map
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_initialized - *boolean* -   mapper initialization
+  //                                                                  state
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPortGroup - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup> -
+  //                                                HTTP new port group ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePortGroup - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup> -
+  //                                             HTTP delete port group ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort> -   HTTP
+  //                                                           new port ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newServerPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort> -   HTTP
+  //                                                           new server port ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort> -
+  //                                                   HTTP delete port ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort> -   HTTP
+  //                                      HTTP add port from port group ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_removePort - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort> -
+  //                                   HTTP remove port from port group ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendMessage - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send> -   HTTP
+  //                                                  HTTP send message ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect> -    HTTP
+  //                                                    connect message ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_close - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close> -  HTTP close
+  //                                                            message ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_halfClose - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose> - HTTP
+  //                                                 half close message ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listen - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen> - HTTP
+  //                                                 listen message ASP
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse> - HTTP
+  //                                                 send response ASP
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type component EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT extends
+  EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT,
+  EPTF_Routing_CT,
+  EPTF_Base_CT
+  {
+    port EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PT       v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort;
+    var integer                       v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId;
+    var integer                       v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_portId;
+    var EPTF_IntegerList              v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId;
+    var default                       v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_default;
+    var EPTF_Base_CT                  v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+    var integer                       v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx := -1;
+    var boolean			      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_initialized := false;
+    var EPTF_BooleanList              v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_routingSetDatabase := {};
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_Database  v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase := {};
+    var EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGenDB  v_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGenDB;
+    private var EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri_FT fcb_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri := null;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPortGroup;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePortGroup;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPort;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newServerPort;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePort;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_removePort;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect   v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendMessage;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ClosePortOfUser v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePortOfUser;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FreePortOfUser v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_freePortOfUser;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close     v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_close;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_halfClose;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listen;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePort v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePort;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Routing setup element
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    groupId - *integer* - group index
+  //    compIdList - <EPTF_IntegerList> - component id list casted to integer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing {
+    integer groupId,
+    EPTF_IntegerList compIdList
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Routing setup list
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_RoutingList;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_DBE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Routing database element
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    ptr - *integer* - next component id list pointer to send
+  //    size - *integer* - component id list size
+  //    compIdList - <EPTF_IntegerList> - component id list casted to integer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //   -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_DBE {
+    integer ptr,
+    integer size,
+    EPTF_IntegerList compIdList
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initRoutingDBE
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_DBE c_EPTF_HTTP_initRoutingDBE :=
+  {
+    ptr := 0,
+    size := 0,
+    compIdList := {}
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Type: EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_Database
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Routing database
+  //
+  //  Elements:
+  //    record of <EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_DBE>
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type record of EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_DBE EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Routing_Database;
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_hashMapName_uri2idxHash := "SIP: uri2Idx";
+  type record EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGenDB {
+    integer uri2lgenIdxHash
+  }
+  type function EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri_FT() runs on self return charstring;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  const: Hash map name constants for Mapper
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_HashMap_routing  := "EPTF HTTP: Routing HashMap";
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging
+//  Purpose:
+//    The definitions of the EPTF HTTP Transport Logging
+group EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Type: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT
+  //
+  // Purpose:
+  //   Common logging component for Local/Remote transport
+  //
+  // Extends:
+  //   EPTF_Logging_CT
+  //
+  // Ports:
+  //   -
+  //
+  // Timers:
+  //   -
+  //
+  // Elements:
+  //   v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId - *integer* - logging mask id
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  type component EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT extends EPTF_Logging_CT
+  {
+    // logging
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId := c_EPTF_Logging_invalidMaskId;
+    var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferLoggingMaskId := c_EPTF_Logging_invalidMaskId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEventClasses
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    list of logging event class names used on the EPTF HTTP
+  //    Transport component
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    <EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList> { "Error", "Warning", "Debug" }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList
+  c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEventClasses := { "Error", "Warning", "Debug", "BufferWarning", "BufferDebug"};
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Error
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Error
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *0*
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Error := 0;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Warning
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Warning
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *1*
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Warning := 1;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Debug
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *2*
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug := 2;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferWarning
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Buffer debug warning logging.
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *0*
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferWarning := 3;
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferDebug
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    logging class index for Buffer debug logging.
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    *1*
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferDebug := 4;
+// Type: fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook
+// Purpose: Message hook for post-processing HTTP message sent.
+type function fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook(in integer pl_eIdx, in octetstring pl_httpMessage) runs on self;
+}//end of module
+with {
+extension "version <RnXnn>"
diff --git a/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn b/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..711465c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,6482 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2014-03-21
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the HTTP transport layer functions
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    See <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions>
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_TransportRouting_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_TransportMessageBufferManager_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_TransportCommPortIPL4_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_TransportCommPortIPL4_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <TCCMessageHandling_Functions>
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-08-10
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions {
+// Imports
+import from EPTF_CLL_TransportRouting_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_TransportMessageBufferManager_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_TransportCommPortIPL4_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_TransportCommPortIPL4_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Definitions all; // events
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from TCCMessageHandling_Functions all;
+// Functions
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport
+//  Purpose:
+//    Functions of the EPTF HTTP Local Transport
+group EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to init The LocalTransprot component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_selfName - *in* *charstring* - self name of the component
+  //    - pl_receiveFunction - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT> - the
+  //        receive callback function to handle received messages
+  //    - pl_eventReceiveFunction - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT> - the
+  //        receive event callback function to handle received events
+  //    - pl_socketErrorReceiveFunction - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT> - the
+  //        socket error receive callback function to handle received socket error events and messages
+  //    - pl_interfaceInformationList - *in* <EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_InterfaceInformationList> -
+  //       the defined interfaces for IPL4 (can be used only with root rights)
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - if the component is initialized already the return value
+  //                will be -1
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT(
+    in charstring pl_selfName := "EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport",
+    in EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT pl_receiveFunction := null,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT pl_eventReceiveFunction := null,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT pl_socketErrorReceiveFunction := null,
+    in EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_InterfaceInformationList pl_interfaceInformationList := {},
+    in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT pl_listenSocketEvent := null,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError_FT pl_listenSocketError := null)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initialized)
+    {
+      log(%definitionId & // intentionally simple log
+        ": The HTTP LocalTransport component already initialized!");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName := pl_selfName
+    f_EPTF_Logging_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId :=
+    f_EPTF_Logging_registerComponentMasks(
+      tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingComponentMask,
+      c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEventClasses,
+      EPTF_Logging_CLL);
+    if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEnable)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_enableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_disableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+    }
+    if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferLogEnable)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_enableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferDebug);
+    }else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_disableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferDebug);
+    }
+    vf_getGroupAndPort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroupAndPort_default);
+    vf_getGroup := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroup_default);
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive      := pl_receiveFunction;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive := pl_eventReceiveFunction;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive := pl_socketErrorReceiveFunction;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketEvent := pl_listenSocketEvent;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketError := pl_listenSocketError;
+    f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_init(pl_interfaceInformationList,true);
+    f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_setReceive(
+      { asp_RecvFrom := ? },refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage), pl_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_setReceive(
+      { asp_Event := ? },refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEvent), pl_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_activateDefaultBufferingHandler(pl_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_setMsgLen(-1,
+      refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getMessageLength), {});
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Init();
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Init();
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM :=
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_groupName2Idx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM :=
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_fnGrp2Idx);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap  :=
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_localHost);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap :=
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_remoteHost);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM :=
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_connId2PortGrp);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM :=
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_connId2Port);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM :=
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_sessId2Port);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM :=
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_portId2Idx);
+    f_EPTF_Base_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_Base_registerCleanup(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_cleanup_CT));
+    if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_messageBufferEnable == true) {
+      f_EPTF_MessageBufferManager_init_CT();
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initialized := true;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & "The initialization of the " &
+      "HTTP LocalTransport component is ready");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_cleanup_CT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to clean The LocalTransport component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_cleanup_CT()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initialized) {
+      return;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initialized:= false;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive := null;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive := null;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive := null
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_loggingEnabled := -1;
+    // delate all ports and port groups
+    var integer vl_group;
+    while (f_EPTF_FBQ_getBusyHeadIdx(vl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(vl_group);
+    }
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_groupName2Idx);
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_fnGrp2Idx);
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_localHost);
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_remoteHost);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_connId2PortGrp);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_connId2Port);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_sessId2Port);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_portId2Idx);
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": The cleanup of the LocalTransport component is ready");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to create a new port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - group data
+  //    - pl_portmode - *in* *boolean* - port mode / group mode selector
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of the new port group if creation successful,
+  //                otherwise -1
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function creats a new port group based on the given port group data.
+  //    This includes creation of port database objects within the group
+  //    and optionally open ports (based on port group data)
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode pl_group,
+    in boolean pl_portmode := false)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var charstring vl_groupName := "";
+    var integer i, vl_dummy, vl_fGIdx, vl_newGrpIdx;
+    vl_newGrpIdx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": New group index: " & int2str(vl_newGrpIdx));
+    // if group name not presented a unique one is generated
+    if (not ispresent( or == "") {
+      vl_groupName := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createUniqueGroupName(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+    }
+    // if group name presented, then it must be unique
+    else {
+      vl_groupName :=;
+      if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM,
+          vl_groupName, vl_dummy))
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Group name: " & vl_groupName & " is not unique!");
+          return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(vl_newGrpIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue); // only if name unique
+    // insert new group index into group name - group index hashmap
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM,
+      vl_groupName, vl_newGrpIdx);
+    // set group database
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx] := c_HTTP_Transport_initPortGroup;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].name := vl_groupName;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].localportStep  := pl_group.localportStep;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].remoteportStep := pl_group.remoteportStep;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].baseLocalHostInformation  := pl_group.localHostInformation;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].baseRemoteHostInformation := pl_group.remoteHostInformation;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].useSSL := pl_group.useSSL; // FIXME
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].instantConnOpen := pl_group.instantConnOpen;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].instantConnClose := pl_group.instantConnClose;
+    // overdefine functionality if user functions are presented
+    if (ispresent(pl_group.userFunctions))
+    {
+      vl_fGIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerGroupFunctions(
+        vl_newGrpIdx, pl_portmode, pl_group.userFunctions);
+    } else
+    {
+      vl_fGIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerGroupFunctions(
+        vl_newGrpIdx, pl_portmode, c_EPTF_HTTP_initUserFunctions);
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].defaultFIdx := vl_fGIdx;
+    // init queues
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].portQueue);
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].portStateQueue);
+    // add group (and open ports if necessary)
+    var boolean vl_success := true;
+    for (i := 0; i < pl_group.numberOfPorts; i:= i + 1) {
+      if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_fGIdx].addPort.apply(vl_newGrpIdx)) {
+        vl_success := false;
+        i := pl_group.numberOfPorts;
+      }
+    }
+    // evaluate result
+    if (vl_success)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Group added successfully: " &
+        int2str(vl_newGrpIdx) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].name);
+      return vl_newGrpIdx;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Group addition unsuccessful: " &
+        int2str(vl_newGrpIdx) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].name);
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(vl_newGrpIdx);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to delete an existing port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function deletes a port group based on the given port group index.
+  //    This includes closure and deletion of ports within the port group.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var integer vl_fGrpIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx;
+    // remove prots
+    while (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_fGrpIdx].removePort.apply(pl_group)) { };
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      if (omit != v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].messageBuffer)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].messageBuffer, i);
+      }
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].messageBuffer := omit;
+    }
+    // remove name
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name);
+    // unset database
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group] := c_HTTP_Transport_initPortGroup;
+    // free group in FBQ
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Group deleted successfully: " &
+      int2str(pl_group));
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to create a new port group object
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_portInfo - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode> - port data
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of the new port group
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function creats a new port based on the given port data.
+  //    It optionally opens the port (based on port group data)
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPort(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode pl_portInfo)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT  return integer
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var integer vl_group;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode vl_groupInfo;
+    // convert port to group
+    vl_groupInfo := {
+      name :=,
+      localHostInformation := pl_portInfo.localHostInformation,
+      remoteHostInformation := pl_portInfo.remoteHostInformation,
+      numberOfPorts := 1,
+      localportStep := 0,
+      remoteportStep := 0,
+      instantConnOpen := pl_portInfo.instantConnOpen,
+      instantConnClose := pl_portInfo.instantConnClose,
+      useSSL := pl_portInfo.useSSL,
+      userFunctions := pl_portInfo.userFunctions
+    };
+    vl_group := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup(vl_groupInfo, true);
+    if (vl_group != -1)
+    {
+      var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function vl_funcs := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx];
+      vl_funcs.addPort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemovePortToGroup_dummy);
+      //vl_funcs.addPort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemovePortToGroup_dummy);
+      // function database index must be updated!!
+      var integer vl_index;
+      // creates a hash map key from the function group
+      var charstring vl_key := log2str(vl_funcs)
+      // if function group is already existing, then return id
+      if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM,
+          vl_key, vl_index))
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx := vl_index;
+      }
+      else {
+        // if function group was not existing, then add new element
+        vl_index := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB);
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": New database index: " & int2str(vl_index) &
+          " for functions: " & vl_key);
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx := vl_index;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_index] := vl_funcs;
+        f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM,
+          vl_key, vl_index);
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Functions are registered to group (" &
+          int2str(vl_group) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].name & ": " & vl_key &
+          " at position " & int2str(vl_index) & " in function database!");
+      }
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Port created (" &
+        int2str(vl_group) & ") - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].name);
+    }
+    else {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Port not created!");
+    }
+    return vl_group;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newServerPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to create a new server port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_portInfo - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode> - port mode / group mode selector
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of the new port group if creation successful,
+  //                otherwise -1
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function creats a new port group based on the given port group data.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newServerPort(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode pl_portInfo)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var integer vl_newGrpIdx := -1;
+    v_boolNoWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createServerPort(pl_portInfo, vl_newGrpIdx)
+    return vl_newGrpIdx;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createServerPort(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode pl_portInfo,
+    inout integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var integer vl_fGIdx, vl_newGrpIdx;
+    if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM,
+, pl_groupId))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Server group already exists.");
+      return false;
+    }
+    vl_newGrpIdx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": New group index: " & int2str(vl_newGrpIdx));
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(vl_newGrpIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue);
+    // insert new group index into group name - group index hashmap
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM,
+, vl_newGrpIdx);
+    // set group database
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx] := c_HTTP_Transport_initPortGroup;
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].portQueue);
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].portStateQueue);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].name :=;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].baseLocalHostInformation  := pl_portInfo.localHostInformation;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].instantConnClose := pl_portInfo.instantConnClose;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].buffer := pl_portInfo.buffer;
+    if(ispresent(pl_portInfo.useSSL) and pl_portInfo.useSSL) {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].useSSL := true;
+    }
+    else {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].useSSL := false;
+    }
+    // overdefine functionality if user functions are presented
+    if (ispresent(pl_portInfo.userFunctions))
+    {
+      vl_fGIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerServerGroupFunctions(
+        vl_newGrpIdx, pl_portInfo.userFunctions);
+    } else
+    {
+      vl_fGIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerServerGroupFunctions(
+        vl_newGrpIdx, c_EPTF_HTTP_initServerUserFunctions);
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].defaultFIdx := vl_fGIdx;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Group added successfully: " &
+      int2str(vl_newGrpIdx) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_newGrpIdx].name);
+    pl_groupId := vl_newGrpIdx;
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to delete an existing port
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function deletes a port group based on the given port group index.
+  //    This includes closure and deletion of ports within the port group.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(pl_group);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Port deleted (" &
+      int2str(pl_group) & ") - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addPortToGroup_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to add a single port to an existing port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of the operation
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The new port added to the port group will be created according to
+  //    port group data. Set local and remote IP addresses won't be changed,
+  //    but local and remote ports will be calculated according to:
+  //      (<number of ports in port group> + 1) * (<local/remote port step>).
+  //
+  //    Addition of new port optionally opens connection on port group data
+  //    to which the port is added (if instant connection open is enabled,
+  //    then ports won't be opened, otherwise they will be).
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addPortToGroup_default(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return false; };
+    var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_lhostInformation, vl_rhostInformation;
+    var integer vl_lhIdx, vl_rhIdx, vl_fbqIdx;
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_createFreeSlots(1, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+    vl_fbqIdx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    //vl_fbqStateIdx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+    //f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId & "FBQ index mismatch", vl_fbqIdx == vl_fbqStateIdx);
+    //f_EPTF_FBQ_setQueueDidx(vl_fbqStateIdx, {vl_fbqIdx}, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_portGrpIdx].portStateQueue);
+    // calculate next port data according (local)
+    vl_lhostInformation := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation;
+    vl_lhostInformation.hostPort := vl_lhostInformation.hostPort +
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].localportStep * v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts;
+    vl_lhIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addLocalHostInformation(vl_lhostInformation);
+    // calculate next port data according (remote)
+    vl_rhostInformation := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseRemoteHostInformation;
+    vl_rhostInformation.hostPort := vl_rhostInformation.hostPort +
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].remoteportStep * v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts;
+    vl_rhIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemoteHostInformation(vl_rhostInformation);
+    // set port data to port info database
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx] := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].groupIndex := pl_group;  // FIXME check
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portIndex  := vl_fbqIdx; // FIXME check
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].localhostInfoIdx  := vl_lhIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].remotehostInfoIdx := vl_rhIdx;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": New port added to " &
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_fbqIdx));
+    // InstantConnOpen == true means that a send request on the group will
+    // automatically trigger a port open -> this case no ports are opened
+    // initially, otherwise ports are opened previosly
+    if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].instantConnOpen)
+    {
+      if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openPortInGroup(pl_group, vl_fbqIdx)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    // move to busy (only if everything was previously successful)
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(vl_fbqIdx,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    // administrate new port opening
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts + 1;
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removePortFromGroup_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to remove a single port from an existing port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of the operation
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The port which is choosen to be removed is the first one added to
+  //    the port group from which the port is removed.
+  //
+  //    If the port has an open connection, then the connection will be closed.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removePortFromGroup_default(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return false; };
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState vl_state;
+    var integer vl_connId, vl_busyHeadIdx := -1;
+    // the first removed port is the oldest one (busy head)
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_getBusyHeadIdx(vl_busyHeadIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue))
+    {
+      vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_busyHeadIdx].connectionId;
+      vl_state  := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_busyHeadIdx].state;
+      // when port removed, it must be closed
+      // it can be closed if connId != -1 and state is OPENING/OPENED/HALFCLOSED
+      f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId & ": Invalid state of port in " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_busyHeadIdx),
+        vl_connId != -1 or vl_state == IDLE);
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Removing port at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_busyHeadIdx));
+      if (vl_connId != -1)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Closing connection on port " &
+          "to be removed!");
+        // close port
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePortInGroup(pl_group, vl_busyHeadIdx);
+      }
+      // deleted port will be allocated again (if necessary) at last time (free tail)
+      f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(vl_busyHeadIdx,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_busyHeadIdx] := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts - 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    //else
+    //{
+    //  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+    //    ": No more ports to remove from group: " &
+    //    int2str(pl_group) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name);
+    //
+    return false;
+    //}
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removePortFromGroupServer_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to remove a single port from an existing server port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of the operation
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The port which is choosen to be removed is the first one added to
+  //    the port group from which the port is removed.
