blob: a6cf9517204b5d74830c7ce16259e7b83069eddf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* GmbH - internationalization implementation (bug 150933)
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse.Feature;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse.FeatureEntry;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.BundleDescription;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
* Generates build.xml script for features.
public class BuildDirector extends AbstractBuildScriptGenerator {
private static final int QUALIFIER_SUFFIX_VERSION = 2;
* Indicates whether scripts for this feature included features should be
* generated.
protected boolean analyseIncludedFeatures = false;
* Indicates whether scripts for this feature children' should be
* generated.
protected boolean analysePlugins = true;
/** Indicates whether the feature is binary */
protected boolean binaryFeature = true;
/** Indicates if the build scripts files should be produced or not */
private boolean scriptGeneration = true;
/** The identifier of the feature that the build script is being generated for. */
protected String featureIdentifier;
protected String searchedVersion;
protected SourceFeatureInformation sourceToGather = new SourceFeatureInformation();
private boolean generateVersionSuffix = false;
protected boolean signJars = false;
protected String product = null;
protected boolean generateJnlp = false;
protected boolean workspaceBinaries = false;
private boolean sourceReferences = false;
public static boolean p2Gathering = false;
public BuildDirector() {
* Constructor FeatureBuildScriptGenerator.
public BuildDirector(String featureId, String versionId, AssemblyInformation informationGathering) throws CoreException {
if (featureId == null) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PI_PDEBUILD, EXCEPTION_FEATURE_MISSING, Messages.error_missingFeatureId, null));
this.featureIdentifier = featureId;
this.searchedVersion = versionId;
assemblyData = informationGathering;
public BuildDirector(AssemblyInformation assemblageInformation) {
this.assemblyData = assemblageInformation;
private final Map<String, String> extractedLocations = new HashMap<String, String>();
public String getExtractedRoot(ClasspathElement element) {
if (element.getSubPath() == null)
return element.getPath();
String absolute = element.getAbsolutePath();
if (extractedLocations.containsKey(absolute)) {
return extractedLocations.get(absolute);
//Use the jar name, append a suffix if that name is already taken
String name = new File(absolute).getName();
if (name.endsWith(".jar")) //$NON-NLS-1$
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4);
String destination = name;
while (extractedLocations.containsValue(destination)) {
destination = name + '_' + Integer.toHexString(destination.hashCode());
extractedLocations.put(absolute, destination);
return destination;
* Returns a list of BundleDescription objects representing the elements delivered by the feature.
* @return List of BundleDescription
* @throws CoreException
protected Set<BundleDescription> computeElements(BuildTimeFeature feature) throws CoreException {
Set<BundleDescription> computedElements = new LinkedHashSet<BundleDescription>(5);
Properties featureProperties = getBuildProperties(feature);
FeatureEntry[] pluginList = feature.getPluginEntries();
for (int i = 0; i < pluginList.length; i++) {
FeatureEntry entry = pluginList[i];
BundleDescription model;
if (selectConfigs(entry).size() == 0)
String versionRequested = entry.getVersion();
model = getSite(false).getRegistry().getResolvedBundle(entry.getId(), versionRequested);
//we prefer a newly generated source plugin over a preexisting binary one.
