blob: 5443ca9eaa851cbb79a65bd7850b9f55cefa9acd [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.project.IEJBNatureConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.command.internal.provisional.env.core.common.MessageUtils;
import org.eclipse.wst.command.internal.provisional.env.core.selection.SelectionList;
import org.eclipse.wst.command.internal.provisional.env.core.selection.SelectionListChoices;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.util.IModuleConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IServer;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IServerType;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.ServerCore;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.ServerUICore;
public class WebServiceRuntimeExtensionUtils
private static WebServiceRuntimeExtensionRegistry registry = WebServiceRuntimeExtensionRegistry.getInstance();
private static SelectionListChoices serverToRuntimeToJ2EE_;
private static Hashtable serverFactoryIdByLabel_;
private static Hashtable runtimeIdByLabel_;
public static IWebServiceRuntime getWebServiceRuntime( String runtimeId )
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrtInfo = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
IWebServiceRuntime webserviceRuntime = null;
if (wsrtInfo != null)
webserviceRuntime = wsrtInfo.getWebServiceRuntime();
return webserviceRuntime;
public static IWebServiceType getWebServiceTypeById(String id)
Object result = registry.webServiceTypes_.get(id);
if (result!=null)
return (WebServiceTypeImpl)result;
return null;
public static WebServiceImpl getWebServiceImplById(String id)
Object result = registry.webServiceImpls_.get(id);
if (result!=null)
return (WebServiceImpl)result;
return null;
public static int getScenarioFromTypeId(String typeId)
return Integer.parseInt(typeId.substring(0,typeId.indexOf("/")));
public static String getImplIdFromTypeId(String typeId)
return typeId.substring(typeId.indexOf("/")+1);
* @param typeId will be a String of the format "0/implId"
* where the digit before the "/" represents the scenario
* (e.g. WebServiceScenario.BOTTOM_UP) and the implId is the id
* of the WebServiceImpl
public static ServiceType getServiceType(String runtimeId, String typeId)
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
if (wsrt!=null)
int scenario = getScenarioFromTypeId(typeId);
String implId = getImplIdFromTypeId(typeId);
//Return the first service type that supports the impl and scenario
ServiceType[] sts = wsrt.getServiceTypes();
if (sts != null)
for (int i = 0; i < sts.length; i++)
String thisImplId = sts[i].getWebServiceImpl().getId();
if (implId.equals(thisImplId))
// Check if scenario is supported
if (sts[i].supportsScenario(scenario))
return sts[i];
return null;
public static WebServiceRuntimeInfo getWebServiceRuntimeById(String id)
Object result = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.get(id);
if (result!=null)
return (WebServiceRuntimeInfo)result;
return null;
public static WebServiceRuntimeInfo getWebServiceRuntimeByLabel(String label)
Iterator iter = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = (WebServiceRuntimeInfo);
if (wsr!=null) {
if (label.equals(wsr.getLabel()))
return wsr;
return null;
* @param typeId will be a String of the format "0/implId"
* where the digit before the "/" represents the scenario
* (e.g. WebServiceScenario.BOTTOM_UP) and the implId is the id
* of the WebServiceImpl
public static String[] getRuntimesByType(String typeId)
int scenario = getScenarioFromTypeId(typeId);
String implId = getImplIdFromTypeId(typeId);
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
Iterator iter = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = (WebServiceRuntimeInfo);
ServiceType[] sts = wsr.getServiceTypes();
if (sts != null)
for (int i = 0; i < sts.length; i++)