+  //
+  //    If the port has an open connection, then the connection will be closed.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removePortFromGroupServer_default(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return false; };
+    var integer vl_busyHeadIdx := -1;
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_getBusyHeadIdx(vl_busyHeadIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeServerPort(pl_group, vl_busyHeadIdx);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemovePortToGroup_dummy
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Dummy function to disable add/remove port
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of the operation
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Application of this function can disable addition or deletion of
+  //    new ports from port group
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemovePortToGroup_dummy(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+      ": Cannot add/remove ports to port groups created in Port mode");
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selectPortInGroup_defaultGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to select a port in the group on which user intends to perform
+  //    an send operation
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of the selected port within the port group
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    State of ports within a port group are maintained. If someone sends
+  //    an a port, its state is busy for further send. This function selects
+  //    a port within the port group that is not busy for sending.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selectPortInGroup_defaultGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return -1; };
+    var integer vl_nextFreePortIdx;
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_getFreeTailIdx(vl_nextFreePortIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Selected port is " &
+        int2str(vl_nextFreePortIdx) & " for group: " & int2str(pl_group));
+      return vl_nextFreePortIdx;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Port selection unsuccessful"
+      & " for group: " & int2str(pl_group));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selectPortInGroup_defaultPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to select a port in the group on which user intends to perform
+  //    an send operation.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of the selected port within the port group
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function is the default function for port operation mode and
+  //    therefore it will always provide port 0 as in port operation mode
+  //    only one port is located within the port group.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selectPortInGroup_defaultPort(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Group already deleted: " &
+        int2str(pl_group) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(0, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Already sending " &
+        "group: " & int2str(pl_group) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Selected port is 0" &
+      " for group: " & int2str(pl_group));
+    return 0;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroupAndPort_defaultGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to acquire port and group index for a connection id
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_connId - *in* *integer* - connection id
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index within the group id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - true if group and port index successfully retrieved
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Default function for group operation mode
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroupAndPort_default(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    inout integer pl_group,
+    inout integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM,
+        pl_connId, pl_group))
+    {
+      if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM,
+          pl_connId, pl_port))
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Connection id mapped " &
+          " to port: " & int2str(pl_port) & " and group: " & int2str(pl_group));
+        return true;
+      }
+      else {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection id was " &
+          "not found in Connection id to port id hash map. Message dropped!");
+        pl_group := -1; pl_port := -1;
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection id was " &
+        "not found in Connection id to group id hash map. Message dropped!");
+      pl_group := -1; pl_port := -1;
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroup_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to acquire group index for a connection id
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_connId - *in* *integer* - connection id
+  //    - pl_groupId - *inout* *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - true if group index is successfully retrieved
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroup_default(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    inout integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM,
+        pl_connId, pl_groupId))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection id "& int2str(pl_connId) &" was " &
+        "not found in Connection id to group id hash map. Message dropped!");
+      pl_groupId := -1
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_IC
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send message and open connection instantly
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - unique session id of current send
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message to be sent
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function selects a port within the port group which it has
+  //    been applied to, then tries to open the port's connection instantly. If
+  //    both of these operations have finished successfully, finally sends
+  //    the message.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_IC(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_sessionId,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var integer vl_port :=
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx].selectPort.apply(pl_group);
+    if (vl_port == -1)
+    {
+      if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_messageBufferEnable == false) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": No more free ports available!");
+      }
+      else {
+        f_EPTF_MessageBufferManager_setMessageToBuffer(pl_msg, int2str(pl_sessionId), pl_group);
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].state != IDLE and v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].state != OPENED)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection is not in Idle state, state: " &
+          log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].state));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue)) {
+          var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+          vl_local := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostInformationList[
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].localhostInfoIdx];
+          vl_remote := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostInformationList[
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].remotehostInfoIdx];
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId := pl_sessionId;
+          if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].state == OPENED or f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openPortInGroup(pl_group, vl_port))
+          //if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx].openPort.apply(pl_group))
+          {
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := { asp_Send := {
+                connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].connectionId,
+                proto := {tcp:= {}},
+                msg := pl_msg
+              } };
+            v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+              null, false, true, v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Send result is " &
+              log2str(v_resultNoWarning));
+            if ((not ispresent(v_resultNoWarning.errorCode)) or
+              (v_resultNoWarning.errorCode == ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE) or
+              (v_resultNoWarning.errorCode == ERROR_AVAILABLE) )
+            {
+              if (ispresent(v_resultNoWarning.errorCode) and (v_resultNoWarning.errorCode != ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE)) {
+                f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+                ": f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send error code: " &
+                  log2str(v_resultNoWarning.errorCode));
+              }
+              // move to busy if sending on port
+              if (not f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+                f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(vl_port,
+                  v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+              }
+              f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM,
+                pl_sessionId,
+                vl_port);
+              f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Message sent on " &
+                f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_port) &
+                ": " & log2str(pl_msg));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+                ": Send message unsuccessful!" &
+                f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_port));
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId := -1;
+              // socket error, calling callback
+              if(vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive != null) {
+                vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+                    pl_group,
+                    pl_sessionId,
+                    v_resultNoWarning});
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          else {
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+              ": Instant connection opening unsuccessful for port at " &
+              f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_port));
+          }
+        }
+        else {
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+            ": Sending on port which has already been removed!" &
+            int2str(pl_group) & " / " & int2str(vl_port));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_NIC
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send message and open connection instantly
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - unique session id of current send
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message to be sent
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function selects a port within the port group which it has
+  //    been applied to, then tries to send the message.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_NIC(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_sessionId,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var integer vl_port :=
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx].selectPort.apply(pl_group);
+    if (vl_port == -1)
+    {
+      if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_messageBufferEnable == false) {
+      	f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": No more free ports available");
+      }
+      else {
+        f_EPTF_MessageBufferManager_setMessageToBuffer(pl_msg, int2str (pl_sessionId), pl_group);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].state != OPENED)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection is not opened, state: " &
+          log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].state));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := { asp_Send := {
+            connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].connectionId,
+            proto := {tcp:= {}},
+            msg := pl_msg
+          } };
+        v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+          null, false, true, v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Send result is " &
+          log2str(v_resultNoWarning));
+        if (not ispresent(v_resultNoWarning.errorCode) or ((v_resultNoWarning.errorCode == ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE) or (v_resultNoWarning.errorCode == ERROR_AVAILABLE)))
+        {
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId := pl_sessionId
+          // move to busy if sending on port
+          if (not f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+            f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(vl_port,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+          }
+          f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM,
+            pl_sessionId,
+            vl_port);
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Message sent on " &
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_port) &
+            ": " & log2str(pl_msg));
+        }
+        else {
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+            ": Send message unsuccessful!" &
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_port));
+          // socket error, calling callback
+          if(vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive != null) {
+            vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+                pl_group,
+                pl_sessionId,
+                v_resultNoWarning});
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse_default_IC
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send a response and close connection instantly
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_portId - *in* *integer* - unique port id to send the request
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message to be sent
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse_default_IC(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_portId,
+    in integer pl_seqNum,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var integer vl_port := -1;
+    if (not f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM, pl_portId, vl_port))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Could not find port identifier!" &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase));
+      return;
+    }
+    if (f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sendResponse(pl_group, vl_port, pl_msg))
+    {
+      var integer vl_fGIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_fGIdx].removeIncomingConn.apply(pl_group, vl_port);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse_default_NIC
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send a response.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_portId - *in* *integer* - unique port id to send the request
+  //    - pl_seqNum - *in* *integer* - sequence number of the response
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message to be sent
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse_default_NIC(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_portId,
+    in integer pl_seqNum,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var integer vl_port := -1;
+    if (not f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM, pl_portId, vl_port))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Could not find port identifier!" &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase));
+      return;
+    }
+    if (-1 == pl_seqNum)
+    {
+      v_boolNoWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sendResponse(pl_group, vl_port, pl_msg);
+      return;
+    }
+    var integer vl_headIdx :=
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getHeadIdx(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums);
+    var integer vl_messageIdx := -1;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_setElementBusy(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums,
+      pl_seqNum
+    );
+    if (pl_seqNum == vl_headIdx)
+    {
+      v_boolNoWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sendResponse(pl_group, vl_port, pl_msg);
+      if (not v_boolNoWarning)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Error while sending buffered responses, clearing buffer.");
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_clear(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer);
+        return;
+      }
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_freeHead(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums);
+      while(f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_isHeadBusy(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums))
+      {
+        //send buffered message
+        vl_headIdx :=
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getHeadIdx(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums);
+        if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNum2messageIdxHM,
+            vl_headIdx,
+            vl_messageIdx) and
+          f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(
+            vl_messageIdx,
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.messageQueue))
+        {
+          if (f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sendResponse(
+              pl_group,
+              vl_port,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.httpMessages[vl_messageIdx]))
+          {
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.httpMessages[vl_messageIdx] := ''O;
+            f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeHead(
+              vl_messageIdx,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.messageQueue);
+            f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNum2messageIdxHM,
+              vl_headIdx);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_freeHead(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums);
+            continue;
+          }
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_clear(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer);
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Error while sending buffered responses, clearing buffer.");
+          return;
+        }else{
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_clear(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer);
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Inconsistency in message buffer!");
+        }
+      }
+    }else{
+      //store message
+      var integer vl_idx := -1;
+      if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNum2messageIdxHM,
+          pl_seqNum,
+          vl_idx))
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Re-using slot! Replacing old message with new.");
+      }else
+      {
+        vl_idx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.messageQueue);
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(
+          vl_idx,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.messageQueue);
+        f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.seqNum2messageIdxHM,
+          pl_seqNum,
+          vl_idx)
+      }
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].messageBuffer.httpMessages[vl_idx] := pl_msg;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_printBufferStatus(pl_group, vl_port);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sends the response.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message to be sent
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sendResponse(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return false; };
+    var ProtoTuple vl_proto := {tcp:= {}};
+    if(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].useSSL){
+      vl_proto := {ssl:= {}}
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := { asp_Send := {
+        connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId,
+        proto := vl_proto,
+        msg := pl_msg
+      } };
+    v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+      null, false, true, v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Send result is " &
+      log2str(v_resultNoWarning));
+    if (ispresent(v_resultNoWarning.errorCode))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Send message unsuccessful!" &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port) & " " &
+        log2str(v_resultNoWarning));
+      // socket error, calling callback
+      if(vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive != null) {
+        vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+            pl_group,
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portId,
+            v_resultNoWarning});
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage_default_IC
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive message and close connection instantly
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message to be sent
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function administrates port state and then calls the real
+  //    message handler
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage_default_IC(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId);
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state == IDLE)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Port already closed " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port));
+      return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePortInGroup(pl_group, pl_port);
+      //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := IDLE;
+      //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId := -1;
+      //f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM, pl_conn);
+      //f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM, pl_conn);
+      // deleted port will be allocated again (if necessary) at last time (free tail)
+      //f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+      // administrate as IDLE port
+      //if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+      //  f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+      //}
+    }
+    var integer vl_temp := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId;
+    // delete session id only after handle receive message
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId := -1;
+    if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive != null) {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive.apply({
+          pl_group,
+          vl_temp,
+          -1,
+          pl_msg});
+    }
+    if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_messageBufferEnable == true) {
+      var octetstring  vl_message;
+      var charstring vl_sessionId;
+      if (f_EPTF_MessageBufferManager_getMessageFromBuffer(pl_group, vl_message, vl_sessionId)) {
+        if (lengthof (vl_message) > 0) {
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_IC(pl_group, str2int(vl_sessionId), vl_message);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage_default_NIC
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle message recpetion
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - the received encoded message
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function closes the port connection on which the message has
+  //    arrived and then calls the real message handler
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage_default_NIC(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId);
+    // administrate as IDLE port
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+      f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+    }
+    var integer vl_temp := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId;
+    if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive != null) {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive.apply({
+          pl_group,
+          vl_temp,
+          -1,
+          pl_msg});
+    }
+    if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_messageBufferEnable == true) {
+      var octetstring vl_message;
+      var charstring vl_sessionId;
+      if (f_EPTF_MessageBufferManager_getMessageFromBuffer(pl_group, vl_message, vl_sessionId)) {
+        if (lengthof (vl_message) > 0) {
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_NIC(pl_group, str2int(vl_sessionId), vl_message);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // session id cannot be deleted if connection stayed open
+    //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId := -1;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessageServer_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle message recpetion
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //    - pl_msg - *in* *octetstring* - the received encoded message
+  //
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessageServer_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in octetstring pl_msg)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var integer vl_seqNum := -1;
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].buffer)
+    {
+      vl_seqNum := f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getNext(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums);
+      if (-1 == vl_seqNum)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(log2str(%definitionId &
+            ": Dropping message: ", pl_msg));
+        return;
+      }
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_printBufferStatus(pl_group, pl_port);
+    }
+    if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive != null) {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receive.apply({
+          pl_group,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portId,
+          vl_seqNum,
+          pl_msg});
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEvent_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle event reception
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //    - pl_type - *in* *integer* - event type
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEvent_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in integer pl_type)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    select (pl_type)
+    {
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": Connection opened received");
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := OPENED;
+        if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive != null) {
+          vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive.apply({
+              pl_group,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId,
+              pl_type});
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": Connection closed received");
+        if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state != IDLE)
+        {
+          f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM,
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId);
+          f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM,
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId);
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := IDLE;
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId := -1;
+          // deleted port will be allocated again (if necessary) at last time (free tail)
+          //f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+          // administrate as IDLE port
+          if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+            f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+          }
+        }
+        else { // receivemessage_default_IC can result in this state
+          //f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          //  ": Connection already closed");
+        }
+        if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive != null) {
+          vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive.apply({
+              pl_group,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId,
+              pl_type});
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": OK message received");
+        if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive != null) {
+          vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive.apply({
+              pl_group,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId,
+              pl_type});
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": Error message received");
+        // socket error, calling callback
+        if(vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive != null) {
+          vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+              pl_group,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId,
+              v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.result});
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEventServer_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to handle event reception in a server group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //    - pl_type - *in* *integer* - event type
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEventServer_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port,
+    in integer pl_type)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    select (pl_type)
+    {
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": Connection opened received");
+        var integer vl_fGIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx;
+        var integer vl_port := -1;
+        if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_fGIdx].createIncomingConn.apply(pl_group,
+            v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.connOpened,
+            vl_port))
+        {
+          if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive != null) {
+            vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive.apply({
+                pl_group,
+                v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].portId,
+                pl_type});
+          }
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": Connection closed received");
+        if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive != null) {
+          vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive.apply({
+              pl_group,
+              v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portId,
+              pl_type});
+        }
+        var integer vl_fGIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx;
+        var integer vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := CLOSED;
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketClosed(vl_connId);
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_fGIdx].removeIncomingConn.apply(pl_group, pl_port);
+        return;
+      }
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": OK message received");
+        if (LISTENING_PORT == v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portType)
+        {
+          if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketEvent != null) {
+            vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketEvent.apply({
+                pl_group,
+                v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation,
+                pl_type});
+          }
+        }else
+        {
+          if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive != null) {
+            vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_eventReceive.apply({
+                pl_group,
+                v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId,
+                pl_type});
+          }
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      case (c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived) {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          ": Error message received");
+        if (LISTENING_PORT == v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portType)
+        {
+          if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketError != null) {
+            vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listenSocketError.apply({
+                pl_group,
+                v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation,
+                v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.result});
+          }
+        }else
+        {
+          // socket error, calling callback
+          if(vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive != null) {
+            vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+                pl_group,
+                v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId,
+                v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.result});
+          }
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close the port of an HTTP user free
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    An HTTP user is identified internally with a unique session id.
+  //    If the HTTP user sends on a port of a port group, it can close the
+  //    connection of its port group
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var integer vl_port;
+    if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM, pl_sessionId, vl_port))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePortInGroup(pl_group, vl_port);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId := -1;
+    }
+    else {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Port cannot be closed for session id " &
+        int2str(pl_sessionId) & " in group " & int2str(pl_group));
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to make the port of an HTTP user free
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    An HTTP user is identified internally with a unique session id.
+  //    If the HTTP user sends on a port of a port group, it can make the
+  //    state of its port free. This case incoming messages on the port
+  //    will be dropped and the port is free again for any HTTP user to use.
+  //
+  //    If the port is reused by another HTTP user and the message of the
+  //    last session arrives during this time, then the message will be
+  //    forwaerded to the new HTTP user.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var integer vl_port;
+    if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_sessId2PortId_HM, pl_sessionId, vl_port))
+    {
+      // administrate as IDLE port
+      if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue))
+      {
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(vl_port,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+        // if port made free again, then messages from last session are disabled
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId := -1;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Port cannot be made free for session id " &
+        int2str(pl_sessionId) & " in group " & int2str(pl_group))
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openConnection_defaultGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to open connections within a port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of connection opening
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Connection for all the ports will be opened within the port group. If
+  //    one fails, all will be closed.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openConnection_defaultGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return false; };
+    var boolean vl_hasMoreElement;
+    var boolean vl_success := true;
+    var integer i; //, vl_ports := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase);
+    vl_hasMoreElement := f_EPTF_FBQ_getBusyHeadIdx(i, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    while (vl_hasMoreElement)
+    //for (i := 0; i < vl_ports; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].state == IDLE)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+          ": Port is in idle state but connection id is presented at " &
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, i),
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].connectionId == -1);
+        if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openPortInGroup(pl_group, i)) {
+          vl_success := false;
+          break; //i := vl_ports;
+        }
+      }
+      vl_hasMoreElement := f_EPTF_FBQ_getFwdBusyItemIdx(i, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    }
+    if (not vl_success) {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx].closeConnection.apply(pl_group);
+    }
+    return vl_success;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openPortInGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Auxilary function to open a connection for a given port of a given
+  //    port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of connection opening
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openPortInGroup(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port
+  )
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+    var Result vl_result;
+    vl_local := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostInformationList[
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].localhostInfoIdx];
+    vl_remote := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostInformationList[
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].remotehostInfoIdx];
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := {
+      asp_Connect := {
+        remName := vl_remote.hostIPAddress,
+        remPort := vl_remote.hostPort,
+        locName := vl_local.hostIPAddress,
+        locPort := vl_local.hostPort,
+        proto := {tcp := {}}
+      }
+    }
+    vl_result:={omit,omit,omit,omit};
+    vl_result := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+      null,false,false,v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+    if (ispresent(vl_result.errorCode) and
+      IPL4_ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE != vl_result.errorCode)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Connection opening unsuccessful" &
+        " for port (" & log2str(vl_result) & ") at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port));
+      // socket error, calling callback
+      if(vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive != null) {
+        vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+            pl_group,
+            v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId,
+            vl_result});
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    else {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId := vl_result.connId;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := OPENED;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketOpened(vl_result.connId, pl_group, pl_port);
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Connection opening successful for port at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port) &
+        " with connection id: " & int2str(vl_result.connId));
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openConnection_defaultPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to open connection for a given port
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of connection opening
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openConnection_defaultPort(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return false; };
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state != IDLE)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Base_assert("Non-IDLE port must be busy!",
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state == IDLE or
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(0, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue) );
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection already open!");
+      return true; // because connection is open
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(0, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue))
+      {
+        var Result vl_result;
+        log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group]);
+        f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+          ": Port is in idle state but connection id is presented at " &
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0),
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].connectionId == -1);
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := {
+          asp_Connect := {
+            remName := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseRemoteHostInformation.hostIPAddress,
+            remPort := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseRemoteHostInformation.hostPort,
+            locName := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation.hostIPAddress,
+            locPort := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation.hostPort,
+            proto := {tcp := {}}
+          }
+        }
+        vl_result:={omit,omit,omit,omit};
+        vl_result := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+          null,false,false,v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+        if (ispresent(vl_result.errorCode) and
+          IPL4_ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE != vl_result.errorCode)
+        {
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Connection opening unsuccessful" &
+            " for port (" & log2str(vl_result) & ") at " &
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0));
+          // socket error, calling callback
+          if(vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive != null) {
+            vf_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+                pl_group,
+                v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].sessionId,
+                vl_result});
+          }
+          return false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].connectionId := vl_result.connId;
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state := OPENED;
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketOpened(vl_result.connId, pl_group, 0);
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+            ": Connection opening successful for port at " &
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0) &
+            " with connection id: " & int2str(vl_result.connId));
+          return true
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Port 0 already deleted from group: " & int2str(pl_group));
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listen_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Opens a listen port in a server port group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - server port group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listen_default(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return -1; };
+    if (-1 != v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].listeningPortIdx)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Already listening on " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].listeningPortIdx));
+      return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].listeningPortIdx].portId;
+    }
+    var charstring vl_localHost := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation.hostIPAddress;
+    var integer vl_localPort := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation.hostPort;
+    var ProtoTuple vl_proto := {tcp := {}}
+    if(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].useSSL) {
+      vl_proto := {ssl := {}};
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Using SSL.");
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := {
+      asp_Listen := {
+        locName := vl_localHost,
+        locPort := vl_localPort,
+        proto := vl_proto
+      }
+    }
+    v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+      null,false,false,v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+    if (ispresent(v_resultNoWarning.errorCode))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Listening unsuccessful for port (" & log2str(v_resultNoWarning) & ") at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0));
+      return -1;
+    }
+    var integer vl_fbqIdx := -1;
+    vl_fbqIdx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    var Result vl_result;
+    vl_result := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_setUserData(v_resultNoWarning.connId, v_resultNoWarning.connId);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketOpened(v_resultNoWarning.connId, pl_group, vl_fbqIdx);
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(vl_fbqIdx, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue)
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx] := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].groupIndex := pl_group;  // FIXME check
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portIndex  := vl_fbqIdx; // FIXME check
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portType := LISTENING_PORT;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].state := OPENED;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portId := f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_generatePortId(pl_group);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].connectionId := v_resultNoWarning.connId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].listeningPortIdx := vl_fbqIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts + 1;
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portId, vl_fbqIdx);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": Listening successful on " &
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_fbqIdx) &
+      " with connection id: " & int2str(v_resultNoWarning.connId));
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createIncomingConn_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Creates an incoming connection in the port group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //    - pl_connOpened - *in* <ConnectionOpenedEvent> - connection opened event
+  //    - pl_port - *inout* *integer* - the index of the created port
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    boolean -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createIncomingConn_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in ConnectionOpenedEvent pl_connOpened,
+    inout integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return false;};
+    var integer vl_fbqIdx := -1, vl_rhIdx := -1;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_rhostInformation := {"", -1};
+    vl_rhostInformation.hostIPAddress := pl_connOpened.remName;
+    vl_rhostInformation.hostPort := pl_connOpened.remPort;
+    vl_rhIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemoteHostInformation(vl_rhostInformation);
+    vl_fbqIdx := f_EPTF_FBQ_getOrCreateFreeSlot(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromFreeToBusyTail(vl_fbqIdx,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts + 1;
+    // set port data to port info database
+    if (sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase) <= vl_fbqIdx)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx] := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].groupIndex := pl_group;  // FIXME check
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portIndex := vl_fbqIdx; // FIXME check
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].connectionId := pl_connOpened.connId;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portId := f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_generatePortId(pl_group);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portType := INCOMING_PORT;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].state := OPENED;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].remotehostInfoIdx := vl_rhIdx;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].buffer := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].buffer;
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].buffer and omit == v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].messageBuffer)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_init(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].messageBuffer,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferSize,
+        vl_fbqIdx);
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketOpened(pl_connOpened.connId, pl_group, vl_fbqIdx);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[vl_fbqIdx].portId, vl_fbqIdx);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": New incoming connection added to " &
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, vl_fbqIdx));
+    pl_port := vl_fbqIdx;
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeIncomingConn_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Removes an incoming connection from the server port group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - the index of the port to remove
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    boolean -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeIncomingConn_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeServerPort(pl_group, pl_port);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePort_default
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Closes a connection.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //    - pl_portId - *in* *integer* - port identifier
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePort_default(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_portId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var integer vl_port := -1;
+    if (not f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM, pl_portId, vl_port))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Could not find port identifier!" &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase));
+      return;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeServerPort(pl_group, vl_port);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeServerPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Removes a port from the server group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeServerPort(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Removing port from group:  " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port));
+      if (CLOSED != v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state)
+      {
+        var integer vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId;
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Closing connection with id " & int2str(vl_connId));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := {
+          asp_Close := {
+            id := vl_connId,
+            proto := {tcp := {}}
+          }
+        }
+        v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+          null, false, false, v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketClosed(vl_connId);
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := CLOSED;
+      }
+      f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portId);
+      f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+      if (omit == v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].messageBuffer)
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port] := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo;
+      }else
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].groupIndex := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.groupIndex;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portIndex := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.portIndex;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.connectionId;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].sessionId := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.sessionId;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portId := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.portId;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].localhostInfoIdx := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.localhostInfoIdx;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].remotehostInfoIdx :=
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.remotehostInfoIdx;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.state;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].portType := c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_initPortInfo.portType;
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_clear(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].messageBuffer);
+      }
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].numberOfPorts - 1;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].listeningPortIdx := -1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(log2str(%definitionId &
+          ": Error removing incoming connection: port(",pl_port,") is not busy : " &
+          int2str(pl_group) & " - " &
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name & "; ",
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port]));
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close connections for a given port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    All open ports within the port group will be closed
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var boolean vl_hasMoreElement;
+    var integer i;
+    //vl_ports := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase);
+    vl_hasMoreElement := f_EPTF_FBQ_getBusyHeadIdx(i, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    while (vl_hasMoreElement)
+    //for (i := 0; i < vl_ports; i := i + 1);
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePortInGroup(pl_group, i);
+      vl_hasMoreElement :=  f_EPTF_FBQ_getFwdBusyItemIdx(i, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePortInGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Auxialry funtion to close a given port of a given port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePortInGroup(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state != IDLE)
+    {
+      var integer vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId;
+      f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+        ": Port is not in IDLE state but connection id is missing at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port),
+        vl_connId != -1);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := {
+        asp_Close := {
+          id := vl_connId,
+          proto := {tcp := {}}
+        }
+      }
+      v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+        null, false, false, v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId := -1;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state := IDLE;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketClosed(vl_connId);
+      // administrate port as free
+      //if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue)) {
+      //  f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port,
+      //    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+      //}
+      // administrate as IDLE port
+      if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(pl_port,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+      }
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Connection (" &
+        int2str(vl_connId) & ") closed for port at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection (" &
+        int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId) &
+        ") is already closed for port at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, pl_port));
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close connection of a port
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultPort(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var integer vl_connId;
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state == IDLE)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Connection already closed!");
+      return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].connectionId;
+      log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0]);
+      f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+        ": Port is not in IDLE state but connection id is missing at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0),
+        vl_connId != -1);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage := {
+        asp_Close := {
+          id := vl_connId,
+          proto := {tcp := {}}
+        }
+      }
+      v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_send(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_OutgoingMessage,
+        null, false, false, v_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selfName);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].connectionId := -1;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state := IDLE;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketClosed(vl_connId);
+      // administrate port as free
+      //if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(0, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue)) {
+      //  f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(0,
+      //    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+      //}
+      // administrate as IDLE port
+      if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(0, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue)) {
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_moveFromBusyToFreeTail(0,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+      }
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Connection (" &
+      int2str(vl_connId) & ") closed for port at " &
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0));
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_halfCloseConnection_defaultGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to half close connections for a given port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    State of all opened ports will be set to half closed
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_halfCloseConnection_defaultGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    var boolean vl_hasMoreElement;
+    var integer i; //, vl_ports;
+    //vl_ports := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase);
+    vl_hasMoreElement := f_EPTF_FBQ_getBusyHeadIdx(i, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    while (vl_hasMoreElement)
+    //for (i := 0; i < vl_ports; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].state != IDLE and
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].state != HALFCLOSED)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+          ": Port is not in IDLE/HALFCLOSED state but connection id is missing at " &
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, i),
+          -1 != v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].connectionId);
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[i].state := HALFCLOSED;
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Port state is set to " &
+          "half closed at " &
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, i));
+      }
+      vl_hasMoreElement := f_EPTF_FBQ_getFwdBusyItemIdx(i, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_halfCloseConnection_defaultPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Auxialry funtion to close a given port
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_halfCloseConnection_defaultPort(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return; };
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state != IDLE and
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state != HALFCLOSED and
+      f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(0, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portQueue))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+        ": Port is not in IDLE/HALFCLOSED state but connection id is missing at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0),
+        -1 != v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].connectionId);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[0].state := HALFCLOSED;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Port state is set to " &
+        "half closed at " &
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(pl_group, 0));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Connection already half closed!");
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Helper function to create port information string for logging
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_port - *in* *integer* - port index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - the created information string
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Information string will be 'group (<group index>) - <group name> at
+  //    port index <port index>: Local: <local host information> / Remote:
+  //    <remote host information>'
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createGroupPortInfoString(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return charstring
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local := {"", -1}, vl_remote := {"", -1};
+    if( sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase) > pl_port ) {
+      var integer vl_localIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].localhostInfoIdx;
+      var integer vl_remoteIdx := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].remotehostInfoIdx;
+      if (0 <= vl_localIdx)
+      {
+        vl_local := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostInformationList[
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].localhostInfoIdx];
+      }else{
+        vl_local := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].baseLocalHostInformation
+      }
+      if (0 <= vl_remoteIdx)
+      {
+        vl_remote := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostInformationList[
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].remotehostInfoIdx];
+      }
+    } else {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & " Not fully initialized portDB: v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB:" &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB) & " pl_group: " & log2str(pl_group) & " pl_port: " & log2str(pl_port));
+    }
+    return "group (" & int2str(pl_group) & ") - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name &
+    " at port index " & int2str(pl_port) &
+    ": Local: " & log2str(vl_local) & " / Remote: " & log2str(vl_remote);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createUniqueGroupName
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Creates a unique group name for port groups
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_basename - *in* *charstring* - base name for port names
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    - charstring - the created group name
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function appends a number to the provided pl_basename and increases
+  //    the attached number till the created name will be unique
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createUniqueGroupName(
+    in charstring pl_basename)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return charstring
+  {
+    var integer vl_dummy;
+    var charstring vl_groupName := pl_basename & "." & int2str(v_nameIdx);
+    while (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupName2Idx_HM,
+        vl_groupName, vl_dummy))
+    {
+      v_nameIdx := v_nameIdx + 1;
+      vl_groupName  := pl_basename & "." & int2str(v_nameIdx);
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": Unique group name created: " & vl_groupName);
+    return vl_groupName;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerGroupFunctions
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Registers handler functions to a port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_portMode - *in* *boolean* - port group creation mode
+  //                                     (port/group mode)
+  //    - pl_funcs - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions> - record
+  //               containing function references of handler functions
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - the created group name
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function should be applied to an already created port group with
+  //    set instant connection close, instant connection open parameters.
+  //
+  //    If the port group which the function is applied to has a set
+  //    handler function reference index (defaultFIdx != -1), then the functions
+  //    which are set in pl_funcs will be used to overdefine the default
+  //    handler functions. The ones that are omit in pl_funcs will be left
+  //    unchanged.
+  //
+  //    If the port group which the function is applied to doesn't have a set
+  //    handler function reference index (defaultFIdx != -1), then all the
+  //    handler functions will be redefined. If a function reference is omit in
+  //    pl_funcs, the handler function will be overdefined with default functions
+  //    based on instant connection close, instant connection open parameters
+  //    of the port group, otherwise the set function reference will be used to
+  //    redefine the handler function.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerGroupFunctions(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in boolean pl_portMode,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_UserFunctions pl_funcs)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return -1; };
+    var integer vl_index;
+    var charstring vl_key;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function vl_funcs := c_HTTP_Transport_initFunction;
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+      ": Group not yet initialized (" & int2str(pl_group) & ")",
+      pl_group < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB) and f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue));
+    // checks if function group has been checked before
+    var boolean vl_override := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx == -1;
+    var boolean vl_iconn  := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].instantConnOpen;
+    var boolean vl_iclose := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].instantConnClose;
+    // creates new candidate function group for the the port group
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.addPort) and pl_funcs.addPort != null) {
+      vl_funcs.addPort := pl_funcs.addPort;
+    } else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.addPort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addPortToGroup_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.removePort) and pl_funcs.removePort != null) {
+      vl_funcs.removePort := pl_funcs.removePort;
+    } else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.removePort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removePortFromGroup_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.selectPort) and pl_funcs.selectPort != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.selectPort := pl_funcs.selectPort;
+    } else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        if (pl_portMode) {
+          vl_funcs.selectPort := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selectPortInGroup_defaultPort);
+        }
+        else {
+          vl_funcs.selectPort := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selectPortInGroup_defaultGroup);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* MOVED TO COMPONENT VARIABLE vf_getGroupAndPort
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.getGroupAndPort) and pl_funcs.getGroupAndPort != null)
+    {
+    vl_funcs.getGroupAndPort := pl_funcs.getGroupAndPort;
+    }
+    else {
+    if (vl_override) {
+    if (pl_portMode) {
+    vl_funcs.getGroupAndPort := refers(
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroupAndPort_defaultGroup);
+    }
+    else {
+    vl_funcs.getGroupAndPort := refers(
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getGroupAndPort_defaultPort);
+    }
+    }
+    }
+    */
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.sendMessage) and pl_funcs.sendMessage != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.sendMessage := pl_funcs.sendMessage;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        if (vl_iconn) {
+          vl_funcs.sendMessage := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_IC);
+        }
+        else {
+          vl_funcs.sendMessage := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage_default_NIC);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.closePortOfUser) and pl_funcs.closePortOfUser != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.closePortOfUser := pl_funcs.closePortOfUser;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.closePortOfUser := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.freePortOfUser) and pl_funcs.freePortOfUser != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.freePortOfUser := pl_funcs.freePortOfUser;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.freePortOfUser := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.openPort) and pl_funcs.openPort != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.openPort := pl_funcs.openPort;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        if (pl_portMode) {
+          vl_funcs.openPort := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openConnection_defaultPort);
+        }
+        else {
+          vl_funcs.openPort := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_openConnection_defaultGroup);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.closeConnection) and pl_funcs.closeConnection != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.closeConnection := pl_funcs.closeConnection;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        if (pl_portMode) {
+          vl_funcs.closeConnection := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultPort);
+        }
+        else {
+          vl_funcs.closeConnection := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultGroup);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.halfClosePort) and pl_funcs.halfClosePort != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.halfClosePort := pl_funcs.halfClosePort;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        if (pl_portMode) {
+          vl_funcs.halfClosePort := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_halfCloseConnection_defaultPort);
+        }
+        else {
+          vl_funcs.halfClosePort := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_halfCloseConnection_defaultGroup);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.receiveMessage) and pl_funcs.receiveMessage != null) {
+      vl_funcs.receiveMessage := pl_funcs.receiveMessage;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        if (vl_iclose) {
+          vl_funcs.receiveMessage := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage_default_IC);
+        }
+        else {
+          vl_funcs.receiveMessage := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage_default_NIC);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.receiveEvent) and pl_funcs.receiveEvent != null) {
+      vl_funcs.receiveEvent := pl_funcs.receiveEvent;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.receiveEvent := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEvent_default);
+      }
+    }
+    // creates a hash map key from the function group
+    vl_key := log2str(vl_funcs)
+    // if function group is already existing, then return id
+    if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM,
+        vl_key, vl_index))
+    {
+      return vl_index;
+    }
+    // if function group was not existing, then add new element
+    vl_index := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": New database index: " & int2str(vl_index) &
+      " for functions: " & vl_key);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_index] := vl_funcs;
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM,
+      vl_key, vl_index);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Functions are registered to group (" &
+      int2str(pl_group) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name & ": " & vl_key &
+      " at position " & int2str(vl_index) & " in function database!");
+    return vl_index;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerServerGroupFunctions
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Registers handler functions to a server port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //    - pl_funcs - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerUserFunctions> - record
+  //               containing function references of handler functions
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *charstring* - the created group name
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The function should be applied to an already created port group with
+  //    set instant connection close, instant connection open parameters.
