blob: d02515371ac4f3d0b98d51d1ac54afa544f57c89 [file] [log] [blame]
Author: Timea Moder
Version: 109 21-CNL 113 364-5, Rev. B
Date: 2017-02-14
= GCP 31r1 Protocol Modules for TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN, Product Revision Information
:author: Timea Moder
:revnumber: 109 21-CNL 113 364-5, Rev. B
:revdate: 2017-02-14
= Product Revision
== Product
|Old Product number:| CNL 113 364| R5A
|New Product number:| CNL 113 364| R5B
== Included Parts
=== Source Code
NOTE: Because the encoder/decoder functions are generated by the TITAN, the `` is kept only for compatibility issue and should be removed from the projects.
=== TPD file
=== Documentation
==== User Guide
==== Function Specification
= Reason for Revision
== Requirement Specification
== Change Requests
| CR ID| Description
== Exemption Requests
== Trouble Reports
Trouble reports accepted until 2017-02-14.
=== Implemented Trouble Reports
|TR ID |Trouble Effect
|support #749246 |Update twenty-something TPDs
=== Not Implemented Trouble Reports
|TR ID |Trouble Effect
= Product Changes
== R2A01
The `GCP_Types.ttcn` was added to the product. The file was removed from the demo directory.
The protocol module has been updated to be compatible with the modified TITAN C++ API introduced by TITAN R7A.
NOTE: This version of the protocol module is not compatible with TITAN releases earlier than R7A.
There are no functional changes in the protocol module.
== R3A01
The product has been updated to be compatible with the modified C++ Logger API of the TITAN R7B.
NOTE: This version of the product is backward compatible with TITAN releases R7A.
There are no functional changes in the product.
NOTE: Because the encoder/decoder functions are generated by the TITAN, the `` is kept only for compatibility issue and should be removed from the projects.
== R4A01
Added tpd and grp files.
== R5A01
Added constants according to H.248v1 Annex C and Annex E.
== R5B
Artifact support #749246 has been implemented. GCP_31r1_CNL113364.tpd has been updated.