String thisImplId = sts[i].getWebServiceImpl().getId();
if (implId.equals(thisImplId))
// Check if scenario is supported
if (sts[i].supportsScenario(scenario))
if (ids.size() > 0)
String[] runtimeIds = (String[])ids.toArray(new String[0]);
return runtimeIds;
return null;
* @param typeId will be a String of the format "0/implId"
* where the digit before the "/" represents the scenario
* (e.g. WebServiceScenario.BOTTOM_UP) and the implId is the id
* of the WebServiceImpl
public static boolean isRuntimeSupportedForType(String typeId, String runtimeId)
String[] runtimeIds = getRuntimesByType(typeId);
if (runtimeIds!=null)
for (int i=0; i < runtimeIds.length; i++)
if (runtimeIds[i].equals(runtimeId))
return true;
return false;
public static String[] getServerFactoryIdsByType(String typeId)
String[] wsrts = getRuntimesByType(typeId);
if (wsrts == null )
return null;
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0; i<wsrts.length ;i++)
String[] fIds = getWebServiceRuntimeById(wsrts[i]).getServerFactoryIds();
if (fIds != null)
for (int j=0; j<fIds.length; j++)
if (!ids.contains(fIds[j]))
if (ids.size() > 0)
String[] serverFactoryIds = (String[])ids.toArray(new String[0]);
return serverFactoryIds;
return null;
* @param typeId will be a String of the format "0/implId"
* where the digit before the "/" represents the scenario
* (e.g. WebServiceScenario.BOTTOM_UP) and the implId is the id
* of the WebServiceImpl
public static boolean isServerSupportedForChosenType(String typeId, String serverFactoryId)
String[] fIds = getServerFactoryIdsByType(typeId);
if (fIds == null)
return false;
for (int i=0;i<fIds.length;i++)
if (serverFactoryId.equals(fIds[i]))
return true;
return false;
* @param typeId will be a String of the format "0/implId"
* where the digit before the "/" represents the scenario
* (e.g. WebServiceScenario.BOTTOM_UP) and the implId is the id
* of the WebServiceImpl
public static boolean isServerRuntimeTypeSupported(String serverFactoryId, String runtimeId, String typeId)
String[] rIds = getRuntimesByType(typeId);
if (rIds == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < rIds.length; i++)
if (runtimeId.equals(rIds[i]))
String[] fIds = getWebServiceRuntimeById(rIds[i]).getServerFactoryIds();
if (fIds != null)
for (int j = 0; j < fIds.length; j++)
if (serverFactoryId.equals(fIds[j]))
// Found it!
return true;
return false;
public static boolean doesRuntimeSupportJ2EELevel(String j2eeVersionId, String runtimeId)
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
if (wsrt==null)
return false;
String[] j2eeVersions = wsrt.getJ2eeLevels();
if (j2eeVersions==null || j2eeVersions.length==0)
return true;
for(int i=0; i<j2eeVersions.length; i++)
if (j2eeVersions[i].equals(j2eeVersionId))
return true;
return false;
public static boolean doesRuntimeSupportServerTarget(String serverTargetId, String runtimeId)
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
if (wsrt==null)
return false;
String[] fIds = wsrt.getServerFactoryIds();
for(int i=0;i<fIds.length;i++)
IServerType serverType = ServerCore.findServerType(fIds[i]);
if (serverType == null)
String thisServerTargetId = serverType.getRuntimeType().getId();
if (thisServerTargetId.equals(serverTargetId))
return true;
return false;
* Returns a list of valid projects for the Web service type with an id of typeId.
* In the case where the Web service type extension does not specify which project
* natures are included, a array of all Web and EJB projects in the workspace will
* be returned.
* @param typeId
* @return IProject[] an array of valid projects
public static IProject[] getAllProjects()
IProject[] projects = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
ArrayList validProjects = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++)
if (!projects[i].getName().equals("Servers") && !projects[i].getName().startsWith("."))