if ((model == null || Utils.isBinary(model)) && featureProperties.containsKey(GENERATION_SOURCE_PLUGIN_PREFIX + entry.getId())) {
boolean individual = useIndividualSource(featureProperties);
String[] extraEntries = Utils.getArrayFromString(featureProperties.getProperty(GENERATION_SOURCE_PLUGIN_PREFIX + entry.getId()));
if (individual) {
BundleDescription originalBundle = getSite(false).getRegistry().getResolvedBundle(extraEntries[0]);
if (originalBundle != null) {
if (!Utils.isBinary(originalBundle))
generateEmbeddedSource(entry, extraEntries, individual);
else if (model == null) {
String message = NLS.bind(Messages.exception_unableToGenerateSourceFromBinary, entry.getId(), originalBundle.getSymbolicName() + "_" + originalBundle.getVersion()); //$NON-NLS-1$
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PI_PDEBUILD, EXCEPTION_PLUGIN_MISSING, message, null);
throw new CoreException(status);
} else {
generateEmbeddedSource(entry, extraEntries, individual);
model = getSite(false).getRegistry().getResolvedBundle(entry.getId(), versionRequested);
if (model == null) {
getSite(false).missingPlugin(entry.getId(), versionRequested, feature, true);
associateModelAndEntry(model, entry);
return computedElements;
private boolean useIndividualSource(Properties featureProperties) {
boolean individual = Boolean.valueOf(featureProperties.getProperty(PROPERTY_INDIVIDUAL_SOURCE)).booleanValue();
return individual || AbstractScriptGenerator.getPropertyAsBoolean(PROPERTY_INDIVIDUAL_SOURCE);
// As properties can only contain strings, it isn't clear how this code worked, leaving as is but surpressing the warnings
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private void associateModelAndEntry(BundleDescription model, FeatureEntry entry) {
Properties bundleProperties = ((Properties) model.getUserObject());
if (bundleProperties == null) {
bundleProperties = new Properties();
Set<FeatureEntry> entries = (Set) bundleProperties.get(PLUGIN_ENTRY);
if (entries == null) {
entries = new HashSet<FeatureEntry>();
bundleProperties.put(PLUGIN_ENTRY, entries);
private void generateEmbeddedSource(FeatureEntry pluginEntry, String[] extraEntries, boolean individual) throws CoreException {
if (individual) {
BundleDescription originalBundle = getSite(false).getRegistry().getResolvedBundle(extraEntries[0]);
if (originalBundle != null) {
SourceGenerator sourceGenerator = new SourceGenerator();
sourceGenerator.generateSourcePlugin(pluginEntry, originalBundle);
/* else do it the old way */
BuildTimeFeature baseFeature = getSite(false).findFeature(extraEntries[0], null, true);
if (baseFeature != null)
generateSourceFeature(baseFeature, pluginEntry.getId(), extraEntries, false);
* Set the boolean for whether or not children scripts should be generated.
* @param generate
* <code>true</code> if the children scripts should be
* generated, <code>false</code> otherwise
public void setAnalyseChildren(boolean generate) {
analysePlugins = generate;
public void generate() throws CoreException {
if (workingDirectory == null) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PI_PDEBUILD, EXCEPTION_BUILDDIRECTORY_LOCATION_MISSING, Messages.error_missingInstallLocation, null));
BuildTimeFeature feature = getSite(false).findFeature(featureIdentifier, searchedVersion, true);
* @see AbstractScriptGenerator#generate()
public void generate(BuildTimeFeature feature) throws CoreException {
generate(feature, true);
protected void generate(BuildTimeFeature feature, boolean generateProductFiles) throws CoreException {
if (analyseIncludedFeatures)
if (analysePlugins)
if (scriptGeneration) {
FeatureBuildScriptGenerator featureScriptGenerator = new FeatureBuildScriptGenerator(feature);
protected void generateSourceFeature(BuildTimeFeature baseFeature, String sourceFeatureName, String[] extraEntries, boolean individual) throws CoreException {
SourceGenerator sourceGenerator = new SourceGenerator();
sourceGenerator.generateSourceFeature(baseFeature, sourceFeatureName);
protected void generateIncludedFeatureBuildFile(BuildTimeFeature feature) throws CoreException {
FeatureEntry[] referencedFeatures = feature.getIncludedFeatureReferences();
for (int i = 0; i < referencedFeatures.length; i++) {
String featureId = referencedFeatures[i].getId();
String featureVersion = referencedFeatures[i].getVersion();
BuildTimeFeature nestedFeature = null;
Properties featureProperties = getBuildProperties(feature);
boolean doSourceFeatureGeneration = featureProperties.containsKey(GENERATION_SOURCE_FEATURE_PREFIX + featureId);
if (doSourceFeatureGeneration) {
String[] extraEntries = Utils.getArrayFromString(featureProperties.getProperty(GENERATION_SOURCE_FEATURE_PREFIX + featureId));
nestedFeature = getSite(false).findFeature(extraEntries[0], featureVersion, true);
generateSourceFeature(nestedFeature, featureId, extraEntries, useIndividualSource(featureProperties));
try {
nestedFeature = getSite(false).findFeature(featureId, featureVersion, true);
generate(nestedFeature, false);
} catch (CoreException exception) {
absorbExceptionIfOptionalFeature(referencedFeatures[i], exception);
private void absorbExceptionIfOptionalFeature(FeatureEntry entry, CoreException toAbsorb) throws CoreException {
if (toAbsorb.getStatus().getCode() != EXCEPTION_FEATURE_MISSING || (toAbsorb.getStatus().getCode() == EXCEPTION_FEATURE_MISSING && !entry.isOptional()))
throw toAbsorb;
* @throws CoreException
private void generateChildrenScripts(BuildTimeFeature feature) throws CoreException {
Set<BundleDescription> plugins = computeElements(feature);
String suffix = generateFeatureVersionSuffix(feature);
if (suffix != null) {
Version versionId = new Version(feature.getVersion());
String qualifier = versionId.getQualifier();
qualifier = qualifier.substring(0, feature.getContextQualifierLength());
qualifier = qualifier + '-' + suffix;
versionId = new Version(versionId.getMajor(), versionId.getMinor(), versionId.getMicro(), qualifier);
String newVersion = versionId.toString();
//initializeFeatureNames(); //reset our variables
generateModels(Utils.extractPlugins(getSite(false).getRegistry().getSortedBundles(), plugins));
// Encode a non-negative number as a variable length string, with the
// property that if X > Y then the encoding of X is lexicographically
// greater than the enocding of Y. This is accomplished by encoding the
// length of the string at the beginning of the string. The string is a
// series of base 64 (6-bit) characters. The first three bits of the first
// character indicate the number of additional characters in the string.