+  //
+  //    If the port group which the function is applied to has a set
+  //    handler function reference index (defaultFIdx != -1), then the functions
+  //    which are set in pl_funcs will be used to overdefine the default
+  //    handler functions. The ones that are omit in pl_funcs will be left
+  //    unchanged.
+  //
+  //    If the port group which the function is applied to doesn't have a set
+  //    handler function reference index (defaultFIdx != -1), then all the
+  //    handler functions will be redefined. If a function reference is omit in
+  //    pl_funcs, the handler function will be overdefined with default functions
+  //    based on instant connection close, instant connection open parameters
+  //    of the port group, otherwise the set function reference will be used to
+  //    redefine the handler function.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_registerServerGroupFunctions(
+    in integer pl_group,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerUserFunctions pl_funcs)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_group)) { return -1; };
+    var integer vl_index;
+    var charstring vl_key;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Function vl_funcs := c_HTTP_Transport_initFunction;
+    f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId &
+      ": Group not yet initialized (" & int2str(pl_group) & ")",
+      pl_group < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB) and f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue));
+    // checks if function group has been checked before
+    var boolean vl_override := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].defaultFIdx == -1;
+    var boolean vl_iclose := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].instantConnClose;
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.removePort) and pl_funcs.removePort != null) {
+      vl_funcs.removePort := pl_funcs.removePort;
+    } else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.removePort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removePortFromGroupServer_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.listen) and pl_funcs.listen != null){
+      vl_funcs.listen := pl_funcs.listen;
+    }else{
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.listen := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listen_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.createIncomingConn) and pl_funcs.createIncomingConn != null){
+      vl_funcs.createIncomingConn := pl_funcs.createIncomingConn;
+    }else{
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.createIncomingConn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createIncomingConn_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.removeIncomingConn) and pl_funcs.removeIncomingConn != null){
+      vl_funcs.removeIncomingConn := pl_funcs.removeIncomingConn;
+    }else{
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.removeIncomingConn := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_removeIncomingConn_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.receiveEvent) and pl_funcs.receiveEvent != null) {
+      vl_funcs.receiveEvent := pl_funcs.receiveEvent;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.receiveEvent := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEventServer_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.receiveMessage) and pl_funcs.receiveMessage != null) {
+      vl_funcs.receiveMessage := pl_funcs.receiveMessage;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.receiveMessage := refers(
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessageServer_default);
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.sendResponse) and pl_funcs.sendResponse != null)
+    {
+      vl_funcs.sendResponse := pl_funcs.sendResponse;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (vl_override) {
+        if (vl_iclose) {
+          vl_funcs.sendResponse := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse_default_IC);
+        }
+        else {
+          vl_funcs.sendResponse := refers(
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse_default_NIC);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (ispresent(pl_funcs.closePort) and pl_funcs.listen != null){
+      vl_funcs.closePort := pl_funcs.closePort;
+    }else{
+      if (vl_override) {
+        vl_funcs.closePort := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePort_default);
+      }
+    }
+    // creates a hash map key from the function group
+    vl_key := log2str(vl_funcs)
+    // if function group is already existing, then return id
+    if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM,
+        vl_key, vl_index))
+    {
+      return vl_index;
+    }
+    // if function group was not existing, then add new element
+    vl_index := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": New database index: " & int2str(vl_index) &
+      " for functions: " & vl_key);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[vl_index] := vl_funcs;
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functions2Idx_HM,
+      vl_key, vl_index);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Functions are registered to group (" &
+      int2str(pl_group) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name & ": " & vl_key &
+      " at position " & int2str(vl_index) & " in function database!");
+    return vl_index;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Check the state of a port group
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_group - *in* *integer* - group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - true if group is okay, false otherwise
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Check group index and group occupation state
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    if (pl_group == -1) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Group does not exist!");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB) <= pl_group) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Invalid group index: " &
+        int2str(pl_group));
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (not f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": Group already deleted: " &
+        int2str(pl_group) & " - " & v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].name);
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addLocalHostInformation
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to add new Local Host Information to the LocalHostInformation database
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_hostInformation - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - The local host information
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - the index of the database record
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addLocalHostInformation (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation pl_hostInformation)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_index;
+    if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap,
+        pl_hostInformation.hostIPAddress&int2str(pl_hostInformation.hostPort),
+        vl_EPTF_HTTP_index))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Local HostIPAddress already exists: "&int2str(vl_EPTF_HTTP_index));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      vl_EPTF_HTTP_index := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostInformationList);
+      f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap,
+        pl_hostInformation.hostIPAddress&int2str(pl_hostInformation.hostPort),
+        vl_EPTF_HTTP_index);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostInformationList[vl_EPTF_HTTP_index] := pl_hostInformation;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Local HostIPAddress does not exist, now added: "&int2str(vl_EPTF_HTTP_index));
+    }
+    return vl_EPTF_HTTP_index;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemoteHostInformation
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to add new Remote Host Information to the LocalHostInformation database
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_hostInformation - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - The remote host information
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - the index of the database record
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addRemoteHostInformation (
+    in EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation pl_hostInformation)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_EPTF_HTTP_index;
+    if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap,
+        pl_hostInformation.hostIPAddress&int2str(pl_hostInformation.hostPort),
+        vl_EPTF_HTTP_index))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Remote HostIPAddress already exists: "&int2str(vl_EPTF_HTTP_index));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      vl_EPTF_HTTP_index := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostInformationList);
+      f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap,
+        pl_hostInformation.hostIPAddress&int2str(pl_hostInformation.hostPort),
+        vl_EPTF_HTTP_index);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostInformationList[vl_EPTF_HTTP_index] := pl_hostInformation;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        ": Remote HostIPAddress not exists, now added: "&int2str(vl_EPTF_HTTP_index));
+    }
+    return vl_EPTF_HTTP_index;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addMessageLengthCalculationFunction
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to add a new message length calculation function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_functionRef - *in* <f_IPL4_getMsgLen> - function reference of
+  //                                  messagelength calculation function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - message length calcualtion function index
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_addMessageLengthCalculationFunction(
+    in f_IPL4_getMsgLen pl_functionRef)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_size :=
+    sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTPLocalTransport_lengthCalculationFunctions);
+    v_EPTF_HTTPLocalTransport_lengthCalculationFunctions[vl_size] :=
+    pl_functionRef;
+    return vl_size;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_setMessageLengthCalculationFunctionToConnId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set a message length calculation function to a connection
+  //    id
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* *integer* - connection id
+  //    pl_functionIdx - *in* *integer* - message length calculation
+  //                                      function database index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_setMessageLengthCalculationFunctionToConnId(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_functionIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_setMsgLen(pl_connId,
+      v_EPTF_HTTPLocalTransport_lengthCalculationFunctions[pl_functionIdx], {});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getMessageLength
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to get the message length of a stream
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    stream - *in* *octetstring* - stream
+  //    args - *inout* - arguments
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - message length of stream
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_getMessageLength (
+    in octetstring stream,
+    inout ro_integer args)
+  return integer
+  {
+    return f_TCCMessageHandling_getMessageLength(stream)
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive the incoming messages
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveMessage()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId &
+      "(): Message received on connection: " &
+      int2str(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspRecvFrom.connId));
+    var integer vl_group, vl_port;
+    v_boolNoWarning := vf_getGroupAndPort.apply(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspRecvFrom.connId, vl_group, vl_port);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup := vl_group;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx].receiveMessage.apply(
+      vl_group, vl_port,
+      v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspRecvFrom.msg);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive the incoming events
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_receiveEvent()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT {
+    var integer vl_group, vl_port, vl_conn;
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.connOpened))
+    {
+      vl_conn := v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.connOpened.connId;
+      var integer vl_userData := -1;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "(): " &
+        "Event received on connection:" & int2str(vl_conn) & ": " &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent));
+      v_resultNoWarning := f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_getUserData(vl_conn, vl_userData);
+      v_boolNoWarning := vf_getGroup.apply(vl_userData, vl_group);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup := vl_group;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx].receiveEvent.apply(
+        vl_group, vl_port,
+        //vl_conn,
+        //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId, //vl_conn,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened);
+    }
+    else
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.connClosed))
+    {
+      vl_conn := v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.connClosed.connId;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()" &
+        "Event received on connection:" & int2str(vl_conn) & ": " &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent));
+      v_boolNoWarning := vf_getGroupAndPort.apply(vl_conn, vl_group, vl_port);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup := vl_group;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx].receiveEvent.apply(
+        vl_group, vl_port,
+        //vl_conn,
+        //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId, //vl_conn,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed);
+    }
+    else
+    if (ischosen(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.result))
+    {
+      vl_conn := v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.result.connId;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "(): " &
+        "Event received on connection: " & int2str(vl_conn) & ": " &
+        log2str(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent));
+      v_boolNoWarning := vf_getGroupAndPort.apply(vl_conn, vl_group, vl_port);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup := vl_group;
+      if (v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent.result.errorCode == omit)
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx].receiveEvent.apply(
+          vl_group, vl_port,
+          //vl_conn,
+          //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId, //vl_conn,
+          c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].defaultFIdx].receiveEvent.apply(
+          vl_group, vl_port,
+          //vl_conn,
+          //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId, //vl_conn,
+          c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close the port of an HTTP user
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id of HTTP user
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return; };
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].defaultFIdx].closePortOfUser.apply(
+      pl_groupId,
+      pl_sessionId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to free the port of an HTTP user
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id of HTTP user
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return; };
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].defaultFIdx].freePortOfUser.apply(
+      pl_groupId,
+      pl_sessionId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to open the connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id of HTTP user
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    <Result> - the result of port open
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_connId)) { return false; };
+    var integer vl_port :=
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_connId].defaultFIdx].selectPort.apply(pl_connId);
+    if (vl_port == -1)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId & ": No more free ports available!");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_connId].portDatabase[vl_port].sessionId := pl_sessionId;
+    }
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_connId].defaultFIdx].openPort.apply(pl_connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close the connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* - <Result> - the connection ID
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_connId)) { return; };
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_connId].defaultFIdx].closeConnection.apply(pl_connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close the connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* - <Result> - the connection ID
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_connId)) { return; };
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_connId].defaultFIdx].halfClosePort.apply(pl_connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send the outgoing message
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* *integer* - connection id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
+  //    pl_message - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId,
+    in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_connId)) { return; };
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_connId].defaultFIdx].sendMessage.apply(
+      pl_connId,
+      pl_sessionId,
+      pl_message);
+    if (vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook != null) {
+	vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageSentHook.apply(pl_sessionId, pl_message);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send the response
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - connection id
+  //    pl_portId - *in* *integer* - unique port id
+  //    pl_seqNum - *in* *integer* - sequnence number of the response
+  //    pl_message - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId,
+    in integer pl_seqNum,
+    in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return; };
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].defaultFIdx].sendResponse.apply(
+      pl_groupId,
+      pl_portId,
+      pl_seqNum,
+      pl_message);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to create a listening socket in a server port group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - the group ID
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listen(
+    in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return -1; };
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].defaultFIdx].listen.apply(pl_groupId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Closes a socket in a server port.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - the group ID
+  //    pl_portId - *in* *integer* - the port ID
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePort(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return; };
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].defaultFIdx].closePort.apply(pl_groupId, pl_portId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_generatePortId
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Generates a port identifier unique in the port group.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* *integer* - connection id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    integer - identifier
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_generatePortId(in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_maxNoPortIds:=100000;
+    var integer vl_dummyIdx:=-1;
+    var integer vl_nextPortId:=v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].currentPortId;
+    var boolean vl_foundFreePortId:=false;
+    //TR: HK96316
+    for(var integer i:=0;i< vl_maxNoPortIds and not vl_foundFreePortId;i:=i+1) {
+      vl_nextPortId:=(vl_nextPortId+1) mod vl_maxNoPortIds;
+      if( not f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portId2Idx_HM,vl_nextPortId,vl_dummyIdx) ){
+        vl_foundFreePortId:=true;
+      }
+    }
+    if(not vl_foundFreePortId) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(log2str(%definitionId &
+          " : Error in generating the next free portId. There is no free portId and it will fail" ));
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].currentPortId:=vl_nextPortId;
+    return vl_nextPortId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketOpened
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Creates the database entries needed in case of opening a new socket.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_connId - *in* *integer* - connection Id
+  //    - pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - the index of the group
+  //    - pl_port - *inout* *integer* - the index of the port
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    boolean -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketOpened(in integer pl_connId, in integer pl_groupId, in integer pl_portId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM,
+      pl_connId, pl_groupId);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM,
+      pl_connId, pl_portId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketClosed
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Removes the database entries needed in case of closing a socket.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_connId - *in* *integer* - connection Id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    boolean -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_socketClosed(in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM, pl_connId);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM, pl_connId);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setFunc_getGroupAndPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Registers the group and port search function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_func - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroupAndPort_FT> - function reference
+  //
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setFunc_getGroupAndPort(in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroupAndPort_FT pl_func)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    vf_getGroupAndPort := pl_func;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setFunc_getGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Registers the group search function
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_func - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroup_FT> - function reference
+  //
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_setFunc_getGroup(in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GetGroup_FT pl_func)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    vf_getGroup := pl_func;
+  }
+} // group LocalTransport
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport
+//  Purpose:
+//    Functions of the EPTF HTTP Remote Transport
+group EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Altstep: as_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handler
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Altstep to handle the incoming messages from the mapper component
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  altstep as_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handler()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_receive
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handleReceive.apply({
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_receive.groupId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_receive.sessionId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_receive.seqNum,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_receive.reveivedMessage});
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_result
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_eventReceive.apply({
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_result.groupId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_result.sessionId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_result.resultType});
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_error
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_socketErrorReceive.apply({
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_error.groupId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_error.sessionId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_error.result});
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenEvent
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenSocketEvent.apply({
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenEvent.groupId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenEvent.hostInfo,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenEvent.eventType});
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenError
+    {
+      vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenSocketError.apply({
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenError.groupId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenError.hostInfo,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenError.transportError});
+      repeat;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_init_CT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to init the RemoteTransport component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_selfName - *in* *charstring* - self name of the component
+  //    pl_handleReceive - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT> - receive
+  //            function
+  //    pl_eventReceiveFunction - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT> -
+  //            event receive function
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - if the component initialize already the return value
+  //              will be -1
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_init_CT(
+    in charstring pl_selfName := "EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport",
+    in EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT pl_handleReceive,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT pl_eventReceiveFunction,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT pl_socketErrorReceiveFunction,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT pl_listenSocketEvent := null,
+    in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError_FT pl_listenSocketError := null)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_initialized)
+    {
+      log(%definitionId & ": " & // intentionally simple log
+        "The HTTP RemoteTransport component already initialized!");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_selfName := pl_selfName
+    f_EPTF_Logging_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId :=
+    f_EPTF_Logging_registerComponentMasks(
+      tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingComponentMask,
+      c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEventClasses,
+      EPTF_Logging_CLL);
+    if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEnable)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_enableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_disableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+    }
+    if (tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferLogEnable)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_enableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferDebug);
+    }else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Logging_disableLocalMask(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+        c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferDebug);
+    }
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handleReceive := pl_handleReceive;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_eventReceive := pl_eventReceiveFunction;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_socketErrorReceive := pl_socketErrorReceiveFunction;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenSocketEvent := pl_listenSocketEvent;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listenSocketError := pl_listenSocketError;
+    f_EPTF_Base_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_Base_registerCleanup(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_cleanup_CT));
+    f_EPTF_HashMap_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_transportIdToConnId :=
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_HashMap_transportId2ConnId);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_default := activate(as_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handler());
+    //map(self:IPL4_PCO, system:IPL4_PCO);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_initialized := true;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": The initialization of the " &
+      "HTTP RemoteTransport component is ready");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTranport_cleanup_CT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to clean the RemoteTransport component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_cleanup_CT ()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_initialized) {
+      return;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_initialized := false;
+    deactivate(v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_default);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_default := null;
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_HashMap_transportId2ConnId);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_transportIdToConnId := -1;
+    vf_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_handleReceive := null;
+    //f_EPTF_Logging_debug(true,"The cleanup of the RemoteTransport component is ready");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to create port group on the mapper component remotely
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_result - *out* - <Result> - the result of sending
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of newly created port group, -1 if creation is
+  //                unsuccessful
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPortGroup(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_groupId;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup vl_createPortGroup :=  {
+      groupInfo :=  pl_group
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_createPortGroup);
+    alt {
+      [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive (integer:?) -> value vl_groupId {}
+    }
+    return vl_groupId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePortGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to delete port group on the mapper component remotely
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* - *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePortGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup vl_deletePortGroup :=  {
+      groupId :=  pl_group
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_deletePortGroup);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to create a port on the mapper component remotely
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_portInfo - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode> - port data
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of newly created port, -1 if creation is
+  //                unsuccessful
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPort(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode pl_portInfo)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_groupId;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort vl_createPort :=  {
+      portInfo :=  pl_portInfo
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_createPort);
+    alt {
+      [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive (integer:?) -> value vl_groupId {}
+    }
+    return vl_groupId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newServerPort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Creates a server port on the mapper component remotely
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_portInfo - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode> - server port data
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - index of newly created port, -1 if creation is
+  //                unsuccessful
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newServerPort(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ServerPortMode pl_portInfo)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT return integer
+  {
+    var integer vl_groupId;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort vl_createServerPort :=  {
+      portInfo :=  pl_portInfo
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_createServerPort);
+    alt {
+      [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive (integer:?) -> value vl_groupId {}
+    }
+    return vl_groupId;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to delete a port on the mapper component remotely
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* - *integer* - port group index
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePort(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort vl_deletePort :=  {
+      portId :=  pl_group
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_deletePort);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_addPortToGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to add a new port to a port group on the mapper component
+  //    remotely
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* - <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode> - port group data
+  //    pl_result - *out* - <Result> - the result of sending
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - success result of new port addition to port group
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_addPortToGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    var integer vl_groupId;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort vl_addPort :=  {
+      groupId :=  pl_group
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_addPort);
+    alt {
+      [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive (integer:?) -> value vl_groupId {}
+    }
+    if (vl_groupId == -1) { return false; } else { return true; };
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_removePortFromGroup
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to remove a port from a port group on the mapper remotely
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* - *integer* - port group data
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of port removal
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_removePortFromGroup(
+    in integer pl_group)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort vl_removePort :=  {
+      groupId :=  pl_group
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_removePort);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send the messages to the mapper component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* - *integer* - connection id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* - *integer* - session id
+  //    pl_message - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId,
+    in octetstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send vl_send :=  {
+      groupId :=  pl_connId,
+      sessionId := pl_sessionId,
+      outgoingMessage := pl_message
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_send);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close the port of an HTTP user
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* - *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* - *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_closePortOfUser(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ClosePortOfUser vl_send :=  {
+      groupId :=  pl_groupId,
+      sessionId := pl_sessionId
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_send);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_freePortOfUser
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to free the port of an HTTP user
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_groupId - *in* - *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* - *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    If port is freed then it can be reused by any HTTP user. Incoming
+  //    messages from last session will be dropped.
+  //
+  //    If message arrives on the port from the last session after reuse,
+  //    then the message will be forwarded to the new entity
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_freePortOfUser(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FreePortOfUser vl_send :=  {
+      groupId :=  pl_groupId,
+      sessionId := pl_sessionId
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_send);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionOpen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to open the connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* - *integer* - port group index
+  //    pl_sessionId - *in* - *integer* - session id
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - result of connection opening
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionOpen(
+    in integer pl_connId,
+    in integer pl_sessionId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT return boolean
+  {
+    var integer vl_connId;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect vl_connect := {
+      groupId := pl_connId,
+      sessionId := pl_sessionId
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_connect);
+    alt {
+      [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive (integer:?) -> value vl_connId {}
+    }
+    if (vl_connId == -1) { return false; } else { return true; };
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close the connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* - *integer* - the connection ID
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionClose(
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close vl_close := {
+      groupId := pl_connId
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_close);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionHalfClose
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to close the connection
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_connId - *in* - *integer* - the connection ID
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionHalfClose(
+    in integer pl_connId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose vl_halfclose := {
+      groupId := pl_connId
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_halfclose);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listen
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to open a listening socket
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* - *integer* - the server port identifier
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    boolean - listen result
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_listen(
+    in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  return integer{
+    var integer vl_result;
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen vl_listen := {
+      groupId := pl_groupId
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_listen);
+    alt {
+      [] v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.receive (integer:?) -> value vl_result {}
+    }
+    return vl_result;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_closePort
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Closes a socket in the server port.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* - *integer* - the server port identifier
+  //    pl_portId - *in* - *integer* - the port identifier
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    boolean - listen result
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_closePort(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePort vl_close :={
+      groupId := pl_groupId,
+      portId := pl_portId
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_close);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendResponse
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to send the responses to the mapper component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* - *integer* - server group identifier
+  //    pl_portId - *in* - *integer* - unique port identifier of the request
+  //    pl_message - *in* *octetstring* - encoded message
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendResponse(
+    in integer pl_groupId,
+    in integer pl_portId,
+    in integer pl_seqNum,
+    in octetstring pl_message
+  )
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT{
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse vl_response :={
+      groupId := pl_groupId,
+      portId := pl_portId,
+      seqNum := pl_seqNum,
+      msg := pl_message
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort.send(vl_response);
+  }
+} // group remoteTransport
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Mapper
+//  Purpose:
+//    The functions of the EPTF HTTP Mapper
+group EPTF_HTTP_Mapper {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Altstep: as_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Handler
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Altstep to handle the incoming messages from the RemoteTransport component
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  altstep as_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Handler()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPortGroup:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPortGroup sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      var integer vl_newGroupId :=
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPortGroup.groupInfo);
+      if (vl_newGroupId == -1)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Creation of port group failed for group: " &
+          log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPortGroup.groupInfo));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(-1) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          "New group id acquired (" & int2str(vl_newGroupId) & " for group: " &
+          log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPortGroup.groupInfo));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_newGroupId) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePortGroup:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePortGroup sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePortGroup.groupId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewPort:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPort sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      var integer vl_newGroupId :=
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPort(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPort.portInfo);
+      if (vl_newGroupId == -1)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Creation of port failed for port: " &
+          log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPort.portInfo));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(-1) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+          "New port id acquired (" & int2str(vl_newGroupId) & " for port: " &
+          log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newPort.portInfo));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_newGroupId) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_NewServerPort:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newServerPort sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      var integer vl_newGroupId := -1
+      var boolean vl_new :=
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createServerPort(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newServerPort.portInfo, vl_newGroupId);
+      if (vl_newGroupId == -1)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Creation of port failed for port: " &
+          log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_newServerPort.portInfo));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(-1) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (vl_new)
+        {
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[vl_newGroupId] := c_EPTF_HTTP_initRoutingDBE;
+        }
+        var integer vl_size := v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[vl_newGroupId].size;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[vl_newGroupId].size := vl_size + 1;
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[vl_newGroupId].compIdList[vl_size] := f_EPTF_Base_upcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef);
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(log2str(%definitionId,
+            ": Routing database: ", v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[vl_newGroupId]));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_newGroupId) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DeletePort:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePort sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_deletePort.portId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_AddPort:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort.groupId))
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Wrong port group index: " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort.groupId));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(-1) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+        repeat;
+      };
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort.groupId].defaultFIdx].addPort.apply(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort.groupId))
+      {
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(1) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Port addition to group failed: " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_addPort.groupId));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(-1) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_RemovePort:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_removePort sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_removePort.groupId))
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Wrong port group index: " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_removePort.groupId));
+        repeat;
+      };
+      v_boolNoWarning := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_functionDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_removePort.groupId].defaultFIdx
+      ].removePort.apply(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_removePort.groupId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Connect:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      if (f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect.groupId, v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect.sessionId))
+      {
+        //v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup := v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect.groupId;
+        //v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_portId := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_selectPortInGroup_defaultGroup(
+        //  v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_groupId); // port on which we will send
+        //f_EPTF_Routing_processOutgoingMessage();
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send( v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect.groupId ) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Open connection unsuccessful for port group: " &
+          int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_connect.groupId));
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(-1) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      }
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Send:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendMessage sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendMessage.sessionId;
+      f_EPTF_Routing_processOutgoingMessage();
+      if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId != -1)
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendMessage.groupId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendMessage.sessionId,
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendMessage.outgoingMessage);
+      }
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_SendResponse:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_portId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse.portId;
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendResponse(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse.groupId,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse.portId,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse.seqNum,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sendResponse.msg);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ClosePortOfUser:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePortOfUser sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePortOfUser.groupId,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePortOfUser.sessionId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_FreePortOfUser:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_freePortOfUser sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_freePortOfUser.groupId,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_freePortOfUser.sessionId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Close:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_close sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_close.groupId))
+      {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Wrong port group index: " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_close.groupId));
+        repeat;
+      };
+      //for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].portDatabase); i := i + 1)
+      //{
+      //  v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_portId := i;
+      //  f_EPTF_Routing_processOutgoingMessage();
+      //}
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_close.groupId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_HalfClose:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_halfClose sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_halfClose.groupId))         {
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+          ": Wrong port group index: " & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_halfClose.groupId));
+        repeat;
+      };
+      //for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].portDatabase); i := i + 1)
+      //{
+      //  v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_portId := i;
+      //  f_EPTF_Routing_processOutgoingMessage();
+      //}
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_halfClose.groupId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Listen:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listen sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      var integer vl_id := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_listen(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listen.groupId);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_id) to v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef;
+      repeat;
+    }
+    [] v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.receive (EPTF_HTTP_Transport_closePort:?) -> value v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePort sender v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePort(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePort.groupId, v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_closePort.portId);
+      repeat;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to init the Mapper component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_selfName - *in charstring* - the name of the component
+  //    - pl_interfaceInformationList - <EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_InterfaceInformationList> - The defined interfaces
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *integer* - if the component initialize already the return value will be -1
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT(
+    in charstring pl_selfName := "",
+    in EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_InterfaceInformationList pl_interfaceInformationList := {},
+    in integer pl_mode := 0) //0: client mode, 1:server mode
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_initialized) {
+      log(%definitionId & // intentionally simple log!