return (IProject[])validProjects.toArray(new IProject[0]);
// rsktodo
IWebServiceType wst = getWebServiceTypeById(typeId);
if (wst != null)
IConfigurationElement elem = wst.getConfigurationElement();
String includedNatures = elem.getAttribute("includeNatures");
String excludedNatures = elem.getAttribute("excludeNatures");
if (includedNatures!=null && includedNatures.length()>0)
for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++)
if (include(projects[i], includedNatures) && exclude(projects[i], excludedNatures))
return (IProject[])validProjects.toArray(new IProject[0]);
//If wst was null or the extension didn't specify which project natures are
// to be included, revert to the old behaviour
for (int j = 0; j < projects.length; j++)
if (ResourceUtils.isWebProject(projects[j]) || ResourceUtils.isEJBProject(projects[j]))
return (IProject[])validProjects.toArray(new IProject[0]);
// rsktodo
private static boolean include(IProject project, String include)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(include);
if (project.hasNature(st.nextToken()))
return true;
catch (CoreException ce)
return false;
private static boolean exclude(IProject project, String exclude)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(exclude);
if (project.hasNature(st.nextToken()))
return false;
catch (CoreException ce)
return true;
public static LabelsAndIds getServiceTypeLabels()
String pluginId = "";
MessageUtils msgUtils = new MessageUtils( pluginId + ".plugin", registry );
LabelsAndIds labelIds = new LabelsAndIds();
Iterator iterator = registry.webServiceTypesList_.iterator();
int size = registry.webServiceTypesList_.size();
String[] labels = new String[size];
String[] ids = new String[size];
int index = 0;
labelIds.setLabels_( labels );
labelIds.setIds_( ids );
while( iterator.hasNext() )
String wst = (String);
int scenario = getScenarioFromTypeId(wst);
String implId = getImplIdFromTypeId(wst);
WebServiceImpl wsimpl = WebServiceRuntimeExtensionUtils.getWebServiceImplById(implId);
String impllabel = wsimpl.getLabel();
ids[index] = wst;
String scenLabel = "";
case WebServiceScenario.BOTTOMUP:
scenLabel = msgUtils.getMessage(WebServiceScenario.BOTTOMUP_LABEL);
case WebServiceScenario.TOPDOWN:
scenLabel = msgUtils.getMessage(WebServiceScenario.TOPDOWN_LABEL);
labels[index] = scenLabel +" "+impllabel;
return labelIds;
* @param typeId will be a String of the format "0/implId"
* where the digit before the "/" represents the scenario
* (e.g. WebServiceScenario.BOTTOM_UP) and the implId is the id
* of the WebServiceImpl
public static String getDefaultRuntimeValueFor(String typeId)
String[] rIds = getRuntimesByType(typeId);
if (rIds == null)
return null;
return rIds[0];
public static String getDefaultServerValueFor(String typeId)
String[] fIds = getServerFactoryIdsByType(typeId);
if (fIds==null)
return null;
return fIds[0];
public static String[] getWebServiceTypeBySelection(IStructuredSelection selection)
TypeSelectionFilter tsf = new TypeSelectionFilter();
String[] wst = tsf.getWebServiceTypeByInitialSelection(selection, registry.webServiceTypesList_);
return wst == null ? null : wst;
* Returns true if an EJB project is needed to host a Web service
* of the type identified by typeId. If multiple natureIds are specified in the
* "includeNatures" attribute, only the first one is checked. If no natureIds are specified,
* false is returned.
* @deprecated
* Should be refactored in future
public static boolean requiresEJBProject(String typeId)
IWebServiceType wst = getWebServiceTypeById(typeId);
if (wst != null)
IConfigurationElement elem = wst.getConfigurationElement();
String includedNatures = elem.getAttribute("includeNatures");
if (includedNatures==null || includedNatures.length()==0)
return false;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(includedNatures);
String firstIncludedNature = st.nextToken();
if (firstIncludedNature.equals(IEJBNatureConstants.NATURE_ID))
return true;
return false;
* @param typeId will be a String of the format "0/implId"
* where the digit before the "/" represents the scenario
* (e.g. WebServiceScenario.BOTTOM_UP) and the implId is the id