// The last three bits of the first character and all of the rest of the
// characters encode the actual value of the number. Examples:
// 0 --> 000 000 --> "-"
// 7 --> 000 111 --> "6"
// 8 --> 001 000 001000 --> "77"
// 63 --> 001 000 111111 --> "7z"
// 64 --> 001 001 000000 --> "8-"
// 511 --> 001 111 111111 --> "Dz"
// 512 --> 010 000 001000 000000 --> "E7-"
// 2^32 - 1 --> 101 011 111111 ... 111111 --> "fzzzzz"
// 2^45 - 1 --> 111 111 111111 ... 111111 --> "zzzzzzzz"
// (There are some wasted values in this encoding. For example,
// "7-" through "76" and "E--" through "E6z" are not legal encodings of
// any number. But the benefit of filling in those wasted ranges would not
// be worth the added complexity.)
private static String lengthPrefixBase64(long number) {
int length = 7;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
if (number < (1L << ((i * 6) + 3))) {
length = i;
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(length + 1);
result.append(Utils.base64Character((length << 3) + (int) ((number >> (6 * length)) & 0x7)));
while (--length >= 0) {
result.append(Utils.base64Character((int) ((number >> (6 * length)) & 0x3f)));
return result.toString();
private static void appendEncodedCharacter(StringBuffer buffer, int c) {
while (c > 62) {
c -= 63;
private static int getIntProperty(String property, int defaultValue) {
int result = defaultValue;
if (property != null) {
try {
result = Integer.parseInt(property);
if (result < 1) {
// It has to be a positive integer. Use the default.
result = defaultValue;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Leave as default value
return result;
protected String generateFeatureVersionSuffix(BuildTimeFeature buildFeature) throws CoreException {
if (!generateVersionSuffix || buildFeature.getContextQualifierLength() == -1) {
return null; // do nothing
Properties properties = getBuildProperties(buildFeature);
int significantDigits = getIntProperty((String) properties.get(PROPERTY_SIGNIFICANT_VERSION_DIGITS), -1);
if (significantDigits == -1)
significantDigits = getIntProperty(AbstractScriptGenerator.getImmutableAntProperty(PROPERTY_SIGNIFICANT_VERSION_DIGITS), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
int maxGeneratedLength = getIntProperty((String) properties.get(PROPERTY_GENERATED_VERSION_LENGTH), -1);
if (maxGeneratedLength == -1)
maxGeneratedLength = getIntProperty(AbstractScriptGenerator.getImmutableAntProperty(PROPERTY_GENERATED_VERSION_LENGTH), 28);
long majorSum = 0L;
long minorSum = 0L;
long serviceSum = 0L;
// Include the version of this algorithm as part of the suffix, so that
// we have a way to make sure all suffixes increase when the algorithm
// changes.