+        "The Mapper component is initialized already");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := {};
+    f_EPTF_HashMap_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx := f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(
+      c_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_HashMap_routing);
+    v_intNoWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT(pl_selfName,
+      refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveMsg),
+      refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveEvent),
+      refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveSocketError),
+      pl_interfaceInformationList,
+      refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listenSocketEvent),
+      refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listenSocketError));
+    if (0 == pl_mode)//client mode
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Routing_init_CT(
+        refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processOutgoingMessage),
+        refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processIncomingMessage));
+    }else if (1 == pl_mode)//server mode
+    {
+      f_EPTF_Routing_init_CT(
+        -,
+        refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processIncomingMessageServer));
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGenDB.uri2lgenIdxHash :=
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_hashMapName_uri2idxHash);
+    f_EPTF_Base_init_CT(pl_selfName);
+    f_EPTF_Base_registerCleanup(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_cleanup_CT));
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_initialized := true;
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_default := activate(as_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_Handler());
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": The initialization of the Mapper component is ready");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CommPort_IPL4_setMsgLen(
+    in ConnectionId pl_connId,
+    in f_IPL4_getMsgLen pl_function,
+    in ro_integer pl_msgLenArgs)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_setMsgLen(pl_connId, pl_function, pl_msgLenArgs);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_cleanup_CT
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to clean the Mapper component
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_cleanup_CT()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    if (not v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_initialized) {
+      return;
+    }
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_initialized := false;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := {};
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx := -1;
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_HashMap_routing);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_default := null;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": The cleanup of the Mapper component is ready");
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_setRouting
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set routing information for Mapper database
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_route - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_RoutingList> - routing data
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_setRouting(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_RoutingList pl_route)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    var integer i, vl_maxGroupIdx := -1;
+    for (i := 0; i < sizeof(pl_route); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      if (vl_maxGroupIdx < pl_route[i].groupId) {
+        vl_maxGroupIdx := pl_route[i].groupId;
+      };
+    }
+    for (i := 0; i < vl_maxGroupIdx; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_routingSetDatabase[i] := false;
+    }
+    for (i := 0; i < sizeof(pl_route); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[pl_route[i].groupId] := {
+        ptr := 0,
+        size := sizeof(pl_route[i].compIdList),
+        compIdList := pl_route[i].compIdList
+      }
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_routingSetDatabase[i] := true;
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_setRoutingUri2LGen_GetUriCallback
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to set the fcb_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri.
+  //    If fcb_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri is set, then the Mapper will use its return value
+  //    to look up the subscribed LGen for the returned URI
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_callback - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri_FT> - user function to return the URI
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function  f_EPTF_HTTP_setRoutingUri2LGen_GetUriCallback(in EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri_FT pl_callback) runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT {
+    fcb_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri := pl_callback
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_getUri2LGenRoutingData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Looks up the subscribed LGen for <pl_uri>, and returns it in the <pl_lgenIdx>
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_uri - *in* <charstring> - URI to look up
+  //    pl_lgenIdx - *inout* <integer> - LGen index handling the URI
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  private function f_EPTF_HTTP_getUri2LGenRoutingData(in charstring pl_uri, inout integer pl_lgenIdx) runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT return boolean {
+    if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGenDB.uri2lgenIdxHash, pl_uri, pl_lgenIdx)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_addUri2LGenRoutingData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Adds (subscribes) LGen <pl_lgenIdx> for URI <pl_uri>, and stores it in the database
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_uri - *in* <charstring> - URI to look up
+  //    pl_lgenIdx - *in* <integer> - LGen index handling the URI
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_addUri2LGenRoutingData(in charstring pl_uri, in integer pl_lgenIdx) runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT {
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGenDB.uri2lgenIdxHash, pl_uri, pl_lgenIdx);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_removeUri2LGenRoutingData
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Removes (unsubscribes) URI <pl_uri> from the URI <-> LGen database
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_uri - *in* <charstring> - URI to look up
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_removeUri2LGenRoutingData(in charstring pl_uri) runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT {
+    f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGenDB.uri2lgenIdxHash, pl_uri);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processOutgoingMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to process the outgoing messages
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Functions stores in a hash map the integer casted component id value
+  //    of the component from which the message has been received with the
+  //    key of the connection id value within the message
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processOutgoingMessage()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    var integer vl_dummy;
+    if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId,
+        vl_dummy))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": A component reference for session id ("
+        & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId) &
+        ") is already stored! Message not sent!");
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId := -1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId,
+        f_EPTF_Base_upcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef));
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+        " Source component index (" &
+        int2str(f_EPTF_Base_upcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentRef)) &
+        ") stored in hash map for session id (" &
+        int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId) & ")!");
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processIncomingMessage
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to process the incoming messages
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function retrieves the integer casted component id to which the
+  //    received message should be sent and then places this component id
+  //    into the component variable v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processIncomingMessage()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(log2str(%definitionId,
+        ": Incoming message received for session id: ",
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId));
+    /*
+    if (v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup >= sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_routingSetDatabase) or
+    not v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_routingSetDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup])
+    {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+    ": Group id (" & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup) &
+    ") not found in routing database!");
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := -1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    var integer vl_ptr := v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].ptr;
+    var integer vl_size := v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].size;
+    //log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase);
+    //log(vl_ptr);
+    //log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_groupId);
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId :=
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].compIdList[vl_ptr];
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+    " Destination component acquired (" &
+    int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId) & ") for group id (" &
+    int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup) & ")!");
+    vl_ptr := vl_ptr + 1;
+    if (vl_ptr >= vl_size) { vl_ptr := 1; };
+    }
+    */
+    var integer vl_compId := -1;
+    if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId,
+        vl_compId))
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(log2str(%definitionId,
+          " Destination component acquired (",
+          v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId, ") for session id (",
+          int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup),")!"));
+      f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_hashMapIdx,
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId);
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := {vl_compId};
+    }
+    else {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(%definitionId &
+        ": Session id (" & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId) &
+        ") not found in hash map! Possibly connection closed remotely on Free port!");
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := {};
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processIncomingMessageServer
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Processes the incoming messages.
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    The current LGen to send the request to is chosen round robin.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_processIncomingMessageServer()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId &
+      ": Incoming message received for group id: " &
+      int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup))
+    if(fcb_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri == null or (not isbound(v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspRecvFrom.msg))) {
+      var integer vl_current :=
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].ptr;
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := {v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].compIdList[vl_current]};
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].ptr :=
+      (vl_current + 1) mod v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].size;
+    } else {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Incoming message received, calling  fcb_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri..");
+      var charstring vl_uri := fcb_EPTF_HTTP_MapperRoutingUri2LGen_GetUri.apply();
+      var integer vl_comp;
+      if(f_EPTF_HTTP_getUri2LGenRoutingData(vl_uri, vl_comp)) {
+        //log("LGen #", vl_comp, " is subscribed to the URI: ", vl_uri, ".");
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := { vl_comp };
+      } else {
+        //log("No LGen is subscribed to the URI: ", vl_uri, ". Message discarded!");
+        v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId := {};
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveMsg
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive the incoming messages
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_message - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage> - incoming message from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function performs routing of incoming messages. It determins to which
+  //    load generator component the message should be sent based on
+  //    the provided connection id and sends it to this component.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveMsg(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId := pl_message.sessionId;
+    f_EPTF_Routing_processIncomingMessage();
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Receive vl_receive := {
+      groupId := pl_message.groupId,
+      sessionId :=  pl_message.sessionId,
+      seqNum := pl_message.seqNum,
+      reveivedMessage := pl_message.httpMessage
+    }
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_receive) to f_EPTF_Base_downcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive the incoming events
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_event - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_Event> - incoming event from the transport layer
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function performs routing of incoming messages. It determins to which
+  //    load generator component the message should be sent based on
+  //    the provided connection id and sends it to this component.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveEvent(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_Event pl_event)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId := pl_event.sessionId;
+    f_EPTF_Routing_processIncomingMessage();
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Result vl_result := {
+      groupId := pl_event.groupId,
+      sessionId := pl_event.sessionId, //pl_sessionId,
+      resultType := pl_event.eventType
+    }
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_result) to f_EPTF_Base_downcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveSocketError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive the incoming socket errors
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_error - <EPTF_HTTP_Error> - the error message
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Function performs routing of incoming messages. It determins to which
+  //    load generator component the message should be sent based on
+  //    the provided connection id and sends it to this component.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_receiveSocketError(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_EventError pl_error)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_sessionId := pl_error.sessionId;
+    f_EPTF_Routing_processIncomingMessage();
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Error vl_result := {
+      groupId := pl_error.groupId,
+      sessionId :=  pl_error.sessionId, //pl_sessionId,
+      result := pl_error.transportError
+    }
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId); i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_result) to f_EPTF_Base_downcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_componentId[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listenSocketEvent
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive the incoming listening socket events
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_event - <EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent> -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Events are routed to all of the LGens belonging to the server port.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listenSocketEvent(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent pl_event)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenEvent vl_result := {
+      groupId := pl_event.groupId,
+      hostInfo :=  pl_event.hostInfo,
+      eventType := pl_event.eventType
+    }
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].size; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_result) to
+      f_EPTF_Base_downcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].compIdList[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listenSocketError
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to receive the incoming listening socket events
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_error - <EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError> -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    Events are routed to all of the LGens belonging to the server port.
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_listenSocketError(
+    in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError pl_error)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT
+  {
+    var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ListenError vl_result := {
+      groupId := pl_error.groupId,
+      hostInfo :=  pl_error.hostInfo,
+      transportError := pl_error.transportError
+    }
+    for (var integer i := 0; i < v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].size; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort.send(vl_result) to
+      f_EPTF_Base_downcast(v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_inRoutingDatabase[v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_lastReceivedGroup].compIdList[i]);
+    }
+  }
+} // end of Group: Mapper
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging
+//  Purpose:
+//    The functions of the EPTF HTTP Transport Logging
+group EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_error
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log an error from EPTF HTTP Transport
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_error(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_errorV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Error});
+    f_EPTF_Base_stopAll();
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log a warning from EPTF HTTP Transport
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_warning(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_warningV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Warning});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log a debug message from EPTF HTTP Transport
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_debugV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferWarning
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log a buffer warning message from EPTF HTTP Transport
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferWarning(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_warningV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferWarning});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferDebug
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to log a buffer debug message from EPTF HTTP Transport
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferDebug(
+    in @lazy charstring pl_message)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_Logging_debugV2(pl_message,
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+      {c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_BufferDebug});
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debugEnabled
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to check if debug is enabled for EPTF HTTP Transport
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - true if debug enalbed
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debugEnabled()
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Logging_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    return f_EPTF_Logging_isEnabled(
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId,
+      c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
+  }
+} // group Logging
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DB
+//  Purpose:
+//    Contains the database handling functions.
+group EPTF_HTTP_Transport_DB{
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debugEnabled
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Function to check if debug is enabled for EPTF HTTP Transport
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    *boolean* - true if debug enalbed
+  //
+  //  Errors & assertions:
+  //    -
+  //
+  //  Detailed Comments:
+  //    -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getName(in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return charstring
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return ""; };
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].name;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getLocHostInfo(in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return {"", -1}; };
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].baseLocalHostInformation;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getRemoteHostInfo(in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return {"", -1}; };
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].baseRemoteHostInformation;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getNumberOfPorts(in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return -1; };
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].numberOfPorts;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getLocalportStep(in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return -1; };
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].localportStep;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getRemoteportStep(in integer pl_groupId)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return -1; };
+    return v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].remoteportStep;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getUseSSL(in integer pl_groupId, inout boolean pl_useSSL)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return false; };
+    pl_useSSL := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].useSSL;
+    return true;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getInstantConnClose(in integer pl_groupId, inout boolean pl_instantConnClose)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return false; };
+    pl_instantConnClose := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].instantConnClose;
+    return true;
+  }
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Group_getInstantConnOpen(in integer pl_groupId, inout boolean pl_instantConnOpen)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_checkGroup(pl_groupId)) { return false; };
+    pl_instantConnOpen := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_groupId].instantConnOpen;
+    return true;
+  }
+//  Group: EPTF_HTTP_Buffer
+//  Purpose:
+//    Contains the buffer handling functions.
+group EPTF_HTTP_Buffer{
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_init
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Initializes the message buffer.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_MessageBuffer> -
+  //    pl_size - *in* *integer* - maximum size of the buffer
+  //    pl_id - *in* *integer* - unique identifier of the buffer
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_init(inout EPTF_HTTP_MessageBuffer pl_buffer, in integer pl_size, in integer pl_id)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_init(pl_buffer.seqNums, pl_size, pl_id);
+    pl_buffer.seqNum2messageIdxHM :=
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_seqNum2messageIdx & int2str(pl_id));
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(pl_buffer.messageQueue);
+    pl_buffer.httpMessages := {}
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_init
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Initializes the sequence numbers.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_SeqNumMgmt> -
+  //    pl_size - *in* *integer* - maximum sequence number
+  //    pl_id - *in* *integer* - unique identifier
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_init(inout EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer, in integer pl_size, in integer pl_id)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    pl_buffer.nextSeqNum := 0;
+    pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum := 0;
+    pl_buffer.usedSlots := 0;
+    pl_buffer.maxSize := pl_size;
+    pl_buffer.isSlotBusyHM :=
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_isSlotBusy & int2str(pl_id));
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_clear
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Clears the sequence numbers.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer> -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_clear(inout EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    pl_buffer.nextSeqNum := 0;
+    pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum := 0;
+    pl_buffer.usedSlots := 0;
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Clear(pl_buffer.isSlotBusyHM);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_erase
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Clears the sequence numbers.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer> -
+  //    pl_id - *in* *integer* - unique identifier
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_erase(inout EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer, in integer pl_id)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    pl_buffer.nextSeqNum := 0;
+    pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum := 0;
+    pl_buffer.usedSlots := 0;
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_isSlotBusy & int2str(pl_id));
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_clear
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Clears the message buffer.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_Buffer> -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_clear(inout EPTF_HTTP_MessageBuffer pl_buffer)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_clear(pl_buffer.seqNums);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Clear(pl_buffer.seqNum2messageIdxHM)
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(pl_buffer.messageQueue);
+    pl_buffer.httpMessages := {}
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_erase
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Erases the message buffer.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_Buffer> -
+  //    pl_id - *in* *integer* - unique identifier
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_MsgBuffer_erase(inout EPTF_HTTP_MessageBuffer pl_buffer, in integer pl_id)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferDebug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_erase(pl_buffer.seqNums, pl_id);
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Delete(c_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_HashMap_seqNum2messageIdx & int2str(pl_id))
+    pl_buffer.seqNum2messageIdxHM := -1;
+    f_EPTF_FBQ_initFreeBusyQueue(pl_buffer.messageQueue);
+    pl_buffer.httpMessages := {}
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getNext
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Gets the next sequence number.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer> -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getNext(inout EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    if (pl_buffer.usedSlots == pl_buffer.maxSize)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferWarning(log2str(%definitionId &
+          ": Buffer is full!"));
+      return -1;
+    }
+    var integer vl_next := pl_buffer.nextSeqNum;
+    pl_buffer.nextSeqNum := (vl_next + 1) mod pl_buffer.maxSize;
+    pl_buffer.usedSlots := pl_buffer.usedSlots + 1
+    return vl_next;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_setElementBusy
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the element status to busy.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer> -
+  //    pl_elemIdx -*integer* *integer*- element index
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_setElementBusy(inout EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer, in integer pl_elemIdx)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    if (pl_elemIdx >= pl_buffer.nextSeqNum and pl_elemIdx < pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum)
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferWarning(log2str(%definitionId &
+          ": Setting invalid index (",pl_elemIdx,").  ", "head: ", pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum, " tail: ", pl_buffer.nextSeqNum));
+      return;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Insert(pl_buffer.isSlotBusyHM, pl_elemIdx, 1);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_isHeadBusy
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Retreive head slot status.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer> -
+  //
+  //  Return Value:
+  //    boolean - true if the head is busy
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_isHeadBusy(in EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return boolean
+  {
+    var integer vl_tmp;
+    return f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(pl_buffer.isSlotBusyHM, pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum, vl_tmp);
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_freeHead
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Sets the status of the head to free.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *inout* <EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer> -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_freeHead(inout EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Erase(pl_buffer.isSlotBusyHM, pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum);
+    pl_buffer.usedSlots := pl_buffer.usedSlots - 1;
+    pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum := (pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum + 1) mod pl_buffer.maxSize
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getHeadIdx
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Gets the index of the head.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_buffer - *in* <EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer> -
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getHeadIdx(in EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer pl_buffer)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  return integer
+  {
+    return pl_buffer.waitForSeqNum;
+  }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  Function: f_EPTF_HTTP_printBufferStatus
+  //
+  //  Purpose:
+  //    Prints message buffer status.
+  //
+  //  Parameters:
+  //    pl_group - *in* *integer* - group id
+  //    pl_port - *in* *integer* - port id
+  //
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  function f_EPTF_HTTP_printBufferStatus(in integer pl_group, in integer pl_port)
+  runs on EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_bufferDebug(log2str(%definitionId, ": Buffer status (group: ",pl_group," port: ",pl_port,"):",
+        " next sequence number: "& int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums.nextSeqNum),
+        " waiting for: ", int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums.waitForSeqNum),
+        " used slots: ", int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].messageBuffer.seqNums.usedSlots),
+        " size of message buffer: ",
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_getLengthOfFreeChain(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].messageBuffer.messageQueue)));
+  }
+}//end of module
+with {
+extension "version <RnXnn>"
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..191a7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+sed -e '
+s/CPPFLAGS = -D$(PLATFORM) -I$(TTCN3_DIR)\/include/CPPFLAGS = -D$(PLATFORM) -I$(OPENSSL_DIR)\/include -I$(TTCN3_DIR)\/include -DNO_IPV6/g
+#s/CXX = g++/CXX = \/usr\/sfw\/bin\/g++/g
+#s/CPP = cpp/CPP = \/usr\/sfw\/bin\/cpp/g
+#s/-L$(OPENSSL_DIR)\/lib -lcrypto $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS)/-L$(OPENSSL_DIR)\/lib -lcrypto $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS)/g
+s/SOLARIS_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl/SOLARIS_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -lxnet/g
+s/SOLARIS8_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl/SOLARIS8_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -lxnet/g
+s/CXXFLAGS = -Wall/CXXFLAGS = -Wall /g
+#s/LDFLAGS =/LDFLAGS = -g/g
+' <$1 >$2
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_TD.doc b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_TD.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c7b796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_TD.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_TR.doc b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_TR.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3522e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618_TR.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Languages.txt b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Languages.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2fbc5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Languages.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+Format: 1.35
+# This is the Natural Docs languages file for this project.  If you change
+# anything here, it will apply to THIS PROJECT ONLY.  If you'd like to change
+# something for all your projects, edit the Languages.txt in Natural Docs'
+# Config directory instead.
+Ignore Extensions: c cpp hh o sh csh txt pl pm
+# Unlike other Natural Docs configuration files, in this file all comments
+# MUST be alone on a line.  Some languages deal with the # character, so you
+# cannot put comments on the same line as content.
+# Also, all lists are separated with spaces, not commas, again because some
+# languages may need to use them.
+# Language: [name]
+# Alter Language: [name]
+#    Defines a new language or alters an existing one.  Its name can use any
+#    characters.  If any of the properties below have an add/replace form, you
+#    must use that when using Alter Language.
+#    The language Shebang Script is special.  It's entry is only used for
+#    extensions, and files with those extensions have their shebang (#!) lines
+#    read to determine the real language of the file.  Extensionless files are
+#    always treated this way.
+#    The language Text File is also special.  It's treated as one big comment
+#    so you can put Natural Docs content in them without special symbols.  Also,
+#    if you don't specify a package separator, ignored prefixes, or enum value
+#    behavior, it will copy those settings from the language that is used most
+#    in the source tree.
+# Extensions: [extension] [extension] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Extensions: [extension] [extension] ...
+#    Defines the file extensions of the language's source files.  You can
+#    redefine extensions found in the main languages file.  You can use * to
+#    mean any undefined extension.
+# Shebang Strings: [string] [string] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Shebang Strings: [string] [string] ...
+#    Defines a list of strings that can appear in the shebang (#!) line to
+#    designate that it's part of the language.  You can redefine strings found
+#    in the main languages file.
+# Ignore Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Ignored Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+# Ignore [Topic Type] Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Ignored [Topic Type] Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+#    Specifies prefixes that should be ignored when sorting symbols in an
+#    index.  Can be specified in general or for a specific topic type.
+# For basic language support only:
+# Line Comments: [symbol] [symbol] ...
+#    Defines a space-separated list of symbols that are used for line comments,
+#    if any.
+# Block Comments: [opening sym] [closing sym] [opening sym] [closing sym] ...
+#    Defines a space-separated list of symbol pairs that are used for block
+#    comments, if any.
+# Package Separator: [symbol]
+#    Defines the default package separator symbol.  The default is a dot.
+# [Topic Type] Prototype Enders: [symbol] [symbol] ...
+#    When defined, Natural Docs will attempt to get a prototype from the code
+#    immediately following the topic type.  It stops when it reaches one of
+#    these symbols.  Use \n for line breaks.
+# Line Extender: [symbol]
+#    Defines the symbol that allows a prototype to span multiple lines if
+#    normally a line break would end it.
+# Enum Values: [global|under type|under parent]
+#    Defines how enum values are referenced.  The default is global.
+#    global       - Values are always global, referenced as 'value'.
+#    under type   - Values are under the enum type, referenced as
+#               'package.enum.value'.
+#    under parent - Values are under the enum's parent, referenced as
+#               'package.value'.
+# Perl Package: [perl package]
+#    Specifies the Perl package used to fine-tune the language behavior in ways
+#    too complex to do in this file.
+# For full language support only:
+# Full Language Support: [perl package]
+#    Specifies the Perl package that has the parsing routines necessary for full
+#    language support.
+# The following languages are defined in the main file, if you'd like to alter
+# them:
+#    Text File, Shebang Script, C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python,
+#    PHP, SQL, Visual Basic, Pascal, Assembly, Ada, Tcl, Ruby, Makefile,
+#    ActionScript, ColdFusion, R, Fortran
+# If you add a language that you think would be useful to other developers
+# and should be included in Natural Docs by default, please e-mail it to
+# languages [at] naturaldocs [dot] org.
+Language: TTCN3
+   Extension: ttcn ttcnin ttcnpp
+   Line Comment: //
+   Block Comment: /* */
+   Function Prototype Enders: ; {
+   Variable Prototype Enders: ; =
+   RequirementProcedure Prototype Ender: {
+   Procedure Prototype Ender: {
+   RequirementFunction Prototype Ender: {
+Language: ASN1
+   Extension: asn
+   Line Comment: --
+Language: C++
+   Extension: cc hh h
+   Line Comment: //
+   Block Comment: /* */
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Menu.txt b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Menu.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d75a170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Menu.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Format: 1.35
+Title: HTTP Application Library
+SubTitle: CNL 113 618 Rev.R2A01
+Footer: Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Cut and paste the lines below to change the order in which your files
+# appear on the menu.  Don't worry about adding or removing files, Natural
+# Docs will take care of that.
+# You can further organize the menu by grouping the entries.  Add a
+# "Group: [name] {" line to start a group, and add a "}" to end it.
+# You can add text and web links to the menu by adding "Text: [text]" and
+# "Link: [name] ([URL])" lines, respectively.
+# The formatting and comments are auto-generated, so don't worry about
+# neatness when editing the file.  Natural Docs will clean it up the next
+# time it is run.  When working with groups, just deal with the braces and
+# forget about the indentation and comments.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+File: EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn  (LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn)
+File: EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn  (LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn)
+File: EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn  (Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn)
+File: EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn  (Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn)
+File: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn  (Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn)
+File: EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn  (Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn)
+Group: Index  {
+   Altstep Index: Altsteps
+   Constant Index: Constants
+   Index: Everything
+   File Index: Files
+   Function Index: Functions
+   Template Index: Templates
+   Type Index: Types
+   }  # Group: Index
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Topics.txt b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Topics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf2a03b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/Topics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Format: 1.35
+# This is the Natural Docs topics file for this project.  If you change anything
+# here, it will apply to THIS PROJECT ONLY.  If you'd like to change something
+# for all your projects, edit the Topics.txt in Natural Docs' Config directory
+# instead.
+Ignore Keywords: 
+   note, notes
+# Topic Type: [name]
+# Alter Topic Type: [name]
+#    Creates a new topic type or alters one from the main file.  Each type gets
+#    its own index and behavior settings.  Its name can have letters, numbers,
+#    spaces, and these charaters: - / . '
+# Plural: [name]
+#    Sets the plural name of the topic type, if different.
+# Keywords:
+#    [keyword]
+#    [keyword], [plural keyword]
+#    ...
+#    Defines or adds to the list of keywords for the topic type.  They may only
+#    contain letters, numbers, and spaces and are not case sensitive.  Plural
+#    keywords are used for list topics.  You can redefine keywords found in the
+#    main topics file.
+# Index: [yes|no]
+#    Whether the topics get their own index.  Defaults to yes.  Everything is
+#    included in the general index regardless of this setting.
+# Scope: [normal|start|end|always global]
+#    How the topics affects scope.  Defaults to normal.
+#    normal        - Topics stay within the current scope.
+#    start         - Topics start a new scope for all the topics beneath it,
+#                    like class topics.
+#    end           - Topics reset the scope back to global for all the topics
+#                    beneath it.
+#    always global - Topics are defined as global, but do not change the scope
+#                    for any other topics.