* of the WebServiceImpl
public static boolean requiresEJBProject(String runtimeId, String typeId)
ServiceType st = getServiceType(runtimeId, typeId);
if (st!=null)
String[] includedNatures = st.getModuleTypesInclude(getScenarioFromTypeId(typeId));
if (includedNatures!=null && includedNatures.length>0)
if (includedNatures[0].equals(IModuleConstants.JST_EJB_MODULE))
return true;
return false;
public static boolean requiresEJBModuleFor(String serverFactoryId, String runtimeId, String typeId)
// rsktodo
return false;
//Ported from the former WebServiceClientRegistry
public static String getRuntimeLabelById(String runtimeId)
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
if (wsrt == null)
return null;
return wsrt.getLabel();
public static String getServerLabelById(String serverFactoryId)
IServerType serverType = ServerCore.findServerType(serverFactoryId);
if (serverType == null)
return null;
String serverLabel = ServerUICore.getLabelProvider().getText(serverType);
return serverLabel;
public static String getServerInstanceLabelFromInstanceId( String instanceId )
IServer server = ServerCore.findServer( instanceId );
return server.getName();
public static boolean doesRuntimeSupportServer(String runtimeId, String factoryId)
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
if (wsrt != null)
String[] fids = wsrt.getServerFactoryIds();
if (fids!=null)
for (int i=0; i<fids.length; i++)
if (fids[i].equals(factoryId))
return true;
return false;
public static String getFirstSupportedServer(String runtimeId)
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
if (wsrt != null)
String[] fids = wsrt.getServerFactoryIds();
if (fids!=null && fids.length>0)
return fids[0];
return null;
public static String[] getRuntimesByClientType(String clientImplId)
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
Iterator iter = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = (WebServiceRuntimeInfo);
ClientType[] cts = wsr.getClientTypes();
if (cts != null)
for (int i = 0; i < cts.length; i++)
String wsClientImplId = cts[i].getWebServiceClientImpl().getId();
if (wsClientImplId.equals(clientImplId))
if (ids.size() > 0)
String[] runtimeIds = (String[])ids.toArray(new String[0]);
return runtimeIds;
return null;
public static boolean webServiceClientRuntimeTypeExists(String serverFactoryId, String runtimeId, String clientTypeId)
String[] rIds = getRuntimesByClientType(clientTypeId);
if (rIds == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < rIds.length; i++)
if (runtimeId.equals(rIds[i]))
String[] fIds = getWebServiceRuntimeById(rIds[i]).getServerFactoryIds();
if (fIds != null)
for (int j = 0; j < fIds.length; j++)
if (serverFactoryId.equals(fIds[j]))
// Found it!
return true;
return false;
public static String[] getAllClientRuntimes()
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
Iterator iter = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = (WebServiceRuntimeInfo);
ClientType[] cts = wsr.getClientTypes();
if (cts!=null && cts.length>0)
//this runtime supports the client scenario
if (ids.size() > 0)
String[] runtimeIds = (String[])ids.toArray(new String[0]);
return runtimeIds;
return null;
public static String[] getAllClientServerFactoryIds()
String[] rIds = getAllClientRuntimes();
if (rIds==null)
return null;
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0; i<rIds.length ;i++)
String[] fIds = getWebServiceRuntimeById(rIds[i]).getServerFactoryIds();
if (fIds != null)
for (int j=0; j<fIds.length; j++)
if (!ids.contains(fIds[j]))
if (ids.size() > 0)
String[] serverFactoryIds = (String[])ids.toArray(new String[0]);
return serverFactoryIds;
return null;
public static String[] getClientProjectTypes(String clientImplId, String runtimeId)
String[] rIds = getRuntimesByClientType(clientImplId);
if (rIds == null)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < rIds.length; i++)
if (runtimeId.equals(rIds[i]))
ClientType[] cts = getWebServiceRuntimeById(rIds[i]).getClientTypes();
if (cts != null)
for (int j = 0; j < cts.length; j++)
String thisClientImplId = cts[j].getWebServiceClientImpl().getId();
if (clientImplId.equals(thisClientImplId))
// Found the one!