FeatureEntry[] referencedFeatures = buildFeature.getIncludedFeatureReferences();
FeatureEntry[] pluginList = buildFeature.getRawPluginEntries();
int numElements = pluginList.length + referencedFeatures.length;
if (numElements == 0) {
// Empty feature.
return null;
String[] qualifiers = new String[numElements];
int idx = -1;
// Loop through the included features, adding the version number parts
// to the running totals and storing the qualifier suffixes.
for (int i = 0; i < referencedFeatures.length; i++) {
BuildTimeFeature refFeature = getSite(false).findFeature(referencedFeatures[i].getId(), null, false);
if (refFeature == null) {
qualifiers[++idx] = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
Version version = new Version(refFeature.getVersion());
//PluginVersionIdentifier version = refFeature.getVersion();
majorSum += version.getMajor();
minorSum += version.getMinor();
serviceSum += version.getMicro();
int contextLength = refFeature.getContextQualifierLength();
++contextLength; //account for the '-' separating the context qualifier and suffix
String qualifier = version.getQualifier();
// The entire qualifier of the nested feature is often too long to
// include in the suffix computation for the containing feature,
// and using it would result in extremely long qualifiers for
// umbrella features. So instead we want to use just the suffix
// part of the qualifier, or just the context part (if there is no
// suffix part). See bug #162022.
if (qualifier.length() > contextLength) {
// Use the suffix part
qualifiers[++idx] = qualifier.substring(contextLength);
} else {
// Use the context part
qualifiers[++idx] = qualifier;
// Loop through the included plug-ins and fragments, adding the version
// number parts to the running totals and storing the qualifiers.
for (int i = 0; i < pluginList.length; i++) {
FeatureEntry entry = pluginList[i];
String versionRequested = entry.getVersion();
BundleDescription model = getSite(false).getRegistry().getBundle(entry.getId(), versionRequested, false);
Version version = null;
if (model != null) {
version = model.getVersion();
} else {
if (versionRequested.endsWith(PROPERTY_QUALIFIER)) {
int resultingLength = versionRequested.length() - PROPERTY_QUALIFIER.length();
if (versionRequested.charAt(resultingLength - 1) == '.')
versionRequested = versionRequested.substring(0, resultingLength);
version = new Version(versionRequested);
majorSum += version.getMajor();
minorSum += version.getMinor();
serviceSum += version.getMicro();
qualifiers[++idx] = version.getQualifier();
// Limit the qualifiers to the specified number of significant digits,
// and figure out what the longest qualifier is.
int longestQualifier = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
if (qualifiers[i].length() > significantDigits) {
qualifiers[i] = qualifiers[i].substring(0, significantDigits);
if (qualifiers[i].length() > longestQualifier) {
longestQualifier = qualifiers[i].length();
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
// Encode the sums of the first three parts of the version numbers.
if (longestQualifier > 0) {
// Calculate the sum at each position of the qualifiers.
int[] qualifierSums = new int[longestQualifier];
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers[i].length(); ++j) {
qualifierSums[j] += Utils.qualifierCharValue(qualifiers[i].charAt(j));
// Normalize the sums to be base 65.
int carry = 0;
for (int k = longestQualifier - 1; k >= 1; --k) {
qualifierSums[k] += carry;
carry = qualifierSums[k] / 65;
qualifierSums[k] = qualifierSums[k] % 65;
qualifierSums[0] += carry;
// Always use one character for overflow. This will be handled
// correctly even when the overflow character itself overflows.
for (int m = 1; m < longestQualifier; ++m) {
appendEncodedCharacter(result, qualifierSums[m]);
// It is safe to strip any '-' characters from the end of the suffix.
// (This won't happen very often, but it will save us a character or
// two when it does.)
while (result.length() > 0 && result.charAt(result.length() - 1) == '-') {
result.deleteCharAt(result.length() - 1);
// If the resulting suffix is too long, shorten it to the designed length.
if (maxGeneratedLength > result.length()) {
return result.toString();
return result.substring(0, maxGeneratedLength);
* @param models
* @throws CoreException
private void generateModels(List<BundleDescription> models) throws CoreException {
if (scriptGeneration == false)
if (binaryFeature == false || models.isEmpty())
Set<BundleDescription> generatedScripts = new HashSet<BundleDescription>(models.size());
for (Iterator<BundleDescription> iterator = models.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BundleDescription model =;
if (generatedScripts.contains(model))
//Get the corresponding plug-in entries (from a feature object) associated with the model
//and generate the script if one the configuration is being built. The generated scripts
//are configuration agnostic so we only generate once.
Set matchingEntries = (Set) ((Properties) model.getUserObject()).get(PLUGIN_ENTRY);
if (matchingEntries == null || matchingEntries.isEmpty())
Iterator entryIter = matchingEntries.iterator();
FeatureEntry correspondingEntry = (FeatureEntry);
List<Config> list = selectConfigs(correspondingEntry);
if (list.size() == 0)
ModelBuildScriptGenerator generator = new ModelBuildScriptGenerator();
generator.setModel(model); // setModel has to be called before configurePersistentProperties because it reads the model's properties
* Set this object's feature id to be the given value.