+# Class Hierarchy: [yes|no]
+#    Whether the topics are part of the class hierarchy.  Defaults to no.
+# Variable Type: [yes|no]
+#    Whether the topics can be a variable type.  Defaults to no.
+# Page Title If First: [yes|no]
+#    Whether the topic's title becomes the page title if it's the first one in
+#    a file.  Defaults to no.
+# Break Lists: [yes|no]
+#    Whether list topics should be broken into individual topics in the output.
+#    Defaults to no.
+# Can Group With: [type], [type], ...
+#    Defines a list of topic types that this one can possibly be grouped with.
+#    Defaults to none.
+# The following topics are defined in the main file, if you'd like to alter
+# their behavior or add keywords:
+#    Generic, Class, Interface, Section, File, Group, Function, Variable,
+#    Property, Type, Constant, Enumeration, Event, Delegate, Macro,
+#    Database, Database Table, Database View, Database Index, Database
+#    Cursor, Database Trigger, Cookie, Build Target
+# If you add something that you think would be useful to other developers
+# and should be included in Natural Docs by default, please e-mail it to
+# topics [at] naturaldocs [dot] org.
+Topic Type: Testcase
+   Plural: Testcases
+   Keywords:
+      testcase, testcases
+      testcasefunction, testcasefunctions
+Topic Type: RequirementTestcase
+   Plural: RequirementTestcases
+   Keywords:
+      requirementtestcase, requirementtestcases
+Topic Type: RequirementFunction
+   Plural: RequirementFunctions
+   Keywords:
+      requirementfunction, requirementfunctions
+Topic Type: Procedure
+   Plural: Procedures
+   Keywords:
+      procedure, procedures
+Topic Type: RequirementProcedure
+   Plural: RequirementProcedures
+   Keywords:
+      requirementprocedure, requirementprocedures
+Topic Type: Primitive
+   Plural: Primitives
+   Keywords:
+      primitive, primitives
+Topic Type: Altstep
+   Plural: Altsteps
+   Keywords:
+      altstep, altsteps
+Topic Type: RequirementAltstep
+   Plural: RequirementAltsteps
+   Keywords:
+      requirementaltstep, requirementaltsteps
+Topic Type: Template
+   Plural: Templates
+   Keywords:
+      template, templates
+Topic Type: RequirementType
+   Plural: RequirementTypes
+   Keywords:
+      requirementtype, requirementtypes
+Alter Topic Type: Group
+   Plural: Groups
+   Index: No
+   Add Keywords:
+      group
+Alter Topic Type: Generic
+Alter Topic Type: File
+   Add Keywords:
+      module
+      asnmodule
+Topic Type: AsnType
+   Plural: AsnTypes
+   Keywords:
+      asntype, asntypes
+Topic Type: Component
+   Plural: Components
+   Keywords:
+      component, components
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9101fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+natdocvobdir=$ttcn3/../test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator #to be excluded
+# Prepare Files
+  f=$1
+  if [ -w $f ]
+  then
+    $ct lscheckout -cview $f | grep unreserved 
+    if [ $? ]
+    then
+      $ct unco -rm $f
+    else
+      echo "Warning - $f is checked out reserved!"
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ ! -w $f ]
+  then
+    $ct co -c "Checked out by" -unreserved $f
+  fi
+  if [ ! -w $f ]
+  then
+    echo "Error - unable to check out $f - check your config spec"
+    $ct ls $f
+    exit
+  fi
+if [ ! -x $natdoc ]
+  echo "Error - Can't execute $natdoc"
+  exit
+# Check out those files that need to be modified, unreserved
+#prepare_file "$natdocproj/Topics.txt"
+#prepare_file "$natdocproj/Languages.txt"
+cp $natdocvobdir/Topics.txt $natdocproj/Topics.txt
+cp $natdocvobdir/Languages.txt $natdocproj/Languages.txt
+cp $natdocvobdir/load.css $natdocproj/load.css
+cp $natdocvobdir/Menu.txt $natdocproj/Menu.txt
+chmod 664 $natdocproj/Topics.txt $natdocproj/Languages.txt $natdocproj/load.css #$natdocproj/Menu.txt
+# Run from the top level directory
+# NaturalDocs doesn't seem to update the menu properly without the hacking below
+echo "Deleting cached info..."
+#/usr/bin/rm -f $natdocproj/Menu.txt
+/usr/bin/rm -f $natdocproj/Data/*
+echo "Rebuilding everything..."
+$natdoc --input $ttcn3 --output framedhtml $html_dir --project $natdocproj -s Default load -r --exclude-input $natdocvobdir
+# Ensure that any new files created are writable by all, but ignore
+# the errors that will probably come
+chmod 775 `find $html_dir -type d` > /dev/null 2>&1
+chmod 664 `find $html_dir -type f` > /dev/null 2>&1
+chmod 664 `find $natdocproj/Data -type f` > /dev/null 2>&1
+chmod 664 $natdocproj/Menu.txt > /dev/null 2>&1
+/usr/bin/rm -f $natdocproj/Topics.txt
+/usr/bin/rm -f $natdocproj/load.css
+/usr/bin/rm -f $natdocproj/Languages.txt
+# copy externally modified html files
+#cp $natdocvobdir/TITANSim.html $html_dir/files/TITANSim.html
+#cp $natdocvobdir/index.html $html_dir/index.html
+# close group items for default
+#/bin/sh $html_dir/menu.html $html_dir/menu2.html
+#/usr/bin/rm -f $html_dir/menu.html
+#/usr/bin/mv $html_dir/menu2.html $html_dir/menu.html
+# repairs unnatural html files generated by NaturalDocs
+/usr/local/bin/perl /$natdocvobdir/ $html_dir
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/load.css b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/load.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd55024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/load.css
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+   IMPORTANT: If you're editing this file in the output directory of one of
+   your projects, your changes will be overwritten the next time you run
+   Natural Docs.  Instead, copy this file to your project directory, make your
+   changes, and you can use it with -s.  Even better would be to make a CSS
+   file in your project directory with only your changes, which you can then
+   use with -s [original style] [your changes].
+   On the other hand, if you're editing this file in the Natural Docs styles
+   directory, the changes will automatically be applied to all your projects
+   that use this style the next time Natural Docs is run on them.
+   This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright © 2003-2004 Greg Valure
+   Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL
+/*  NO longer necessary!!
+  .Prototype td {
+    font-size: 8pt;
+    }
+.CRequirementTestcase .Prototype { background-color: #F4F4F4; border-color: #D0D0D0 }
+.CRequirementFunction .Prototype { background-color: #F4F4F4; border-color: #D0D0D0 }
+.CRequirementProcedure .Prototype { background-color: #F4F4F4; border-color: #D0D0D0 }
+.CRequirementType .Prototype { background-color: #F4F4F4; border-color: #D0D0D0 }
+.MGroupContent {
+    font-variant: normal; 
+    font-weight: normal;
+    display: none;
+/*  NO longer necessary!!
+@media print {
+ blockquote {
+     overflow: visible;
+     }
+ .IE blockquote {
+     width: auto;
+     }
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..85478af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_NaturalDocs_Generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+# in:  file path
+# out: extension
+sub getFileExtension
+  my $path = shift;
+  my @lst = split( /\./ , $path );
+  return( (@lst<2) ? '' : $lst[@lst-1] );
+#in : reference to string containing source code line, extension
+#out: number of inserted line breaks
+sub insertLineBreaks
+	my $r_line = shift;
+  my $extension = shift; # currently not used
+	my $subst_cnt = $$r_line =~ s/>\s*<([^\/])/>\n<$1/g;
+	return $subst_cnt;
+sub isHtmldocFile
+	my $fname = shift;
+	my $htmldocexts = "html|htm";
+	return ($fname =~/\.($htmldocexts)$/);
+# recursive scan of the given path: insert line breaks for all html files
+# input : path
+# output: number of changed html files
+sub repairHtmlDoc
+	my $source_path = shift;
+	my %my_cnt = ( 'html' => 0, 'changed' => 0 );
+	opendir(DIRH, $source_path) or die("Could not open the directory: $source_path\n");
+	my @dirContent = readdir DIRH;
+	closedir(DIRH);
+	my $file;
+	foreach $file (@dirContent)
+	{
+		if (($file ne '.') and ($file ne '..'))
+		{
+			my $path = $source_path.'/'.$file;
+			if (-l $path)
+			{
+				# nothing to do	
+			}
+			elsif (-d $path)
+			{
+				# recursive call
+				my %cnt = repairHtmlDoc($path);
+				$my_cnt{'html'} += $cnt{'html'};
+				$my_cnt{'changed'} += $cnt{'changed'};
+			}
+			else # file
+			{
+				if (isHtmldocFile($path))
+				{
+					my $inserted = 0;
+          my $extension = getFileExtension($path);
+					# read content
+					open(HTML_FILE, $path) or die("Could not open file '$path' for reading.\n");
+					my @html_content = <HTML_FILE>;
+					close HTML_FILE;
+					# overwrite file with inserted line breaks
+					open(HTML_FILE, "+>$path") or die("Could not open file '$path' for overwriting.\n");
+					my $line;
+					foreach $line (@html_content)
+					{
+						$inserted += insertLineBreaks(\$line, $extension);
+						print HTML_FILE $line;
+					}
+					close HTML_FILE;
+					$my_cnt{'html'}++;
+					$my_cnt{'changed'}++ if ($inserted);
+					print "Inserted $inserted line breaks into '$path' file.\n";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return %my_cnt;
+# get directory name
+die "Usage: $0 <path_to_naturaldocs_documentation_directory>\n" if (@ARGV!=1);
+my $dirname = $ARGV[0];
+# remove eventual ending '/' from directory names
+$dirname =~ s/\/$//;
+die "Directory '$dirname' does not exist.\n" unless (-e $dirname);
+# insert line breaks in place
+my %cnt = repairHtmlDoc($dirname);
+# print statistics
+print "*** Processed ".$cnt{'html'}." html files.\n";
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.cfg b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6cb72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+LogEventTypes := Yes
+SourceInfoFormat := Stack #Single
+LogEntityName := Yes
+#MatchingHints := Detailed
+tsp_EPTF_Var_debug := true;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEnable := true;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEnable := true;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities := 100;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchLevel := Detailed;
+tsp_EPTF_LGenBaseDebug := false;
+tsp_EPTF_LGenBaseDebugTraffic := false;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host := "";
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port := 3100;
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host := "";
+tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port := 6000;
+#tsp_runningTime := 4;
+#tsp_QPS := 500;
+#tsp_rangeHi := 3000;
+#*.IPL4_PCO.debug := "YES"
+#*.v_IPL4_PCO.debug := "YES"
+#TCPPort := 1025
+#NumHCs := 1
+#KillTimer := 11
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.prj b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55dbb10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<!DOCTYPE TITAN_GUI_project_file>
+<Project TITAN_version="1.8.pl2" >
+    <General>
+        <Project_Name>HTTP</Project_Name>
+        <Executable_Path>../bin/HTTP</Executable_Path>
+        <Working_Dir>../bin</Working_Dir>
+        <Build_Host>alpha</Build_Host>
+        <Execution_Mode>Parallel</Execution_Mode>
+        <Code_Splitting_Mode>None</Code_Splitting_Mode>
+        <ScriptFile_AfterMake></ScriptFile_AfterMake>
+        <Log_Format>yes</Log_Format>
+        <Update_Symlinks>yes</Update_Symlinks>
+        <Create_Absolute_Symlinks>no</Create_Absolute_Symlinks>
+        <Update_Makefile>yes</Update_Makefile>
+        <Localhost_Execute>yes</Localhost_Execute>
+        <Execute_Command>rsh %host &quot;cd %project_working_dir ; &quot;%executable&quot; %localhost %mctr_port&quot;</Execute_Command>
+        <Execute_Hosts>alfa, beta, gamma</Execute_Hosts>
+        <UnUsed_List>../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Common/EPTF_CLL_Common_RndDefinitions.ttcn,../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Common/EPTF_CLL_Common_RndFunctions.ttcn,../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/LGenBase/EPTF_CLL_LGenBaseStatsUI_Definitions.ttcn,../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/LGenBase/EPTF_CLL_LGenBaseStatsUI_Functions.ttcn,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCAssertion_Functions.ttcn,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCEncoding_Functions.ttcn,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCEnv_Functions.ttcn,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCIPsec_Definitions.ttcn,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCIPsec_Functions.ttcn,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCTitanMetadata_Functions.ttcn,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/,../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCXPathSupport_Functions.ttcn,../../../TestPorts/IPL4asp_CNL113531/src/IPL4asp_User_CtrlFunct.ttcn,../../../TestPorts/IPL4asp_CNL113531/src/</UnUsed_List>
+    </General>
+    <Configs>
+        <Config>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.cfg</Config>
+    </Configs>
+    <Test_Cases>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.control</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test1</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test2</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test3</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test4</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test5</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test6</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test7</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test8</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test9</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test10</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test11</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test12</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test13</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test14</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test15</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test16</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test17</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test18</Test_Case>
+        <Test_Case>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test19</Test_Case>
+    </Test_Cases>
+    <Others>
+        <Other></Other>
+        <Other>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.prj</Other>
+    </Others>
+    <File_Group name="MainFileGroup" >
+        <File_Groups>
+            <File_Group name="CoreLibrary" >
+                <File_Groups>
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Base/EPTF_CLL_Base.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Common/EPTF_CLL_Common.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/FreeBusyQueue/EPTF_CLL_FreeBusyQueue.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/HashMap/EPTF_CLL_HashMap.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/LGenBase/EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_All.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Logging/EPTF_CLL_Logging.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Logging/EPTF_CLL_LoggingUI.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/RedBlackTree/EPTF_CLL_RBtree.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Scheduler/EPTF_CLL_Scheduler.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Semaphore/EPTF_CLL_Semaphore.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/StatHandler/EPTF_CLL_StatHandler.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/StatHandler/EPTF_CLL_StatHandlerUI.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Transport/EPTF_CLL_TransportCommPortIPL4.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Transport/EPTF_CLL_TransportMessageBufferManager.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Transport/EPTF_CLL_TransportRouting.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/UIHandler/EPTF_CLL_UIHandler.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/Variable/EPTF_CLL_Variable.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/StatMeasure/EPTF_CLL_StatMeasure.grp" />
+                    <File_Group path="../../EPTF_Core_Library_CNL113512/src/RandomNArray/EPTF_CLL_RNA.grp" />
+                </File_Groups>
+            </File_Group>
+            <File_Group path="../../TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472/src/TCCUsefulFunctions_Library.grp" />
+            <File_Group name="Test" >
+                <File path="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions.ttcn" />
+                <File path="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions.ttcn" />
+                <File path="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder.ttcn" />
+                <File path="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.ttcn" />
+                <File path="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions.ttcn" />
+                <File path="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions.ttcn" />
+                <File path="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates.ttcn" />
+            </File_Group>
+            <File_Group name="HTTP" >
+                <File_Groups>
+                    <File_Group name="LGen" >
+                        <File path="../src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../src/LoadGen/EPTF_HTTP_Functions.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                    <File_Group name="Transport" >
+                        <File path="../src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../src/Transport/EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                    <File_Group name="Logger" >
+                        <File path="../src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Definitions.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../src/Logger/EPTF_HTTP_Logger_Functions.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                </File_Groups>
+            </File_Group>
+            <File_Group name="TestPorts" >
+                <File_Groups>
+                    <File_Group path="../../../TestPorts/IPL4asp_CNL113531/src/IPL4.grp" />
+                    <File_Group name="IPL4 User Ctrl Functions" >
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/IPL4asp_CNL113531/src/IPL4asp_User_CtrlFunct.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/IPL4asp_CNL113531/src/" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                    <File_Group name="HTTP_TP" >
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/HTTPmsg_CNL113312/src/" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/HTTPmsg_CNL113312/src/HTTPmsg_PT.hh" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/HTTPmsg_CNL113312/src/HTTPmsg_PortType.ttcn" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/HTTPmsg_CNL113312/src/HTTPmsg_Types.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                    <File_Group path="../../../TestPorts/XTDPasp_CNL113494/src/XTDPasp.grp" />
+                    <File_Group name="AS" >
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/Common_Components/Abstract_Socket_CNL113384/src/" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/Common_Components/Abstract_Socket_CNL113384/src/Abstract_Socket.hh" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                    <File_Group name="Telnet" >
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/TELNETasp_CNL113320/src/" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/TELNETasp_CNL113320/src/TELNETasp_PT.hh" />
+                        <File path="../../../TestPorts/TELNETasp_CNL113320/src/TELNETasp_PortType.ttcn" />
+                    </File_Group>
+                </File_Groups>
+            </File_Group>
+        </File_Groups>
+    </File_Group>
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.tpd b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.tpd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d29972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.tpd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
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+  <ProjectName>EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test</ProjectName>
+  <ReferencedProjects>
+    <ReferencedProject name="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618" projectLocationURI="../EPTF_Applib_HTTP_CNL113618.tpd"/>
+  </ReferencedProjects>
+  <Files>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.cfg" relativeURI="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test.cfg"/>
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+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions.ttcn" relativeURI="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder.ttcn" relativeURI="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.ttcn" relativeURI="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions.ttcn" relativeURI="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions.ttcn" relativeURI="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions.ttcn"/>
+    <FileResource projectRelativePath="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates.ttcn" relativeURI="EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates.ttcn"/> 
+  </Files>
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+          <suppressWarnings>true</suppressWarnings>
+        </MakefileSettings>
+        <LocalBuildSettings>
+          <workingDirectory>bin</workingDirectory>
+        </LocalBuildSettings>
+      </ProjectProperties>
+    </Configuration>
+  </Configurations>
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions.ttcn b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe45a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2009-01-08  
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the definitions to test HTTP application.
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    -
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Definitions>
+//  Current Owner:    
+//    EAKOPER 
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-01-09  
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    Application1 is based on HTTP transport. 
+//    HTTP transport related components are extended here. Both
+//    local and remote operation mode is supported. Current
+//    operation mode is determined via configuration.
+module EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions { 
+// Import Part
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Definitions all;
+// Types
+type record EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid
+  integer step,
+  integer groupId
+type enumerated EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status
+type port EPTF_HTTP_Test_Validation_PT message
+  inout EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid;
+  inout EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status;
+}with {extension "internal"}
+// HTTP_CT to extend functionality of AppLib
+// Extension functions and AppLib API can run on this CT
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT 
+  extends EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT 
+  // extensions component variables e.g. new stats
+  var EPTF_CharstringList v_HTTP1_strList := {};
+  var integer v_numEntities;
+  var boolean v_portMode;
+  var boolean v_globalMode;
+  var integer v_numOfPorts;
+  var boolean v_iConnOpen;
+  var boolean v_iConnClose;
+  var integer v_sizeofAnswers_idx := -1;
+  var EPTF_BooleanArray2D v_portStates;
+  var integer v_tcIdx;
+  var boolean v_stateCheckEnabled := true;
+// HTTP Local transport CT
+// Extends HTTP_CT so that extension function and AppLib API
+// work on it and transport specific API can be added
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT extends
+  EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT, EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_CT
+type record of EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCTList;
+type record of EPTF_BooleanList EPTF_BooleanArray2D;
+// HTTP Remote transport CT
+// Extends HTTP_CT so that extension function and AppLib API
+// work on it and transport specific API can be added
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCT extends
+  EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT, EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_CT
+type record of EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCT EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCTList;
+type record of EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionStateList;
+// HTTP Mapper CT
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT 
+  extends EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_CT, EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Test_Validation_PT v_validation_PCO;
+template EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_tcTypeDeclarator2 t_HTTP_defaultTC(
+    in charstring pl_name,
+    in charstring pl_fsmName,
+    in charstring pl_eType
+) :=
+  name := pl_name,
+  fsmName := pl_fsmName,
+  entityType := pl_eType,
+  customEntitySucc := "" 
+template EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_ScenarioDeclarator2 t_HTTP_defaultSC(
+    in charstring pl_name,
+    in EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_TcOfScenario2List pl_tclist) :=
+  name := pl_name,
+  tcList := pl_tclist
+template EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_TcOfScenario2 t_HTTP_defaultTCofSC(
+    in charstring pl_name,
+    in float pl_delay,
+    in float pl_cps) :=
+  tcName := pl_name,
+  startDelay := pl_delay,
+  cpsToReach := pl_cps,
+  enableEntities := true,
+  enable := true,
+  ranges := {},
+  params  := {},
+  //finishConditions
+  groupFinishConditions  := c_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_emptyGroupFinishConditions2,
+  entityFinishConditions  := c_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_emptyEntityFinishConditions,
+  //actionLists
+  entityFinishActions  := {},
+  tcFinishActions  := {}
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions.ttcn b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb98fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,1675 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2012-02-23
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the functions to demo HTTP application
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_numberOfLoadGens - *integer* - number of load generators
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host - *charstring* - server simulator local IP address
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port - *integer* - server simulator local port
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host - *charstring* - HTTP application local IP address
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port - *integer* - HTTP application local port
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TrafficFunctions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Functions>
+//  Current Owner:    
+//    EAKOPER 
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-03-11
+//  Detailed Comments:
+module EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions { 
+// Import Part
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TrafficFunctions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Functions all;
+// Module parameters
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_numberOfLoadGens := 1;
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host := "";
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port := 4000;
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host := "";
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port := 5000;
+// Functions
+// checks state of a port in a group (pl_group, pl_port)
+// pl_state - port state
+// pl_connId - connection id
+// pl_c2g - should be in connection id 2 group id HashMap
+// pl_c2p - should be in connection id 2 port id HashMap
+// pl_busyState - should be busy in portStateQueue (meaning free/busy for sending)
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(
+  in integer pl_group,
+  in integer pl_port,
+  in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState pl_state,
+  in integer pl_connId,
+  in boolean pl_c2g,
+  in boolean pl_c2p,
+  in boolean pl_busyState)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT return boolean
+  log("Checking port state for :", pl_group, " / ", pl_port);
+  var boolean vl_found;
+  var integer vl_result, vl_connId;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState vl_state;
+  if (pl_group == -1 or pl_group  >= sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB)) {
+    log("Port database (GROUP) is wrong!");
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (pl_port == -1 or pl_port >= sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase)) {
+    log("Port database (PORT) is wrong!");
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port]);
+  vl_state := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state;
+  if (vl_state != pl_state) 
+  {
+    log("Inconsistent port state: ", vl_state, " instead of: ", pl_state);
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId;
+  if (pl_connId == -1 and vl_connId != pl_connId) 
+  {
+    log("Inconsistent connnection id: ", vl_connId, " instead of: ", pl_connId);
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (pl_connId != -1 and vl_connId <= 0) 
+  {
+    log("Inconsistent connnection id: ", vl_connId, " instead of a positive value!");
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_found := f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM,
+    vl_connId, vl_result);
+  if (vl_found != pl_c2g) {
+    if (pl_c2g) {
+      log("Group id not found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (", 
+        vl_connId, "), but it should be there!");
+    } else {
+      log("Group id found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (",
+        vl_connId, "), but it shouldn't be there!");
+    }
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_found := f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM,
+    vl_connId, vl_result);
+  if (vl_found != pl_c2p) {
+    if (pl_c2p) {
+      log("Port id not found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (", 
+        vl_connId, "), but it should be there!");
+    } else {
+      log("Port id found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (",
+        vl_connId, "), but it shouldn't be there!");
+    }
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_found := f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+  if (pl_busyState != vl_found) {
+    if (vl_found) {
+      log("Port is busy for sending!");
+    }
+    else   {
+      log("Port is free for sending!");
+    }
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkResponses(
+  in integer pl_selfId,
+  in integer pl_succ)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT 
+  var EPTF_CharstringList vl_strList := {};
+  log("Self ID: ", pl_selfId, " and request number: ", pl_succ);
+  for (var integer i := 0; i < pl_succ; i := i + 1) {
+    vl_strList[i] := "<A" & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId) & 
+    "." & int2str(i) & ">";
+  }
+  if (not match(v_HTTP1_strList, vl_strList)) {
+    log("Responses are inconsistenct!");
+    log(match(v_HTTP1_strList, vl_strList));
+    setverdict(fail);
+  } 
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_recordAnswer(
+  in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT 
+  if (ischosen(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response)) {
+    log(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage);
+    v_HTTP1_strList[sizeof(v_HTTP1_strList)] :=
+      v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage.response.body;
+    log(v_HTTP1_strList);
+    f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent( v_sizeofAnswers_idx, 
+      { intVal := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_sizeofAnswers_idx) + 1 });
+    f_EPTF_Var_refreshContent(v_sizeofAnswers_idx);    
+  }
+  else {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_error(%definitionId & ": Invalid resonse message received: " &
+      log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage));
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_wrongState(
+  in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT 
+  var integer eIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx;
+  var integer fIdx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+  select (pl_ptr.refContext.fRefArgs[0]) 
+  {
+    case (0) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_error("TrafficCaseStarted event received in Wait state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+    case (1) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_error("StartTC event received in Wait state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+    case (2) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_error("Message received event received in Idle state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+    case (3) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_error("TIMEOUT timer timed out in Idle state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_rightState(
+  in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT 
+  var integer eIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx;
+  var integer fIdx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
+  select (pl_ptr.refContext.fRefArgs[0]) 
+  {
+    case (0) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("TrafficCaseStarted event received in Idle state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+    case (1) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("StartTC event received in Idle state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+    case (2) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Message received event received in Wait state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+    case (3) {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("TIMEOUT timer timed out in Wait state for entity/fsm: " &
+        int2str(eIdx) & " / " & int2str(fIdx));
+    }
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_enableStateCheck(
+  in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT 
+  v_stateCheckEnabled := true;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_disableStateCheck(
+  in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT 
+  v_stateCheckEnabled := false;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_checkPortState(
+  in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT 
+  if (not v_stateCheckEnabled) { 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_warning(%definitionId & ": State check disabled!");
+    return; 
+  };
+  var integer vl_grpIdx;
+  select (pl_ptr.refContext.fRefArgs[0]) 
+  {
+    case (0) 
+    {
+      if (v_globalMode) { vl_grpIdx := 0; } else { vl_grpIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx; };
+      if (v_portMode) 
+      {
+        if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, 0, OPENED, vl_grpIdx+1, true, true, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+      }
+      else {
+        var integer vl_connId;
+        for (var integer i := 0; i < v_numOfPorts; i := i + 1) 
+        {
+          vl_connId := (vl_grpIdx * v_numOfPorts) + i + 1;
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, i, OPENED, vl_connId, true, true, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+        }
+      }      
+    }
+    case (1) 
+    {
+      //log(v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2EIdx);
+      //log(v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx);
+      if (v_globalMode) { vl_grpIdx := 0; } else { vl_grpIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx; };      
+      if (v_portMode) 
+      {
+        v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][0] := true;
+        if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, 0, OPENED, vl_grpIdx+1, true, true, true)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+      }
+      else {
+        var integer vl_port;
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_getBusyTailIdx(vl_port,v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_grpIdx].portStateQueue); // must be called after send message
+        log("Busy tail: ", vl_port);
+        v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][vl_port] := true; 
+        var integer vl_connId;        
+        for (var integer i := 0; i < v_numOfPorts; i := i + 1) 
+        {
+          vl_connId := (vl_grpIdx * v_numOfPorts) + i + 1;
+          if (v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][i]) {
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, i, OPENED, vl_connId, true, true, v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][i])) 
+            { 
+              f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); 
+            } 
+          }
+          else {
+            if (v_iConnClose) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][i])) 
+              { 
+                f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); 
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } 
+    }
+    case (2) 
+    {
+      if (v_globalMode) { vl_grpIdx := 0; } else { vl_grpIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx; };      
+      if (v_portMode) 
+      {
+        v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][0] := false;
+        if (v_iConnClose) {
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, 0, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+        }
+        else {          
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, 0, OPENED, vl_grpIdx+1, true, true, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+        }
+      }
+      else 
+      {
+        var integer vl_connId, vl_port;
+        f_EPTF_FBQ_getFreeTailIdx(vl_port,v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_grpIdx].portStateQueue);
+        log("Free tail: ", vl_port);
+        v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][vl_port] := false;
+        for (var integer i := 0; i < v_numOfPorts; i := i + 1) 
+        {          
+          if (v_iConnClose)           
+          {            
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][i])) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }  
+          }
+          else 
+          {
+            vl_connId := (vl_grpIdx * v_numOfPorts) + i + 1;
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(vl_grpIdx, i, OPENED, vl_connId, true, true, v_portStates[vl_grpIdx][i])) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }  
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    case (3) 
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Do nothing!");
+    }
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createPort(
+  in integer pl_idx,
