blob: 145c751a533ec92e7a48093bb9c4ba1f82bf6690 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 IONA Technologies PLC
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# IONA Technologies PLC - initial API and implementation
#Java2WS Pre Config Widget Factory
JAVA2WS_CLASS_CONFIG_PAGE_TITLE={0} {1} Web Service Java Class Starting Point Configuration
JAVA2WS_CLASS_CONFIG_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=Select an existing Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) or create an SEI by extracting an interface from the implementation class.
JAVA2WS_INTERFACE_CONFIG_PAGE_TITLE={0} {1} Web Service Java Interface Starting Point Configuration
JAVA2WS_INTERFACE_CONFIG_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=Select an implementation that implements all the methods of the SEI.
#Java2WS Config Widget Factory
JAVA2WS_JAXWS_ANNOTATE_PAGE_TITLE={0} {1} Web Service JAX-WS Annotations Configuration
JAVA2WS_JAXWS_ANNOTATE_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=Optionally, select the JAX-WS Annotations to add.
JAVA2WS_PAGE_TITLE={0} {1} Web Service Java2WS Configuration
JAVA2WS_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=Configure the {0} Java to WS options.
#WSDL2Java Config Widget Factory
WSDL2JAVA_PAGE_TITLE={0} {1} Web Service WSDL2Java Configuration
WSDL2JAVA_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=Configure the {0} WSDL to Java options.
WSDL2JAVA_DEFAULTS_PAGE_TITLE={0} {1} Web Service WSDL2Java Configuration
WSDL2JAVA_DEFAULTS_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=The page allows the overriding of the default preferences for this Web Service generation.
#Java2WS Config Widget
JAVA2WS_GROUP_LABEL=Java2WS Generation Options:
JAVA2WS_ENTER_SEI_NAME=Please enter the name of the SEI to extract
JAVA2WS_SELECT_SEI_EXTRACTED_METHODS=Please select the methods you wish to extract from the {0} class
JAVA2WS_SELECT_SEI_MESSAGE=Please select a Service Endpoint Interface
JAVA2WS_SELECT_SEI_OPTION=Please select an SEI option
JAVA2WS_SELECT_SEI_DIALOG_TITLE=Select Service Endpoint Interface
JAVA2WS_SELECT_SEI_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION=Select the Interface to use as the Service Endpoint Interface
JAVA2WS_SELECT_SEI_WEBSERVICE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_PRESENT=Implementation class contains an @WebService annotation with a name attribute which cannot be combined with an endpointInterface attribute
JAVA2WS_SELECT_IMPL_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION=Select the Implementation to use for the Web Service
JAVA2WS_ENTER_VALID_WSDL_NAME=Please enter a valid WSDL File name
#WSDL2Java Defaults Config Widget
WSDL2JAVA_GROUP_LABEL=WSDL2Java Generation Options
WEBSERVICE_ENPOINTINTERFACE_MUST_IMPLEMENT=Implementation class must implement the SEI method ''{0}''
WEBSERVICE_ENPOINTINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND=The endpointInterface ''{0}'' cannot be found
WEBSERVICE_IMPLEMENTATION_NOT_FOUND=The Implementation ''{0}'' cannot be found