* @param featureID the feature id
* @throws CoreException if the given feature id is <code>null</code>
public void setFeature(String featureID) throws CoreException {
if (featureID == null) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PI_PDEBUILD, EXCEPTION_FEATURE_MISSING, Messages.error_missingFeatureId, null));
this.featureIdentifier = featureID;
* Return a properties object constructed from the file
* for the given feature. If no file exists, then an empty properties
* object is returned.
* @return Properties the feature's
* @see Feature
protected Properties getBuildProperties() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected Properties getBuildProperties(BuildTimeFeature feature) throws CoreException {
return readProperties(feature.getRootLocation(), PROPERTIES_FILE, isIgnoreMissingPropertiesFile() ? IStatus.OK : IStatus.WARNING);
public void setGenerateIncludedFeatures(boolean recursiveGeneration) {
analyseIncludedFeatures = recursiveGeneration;
protected void collectElementToAssemble(BuildTimeFeature featureToCollect) throws CoreException {
if (assemblyData == null || featureToCollect == null)
String binIncludes = getBuildProperties(featureToCollect).getProperty(PROPERTY_BIN_INCLUDES);
/* collect binary features, and any feature defining bin.includes */
if (featureToCollect.isBinary() || (binIncludes != null && binIncludes.length() > 0)) {
//at this point, we have a non-binary feature with empty bin includes
//when building p2, containers (features without bin.includes) need to be collected,
//with the exception of the pde generated containers.
if (!BuildDirector.p2Gathering)
if (featureToCollect.getId().equals(CONTAINER_FEATURE) || featureToCollect.getId().equals(UI_CONTAINER_FEATURE))
private void basicCollectElementToAssemble(BuildTimeFeature featureToCollect) {
if (assemblyData == null)
List<Config> correctConfigs = selectConfigs(featureToCollect);
// Here, we could sort if the feature is a common one or not by
// comparing the size of correctConfigs
for (Iterator<Config> iter = correctConfigs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Config config =;
assemblyData.addFeature(config, featureToCollect);
* Method setSourceToGather.
* @param sourceToGather
public void setSourceToGather(SourceFeatureInformation sourceToGather) {
this.sourceToGather = sourceToGather;
* Sets the binaryFeatureGeneration.
* @param binaryFeatureGeneration
* The binaryFeatureGeneration to set
public void setBinaryFeatureGeneration(boolean binaryFeatureGeneration) {
this.binaryFeature = binaryFeatureGeneration;
* Sets the scriptGeneration.
* @param scriptGeneration
* The scriptGeneration to set
public void setScriptGeneration(boolean scriptGeneration) {
this.scriptGeneration = scriptGeneration;
* Sets whether or not to generate JNLP manifests
* @param value whether or not to generate JNLP manifests
public void setGenerateJnlp(boolean value) {
generateJnlp = value;
* Sets whether or not to sign any constructed jars.
* @param value whether or not to sign any constructed JARs
public void setSignJars(boolean value) {
signJars = value;
public void setGenerateSourceReferences(boolean generateSourceRef) {
this.sourceReferences = generateSourceRef;
* Sets whether or not to generate the feature version suffix
* @param value whether or not to generate the feature version suffix
public void setGenerateVersionSuffix(boolean value) {
generateVersionSuffix = value;
* Set the location of the .product file
* @param product the location of the .product file
public void setProduct(String product) {
this.product = product;
protected void collectElementToAssemble(FeatureEntry entryToCollect) throws CoreException {
if (assemblyData == null)
List<Config> correctConfigs = selectConfigs(entryToCollect);
String versionRequested = entryToCollect.getVersion();
BundleDescription effectivePlugin = null;
effectivePlugin = getSite(false).getRegistry().getResolvedBundle(entryToCollect.getId(), versionRequested);
for (Iterator<Config> iter = correctConfigs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
assemblyData.addPlugin(, effectivePlugin);
public String getProduct() {
return product;
public boolean getSignJars() {
return signJars;
public boolean getGenerateJnlp() {
return generateJnlp;
public AssemblyInformation getAssemblyData() {
return assemblyData;
public boolean useWorkspaceBinaries() {
return workspaceBinaries;
public void setUseWorkspaceBinaries(boolean workspaceBinaries) {
this.workspaceBinaries = workspaceBinaries;