+  in boolean pl_iCO,
+  in boolean pl_iCC)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT return EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode vl_connObj := 
+  {
+    name := "MyPort." & int2str(pl_idx),
+    localHostInformation := {tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port + pl_idx + 100 * v_tcIdx},
+    remoteHostInformation := {tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port + v_tcIdx}, 
+    instantConnOpen := pl_iCO,
+    instantConnClose := pl_iCC,
+    useSSL := false,
+    userFunctions := omit
+  };
+  return vl_connObj;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createGroup(
+  in integer pl_idx,
+  in integer pl_nOPs,
+  in boolean pl_iCO,
+  in boolean pl_iCC)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT return EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode vl_connObj := {
+    name := "MyGroup." & int2str(pl_idx),
+    localHostInformation := {tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port + pl_nOPs * pl_idx + 100 * v_tcIdx},
+    remoteHostInformation := {tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port + v_tcIdx},
+    numberOfPorts := pl_nOPs,
+    localportStep := 1,
+    remoteportStep := 0,
+    instantConnOpen := pl_iCO,
+    instantConnClose := pl_iCC,
+    useSSL := false,
+    userFunctions := omit
+  }
+  return vl_connObj;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createScenarios(
+  in integer pl_selfid,
+  in integer pl_numEntities,
+  out integer pl_egIdx,
+  out integer pl_scIdx,
+  out integer pl_tcIdx,
+  in boolean pl_globalMode,
+  in boolean pl_remote)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_CT
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+  var integer vl_noIntWarning;
+  var EPTF_IntegerList v_noIntListWarning;
+  var charstring vl_prefix := "HTTP1_";
+  var charstring vl_name := vl_prefix & "APPL." & int2str(pl_selfid);
+  var charstring vl_tcname := vl_prefix & "SendReceive";
+  var float vl_startDelay := int2float(pl_selfid);  
+  log("Start delay: ", vl_startDelay);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Configuring traffic properties ...");
+  // Creating trafic manually (no execution control)  
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareEntityType(
+    vl_name & "ET", { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName });
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_createEntityGroup(
+    {vl_name & "EG", vl_name & "ET", pl_numEntities});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTcType2(valueof(
+      t_HTTP_defaultTC(vl_tcname & "TC", vl_tcname & "FSM", vl_name & "ET")));
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareScenarioType2(valueof(
+      t_HTTP_defaultSC(vl_tcname & "SC", { valueof(t_HTTP_defaultTCofSC(vl_tcname & "TC", vl_startDelay, 1.0)) } )));  
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_createScenario2EntityGroup({vl_name & "EG", vl_tcname & "SC"});
+  var integer vl_groupIdx:=f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityGrpNameIndex(vl_name & "EG");
+  var integer vl_groupBaseOffsetIdx:= f_EPTF_LGenBase_getEGrpBaseOffset(vl_groupIdx);
+  var charstring vl_body := "";
+  if (pl_globalMode)
+  {
+    for (var integer i := vl_groupBaseOffsetIdx; i < vl_groupBaseOffsetIdx + pl_numEntities; i := i + 1)
+    {
+      vl_body := "<A" & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId) & "." & int2str(i) & ">";
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext (i,
+        "POST",
+        "",
+        1,
+        1,
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(vl_body),
+        0,
+         -,    
+        { charVal := vl_body }); 
+    }
+  }else{
+    if (pl_remote)
+    {
+      for (var integer i := vl_groupBaseOffsetIdx; i < vl_groupBaseOffsetIdx + pl_numEntities; i := i + 1)
+      {
+        vl_body := "<A" & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId) & "." & int2str(i) & ">";
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext (i,
+          "POST",
+          "",
+          1,
+          1,
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(vl_body),
+          5*v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId + i,
+           -,    
+          { charVal := vl_body }); 
+      }
+    }
+      for (var integer i := vl_groupBaseOffsetIdx; i < vl_groupBaseOffsetIdx + pl_numEntities; i := i + 1)
+      {
+        vl_body := "<A" & int2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId) & "." & int2str(i) & ">";
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_setEntityContext (i,
+          "POST",
+          "",
+          1,
+          1,
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_createContextLengthHeaderLine(vl_body),
+          i,
+           -,    
+          { charVal := vl_body }); 
+      }
+  }
+  pl_egIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_entityGrpNameIndex(vl_name & "EG");
+  pl_scIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_scenarioNameIndex(vl_tcname & "SC");
+  pl_tcIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_trafficCaseId(vl_name & "EG", vl_tcname & "SC", vl_tcname & "TC");
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_createConnectionObjects()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT
+  var integer vl_connObjIdx, i, j;
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Starting ...");
+  if (v_portMode) 
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Port mode");
+    if (v_globalMode) 
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": One port for all entities");
+      vl_connObjIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPort(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createPort(0, v_iConnOpen, v_iConnClose));
+      if (v_iConnOpen) { 
+        if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(0, 0, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+        v_portStates[0][0] := false;
+      }
+      else { 
+        if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(0, 0, OPENED, 1, true, true, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+        v_portStates[0][0] := false;
+      };      
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Different ports for entities");
+      for (i := 0; i < v_numEntities; i := i + 1) 
+      {
+        vl_connObjIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPort(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createPort(i, v_iConnOpen, v_iConnClose));
+        if (v_iConnOpen) { 
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(i, 0, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); } 
+          v_portStates[i][0] := false;
+        }
+        else {           
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(i, 0, OPENED, i+1, true, true, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); } 
+          v_portStates[i][0] := false;
+        };        
+      }
+    }
+  } 
+  else 
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Group mode");
+    if (v_globalMode) 
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": One port for all entities");
+      vl_connObjIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createGroup(0, v_numOfPorts, v_iConnOpen, v_iConnClose));
+      if (v_iConnOpen) { 
+        for (i := 0; i < v_numOfPorts; i := i + 1) { 
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(0, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); } 
+          v_portStates[0][i] := false;
+        }
+      }
+      else { 
+        for (i := 0; i < v_numOfPorts; i := i + 1) { 
+          if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(0, i, OPENED, i+1, true, true, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); }
+          v_portStates[0][i] := false;
+        }
+      };      
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug(%definitionId & ": Different ports for entities");
+      for (i := 0; i < v_numEntities; i := i + 1) {
+        vl_connObjIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createGroup(i, v_numOfPorts, v_iConnOpen, v_iConnClose));
+        if (v_iConnOpen) { 
+          for (j := 0; j < v_numOfPorts; j := j + 1) { 
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(i, j, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); } 
+            v_portStates[i][j] := false;
+          }
+        }
+        else { 
+          for (j := 0; j < v_numOfPorts; j := j + 1) { 
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkPortState(i, j, OPENED, (i*v_numOfPorts)+j+1, true, true, false)) { f_EPTF_Base_stopAll(); } 
+            v_portStates[i][j] := false;
+          }
+        };        
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalBehavior(
+  in integer pl_tcIdx,
+  in integer pl_selfid,
+  in integer pl_numEntities,
+  in boolean pl_portMode,
+  in boolean pl_globalMode,
+  in integer pl_numOfPorts,
+  in boolean pl_iConnOpen,
+  in boolean pl_iConnClose,
+  in float pl_runningTime,
+  in float pl_responderRunningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+  var integer vl_noIntWarning, vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx, vl_TCIdx;
+  var EPTF_IntegerList vl_noIntListWarning;
+  var charstring vl_prefix := "HTTP1_";
+  var charstring vl_name := vl_prefix & "APPL." & int2str(pl_selfid);
+  var charstring vl_tcname := vl_prefix & "SendReceive";
+  v_tcIdx := pl_tcIdx;
+  v_numEntities := pl_numEntities;
+  v_portMode := pl_portMode;
+  v_globalMode := pl_globalMode;
+  v_numOfPorts := pl_numOfPorts;
+  v_iConnOpen := pl_iConnOpen;
+  v_iConnClose := pl_iConnClose;
+  // Initialize applib
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init(vl_name, pl_selfid, vl_prefix);
+  // Application steps
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("RecordAnswer", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_recordAnswer)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("WrongState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_wrongState)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("RightState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_rightState)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("CheckState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_checkPortState)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("DisableState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_disableStateCheck)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("EnableState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_enableStateCheck)});  
+  // Initialize transport
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT(vl_name, 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setFreePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser));
+  f_EPTF_Var_newInt("NumberOfReceivedAnswers", 0, v_sizeofAnswers_idx);
+  if (pl_tcIdx == 16) { // TC 16 is the index of the reconnect test traffic case (no state check performed)
+    vl_noIntListWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_declareCompactFsmTables(
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_CreateBasicFSM_Local_RECONNECTTEST(vl_tcname & "FSM"));
+  } else {
+    vl_noIntListWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_declareCompactFsmTables(
+      f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_CreateBasicFSM_Local(vl_tcname & "FSM"));
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createScenarios(pl_selfid, pl_numEntities, vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx, vl_TCIdx, pl_globalMode, false);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("numEntities: "&log2str(pl_numEntities)&"eGrpIdx: "&log2str(vl_egIdx)&" scIdx: "&log2str(vl_scIdx));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("getEGrpBaseOffset: "&log2str(f_EPTF_LGenBase_getEGrpBaseOffset(vl_egIdx)));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_createConnectionObjects();
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_enableScenarioOnEntityGroup(vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx, true);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Entering main altstep ...");
+  timer t_guard := pl_runningTime;
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt {
+    [] t_guard.timeout { f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Timer timed out!"); }
+  }
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_stopScenarioByIdx(vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Responses: " & log2str(v_HTTP1_strList));
+  if (pl_tcIdx != 16) { // TC 16 is the index of the reconnect test traffic case (no state check performed)
+    var integer vl_nofStarts := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcStarts(vl_TCIdx);
+    var integer vl_nofSucc := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcSuccesses(vl_TCIdx);
+    var integer vl_nofFails := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcFails(vl_TCIdx);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Number of starts: " & int2str(vl_nofStarts));
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Number of successful: " & int2str(vl_nofSucc));
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Number of fails: " & int2str(vl_nofFails));
+    if (vl_nofStarts != vl_nofSucc + vl_nofFails)
+    {
+      //wait for pending
+      timer t_wait := 2.0;
+      t_wait.start;
+      t_wait.timeout;
+    }
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkResponses(pl_selfid, vl_nofSucc);
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Quitting load generator ...");
+  setverdict(pass);
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteBehavior(
+  in integer pl_selfid,
+  in integer pl_numEntities,
+  in boolean pl_globalMode,
+  in float pl_runningTime,
+  in float pl_responderRunningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCT
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+  var integer vl_noIntWarning, vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx, vl_tcIdx;
+  var charstring vl_prefix := "HTTP1_";
+  var charstring vl_name := vl_prefix & "APPL." & int2str(pl_selfid);
+  var charstring vl_tcname := vl_prefix & "SendReceive";
+  log("Applib init ...");
+  // Initialize applib
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init(vl_name, pl_selfid, vl_prefix);
+  log("Steps ...");
+  // Application steps
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("RecordAnswer", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_recordAnswer)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("WrongState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_wrongState)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("RightState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_rightState)});
+  //f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("CheckState", 
+  //  {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_checkPortState)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("DisableState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_disableStateCheck)});
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareFunction("EnableState", 
+    {testStepFunction := refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_step_enableStateCheck)});  
+  log("Remote init ...");
+  // Initialize transport
+  vl_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_init_CT(vl_name, 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived));
+  log("Reset funcs ...");
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionOpen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionHalfClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setClosePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_closePortOfUser));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setFreePortOfUserFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_freePortOfUser));
+  f_EPTF_Var_newInt("NumberOfReceivedAnswers", 0, v_sizeofAnswers_idx);
+  //f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_createConnectionObjects();
+  log("FSM ...");
+  var EPTF_IntegerList vl_noIntListWarning := f_EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_declareCompactFsmTables(
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_CreateBasicFSM_Remote(vl_tcname & "FSM"));
+  log("Scaneraios ...");
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_createScenarios(pl_selfid, pl_numEntities, vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx, vl_tcIdx, pl_globalMode, true);
+  log("Enable scenarios ...");
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_enableScenarioOnEntityGroup(vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx, true);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Entity context database: " & log2str(v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Entering main altstep ...");
+  timer t_guard := pl_runningTime;
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt {
+    [] t_guard.timeout { f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Timer timed out!"); }
+  }
+  f_EPTF_LGenBase_stopScenarioByIdx(vl_egIdx, vl_scIdx);
+  //f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_cleanup_CT();
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Responses: " & log2str(v_HTTP1_strList));
+  var integer vl_nofStarts := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcStarts(vl_tcIdx);
+  var integer vl_nofSucc := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcSuccesses(vl_tcIdx);
+  var integer vl_nofFails := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcFails(vl_tcIdx);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Number of starts: " & int2str(vl_nofStarts));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Number of successful: " & int2str(vl_nofSucc));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Number of fails: " & int2str(vl_nofFails));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_checkResponses(pl_selfid, vl_nofSucc);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_debug("Quitting load generator ...");
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  setverdict(pass);
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_Mapper_Behavior(
+  in EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCTList pl_comps, 
+  in integer pl_tcIdx,
+  in integer pl_numEntities,
+  in boolean pl_portMode,
+  in boolean pl_globalMode,
+  in integer pl_numOfPorts,
+  in boolean pl_iConnOpen,
+  in boolean pl_iConnClose,
+  in float pl_runningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+  v_tcIdx := pl_tcIdx;
+  v_numEntities := 2*pl_numEntities; // wired in for two lgens only
+  v_portMode := pl_portMode;
+  v_globalMode := pl_globalMode;
+  v_numOfPorts := pl_numOfPorts;
+  v_iConnOpen := pl_iConnOpen;
+  v_iConnClose := pl_iConnClose;
+  var integer i, j, vl_initResult := 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT("HTTP1_MAPPER");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_RoutingList vl_rInfo;
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_createConnectionObjects();
+  // set routing
+  if (pl_globalMode) 
+  {
+    var EPTF_IntegerList vl_comps := {};
+    for (i := 0; i < sizeof(pl_comps); i := i + 1) {
+      vl_comps[i] := f_EPTF_Base_upcast(pl_comps[i]);
+    }
+    vl_rInfo := {{0, vl_comps}};
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Routing info: " & log2str(vl_rInfo));          
+  }
+  else {
+    var integer vl_size := sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB); // better with FBQ but ok for test
+    var integer vl_psize := float2int(int2float(vl_size) / int2float(sizeof(pl_comps)));        
+    log(vl_size);
+    log(vl_psize);
+    if (vl_size == 0) { vl_size := 1; };
+    for (j:= 0; j < sizeof(pl_comps); j := j + 1)
+    {
+      for (i := j*vl_psize; i < (j+1)*vl_psize; i := i + 1) 
+      {
+        vl_rInfo[i].groupId := i;
+        vl_rInfo[i].compIdList := { f_EPTF_Base_upcast(pl_comps[j]) };
+      }
+    }    
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Routing info: " & log2str(vl_rInfo));
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_setRouting(vl_rInfo);  
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Entering main altstep ...");
+  timer t_guard := pl_runningTime;
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt {
+    [] t_guard.timeout { f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Timer timed out!"); }
+  }
+  setverdict(pass);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Quitting mapper ...");  
+  //f_EPTF_Base_stopRemote(mtc); 
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup t_expectedPortGroup1 := {
+  name := "MyGroup",
+  baseLocalHostInformation := { "", 4000 },
+  baseRemoteHostInformation := { "", 5000 },
+  currentPortId := ?,
+  numberOfPorts := 2,
+  localportStep := 1,
+  remoteportStep := 0,
+  portDatabase := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    {
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 1, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 1,
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+  },
+  listeningPortIdx := -1,
+  defaultFIdx := 0,
+  portQueue := ?,
+  portStateQueue := ?,
+  useSSL := false,
+  instantConnOpen := true,
+  instantConnClose := true,
+  buffer := false
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup t_expectedPortGroup4 modifies t_expectedPortGroup1 := {
+  name := "MyPort",
+  numberOfPorts := 1,
+  localportStep := 0,
+  remoteportStep := 0,
+  portDatabase := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 1, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+  },
+  defaultFIdx := 2
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup t_expectedPortGroup5 modifies t_expectedPortGroup1 := {
+  name := "MyPort2",
+  numberOfPorts := 1,
+  localportStep := 0,
+  remoteportStep := 0,
+  portDatabase := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 2, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+  },
+  defaultFIdx := 2
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup t_expectedPortGroup2 modifies t_expectedPortGroup1 := {
+  numberOfPorts := 3,
+  portDatabase := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 1, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 1, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 2, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 2, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+  }
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroup t_expectedPortGroup3 modifies t_expectedPortGroup1 := {
+  portDatabase := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := -1, 
+      portIndex := -1, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := -1, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := -1, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 1, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 1, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 2, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 2, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+  }
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList t_expectedPortDB1(
+    template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList pl_groups) := pl_groups;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_Mapper_Behavior_CheckRandomAPI(
+  in float pl_runningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+  var boolean vl_pass := true;
+  var integer i, j, vl_initResult := 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT("HTTP1_MAPPER");
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Entering main altstep ...");
+  timer t_guard := pl_runningTime;
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt {  
+    [] t_guard.timeout { f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Timer timed out!"); }
+  }  
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_cleanup_CT();
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Quitting mapper ...");
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_Mapper_Behavior_CheckAPI(
+  in float pl_runningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("### " & %definitionId & "()");
+  var boolean vl_pass := true;
+  var integer i, j, vl_initResult := 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_init_CT("HTTP1_MAPPER");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid vl_validation;
+  timer t_guard := pl_runningTime;
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt {
+    [] v_validation_PCO.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid:?) -> value vl_validation
+      {
+        select (vl_validation.step) {
+          case (0) 
+          {
+            log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+            if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup1 }))) {
+              log("Database inconsistency after addition to v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+              log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup1 })));
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            }
+            v_validation_PCO.send(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status:READY);
+          }     
+          case (1) 
+          {
+            log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+            if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup2 }))) {
+              log("Database inconsistency after addition to v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+              log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup2 })));
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            }
+          }
+          case (2) 
+          {
+            log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+            if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup3 }))) {
+              log("Database inconsistency after delete to v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+              log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup3 })));
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            }
+          }
+          case (3) 
+          {
+            log(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+            if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup3, t_expectedPortGroup4, t_expectedPortGroup5 }))) {
+              log("Database inconsistency after addition to v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+              log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1({ t_expectedPortGroup3, t_expectedPortGroup4, t_expectedPortGroup5 })));
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        v_validation_PCO.send(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status:READY)
+        repeat;
+      }
+    [] v_validation_PCO.receive{repeat;}
+    [] t_guard.timeout { f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Timer timed out!"); }
+  }  
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_cleanup_CT();
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_debug("Quitting mapper ...");
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_CreateBasicFSM_Local(
+  in charstring pl_name)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT
+return EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_CompactFsmTableDeclaratorList
+  return {
+    { name := pl_name,
+      stateList := { "idle", "wait" },
+      timerList := { { name := "TIMEOUT", startValue := 1.0 } },
+      table := { 
+        // TC tarted event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_trafficCaseStarted, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTf_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_stepName_openConnection, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } }
+              }, omit, omit },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        },
+        */
+        // start TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_startTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } } 
+              }, omit, "wait" },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        },
+        // answer OK event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } }, 
+                { "RecordAnswer", { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } },
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficSuccess, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }          
+          }            
+        },
+        // timeout event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_specialBName_timerTimeout, "TIMEOUT", fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 3 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 3 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficFailed, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection closed event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "DisableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "DisableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } }                
+              }, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection opened event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "EnableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "EnableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } }                
+              }, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // stop TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior, c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_stopTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } }
+              }, omit, "idle" },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_CreateBasicFSM_Local_RECONNECTTEST(
+  in charstring pl_name)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT
+return EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_CompactFsmTableDeclaratorList
+  return {
+    { name := pl_name,
+      stateList := { "idle", "wait" },
+      timerList := { { name := "TIMEOUT", startValue := 1.0 } },
+      table := { 
+        // TC tarted event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_trafficCaseStarted, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTf_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_stepName_openConnection, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } }
+              }, omit, omit },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        },
+        */
+        // start TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_startTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest, { stepContextArgs := {} } }//,
+                //{ "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } } 
+              }, omit, "wait" },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        },
+        // answer OK event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } }, 
+                { "RecordAnswer", { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                //{ "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } },
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficSuccess, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }          
+          }            
+        },
+        // timeout event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_specialBName_timerTimeout, "TIMEOUT", fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 3 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 3 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficFailed, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection closed event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "DisableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "DisableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } }                
+              }, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection opened event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "EnableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "EnableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } }                
+              }, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // stop TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior, c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_stopTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_HTTP1_CreateBasicFSM_Remote(
+  in charstring pl_name)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCT
+return EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_CompactFsmTableDeclaratorList
+  return {
+    { name := pl_name,
+      stateList := { "idle", "wait" },
+      timerList := { { name := "TIMEOUT", startValue := 1.0 } },
+      table := { 
+        // TC tarted event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_trafficCaseStarted, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTf_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_stepName_openConnection, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } }
+              }, omit, omit },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 0 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        },
+        */
+        // start TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior,  c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_startTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest, { stepContextArgs := {} } }//,
+                //{ "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } } 
+              }, omit, "wait" },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 1 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        },
+        // answer OK event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } }, 
+                { "RecordAnswer", { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                //{ "CheckState", { stepContextArgs := { 2 } } },
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficSuccess, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }          
+          }            
+        },
+        // timeout event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_specialBName_timerTimeout, "TIMEOUT", fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "WrongState", { stepContextArgs := { 3 } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "RightState", { stepContextArgs := { 3 } } }, 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout, { stepContextArgs := {} } },
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_trafficFailed, { stepContextArgs := {} } }
+              }, omit, "idle" }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection closed event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "DisableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "DisableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } }                
+              }, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // connection opened event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName, c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { "EnableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, omit },         
+            // state == wait
+            { {
+                { "EnableState", { stepContextArgs := { } } }                
+              }, omit, omit }        
+          }            
+        },
+        // stop TC event
+        { 
+          eventToListen := { c_EPTF_LGenBase_behavior, c_EPTF_LGenBase_inputName_testMgmt_stopTC, fsm },
+          cellRow := {
+            // state == idle 
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" },
+            // state == wait
+            { { 
+                { c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext, { stepContextArgs := {} } } ,
+                { c_EPTF_LGenBase_StepFunction_entityStopped, { stepContextArgs := { } } } 
+              }, omit, "idle" }
+          }            
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions.ttcn b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfde76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2009-01-08
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions
+//  Purpose:
+//    Definitions of EPTF HTTP Application Library test cases
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    -
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions>
+//    <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Responder>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions>
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-01-09
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions {
+// Import Part
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions all;
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions all;
+// Types
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT extends EPTF_Base_CT, EPTF_Var_CT
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_CT v_HTTP_Responder_comp;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT v_HTTP_Mapper1_comp;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCTList v_HTTP_Local1_comps;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCTList v_HTTP_Remote1_comps;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT v_HTTP_Mapper2_comp;
+  var boolean v_isRemote_appl1, v_isRemote_appl2;
+  var integer v_numberOfLGens1, v_numberOfLGens2;
+  var integer v_nofAnswers := -1;
+  var octetstring v_HTTP_oct;
+  var HTTPMessage v_HTTP_msg;
+  var float v_randState;
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Test_CM_PT v_CM_PCO;
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT 
+  extends EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT, EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT 
+  var ASP_RecvFrom v_ASP_RecvFrom;
+  var ASP_Event v_ASP_Event;
+  var integer v_noIntWarning;
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_RemoteAPI_CT 
+  extends EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCT, EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT 
+  var ASP_RecvFrom v_ASP_RecvFrom;
+  var ASP_Event v_ASP_Event;
+  var integer v_noIntWarning;
+  var boolean v_noBoolWarning;
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Test_Validation_PT v_validation_PCO;
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions.ttcn b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef6d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2009-01-08
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions
+//  Purpose:
+//    Functions of EPTF HTTP Application Library test cases
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    -
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functionss>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions>
+//    <TCCMaths_GenericTypes>
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-01-09
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions {
+// Import Part
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions all;
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions all;
+import from TCCMaths_GenericTypes all;
+// Functions
+function f_myRandom() runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT return float
+  var float vl_randVal := 1.0 / int2float(tsp_rangeHi) + 0.5 * rnd() / int2float(tsp_rangeHi);