String[] projectTypes = cts[j].getModuleTypesInclude();
return projectTypes;
return null;
public static boolean doesRuntimeSupportComponentType(String clientImplId, String runtimeId, String componentTypeId)
String[] compTypeIds = getClientProjectTypes(clientImplId, runtimeId);
if (compTypeIds!=null)
for (int i=0; i<compTypeIds.length; i++)
if (compTypeIds[i].equals(componentTypeId))
return true;
return false;
public static LabelsAndIds getClientTypeLabels()
LabelsAndIds labelIds = new LabelsAndIds();
String[] idsArray = new String[0];
String[] labelsArray = new String[0];
String[] rIds = getAllClientRuntimes();
if (rIds == null)
return labelIds;
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
ArrayList labels = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0; i < rIds.length; i++)
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsrt = getWebServiceRuntimeById(rIds[i]);
ClientType[] cts = wsrt.getClientTypes();
if (cts != null)
for (int j = 0; j < cts.length; j++)
ClientType ct = cts[j];
// String id = ct.getWebServiceClientTypeId();
String id = ct.getWebServiceClientImpl().getId();
if (!ids.contains(id))
if (ids.size() > 0)
idsArray = (String[]) ids.toArray(new String[0]);
labelsArray = (String[]) labels.toArray(new String[0]);
return labelIds;
//Utilities used by the ServerRuntimePreferencePage
public static SelectionListChoices getServerToRuntimeToJ2EE()
if (serverToRuntimeToJ2EE_!=null)
return serverToRuntimeToJ2EE_;
//String[] servers = getStringArrayIntersection(getAllServerFactoryIds(), WebServiceClientTypeRegistry.getInstance().getAllClientServerFactoryIds());
String[] servers = getAllServerFactoryIds();
SelectionList serversList = new SelectionList(servers, 0);
Vector choices = new Vector();
for (int i=0; i<servers.length; i++)
serverToRuntimeToJ2EE_ = new SelectionListChoices(serversList, choices);
return serverToRuntimeToJ2EE_;
private static SelectionListChoices getRuntimeChoices(String serverFactoryId)
String[] runtimes = getRuntimeIDsByServerFactoryID(serverFactoryId);
SelectionList runtimesList = new SelectionList(runtimes, 0);
Vector choices = new Vector();
for (int i=0; i<runtimes.length; i++)
return new SelectionListChoices(runtimesList, choices);
private static SelectionListChoices getJ2EEChoices(String runtimeId)
//String[] serviceJ2EEVersions = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId).getJ2EEVersions();
//String[] clientJ2EEVersions = WebServiceClientTypeRegistry.getInstance().getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId).getJ2EEVersions();
//String[] j2eeVersions = getStringArrayIntersection(serviceJ2EEVersions, clientJ2EEVersions);
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = getWebServiceRuntimeById(runtimeId);
if (wsr==null)
return null;
String[] j2eeVersions = wsr.getJ2eeLevels();
SelectionList j2eeVersionsList = new SelectionList(j2eeVersions, 0);
return new SelectionListChoices(j2eeVersionsList, null);
private static String[] getAllServerFactoryIds()
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
if (serverFactoryIdByLabel_ == null)
serverFactoryIdByLabel_ = new Hashtable();
Iterator iter = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = (WebServiceRuntimeInfo);
String[] sfids = wsr.getServerFactoryIds();
for (int i = 0; i < sfids.length; i++)
if (!ids.contains(sfids[i]))
String label = getServerLabelById(sfids[i]);
serverFactoryIdByLabel_.put(label, sfids[i]);
Iterator fids = serverFactoryIdByLabel_.values().iterator();
while (fids.hasNext())
String fid = (String);
if (ids.size() > 0)
String[] serverFactoryIds = (String[])ids.toArray(new String[0]);
return serverFactoryIds;
return null;
private static String[] getRuntimeIDsByServerFactoryID(String serverFactoryID)
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
Iterator iter = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = (WebServiceRuntimeInfo);
if (doesRuntimeSupportServer(wsr.getId(), serverFactoryID))
if (ids.size() > 0)
String[] runtimeIds = (String[])ids.toArray(new String[0]);
return runtimeIds;
return null;
public static String getServerFactoryId(String label)
if (label==null || label.length()==0)
return null;
if (serverFactoryIdByLabel_ == null)
if (serverFactoryIdByLabel_.containsKey(label))
return (String)serverFactoryIdByLabel_.get(label);
return null;
public static String getRuntimeId(String label)
if (label==null || label.length()==0)
return null;
if (runtimeIdByLabel_ == null)
runtimeIdByLabel_ = new Hashtable();
Iterator iter = registry.webServiceRuntimes_.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
WebServiceRuntimeInfo wsr = (WebServiceRuntimeInfo);
runtimeIdByLabel_.put(wsr.getLabel(), wsr.getId());
return (String)runtimeIdByLabel_.get(label);