+  v_randState := v_randState + vl_randVal;
+  if (v_randState >= 1.0) { v_randState := v_randState - 1.0; };
+  return v_randState;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT return boolean
+  if (not isvalue(v_numberOfLGens1)) {
+    log("Parameter v_numberOfLGens1 not value!");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (not isvalue(v_numberOfLGens2)) {
+    log("Parameter v_numberOfLGens2 not value!");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (v_numberOfLGens1 < 0) {
+    log("Parameter tsp_numberOfLGens1 must be at least zero (now: ", v_numberOfLGens1, ")");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (v_numberOfLGens2 < 0) {
+    log("Parameter tsp_numberOfLGens2 must be at least zero (now: ", v_numberOfLGens2, ")");
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(
+  in integer pl_tcId,
+  in float pl_runningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("--- Creating responder ... ");
+  v_HTTP_Responder_comp := EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_CT.create("HTTP_Responder");
+  connect(v_HTTP_Responder_comp:v_CM_PCO, self:v_CM_PCO);
+  v_HTTP_Responder_comp.start(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_behavior(pl_tcId, pl_runningTime));
+  timer tl_guard;
+  tl_guard.start(5.0);
+  alt {
+    [] v_CM_PCO.receive {tl_guard.stop}
+    [] tl_guard.timeout {f_EPTF_Base_stopAll()}
+  }
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(
+  in integer pl_tcIdx,
+  in integer pl_numEntities,
+  in float pl_runningTime,
+  in float pl_responderRunningTime,
+  in boolean pl_portMode,
+  in boolean pl_globalMode,
+  in integer pl_numOfPorts,
+  in boolean pl_iConnOpen,
+  in boolean pl_iConnClose)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("--- Creating Application 1 configuration ... ");
+  if (v_numberOfLGens1 == 0) {
+    log("WARNING! Application 1 disabled!");
+    return;
+  }
+  var integer i;
+  var charstring vl_name;
+  v_isRemote_appl1 := v_numberOfLGens1 > 1;
+  log("    Remote transport: ", v_isRemote_appl1);
+  if (v_isRemote_appl1) 
+  {
+    vl_name := "APPL1_MAPPER";
+    log("    Creating mapper: ", vl_name);
+    v_HTTP_Mapper1_comp := EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT.create(vl_name);    
+  }
+  for (i := 0; i < v_numberOfLGens1; i := i + 1) 
+  {
+    vl_name := "APPL1_LGEN_" & int2str(i);
+    if (v_isRemote_appl1) 
+    {
+      log("    Creating REMOTE lgen: ", vl_name);
+      v_HTTP_Remote1_comps[i] := EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteCT.create(vl_name);      
+      connect(v_HTTP_Remote1_comps[i]:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort, 
+        v_HTTP_Mapper1_comp:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+      v_HTTP_Remote1_comps[i].start(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_RemoteBehavior(
+          i, pl_numEntities, 
+          pl_globalMode, pl_runningTime, pl_responderRunningTime));
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+      log("    Creating LOCAL lgen: ", vl_name);
+      v_HTTP_Local1_comps[i] := EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalCT.create(vl_name);
+      v_HTTP_Local1_comps[i].start(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_LocalBehavior(pl_tcIdx, 
+          i, pl_numEntities, 
+          pl_portMode, pl_globalMode, pl_numOfPorts, pl_iConnOpen, pl_iConnClose, 
+          pl_runningTime, pl_responderRunningTime));
+    }
+  }
+  if (v_isRemote_appl1) 
+  {
+    v_HTTP_Mapper1_comp.start(f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_Mapper_Behavior(
+        v_HTTP_Remote1_comps, pl_tcIdx, pl_numEntities, pl_portMode,
+        pl_globalMode, pl_numOfPorts, pl_iConnOpen, pl_iConnClose, 
+        2.0*pl_runningTime));
+  }
+// checks state of a port in a group (pl_group, pl_port)
+// pl_state - port state
+// pl_connId - connection id
+// pl_c2g - should be in connection id 2 group id HashMap
+// pl_c2p - should be in connection id 2 port id HashMap
+// pl_busyState - should be busy in portStateQueue (meaning free/busy for sending)
+// return true if state is valid, false otherwise
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(
+  in integer pl_group,
+  in integer pl_port,
+  in EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState pl_state,
+  in integer pl_connId,
+  in boolean pl_c2g,
+  in boolean pl_c2p,
+  in boolean pl_busyState)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT return boolean
+  var boolean vl_found;
+  var integer vl_result, vl_connId;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_ConnectionState vl_state;
+  if (pl_group == -1 or pl_group  >= sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB)) {
+    log("Port database (GROUP) is wrong!");
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (pl_port == -1 or pl_port >= sizeof(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase)) {
+    log("Port database (PORT) is wrong!");
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_state := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].state;
+  if (vl_state != pl_state) 
+  {
+    log("Inconsistent port state: ", vl_state, " instead of: ", pl_state);
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_connId := v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portDatabase[pl_port].connectionId;
+  if (vl_connId != pl_connId) 
+  {
+    log("Inconsistent connnection id: ", vl_connId, "instead of: ", pl_connId);
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_found := f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2GroupId_HM,
+    vl_connId, vl_result);
+  if (vl_found != pl_c2g) {
+    if (pl_c2g) {
+      log("Group id not found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (", 
+        vl_connId, "), but it should be there!");
+    } else {
+      log("Group id found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (",
+        vl_connId, "), but it shouldn't be there!");
+    }
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_found := f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_connId2PortId_HM,
+    vl_connId, vl_result);
+  if (vl_found != pl_c2p) {
+    if (pl_c2p) {
+      log("Port id not found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (", 
+        vl_connId, "), but it should be there!");
+    } else {
+      log("Port id found in Conn2Grp HM for connection (",
+        vl_connId, "), but it shouldn't be there!");
+    }
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return false;
+  }
+  vl_found := f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(pl_port, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[pl_group].portStateQueue);
+  if (pl_busyState != vl_found) {
+    if (vl_found) {
+      log("Port is busy for sending!");
+    }
+    else   {
+      log("Port is free for sending!");
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_DummyHTTPRequest(
+  in charstring pl_body)
+return octetstring
+  var HTTPMessage vl_outgoingMessage := {
+    request := {
+      client_id:= omit,
+      method:= "GET",  
+      uri:= "",        
+      version_major := 1,
+      version_minor := 1,
+      header:= {{"Content-Length", int2str(lengthof(pl_body)) }},
+      body:= pl_body
+    }
+  }
+  log("HTTP message: ", vl_outgoingMessage);
+  return enc_HTTPMessage(vl_outgoingMessage);
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_bufferTest(in integer pl_size, in integer pl_offset)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  var EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer vl_buffer;
+  var integer vl_int := 0;
+  var boolean vl_busy := false;
+  var IntegerList vl_list := {};
+  var IntegerList vl_listExpected := {};
+  var integer vl_headIdx := -1;
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_init(vl_buffer, pl_size, 0);
+  vl_buffer.nextSeqNum := pl_offset;
+  vl_buffer.waitForSeqNum := pl_offset;
+  for(var integer i := 0; i < pl_size; i := i + 1)
+  {
+    vl_listExpected[sizeof(vl_listExpected)] := (i + pl_offset) mod pl_size;
+  }
+  vl_listExpected[sizeof(vl_listExpected)] := -1;
+  for(var integer i := 0; i < pl_size + 1; i := i + 1)
+  {
+    vl_list[sizeof(vl_list)] := f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getNext(vl_buffer)
+  }
+  if (vl_list != vl_listExpected)
+  {
+    setverdict(fail);
+    log("Error: getting sequence number. Expected: ", vl_listExpected, " got: ", vl_list);
+    log(vl_buffer);
+  }
+  for(var integer i := pl_size - 1; i > 0; i := i - 1)
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_setElementBusy(vl_buffer, (i + pl_offset) mod pl_size);
+    vl_busy := f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_isHeadBusy(vl_buffer) or vl_busy;
+  }
+  if (vl_busy)
+  {
+    log("Error: header should be free");
+    log(vl_buffer);
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_setElementBusy(vl_buffer, pl_offset);
+  while (f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_isHeadBusy(vl_buffer))
+  {
+    vl_list[sizeof(vl_list)] := f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getHeadIdx(vl_buffer);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_freeHead(vl_buffer);
+  }
+  for (var integer i := 0; i < pl_size; i := i + 1)
+  {
+    vl_listExpected[sizeof(vl_listExpected)] := (i + pl_offset) mod pl_size;
+  }
+  if (vl_list != vl_listExpected)
+  {
+    setverdict(fail);
+    log("Error: reading out buffer. Expected: ", vl_listExpected, " got: ", vl_list);
+    log(vl_buffer);
+  }
+  vl_headIdx := f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getHeadIdx(vl_buffer);
+  if (vl_headIdx != pl_offset)
+  {
+    log("Error: head index: ", vl_headIdx, " expected: ", pl_offset);
+    log(vl_buffer);
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  vl_int := f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_getNext(vl_buffer);
+  if (pl_offset != vl_int)
+  {
+    log("Error: next sequence number: ", vl_int, " expected: ", pl_offset);
+    log(vl_buffer);
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  if (f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Size(vl_buffer.isSlotBusyHM) != 0)
+  {
+    log("Error: size of busy slot hash map should be 0.");
+    f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_DumpByID(vl_buffer.isSlotBusyHM);
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_RingBuffer_erase(vl_buffer, 0)
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder.ttcn b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ba8aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2009-01-08 
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder
+//  Purpose:
+//    This module contains the functions to simulate a HTTP
+//    responder node for tests
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    -
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <HTTPmsg_Types>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <IPL4asp_PortType>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
+//  Current Owner:    
+//    EAKOPER 
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-01-09
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Responder { 
+// Import Part
+import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
+// Module parameters
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host := "";
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port := 4000;
+// Component types
+type component EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_CT {
+  port IPL4asp_PT v_IPL4_PCO;
+  port EPTF_HTTP_Test_CM_PT v_CM_PCO;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_HostInformationList v_hostDatabase := {};
+  var EPTF_IntegerList v_connIds := {};
+  var ASP_RecvFrom v_ASP_RecvFrom;
+  var ASP_Event v_ASP_Event;
+  var HTTPMessage v_HTTP_msg;
+  var integer v_intNoWarn;
+// Types
+type port EPTF_HTTP_Test_CM_PT message {
+  inout charstring 
+} with {extension "internal"}
+type record EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_HostInformation {
+  charstring hostIPAddress ,
+  integer hostPort
+type record of EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_HostInformation EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_HostInformationList;
+// Functions
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_init(
+  in EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_HostInformationList pl_hosts)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_CT return boolean
+  var Result vl_result;
+  var integer i;
+  map(self:v_IPL4_PCO, system:v_IPL4_PCO);
+  v_hostDatabase := pl_hosts;  
+  for (i := 0; i < sizeof(v_hostDatabase); i := i + 1) 
+  {    
+    vl_result := f_IPL4_listen(v_IPL4_PCO,       
+      v_hostDatabase[i].hostIPAddress, v_hostDatabase[i].hostPort, { tcp := {} });
+    if (vl_result.errorCode == omit) {
+      log("Listening successful on: ", v_hostDatabase[i], " (", vl_result.connId, ")");      
+      v_connIds[i] := vl_result.connId;
+    } else {
+      log("Listening failed on: ", v_hostDatabase[i], " (", vl_result, ")");
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_uninit()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_CT
+  var Result vl_result;
+  var integer i;
+  for (i := 0; i < sizeof(v_connIds); i := i + 1) 
+  {    
+    vl_result := f_IPL4_close(v_IPL4_PCO, v_connIds[i], { tcp := {} });
+  }
+  v_hostDatabase := {};
+  v_connIds := {};
+  unmap(self:v_IPL4_PCO, system:v_IPL4_PCO);
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_dummyHTTPResponse(
+  in charstring pl_body)
+return octetstring
+  var HTTPMessage vl_outgoingMessage := {
+    response := {
+      client_id := omit,
+      version_major := 1,
+      version_minor := 1,
+      statuscode := 200,
+      statustext := "OK",
+      header:= {{"Content-Length", int2str(lengthof(pl_body)) }},
+      body:= pl_body
+    }
+  }
+  log("HTTP message: ", vl_outgoingMessage);
+  return enc_HTTPMessage(vl_outgoingMessage);
+function f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_behavior(
+  in integer pl_tcId,
+  in float pl_runningTime)
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_CT
+  log("<< Starting HTTP responder! >>");
+  timer t_guard := pl_runningTime;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_HostInformationList vl_hList;
+  var ASP_Send vl_send;
+  // provide initial data according to TC  
+  vl_hList := { { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port + pl_tcId } };
+  // initialize component
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_init(vl_hList)) {
+    log("HTTP responder failed during initialization!");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_uninit();
+    setverdict(fail);
+    return
+  }
+  v_CM_PCO.send("Hello, I'm ready! :-)");
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt {
+    [] v_IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ASP_RecvFrom {
+        log("ASP receive from: ", v_ASP_RecvFrom);
+        v_intNoWarn := dec_HTTPMessage(v_ASP_RecvFrom.msg, v_HTTP_msg, false);
+        log("HTTP payload: ", v_HTTP_msg);
+        vl_send := { 
+          v_ASP_RecvFrom.connId, {tcp := {}}, 
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_dummyHTTPResponse(v_HTTP_msg.request.body)
+        };
+        v_IPL4_PCO.send(vl_send);        
+        repeat;
+      }
+    [] v_IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ASP_Event {
+        log("ASP event: ", v_ASP_Event);
+        log(v_IPL4_PCO);
+        repeat;
+      }
+    [] v_IPL4_PCO.receive {
+        log("Invalid message received!");
+        repeat;
+      }
+    [] t_guard.timeout {
+        log("Timer timed out!");
+      }    
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_uninit();
+  log("<< Stopping HTTP responder! >>");
+  setverdict(pass);
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates.ttcn b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9ad83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2009-01-08
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates
+//  Purpose:
+//    Templates of the EPTF HTTP application library test cases
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    -
+//  Module depends on:
+//    -
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-01-09
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates {
diff --git a/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.ttcn b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d483d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,2233 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:     EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases.ttcn
+//  Rev:      <RnXnn>
+//  Prodnr:   CNL 113 618
+//  Updated:  2009-01-08
+//  Contact:
+//  Module: EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases
+//  Purpose:
+//    HTTP application library testcases
+//  Module Parameters:
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host - *charstring* - host IP address of responder component
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host - *charstring* - host IP address of application1 component
+//    tsp_Application2_host - *charstring* - host IP address of application2 component
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port - *charstring* - host port of responder component
+//    tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_NonExistent_host - *charstring* - a non existent host IP address
+//  Module depends on:
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions>
+//    <IPL4asp_Types>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions>
+//    <EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates>
+//  Current Owner:
+//    EAKOPER
+//  Last Review Date:
+//    2009-01-09
+//  Detailed Comments:
+//    -
+module EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Testcases {
+// Import Part
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapInt2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions all;
+import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_HTTP_Transport_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Application1_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Definitions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Functions all;
+import from EPTF_Applib_HTTP_Test_Templates all;
+// Module paramers
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host := "";
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port := 4000;
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host := "";
+modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port := 5000;
+modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_NonExistent_host := "";
+//modulepar integer tsp_runningTime := 60;
+//modulepar integer tsp_QPS := 500;
+//modulepar integer tsp_rangeHi := 3000;
+// Testcases
+// test of new port connection object
+// test of creation, deletion, database consistency and open/close
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test1()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 1 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+  var integer vl_group, vl_dummy;
+  var boolean vl_pass := true;
+  // init base component
+  vl_dummy := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT("EPTF_HTTP_Transport");
+  if ("LALA.0" != f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_createUniqueGroupName("LALA")) {
+    log("Creation of unique name failed");
+    vl_pass := false; 
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  // init testcase
+  vl_local := { "", 5000 };
+  vl_remote := { "", 4000 };
+  vl_group := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPort(
+    {"MyLittlePorty", vl_local, vl_remote, true, false, false, omit});
+  if (vl_pass and vl_group != 0) {
+    log("Wrong group id acquired! (", vl_group, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  // check local host information in database
+  if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap, 
+      vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_local.hostPort), 
+      vl_dummy)) 
+  {
+    log("Adding local host information to database has failed! (", vl_local, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  // check remote host information in database
+  if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap, 
+      vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_remote.hostPort), 
+      vl_dummy)) 
+  {
+    log("Adding remote host information to database has failed! (", vl_remote, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  // Check created database
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {
+    template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList t_expectedPortDB1 := { {
+        name := "MyLittlePorty",
+        baseLocalHostInformation := vl_local,
+        baseRemoteHostInformation := vl_remote,
+        currentPortId := ?,
+        numberOfPorts  := 1,
+        localportStep  := 0,
+        remoteportStep := 0, 
+        portDatabase := { 
+         { 
+           groupIndex := 0, 
+           portIndex := 0, 
+           connectionId := -1, 
+           sessionId := ?, 
+           portId := -1,
+           localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+           remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+           state := IDLE,
+           portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+           buffer := false,
+           messageBuffer := omit 
+         }
+        },
+        listeningPortIdx := -1,
+        defaultFIdx := 1,
+        portQueue := ?,
+        portStateQueue := ?,
+        useSSL := false,
+        instantConnOpen := true,
+        instantConnClose := false,
+        buffer := false
+      } };
+    if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1)) {
+      log("Database inconsistency after addition to v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+      log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1));
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {
+    template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList t_expectedPortDB2 := { {
+        name := "",
+        baseLocalHostInformation := { "", -1 },
+        baseRemoteHostInformation := { "", -1 },
+        currentPortId := ?, 
+        numberOfPorts  := 0,
+        localportStep  :=  -1,
+        remoteportStep :=  -1, 
+        portDatabase := { },
+        listeningPortIdx := -1,
+        defaultFIdx := -1,
+        portQueue := ?,
+        portStateQueue := ?,
+        useSSL := false,
+        instantConnOpen := false,
+        instantConnClose := false,
+        buffer := false
+      } };
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort(vl_group);
+    if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB2)) {
+      log("Database inconsistency after deletion from v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+      log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB2));
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+    // check local host information in database (must not be deleted after removal of port)
+    if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap, 
+        vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_local.hostPort), 
+        vl_dummy)) 
+    {
+      log("Local host information has been removed from database! (", vl_local, ")");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+    // check remote host information in database (must not be deleted after removal of port)
+    if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap, 
+        vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_remote.hostPort), 
+        vl_dummy)) 
+    {
+      log("Remote host information has been removed from database! (", vl_remote, ")");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  var integer vl_sessionId := 1;
+  if (vl_pass and f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen(vl_group, vl_sessionId)) {
+    log("Connection open successful after deletion of connection object!");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group); // no ret value, check no dynamic error
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort(vl_group);    
+  }
+  if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+    log("Group not deleted properly!");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+// test of new group connection object
+// test of creation, deletion, database consistency and open/close
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test2()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 2 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+  var integer vl_group, vl_dummy;
+  var boolean vl_pass := true;
+  // init base component
+  v_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT("EPTF_HTTP_Transport");
+  // init testcase
+  vl_local := { "", 5000 };
+  vl_remote := { "", 4000 };
+  vl_group := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup(
+    {"MyLittleGroupy", vl_local, vl_remote, 3, 2, 0, true, false, false, omit});
+  if (vl_pass and vl_group != 0) {
+    log("Wrong group id acquired! (", vl_group, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  // check local host information in database
+  if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap, 
+      vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_local.hostPort), 
+      vl_dummy)) 
+  {
+    log("Adding local host information to database has failed! (", vl_local, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  // check remote host information in database
+  if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap, 
+      vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_remote.hostPort), 
+      vl_dummy)) 
+  {
+    log("Adding remote host information to database has failed! (", vl_remote, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  // Check created database
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {
+    template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList t_expectedPortDB1 := { {
+        name := "MyLittleGroupy",
+        baseLocalHostInformation := vl_local,
+        baseRemoteHostInformation := vl_remote,
+        currentPortId := ?,
+        numberOfPorts  := 3,
+        localportStep  := 2,
+        remoteportStep := 0, 
+        portDatabase := { 
+          { 
+            groupIndex := 0, 
+            portIndex := 0, 
+            connectionId := -1, 
+            sessionId := -1, 
+            portId := -1,
+            localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+            remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+            state := IDLE,
+            portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+            buffer := false,
+            messageBuffer := omit 
+          },
+          { 
+            groupIndex := 0, 
+            portIndex := 1, 
+            connectionId := -1, 
+            sessionId := -1, 
+            portId := -1,
+            localhostInfoIdx  := 1, 
+            remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+            state := IDLE,
+            portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+            buffer := false,
+            messageBuffer := omit 
+          },
+          { 
+            groupIndex := 0, 
+            portIndex := 2, 
+            connectionId := -1, 
+            sessionId := -1, 
+            portId := -1,
+            localhostInfoIdx  := 2, 
+            remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+            state := IDLE,
+            portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+            buffer := false,
+            messageBuffer := omit 
+          }            
+        },
+        listeningPortIdx := -1,
+        defaultFIdx := 0,
+        portQueue := ?,
+        portStateQueue := ?,
+        useSSL := false,
+        instantConnOpen := true,
+        instantConnClose := false,
+        buffer := false
+      } };
+    if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1)) {
+      log("Database inconsistency after addition to v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+      log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB1));
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {
+    template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortGroupList t_expectedPortDB2 := { {
+        name := "",
+        baseLocalHostInformation := { "", -1 },
+        baseRemoteHostInformation := { "", -1 }, 
+        currentPortId := ?,
+        numberOfPorts  := 0,
+        localportStep  :=  -1,
+        remoteportStep :=  -1, 
+        portDatabase := { },
+        listeningPortIdx := -1,
+        defaultFIdx := -1,
+        portQueue := ?,
+        portStateQueue := ?,
+        useSSL := false,
+        instantConnOpen := false,
+        instantConnClose := false,
+        buffer := false
+      } };
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort(vl_group);
+    if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB2)) {
+      log("Database inconsistency after deletion from v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB!");
+      log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB, t_expectedPortDB2));
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+    // check local host information in database (must not be deleted after removal of port)
+    if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_localHostHashMap, 
+        vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_local.hostPort), 
+        vl_dummy)) 
+    {
+      log("Local host information has been removed from database! (", vl_local, ")");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+    // check remote host information in database (must not be deleted after removal of port)
+    if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_remoteHostHashMap, 
+        vl_local.hostIPAddress&int2str(vl_remote.hostPort), 
+        vl_dummy)) 
+    {
+      log("Remote host information has been removed from database! (", vl_remote, ")");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  var integer vl_sessionId := 1;
+  if (vl_pass and f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen(vl_group, vl_sessionId)) {
+    log("Connection open successful after deletion of connection object!");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group); // no ret value, check no dznamic errorohh
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(vl_group);
+  }
+  if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+    log("Group not deleted properly!");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test3()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_RemoteAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 3 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log(""); 
+  timer t_guard := 2.0;
+  timer t_wait := 1.0;
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init(
+     "APPL1_LGEN",
+     1,
+     "HTTP1_",
+     0);  //, pl_bind, pl_reset, pl_unbind);
+  // Initialize transport
+  v_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_init_CT("RemoteVagyokRagyogok", 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionOpen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionHalfClose));
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT vl_mapper_comp;
+  vl_mapper_comp := EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT.create("MapperVagyokRagyogok"); 
+  connect(self:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort, 
+    vl_mapper_comp:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  connect(self:v_validation_PCO,
+    vl_mapper_comp:v_validation_PCO);
+  vl_mapper_comp.start(
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_Mapper_Behavior_CheckAPI(10.0));
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode vl_group := {
+    name := "MyGroup",
+    localHostInformation := { "", 4000 },
+    remoteHostInformation := { "", 5000 },
+    numberOfPorts := 2,
+    localportStep := 1,
+    remoteportStep := 0,
+    instantConnOpen := true,
+    instantConnClose := true,
+    useSSL := false,
+    userFunctions := omit
+  };
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode vl_port := 
+  {
+    name := "MyPort",
+    localHostInformation := { "", 4000 },
+    remoteHostInformation := { "", 5000 },
+    instantConnOpen := true,
+    instantConnClose := true,
+    useSSL := false,
+    userFunctions := omit
+  };
+  var integer vl_groupId;
+  var boolean vl_pass := true;
+  vl_groupId := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPortGroup(vl_group)
+  if (vl_pass and vl_groupId != 0) {
+    log("Group creation unsuccessful! Acquired id: ", vl_groupId);
+    setverdict(fail);
+    vl_pass := false;
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePortGroup(vl_groupId);  
+    vl_groupId := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPortGroup(vl_group);
+    if (vl_groupId != 0) {
+      log("Group creation unsuccessful! Acquired id: ", vl_groupId)
+      setverdict(fail);
+      vl_pass := false;
+    }
+  }  
+  v_validation_PCO.send(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid:{0, vl_groupId})
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt{
+    [] v_validation_PCO.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status:READY){t_guard.stop;}
+    [] t_guard.timeout{
+      log("Validation timer timeout! ");
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  // Mapper side validation 1 comes here
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_addPortToGroup(vl_groupId)) {
+      log("Port addition unsuccessful to group: ", vl_groupId);
+      setverdict(fail);
+      vl_pass := false;
+    }
+  } 
+  v_validation_PCO.send(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid:{1, vl_groupId})
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt{
+    [] v_validation_PCO.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status:READY){t_guard.stop;}
+    [] t_guard.timeout{
+      log("Validation timer timeout! ");
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  // Mapper side validation 2 comes here
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_removePortFromGroup(vl_groupId);
+  }
+  t_wait.start;
+  t_wait.timeout;
+  v_validation_PCO.send(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid:{2, vl_groupId})
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt{
+    [] v_validation_PCO.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status:READY){t_guard.stop;}
+    [] t_guard.timeout{
+      log("Validation timer timeout! ");
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  // Mapper side validation 3 comes here
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    vl_groupId := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPort(vl_port)
+    if (vl_groupId != 1) {
+      log("Port creation unsuccessful! Acquired id: ", vl_groupId);
+      setverdict(fail);
+      vl_pass := false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePort(vl_groupId);
+    vl_groupId := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPort(vl_port);
+    if (vl_groupId != 1) {
+      log("Port recreation unsuccessful!");
+      setverdict(fail);
+      vl_pass := false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {  
+ := "MyPort2";  
+    vl_groupId := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPort(vl_port);    
+    if (vl_groupId != 2) {
+      log("Port creation unsuccessful!");
+      setverdict(fail);
+      vl_pass := false;
+    }
+  }
+  v_validation_PCO.send(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Valid:{3, vl_groupId})
+  t_guard.start;
+  alt{
+    [] v_validation_PCO.receive(EPTF_HTTP_Test_Status:READY){t_guard.stop;}
+    [] t_guard.timeout{
+      log("Validation timer timeout! ");
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  setverdict(pass);
+// test random remote API usage
+// no validation, testcase passes if it stops without errors
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test4()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_RemoteAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 4 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init(
+     "APPL1_LGEN",
+     1,
+     "HTTP1_",
+     0);  //, pl_bind, pl_reset, pl_unbind);
+  // Initialize transport
+  v_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_init_CT("RemoteVagyokRagyogok", 
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setSendRequestFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionClose));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionOpenFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionOpen));
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setConnectionHalfCloseFunction(refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionHalfClose));
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT vl_mapper_comp;
+  vl_mapper_comp := EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_MapperCT.create("MapperVagyokRagyogok"); 
+  connect(self:v_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_commPort, 
+    vl_mapper_comp:v_EPTF_HTTP_Mapper_commPort);
+  vl_mapper_comp.start(
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_Mapper_Behavior_CheckRandomAPI(10.0));
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_GroupMode vl_group := {
+    name := omit,
+    localHostInformation := { "", 4000 },
+    remoteHostInformation := { "", 5000 },
+    numberOfPorts := 2,
+    localportStep := 1,
+    remoteportStep := 0,
+    instantConnOpen := true,
+    instantConnClose := true,
+    useSSL := false,
+    userFunctions := omit
+  };
+  var EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortMode vl_port := 
+  {
+    name := omit,
+    localHostInformation := { "", 4000 },
+    remoteHostInformation := { "", 5000 },
+    instantConnOpen := true,
+    instantConnClose := true,
+    useSSL := false,
+    userFunctions := omit
+  };
+  var integer i, op;
+  var integer vl_grpId, vl_hPort := 0;
+  for (i := 0; i < 1000; i := i + 1) 
+  {
+    op := float2int(12.999 * rnd());
+    select(op) 
+    {
+      case (0) { // new group
+        vl_group.numberOfPorts := float2int(5.0 * rnd()) + 1;
+        vl_group.localportStep := float2int(2.0 * rnd()) + 1;
+        if (f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPortGroup(vl_group) != -1) {
+          vl_hPort := vl_hPort + 1;
+        }
+      }
+      case (1) { // new port
+        if (f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_newPort(vl_port) != -1) {
+          vl_hPort := vl_hPort + 1;
+        }
+      }
+      case (2) { // delete group
+        if (vl_hPort > 0) { vl_hPort := vl_hPort - 1; };
+        vl_grpId := float2int(1.2 * rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort)); // 1.2 for chance to have bad IDs
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePortGroup(vl_grpId);
+      }
+      case (3) { // delete port
+        if (vl_hPort > 0) { vl_hPort := vl_hPort - 1; };
+        vl_grpId := float2int(1.2 * rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort)); // 1.2 for chance to have bad IDs
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_deletePort(vl_grpId);
+      }
+      case (4) { // add port to group
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        v_noBoolWarning :=
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_addPortToGroup(vl_grpId);        
+      }
+      case (5) { // remove port from port
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_removePortFromGroup(vl_grpId); 
+      }
+      case (6) { // remove port from port again
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_removePortFromGroup(vl_grpId); 
+      }
+      case (7) { // remove port from port again
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        var integer vl_sessionId := 1;	
+        v_noBoolWarning := 
+          f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionOpen(vl_grpId,vl_sessionId); 
+      }
+      case (8) { // remove port from port again
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionClose(vl_grpId); 
+      }
+      case (9) { // remove port from port again
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_connectionHalfClose(vl_grpId); 
+      }
+      case (10) { // remove port from port again
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_sendMessage(vl_grpId, 0, char2oct("ABCD")); 
+      }
+      case (11) { // close port of user
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_closePortOfUser(vl_grpId, 0); 
+      }
+      case (12) { // free port of user
+        vl_grpId := float2int(rnd() * int2float(vl_hPort));
+        f_EPTF_HTTP_RemoteTransport_freePortOfUser(vl_grpId, 0);
+      }
+      case else {
+        log("Wrong operation!");
+      }
+    }
+  }  
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  setverdict(pass);
+// real connection test for port object
+// instant open / close / open for single port
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test5()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 5 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+  var integer vl_group, vl_dummy, vl_tcIdx := 5;
+  var boolean vl_bNoW, vl_pass := true;
+  // create components
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(vl_tcIdx, 12.0);
+  // init base component
+  v_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT("EPTF_HTTP_Transport");
+  // init testcase
+  vl_local := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port };
+  vl_remote := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port + vl_tcIdx };
+  vl_group := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPort( // connection set to open instantly
+    {"MyLittlePorty", vl_local, vl_remote, false, false, false, omit});
+  if (vl_pass and vl_group != 0) {
+    log("Wrong group id acquired! (", vl_group, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, OPENED, 1, true, true, false)) {
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    log("Starting altstep!");
+    var integer vl_actionCnt := 0;
+    timer t_action := 1.0;
+    timer t_guard := 12.0;
+    t_action.start;
+    t_guard.start;
+    alt {
+/*      [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ASP_RecvFrom {
+          log("ASP receive from: ", v_ASP_RecvFrom);
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ASP_Event {
+          log("ASP event: ", v_ASP_Event);
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] IPL4_PCO.receive {
+          log("Invalid message received!");
+          repeat;
+        }*/
+      [] t_action.timeout {
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 0) { // reopen connection
+	    var integer vl_sessionId := 1;
+            vl_bNoW := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen(vl_group, vl_sessionId); 
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, OPENED, 1, true, true, false)) {
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            } else {
+              t_action.start;
+            } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 1) { // send message
+            v_HTTP_oct := f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_DummyHTTPRequest("AABBCC");            
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(vl_group, 0, v_HTTP_oct);
+            //var integer vl_dec := dec_HTTPMessage(v_HTTP_oct, v_HTTP_msg);
+            //log("Sending (", vl_dec, "): ", v_HTTP_msg);
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, OPENED, 1, true, true, true)) {
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            } else {
+              t_action.start;
+            } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 2) { // send message
+            v_HTTP_oct := f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_DummyHTTPRequest("CCBBAA");            
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(vl_group, 1, v_HTTP_oct);
+            //var integer vl_dec := dec_HTTPMessage(v_HTTP_oct, v_HTTP_msg);
+            //log("Sending (", vl_dec, "): ", v_HTTP_msg);
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, OPENED, 1, true, true, true)) {
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            } else {
+              t_action.start;
+            } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 3) { // half close connection
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(vl_group); 
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, HALFCLOSED, 1, true, true, true)) {
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            } else {
+              t_action.start;
+            } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 4) { // rehalf close connection
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(vl_group); 
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, HALFCLOSED, 1, true, true, true)) {
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            } else {
+              t_action.start;
+            } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 5) { // close connection
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group); 
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            } else {
+              t_action.start;
+            }          
+          } 
+          else 
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 6) { // reclose connection
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group);
+            if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, 0, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+              vl_pass := false;
+              setverdict(fail);
+            }
+            //t_action.start;
+          }
+          vl_actionCnt := vl_actionCnt + 1;         
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] t_guard.timeout {
+          log("Timer timed out!");
+        }    
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultGroup(vl_group);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort(vl_group);
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+      log("Group not deleted properly!");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  } 
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+// real connection test for port object
+// instant open / close / open for single port
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test6()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 6 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+  var integer i, vl_group, vl_dummy, vl_tcIdx := 6;
+  var boolean vl_bNoW, vl_pass := true;
+  // create components
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(vl_tcIdx, 12.0);
+  // init base component
+  v_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT("EPTF_HTTP_Transport");
+  // init testcase
+  vl_local := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port + 1 };
+  vl_remote := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port + vl_tcIdx };
+  vl_group := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup( // connection set to open instantly
+    {"MyLittleGroupy", vl_local, vl_remote, 3, 1, 0, false, false, false, omit});
+  if (vl_pass and vl_group != 0) {
+    log("Wrong group id acquired! (", vl_group, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+    if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, OPENED, i + 1, true, true, false)) {
+      vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    log("Starting altstep!");
+    var integer vl_actionCnt := 0;
+    timer t_action := 1.0;
+    timer t_guard := 12.0;
+    t_action.start;
+    t_guard.start;
+    alt {
+/*      [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ASP_RecvFrom {
+          log("ASP receive from: ", v_ASP_RecvFrom);
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ASP_Event {
+          log("ASP event: ", v_ASP_Event);
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] IPL4_PCO.receive {
+          log("Invalid message received!");
+          repeat;
+        }*/
+      [] t_action.timeout {
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 0) { // reopen connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            var integer vl_sessionId := 1;	    
+            vl_bNoW := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen(vl_group, vl_sessionId); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, OPENED, i + 1, true, true, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            }
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 1) { // reopen connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            for (i := 0; i < 4; i := i + 1) { 
+              v_HTTP_oct := f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_DummyHTTPRequest("AABBCC" & int2str(i));            
+              f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(vl_group, vl_actionCnt, v_HTTP_oct);
+              //var integer vl_dec := dec_HTTPMessage(v_HTTP_oct, v_HTTP_msg);
+              //log("Sending (", vl_dec, "): ", v_HTTP_msg);
+            }
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) { 
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, OPENED, i + 1, true, true, true)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              } 
+            }
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 2) { // half close connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(vl_group); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, HALFCLOSED, i + 1, true, true, true)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 3) { // re half close connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(vl_group); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, HALFCLOSED, i + 1, true, true, true)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 4) { // close connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultGroup(vl_group); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; }   
+          } 
+          else 
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 5) { // reclose connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group);
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            //t_action.start;
+          }
+          vl_actionCnt := vl_actionCnt + 1;         
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] t_guard.timeout {
+          log("Timer timed out!");
+        }    
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(vl_group);
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+      log("Group not deleted properly!");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }  
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+// Creates 20 entity and a single global port to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close disabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 10.0 seconds -> will stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 13.0 secodns -> receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test7()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 7 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 14.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(7, vl_rRunTime);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(7, 20, 13.0, vl_rRunTime, true, true, -1, false, false);
+    //f_createApplConfig2();
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 20.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// Creates 20 entity with single ports to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close disabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 10.0 seconds -> will stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 13.0 secodns -> receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test8()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 8 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 14.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(8, vl_rRunTime); 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(8, 20, 13.0, vl_rRunTime, true, false, -1, false, false);
+    //f_createApplConfig2();
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 15.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// Creates 20 entity and a single global port group containing to ports 
+// to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close disabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 10.0 seconds -> will stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 13.0 secodns -> receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test9()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 9 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 14.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(9, vl_rRunTime);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(9, 20, 13.0, vl_rRunTime, false, true, 2, false, false);
+    //f_createApplConfig2();
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 15.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// Creates 20 entity with global port groups containing two port
+// to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close disabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 10.0 seconds -> will stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 13.0 secodns -> receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test10()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("===============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 10 ... >>");
+  log("===============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 14.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(10, vl_rRunTime); 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(10, 20, 13.0, vl_rRunTime, false, false, 2, false, false);
+    //f_createApplConfig2();
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 15.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// Creates 20 entity with single ports to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close enabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 10.0 seconds -> will stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 13.0 secodns -> receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test11()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("===============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 11 ... >>");
+  log("===============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 11.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(11, vl_rRunTime); 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(11, 20, 10.0, vl_rRunTime, true, false, -1, true, true);
+    //f_createApplConfig2();
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 15.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// Creates 20 entity and a single global port group containing to ports 
+// to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close enabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 11.0 seconds -> will not stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 10.0 secodns -> doesn't receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test12()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("===============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 12 ... >>");
+  log("===============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 11.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(12, vl_rRunTime);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(12, 20, 10.0, vl_rRunTime, false, true, 20, true, true);
+    //f_createApplConfig2();
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 15.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// Creates 20 entity with global port groups containing two port
+// to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close disabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 11.0 seconds -> will not stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 10.0 secodns -> doesn't receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test13()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("===============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 13 ... >>");
+  log("===============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 11.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(13, vl_rRunTime); 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(13, 20, 10.0, vl_rRunTime, false, false, 2, true, true);
+    //f_createApplConfig2();
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 15.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// Creates 20 entity with global port groups containing two port
+// to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if sent messages bodies are received from HTTP responder
+// and if state transitions are performed properly
+// Instant connection open and close disabled
+// RemoteTransport mode
+// Responder runs for 10.0 seconds -> will stop during test
+// LoadGen(s) run for 13.0 secodns -> receive conn close events after 10.0 seconds
+// mtc runs for 15.0 seconds
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test14()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 14 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 2; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components
+    var float vl_rRunTime := 5.0;
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(14, vl_rRunTime + 0.5); 
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(14, 5, vl_rRunTime, vl_rRunTime + 0.5, false, false, 2, false, false);
+  }
+  timer t_guard := 15.0;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList t_expectedPorts1 := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := 1, 
+      sessionId := 100, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := OPENED,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 1, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 1, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 2, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 2, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList t_expectedPorts2 := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 1, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 1, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 2, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 2, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList t_expectedPorts3 := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 1, 
+      connectionId := 2, 
+      sessionId := 200, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 1, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := OPENED,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 2, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 2, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+template EPTF_HTTP_Transport_PortInfoList t_expectedPorts4 := { 
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 0, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 0, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 1, 
+      connectionId := 2, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 1, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := OPENED,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    },
+    { 
+      groupIndex := 0, 
+      portIndex := 2, 
+      connectionId := -1, 
+      sessionId := -1, 
+      portId := -1,
+      localhostInfoIdx  := 2, 
+      remotehostInfoIdx := 0, 
+      state := IDLE,
+      portType := OUTGOING_PORT,
+      buffer := false,
+      messageBuffer := omit 
+    }
+// test new close and free port of user API
+// local API
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test15()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 15 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+  var integer i, vl_group, vl_dummy, vl_tcIdx := 15;
+  var boolean vl_pass := true;
+  // create components
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(vl_tcIdx, 12.0);
+  // init base component
+  v_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT("EPTF_HTTP_Transport");
+  // init testcase
+  vl_local := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port + 3*10 + 100 * vl_tcIdx };
+  vl_remote := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port +  vl_tcIdx };
+  vl_group := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup( // connection set to open instantly
+    {"MyLittleGroupy", vl_local, vl_remote, 3, 1, 0, true, false, false, omit});
+  v_HTTP_oct := f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_DummyHTTPRequest("AABBCC");
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(vl_group, 100, v_HTTP_oct);
+  log("Port DB #1", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+  if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts1)) {
+    log("Database inconsistency after sending on port group!");
+    log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts1));
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closePortOfUser(vl_group, 100);
+    log("Port DB #2", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+    if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts2)) {
+      log("Database inconsistency after closing port of user!");
+      log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts2));
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {
+    v_HTTP_oct := f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_DummyHTTPRequest("CCBBAA");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(vl_group, 200, v_HTTP_oct);
+    log("Port DB #3", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+   if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts3)) {
+      log("Database inconsistency after sending on port group!");
+      log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts3));
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_freePortOfUser(vl_group, 200);
+    log("Port DB #4", v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB);
+    if (not match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts4)) {
+      log("Database inconsistency after freeing port of user!");
+      log(match(v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_portDB[vl_group].portDatabase, t_expectedPorts4));
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePort(vl_group);  
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+// Creates 20 entity and a single global port group containing to ports 
+// to send against HTTP responder
+// Test case passes if reconnection to the Responder is successful 
+// after the Responder is explicitly shut and restarted
+// Instant connection open enabled and instant connection close enabled
+// LocalTransport mode
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test16()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 16 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var boolean vl_pass := true;
+  // set config
+  v_numberOfLGens1 := 1; 
+  v_numberOfLGens2 := 0;
+  f_EPTF_Base_init_CT("MTC Base");
+  f_EPTF_Var_init_CT("MTC Var");
+  var float vl_rRunTime := 5.5;
+  var float vl_serverDownTime := 2.1;
+  // check config
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkConfig()) { log("Wrong config!"); setverdict(fail); }
+  else 
+  {
+    // create components    
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(16, vl_rRunTime);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createApplConfig1(16, 20, 
+      2.0 * vl_rRunTime + vl_serverDownTime - 0.5, // application running time - 0.5 to surely die before responder dies for the 2nd time
+      2.0 * vl_rRunTime + 1.0, 
+      false, true, 20, true, true); 
+    // 20 is the number of ports in the created group, on Rhea it must be greater then the number of sends as in instant connection
+    // opend and close mode, the ports are reused but they cannot be reopened again within a given (OS defined) time limit
+  }
+  timer t_guard := vl_rRunTime + 0.5;
+  t_guard.start;
+  t_guard.timeout;
+  // responder should die now
+  log("*** Responder must be dead now! ***");
+  f_EPTF_Var_subscribeRemote( // subscribe to the number of received answers EPTF variable
+    v_HTTP_Local1_comps[0], "NumberOfReceivedAnswers", 
+    realtime, 
+    v_nofAnswers, "MYNumberOfReceivedAnswers");
+  var integer vl_nofAnswers_current := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_nofAnswers);
+  log("Number of messages arrived to local lgen from responder (after first deth of responder): ", vl_nofAnswers_current);
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {    
+    if (vl_nofAnswers_current != float2int(vl_rRunTime) + 1) { // first message at zero time + float2int(vl_rRunTime) messages (at 1 CPS)
+      log("Number of incoming messages from HTTP responder (", vl_nofAnswers_current,
+          ") are inconsistent with test case settings (Before Responder restart)!");      
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+    else
+    if (v_HTTP_Responder_comp.running) {
+      log("Responder is still alive! Test case error");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) 
+  {  
+    t_guard.start(vl_serverDownTime); // wait X sec before restarting responder
+    t_guard.timeout;
+    // recreate responder
+    log("*** Responder is being restarted now! ***");
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(16, vl_rRunTime);  
+    t_guard.start(vl_rRunTime + 1.0);
+    t_guard.timeout;
+    // responder should be dead now
+    log("*** Responder must be dead now again! ***");
+    vl_nofAnswers_current := f_EPTF_Var_getIntValue(v_nofAnswers);
+    log("Number of messages arrived to local lgen from responder (Second responder die)!: ", vl_nofAnswers_current);
+    if (vl_pass) 
+    {    
+      if (vl_nofAnswers_current != 2 * (float2int(vl_rRunTime) + 1) - 2) { // second part misses first and last message according to time configurations
+        log("Number of incoming messages from HTTP responder (", vl_nofAnswers_current, 
+            ") are inconsistent with test case settings (After Responder restart)!");      
+        vl_pass := false;
+        setverdict(fail);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+// errornous connection test for port object
+// instant open / close / open for single port
+// connection is bad tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_NonExistent_host should be a non existent host
+// testcase will pass if connection is failed
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test17()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 17 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation vl_local, vl_remote;
+  var integer i, vl_group, vl_dummy, vl_tcIdx := 6;
+  var boolean vl_bNoW, vl_pass := true;
+  // create components
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_createResponder(vl_tcIdx, 12.0);
+  // init base component
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_init(
+     "APPL1_LGEN",
+     1,
+     "HTTP1_",
+     0);  //, pl_bind, pl_reset, pl_unbind);
+  v_noIntWarning := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_init_CT(
+    "EPTF_HTTP_Transport",
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_eventReceived),
+    refers(f_EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceived));
+  // init testcase
+  vl_local := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_NonExistent_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Application1_port + 1 };
+  vl_remote := { tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_NonExistent_host, tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Test_Responder_port + vl_tcIdx };
+  vl_group := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_newPortGroup( // connection set to open instantly
+    {"MyLittleGroupy", vl_local, vl_remote, 3, 1, 0, true, true, false, omit});
+  if (vl_pass and vl_group != 0) {
+    log("Wrong group id acquired! (", vl_group, ")");
+    vl_pass := false;
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+    if (vl_pass and not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+      vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    log("Starting altstep!");
+    var integer vl_actionCnt := 0;
+    timer t_action := 1.0;
+    timer t_guard := 12.0;
+    t_action.start;
+    t_guard.start;
+    alt {
+/*      [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ASP_RecvFrom {
+          log("ASP receive from: ", v_ASP_RecvFrom);
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ASP_Event {
+          log("ASP event: ", v_ASP_Event);
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] IPL4_PCO.receive {
+          log("Invalid message received!");
+          repeat;
+        }*/
+      [] t_action.timeout {
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 0) { // reopen connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+	    var integer vl_sessionId := 1;
+            vl_bNoW := f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionOpen(vl_group,vl_sessionId); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            }
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 1) { // reopen connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            for (i := 0; i < 4; i := i + 1) { 
+              v_HTTP_oct := f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_DummyHTTPRequest("AABBCC" & int2str(i));            
+              f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_sendMessage(vl_group, vl_actionCnt, v_HTTP_oct);
+              //var integer vl_dec := dec_HTTPMessage(v_HTTP_oct, v_HTTP_msg);
+              //log("Sending (", vl_dec, "): ", v_HTTP_msg);
+            }
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) { 
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              } 
+            }
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 2) { // half close connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(vl_group); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 3) { // re half close connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionHalfClose(vl_group); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; } 
+          } 
+          else
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 4) { // close connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_closeConnection_defaultGroup(vl_group); 
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            if (vl_pass) { t_action.start; }   
+          } 
+          else 
+          if (vl_actionCnt == 5) { // reclose connection
+            log("Action: ", vl_actionCnt+1);
+            f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group);
+            for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1) {
+              if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_checkPortState(vl_group, i, IDLE, -1, false, false, false)) {
+                vl_pass := false; i := 3;
+                setverdict(fail);
+              }
+            } 
+            //t_action.start;
+          }
+          vl_actionCnt := vl_actionCnt + 1;         
+          repeat;
+        }
+      [] t_guard.timeout {
+          log("Timer timed out!");
+        }    
+    }
+  }
+  if (vl_pass) {
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_connectionClose(vl_group);
+    f_EPTF_HTTP_LocalTransport_deletePortGroup(vl_group);
+    if (f_EPTF_FBQ_itemIsBusy(vl_group, v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_groupQueue)) {
+      log("Group not deleted properly!");
+      vl_pass := false;
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }  
+  f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT();
+  if (vl_pass) { setverdict(pass); };
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test18()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 18 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  f_EPTF_int2int_HashMap_Init();
+  f_EPTF_Logging_init_CT("TEST_");
+  v_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingMaskId := 
+    f_EPTF_Logging_registerComponentMasks(
+      tsp_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingComponentMask, 
+      c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingEventClasses, 
+      EPTF_Logging_CLL);
+  setverdict(pass);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_bufferTest(5, 0);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_bufferTest(5, 3);
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_Test_bufferTest(5, 4);
+testcase tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test19()
+runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_LocalAPI_CT
+  log("==============================");
+  log("<< Starting test case 19 ... >>");
+  log("==============================");
+  log("");
+  var EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData vl_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData:={
+    method:="",
+    algorithm:="",
+    realm:="",
+    domain:=omit,
+    qopOptions:="",
+    password:="password"
+  };
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData(vl_EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData);
+  setverdict(pass);
+  var charstring vl_authData := "Digest algorithm=MD5, cnonce=\"0a4f113b\", nc=00000001, nonce=\"NGExMTY0MDiDrxJA7/5a8Ya0lZvlaNXuEw==\", opaque=\"\", qop=auth-int, realm=\"\", response=\"ef57ea40d83403357c16306cd6b811a2\", uri=\"/\", username=\"TASP-SOAP1\"";
+  var EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails vl_authDetails := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails;
+  var EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails vl_authDetailsExpected := {
+    realm := "",
+    qop := "auth-int",
+    nonce := "NGExMTY0MDiDrxJA7/5a8Ya0lZvlaNXuEw==",
+    cnonce := "0a4f113b",
+    opaque := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails.opaque,
+    nonceCount := "00000001",
+    algorithm := "MD5",
+    response := "ef57ea40d83403357c16306cd6b811a2",
+    uri := "/",
+    username := "TASP-SOAP1",
+    password := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails.password
+  }
+  f_EPTF_HTTP_getAuthParams(vl_authData, vl_authDetails);
+  if (vl_authDetails != vl_authDetailsExpected)
+  {
+    log("Error: retrieved: ", vl_authDetails, " expected: ", vl_authDetailsExpected);
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }
+/*  var charstring vl_body := "<?xml version='1.0' ?>\n<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\"xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\" soap-envelope.xml VoIPNotruf_1_00.xsd\" >\n<env:Header><lisa:emergencyInformationRequest xmlns:lisa=\"\" env:role=\"next\" env:mustUnderstand=\"true\">\n<lisa:interfaceVersion>1</lisa:interfaceVersion>\n</lisa:emergencyInformationRequest>\n</env:Header>\n<env:Body><lisa:emergencyInformationRequestData xmlns:lisa=\"\">\n<lisa:emergencyNumber>110</lisa:emergencyNumber>\n<lisa:clientIPAddress></lisa:clientIPAddress>\n</lisa:emergencyInformationRequestData>\n</env:Body>\n</env:Envelope>" 
+  if (not f_EPTF_HTTP_checkAuthData("POST", vl_authData, vl_body))
+  {
+    log("Error: auth data checking.");
+    setverdict(fail);
+  }*/
+testcase tc_random() runs on EPTF_HTTP_Test_CT
+  var EPTF_IntegerList vl_intList := {};
+  var EPTF_FloatList vl_floatList := {};
+  var integer vl_randval, i, j, vl_maxOccurance, vl_different, vl_curMax, vl_curOccurance;  
+  var integer vl_allvalues := tsp_runningTime*tsp_QPS; 
+  var float vl_maxNumber, vl_prev;
+  var integer vl_time;
+  v_randState := 0.0;
+  vl_time := f_time();
+  // generate random value
+  for (i := 0; i < vl_allvalues; i := i + 1) 
+  {
+    vl_randval := float2int((int2float(tsp_rangeHi) - 0.001) * f_myRandom());
+    //log("Random value: ", vl_randval);
+    vl_intList[sizeof(vl_intList)] := vl_randval;
+  }
+  log("Generated list: ", vl_intList);
+  // convert to float because of bubble sort
+  for (i := 0; i < sizeof(vl_intList); i := i + 1) { vl_floatList[i] := int2float(vl_intList[i]); };
+  f_EPTF_StatMeasure_bubblesort(vl_floatList);
+  log("Generated list (BUBBLE): ", vl_floatList);
+  // sarch max occurance and its number and value of different numbers
+  vl_prev := vl_floatList[0];
+  vl_maxNumber := -1.0;
+  vl_maxOccurance := 0;
+  vl_different := 0;
+  vl_curMax := -1;
+  vl_curOccurance := 0;
+  for (j := 1; j < sizeof(vl_floatList); j := j + 1)
+  {
+    vl_curOccurance := vl_curOccurance + 1;
+    if (vl_floatList[j] != vl_prev) { 
+      vl_different := vl_different + 1; 
+      if (vl_curOccurance > vl_maxOccurance) {
+        vl_maxOccurance := vl_curOccurance;
+        vl_maxNumber := vl_prev;
+      }
+      vl_curOccurance := 0;
+    }
+    vl_prev := vl_floatList[j];
+  }
+  vl_time := f_time() - vl_time;
+  log("Running time: ", vl_time);
+  log("Max number and max occurance: ", float2int(vl_maxNumber), " / ",  vl_maxOccurance, 
+    " (ALL: " , vl_allvalues, " / DIFFERENT: ", vl_different, ")");
+control {
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test1());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test2());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test3());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test4());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test5());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test6());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test7());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test8());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test9());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test10());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test11());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test12());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test13());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test14());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test15());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test16());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test17());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test18());
+  execute(tc_EPTF_HTTP_Test_test19());